Describe ways that water pollution occurs. Describe how greenhouse gases contribute to climate change.


Answer 1

Greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming (short-wave) radiation from the sun but block infrared (long-wave) radiation from leaving the earth's atmosphere. This green house effect traps radiation from the sun and the planet's surface.

Related Questions

____________ a regulatory protein that may bind DNA to inhibit transcription. ____________ a DNA sequence that binds a regulatory protein. ____________a DNA sequence that binds RNA polymerase and regulates transcription. ____________a compound that interacts with another protein or compound to form an active repressor ____________a compound that induces or activates transcription, such as lactose.a. Repressorb. Operator c. Promoterd. Corepressore. Inducer



A repressor is a regulatory protein that may bind DNA to inhibit transcription. An operator is a DNA sequence that binds a regulatory protein. A promoter is a DNA sequence that binds RNA polymerase and regulates transcription. A corepressor is a compound that interacts with another protein or compound to form an active repressor. An inducer is a compound that induces or activates transcription, such as lactose.


Repressor proteins bind to DNA and RNA to suppress target gene expression. A DNA repressor blocks transcription by inhibiting the attachment of RNA polymerase to the promoter sequence, while an RNA repressor bind to the mRNA to block translation of the protein. An operator is a DNA sequence required for the attachment of transcription factors. The genes that are transcribed by the binding of a transcription factor to an operator sequence are collectively referred to as an operon. Operons are generally found in prokaryotes but they also can be found in some eukaryotes including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. An inducer is a molecule that activates gene transcription either by binding to repressors/corepressors (thereby inactivating their functions) or by binding activators. For example, the allolactose act as an inducer of the lac operon.

If the gene encoding one of the proteins that forms cohesin were mutated such that cohesin could not perform its normal function, what would be the consequence? Check all that apply.



The following apply:

- Chromosomes would not be able to condense.

- Chromosomes would not be able to properly align at the metaphase plate.

- The separation of sister chromatids would not likely occur specifically during anaphase A.

- The nuclear envelope would not be able to reform.

The mechanisms regulating sodium and water balance help maintain blood pressure homeostasis. These mechanisms include the renin-angiotensin II mechanism, neural regulation, and ADH.

Match each item to the appropriate category. Keep in mind relationships may be direct or indirect.

1. Angiotensin II.
2. Sympathetic Nervous System
3. Both

a. stimulates ADH release
b. stimulates renin release
c. stimuates aldosterone release
d. increases sodium uptake
e. increases water reabsorption
f. stimulates vasoconstriction
g. increases peripheral resistance
h. stimulated by baroreceptors in blood vessels
i. stimulated by low blood pressure or volume



a. stimulates ADH release : 2. Sympathetic Nervous System

b. stimulates renin release : 2. Sympathetic Nervous System

c. stimulates aldosterone release:  3. Both

d. increases sodium uptake : 1. Angiotensin II  

e. increases water reabsorption:  2. Sympathetic Nervous System

f. stimulates vasoconstriction:  1. Angiotensin II.

g. increases peripheral resistance : 1. Angiotensin II.

h. stimulated by baroreceptors in blood vessels:  2. Sympathetic Nervous System

i. stimulated by low blood pressure or volume: 3. Both


The antidiuretic hormone is one of the hormones released by the hypothalamus (regulator center in the brain) and collected by the posterior hypophysis from where they are then released again to the system.  This hormone, also known as vasopressin hormone, is released by changes in serum osmolarity or blood pressure. The osmotic receptors are located in the hypothalamus, while the pressure receptors are located in the heart, the aorta, and carotids. The amount of hormone secreted depends on these two aspects. Its function is to keep homeostasis and make kidneys conserve or excrete water to regulate its volume. The antidiuretic hormone stimulates water reabsorption when factors such as dehydration or hemorrhages are causing an increase in blood solutes. It might also stimulate water excretion when solutes in the blood are very low or blood pressure is too high.

Aldosterone is another hormone that acts stimulating the sodium ions reabsorption. This hormone production is controlled by a circuit named the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This system is activated by the decrease of blood supply to the kidney, and hence, the decrease in blood pressure and sodium concentration. These factors cause the release of the renin, a proteolytic enzyme that acts on angiotensinogen producing angiotensin I which is converted into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a peripheric vasoconstrictor peptide, that can increase the blood pressure when it is circulating in the plasma. It also stimulates the secretion of aldosterone.      

¿Qué características crees que deben tener los métodos anticonceptivos para ser eficaces en el control de la natalidad?



Los métodos anticonceptivos para ser eficaces en el control de la natalidad deben ser seguros para las personas que los utilizan, es decir, no tener efectos adversos, o al menos, la menor cantidad posible. Ser reversibles, es decir, que no generen infertilidad de por vida. Deben ser además fáciles de usar, cómodos y fáciles de conseguir, esto es, económicos. Además deben ser eficientes en su objetivo de evitar la concepción, que es para lo que fueron creados.


La tasa de eficacia de un método anticonceptivo se mide por la cantidad de embarazos que se producen cada 100. Esta parece ser la característica más importante, y si bien es una de las más importantes, hay que tener en cuenta todos los otros factores mencionados, es decir que la gente pueda acceder a ellos, sean cómodos, seguros y a un precio coherente.

provide the labels of the angiosperm flower shown below ​









8.ovule with enbryo sac

Please answer the following Anthropology questions fully, thoroughly, and in depth.

Part i. What adaptations are associated with an insectivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part ii. What adaptations are associated with a gummivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part iii. What adaptations are associated with a frugivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part iv. What adaptations are associated with a folivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part v. What adaptations are associated with vertical clinging and leaping? Give an example of a primate that practices this form of locomotion.


The examples that you need are 1-Gummivory: marmoset, tamarins; 2-Frugivores: spider monkey, ray-bellied night monkey (owl monkey); 3-Folivory: howler monkey, leaf monkey, colobine; and 4-Vertical clinging and leaping: lemurs and tarsiers

A gummivore is an animal (in this case, a primate) with a feeding strategy that depends on the sap or gum from trees. It is a type of diet that consists primarily of exudates. Some adaptations observed in these species include: 1-specialized anterior teeth in order to stab bark; 2-well-developed claws for clinging to trees

Frugivores primates have a feeding strategy mainly based on raw fruits. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-low rounded molar cusps and 2-broad incisors.

Folivore primates (also called leaf-eating monkeys) have a feeding strategy mainly based on leaves. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-narrow incisors, 2-broad molars (high shearing crests), 3-thin enamel molars.

Vertical clinging and leaping is an arboreal locomotor pattern practiced by lemurs and tarsiers. These animals push off from one vertical support with their hindlimbs to land on another vertical support. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-hips, knees, feet, arms, and tails that facilitate climbing and leaping, 2-large hip extensor muscles and 3-specialized minor muscles.

Learn more about these issues here:

What happens when the density of a medium increases?


A substance that is more dense per volume has more mass per volume. Usually, larger molecules have more mass. If a material is more dense because its molecules are larger, it will transmit sound slower.

Draw the egg and label it​



What egg?




/         \

|           |


The lemming is a small mammals with a very high daily energy expenditure for its size. Based on what you learned in the panda case study, what would you predict about the lemming


Answer is give below


In the panda case study, we know that here lemming is a small mammal with the very high daily energy expenditure for its size so as per this predict about the lemming that there would not be an affect since the human body does not need any fat and the small intestine would not be able to absorb fats.

A purebred tall pea plant is cross-pollinated with a tall, heterozygous pea plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability the offspring inherita
recessive short allele. (I point)





because if you use the box method you see that half receive a short alele.

T     t  

T TT  Tt

T TT   Tt

As observed in Protein Workshop, the guanidinobenzoyl group of the substrate is bound to the domain of the protein that ___________ contain the L1 and L2 regions.


It DOES contain the L1 and L2 regions

Alexei Romanov suffered from hemophilia, a condition that (1 point)
causes the body to produce too many blood cells due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.
o prevents blood from clotting normally due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.
O causes the body to produce abnormally shaped red blood cells due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.
o prevents the body from absorbing vitamin B12 due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.



prevents blood from clotting normally due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.


Haemophilia is a genetic disorder which could be inherited and it is characterized by constant bleeding and loss of blood when injuries occur. This is as a result of the inability of the body to form fibril proteins. The fibril proteins are responsible for the production of platelets . The platelets are responsible for the clotting of blood.

This validates haemophilia being a disorder which prevent blood from clotting normally due to the body's inability to form fibrin proteins.

For those who need more answers

1. Adenine

2. Prevents blood from clotting normally due to the bodys inability to form fibrin proteins

3. TCA

4. DNA has the sugars deoxyribose, while RNA has the sugar ribose

5. tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and helps form proteins

Should we include viruses in the domains of life ? Why ?



Today, there is no solid evidence for the existence of a viral domain of life or for a significant implication of viruses in the origin of the cellular domains.


g You can find the results of the seedling experiment hereLinks to an external site.. Carry out the hypothesis test that you have identified in the previous problem; which is closest to the p-value that you obtain?Group of answer choices0.





The seedling experiment is the mobilization of reserves during the seed experiment. Development of embryo exist in the seedling. When the test is carried out the p-value obtained is near to 0.781 which is approximately 0.080. The calculation is 10 * 0.07 / 8.75 after solving the equation which we get is 0.080.

During the performance of the simple staining procedure, you failed to heat fix your E-coli smear preparation. Upon microscopic examination , how would you expect this slide to differ from the correctly prepared slides ?


OMG I'm a business study Student so I really don't know about this stuff

I need help please ??????!!!


hi i haven't done physics for like 3 yrs but i'm pretty sure

the one on top is a rarefaction

number  2 a compression since it's all compressed together

and number 3 has to be wavelength since that's the measure of a single wave

is the following nuclear equation balanced?


Please write the nuclear equation

Which of the following pairs of plants are rhizomes?
A. Cocoyam and Cassava
B. Canna lily and ginger
C. Onion and Garlic
D. Banana and plantain​





Examples of plants that are propagated this way include hops, asparagus, ginger, irises, lily of the valley, cannas, and sympodial orchids. Some rhizomes that are used directly in cooking include ginger, turmeric, galangal, fingerroot, and lotus.

Help with this please anyone!!!



top right


Soil moisture that plants are capable of accessing and using is called Group of answer choices capillary water.




what are 3 major functions of the femur?



The femur is the longest bone in the human skeleton. It functions in supporting the weight of the body and allowing motion of the leg. The femur articulates proximally with the acetabulum of the pelvis forming the hip joint, and distally with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.


Holding the body weight once standing and moving. People are being stabilized as they move. Connecting the hips and knees' muscles, tendons, and ligaments to the rest of your body. These are three functions of femur.

What is femur?

The femur is the bone in the thigh. It is person's body's longest and strongest bone. It is an essential component of the ability to stand and move.

There can be many functions of this bone, some are listed below:

Hold the body weight.Stabilize the body while moving.Connecting hip and knees.

Thus, above mentioned are three functions of femur.

For more details regarding femur, visit:


If the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA?



Answer: I know that some people need this so here you go! these are all 100% correct

If the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA?

Answer: UAA

Which of the following correctly shows the sequence of organelles a protein would take if it were being exported from the cell?

Answer: Ribosome → Rough ER → Vesicle → Golgi Apparatus → Vesicle → Cell Membrane

The endomembrane system is a collection of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells that handles the production and processing of proteins that will be used in organelles or exported to the outside of the cell. These functions are __________, respectively.

Answer: protein making, protein packaging, and lipid production

In which part of the cell do ribosomes perform protein synthesis?

Answer: cytoplasm

What would happen to a cell that lacked smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Answer: It would not be able to make lipids.

The sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA would be UAA.


Transfer RNA or commonly known as tRNA is a form of RNA that perform two major functions during the process of translation in the ribosome.

Attaching to and reading mRNA sequence using its anticodons. Carrying of corresponding amino acid to the polypeptide chain.

The tRNA posseses a group of three nucleotide sequence called ANTICODON. These anticodons are complementary to the mRNA codon sequence. tRNA uses its anticodon to bind and read the mRNA sequence.

In the RNA; Adenine binds to Uracil (U) while Cytosine (C) binds to Guanine (G).

Hence, if the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, the sequence of bases that would be on the anticodon of the tRNA is UAA.

Learn more:

PLEASE ANSWER QUICK!The Greek roots of the word prokaryote mean “before nucleus.” Describe the way that DNA is organized in prokaryotic cells without the help of a nucleus. How does this approach differ from the way that eukaryotic cells organizes their DNA



Prokaryotic cells' DNA are located in the cytoplasm of the cell rather than in the nucleus, like in eukaryotic cells. DNA aids in protein synthesis and determines functions of the cell in cells, regardless of being within the membrane of a nucleus or not.


I hope this helps a little.

The word prokaryote in Greek means before kernel (nucleus). Unlike the eukaryotic cells, the nuclear material is located in the cytoplasm of the cell in a nucleoid.

What are the characteristics of prokaryotic cells?

The prokaryotic cells are the primitive karyons that are defined by the lack of the true nucleus and organelles. Unlike the eukaryotes, the organelles lack the membrane that covers them but has a tough cell wall.

The prokaryotes include archaea and bacteria which are unicellular and microscopic organisms that are simple and have their genetic material organized into nucleoids in the center of the cell. They have the ability to live in harsh conditions.

Therefore, the eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ in the arrangement of the genetic material.

Learn more about prokaryotes, here:


Explain the relationship between a thriving civilization and it’s agriculture system? In a paragraph



They use advance technologies in agriculture.


There is a direct relationship between thriving civilization and it’s agriculture system because they use advance methods and technologies in agriculture instead of traditional practices. They use heavy machinery for tillage in order to save the time, use high yielding varieties, use proper dose of fertilizers, use of pesticides and weedicides in order to protect the crop. They harvest the crop by using thresher in order to avoid post harvest losses. In short, they use all technologies available to make a higher yield in order to earn more profit.

What are the biological methods of controlling mosquito population?



Biological control or "biocontrol" is the use of natural enemies to manage mosquito populations. ... Effective biocontrol agents include predatory fish that feed on mosquito larvae

In humans, a type of blindness is due to a dominant allele (B). Normal vision is the result of a
recessive allele (b). Migraine headaches are due to a dominant allele (M), and normal (no migraines)
is recessive (m).
A male who is heterozygous for blindness and does not suffer from migraines marries a woman who
has normal vision and does not suffer from migraines.
Could they produce a child with normal vision who does not suffer from headaches? If yes, can the
probability of such a child be determined?
You must draw a Punnett square within the space provided to receive any credit for your answer!



Yes, a child with normal vision who does not suffer from headaches can be produced.

The probability of producing such child from this cross is 1/2 or 50%


This question involves two distinct genes in humans. One coding for blindness and the other for Migraine headaches. The alleles for blindness (B) and Migraine (M) are dominant over the alleles for normal vision (b) and no Migraine (m).

According to the question, a male who is heterozygous for blindness and does not suffer from migraines will have the genotype; Bbmm while a female who

has normal vision and does not suffer from migraines will have genotype; bbmm. If these two parents are crossed, the following genotypes of gametes will be produced by each parent:

Bbmm- Bm, Bm, bm and bm

bbmm- bm, bm, bm, and bm

Using these gametes to construct a punnet square (see attached image), the following offsprings with genotypes; Bbmm and bbmm in the ratio 1:1 will be produced.

Bbmm (8/16) are offsprings with blindness and have no Migraine headache

bbmm (8/16) are offsprings with normal vision and have no migraine headache

Hence, this cross can produce a child with normal vision who does not suffer from headaches (bbmm). Also, the probability of producing such child is 8/16 or 1/2.

6. Which of the following does not allow observation of living organisms?
a) Bright field microscopy
b. Phase contrast microscopy
c) Fluorescent microscopy
d. Dark Field microscopy ...​


Dark field microscopy because it’s dark and you can only observe things in light

What do MSDS sheets do?



The MSDS lists the hazardous ingredients of a product, its physical and chemical characteristics (e.g. flammability, explosive properties), its effect on human health, the chemicals with which it can adversely react, handling precautions, the types of measures that can be used to control exposure, emergency and first....


thats basically what they are lol yea okay yea no

What term matches the following definition: " ...a fundamental evolutionary process that results in both the adaptation of species to their environments and the generation of biodiversity (new species)"?



a.Natural selection


c.Artificial selection


The correct option is A.

Natural selection.


The correct answer is natural selection because Natural selection is an evolutionary process which was discussed by Charles Darwin in 1859, In one of his theory that it is the ability of organisms to develop traits or characteristics that will help them to adapt and ensure their survival in their environment and then passing or transferring these new traits to new species or offsprings over generations through reproduction.

I want to know full answer about ecoregion vs. ecosystem.



An ecoregion (ecological region) or ecozone (ecological zone) is an ecologically and geographically defined area that is smaller than a bioregion, which in turn is smaller than a biogeographic realm. Ecoregions cover relatively large areas of land or water, and contain characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities and species. The biodiversity of flora, fauna and ecosystems that characterise an ecoregion tends to be distinct from that of other ecoregions. In theory, biodiversity or conservation ecoregions are relatively large areas of land or water where the probability of encountering different species and communities at any given point remains relatively constant, within an acceptable range of variation (largely undefined at this point).

A map of the Amazon rainforest ecoregions. The yellow line encloses the ecoregions per the World Wide Fund for Nature.

A map of North America's bioregions

Three caveats are appropriate for all bio-geographic mapping approaches. Firstly, no single bio-geographic framework is optimal for all taxa. Ecoregions reflect the best compromise for as many taxa as possible. Secondly, ecoregion boundaries rarely form abrupt edges; rather, ecotones and mosaic habitats bound them. Thirdly, most ecoregions contain habitats that differ from their assigned biome. Biogeographic provinces may originate due to various barriers, including physical (plate tectonics, topographic highs), climatic (latitudinal variation, seasonal range) and ocean chemical related (salinity, oxygen levels).

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