Composition of malshej ghat in marathi


Answer 1


आकाशाला भिडलेल्या उत्तुंग कड्यांवर कोसळणारा मुसळधार पाऊस आणि शुभ्र खळखळत फेसाळत येणारे धबधबे, हिरव्या गालिच्यांवर हळुवार सरकणाऱ्या दाट ढगांची गर्दी, त्यातून वळणे घेत मधेच बोगद्यात जाणारा रस्ता हे अनुभवायचे असेल तर नगर - कल्याण रस्त्यावरच्या माळशेज घाटात जायलाच हवे. जिथे घाट रस्ता सुरू होतो तिथे दरीत घुसलेल्या एका पठारावर पर्यटकांच्या सोयीसाठी एमटीडीसीचे रिझॉर्ट आहे. जवळच खुबी गावाजवळ पिंपळगांव धरणाचा सुंदर जलाशय आहे.

आकाशाला भिडलेल्या उत्तुंग कड्यांवर कोसळणारा मुसळधार पाऊस आणि शुभ्र खळखळत फेसाळत येणारे धबधबे, हिरव्या गालिच्यांवर हळुवार सरकणाऱ्या दाट ढगांची गर्दी, त्यातून वळणे घेत मधेच बोगद्यात जाणारा रस्ता हे अनुभवायचे असेल तर नगर - कल्याण रस्त्यावरच्या माळशेज घाटात जायलाच हवे. जिथे घाट रस्ता सुरू होतो तिथे दरीत घुसलेल्या एका पठारावर पर्यटकांच्या सोयीसाठी एमटीडीसीचे रिझॉर्ट आहे. जवळच खुबी गावाजवळ पिंपळगांव धरणाचा सुंदर जलाशय आहे.इथली खासियत म्हणजे ’रोहित पक्षी’. फ्लेमिंगो म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे हे परदेशी पाहुणे दरवर्षी या जलाशयात येतात. माळशेज हा मुख्य घाट रस्ता असल्याने एसटी च्या बऱ्याच गाड्या पुण्या-मुंबईहून ये-जा करत असतात. स्वतःच्या वाहनाने गेल्यास पुण्याहून एक दिवसाची पावसाळी सहल सहज घडेल.

आकाशाला भिडलेल्या उत्तुंग कड्यांवर कोसळणारा मुसळधार पाऊस आणि शुभ्र खळखळत फेसाळत येणारे धबधबे, हिरव्या गालिच्यांवर हळुवार सरकणाऱ्या दाट ढगांची गर्दी, त्यातून वळणे घेत मधेच बोगद्यात जाणारा रस्ता हे अनुभवायचे असेल तर नगर - कल्याण रस्त्यावरच्या माळशेज घाटात जायलाच हवे. जिथे घाट रस्ता सुरू होतो तिथे दरीत घुसलेल्या एका पठारावर पर्यटकांच्या सोयीसाठी एमटीडीसीचे रिझॉर्ट आहे. जवळच खुबी गावाजवळ पिंपळगांव धरणाचा सुंदर जलाशय आहे.इथली खासियत म्हणजे ’रोहित पक्षी’. फ्लेमिंगो म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे हे परदेशी पाहुणे दरवर्षी या जलाशयात येतात. माळशेज हा मुख्य घाट रस्ता असल्याने एसटी च्या बऱ्याच गाड्या पुण्या-मुंबईहून ये-जा करत असतात. स्वतःच्या वाहनाने गेल्यास पुण्याहून एक दिवसाची पावसाळी सहल सहज घडेल.माळशेज घाटातल्या विश्रांती घराच्या (?)

आकाशाला भिडलेल्या उत्तुंग कड्यांवर कोसळणारा मुसळधार पाऊस आणि शुभ्र खळखळत फेसाळत येणारे धबधबे, हिरव्या गालिच्यांवर हळुवार सरकणाऱ्या दाट ढगांची गर्दी, त्यातून वळणे घेत मधेच बोगद्यात जाणारा रस्ता हे अनुभवायचे असेल तर नगर - कल्याण रस्त्यावरच्या माळशेज घाटात जायलाच हवे. जिथे घाट रस्ता सुरू होतो तिथे दरीत घुसलेल्या एका पठारावर पर्यटकांच्या सोयीसाठी एमटीडीसीचे रिझॉर्ट आहे. जवळच खुबी गावाजवळ पिंपळगांव धरणाचा सुंदर जलाशय आहे.इथली खासियत म्हणजे ’रोहित पक्षी’. फ्लेमिंगो म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे हे परदेशी पाहुणे दरवर्षी या जलाशयात येतात. माळशेज हा मुख्य घाट रस्ता असल्याने एसटी च्या बऱ्याच गाड्या पुण्या-मुंबईहून ये-जा करत असतात. स्वतःच्या वाहनाने गेल्यास पुण्याहून एक दिवसाची पावसाळी सहल सहज घडेल.माळशेज घाटातल्या विश्रांती घराच्या (?)मागे हरिश्‍चंद्र गडाची उत्तुंग डोंगररांग पसरलेली आहे. समोरच्या दरीच्या तळात घनदाट जंगलामुळे इथे ससा, घोरपड, मुंगूस, बिबळ्या अशा वन्य प्राण्यांचा वावर असतो. सैबेरियातून येणाऱ्या फ्लेमिंगो पक्ष्यांचे थवे घाटाच्या अलीकडे डोंगरवाडीजवळच्या शेतांमध्ये साचलेल्या पाण्यात भक्ष्य टिपायला जुलै ते सप्टेंबर महिन्यात येतात.

आकाशाला भिडलेल्या उत्तुंग कड्यांवर कोसळणारा मुसळधार पाऊस आणि शुभ्र खळखळत फेसाळत येणारे धबधबे, हिरव्या गालिच्यांवर हळुवार सरकणाऱ्या दाट ढगांची गर्दी, त्यातून वळणे घेत मधेच बोगद्यात जाणारा रस्ता हे अनुभवायचे असेल तर नगर - कल्याण रस्त्यावरच्या माळशेज घाटात जायलाच हवे. जिथे घाट रस्ता सुरू होतो तिथे दरीत घुसलेल्या एका पठारावर पर्यटकांच्या सोयीसाठी एमटीडीसीचे रिझॉर्ट आहे. जवळच खुबी गावाजवळ पिंपळगांव धरणाचा सुंदर जलाशय आहे.इथली खासियत म्हणजे ’रोहित पक्षी’. फ्लेमिंगो म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे हे परदेशी पाहुणे दरवर्षी या जलाशयात येतात. माळशेज हा मुख्य घाट रस्ता असल्याने एसटी च्या बऱ्याच गाड्या पुण्या-मुंबईहून ये-जा करत असतात. स्वतःच्या वाहनाने गेल्यास पुण्याहून एक दिवसाची पावसाळी सहल सहज घडेल.माळशेज घाटातल्या विश्रांती घराच्या (?)मागे हरिश्‍चंद्र गडाची उत्तुंग डोंगररांग पसरलेली आहे. समोरच्या दरीच्या तळात घनदाट जंगलामुळे इथे ससा, घोरपड, मुंगूस, बिबळ्या अशा वन्य प्राण्यांचा वावर असतो. सैबेरियातून येणाऱ्या फ्लेमिंगो पक्ष्यांचे थवे घाटाच्या अलीकडे डोंगरवाडीजवळच्या शेतांमध्ये साचलेल्या पाण्यात भक्ष्य टिपायला जुलै ते सप्टेंबर महिन्यात येतात. पावसाळ्यात माळशेज घाटाकडे जाताना दूर डावीकडे डोंगरात खूप उंचावरून कोसळणारा धबधबा दिसतो. तीन धारांमध्ये कोसळणारा हा धबधबा पहाण्यासाठी फक्त पावसाळ्यातच जावे लागते


Answer 2

Answer: मराठीत माळशेज घाटाची रचना करण्यासाठी तुम्ही वाक्यांमध्ये उपमा, वर्णन आणि प्राकृतिक सौंदर्याचे वर्णन करू शकता.

Explanation: माळशेज घाट एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थळ आहे, ज्याच्या पायावर शिमगाची झरे धुंदार वाहतात आणि पहाडींचे शेतकरी आपली सजीव तुटवतात. या घाटावर स्थित झरे पाने अत्यंत खूप आहेत, ज्यांनी पावसाळ्यात एक प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य अद्याप ठेवलं आहे. त्याच्या आसपास वृक्ष, पानवनस्पतींची प्रचुरता, रंगबिरंगी फुले आणि पर्यटकांना आकर्षित करणारे चित्रकार्य आपल्याला आनंददायी अनुभवाची सादरीकरण करतात. माळशेज घाट एक उंच मालकीचे ठिकाण आहे. त्यात झरे धुंदार वाहतात आणि पावसाळ्यात या घाटावर पाने अत्यंत प्रचंड पाण्याच्या झरांची दृष्टी घेतली जाते. या घाटावर आढळून येणाऱ्या वनस्पतींची वृद्धी, पक्ष्यांची चहाणे आणि त्याच्या आसपास वातावरणाची अद्यावत नजरेत येते. तीरच्या विश्रांतीच्या ठिकाणी प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य आपल्या मनाला शांतता देते.

Related Questions

PLEASE HELP ME! So I got my school's Chinese teachers email, but I don't know what to email him. I want to tell him my name, what I need help with and wat I already know.... How Can I put that in words?? 0_o



Good (Morning, Evening, Afternoon) sir

Hope u r having a nice day

This is (name). I know (the thing u know write here) these things already.

I dont really understand these concepts:

(What all u hv as dbts)

Hope u will be able to clear by dbts

Eagerly waiting for ur reply


Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Mark my ans as brainliest and get free 3 points

Hello, as a chinese i can put it in a format for you. So for your name say
“我的名字叫 ( insert your name)”. For what you know say “ 我知道(insert what u know)” and for what you need help with say “ 我需要帮慢(insert what u need help with) “ !

Please mark my answer as the best.
Hope that helps :)

Très discipulī fēlēs et mūrēs habent.



Amico, et quid facere in hac quaestione est hoc?

How do I translate this sentence into latin?
Iulius' stick is on the table.​



Lulius 'lignum est in mensa.



Il bastone di Iulius è sul tavolo


Write a short narrative describing a time when you communicated to message you later wished you could take back.



Maybe you can write about a lost loved one or an opportunity that you missed.


The one time i've ever been alone with her, that was when it happened. Every single one of us had a highschool crush, mine was more than that. I even asked my friends to test and try me in order to see if it was love, a crush or insanity. We were actually "friends" with her, Anna was her name, and she and i mostly met in groups, either to do homework or just hang around, but one time we just agreed to meet up only the two of us. Things were going well, we were talking, making jokes and telling us each other secrets, we were habing such a nice time until another friend of mine texted me on my phone inviting me to a party nearby. I asked Anna if she could wait a second so i could reply the messege, i typed "Hey man, i am sorry i won't be going, but guess what, i am right now alone with Anna, remember? the love of my life? hehe" and here it comes. In my hurry to reply my friend and get back to Anna, i sent the message to... Anna herself.


can anyone give me a list of words in spanish i can write down



1: el alga - Sea weed

2: el ratón - rat  

3: el tallo - Stem

4: la servilleta - Napkin

5: el caldero - pot

6: las gafas del sol - Sunglasses

7: el vestido - Clothing

8: el cerdo - Hog

9: el escarabajo - Beetle

10: el equipo - Team


Hola = Hello.

Adiós = Goodbye.

Por favor = Please.

Gracias = Thank you.

Lo siento = Sorry.

Salud = Bless you (after someone sneezes)

Sí = Yes.

No = No.

Radiante = Radiant


ASAP Please someone help me (task 3. , 4. and 5.)



Task 3:

a) leche

b)agua mineral

c) huevos

d) patatas


f) pan

g) tomates

in which system is the executive leader a part of both the executive and legislative branch


I have not heard of such a system. Perhaps the closest system to which your question describes is a democracy. If the question has multiple answers, tell me them, and I can better assist you.

I've been wondering, Why do people like to have different pronouns? And why do they pronounce themselves as a trans? (This is a question for my class)



Some people are born lets say a female but in reality they are males, so they go through some procedures to make themselves more comfortable in their own skin. They pronounce themselves as trans because they transitioned into their preferable gender.


(my friend is trans so I understand this topic very well)

people have pronouns such as she/her, he/him. some people go by ‘it’ as well. they go by pronouns because they want to express their gender/sex so things don’t get confusing. people also go by trans. why? well, trans is the meaning of a female turning into the opposite sex and a male turning into the opposite sex. another reason for having pronouns is very simple. if you get in a relationship with someone, you have to tell them your pronouns. even if you have the figure of a female or male. if they don’t get accepted for who they are, then it is what it is. people whom are attracted to the same sex are homosexual, people whom are attracted to both sexes are bisexual and people whom are attracted to transsexual people are called pansexual.

hope this helps!

LATIN TO ENGLISH. 4. Dominus Gladius unam (one) félem oboedientem et mitem habet.
5. Três discipuli fèlès et mürës habent.
6. Septem discipulae equos magnős, oboedientēs, et mītēs habent.
7. Ego (I) non habeo duos (two) rattõs parvös, sed tü (you) unum simium habës.
8. Quinque (five) puellae nön volunt et non habent testüdines ferocës, rattős magnős, vel (or)



4. The sword is the one (one) cat has an ear and mild.

5. Tres students have cats and rats.

6 Seven students a great team, obedience and mildly sick.

7. I (1) I have two (two) rat small but tu (you) one ape important.

8. The five (five) girls are not willing and do not have a tortoise ferocious dirty great either (or)


Anyone​ from nepal here?can you please tell me something about murtikala( statues)from​ nepali subject​



मुर्ति कला भनेको एउटा एस्तो कला हो जुन्बता हम्मी विभिन्न किसिम का मुर्ति बनयर आफ्नो क्षमता देखाउन सक्क्सौ

out of 1oo students, 80 passed in science, 71 in mathematics, 10 failed in both subject and 7 did not appear the examination. find the number of students who passed in passed in both subject by representing the given information in a venn diagram​



32 students passed in both subject

what ocean lies to the north of where scientists believe there was a bridge? please fast answer thx



Bering Sea



As a waterway, the Bering Strait connects the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean over the polar ice cap, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. The climate of the Bering Land Bridge (BLB) when it was above sea level during the Pleistocene was long thought to have been primarily a herbaceous tundra or steppe-tundra.


Hope this help!!

Please mark me brainiest!!!

Identify the figurative language used by Robert Francis in "The Base Stealer."
Write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences in which you identify at least 3 examples of
figurative language in the poem and explain how those examples convey meaning in the
poem. (20 points)
Poised between going on and back, pulled
Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker,
Fingertips pointing the opposites,
Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball
Or a kid skipping rope, come on, come on,
Running a scattering of steps sidewise,
How he teeters, skitters, tingles, teases,
Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird,
He's only flirting, crowd him, crowd him,
Delicate, delicate, delicate, delicate - now!
HTML Editora


The above poem refers to a basketball player who, during the game, is reflecting on whether or not to steal a base. The tension of the game and the reflection makes the player tense, anxious and apprehensive. These sensations, as well as the scenario in which the poem is established, are made with the use of figurative language that is established with the use of similes, where the poet compares the player's situation with other elements. The use of figurative language through similes can be seen in the lines:

"Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker, "

"Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball "

"Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird, "

Figurative language aims to use words that have one meaning, to express another meaning. This expression is made subjectively and not literally. In the lines above, figurative language is used to show how tense, agile and attentive the player was.

samaas of 1-gangaatat 2-daakagaadee (write in hindi)



1-गंगातट 2-दकागाडे के समास


hope this helps you :)

Энд монгол хүүхэд байнуу



Би ч бас монгол хүн


Microscope : Science


What's the question

A verb that does not transfer its a action to an object is call______. a.)a transitive verb b.)an intransitive verb c.)either one depending on the sentence d.)none of the above



b) an intransitive verb

Hope it helps.

Answer: its b


Autumn is Tom's favorite season of the year. Every day he walks to and from school
and enjoys seeing how the leaves on the trees gradually change. Over a few weeks,
they turn from green to red and gold. With each passing day, Tom notes the changing
patterns of the trees
Which word is an ANTONYM for the word gradually?



the answer is suddenly


gradually means slowly

so, it's obvious that the opposite will be suddenly (quickly)

finally - at last

simply - directly or plainly

carefully - with care

as you can see they do not apply

hope this helps  (●'◡'●)

tuliskan satu rangkap pantun tentang kebebasan​



saat saya mendaki bukit menuju kebebasan dan berlari melalui kaktus di atas pasir gurun, kaki saya tidak berhenti

Saya mendengar suara-suara di kepala saya dan berpikir seperti apa rumah saya

hatiku berjalan bebas aku mendengar suara teriakan "halo! halo!" dan suara-suara di bawah "selamat tinggal. selamat tinggal."

Saya merasa sedih tetapi senang mengetahui saya akan kembali ke tempat saya berasal. Mereka tidak tahu mengapa saya ingin pergi sekarang saatnya tetapi ketika mereka menangis, giliran saya untuk mati


i have to take latin 2 this year but idk any latin!.......... can someone pls help me??........ Brainliest+50 points........ help would be really appreciated...... pls translate the following sentences...pls dont use google translate becuz its inaccurate ........ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Architectus, ubi verba insolentia fabri audivit, servos suos arcessivit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------servi, ab architecto arcessiti, fabrum comprehenderunt et in balnum deiecerunt



1. Architect, When he heard the unusual nature of workmen, He called his servants

2. Servants, get the architects and the engineer thrown and seized into the bath

Hope it helps

Mark it as Brainliest!!!

If you can speak Chinese or Korean pls hewp me....Brainiest to the nicest person


What is the question
I speak Mandarin and write in simplified (chinese). I can help if still needed.

Help me translate Korean into English thanks


It says "I love you." It is missing any pronouns, and in that case this sentence just says "Love", however since korean is mainly a context based language, "I love you" is still the correct translation.


it means "love you"

what is ~에서~까지~? How do I use it?



The language is Korean.....

It means From-from

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Mark my ans as brainliest and get free 5 points

“에서” is used to denote the location in which someone is doing something. For example, “저는 학교에서 공부해요” means “I study at/in school.”
“까지” means until/till. For example, “3시까지 기다릴 거예요” means “I will wait until 3:00.”

what is a synonym for noteworthy



Important, significant, notable,special, memorable ,uncommon


Here's some, hope it helps!


7. When parking in a perpendicular space, it is often a good idea to:
A. Back up into the space
B. Enter the space at a 30 degree angle
C. Occupy two spaces if possible





I'm writing this to reach 20+

I handed Dad the ................ so he could pull out the staple.​



Staple remover, maybe do you have choices, pliers


When indexing multiple concepts in space, the second step is to give each their own space create a mental picture assign spaces during conversation point to the person in the room


You have to add the index into the perimeter to get the answer going into the space for mental


give each their own space


i got the question right :)

Someone can help me? Please



a: que

b: que

c: como

d: que

e: que

f: que

g: que

h: como

i: que

j: como

Hierdie gedig bestaan uit



this poem consists of


Hierdie gedig bestaan uit

Hierdie means this

gedid means poem

bestaan means consists

uit means of

Ummm... Does anyone know anime recommendations :D And how do you say trash can in Japanese ( ̄∇ ̄)


have you watched basic ones already or are you new?? :p hunterxhunter, haikyuu, and death note are some good starters!! and i think ごみ箱 <3


Trash can: ごみ箱


Anime recommendations: Haikyuu! , Death Note , HunterXHunter , Blue Exorcist , Attack On Titan ( full season on Funimation ) , Food Wars , Ouran Host Club.

Other Questions
The following events took place for Rushmore Biking Inc. during February, the first month of operations as a producer of road bikes:Purchased $480,000 of materials.Used $434,500 of direct materials in production.Incurred $125,000 of direct labor wages.Applied factory overhead at a rate of 40% of direct labor cost.Transferred $578,000 of work in process to finished goods.Sold goods with a cost of $550,000.Revenues earned by selling bikes, $910,000.Incurred $185,000 of selling expenses.Incurred $90,000 of administrative expenses.Required:a. Prepare the income statement for Rushmore Biking Inc. for the month ending February 28. Assume that Rushmore Biking Inc. uses the perpetual inventory method.b. Determine the inventory balances on February 28, the end of the first month of operations. The school of thought that defines psychology as a study of observable behavior is __________. A. structuralism B. behaviorism C. functionalism D. cubism it's physics not English lol A company is considering several investment opportunities. The investments have been evaluated using payback period and break-even time. Only one project will be chosen and time value of money is important. The company should choose the project which the:_______. [tex]6\sqrt{7-11}\sqrt{7+2}\sqrt{7}[/tex] PLEASE ANSWER QUICK!Kierran is trying to find the circumference of a circle. He knows that the radius (r) of the circle is 6 feet and that the diameter, d=2r. Which formula should he use?A) A=3.14(2r)^2B) C=3.14(2r)C) A=3.14d^3D) C=3.14(2D) On August 1 of Year 1, a company paid $1,200 cash in exchange for an insurance policy that protects the company from loss due to fire for a one year term. Based solely on this information, how will the December 31, Year 1 financial statements be affected Which of the following is not a way in which antihistamines may affect transduction pathways? (1 point) They prevent enzymes from transforming histidine into histamine. They prevent release of histamine by blocking signal transduction. They reduce cellular response by blocking signal transduction. They reduce histamine in the blood by binding to and destroying it. what perspective says that culture reflects and enforces society's Central values? Round 24.772 to each value listed belowNearest tens:Nearest tenths:Nearest whole:Nearest hundredths The scores of players on a golf team are shown on the table Celia-3 Janine 3 Sami 1 Ted 4 Travis 0 The team combined score was 0. What was Travis score? Solve for y.6 = -2/9v How do Newton's laws of motion explain why it is important to keep the ice smooth on a hockey rink so that playerscan pass a puck as quickly as possible? A. Smooth ice reduces the inertia of the hockey puck. B.Smooth ice increases the force used to accelerate the hockey puck. C. Smooth ice reduces the unbalanced forces that would slow the hockey puck. D. Smooth ice decreases the reaction force that the ice exerts on the hockey puck. 42. Variation which exhibits a wide range from oneextreme to the other isA. phenotypic variation.B. discontinuous variation.C. continuous variation.D. genotypic variation the ratio of peanuts to raisins in a snack mix is 5:4. A bag of the snack mix contains 200 peanuts. How many raisins are in the bag? List the main term for the following diagnosis. Dermatitis due to allergy: The process of converting log entry fields into a standard format is called _______. Fama and French (1992) found that the stocks of firms within the highest decile of book-to-market ratios had an average annual return of _______, while the stocks of firms within the lowest decile of book-to-market ratios had an average annual return of ________. Group of answer choices 13.2%; 16.4% 11.1%; 17.2% 15.6%; 13.1% 17.2%; 11.1% A certain shade of lavender is created by adding 5 cups of purple paint to 8 cups of white paint. a. How many cups of purple paint should be added to 1 cup of white paint? Cups of white paint Cups of purple paint 1 8 b. What is the constant of proportionality? how to do this question plz answer me step by step plzz A top performer routinely arrives late to work. When questioned, rather than providing an explanation, she just says that she'll take a shorter lunch hour. Because of her performance, her manager allows this behavior to continue. Which risk does the manager take by failing to apply policy consistently