a mutation in the dna changes an adenine to a guanine. this adenine was the a in the aug of a start codon for a gene. what process or processes would this mutation impact?


Answer 1

Mutations must occur in cells that produce the next generation and affect the hereditary material in order to affect an organism's descendants.

Mutations can have an effect on an organism by altering its physical characteristics (or phenotype) or by altering the way DNA codes genetic information (genotype). When mutations occur, they can either terminate (kill) an organism or be partially lethal. Mutations can occur as a result of errors in DNA replication during cell division, mutagen exposure, or viral infection. Germline mutation(those that occur in eggs and sperm) can be passed down to offspring, whereas somatic mutations (those that occur in body cells) cannot.

Learn more about DNA here:



Related Questions

10. describe the activity and appearance of the coliforms on hektoen agar. name the ph indicator. what is the main use for hektoen agar plates? g



isolation and culture of gram-negative enteric microorganisms


a man is heterozygous for the hemoglobin gene, with one normal allele and one sickle allele. what are the chances that one of his sperm cells will have the sickle allele for hemoglobin?


Any given child has a 50% chance of receiving one copy of the HbS gene, resulting in the sickle cell anemia trait.

Sickle cell anemia cannot be passed down from one parent to the next if only one possesses the trait. Each child has a 25% chance (or 1 in 4) of having sickle cell anemia if both parents have the trait. SCT is a condition that affects people who inherit one normal gene and one sickle cell gene. This means that although the person won't actually have the disease, they will be a "carrier" of the trait and may pass it on to their offspring.

To learn more about sickle cell anemia click here:



In guinea pig, rough coat i dominant (R) to mooth coat (r) and black coat (B) i dominant to white coat (b). A rough black guinea pig bred with a rough white one produce 29 rough black offpring, 31 rough white offpring, 11 mooth black and 9 mooth white. Give the genotype of the parent, punette quare


RrBb (rough, black) and Rrbb (rough, white) are the genotypes of the parents guinea pigs.

The parent genotype cannot have RR alleles for their coat because the smooth coat phenotype is present in the offspring. Similar to this, the rough, black parent is unable to have BB alleles in its genotype because doing so will prevent its offspring from having a white coat color. This can be understood with the help of the punnet square given in the answer. Therefore, the probability for each phenotype would be as follows:

rough black- 3/8 rough white- 3/8 smooth black- 1/8 smooth white- 1/8

A dihybrid cross is made up of two people who share two traits that are controlled by two different genes. The idea of a dihybrid cross was developed as a result of Gregor Mendel's observation of pea plants that were either round or wrinkled, yellow or green.

To know more about a dihybrid cross, refer to the following link:



Summarize the phases of cellular respiration


The phases of cellular respiration is glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid or Krebs cycle, and oxidation phosphorylation and electron transport chain

Cellular respiration takes place in the cell of the living organism

There are three phase of cellular respiration

Glycolysis : glycolysis is the splitting of sugar comes from the Greek word sweet and lysis means to split and glycolysis is a series of reaction that extract energy from glucose by splitting it into two molecule of pyruvateKrebs cycle : also called as citric acid was discovered by Hans asolf Krebs in 1937 and it can be described as a metabolic pathway and that generated energy and this process happen in the mitochondrial matrix where pyruvate has been imported following glycolysisElectron transport chain : it is the stage involving the electron transport chain and the electron transport chain is the final stage in cellular respiration and it occur on the inner mitochondrial membrane and consist of several electron carrier

Know more about phases



Two parents have a child. Both parents carry a copy of the Huntingtons allele.

What is the percent chance that the child does not inherit Huntingtons?


Both parents carrying a copy of the Huntingtons allele means that the percent chance that the child does not inherit Huntingtons is 25% and is denoted as option A.

What is Allele?

This is referred to as the variant form of a gene and can be homozygous or heterozygous.

We were told that both parents carry a copy of the Huntingtons allele which means that they are heterozygous for the trait and can be expressed as seen below:

Hh × Hh = HH Hh Hh hh

This therefore means that the chance of them producing a child with Huntington’s disease is 3 in 4, or 75% while the chance of the child not inheriting it will be 100% - 75%b = 25%.

Read more about Allele here https://brainly.com/question/3452155


If the laci gene in the genetically engineered fluorescent strain were nonmutant but the laco sequence on the plasmid mutated to lacoc, how would the cells fluoresce in the presence of inducer? in the absence of inducer?.


The cell in the  presence of an inducer would fluoresce in yellow and in absence of inducer it would not fluoresce.

When an inducer was present, the cell would glow yellow. Fluorescence doesn't exist without an inducer. The galaxy-wide enzyme galactosidase is responsible for lactose metabolism. This one encodes for the protein product that is also repressed, or which in the absence of lactose in the media and thus does not show fluorescence.

To lear more about inducer click here:



why do some plant species that are independent at low altitudes become interdependent at high altitudes


Although these advantages are not as important at low altitudes, the plants' benefits to one another enable them survive at high altitudes.

The extreme conditions of their environment, which include low temperatures, aridity, UV radiation, and a brief growing season, force high-altitude plants to adapt. High altitudes are inhospitable to tree growth due to the chilly temperatures and scarcity of precipitation. Low air density and atmospheric pressure at high altitude result in lower carbon dioxide levels and a slower transpiration rate, which are both necessary for plants to develop. The rate of photosynthesis and growth is slowed down by low carbon dioxide levels and slow transpiration in high altitude environment.

To learn more about environment click here:



where do somatic motor commands to skeletal muscles of the upper and lower appendages exit from the spinal cord?


The somatic motor commands to skeletal muscles of the upper and lower appendages exit from the spinal cord from ventral roots.

The motor root of a spinal nerve, which emerges from the anterior side of the cord and transmits motor information from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. The efferent motor root of a spinal nerve is known in anatomy and neurology as the ventral root of the spinal nerve, anterior root, or motor root. The ventral root and dorsal root combine at the spinal nerve's distal end to generate a mixed spinal nerve.

To learn more about ventral root click here:



with a microscope, you examine some somatic cells from a woman and notice that each nucleus has two barr bodies. what can you infer about the sex chromosomes in this individual?


'with a microscope, you examine some somatic cells from a woman and notice that each nucleus has two barr bodies. She is XXX can you infer about the sex chromosomes in this individual.

Long segments of DNA are carried by chromosomes, which are organelles that can be found in the nucleus of cells. The substance that houses genes is called DNA. It serves as the foundation for the human body. Additionally, proteins found in chromosomes aid in the appropriate structure of DNA.

What about chromosomes?Long segments of DNA are carried by chromosomes, which are organelles that can be found in the nucleus of cells. The substance that houses genes is called DNA. It serves as the foundation for the human body. Additionally, proteins found in chromosomes aid in the appropriate structure of DNA. The term "autosomes" refers to the first 22 pairs of chromosomes. A person's gender at birth is determined by the sex chromosomes, which make up the 23rd pair of chromosomes. Chromosomes exhibit the highest level of DNA and protein organization. Carrying DNA and transmitting genetic material from one generation to the next is the main function of chromosomes.Cell division involves the critical function of chromosomes. They guard against tangles and damage to the DNA. Another type of aneuploidy is monosomy, which is the loss of one chromosome in cells. Greek is the language of number one, and monosomy refers to a condition in which cells contain only one copy of a certain chromosome rather than the usual two. Turner syndrome, also known as monosomy X, is a condition caused by monosomy.There are billions of cells in your body, but they are too small to observe without a powerful microscope. Chromosomes, which are strands that resemble threads and carry hundreds or even thousands of genes, are found inside the majority of those cells. Physical characteristics like the color of your eyes are determined by genes.

Learn more about chromosomes here:



1. As time passes, the universe becomes
1 more organized
2 less organized
3 simpler
4 smaller



more organized


it would be more organized because of new inventions

if the code of bases of dna is gaatcg, then the complementary translated rna code on the other side would be .


The complementary translated RNA code on the other side would be CUUAGC.

DNA is changed during transcription into m-RNA. The RNA polymerase enzyme is responsible for it. Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine are some of the nitrogenous bases that make up the DNA in a certain order. In m-RNA, guanine is paired with cytosine or vice-versa, adenine is paired with uracil, and thymine is paired with adenine on m-RNA transcript. This is because RNA can't have thymine on its strand. The nitrogenous base sequence on the DNA template determines the nitrogenous base sequence on the m-RNA. If the DNA base sequence is GAATCG, the transcript's base sequence will be CUUAGC.

RNA polymerases, which link nucleotides to create an RNA strand using a DNA strand as a template, carry out transcription. mRNA is therefore translated from DNA which binds amino acids by peptide bonds.

To know more about translation, refer to the following link:



sa11 and pdh223 confer erythromycin resistance on f. johnsoniae, but not on e. coli. how would the outcome of this experiment have been different if psa11 and pdh223 conferred erythromycin resistance on both f. johnsoniae and e. coli? explain


sa11 and pdh223 confer erythromycin resistance on f. johnsoniae, but not on e. coli found to be resistant to high levels of erythromycin

When pDH223 and pSA11 were introduced into F. Erythromycin resistance develops in Johnsoniae bacteria, but not in E. coli. The erythromycin resistance gene enables these altered cells to thrive when cultured on erythromycin-containing agar plates. On the erythromycin-containing nutritional medium in a petri plate, other cells that are not transformed by these two plasmids containing erythromycin resistance genes cannot grow. As a result, we are able to distinguish between transformed and untransformed cells. We will obtain erythromycin-resistant F-containing pure colonies of pDH223 and pSA11. cells from Johnsonia.

Both F. johnsoniae and E. coli may grow on nutritional medium containing erythromycin after receiving these two plasmids, pSA11 and pDH223, through the process ofof transformation. Both cells can grow and form colonies when sample one is placed on a petri dish with nutritional medium.

To learn more about E.coli refer,



the combined effects of inhibitory and excitatory effects on a postsynaptic cell will decide whether that cell generates an action potential. this principle is called .


Combined effects of inhibitory and excitatory effects on a postsynaptic cell decide whether cell generates an action potential and his principle is called summation.

What is summation?

Additive effect of several electrical impulses on a neuromuscular junction that is the junction between a nerve cell and muscle cell is called summation. The stimuli cannot evoke a response individually but collectively they can generate a response.

Summation is the process of adding things up and similarly in the case of nervous system, it is about adding up the effect of multiple stimuli.

Summation is a neurotransmitter-induced tug-of-war between all excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents. Outcome of the contest determines whether a postsynaptic neuron becomes an active element in the neural circuit to which it belongs or not.

To know more about summation in biology, refer



what is the connection between ATP and the two other energy-carrying molecules in cellular respiration?





g human blood flows from the aorta to the capillaries. the radius of an aorta is 12 mm, and a capillary average 4 micrometer. blood speed is 400 mm/s in the aorta, and 0.5 mm/s in a capillary. estimate how many billions of capillaries are in the body.


The body's estimated total number of billions of capillaries is seven, based on the equation of continuity is 7×[tex]10^{9}[/tex].

The blood's density is relatively constant from the aorta to the capillaries. The volume flow rate across all capillaries must be equal to the volume flow rate in the aorta according to the continuity equation.

The area of a sample capillary is multiplied by the overall number of capillaries N to get the total area of all of the capillaries.

Assume that A1 represents the aorta and that A2 represents all of the blood vessels.

Then A1 = N× π×r²

where r = 4 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex] cm is thought to be the capillary's average radius. We can infer from the continuity equation that

v2×A2 = v1×A1

v2×π×N×r²cap = v1×π×r²arota

When we substitute and solve for N in the equation, we obtain the value of N as 7×[tex]10^{9}[/tex].

Learn more about the blood's density at



describe some of the plants with which you are fimilar



I like banbanana tree





Paddy is a common crop in our country, and I am familiar with it since my early childhood. Rice, which we get from paddy, is the staple food in our country and our food demand is mainly supported by this crop. I would like to thank you for this great topic which expects me to talk about a crop I am familiar with.

Paddy is grown in almost all parts of our country by the farmers. But the north part of the country is particularly suitable to produce the finest quality of paddy due to its arable lands and higher rainfalls. The paddy plant grows well in fertile lands where plenty of water supplies is available. But it can't grow in water.

Rice is the main source for our daily carbohydrate requirements. No doubt, this is the most important crop in our country. If we can't grow plenty of paddy plants, we won't have enough rice. And as a consequence, we won't have enough food supply for our people. This epitomises how important this single crop is for us!  

Every nation has its own main crop and its economy is much influenced by it. In our country, paddy has similar influences on our economy. I like this paddy plant as it looks beautiful in the green field and whenever I visit a rural area, lush paddy fields take my heart away. They are such a beautiful sight to look at. The golden paddy, when they ripe, and the green plants, when they are yet to ripe, look amazing when it dances with the rhythm of the wind, it's heavenly. I also like this crop because it is our main food source.

The importance of this crop is monumental, especially for our country. If we do not have this crop in our country even for a single year, we would have a huge problem fulfilling our daily food needs.

mining companies are required to re-vegetate lands that were strip mined after removal of the ore/ fuel. however, it was found that trees that were planted in these mined soils were unable to establish. this was because through the process of strip mining, all the top soil was removed and the soil was missing mycorrhizal fungi that live on and in the roots of the trees to help them obtain nutrients from degraded and nutrient-poor soils. the trees cannot survive without the mycorrhizal fungi, and the mycorrhizal fungi are dependent on trees for survival. the relationship between trees and mycorrhizal fungi can best be described as . pick the best answer.


The relationship between trees and mycorrhizal fungi can best be described to be a symbiotic relationship.

Symbiotic interactions between fungi & plants are known as mycorrhizae. A host plant's root system is colonized by fungi, which boost the plant's ability to absorb water as well as nutrients while giving the fungus access to the plant's carbohydrates produced while photosynthesis. Fungi and plant roots interact in symbiotic ways. In exchange for the trees' or shrubs' assistance, the fungus receives nutrients like carbon, sugars, and other elements from the roots. Mycorrhiza is the name for the symbiotic association between fungus and plant roots.

Mycorrhiza is a fungus's root system. To be more precise, mycorrhizae are fungi that coexist with the roots of several plants in a symbiotic manner. The fungi that create mycorrhizal connections with plants are found all over the earth.

Learn to know more about Mycorrhiza on



In a family that carries an X-linked recessive trait, which outcome would be expected?


X linked recessive trait in this condition will have equal chances of expressions in the conditions.Option A is correct.

What is a X linked recessive trait ?

X linked recessive trait means that the mutated gene is present on the X chromosome.

Thus, The mutated gene present on the X chromosome will have equal chances that is 50% in sons and 50% in daughters.

Learn more about X linked recessive disorders at :



fusion of an endocytic vesicle containing an enveloped virus with an endosome promotes uncoating because of


It’s because of the degradative enzymes and low pH inside the endosome.

What is an enveloped virus?

A virus which has an outer covering/envelope is considered an enveloped virus. This outer covering is formed during a process called budding off and the outer covering comes from the infected host cell. Newly created virus cells get enveloped in an outer coat, made of small piece of plasma membrane of cell during the budding process.

The vial genome is released inside host cell due to uncoating of the viral cell. During Uncoating, the capsid gets removed, thereby releasing the viral genome into host cells, after which gene replication and transcription takes place.

Hence, the uncoating of virus takes place due to degradative enzymes and low pH inside of the endosome.

Learn more about enveloped viruses here: https://brainly.com/question/28039426


describe different ways to harvest trees. what is the most sustainable? why? what is the least sustainable? why?


Using the theories of harvesting, we got that selecting logging is the most sustainable and  single-tree selection is the least sustainable harvesting method for tree.

Selective logging is most profitable timber-harvesting method, which explains its choice for economic reasons. However, this actually effect is short-term and disrupts forest health, alongside with other selective cutting negative impacts on the environment.

Single tree selection is a natural regeneration system that was pioneered here in the Lake States. Used primarily in northern hardwood forests, single tree selection is a cutting method designed to regenerate and maintain uneven-aged stand`s.

Hence, the most sustainable way to harvest trees is selective logging as it is economical, and the least sustainable way of harvesting is single-tree selection as it is practiced mainly naturally because of regeneration.

To know more about harvesting, visit here:



the orange coloring on the surface of the outcrop consists of iron oxide minerals and bacteria. the iron comes from the oxidation of in the coal. the water coming from the mine is .


Mine drainage is the water exiting the mine. Water and rocks that contain minerals that include sulfur react chemically to generate it.

An underwater mine is what?

In order to harm or destroy surface ships or submarines, self-contained explosive devices known as naval mines are submerged in the sea. Mines are positioned and allowed to wait, unlike depth charges, until they are activated by any vessel or a specific type of vessel approaching or coming into touch with them, similar to anti-infantry vs.

What causes a mine's corrosive water to flow out?

Pyrite, an iron sulfide, combines with air and water to produce sulfuric acid and dissolved iron when it is exposed, which causes mine drainage. Red, orange, or yellow sediments can occur as some or all of this iron precipitates, forming the bottom of streams carrying mine drainage.

To know more about underwater mine  visit:-



Which two particles pass through proteins that are part of the inner
membrane of a mitochondrion?
A. NADH molecules
B. Hydrogen ions
C. Glucose molecules
D. Electrons


The two particles that pass through proteins that are part of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion are electrons and hydrogen ions. The correct options are B and D.

What is mitochondria?

Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles that produce the majority of the chemical energy required to power the cell's biochemical reactions.

The outer mitochondrial membrane, in contrast to the inner membrane, is permeable to small molecules. This is due to the presence of porin proteins, which form channels that allow free diffusion of molecules smaller than about 6000 daltons.

Hydrogen ions in the matrix space can only pass through the inner mitochondrial membrane via ATP synthase, a membrane protein. ADP is converted to ATP as protons pass through ATP synthase.

The process of producing ATP in mitochondria via chemiosmosis is known as oxidative phosphorylation.

Thus, B and D are correct options.

For more details regarding mitochondria, visit:




the answer is B and D


im taking the quiz as i type this

the keto diet aims to induce a metabolic condition known as ketosis by almost eliminating the intake of carbohydrates. individuals on the keto diet sometimes use urinalysis test strips to confirm their body is in ketosis. what changes in the urinalysis test parameters would you expect someone in ketosis would experience?


Ketogenic dieters occasionally use urine sample strips to determine whether they bodies are in ketosis.

What are bad carbs?

People may consider refined carbohydrates to be bad since they offer less nutrients, such as refined rice and flour. beverages like juices and sodas that have been sugared. delicacies that have undergone a lot of processing, such cookies and pastries.

Do you prefer rice to bread?

The choice between rice and bread will depend on your nutritional objectives because rice has much more minerals and vitamins while bread contains fewer calories as carbs. Whatever you choose, choose the whole-grain kind for the greatest results on your health.

To know more about Carbohydrates visit:



a sample of water is tested for mutagens. the water is subjected to a process known as high pressure liquid chromatography which can separate compounds based on their different biochemical properties. as material leaves the hplc column its absorbance is measured at uv light which is used to detect a variety of different compounds. these readings were recorded as a trace on a graph (top chart in the figure). fractions from the column are collected and then tested in an ames assay (bottom chart in the figure). in this assay there were 900 colonies with the solvent alone control. which fractions contain mutagens?


The fractions that contain mutagens are that of high peaks.

For the concentration or fractionation of mutagenic residue organics from small, >5OL, and large, to 12OOL, volumes of drinking water obtained from various sources, a general procedure has been developed. This process involves chromatographic concentration of the residual organics through water passage by UV absorbance. High peaks thus highlight the presence of mutagens.

Organic solvents are used to elute the residue organics from the resins, after which the solvent is removed and a bioassay for mutagenicity is conducted. The remaining residue organics are next fractionated using a combined bioassay/analytical fractionation technique that gradually narrows the emphasis to the bioactive components of the complex mixture of remaining residue organics.

To know more about chromatography, refer to the following link:



what are the two components of the cardiovascular system? group of answer choices veins and heart capillaries and veins arteries and heart heart and blood vessels arteries and veins


The two components of the cardiovascular system are arteries and veins. The cardiovascular system is in charge of distributing blood to various regions of the body.

cardiovascular system is made up of the organs and tissues listed below:

A closed blood cardiovascular system, Among these vessels are:

Arteries are blood vessels that transport blood out from the heart.Veins are Blood vessels that return blood to the heart.Capillaries are small blood veins that branch off from arteries to supply blood to all bodily tissues.

The body has two blood circulation systems. The first is the circulatory system as a whole. This is the main blood circulatory system that transports blood to the body's organs, tissues, and cells. The pulmonary circulatory system is the second system. The circulatory system transports blood from the heart to the lungs. It is the site where oxygen enters and carbon dioxide exits the circulation.

Learn more about cardiovascular



in the sympathetic division of the nervous system, where are the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons located?


In the sympathetic division of the nervous system bodies of preganglionic neurons located,  in the lateral horns of the 12 thoracic and the first 2 or 3 lumbar segments of the spinal cord.

Cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord gray matter between T1-L2. Cell bodies of the preganglionic neurons are in the brainstem or spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS).

Important function  preganglionic neurons is they are responsible for conveying nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the autonomic ganglia.

To learn more about preganglionic neurons , here



2. what are the correct names for the bumps and fissures that make the cerebral cortex appear wrinkled?


Gyri are the correct name for the bumps and fissures that make the cerebral cortex appear wrinkled.

The cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain, is extremely unlevel and has a characteristic pattern of folds and grooves called sulci and gyri. The brain's lobes are split in humans by a variety of ridges and grooves. Gyri (bumps) and sulci (groves or fissures) are the terms for them. More cerebral cortex matter can fit inside the skull thanks to the folding of the brain and the accompanying gyri and sulci, which increase the surface area of the brain.

Gyri and sulci are the terms used to describe the folds and grooves in the brain. The folding of the cortex, the area of the brain in charge of higher cognitive functions including memory, language, and awareness results in the development of certain morphological characteristics.


Learn to know more about the Cerebral cortex on



a 40-year-old black man is in the office for his annual physical. which statement regarding the prostate-specific antigen (psa) blood test is true, according to the american cancer society? the psa:


The Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test is true according to the American Cancer Society if should be done at age 45 years.

What are the American Cancer Society recommendations for Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)?

The Аmericаn Cаncer Society (АCS) recommends thаt men hаve а chаnce to mаke аn informed decision with their heаlth cаre provider аbout whether to be screened for prostаte cаncer.

Аge 50 for men who аre аt аverаge risk of prostаte cаncer аnd аre expected to live аt leаst 10 more yeаrs.Аge 45 for men аt high risk of developing prostаte cаncer. This includes Аfricаn Аmericаns аnd men who hаve а first-degree relаtive (fаther or brother) diаgnosed with prostаte cаncer аt аn eаrly аge (younger thаn аge 65).Аge 40 for men аt even higher risk (those with more thаn one first-degree relаtive who hаd prostаte cаncer аt аn eаrly аge).

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full choices were

A) should be done with this visit.

B) should be done at age 45 years.

C) should be done at age 50 years.

D) is only necessary if there is a family history of prostate cancer.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more information about the prostate-specific antigen refer to the link:



Which phrase best describes reproduction?

allows the offspring's parents to expend less energy during mating and birthing
allows the offspring's parents to expend less energy during mating and birthing

can either be sexual or asexual

can either be sexual or asexual,

allows for the continuation of a species and creates variety in a population

allows for the continuation of a species and creates variety in a population,

produces an exact copy of the parent cell



can either be sexual or asexual

Compare the water cycle to other cycle you have learned about cience. How are they the ame? How are they different?


The hydrological cycle is a real-world occurrence. Transpiration is the process through which water from the air or the leaves of plants evaporates.

What does the company Cience do?

Through multi-channel prospecting, CIENCE aids businesses in expanding. With predictable outcomes, we begin with highly reliable statistics (>200M Contact universe), than offer lead generation & outbound sales processes to establish qualified engagements with our clients' ideal customers.

Is a generation a lead?

In order to improve future sales, the process of attracting potential consumers' interest is known as lead generation. A lead is a potential customer who has expressed interest in a firm's products or services yet may not yet be eligible to make a purchase.

To know more about Cience visit:



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