2. Julia buys a share of stock through her brokerage firm. What are the two ways that Julia could make money from owning this stock?


Answer 1

Two ways that Julia can make money from owning the stock that she bought are:

Through dividend payouts Through capital gains. How can we make money from stock ownership?

There are two main ways of making money from owning stock and the first one is by getting dividends. Some company pay out a percentage of their net profit to the owners of dividends so Julia can get these payments.

Another way is through capital gains. Capital gains means that the value of the stock has increased from the amount that Julia purchased it. This leads to Julia making money if she decides to sell the stock.

Find out more on stock ownership at https://brainly.com/question/19312178


Related Questions

How was Mesopotamian religion and government connected?



Regarding Mesopotamian religion, in early Mesopotamia, priests were the initial rulers as all authority came from the god. Priests then were both representative of the god and mediator between the god and the people. Later, the secular power was established in a king, although kings also had specific religious duties.


Iroquois-speaking peoples lived in structures called longhouses. What did they tend to be made out of?


As the Iroquois-speaking peoples lived in structures called longhouses,, these structures tend to be made out of a bent saplings for supports, leaves for thatching and bark for shingles.

What are the longhouse structure?

The longhouse was a basic house type of pre-contact northern Iroquoian-speaking peoples such as the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Petun and Neutral. The structures sheltered a number of families related through the female line.

Although in 1700s, the European-style single-family houses gradually replaced longhouses as primary residences but still, the longhouses still functions as an important facilities in which some Indigenous peoples conduct ceremonies, political meetings and various community gatherings

Read more about longhouses



All of the following were considered abuses of church power EXCEPT :


The activity that is not considered an abuse of the Catholic Church is charitable works.

What is abuse?

An abuse is a term that refers to the inappropriate use of a thing or situation with the purpose of obtaining unfair or undue benefit. Abuse can take many forms, such as: physical or verbal, injury, assault, unfair practices, crimes, or others.

What abuses of the church have existed?

During its history, the church has had different members who have committed abusive acts against other communities, taking advantage of their privileged position. Some of them are:

The inquisition: They took advantage of their position to establish a system of justice based on the church.Sexual a.buse: Some members of the church have taken advantage of their position to abuse minors around the world.Corruption: Some members of the church have used their privileged position to obtain economic benefit and enrich themselves at the expense of religion.

In accordance with the above, it can be inferred that charitable works are an action that has not affected other communities, so they are not considered abuses.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:


The Inquisition

Sexual abuse

charitable works

Learn more about church in: https://brainly.com/question/9046468


How did the establishment of the twelve tables affect the Roman republic


The Twelve Tables' written documentation of the law gave the plebeians a way to both learn the law and defend themselves from the abuses of authority by the patricians.

What are twelve tables?

The Twelve Tables were allegedly drafted by 10 commissioners (decemvirs) at the request of the plebeians, who felt that their legal rights had been violated because court rulings were based on oral tradition, which was only known to a small number of knowledgeable patricians. Ten tables were created by the first group of commissioners in 451, and two more tables were added later. Around 450, the code was officially displayed in the Roman Forum, probably on bronze tablets.

The Twelve Tables did not alter or slacken established practise. Instead, they accepted the privileges of the patriarchal family and the patrician class, as well as the legitimacy of slavery as a method of debt payback and the role that religious tradition plays in resolving civil issues. In terms of testamentary rights and contracts, the decemvirs exhibit a remarkable liberality for their time, which is probably not attributable to any inventions on their part but rather to improvements in commercial practises that had been established in Rome during a time of prosperity and active trade.

Know more about roman republic,



how does author lauren tarshis create suspense at the end of the first



There are already 20 books in the New York Times bestselling I Survived series, written by Lauren Tarshis! Each of these historical fiction works focuses on a famous historical event and presents the tale from the perspective of a young person who was there.

What is Author?

A writer is someone whose writing has been made public. People who write are considered writers when they create the concepts and content of their written work, in addition to creating published work. Because of this, the majority of authors are writers, however, not all writers are thought of as authors.

The person who developed the work, or the author, is often the first owner of a copyright. Joint authorship occurs when more than one individual (many authors) contributed to the work. Copyright laws vary slightly between different states and localities in the US.

To learn more about the Author follow the link.



In your "OWN" words, discuss the "rights of the accused", specifically those found in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. If you are ever accused of a crime, what rights should you expect? Why is this important?

In contrast, do victims have rights? Based on your own thoughts or outside research, how do the rights of the accused weigh against victims' rights?



The fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law. The fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees that an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information about herself – the so-called “right to remain silent.”  When an individual “takes the Fifth,” she invokes that right and refuses to answer questions or provide information that might incriminate her. The sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you. The eighth Amendment excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The 14th Amendment all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Do victims have rights?

The right to be reasonably protected from the accused. (2) The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public court proceeding, or any parole proceeding, involving the crime or of any release or escape of the accused.

why did the columbian exposition planners not want to build a tower 500 feet taller than the eiffel tower?


The Columbian exposition planners did not want to build a tower 500 feet taller than the Eiffel tower. because they thought they would be forced to use the idea that someone else had already used and they wanted to avoid using other people's ideas.

The Columbians wanted to prove that they are more advanced in architecture and technology hence they did not want to build a tower like the Eiffel tower.

The Columbians also wanted to show the superiority of their engeneers and their creativity to come up with new things hence they came up with new inventions since they came up with the Ferris wheel.

read more on the Eiffel tower from;https://brainly.com/question/15224595?referrer=searchResults


two from the following Supreme Court decisions that expanded civil rights
• Brown v. Board of Education
Gideon v. Wainwright
• Miranda v. Arizona
• Mapp v. Ohio


Brown v. Board of Education was a significant step in school desegregation.

Many schools were segregated in 1954, and this practice was accepted as legal as long as the black and white schools were of "equal" caliber. Brown, the parent of an African American student who was turned away from a white school, filed a lawsuit against the school, but it was later dropped. The Supreme Court ordered that schools be desegregated as soon as possible after reevaluating the situation a year later. This led to widespread racial integration in the South by the late 1960s and early 1970s.

The landmark desegregation case Brown v. Board of Education significantly increased civil rights in America.

To learn more about Brown v. Board of Education, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/14849199


what was the date of the battles of lexington and concord?


Answer: April 19, 1775


Often refered to as "shot heard 'round the world", Battle of Lexington and Concord took place on April 19, 1775.


how do the events of 1830 and 1848 reflect the long-term impacts of the enlightenment and french revolution?




The 1830 Revolution signified the transition from one constitutional monarchy under the revived House of Bourbon to another, the July Monarchy. The transfer of power from the House of Bourbon to its cadet branch, the House of Orléans; and the substitution of the principle of hereditary right with that of democratic representation.


The 1848 Revolution in social and political unrest in France ignited revolutions, which in turn encouraged revolts throughout Europe. Workers were laid off, the price of bread increased, and the populace accused the government of corruption. Finally, French rebels established a republic.

Still in 1848, for other European, Nationalist fervor inspired Hungarians, Germans, and others to demand their own nation-states. In the Austrian Empire and in Germany, revolutions broke out against the status quo. These movements forced rulers to agree to some changes, such as the end of serfdom in the Austrian Empire.

The causes of the revolutions were widespread unhappiness with the political leadership, the demand for more involvement and democracy, the demands of the working classes, and the rise of nationalism.

Long-term effects included the rise of nationalism throughout Europe and the instigation of similar revolutions in Germany and Austria. However, the immediate effect was the election of the new Napoleon and the establishment of a 4 years republican government.

Learn more about French Revolution here:



What is the difference in how religion was used by slave owners in comparison to how it was used by slaves​



As late as 1800 most slaves in the U.S. had not been converted to Christianity. In the years that followed, however, widespread Protestant Evangelicalism, emphasizing individual freedom and direct communication with God, brought about the first large-scale conversion of enslaved men and women.


What are the
major teachings
of Confucianism?


The golden rule of Confucianism is “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.

Why the teaching of Confucius is important ?

The fundamental moral precept, "Ren," is equivalent to the ideas of love, kindness, and humanity. Confucius sums it up well when he says, "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself." The Buddhist belief that acts of mercy build merit, which results in a better next life through reincarnation, further supports this ethical ideal.

The family comes first and is at the core of everything. The father is without a doubt the family's leader. Sons, particularly the oldest son, have distinct responsibilities to the family and are expected to respect and care for their parents in terms of filial piety (, xiao) (McLaughlin & Braun, 1998). Emtanusaia was not necessarily considered a deviant act in pre-modern China if it was done out of duty or loyalty to the family.

To learn more about Confucianism checkout the link below :



What are a few religiones
that were in the early civilaztions


Answer: Groups in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt practiced some form of polytheism and monotheism. Civilizations such as the Sumerians and Ancient Egyptians practiced polytheism. In the Sumerian civilization, each city-state had their own god. Sumerian religion is rooted in worshiping elements of nature.


How was industrial growth a positive for America?(6 sentences)


Industrial growth have a positve impact for American because it led  to more economy growth .

What is industrial growth?

Industrial growth occur when a nation experience growth in all sectors of their economy or production as a result of innovation or technology and creation of more industries.

Industrial growth can tend to have positive impact on a nation based on the fact it tend to lead to more employment opportunities and it can as well lead to increased production of goods and services and enables them to generate more revenue.

Therefore industrial growth have a positive impact for America.

Learn more about industrial growth here:https://brainly.com/question/1022941


after the battle of chaeronea, philip ii created an alliance of all the greek poleis called the league of corinth, which was meant to


League of Corinth was meant to organize and facilitate Greek military forces for his future war against Persia.

The League of Corinth, too in some cases alluded to as the Hellenic Association amid its starting arrangement (from Greek Hellenikos, "relating to Greece and Greeks").

It was a league of Greek states made by Philip II of Macedon amid the winter of 338 BC after the Fight of Chaeronea, as a implies to organize and encourage Greek military strengths for his future war against Persia.

The creation of the League of Corinth would stamp the primary time in history when most of the Greek states, with the striking exception of Sparta, were overseen to create a single political entity.

The League of Corinth, too alluded to as the Hellenic Association, was a confederation of Greek states made by Philip II in 338–337 BC.

Learn more about the league of Corinth at



southern support for antidrug legislation in the early 1900s focused on the alleged abuse of cocaine by:


In the early 1900s, Southern support for antidrug legislation focused on the alleged abuse of cocaine by African Americans.

Antidrug Legislation in the Late 1800s and the Early 1900s

Many illegal drugs have been used for thousands of years for spiritual as well as medical purposes. Some drugs are legal while others are not even though it is not based on any scientific assessment of the relative risks of the drugs. Drugs being illegal or not has everything to do with who is associated with the drugs.

The first anti-opium laws, in the 1870s, were directed at Chinese immigrants. In the early 1900s, the first anti-cocaine laws were directed at African Americans in the South. In the Southwest and the Midwest in the 1910s and 1920s, the first anti-marijuana laws were directed at Mexican migrants as well as Mexican Americans.

Learn more about cocaine here: https://brainly.com/question/944545


What was the primary way that Arabic texts were made available to audiences who did not read Arabic?

Muslim merchants passed Arabic texts along trade routes.
Schools were opened for scholars to translate the documents.
Scholars translated works from Arabic to Latin so non-Arabs could understand them.
Muslim scholars built libraries in Europe so that Europeans could read the texts.


In the ancient times, it has been recorded that the primary way that Arabic texts were made available to audiences who did not read Arabic was C. Scholars translated works from Arabic to Latin so non-Arabs could understand them.

What is a Literary Text?

This refers to the term that is used to describe the body of work that talks about a particular subject matter or topic and can be referred to and translated to several languages.

Hence, we can see that based on the historical precedent, the use of Arabic texts in the ancient times were translated by scholars from Arabic to Latin so non-Arabs could understand them.

With this in mind, one can see that the correct answer to the given question has been given and this can be found in option C as explained above.

Read more about Arabic texts here:



an election to appoint
delegates to a party
conference or to select the
candidates for a general,
especially presidential,





An election where delegates to a party conference or candidates for a general election are selected is called a primary election.

What is a primary election?

A primary election refers to elections that are held within a party, according to the rules and constitution of the party. The purpose of these primaries are several in number with one being to select delegates. These delegates would participate in things like the national party election, or the electoral college to vote for the presidential candidate if the party is able to win the state.

There is also the purpose of choosing the presidential candidate for the party. Primary elections are held such that party delegates get to vote on those that they want to represent the party at the general elections. It is at these Primary elections that the presidential candidate of a party is selected.

Find out more on primary elections at https://brainly.com/question/804079


Please answer asap ive tried for 40 minutes to get it it has multiple options u need to list them all


Based on a historical concept the statement that represents the similarities between Peter the Great and Louis XIV is that They were both hereditary monarchs.

Peter the Great Vs Louis XIV

In the history of Russia Peter, the Great was one of the rulers who ruled the nation. Also, Louis XIV is one of the great rulers of France.

However, both rulers have similarities in their reigns and how they become Kings. These similarities include the following:They were both hereditary monarchs.They both had traumatic events as a child

Also, both of them have differences such as Peter the Great's main objective was to enrich Russia and move it into a new age and a new way of life. Louis XIV's main goal was to widen France's territories.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "They were both hereditary monarchs."

Learn more about Peter the Great and Louis XIV rulers here: https://brainly.com/question/594949


As a result of increased navajo rug sales, what happened to rug production? a. the rugs were made out of cotton. b. older styles were again produced for trade. c. the market became flooded and stopped within 10 years. d. modern styles became popular.


 Increased Navajo rug sales, led to older styles being produced for trade.

The Navajo rug is a cultural textile made by tribes in the Southwestern United States and is so popular among Native American rugs. This rug style is the most colorful and best-made textile and is mostly woven as a trade item. It was mostly considered an art form.

Navajo people were mobile hunters and gatherers earlier on; they moved to the Southwest, and they were taught how to weave by the Indians using a vertical loom. They started to herd sheep and they were also able to weave long, soft, and durable fibers to make rugs and blankets which were the first types. Since the older versions were so unique and could sell fast.

Our answer B) Older styles were again produced for trade is correct

To read more about Navajo rugs visit:



which is not one of the reasons the anti-imperial league gave for opposing the creation of an american empire?


The fear that the United States would suffer a foreign invasion was one of the reasons the Anti-imperial league gave for opposing the creation of an American empire.

What is the American Anti-Imperialist League?

American Anti-Imperialist League began on June 1898  at Boston's Faneuil Hall. The  people were  concerned about the colonial policy that the US government to become a grand imperial power. It included a diverse range of issues from such as labor, women’s suffrage and slavery.

People protested against the American annexation of the Philippines and Puerto Rico. The issues were diverse and varied accordingly.

Hence,The fear that the United States would suffer a foreign invasion was one of the reasons the Anti-imperial league gave for opposing the creation of an American empire.

To know more about   American Anti-Imperialist League from the given link



to what extent did affonso seek the end of the slave trade? what was the basis for his opposition to it? do you think he was opposed to slavery itself ?


Extent did Affonso seek the end of the slave trade was in 1526 Afonso wrote a series of letters denouncing the violence of the Portuguese in his country and the establishment of the transatlantic slave trade. He once accused them of supporting bandits in their own country and illegally purchasing free men as slaves.

what was the basis for his opposition to it?

The basis for his opposition to it was that it was spurred by economic concerns, fear of black equality, and fear of slave rebellion. sauce, William Lloyd Garrison, Manifesto of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1833.

Do you think he was opposed to slavery itself?

Afonso was outspokenly opposed to slavery, initially against the demand of the Portuguese, but eventually gave in to keep the economy of the Congo. Sold it to the Portuguese.

To know more about slavery, click here-



in the election of 1854, the know-nothings achieved their greatest success in which three states? multiple select question. pennsylvania illinois new york massachusetts virginia



New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania


it states it in chapters

Why did president washington give this advice about the future of u. S. Foreign policy?.


Answer:  Today, soldiers are being deployed to fight in a war that star­ted before they were born. We have spent over 6 tril­lion dollars on the conflict

When airmen implement effective counterintelligence measures what are the benefits.


When airmen implement effective counterintelligence measures the benefits are Information is included from overseas intelligence retailers, Gathered intelligence protects towards espionage, Foreign powers are denied get admission to crucial US era, Assassination tries on behalf of worldwide terrorists are thwarted.

What is counterintelligence?

Counterintelligence (CI) is the information gathered and actions taken to identify and defend against the espionage of another party and attempts to do harm through sabotage or other actions. The goal of CI is to prevent information from being altered or destroyed by malicious actors and to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to organizational information.

To know more about counterintelligence, click here- brainly.com/question/6953740


2.) what role did aristotle, ptolemy, and galen play in the medieval mind and the renaissance? how did their influence and roles change at the outset of the scientific revolution?


Aristotle, Ptolemy and Galen play in the medieval mind and the renaissance as they gave scholars the basic framework of physics, medicine and astronomy to the medieval scholars.

Aristotle has produced a basis for a great deal of today's scientific knowledge, such as the classing of organisms and objects. Aristotle's influence on logic continued well into the 19th century. He has been called the father of logic, political science, zoology, biology, natural law etc.

Ptolemy was the most prominent Greek astronomer and geographer of his time. He put forward the geocentric theory of the solar system that persuaded for 1400 years.

Galen's understanding of anatomy and medicine was mainly affected by the then-current theory of the four humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm. They devoted themselves to learning new things.

Learn more about Aristotle, Ptolemy and Galen here:



in what ways was the roman empire beneficial to people within its borders? and in what ways was it oppressive? what strategies did the romans use to govern their enormous provinces?


Roman farmers were able to raise a wide variety of crops, including wheat and olives, on the fertile soil of the Po and Tiber River Valleys. Due to this, the empire had an abundance of food to both feed its people and trade with other civilizations. The accompanying money was also utilised by the empire to strengthen its armed forces.

How were the frontiers of the Roman Empire managed?

The Roman Empire's borders, which changed over the course of its existence, were really a combination of fortifications, natural borders (most notably the Rhine and Danube rivers), and man-made fortifications that divided the empire's regions from those outside it.

Learn more about roman empire




What led to America’s military increasing their number of troops so rapidly?


Answer:They needed to mobilize troops

Explanation:They notice that a war was starting so there is your answer

what was the freedom train, and how did it reflect the political and social concerns of the time? describes the freedom train it demonstrated the shifting views of freedom as the government became suspicious of people who criticized the freedom train. press space to open it upheld segregation, as blacks and whites were not allowed to view the document collection at the same time. press space to open it was a patriotic endeavor originally organized by the government. press space to open it consisted of 133 american historical documents that traveled by train all over the country during a ye


It became a patriotic enterprise at the start prepared via way of means of the authorities. It confirmed the moving perspectives of freedom because the authorities have become suspicious of those who criticized the Freedom Train.

The required details for Freedom Train in given paragraph

Two national Freedom Trains have toured the United States: the 1947–forty nine unique show off Freedom Train and the 1975–76 American Freedom Train which celebrated the United States Bicentennial. Each teach had its very own unique red, white and blue paint scheme and its very own itinerary and direction across the forty eight contiguous states, preventing to display Americana and associated ancient artifacts. The Nineteen Forties Freedom Train show off became integrated—black and white visitors had been allowed to mingle freely.

When metropolis officers in Birmingham, Alabama, and Memphis, Tennessee, refused to permit blacks and whites to look the famous on the identical time, the Freedom Train skipped the deliberate visits, amid big controversy.

To know about Freedom Train click here



Which of the following best illustrates the importance of addressing the three questions of economics?


Economics is the study of scarcity and its implications for resource usage, the production of products and services, the growth of production and welfare through time, and a wide range of other complicated topics of critical importance to society.

What is the importance of basic economic questions?

Societies must make decisions in order to solve the scarcity problem. The fundamental economic questions are the primary or fundamental choices that all societies must make. The laws or parameters established by each culture impact or steer these choices. The economic system is made up of these rules or parameters.

Do economists address the following three issues: (1) What goods and services should be created to suit the needs of consumers? (2) Who should generate them and how should they be produced? (3) Who should be the recipients of commodities and services? The answers to these issues are determined by the economic system of a country.

Learn more about basic economic questions here:



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