Discuss the relevance of fairy tales in society today and the aspects that it teaches us about our world. Why do we enjoy fairy tales and repeat these stories over time? How do fairy tales open our eyes to other cultures? What does it mean to live happily ever after? Discuss why tricksters often highlight flaws in the gods. If tricksters threaten order, authority, and hierarchy, then why do you think they appear in various stories? What are the similarities and differences in intelligence between the gods and tricksters? Discuss the ways in which tricksters mediate between the gods and men. Why do you think tricksters take the side of humans? What do the trickster stories say about cunning? Can intelligence be both evil and good?

Please answer in a paragraph or more!! Thanks!!

Discuss The Relevance Of Fairy Tales In Society Today And The Aspects That It Teaches Us About Our World.


Answer 1


Through fairy tales, children are given the chance to imagine and think creatively. Imagination fosters social-emotional development, which then develops critical thinking in children and cultivates creative problem-solving abilities. The repetition in a fairy tale creates a certain rhythm to the story and helps people remember and tell the story. It's what brings us together as a society. Tricksters often highlight the flaws of the gods to show how they have a much superior and quick intellect, that is, to show that they are more innovative. Tricksters don't like the arrogance of the gods and the sense of superiority they tend to display, but they want humans for their limitations and sense of humility, which can be found in all people at different levels. This makes them side with the humans. Cunning is essential for survival, progress, and the good life. Tricksters not only use it to promote good but also to provoke negative and bad situations.


Had to do this as well hope this helps <3

Im also realizing that this was answered a year later so sorry hope it helps other people lol

Related Questions

Since or for about 10 years?





For about 10 years.

Q.1. Choose the most effective description of a gardener from the given descriptions:
a) Ram Prasad is our gardener…..young and short in height…..comes for two days ….on a cycle…keeps garden clean….
b) Ram Prasad is our gardener…..belongs to a small town in Bihar….dusky…middle aged…good knowledge…
c) Ram Prasad is our gardener …young and cheerful…speaks with a Bihari accent…cycle…the musical ringing of the bell….signals his arrival….
d) Ram Prasad is our gardener…..comes on a cycle….weekly….belongs to Bihar….expert in his field….grows plant according to the season…..

Q.2 Choose the appropriate column that gives the points for physical features that would fit a gardener:
a) Neat oiled hair, short hair, dark complexion ,stained teeth
b) Crew cut hair, tall, fair, formal suit
c) Short hair, medium dusky smart tailored clothes.
d) Long hair tied in a ponytail, tall lanky , casual clothes, cigarette in mouth.

Q.3 The following line is the part of the description.
‘His -----------about plants and their upkeep is great.’ Choose a word from the options to complete the sentence meaningfully.
a) Command
b) Recognition
c) Knowledge
d) Faith

Q.4. Select an appropriate topic sentence for concluding the paragraph.
a) We acknowledge his hard work from the core of our heart.
b) He is dutiful fellow with a great knowledge about plants.
c) Ram prasad has given a new perspective to our garden.
d) Our gardener ,Ram Prasad is a young and cheerful fellow.

Q.5 Sometimes I feel he has such a rapport with plants that they speak to him. What character trait of Ram Prasad is brought out from the above line included in the paragraph?
1. Compassion
2. Talkative
3. Attractive
4. Gentle
5. Timid
6. Moody
a) 1&4
b) only 4
c) 2& 6
d) 3 & 5

Q. 6. A good descriptive paragraph ----
a) Interests the reader because of the difficult vocabulary used.
b) Attracts the reader because of the scientific details and facts.
c) Increases the knowledge of the reader by giving information
d) Appeals to the reader’s senses or sight , smell, taste, sound and touch.


Considering the available options, the most effective description of a gardener from the given descriptions is "Ram Prasad is our gardener…..comes on a cycle….weekly….belongs to Bihar….expert in his field….grows plant according to the season."

This is because a gardner is a person who cultivates a garden by planting vegetables on a small scale.

2. Based on the available options, the appropriate column that gives the points for physical features that would fit a gardener: is "Short hair, medium dusky smart tailored clothes."

This is because a gardner is like a blue-collar worker yet must be responsible and look averagely neat.

3. Considering the statement, the complete form should be "His knowledge about plants and their upkeep is great."

This is because it takes knowledge to understand the nature of plants and how to grow them.

4. Based on the available options, an appropriate topic sentence for concluding the paragraph is "We acknowledge his hard work from the core of our heart."

This is because to acknowledge a fact or event, means one has concluded that such event or fact is true.

5. Considering the available options, the trait of Ram Prasad brought out from the above line included in the paragraph is "Compassion and Gentle (1&4)."

This is because it takes compassion to have a rapport with something. And one must be gentle to have a rapport with plants that don't speak.

6. According to writing standards and practice, a good descriptive paragraph "Increases the knowledge of the reader by giving information."

This is because a descriptive paragraph should describe events or facts to the readers to learn or get the information from it.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded language and its construction should be contextual to make readers and listeners understand better.

Learn more about Contextual meaning here: https://brainly.com/question/1330487

Complete the sentences with a / an / the and #(no article). All children should get an equal ________ education.



All children should get an equal (no article) education.


Why does Dr. Saltman say that people are sometimes more extreme online than in person?


It's reasonable to assume that even when we weren't seeking for them, we have all been online witnesses to some very alarming things in our social media feeds.

Why online counter speech is dangerous?

For all the good that the internet once seemed to promise, the bad and the ugly are now far too simple to access without even trying. Additionally, we discuss how governments and tech companies can combat online extremism.

Erin provides some incredibly helpful insight into not only why this is the case and what she believes is the appropriate position for these major actors in the fight against online extremism. The reactions by big companies and governments to countering online extremism may currently be described as a bit of a work-in-progress.

Learn more about online counter speech here:



Can someone plz help me? :(


Answer: its easy

Explanation: first you do this then that and then your done

3. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.
Sometimes small dogs show more bravado than the larger breeds; they may need to order to be noticed.
A. Boldness
B. Fear
C. Perseverance
D. Stamina



A. Boldness





Barvado means a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.= boldness

The Mayflower Compact paved the way for-

a national church

a constitutional democracy

the Salem witch trials

war with the American Indians


A national church I believe

3rd Reasoning( at least two sentences) for does the influence of gravity extend out forever in space exploration



The key concept for our discussion here is that the accelerating expansion of the universe is an innate property of spacetime itself on scales where spacetime no longer acts like traditional gravity. In summary, the influence of gravity only extends to the edge of each gravity group. Beyond that, spacetime no longer behaves like gravity.


Name and describe two attractions listed on the event website


To describe the event's attractions, you must show their characteristics in detail.

This must be done because:

When we need to describe an event, we need to show the characteristics of that event.In this case, we must show what the event has, what it offers, what can be seen in the event and any other type of important feature to characterize it.

This description must be thorough and present many details, which allows everyone to understand well what the event means and offers.

You haven't shown the event and attractions the question refers to, so I can't answer it, but I hope the information above can help you.

More information on descriptive language at the link:


what is the meaning of the suffix ous in the word virtuous


Explanation a suffix forming adjectives that have the general sense “possessing, full of” a given quality (covetous; glorious; nervous; wondrous); -ous and its variant -ious have often been used to Anglicize Latin adjectives with terminations that cannot be directly adapted into English (atrocious; contiguous; garrulous; obvious;

Answer  “possessing, full of” a given quality

What is the number after 100








Is it possible to go to university after college? ​


Yeah it is possible to do that.

Read the lines from Canto V of The r*pe of the Lock and answer the question.

Some thought it mounted to the Lunar sphere, Since all things lost on earth are treasur'd there. There Hero's wits are kept in pond'rous vases, And beau's in snuff-boxes and tweezer-cases. There broken vows and death-bed alms are found, And lovers' hearts with ends of riband bound, The courtier's promises, and sick man's pray'rs, The smiles of harlots, and the tears of heirs, Cages for gnats, and chains to yoke a flea, Dry'd butterflies, and tomes of casuístry. These lines offer a possible explanation for where the lost lock has gone, but they also offer Pope another chance to satirize behaviors.

What are his satirical targets in this passage? What do the targeted behaviors, and the people who behave in these ways, have in common? In a written response at least 200 words, answer these questions using details from the text. Include in your response an explanation of whether Pope's satire in this section is Horatian or Juvenalian.​


The satirical target of this passage is a society full of frivolities and people with futile and absurd behavior. The author makes use of Horatian satire.

What is Horatian satire?It is a criticism made with many acidities, but full of irony.It is a criticism made humorously.

The author used Horatian satire to criticize the frivolous behavior of society in the above excerpt. He showed how people are futile and have useless habits that are not to be admired.

Despite making a punctual criticism, the author does it in a fun way, without provoking the reader's repulsion, but fun.

Learn more about Horatian Satire:



write the answer please ​


The answer

The chair cried in protest as the obesed man sat on it.


This is Personification! And it’s spelled “obese” not obesed! I’m not sure what you were trying to find so I just answered all I could find

Which statement from "The Lakota Music Project Hopes to Connect People through Music" most likely describes the author’s position towards the Lakota Music Project?.


The statement from "The Lakota Music Project Hopes to Connect People through Music" that most likely describes the author's position towards the Lakota Music Project is:

D. "The Lakota Music Project's focus remains on building bridges through music."

Statements B and C about the Lakota Music Project do not convey opinions (positions). They are about facts concerning the Indianist movement and the project: when the movement flourished, and when themes for the concerts of the project were established.Statement A does convey an opinion, but it is not the author's. As a matter of fact, the author makes it very clear that what is being said is "[f]rom the Lakota point of view."With that in mind, the only option we can choose is letter D. This statement is likely expressing the author's view and position towards the project.

The answer choices for this question are the following:

A. "From the Lakota point of view, however, the 'Indianist' movement represents cultural appropriation, or inappropriate adoption of customs."

B. "It flourished in the early 20th century as American composers based works on Native American themes."

C. "The first Lakota Music Project tour, in 2009, established themes for the concerts."

D. "The Lakota Music Project's focus remains on building bridges through music."

Learn more about opinions and facts here:


I’ll mark brainliest please help

In this unit, you've thought and written a lot about ways to direct your own life so that
you get the most from the educational opportunities awaiting you in the next several
Discuss the limits and opportunities you may have for being able to set and meet life
goals. How much do you believe in choice and self-determination? Do you feel outside
social factors or something about your own nature keeps you from charting your life
course? Do you feel you have more or less self-determination than other people such
as friends, classmates, family members, or even celebrities?



i think this is a problem for you to solve because the question is mostly talking about yourself


i know that this answer wont help that much sorry if i didnt do much...

What is a recurring theme?
A.a theme that seems to repeat itself throughout one story
B.a theme that doesn't make sense in a story
C.a theme that no one has ever heard of before
D.a theme that shows up again and again in different stories



D.a theme that shows up again and again in different stories





what is your favorite anime ship?
it can be straight or gay/lesbian



you're hilarious

thankyou for the question

Do you think teenagers today have fewer responsibilities
than teenagers in the past? And why?




Until the start of compulsory education in about the 1930s, teenagers would have been working alongside their elders. They’d have been down mines, in steelworks, in factories, etc.

If you were a teenager in the 1940s or 1910s, you’d be dying for your country

After the 2nd World War, teenage years started becoming more free. There was a bit of rebellion in the 50s and 60s, but after that things have pretty much settled down for the most. From my experience (and my friends’) of the 70s and 80s, and comparing it to those of my teenage children and their friends now, I’d say that the level of responsibilities is pretty much the same now as then on average. There may obviously be individual variations.

That’s not to say that everything is the same: teenagers now (in general) seem to have less respect for authority than we did. Teenagers now sometimes choose to be pressured by social media, whereas in my day, such a thing did not exist. But, this is a choice - no one (not even a teenager) needs to use social media at all. Etc.


A psychologist mines big data on teens and finds many ways this generation—the “iGens"—is different from Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials.


In her new book, psychologist Jean Twenge uses large-scale surveys to draw a detailed portrait of ten qualities that make today’s teens unique and the cultural forces shaping them. Her findings are by turn alarming, informative, surprising, and insightful, making the book—iGen:Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood—and What That Means for the Rest of Us—an important read for anyone interested in teens’ lives.

The interview is an informal meeting between the employer and the job applicant. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F.


The statement stating the interview to be an informal meeting between the employer and the applicant has been false.

An interview has been a face to face conversation between the employer and the applicant. It has been lead to the exchange of information and ideas.

The purpose of an interview has been to deliver the efficiency of the applicant for the role. It helps in the recruitment of the correct candidate that has been best suited for the position and role.

Thus, the interview has been a type of formal meeting. Thus, the given statement is false.

For more information about interview, refer to the link:



it's false.


how i can aske questions for points


You can only get points from answering questions. You use the points you get from answering to ask questions.

Also every time you ask a question the lowest amount you can give in 10 so as long as you have 10 points you can ask questions

which argument uses circular reasoning?
A. allowing dogs at work will lead to people bringing tigers
B. you're not allowed to ski because it's against the rules
C. The weeds in Rhea's garden prove she's a bad mayor
D. some people like online voting,but im against cheating.​



C I think hope it helps


can someone help me with this


your answer should be C

reasons why Edgar Allan Poe could have died from alcohol



The doctor who saw Poe in the tavern, believed that Poe had been drinking heavily and that he ultimately succumbed to the tremors and delirium that can accompany alcohol withdrawal.


The most prominent is that he died from complications of alcoholism. J.E. Snodgrass, the doctor who saw Poe in the tavern, believed that Poe had been drinking heavily and that he ultimately succumbed to the tremors and delirium that can accompany alcohol withdrawal.


How are a persuasive essay and an expository essay different?



A persuasive essay aims to convince a reader about a topic, while an expository essay is a clear explanation of a topic, most likely from a neutral viewpoint.


Put the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE comparison.
(3 questions)
1. This dress is cheap, but that one is …………………………………… *
2. Hanoi is crowded. Do you know the …………………………………… city in Vietnam? *
3. Have you visited the old castle? It is …………………………………… than any castles we visited during our holidays. *



This dress is cheap, but that one is cheaper

Hanoi is crowded. Do you know the most crowded city in Vietnam?

Have you visited the old castle? It is older than any castles we visited during our holidays.

To analyze tone, what is one topic the reader should study? context clues the audience connotations the setting.


To analyze tone, the one topic that the reader should study is: Connotations.

Connotations refer to the implied meaning of words. This can be determined by studying the word choice of the author to evaluate the feelings and ideas that are evoked through his choice of words.

To study the tone of a speech or text, it is vital that the reader understands the connotations of words used in the text.

Learn more about connotations here:





I got it right on edgen

You’re cold to the core

Why is this a metaphor


Answer: because it  2 compares things


At the core of this metaphor is the concept of 'cold-heartedness'. A person who is cold-hearted is considered to be mean and uncaring.


It means that you are just boring? Its a metaphore for the same reason why people say "its raining cats or dogs" or "he/she/they  was/were a fish out of water". Its just a way of trying to say something without actually saying it.

Do you believe that people judge others by their looks alone and why?
(1 paragraph response...4-6 sentences or more)


Yes, when you first see a person, there is a difference between analyzing, and judging a person. People who are judgmental without getting to know a person are often insecure, and go after others to feel better about themselves. While there is no excuse for those people to judge others they may have been put down by people in the past as well.

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