20. why did navies create democracies


Answer 1

Well, democracy is a Greek-born concept.

So, When and why did democracy happen in ancient Greece?

To Give vs To Receive

There are several variations of democracy as it is used in various nations today. Democracy now has as many influences as there are varieties of bananas available on the market thanks to historical events and thinkers. But whenever academics discuss the beginnings of democracy, they always go back to the same location. They reflect on this amazing civilization known as Ancient Greece.

If you imagine democracy to be a legacy of one great philosopher among ancient Greeks, you are dead wrong. In fact famous philosophers like Aristotle and Plato had many objections to democratic governments. For Aristotle, ordinary people such as carpenters, soldiers, farmers, had too many things to do in a day, they cannot be expected to cultivate "virtues". Virtue, in the eyes of Aristotle, is the domain for the elite class. A sector of society with sufficient wealth and leisure time for whom to devote time and effort to cultivate virtue without material gain comes naturally. For Aristotle, states should be governed by such people. I wouldn't be surprised if the etymology of "Aristocrat" has to do with Aristotle.

Neither did Plato say anything better. In fact, monarchies, dictators, and despots would find in Plato their inspiration. Plato saw a government governed at the top by a philosopher-king to be the best. Just as a healthy and just body is governed by knowledge and reason, a healthy and just society is one governed by a "lover of knowledge", hence the philosopher-king.

Democracy was not an invention of a great mind. It was invented by lesser minds. It was invented by people with a "war-like" character, invented by Greek warriors. People who were bellicose and cocky. A class of people who were eager to win material gain by pillaging other towns. In ancient times, to make war with other states with the aim of material gain was how states pursued economic development. From this breed of people came a battle formation which is admired up to this day: the phalanx.

In a phalanx, the Greeks arrayed themselves in close rectangular formation. Because the terrain of Greece is rugged, one particular size became effective often. It was 20 x 15, twenty men across, 15 men deep. Do the math and you will see 20 x 15 = 300.

Given that an individual warrior had the minimum battle skills, the success of the Phalanx depended on its cohesion. It had to march and maneuver as a group. Its success depended on coordination. Attack as one, retreat as one when needed. It had to stay together no matter what. I hope, my friends, you can imagine how unnerving it might have been for untested warriors to man the front line of a Phalanx. But true to their character, with grit and valor they manned their places in the formation.

My friends, I hope you are still with me on this page because I haven't said yet how the Phalanx gave rise to democracy.

When the Greek warriors, coming from battles, marched back to their states they divided the loot among themselves. If they won against an invading army, each recounted his deeds in the battlefield in front of his comrades in a gathering possibly organized at night, around bonfires. But when it came to issues of state policies, each demanded a voice in government. Because, each contributed to the success of the Phalanx, it was only fitting that the voice of each be heard. The Greeks agreed, and so it was sealed.

"Awuuu, awuuu, awuuuuuu", they said.

Phalanx gave rise to Democracy. It was put together by a class of men who from the standpoint of philosophers were lesser minds. But because ancient Greek warriors gave so much for the Phalanx to succeed, their voices were heard in government. They gave, and a lot they did.

Democracy was born in Athens between 700 BC and 500 BC..

My dear friends, let us look at our democracy now. Today the only righteous mind to keep in modern society, it seems, is the one that listens to the people. To listen to that sector of society we call the masses.

During the infancy of democracy, ancient Greek warriors gave a lot to their city-states which in turn won them a voice in government. But today, moral philosophy compels us to do differently. In modern democracy, moral philosophy compels governments to listen to the voice of the masses. But listen closely and you will hear it distinctly. Give us!

Where as, the ethical system of ancient Greek warriors compelled them to give in order to be heard, the ethical system of modern democracy compels the state to listen to those whose only longing is to receive. To give to the masses whose voice is one. Give us!

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Answer: Gilded age, American expansionism, progressive's era, world war 1, foundations of America.

Analyzing Sources
For this task, you will be reading and analyzing two articles on the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The first article is about The 1968 Democratic Convention and its bosses, and the second is about Letter from National Mobilization Committee to End the War on Vietnam. Before reading either document, read through the instructions below.

Part A
Read each document and take notes on the key information in that document. Enter your notes in the appropriate table below.

Note: if a piece of information is not available, add "n.a." or "not found."

(There is two articles Someone already did article A but I need someone to help me out on Article B


Based on the above, the author is Haynes Johnson, 1968 Democratic Convention.

Yes, it's a magazine.This occurred at the International Amphitheatre. The majority of the doors, which were previously part of a White House porch and were sculptural, were discovered by conference attendees to be bulletproof. A wire-topped steel barrier surrounded the hall itself. The Secret Service agents and security guards mixed with groups of armed and armored police inside the gate.He said that many people were angry.A major event that prevented this idea from realizing its full potential was the massive eruption of the Vietnam War and American engagement in it.

Convention attendees reportedly witnessed this at the International Amphitheatre when they noticed that the White House porch's front doors, which were sculptural, had been bulletproofed. A steel fence and wire were used to enclose the hall.

The Vietnam War, which started on a large scale and which the United States became involved in, was a major event that prevented this idea from going into a full golden age.

The purpose of the Democratic National Convention is to choose a candidate to represent the Democratic Party as vice president and to run for president of the United States.

A number of presidential nomination gatherings that take place every four years are referred to as the Democratic National Convention.


To know more about National Convention refer to:  https://brainly.com/question/23573876


Which situation is an example of coerced labor?
A. A student writes a paper for her college course.
B. A farmer forces people to work in the fields.
O C. A shop owner pays people to work in her shop.
O D. A man picks his friend up at the airport as a favor.



B. A farmer forces people to work in the fields.


Coerced Labor is when someone is compelled against there will to provide work or service through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. A student doing an assignment is not coerced labor because it is though an education system. A shop owner paying people to work is payed labor which is done voluntarily and with agreed upon compensation. A man who picks up a friend is just a simple favor that he's doing because of his personal connection with the person which is done freely. Finally a farmer who is forcing people to work for him is the answer because they are doing it out of force rather than of free will or with compensation.

Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.”
—Exodus 3:1–6,
Holy Bible

What was Moses’s work that took him out into the desert?


Moses worked as a shepherd. the answer is A

What’s the answers for 10
And 11 ?


I don’t know the answer for 10 but for 11 I believe it’s the second one B

Why was the development of the scientific method a significant factor in the scientific revolution


Answer: During the scientific revolution, the scientific method provided a way of proving the truth of some theses discredited by skepticism.

Explanation: The scientific method allowed scientists to repeat and verify the work of others.

Political Views of_________

• A strong military

• Labor unions
• The Soviet Union and
• The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Which name best completes the title of this graphic?

A. Barry Goldwater
B. William McKinley
C. Lyndon Johnson
D. Harry Truman


The name that best completes the title of this graphic is A. Barry Goldwater.

Who was Barry Goldwater?

Senator Barry Goldwater was a three-term senator from Arizona who ran for the presidency in 1964 and was known for his strong support for the military.

Barry Goldwater opposed labor unionism, communism, and the Soviet Union.  He did not actually vote for or against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 but was absent from Congress.

Thus, we can conclude that the political views of A. Barry Goldwater best completes the title of this graphic.

Learn more about Senator Barry Goldwater at https://brainly.com/question/3586664


In a 5 paragraph essay, examine the impact Amistad Decision had on the antislavery movement. I’ll give brainliest to the best answer.


The Amistad Decision by the United States Supreme Court was very influential on the antislavery movement as it encouraged the movement and gave it more support.

What was the Amistad Decision?

The Amistad Decision was a case between Spanish plantation owners known as Pedro Montes and Jose Ruiz .

The enslaved people took over the ship and were trying to get back to Africa when the U.S. captured the ship and locked up the Africans.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Africans and said that their enslavement was illegal as they were free and so had to remain free in their homeland.

This gave the abolition movement a lot of support and brought it nationwide attention. Famous people also lent their support which strengthened the movement.

Find out more on the Amistad Decision at https://brainly.com/question/20665223


Which of the following did the colonists promise to do if King George III addressed their complaints?


The colonists promised to leave the independence of America by chance if King George addressed their problems.

What problems did the colonists have?

The colonists had several issues with the British that ruled them before they fought and got their independence. They were strictly ruled by the British who made unfavorable laws to impede their growth.

The Colonists were unable to have representatives in the British government although they were heavily taxed by the British people. Also they were made to pay too much taxes by the government

Read more on the colonists here: https://brainly.com/question/7829931


Discuss the development of Hip-hop--where did it begin? Who were some of the seminal bands/DJ's/MCs? How did artists such as Grandmaster Flash create their music?


The Bronx neighborhood of New York City was the birthplace of early hip-hop music in the 1970s. It began as a partnership between youth from Black, Latinx, and Caribbean American backgrounds. The double-back, phasing, and Quick Mix Theory were all created by Grandmaster Flash.

Rap music sometimes referred to as hip hop music or hip-hop music, is a style of popular music that was created in the United States in the 1970s by inner-city Latino and African Americans in the Bronx neighborhood of New York City. Rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted, is frequently accompanied by stylized rhythmic music that is typically formed around drum beats.

Grandmaster Flash is the stage name of DJ and rapper Joseph Saddler, a Barbadian-American. He is regarded as one of the founding fathers of hip-hop mixing, chopping, and DJing. In 2007, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were the first hip-hop group to be honored with a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction.

To learn more about Hip-hop music refer to:



How was the Declaration of Independence the foundation for American Government?



together with the constitution and the bill of right the declaration of independence counted as one of the three institutional founding documents of the United States Government

General Douglas MacArthur:


General of the Army for the United States and field marshal for the Philippine Army, Douglas MacArthur was a distinguished American military figure. He served as the US Army's Chief of Staff in the 1930s, and during World War II, he was a crucial figure in the Pacific theater.

American General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) commanded the Southwest Pacific during World War II (1939–45), oversaw the successful Allied occupation of Japan following the war, and commanded UN forces in the Korean War (1950-1953). More importantly, a thorough examination of World War II reveals that MacArthur was the most creative and accomplished leader of that fight. He was the first to emphasize the need for swift, light, and highly mobile amphibious and air troops operating across great distances in modern conflict.

Learn more about World War II here:-



how much has changed in American life in the past half-century and how much has not changed?



“A good friend will always stab you in the front.”

- Oscar Wilde

37. Where did settlements stop by the end of the Colonial Era?
O the Appalachian Mountains
O the northern border of Maryland
O Philadelphia
Othe Hudson River



The Appalachian Mountains.


Britain mandated that colonist expansion were to stop at the Appalachian Mountains due to internal conflict between presiding Native American tribes in the region and the colonists taking more land for their own usage. This was removed following the Colonists declaring independence, and continued after the American Revolutionary War.

Learn more about the settlements in historical-United States, here:


How were the abolitionist and early women’s movements related?



The anti-slavery movement grew from peaceful origins after the American Revolution to a Civil War, or War Between the States, that effectively ended slavery while severely damaging the women's rights movement. ... The women's rights movement was the offspring of abolition. Many people actively supported both reforms


Women abolitionist activities affirmed the power of women to enact social change on a political spectrum. Along with anti-slavery fairs and public speaking, women abolitionists worked in petition campaigns. The practice of petitioning was weaponized by radical abolitionists in the 1830s.Nov 19, 2020

1. With the growing importance of television in political campaigns, explain why and how candidate image is controlled and shaped to embrace television as a useful campaign tool, be sure to explain the image that candidates want to present to voters.​



Candidates utilized TV to reach voters. Television is an easy way to do so since it's already in people's homes, unlike newspapers. The candidate performs some work while being displayed on TV, but the media consultant controls the picture given to voters.

They make sure candidates don't do anything on TV to hurt their image. Nixon's media advisor was exceedingly careful when he went on TV. Nixon avoided spontaneous press conferences. He was present in rehearsed talks to safeguard his image. Another example is President Ronald Reagan, who appeared on TV with a tractor, making him popular with the working class. Candidates stage how they appear and use TV to promote their message.


This is my point-of-view feel free to alter.

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Which of the following has the authority to
issue executive orders, prepare the state
budget, make appointments, veto legislation,
and to grant pardons to criminals?
Select one:
O a. Supreme Court
b. Governor
c. President
O d. Attorney General


The official who has the power to make appointments, veto laws, grant pardons, and make executive orders is the President of the United States.

What is the president?

The President of the United States is a United States government position that allows an individual to be the head of state and government of the United States for a 4-year presidential term.

The president has the role of leading the executive branch of government. He additionally has other functions that are established in the Constitution of the United States (art. II) such as:

Federal law enforcement.Being the commander in chief of the Armed Forces.He can appoint executive and judicial officers with the advice and consent of the Senate.Represents the country with respect to foreign policyIt allows the president to grant pardons.Allows him to create Executive Orders.

According to the above, it can be inferred that the aforementioned functions belong to the president of the republic.

Learn more about president in: https://brainly.com/question/497462


One effect of the Watergate scandal was that:


Answer is the court system was changed to allow a president to be charged with a crime while in office.

What did the fire step allow soldiers to do ?


a 'fire-step' that allowed soldiers to see and shoot over the parapet.

Present your final product according to your teacher's directions. Then, in the space below, explain why different groups of Americans had contrasting points of view about the publication of the Pentagon Papers. Write a few sentences

Answer - Opponents of the war were likely to have supported the publication of the Pentagon Papers. The Pentagon Papers contained evidence that would have supported their cause, such as details about government officials misleading the public about the progress of the war effort and even some officials' belief that the war could not be won. Supporters of the war would have been more likely to oppose publication. They were likely to have been more security-conscious and concerned about the impact the publication might have on the success of the war effort.


The two contrasting views are explained below.

What are the Support for the publishing of the Pentagon papers.

Opponents of the war are mostly likely to support the publication of the Pentagon Papers because it is made up of evidence that shows that 4 successive US presidents had openly lied to the people and the world about America's involvement in  the Vietnam war.

Daniel Ellsberg,  military analyst was known to be one of the people who agitated that the information that is in the Pentagon Papers be be available to the American public. He even gave the information to the New York Times.

The New York Times was said to have made public and were said to have published a series of front-page articles through the use of the the information found in the Pentagon Papers.

What are the Against the notion above?

President Nixon was known to be one of the people who was against it and he stated that he did not want the New York Times to make public any more articles on the issue as he believes that publishing the Pentagon Papers can  harm U.S. national security.

Note that the New York Times were also against what President Nixon said as they believed that the people had the right to know what was present in the Pentagon Papers. Also, the New York Times disagreed that publishing the Pentagon Papers.

Learn more about Pentagon Papers from



By the end of the Russian Civil War, which military group had seized control of
A. The White Army
B. The Czarist Army
C. The Red Army
D. The Duma Army


Option C. By the end of the Russian Civil War, the red army had seized control of Russia.

What was the red army?

This was the name that was given to the military group that had taken control of Russia at the end of the civil war.

The group were the ones that were in support of Russian policies of Communism.

Raed more on the red army here:



The military group that seized control of Russia by the end of the Russian civil war is : ( C ) The red Army

The Red Army

The red army was a military group which provided the largest land force for  the allied forces during the world war II. after the Russian civil war this military group seized control of Russia.

Hence we can conclude that The military group that seized control of Russia by the end of the Russian civil war is : ( C ) The red Army

Learn more about the red army : https://brainly.com/question/510076


What did the Scientific Revolution lead to?


the creation of new knowledge systems, social hierarchies, and networks of thinkers


The Scientific Revolution led to the creation of new knowledge systems, social hierarchies, and networks of thinkers. It also affected production and distribution.

Explanation: Scientific Revolution, drastic change in scientific thought that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries. A new view of nature emerged during the Scientific Revolution, replacing the Greek view that had dominated science for almost 2,000 years. Science became an autonomous discipline, distinct from both philosophy and technology, and it came to be regarded as having utilitarian goals. By the end of this period, it may not be too much to say that science had replaced Christianity as the focal point of European civilization. Out of the ferment of the Renaissance and Reformation there arose a new view of science, bringing about the following transformations: the reeducation of common sense in favour of abstract reasoning; the substitution of a quantitative for a qualitative view of nature; the view of nature as a machine rather than as an organism; the development of an experimental, scientific method that sought definite answers to certain limited questions couched in the framework of specific theories; and the acceptance of new criteria for explanation, stressing the “how” rather than the “why” that had characterized the Aristotelian search for final causes.

What event marks year one according to the Muslim calendar?

Muhammad's first revelation

Muhammad's escape from Mecca

Muhammad's return to Mecca

Muhammad's death and the establishment of the caliphate


The first year of the Islam started when the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and his followers migrated to Madina.

Who was the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)?

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) was a messenger of God (Allah), in Islam he is widely popular and his teachings are followed by.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) introduced his people to Islam, Quran (The Divine Book) also He have guided the people about how the life should be spent which is not accumulated in a book also known as the Sunnah.

In the religion Islam the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) has great importance, and Madina is famous and associated as his city.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) migrated from Makkah to Madina and the first Islamic calendar year was recorded.

Learn more about Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) at https://brainly.com/question/28148983



A. Muhammad's first revelation


The event that marks year one according to the Muslim calendar is Muhammad's first revelation. This occurred in 610 CE and marked the beginning of Islam, which would become one of the world's largest religions. Muhammad's escape from Mecca in 622 CE marks year two and his return to Mecca in 630 CE marks year nine. The death of Muhammad in 632 CE and the establishment of the caliph marks year eleven, but it is not considered to be the start of the Muslim calendar.

Select the correct answer.
What is absolute advantage?
having a lower opportunity cost to produce goods than other firms or nations
having a lower cost of production than other firms or nations
having more available resources for producing a good than other nations
having fewer or no trade barriers for international trade than other nations


The correct answer is option A. Having a lower opportunity cost to produce goods than other firms or nations

What is absolute advantage?

This is when a firm or a country is able to produce more goods that others in an efficient manner.

Absolute Advantage refers to the ability of an individual, firm or country to produce more of a product of service using the same quantity of resources used by the competition.

Learn more about absolute advantage here: https://brainly.com/question/9067127



See image



Which mythology contributes to Arthurian mythology?



Celtic mythology contributes to Arthurian mythology. Option A. This is further explained below.

What is Celtic mythology?

Generally, There are more myths in Irish and Welsh mythology than in any other mythology. According to legend, Ireland's Celtic gods provided the inspiration for the magical race known as the Tuatha Dé Danann.

In conclusion, Arthurian legends include elements from Celtic mythology.

Read more about Celtic mythology



What is a tariff……………………………..



A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports is called tariff.....:

How did women in ancient Asia assert thur independence


Most time, the women in ancient Asia assert their independence by claiming that she is oldest living member of the family if the husband dies.

What was the common woman role in ancient Asia?

During the ancient Asia, majority of women worked in the home weaving silk and caring for the silkworms that produced it.

Despite that they played a main role in production, the gender was mostly restricted to conventional role and not accommodated in government authority and were seen as inferior to male.

Hence, the the women in ancient Asia assert their independence by claiming that she is oldest living member of the family if the husband dies.

Read more about ancient Asia



Which two statements about Europe prior to World War I are correct?
A)Some European alliances that were formed prior to World War I continued after the war started.
B)Prior to the war, European nations prior were generally not interested in territorial expansion.
C)Nationalism in Europe was evident only in Russia
D)France and Germany began to militarize prior to the outbreak of the war.
Anwser : A&D


The is A and D Fran’s and Britain had been at odds for years so they both had been militarizing and many European country’s had formed alliances with us part of the reason WW1 had become a global event


see image


Adam Smith is associated with ________, Robert Owen is associated with ________, and Karl Marx is associated with ________.

capitalism; communism; socialism
capitalism; socialism; communism
communism; socialism; capitalism
socialism; capitalism; communism



Adam Smith is associated with CAPITALISM, Robert Owen is associated with SOCIAILISM, and Karl Marx is associated with COMMUNISM.

Adam Smith is associated with capitalism, Robert Owen is associated with socialism, and Karl Marx is associated with communism. Thus option B is correct.

Who is Adam Smith?

Scottish scientist and theorist Adam Smith was a prominent figure in the Scottish Awakening and a pioneer within the field of economics and politics.

Karl Marx, as well as Adam Smith both, talked about communism or a capitalist model where industry is mostly controlled by private businesses intended to make revenues. Adam Smith, as well as Karl Marx, differ in that the earlier supported merchants while being aware of how employees are mistreated by them, while the latter campaigned for the freedom of workers.

While Owen thought people were capable of improvement, Smith thought people were fundamentally self-centered. therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Adam Smith, Here:



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