A friend is calling his sister from his parents’ house to talk to her about what means of transportation various people are using to come visit their parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Using the image and person or people indicated, write a sentence telling how each of them is coming. Use the verb venir.

A Friend Is Calling His Sister From His Parents House To Talk To Her About What Means Of Transportation


Answer 1



Tante Lulu vient à pied.

La famille Dupont vient en taxi.

Related Questions

Write a list of expressions that you would use to greet a friend, ask about the friend's well-being, and say good-bye to him or her.



Bonjour Monsieur (M.) good morning Sir / Mr. Smith

Bonjour Madame (Mme.) good afternoon Ma’am / Mrs. Smith

Bonsoir Mademoiselle (Mlle.) good evening Miss / Ms. Smith

Au revoir goodbye

Notice that last names are not used with greetings. Bonjour, bonsoir, and au revoir are

also commonly used with family and friends. Some expressions are appropriate for both

formal and informal situations.


Salut! Hi / bye

Salut Jean! Hi / bye Jean!

Ciao! Bye!

À demain! See you tomorrow!

Allez, au revoir So long!

À la prochaine! See you soon (next time)!

These expressions are quite informal and would not be appropriate to use with older

people whom you do not know very well. Ask the name of the other person:

Et vous? And you?(formal)

Et toi? “ (informal)

Comment vous∪appelez-vous? What’s your name (formal)

Comment t’appelles-tu? “ (informal)

To introduce yourself:

Je m’appelle My name is

Je suis de + city I’m from

Je viens de I’m from (literally, I come from. . .)

Note that the verb venir is an irregular verb but can be used like être for introductions.


Comment ca va? - how are you?
ca va bien - good
ca va mal - bad
comme ci comme ca - so so
...et toi? - and you?

Review material in this lesson as needed and when you are ready, translate any ten of the following sixteen sentences into
1. Doesn't she cry a lot?
2. Not in the tower.
3. No, the princess isn't crying.
4. The king and the queen knew.
5. The princess used to sing.
6. He sang and she cried.
7. Were the king and queen crying?
8. She plays worse than the cat sings.
9. She plays well...more or less well
10. Don't they sing well?
11. Does he cry more than the dog?
12 Did the queen cry?
13. She knows and the dukes know.
14. The kings were in the tower.
15. Do the king and the princess sing?
16. Did the prince and the king sing better?​





1. Doesn't she cry a lot?

   Ne pleure-t-elle pas beaucoup?

2. Not in the tower.

   pas dans la tour

3. No, the princess isn't crying.

   Non, la princesse n'est pas en train de pleurer.

4. The king and the queen knew.

   Le roi et la reine le savaient.

5. The princess used to sing.

   La princesse avait l'habitude de chanter.

6. He sang and she cried.

   Il chantait and elle pleurait.

7. Were the king and queen crying?

   Est-ce que le roi et la reine pleuraient?

8. She plays worse than the cat sings.

   Elle joue pire que les chats chantent.

9. She plays well...more or less well

   Elle joue bien... plus ou moins bien.

10. Don't they sing well?

    Est-ce qu'ils jouent bien?

11. Does he cry more than the dog?

   Est-ce qu'il pleure plus que le chien?

12 Did the queen cry?

   Est-ce que la reine a pleuré?

13. She knows and the dukes know.

   Elle sait et les Ducs savent.

14. The kings were in the tower.

   Les rois étaient dans la tour.

15. Do the king and the princess sing?

   Est-ce que le roi et la princesse chantent?

16. Did the prince and the king sing better?​

   Est-ce que le prince et le roi chantaient mieux?

Hope this helps.

Do not hesitate if you need further explanation.

Thank you

The translation from English to French will be:

1. Doesn't she cry a lot?

Ne pleure t-elle pas beaucoup?

2. Not in the tower.

Pas dans la tour

What is translation?

It should be noted that translation simply means changing the form of a language to another form.

3. No, the princess isn't crying.

Non, la princesse n'est pas en train de pleurer.

4. The king and the queen knew.

Le roi et la reine le savaient.

5. The princess used to sing.

La princesse avait l'habitude de chanter.

6. He sang and she cried.

l chantait and elle pleurait.

7. Were the king and queen crying?

Est-ce que le roi et la reine pleuraient?

8. She plays worse than the cat sings.

Elle joue pire que les cha chantent.

9. She plays well more or less well

Elle joue bien... plus ou moins bien.

10. Don't they sing well?

Est-ce qu'ils jouent bien?

11. Does he cry more than the dog?

Est-ce qu'il pleure plus que le chien?

12 Did the queen cry?

Est-ce que la reine a pleuré?

13. She knows.

Elle sait et les Ducs savent.

14. The kings were in the tower.

Les rois étaient dans la tour.

15. Do the king and the princess sing?

Est-ce que le roi et la princesse chantent?

16. Did the prince and the king sing better?

Est-ce que le prince et le roi chantaient mieux?

Learn more about translation on:



If you were sad what might be your response to: ça va. (Check all that apply.)
A) Je suis content(e)
B) Très mal
C) Ça va mal
D) Ça ne va pas



B, C and D



"ça va" means "How is it going?"

If you were sad, you could reply...

... B) Très mal, meaning "very bad"

...C) ça va mal meaning "it is bad."

...D) ca ne va pas meaning "it is not ok"

Hope this helps.

Do not hesitate if you need further explanation.

Thank you


If you were sad what might be your response to:

-  ça va ? ("How is it going?")


B = very bad

C = it is bad

Or D = it is not ok

Match each item to its description by selecting an object from each group. Not all the items will be used.




1 : Les cadiens

2: Les créoles

3: Le zydeco

4:  Lafayette

5: La Nouvelle Orléans

Help please!!!!!!!!!!



Four European countries where French is spoken is Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.


In Belgium, Dutch, and German are the other languages spoken there. In France, French is the main language, but around 3% of the people speak German. In Luxembourg, Luxembourgish, and German are spoken there, apart from French. Finally, in Switzerland,  the languages that are spoken there are Italian, German, and Romansh.

Hope this helps! :)

Célestine's stepbrother bought a new car. Vrai ou faux ?




The correct answer is Faux


correct on edge

Question 1 Chapter 4
[female] Dis, Raphaël, quels sont tes projets pour le week-end prochain?
[male] Vendredi après-midi, je pars avec mon père, ma mère et mon frère à la Nouvelle-Orléans.
[female] Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire là-bas?
[male] Nous allons voir ma sœur. Elle habite avec son mari et son fils dans le Vieux Carré.
[female] Tu as un neveu?
[male] Oui. Il est encore tout petit. Il a trois mois et mes parents vont le voir très souvent.
[female] Tu as l’intention de sortir?
[male] Oui, bien sûr! Vendredi soir, nous allons écouter du jazz dans un petit café sympa du quartier.
[female] Et samedi?
[male] On va se promener au bord du Mississipi. Il y a un très beau parc le long du fleuve. Et après, on va aller prendre un café et manger de délicieux beignets avant de repartir pour Houston.
[female] Quel week-end sympa! La vie est belle!

1. Where is Raphaël going for the weekend?
Enter Text

2. Who is he traveling with?
Enter Text

3. Why are they making the trip?
Enter Text

4. What are their plans for Friday night?
Enter Text

5. What is one of the things they will do on Saturday?
Enter Text




1.Il va  à la Nouvelle-Orléans.

2. Il voyage avec son père, sa mère et son frère.

3. Ils font le voyage pour aller voir leur famille.

4. Vendredi soir ils iront écouter du jazz dans un petit café.

5.  Samedi ils iront se promener au bord du Mississipi.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of être. Tu ____allemand. êtes est es suis



Tu es allemand


Es is the you form of être.


Tu "es" allemand.

Verbe "être" au présent :

je suis

tu es

il,elle, on est

nous sommes

vous êtes

ils,elles sont

If you were happy, what might be your response to: Comment allez-vous? (Check all that apply)
A) Très bien
B) Je suis malade
C) Bien
D) Ça va mal



A) Tres bien

C) Bien


Bien in English means good or well

Mal in English means bad.

I'm Hispanic and use bien y mal in my language.


Comment allez-vous? (Check all that apply)

A) Très bien

Or :

C) Bien

A friend is calling his sister from his parents’ house to talk to her about what means of transportation various people are using to come visit their parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Using the image and person or people indicated, write a sentence telling how each of them is coming. Use the verb venir.



Le cousin Alex vient en avion.

Tante Amélie et oncle Gaston viennent en train.




Le cousin Alex vient en avion.

La tante Amélie et oncle Gaston viennent en train.

1. What is the best answer to the following question:
Veux-tu le frigo noir?

a. Non, je le ne veux pas.
b. Non, je ne veux pas le.
c. Non, je ne le veux pas.
d. Non, je ne veux le pas.

2. How do you WRITE the following sentence in French using a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN.

I am eating the pizza.

3. How do you WRITE the following sentence in French using a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN.

He wants the lamp.




Veux-tu le frigo noir?

c. Non, je ne le veux pas.


Je "la" mange.


Il "la" veut.

Which pronoun would you use when speaking to a classmate?



** Tu since it’s informal
You’d only use vous if talking formally to an older person or if addressing someone professional hope that helps :)




Tu is a pronoun used in informal situations. For example, when speaking to a relative, colleague, or classmate.

Vous should be used in situations that are more formal. An example would be a conversation with a professor, superior, or someone you are not familiar with.

This questions presents a conversation with a classmate. Therefore, the best pronoun choice would be tu.

Are these conjugated correctly? (passe compose)

Joe-Bob ne va jamais souvent chez le dentiste (ne.jamais)

Marie n'aime pas du tout beaucoup le rap.

Le policier ne regarde personne.

Monsieur Smith ne esta déjà pas encore venu à PARIS

Je ne chante plus

And how do you conjugate this: Le repas? C'était bon et j'ai tout mange. (ne...pas/ne..rien)



Jene plus


How do fries, a fast-food restaurant salad, and a baked potato compare to each other?



there all gas


Hey !


The potato has much less fat than the fries have.


Potato is healthier than salad and salad is more healthier than French fries.

Decide if the following statement is grammatically correct or incorrect

Mom frète , c’est le meilleur!





No, it is not.

The following is correct :

Mom frère , c’est le meilleur!

frère means brother

frète does not mean anything

Hope this helps.

Do not hesitate if you need further explanation.

Thank you

No, it’s not.

It would be mon frère, c’est le meilleur

Frère means brother

How to say “sensible” in French like if I was saying that I’m sensible/sensitive





Same way as english, sensible

Nous finions nos devoirs correct sentence or not





It means : we finished our home work




Nous finissions nos devoirs

finissions = imparfait :

je finissais

tu finissais

il finissait

nous finissions

vous finissiez

ils finissaient

What is the Difference of Verts, Vert, and Vertes



Vert is singular and masculine.

Verte is singular and feminine.

Verts is Plural and Masculine

Vertes is Plural and Feminine


vert = singular, masculine.

verte  = singular, feminine.

verts = plural, masculine

vertes = plural, feminine


Chris is a web designer and is bilingual in French. he was hired for this position because a large portion of the companies work is done in Africa where French is spoken. for which other career is being proficient in a second language an asset?



For which other career is being proficient in a second language an asset?

Host at a theme park

Or :

Touristic guide



for which other career is being proficient in a second language an asset?

Tourism ( hotels, restaurants, theme parks…. )

If you are a spy  ( Intelligence Operative )

a diplomat ( Ambassador, foreign service officer... )

International sales manager

flight attendants

journalist ( foreign correspondent… )

interpret / traductor ...

These are only some examples. There are much more fields where speaking a second language is an asset.

Which term refers to the transition period between connecting flights?
la livraison des baggages
le contrôle de sécurité



A.  l'escale


It means layover



Which term refers to the transition period between connecting flights?



Need help understanding this questions?



Write about 2 family members, and give details about them or just try describing them (what they look/act like).

Pour la soirée d’Aurélie, Adrien fait le dessert. Il prépare un gâteau ___ chocolat





Il prépare un gâteau _au __ chocolat



Il prépare un gâteau "au" chocolat.

Select the correct answer. please answer i will mark branliest
If it’s 11:30 p.m., how would you tell the time in the 24-hour format?
Il est vingt-trois heures trente.
Il est une heure trente.
Il est vingt-quatre heures moins trente.
Il est vingt-trois heures et demie.


If it's 11:30 p.m., the time in the 24-hour format would be "23:30" or "twenty-three thirty" or A.
To understand this, let's break it down step-by-step:  

1. In the 24-hour format, the hours range from 00 to 23.  
2. For hours after 12 p.m., you subtract 12 from the given time to convert it to the 24-hour format.

3. In this case, since it's 11:30 p.m., you don't need to subtract 12 because it's already in the 24-hour format.
4. The minutes remain the same in both the 12-hour and 24-hour formats, so "30" remains as "thirty."

5. Therefore, the time in the 24-hour format is "23:30" or "twenty-three thirty."  

Answer A, "Il est vingt-trois heures trente," is the correct translation of "It is twenty-three thirty" in French, which corresponds to the 24-hour format.  
Answer B, "Il est une heure trente," means "It is one hour thirty," which corresponds to the 12-hour format and doesn't apply in this case.
Answer C, "Il est vingt-quatre heures moins trente," means "It is twenty-four hours minus thirty," which is not accurate because the 24-hour format ranges from 00 to 23.  

Answer D, "Il est vingt-trois heures et demie," means "It is twenty-three hours and a half," which is accurate in the 24-hour format and equivalent to "23:30."

[female] Dis, Raphaël, quels sont tes projets pour le week-end prochain?
[male] Vendredi après-midi, je pars avec mon père, ma mère et mon frère à la Nouvelle-Orléans.
[female] Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire là-bas?
[male] Nous allons voir ma sœur. Elle habite avec son mari et son fils dans le Vieux Carré.
[female] Tu as un neveu?
[male] Oui. Il est encore
tout petit. Il a trois mois et mes parents vont le voir très souvent.
[female] Tu as l’intention de sortir?
[male] Oui, bien sûr! Vendredi soir, nous allons écouter du jazz dans un petit café sympa du quartier.
[female] Et samedi?
[male] On va se promener au bord du Mississipi. Il y a un très beau parc le long du fleuve. Et après, on va aller prendre un café et manger de délicieux beignets avant de repartir pour Houston.
[female] Quel week-end sympa! La vie est belle!

1. Where is Raphaël going for the weekend?
Enter Text

2. Who is he traveling with?
Enter Text

3. Why are they making the trip?
Enter Text

4. What are their plans for Friday night?
Enter Text

5. What is one of the things they will do on Saturday?

Enter text




1.Il va  à la Nouvelle-Orléans.

2. Il voyage avec son père, sa mère et son frère.

3. Ils font le voyage pour aller voir leur famille.

4. Vendredi soir ils iront écouter du jazz dans un petit café.

5.  Samedi ils iront se promener au bord du Mississipi.

1. FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say: THAT
______chien _______________n'est pas sympa.

2. FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjectives (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say: THIS
_________fille _____________aime travailler.

3.FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say:
__________stylos _____________sont noirs.

4. FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say:

______ chien ____________n'est pas sympa.





Ce chien n'est pas sympa.


Cette fille aime travailler.


Ces stylos sont noirs.


Ce chien n'est pas sympa.




__Ce ____chien _______________n'est pas sympa.

2. FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjectives (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say: THIS

____Cette _____fille _____________aime travailler.

3.FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say:


_____Ces _____stylos _____________sont noirs.

4. FILL in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective (Ce, Cette, Cet, or Ces ) to say:


__Ce ____ chien ____________n'est pas sympa.

Which term best completes this sentence?

Et pour obtenir un visa on doit prendre un rendez-vous pour ___________ au consulat du pays de sa destination.
le passeport
le formulaire
les documents exigés
un entretien personnel


Answer: un entretien personnel

Nous finions nos devoirs



We finished our homework



Nous finissions nos devoirs

finissions = imparfait :

je finissais

tu finissais

il finissait

nous finissions

vous finissiez

ils finissaient


we finishes our homewor = Nous finissions nos devoirs

(a) Ce samedi-là vous avez eu une sérieuse dispute avec votre père. Dites où cela s'est passé, ce qui a provoqué la dispute. Parlez de l'attitude de votre père, ce qu'il vous a reproché, ce que vous avez ressenti, comment vous lui avez répondu. Voici le début : Samedi dernier, ... Continuez le récit.​


Answer:That Saturday you had a serious argument with your father. Say where it happened, what caused the argument. Talk about your father's attitude, what he blamed you, how you felt, how you responded to him. Here is the beginning: Last Saturday, ... Continue the story.


Which word correctly completes this sentence?
_____ robe est belle.
А Се
B. Cette
C. Celle
D. Cet





Cette robe est belle.

Féminin singulier

B. Cette
Singular feminine

le, la, les, l' mean____in French.




THE =  'le/la'/les/l'


A/AN  = 'un/une'

a book = un livre

an apple =une pomme



the= le , la , les

some= certains

nothing= rien


Other Questions
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