,tu as passé une journée magnifique avec une personne célèbre. Tu écris un e-mail
tu as rencontrée, ce que vous avez fait ensemble à chaque moment de la journée. Tu parles
à ton ami(e) français(e) pour lui raconter cette journée. Tu dis quelle personne célèbre
de tes émotions. (60 mots minimum


Answer 1

Merci pour la belle journée Taylor Swift. Tu me manques déjà. Je me suis vraiment amusé. Merci pour la glace et le déjeuner. Ma partie préférée était le ferris roue et j'espère vous revoir bientôt.

Answer 2


Merci pour la belle journée Taylor Swift. Tu me manques déjà. Je me suis vraiment amusé. Merci pour la glace et le déjeuner. Ma partie préférée était le ferris roue et j'espère vous revoir bientôt.


Related Questions

Rewrite the following sentences using the pronoun y.



Nous y allons .

Claire y va souvent.

Mes parents y sont.

Est-ce que tu y vas maintenant?

Clément et Flavie aiment y aller.  

Nathan adore y jouer.

Jack says, "Oh non ! Un mur de maïs !" What is "mais"?


Answer: Mais is french for "Corn"




The whole sentence translates to "Oh no! A wall of corn!" or "Oh no! A corn wall!" Therefore, "mais" means corn.

1 Ma grand-mère n’est pas cruelle elle est ____
2 Mon frère n’est pas travailleur il est _____
3 Mes cousines ne sont pas faibles elles sont____
4 ma tante n’est pas drôle elle est ____
5 mon oncle est un bon athlète. Il n’est pas lent il est____
6 ma famille et moi nous ne sommes pas antipathiques nous sommes _____
7 mes parents ne sont pas méchants ils sont _____
8 mon oncle n’est pas heureux il est_____



1 Ma grand-mère n’est pas cruelle elle est _douce  ___

2 Mon frère n’est pas travailleur il est _paresseux____

3 Mes cousines ne sont pas faibles elles sont__fortes__

4 ma tante n’est pas drôle elle est __ennuyeuse__

5 mon oncle est un bon athlète. Il n’est pas lent il est__rapide__

6 ma famille et moi nous ne sommes pas antipathiques nous sommes _sympathiques ____

7 mes parents ne sont pas méchants ils sont __gentils __

8 mon oncle n’est pas heureux il est_ malheureux ____

1 Ma grand-mère n’est pas cruelle elle est gentille.

2 Mon frère n’est pas travailleur il est paresseux.

3 Mes cousines ne sont pas faibles elles sont fortes

4 Ma tante n’est pas drôle elle est sérieuse.

5 Mon oncle est un bon athlète.Il n’est pas lent il est rapide.

6Ma famille et moi nous ne sommes pas antipathiques nous sommes sympathiques.

7 Mes parents ne sont pas méchants ils sont adorables

8 Mon oncle n’est pas heureux il est malheureux.

Hope I help

There are five strange details underlined in this passage about Charles’ trip to a travel agency. Correct them by writing the correct word.



Bro it wont let me open the pic.


Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate word(s) below. Note any hints in parentheses. ​




2. Nous allons aux États-Unis.

3. Travaillez bien!

4. Carine? Oui, elle est très intelligente.

5. How do you say "I'm going to go to Paris" in French?

- Je vais aller à Paris.

6. Quel temps fait-il?

7. Nous avons fait du tennis hier.

8. How do you saz "She just left" in French?

- Elle vient de partir.

9. Pourquoi vas-tu à la librairie?

10. Parce que je veux acheter un livre en français.

A person from Quebec is travelling in France. When someone bumps into him, he says, "C'est correct" to mean, "It's okay." However, the French person is confused. Why?

The French do not normally talk to strangers.
The French use the expression Ça va rather than C'est correct.
The phrase C'est is only used in Canada.
The words C'est and correct do not appear in standard French.



The French use the expression "Ça va!" rather than "C'est correct!"




The French use the expression Ça va rather than C'est correct.

I'm French trust me

Replissez les points par des mots de la famille de l'adjectif "humain".
1) Nous avons fait tout ce qui était .....possible pour l'aider.
2) De nombreuses organisations ...... luttent pour un monde meilleur.
3) Ce que vous avez fait pour cet homme en difficulté est un geste d'......
4) Durant sa détention il a été soumis à un traitement......
5)Grâce à un effort......il a réussi à surmonter cet obstacle.
6)Le dicton latin << Errare humanum est>> veut dire que l'erreur est.....



1) Nous avons fait tout ce qui était ..humainement...possible pour l'aider.

2) De nombreuses organisations ..humanitaires .... luttent pour un monde meilleur.

3) Ce que vous avez fait pour cet homme en difficulté est un geste d'..humanité ...

4) Durant sa détention il a été soumis à un traitement..inhumain ...

5)Grâce à un effort.surhumain ....il a réussi à surmonter cet obstacle.

6)Le dicton latin << Errare humanum est>> veut dire que l'erreur est.humaine.....

Complétez la phrase avec la bonne conjugaison du verbe à l'imparfait.

Isabelle _____ un pull, des gants et une écharpe.




Isabelle portait un pull, des gants et une écharpe.

Have a good day ! :-)

Lisez la phrase suivante. Quel verbe ou quels verbes décrivent des actions interrompues par une autre action?

Les Martin marchaient dans les rues de Vieux Québec quand ils ont entendu de la musique et ils ont vu le défilé du Carnaval.

ont entendu
ont vu



The answer is: ont entendu!


I am an Expert in French!

I am a reliable source!

Thanks for posting!

Choisissez le verbe qui convient.

À l'hôtel, nous _____ à 8 heures tous les matins.




À l’hôtel, nous mangions à 8 heures tous les matins.

Have a good day ! :-)

Do some research on the Internet to find out more about schools in France and the United States. Then, based on your research, write a short essay in English of about 100-150 words comparing and contrasting the schools in these two countries. You can include some points about the primary language of instruction


We all know that despite the ocean separating them, France and the US have many differences, including school. Schools and school programs are designed and implemented in a variety of ways based on cultural and societal differences.

Here are the top ten distinctions between them.

The schedule: From kindergarten to tenth grade, students cannot choose their classes. Regardless of age, all French students follow the same curriculum.

In high school, they must take French (the equivalent of English for American students), Math Geography, History, Physical Education, Sciences (the equivalent of Biology and Anatomy), Chemistry, Sociology, and a Digital and Technological class. They also attend classes in English (the equivalent of Spanish), but also Spanish (sometimes German or Italian), and can, depending on the school, choose an option such as Art, Romana, or Drama, but they are not required to.

The organization consists of: In France, school days are longer. Students arrive at school between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. and leave around 5:30 p.m. But they get 2 weeks off for Thanksgiving, 2 for Christmas, 2 for February, and 2 for Easter.

All classes last 55 minutes, but students have a 15-minute break in the morning, a one-hour lunch break, and a final 10-minute break in the afternoon.

The national flag: The American flag is displayed in every classroom in the United States, and the pledge of allegiance is solemnly recited every morning. Similarly, the French flag is not flown in local schools because doing so would be viewed as too conservative.

Taps in hallways, vending machines for drinks, and lockers for each person: These things are very American, but you will not find them in France. All their belongings are kept in a backpack or a handbag for most girls. Except for those with food allergies, everyone at school is required to eat a hot lunch.

Transportation: Most American students take a school bus or drive themselves to school starting at the age of 16. In France, teenagers cannot obtain a driver's license until they reach the age of 18, which takes a significant amount of money and time. School buses are scarce, if not non-existent, and parents cannot always drive their children to school. As a result, they must rely on municipal buses, trains, subways (if they live in major cities), bicycles, walking from their homes, and occasionally motorcycles (the ones which do not need a license). It may only take a few minutes if they live close to the school, but they must usually switch, which may take more than an hour. As a result, students learn to be more self-sufficient, organized, and punctual.

Sports areas and fields: School sports in France are less important than in America. French students receive two hours of physical education per week, but there are no after-school activities such as football, basketball, or volleyball. France does not invest in school sports infrastructure because it is not necessary.

Every French school has a basic gym for sports lessons. When it comes to swimming, French students use the local municipal pool, while when it comes to running, students use the town's athletic track or a nearby public forest.

The school colors and mascot: A concept unique to the United States. Generally, French School uses its logo on official and significant documents, but only to certify them.

To summarize, French schools are primarily designed to teach students how to study and maintain a work ethic. Sports, spirit week, homecoming, games, and prom are all activities that the French School System prefers to avoid because they may be too entertaining for the students. During vacations and weekends, success comes first, followed by fun. French students often fantasize about the ambiance and events of American high schools after watching television shows and movies about them.

I hope this helps you



this is my answer if it helps


What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?
J'ai deux cousines.
O male cousins
O female cousins
male or female cousins



J’ai deux cousines.

Female cousins

Because :

Cousine = female cousin

Cousin = male cousin

Have a good day ! :-)


female cousins.


hope this helps .btw happy global money week

Is the second sentence right? I'm stuck on where to put y.

Est-ce que les repas sont bons chez toi?

Les repas y sont bien!



yes it is correct :)))))



Les repas y sont bien! incorrect
La bonne réponse:

Les repas y sont bons !

write answer = brainly; wrong answer= repoted;
In french write sentences using the possessive pronouns. Write six original sentences using the different forms (mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur or any of the plural / feminine forms) and your sentences should be logical.


ANSWER: 1.salut comment ca va. - hi how are you

2.est -ce que c'est ce que vous vouliez

What is Claude allergic to Injections.
Animals hair
animals breath



He is allergic to animals hair.


(This is note a french question)

Describe a French dish (a main course, a dessert, or a typical street food) and what you like or don’t like about it. Describe the main flavors and some of the main ingredients used. Discuss how that French dish compares to a similar dish from your country. For example, compare a French dessert with a dessert from your country.

Further your participation in the discussion by asking questions about the descriptions of dishes that others post, answering questions, and offering opinions.

Please answer in French.



Mon plat français préféré s'appelle un soufflé aux épinards. J'aime le goût du fromage et des épinards ensemble, et je n'aime pas que ce soit un peu trop ringard parfois


there you go


Je ne suis pas fan de la Soupe à l'oignon parce que je n'aime pas le fromage, sauf sur la pizza. Il s'agit d'une soupe traditionnelle française à base d'oignons et de bouillon de bœuf, généralement servie avec des croûtons et du fromage fondu sur le dessus.


Im not a fan of Soupe à l'oignon because I dont like cheese other than on pizza. This is a traditional French soup made of onions and beef stock, usually served with croutons and melted cheese on top

How was Nat turners rebellion a turning point for race relations in the us



The incident put fear in the heart of Southerners, ended the organized emancipation movement in that region, resulted in even harsher laws against enslaved people, and deepened the schism between slave-holders and free-soilers


Choisissez chaque phrase qui ne décrit pas le temps.

Il faisait du vent.
Il avait froid.
Il était triste.
Il faisait soleil.



Il était triste.

Avec vos amis, vous parlez de ce qu'on vous a offert pour vos vacances en
France. Identifiez qui vous a offert les choses suivantes.
1. Qui a offert les lunettes de soleil à Bernard?/sa mère
2. Qui vous a offert les billets d'avion?/vos parents
3. Qui a offert la valise à Sandrine?/sa grand-mère
4. Qui a offert les boissons aux passagers?/Mlle Bercy
5. Qui t'a offert les fleurs?/ta famille française
6. Qui nous a offert le repas au restaurant? les Garnier
7. Qui m'a offert leur voiture?/les amis de mes parents



1. Qui a offert les lunettes de soleil à Bernard?/

Sa mère lui  a offert les lunettes de soleil.

2. Qui vous a offert les billets d'avion?/vos parents

Mes parents m'ont offert les billets d'avion.

3. Qui a offert la valise à Sandrine?/sa grand-mère

Sa grand-mère lui a  offert la valise.

4. Qui a offert les boissons aux passagers?/Mlle Bercy

Mlle Bercy a offert les boissons aux passagers.

5. Qui t'a offert les fleurs?/ta famille française

Ma famille française  m'a  offert les fleurs.

6. Qui nous a offert le repas au restaurant? les Garnier

Les Garnier  nous ont offert le repas au restaurant.

7. Qui m'a offert leur voiture?/les amis de mes parents

Les amis de mes parents  m'ont offert leur voiture.

When you want to say "some" in French to indicate quantity in sentences such as: "I want some cake." or "I'd like some grapes." you only use de (or d’).



It could be de, des, d' or du.


Each of them are for different purposes. Some mean "of", "of the" or "some".

1. Paul est arrivé ............ deux jours, mais je ne l’ai pas encore vu.
a) depuis b) il y a c) dans d) pendant


Answer: Paul arrived two days, but I have not seen him yet.


Paul est arrivé il y a deux jours

Please help!!
Fill in the blank with à or en as appropriate.
Je rentre chez moi _____ train.
o à
o en

will mark brainliest





Je rentre chez moi __en ___ train.


im going home in a train or by an train


Dialogue de chaperon rouge


Red riding hood dialogue

Complétez la phrase avec la bonne conjugaison du verbe à l'imparfait.

Quand les Smith sont arrivés au Québec, il

fairais froid
faisais froid
faisait froid
fairait froid



Quand les Smith sont arrivés au Québec, il faisait froid.

Have a good day ! :-)

Write a paragraph of at least ten sentences in French about your city. Use vocabulary you learned in this lesson.

You can use the following phrases in French:

there is, near, far, next to, in my neighborhood, my house

Here is mine-

Je vis à Jacksonville, en Floride. Ma maison est proche du centre-ville. Le centre-ville est toujours bondé et animé. Il y a beaucoup de magasins à visiter et de nourriture à essayer. Ma maison est proche du centre-ville mais encore loin. Ma maison est à proximité de nombreux fast-foods. Nous avons un Walmart et un Publix à proximité. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à faire ici pour s'amuser. Nous avons un parc et la plage à proximité, mais c'est tout. J'aime beaucoup ma ville et mon état.

does it work?



Yes it does.

Compose complete sentences in French describing what the people in the illustrations are doing.



l'homme joue du piano

ils manger des pommes



Il joue au pianoElles mangent les pommes


will give brainliest

Which of the following statements accurately describe the average French work schedule? (Select all that apply)

The work week is 35 hours.
The work week is 40 plus hours.
Workers have five weeks paid vacation.
Workers have two weeks paid vacation.
The average work week is longer in France than in the United States.



the work week is 35 hours


1.5.2 test (cst) French 2


Answer: this doesn't connect to anything

Explanation: this doesn't connect to anything

Jeanne d'Arc est partie au combat pour libérer la France en______​



1492 ou mille quatre cent quatre-vingt-douze



Jeanne d'Arc est partie au combat pour libérer la France en 1429.

Elle arrive à Chinon en février 1429 pour rencontrer le roi.

Lisez la phrase et choisissez la réponse qui la complète le mieux.

Au Québec, le mot souper veut dire:

le repas qu'on mange le soir.
le repas qu'on mange le matin.
le repas qu'on mange à midi.



Au Québec, le mot souper veut dire :

Le repas qu’on mange le soir.

Have a good day ! :-)



Au Québec, le mot souper veut dire:

- le repas qu'on mange le soir.


le repas qu'on mange le matin : le déjeuner

le repas qu'on mange à midi : le dîner

Other Questions
Two practical actions learners could take to improve their chances of receiving a bursary for tertiary education Read this stanza from Allen Ginsbergs "A Supermarket in California. " I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork chops? What price bananas? Are you my Angel? What is happening in this stanza? The speaker is imagining the questions Whitman would ask if he were there. The speaker is dreaming about what goods he will be purchasing. The speaker is asking the grocery clerks about the freshness of the meat and the cost of the fruit. The speaker is quizzing the butcher and produce workers to see if they are knowledgeable employees. You haven't finished your benchmark. You will have access to your student dashboard after you complete the benchmark. a Tiredness b Hunger c Thirst ____ is the body's way of telling you it needs rest. Sodium is metal or nonmetal Some economists believe that sound fiscal and monetary policy can reduce the amount of time the economy is in the ____ stage of the business cycle. I MET a traveller from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desert . Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies,whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them,and the heart that fed;And on the pedestal these words appear:My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.Which word supports the meaning of boundless? (10 points)FarWreckO Lone Level can someone please help me ;w; i would appreciate it What does it mean if a boy say you cant keep up with me shordy ? Is it bad or good or like ..? What?? Someone please tell me . PLEASE HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST PLEASE I REALLY NEED HELPWhich statements describe how the British controlled their colonies? Choose four correct answers.A:After the Boer War, the Boers ruled themselves in South Africa.B:Wars affected the ways Britain ruled its colonies.C:Britain granted equal rights to all Africans.D:Britain allowed Africans to benefit from their natural resources.E:An independent South Africa was formed.F:Britain did not protect the rights of black Africans. PLEASE HELP!!How did the ending make you feel? Why? Explain. 1-2 paragraphs with evidence from the text to support your ideas.STORY IS BELOW! :D explain the importance of computer graphics? A square and an equiangular triangle have the same perimeter. If the area of the square is 144 cm2, what is the length of one side of the triangle What form of government ruled over both France and America before their revolutions?a direct democracyb oligarchyc parliamentary democracyd monarchy Identify the correctly balanced chemical reaction.*CasH52(1) + 38 O2(g) 25 CO2(g) + 26 H2O(g)O CasH=2(1) + 18 0:(9) 25 CO(g) + 11 H:0(9)2 C2:H:2(1) + 51 O2(g) 50 CO(g) + 52 H2O(g)O CasH:2() + 38 0:(9) 25 CO:(9) + 26 H:0(1) Your employer has a legal responsibility to protect you from legal penalties in the event you serve alcohol illegally. TRUE OR FALSE What is the volume of the figure below if a = 9 units and b = 7 units?A. 364.5 cubic unitsB. 1,296 cubic unitsC. 1,012.5 cubic unitsD. 760.5 cubic units The original price of a dress is $39.99. Julie buys the dress when it is on sale for 10% off its original price. Two weeks later, Mindy buys the same dress when it is now on sale for 20% off its original price.How much more money did Julie spend than Mindy on the dress?$ [blank] Enter your answer as a number. If it is a decimal, round it to the nearest whole number, like this: 42 please help me with it because the deadline is tommorw was Alexander the great worthy of his title