An ocean scientist plans to spend several days underwater in a submarine. Doctors on land will monitor her body to make sure she is healthy during her trip. What is one way doctors will be able to tell whether her body is healthy enough to do all her tasks while she is in the submarine?

a The doctors could see if her cells are getting several different types of food molecules.
b The doctors could see if she is getting plenty of sleep so her body can make enough energy.
c The doctors could see if her lung cells have molecules from air, and her stomach cells have molecules from food.
d The doctors could see if her cells are getting the molecules they need from food and air.


Answer 1

One way in which doctors will be able to tell whether this ocean scientist's body is healthy enough to do all her tasks while she is in the submarine is that: D. The doctors could see if her cells are getting the molecules they need from food and air.

What is cardiorespiratory fitness?

Cardiorespiratory fitness can be defined as a measure of the ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to supply oxygen obtained from the air, to the skeletal muscles that are found in the body of a living organism, especially during any sustained physical activity such as an aerobic exercise.

Generally speaking, the cardiorespiratory fitness of an individual such as an ocean scientist, is usually measured at rest, especially through a measurement of blood pressure or through the use of an electrocardiogram (ECG or ECK).

In conclusion, it is very important for the doctors to determine if this ocean scientist's body cells are well energized by food and air.

Read more on cardiorespiratory fitness here:


Related Questions

what are symptoms of separation anxity?


The symptoms of separation anxiety are stress, nightmares, shivering, weakness, deviating yourself from others, etc. which are described below.

It's symptoms include refusing to be going away from home attributable to concern of separation. Not needing to be home alone and while not a parent or different partner within the house. Reluctance or refusing to sleep removed from home while not a parent or different partner near . continual nightmares concerning separation.

Separation anxiety is a disorder within which a toddler becomes overly anxious once separated from folks. Children are particularly vulnerable to separation anxiety throughout times of stress. Separation anxiety differs from traditional clinginess. Youngsters with the disorder cannot admit something however the current concern of separation. They will have nightmares or regular physical complaints. They will be reluctant to travel to high school or different places.

To learn more about Separation anxiety here



Recurrent and excessive distress about anticipating or being away from home or loved ones

Constant, excessive worry about losing a parent or other loved one to an illness or a disaster

Constant worry that something bad will happen, such as being lost or kidnapped, causing separation from parents or other loved ones

Refusing to be away from home because of fear of separation

Not wanting to be home alone and without a parent or other loved one in the house

Reluctance or refusing to sleep away from home without a parent or other loved one nearby

Repeated nightmares about separation

Frequent complaints of headaches, stomachaches or other symptoms when separation from a parent or other loved one is anticipated


The nurse is caring for an older adult who lives alone. The nurse becomes concerned that the patient is getting inadequate nutrition based on which neurologic manifestations?.



A vegan diet, in particular, leads to a strongly increased risk of deficiencies of vitamin B12, vitamin B2 and several minerals, such as calcium, iron and zinc. However, even a lacto-vegetarian diet produces an increased risk of deficiencies of vitamin B12 and possibly certain minerals, such as iron.


Why are health professionals,wether those that offer traditional,alternative or complementary;not present in a lot of rural municipalities in the country.


Health professionals, whether those that offer traditional, alternative, or complementary; are not present in a lot of rural municipalities in the country because of:

Workforce shortages: which makes a health care professional attend to a lot of patients. High poverty rate in rural municipalities where people can't afford health care services.

Why are health professionals scarce in rural municipalities?

Some rural municipalities lack basic infrastructure, and security, and don't attract health professionals who prefer to migrate to urban areas.

Some other reasons why health professionals tend to be few or not present in a lot of rural municipalities in the country include:

Training opportunities are few in rural municipalities.Difficult or unsuitable working conditions.Insecurity challenges that might be present in rural municipalities.Long working hours.

In summary, the urban areas look more attractive to health professionals than rural municipalities in the country.

Learn more about rural municipalities here:


which ways are recommended for tobacco users to quit using​



chewing on a straw instead of smoking

chewing gum, either nicotine or not


cold turkey

weaning off

different medications can also help


although none of these helped me. NEVER START SMOKING IS THE BEST.

How do alcohol, tobacco & other drugs threaten the teen
community and what prevention resources are available?


It’s C (ign ore this) (I have to say this or brainly wont let me answer)

First alcohol can threaten underage teens because they can get dru nk for example and they can drive and if there are people in there they could ki ll themself and/or the people in the car. Next tobacco. Tobacco can not only thre aten teens but adults too, it can cause lung disease by damaging your airways (your lungs) and the small air sacs in your lungs which could result in you dy ing. Finally AMP, it can pass through your skin into your blood vessels, if the level of AMP is high enough it will do some serious damage to your body tissues and ki ll you.

Here are some prevention resources:
• National institute on Drug Ab use
• National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Ab use Directors
• National institute on Alcohol Ab use and Alcoholism
• National institute of Mental Health
• Community Anti-Drug Coali tions of America
• National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors

Hope this helps!
Stay drug and alcohol free!
Have an AWESOME evening! :)

Review the steps for gloving.
What is the procedure for gloving?


Answer: Gather the supplies: hand sanitizer and sterile gloves.

Perform hand hygiene.

Open the sterile gloves on a dry, flat, clean work surface.

Remove the outer package by separating and peeling apart the sides of the package.

Grasp the inner package and lay it on a clean, dry, flat surface at waist level.

Open the top flap away from your body; open the bottom flap toward your body.

Open the side flaps without contaminating the inside of the wrapper or allowing it to close.

With your nondominant hand, use your thumb and index finger to only grasp the inside surface of the cuff of the glove for your dominant hand.

Lift out the glove, being careful to not touch any surfaces and holding the glove no more than 12-18″ above the table without contaminating the sterile glove; carefully pull the glove over your hand.

Use your non-dominant, non sterile hand to grasp the flap of the package, and hold the package steady. With the sterile glove on your dominant hand, hold 4 fingers together of the gloved hand to reach in the outer surface of the cuff of the sterile glove, reaching under the folded cuff and with the thumb outstretched to not touch the second sterile glove. Lift the glove off the package without breaking sterility.

While holding the fingers of the nondominant hand outstretched and close together, tuck your thumb into the palm, and use the sterile dominant hand to pull the second sterile glove over the fingers of the nondominant hand.

After the second sterile glove is on, interlock the fingers of your sterile gloved hands, being careful to keep your hands above your waist.

Do not touch the inside of the package or the sterile part of the gloves with your bare hands during the process.

Maintain sterility throughout the procedure of donning sterile gloves.

Explanation: I hope this is helpful!:)


Step-by-step instructions

Choose the right glove size for your hands

Your gloves should feel comfortable, and you need to be able to move your hands. Consider taking off jewelry. It may make your gloves feel more comfortable.

Prepare a clean work area

Wipe surfaces that are not washable and before you place the glove package on the surface.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands and wrists. Use liquid soap from the dispenser that is required for your specific job application. Do not touch anything or any supplies once you wash your hands.

Open the package

Open the outer glove package. Place the gloves on a sterile table. The gloves will have an inner wrapping around them. Carefully open the inner wrapper so not to contaminate the gloves. You will see both gloves with cuffs.

Put on the first glove

Start with your dominant hand. Hold the glove on folded edge which is the cuff. Slip your hand into the glove. Wear the glove keeping your hand flat and your thumb tucked in. Touch only the part of the glove that will be next to your skin.

Leave the cuff on the glove folded.

Prepare to put on the second glove

Slip the fingers of your gloved hand into the other glove only touching the folded cuff. Lift up the second glove.

Put on the second glove

Pull the glove over your fingers keeping your hand flat. Keep the gloved thumb up and back to keep from touching your bare palm or wrist. Pull the glove over your hand.

Adjusting the gloves

Adjust each glove to get a snug fit. Reach under the cuffed part to pull up or adjust the gloves.Avoid touching anything once the gloves are on your handsKeep your hands in front of you and above your waist. Don’t touch anything outside of the sterile field.Start over again if you break the sterile procedureRemove the gloves, throw them away and get a new package of gloves. Time to start over!

How do you take menstruation? Is it an unhygienic and impure period? Explain.​


Once again Menstruation – a physiological aspect of womanhood. Bodily excretions are believed to be polluting, as are the bodies when producing them. All women, regardless of their social caste, incur pollution through the bodily processes of menstruation and childbirth. Water is considered to be the most common medium of purification.

A patient had symptoms that could be related to meningitis. The physician ordered a spinal tap for cerebrospinal fluid analysis. From which space a sample for analysis will be taken?.


The space between two lumbar bones (vertebrae)

A fifty-year-old patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes. The urinalysis revealed glycosuria, indicating that the patient’s kidney exceeded its threshold. Which process of urine formation was ineffective?.



Drysdale L, Gilbert L, Thomson A, McDevitt J, Scott PJW, Fulton JD 1988 Pseudoglycosuria and ciprofloxacin. Lancet 961. [PubMed]


Hilton BA. Nurses' performance and interpretation of urine testing and capillary blood glucose monitoring measures. J Adv Nurs. 1982;7:509–21. [PubMed]


Kirkland JA, Morgan HG. An assessment of routing hospital urine testing for protein and glucose. Scot Med J. 1961;6:513–519. [PubMed]


Guthrie DW, Guthrie RA. Juvenile diabetes mellitus. Nurs Clin North Am. 1973;8:587–603. [PubMed]


Epstein LH, Coburn PC, Becker D, Drash A, Siminerio L. Measurement and modification of the accuracy of determinations of urine glucose concentration. Diabetes Care. 1980;3:535–536. [PubMed]


Malone JI, Hellrung JM, Malphus EW, Rosenbloom AL, Grgic A, Weber FT. Good diabetic control — a study in mass delusion. J Pediatr. 1976;88:943–949. [PubMed]


Shenfield GM, Steel JM. Urinary glucose testing by diabetic patients. Practitioner. 1977;218:147–151. [PubMed]


Bresnick GH, Groo A, Palta M, Korth K. Urinary glucose testing inaccuracies among diabetic patients: Effect of acquired color vision deficiency caused by diabetic retinopathy. Arch Ophthalmol. 1984;102:1489–1496. [PubMed]


The  urinalysis revealed glycosuria, indicating that the patient’s kidney exceeded its threshold means the process that exceeded its threshold is reabsorsption.

What is the main organ of filtration ?

The main organ of filtration is the kidney in the human body the whole system goes with the glomerular filtration  and the various resorption along with the various processes of filtration.  

The presence of reducing sugars in the urine is the diagnosis for the glucose, galactose, lactose and fructose in  the blood.

The renal resorption where the nutrients are produced from the blood along with the urine . If there is improper filtration  taking place in the human excretory system them in this case it will lead to excess glucose in blood.

Therefore, the correct answer is resorption.

Learn more about glomerular filtration at :


A primary reason for needing a new vaccine for influenza each year is that _____.


A primary reason for needing a new vaccine for influenza each year is that The influenza virus frequently undergoes mutations.

An active acquired immunity to a specific infectious or malignant disease is provided by a biological preparation known as a vaccine.

The flu vaccine from last year may not protect you from this year's viruses due to their rapid evolution it frequently undergoes mutation. To keep up with flu viruses that change quickly, new vaccines are made every year. Your immune system produces antibodies to shield you from the vaccine's viruses when you get vaccinated.

Although it is frequently referred to as "the flu," the actual virus that is spread each year is distinct. The virus is ever-evolving. As a result, medical professionals are required to update the flu vaccine each season to keep us safe from new strains.

Know more about vaccines here:


why is my microwave on fire


Could be an electrical short or build up of too much grease

How do I focus on health while still working on assignemtns and getting good grades?


It is hard to balance school and a healthy body and mind at the same time, and many teenagers struggle with doing so. however, there are many easy ways to maintain good heath while getting good grades. i will list a few below:
1. eat a healthy breakfast in the morning to provide your body with energy and to keep you focused on schoolwork.
2. when you start to notice yourself getting tired, let yourself rest by using the pomodoro study timers or by taking a power nap.
3. do exercises in between homework assignments, such as jumping jacks, to keep your blood flowing.
4. no matter how many assignments you have to do, do not skip meals.
5. drink plenty of water-this is easy to do! for every couple questions answered (depending on difficulty) take a sip of water.
*health should always be prioritized over grades*

Focusing on health is more important than working on assignments and getting good grades, if there is no good health there will be no scenes of good grades and assignments.

In this modern world, we are all having a busy lifestyle where we are ignoring our health whether it is physical or mental. Taking good care of personal health is the first priority of every successful people out there. If you are struggling with focusing on health while working on grades and assignments then you must follow a healthy routine. Make a timetable of your daily activities and track it every day, give a particular time of a day for yourself, if you don't have make it. Give a particular time to your studies to your personal work and to your health also, set a goal, set a plan and execute it correctly. Maintaining a good diet along with exercise regularly in the morning makes you feel good physically and mentally. Try to go to bed early as possible and wake up early in the morning. Just list down a routine in your room and follow it regularly along with your studies and you will set the results.

To know more about Health:

Reeghan was diagnosed with high cholesterol, which led to a heart attack at the age of 52. According to research, which factor increases her likelihood of having further heart problems?.


Their high cholesterol would be linked to hypertension, resulting in further heart problems.

Explain why the mmr and dtap vaccines are administered multiple times over the course of a child’s life. What does the term ""booster shot"" mean?.


The mmr and dtap vaccines are administered multiple times over the course of a child’s life because they are effective at protecting against the diseases they are designed to prevent. The term “booster shot” refers to a dose of vaccine that is given at a later time to increase the level of protection against a disease.

The MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) and DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccines are both administered multiple times over the course of a child’s life in order to provide the best possible protection against these diseases.

The MMR vaccine is typically given to children at 12-15 months of age and again at 4-6 years of age. The DTaP vaccine is usually given in five doses, with the first dose given at 2 months of age, and the remaining doses given at 4, 6, 15-18 months, and 4-6 years of age.

The reason why these vaccines are administered multiple times is because they are not 100% effective at preventing the diseases they are designed to protect against. However, the more doses of the vaccine a child receives, the more likely they are to be protected against these diseases.

Learn more about diseases at :


Karen and Ann met at tryouts for the school gymnastics team. The coach gave each girl a list of fitness tips to prepare for the tryouts. The tips included eating a low-fat diet, getting enough sleep, stretching before each workout, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol use. On the way home, Ann pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her bag and offered one to Karen. Karen doesn’t like smoking and really want to make the team.
If you were Karen, what would you say to Ann? Write your response in a brief paragraph.


The best response by Karen when offered cigarette is that 'it is not ideal as it may affect the gymnastics tryout performance in a negative manner'.

What is Exercise?

This is referred to as a form of physical activity which helps to keep the body fit and improves the general well being of the individual and examples include running, skipping etc.

In the case of the gymnastics tryout, they were told by the coach to adopt a healthy lifestyle such as eating a low-fat diet, getting enough sleep and avoiding the use of tobacco.

Since Karen doesn't like it, it is best to tell Ann that cigarettes may affect their performances in a negative manner and hinder them from being chosen. This is therefore why it should be avoided as she will see genuine reason about it.

Read more about Cigarettes here


A patient had symptoms that could be related to meningitis. The physician ordered a spinal tap for cerebrospinal fluid analysis. From which space a sample for analysis will be taken?.


Answer: subarachnoid space


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