Do you think
is more sinful
than hate?
Why or why not?


Answer 1


“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference.  The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”

Answer 2



Explanation: In my opinion Indifference is not as hurtful as hate. Everyone has their own differences and we all have flaws. But to hate someone just makes them feel bad.

Related Questions

6. Strawberries are
expensive. I don't often buy them.

which of this words fits in sentence although, because, since and when​





I don't often buy strawberries since they are expensive.

The sentence would also make sense like this:

Since strawberries are expensive, I don't often buy them.


I don't often buy strawberries because they are expensive.

How was Greek theater stagged? How did it look? Who, where, and when did people attend?



Euripides’ Medea was first performed in at the City Dionysia Festival in Athens in 431BC, nearly 2,500 years ago.

What would it have been like to have attended the original production? It’s difficult to know for sure. There is not enough historical evidence to present a definitive picture and scholars argue over the exact details. There is, however, one thing we can know for sure. The experience of watching a play in the theatre in ancient Greece was very different from watching a play in a theatre today.

Today you can go to the theatre almost any night of the week. In ancient Athens, plays were only performed during late winter and early spring. This may have been because of the hot Greek climate. The theatres were outdoors and the plays were performed in daylight. The actors wore heavy costumes and masks, and performing in the Greek theatre required strenuous physical and vocal exertion, which would have been impractical in hot weather. Each play was usually only ever performed once.

Greek theatres were huge. The theatre of Dionysus in Athens could hold 15,000 spectators. The audience sat on seats carved out of a hillside. These seats encircled a round playing area called the orchestra where the chorus performed. At the back of the orchestra was the skene. This was a stone building, a hut or tent that acted as a dressing room and was where the actors made their entrances from and their exits to. The actors performed in front of the skene, perhaps on a raised platform. On either side of the orchestra were the parados, two stone passage ways through which the chorus made its entrance and exit. There was some form of stage machinery that facilitated special effects – such as the entrance of a god or Medea’s escape in Helius’ chariot – but we are unsure as to exactly what this machinery was or how it worked.

Plays were performed as part of religious festivals, such as the City Dionysia. Priests sat on the front row of the theatre in throne-like seats. The festival lasted seven days and celebrated the beginning of spring. Alongside the performances of the plays, there were grand processions, animal sacrifices, good citizens were honoured and slaves were freed. The event may have been a religious one, but the atmosphere was far from solemn. Greek audiences were talkative and unruly. If they disliked a play, they would drum their heels on their benches, jeer loudly and throw fruit.







I think the answer is C.perfect

Which legal school of thought is illustrated in this dialogue? DONUT DAY AT THE OFFICE Part 4 Lee: Right. Inflexible rules, applied the same way every time and in every situation, are just a sign of corporate insanity. This is a company that knows how to adapt and make smart decisions based on the circumstances at hand. Remember when we found out that Allied Chemical hair gel accelerated hair growth at twice the industry standard . . . just before the hair would fall out? Remember what happened to Winfred after he tested out the stuff for us? Remember how happy Allied Chemical was with us when we figured how to market their goop anyway? Dogmatic rules are made to be broken by the enlightened and that's what we are now.a. Critical legal studies school of thoughtb. Legal realism school of thought.c. Sociological school of thought.d. Irrational forces perspective.



a. Critical legal studies school of thought


As we can see in the text above, the narrator challenges and criticizes the dogmatic and inflexible rules applied to different situations. This is an inherent characteristic of the Critical legal studies school of thought, which was formed by a group of intellectuals who believed that the law has no neutralities and that it is formed from policies that must be questioned and challenged. These schools of thought preached revolt against the norms and standards described as correct in legal theories and practices.

Highlight all the words that make up the two independent clauses below.





Which of the following accurately describes a "style manual" like the Chicago style
manual or APA manual?
O a thesaurus-type book that helps you choose the appropriate words
O al official dictionary for choosing and using the correct way to format your sentences
O a book that defines specific rules for how to write, organize and refer to citations
O a database that will help you find sources



a book that defines specific rules for how to write, organize and refer to citations


The APA manual and the Chicago style manual are books that specify rules about how to write, organize and cite in academic writing.

the APA manual is developed by the American Pyschologist Association, and is very commonly used for writing academic articles in the social sciences and the humanities.

The Chicago Style manual is more common in engineering and the natural sciences.

5 types of information found in a dictionary:



1. Defintion

2. Parts of speech

3. Phonetic symbols

4. types of verbs of the words.

5. Multiple meanings.

Before they are allowed to meet with King Hrothgar, Beowulf and his men
must leave what behind?
battle shields and spears
armor and helmets



battle shields and spears.


From the legend of Beowulf, the hero of the story comes to the aid of King Hrothgar when his kingdom was being terrorized by the great monster Grendel and offers his help in slaying the beast.

However, when he arrives, he is asked by Wulfgar to come inside, but only with his armor and helmets, but to leave his spears and battle shields outside before he meets King Hrothgar.

Why do all of the suitors have to die



because their 2nd lead


same as above

how epic hero Beowulf confronts evil over the course of pages 2-9



In the epic poem Beowulf, both good and evil are clearly defined. Beowulf himself embodies all that is good, but it's often expressed through his super-human capabilities. The monsters, including Grendel, his mother, and the dragon, all embody evil, and in fighting and defeating them, Beowulf is working to save not only the monsters' victims but the whole of humanity.

1 "Children
(grow) up much too
quickly today. Girls of twelve
(dress) as if they are eighteen.'
Passive and active voice



1). Children are grown up much too  quickly today.

2). Girls of twelve  are dressed as if they are eighteen.'


Active voice is demonstrated as the grammatical construction in which the subject itself performs the action while in the passive voice the object and the verb act upon the subject and the subject become the recipient of the action. In the former, the subject is emphasized while in the latter the object is focused upon and showed interest in. In the given sentences, the doers of the actions are missing, and therefore, they will be filled using the rule of passive voice for present indefinite tense 'is/am/are + V3' as mentioned above.

Rewrite the following sentence in Past Perfect Tense starting with: Last winter South African scientists.... Sentence: South African scientists have been undertaking research projects on Antarctica.



last winter South African scientists had undertook research projects on Antarctica

pls give a thanks

Write a sentence that has 3 adjectives in it.



The happy hippo ate purple fruit and green vegetables.

the bolded words are all adjectives. im not sure if you mean just any sentence or if this goes to some reading lesson, but i hope this helps

A story that end with i have never felt so embarrassed in my life less than 450 words



you should try


its very hard here you should try it yourself

Which statement best describes how Gilgamesh's dreams affect the plot of Gilgamesh





Answer: Enkidu said, "Don't worry, my friend,

the dream you had is a favorable one."

Explanation: He goes on to tell him of greats that will be by their side during the fight and almost guarantees they will be victorious. His exact statement, "We will prevail."

Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume is an exceptionally talented and productive American author.

Which of the following lists represents text evidence pieces that all support the main idea in this paragraph? (5 points)

Four decades, many awards, best known for pre-teen novels
Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels
Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, best-seller list, interview
American writer, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, 30 novels


Her success and what she is best known for are the main topics of the paragraph. So, Answer A would be your best bet. It covers all of those points.




The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, demonstrates the influence of _______________ on _________________.



Because you did not give any options i am guessing, racism on society.


hope this helps. Sorry if it is wrong.

The students arrive and sit down. Is that compound subject or compound predicate



compound predicate


The students arrive and sit down. It is a considered as a"compound predicate".

What do you mean by compound subject or compound predicate?

The subject is what the sentence is about. It tells us who or what performs an action expressed by the verb or is being described.A compound subject consists of multiple simple subjects that share a verb or verb phrase.

The predicate tells us what the subject is doing or describes it. A simple predicate is just a verb or verb phrase.

A sentence has a compound subject when it has more than one subject. It has a compound predicate when there is more than one predicate.

The complete predicate consists of the simple predicate and all words that modify it and complete its meaning. A compound predicate consists of multiple simple verbs that share a subject.

Learn more about compound predicate, refer to the link:


How do genetics (genetic predisposition) and the environment work together to cause substance abuse in individuals? What is the likely role of epigenetics in this process?



. Vulnerability to

develop an addiction to drugs is dependent on genetic, environmental, social and

biological factors. In particular, the interactions of environmental and genetic factors

indicate the significance of epigenetic mechanisms, which have been found to occur in

response to illicit drug use or as underlying factors in chronic substance abuse and

relapse. Epigenetics is defined as the heritable and possibly reversible modifications in

gene expression that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence. This review

discusses the various types of epigenetic modifications and their relevance to drug

addiction to elucidate whether epigenetics is a predisposing factor, or a response to,

developing an addiction to drugs of abuse.


Genetics is the study of genes. Genes are functional units of DNA that make up the human genome. They provide the information that directs a body's basic cellular activities. Research on the human genome has shown that, on average, the DNA sequences of any two people are 99.9 percent the same. However, that 0.1 percent variation is profoundly important. t accounts for three million differences in the nearly three billion base pairs of DNA sequence. These differences contribute to visible variations, like height and hair color, and invisible traits, such as increased risk for or protection from certain diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and addiction. Genetics and lifestyle factors—such as diet, physical activity, and stress—affect high blood pressure risk. NIDA research has led to discoveries about how a person's surroundings affect drug use in particular. For example, a community that provides healthy after-school activities has been shown to reduce vulnerability to drug addiction, and data show that access to exercise can discourage drug-seeking behavior, an effect that is more pronounced in males than in females.


how to improve english writing skill?


you can expand your vocabulary to make you sound smarter. reading books also helps too


don't use the same word and make sure too use strong words.

Write a five-sentence summary of “The Medicine Bag.”


I inferred you are referring to the "The Medicine Bag" short story.


The story begins with information about a young boy named Martin, who lives in a city away from his ancestors Sioux reservation. Martin admits that he and his sister often tell stories about their grandpa, and he often boasts to make himself look important to his friends.

However, in time his boasting attitude changed to a true pride in his heritage. Making his friends believe that his great-grandfather is like the Indians seen in movies.

In time his friends visited his grandpa and are impressed with his great-grandfather, however, Martin is ashamed of himself, but later begins to feel that his Grandpa is a great man.

Next, his great grandfather teaches Martin the value of the medicine bag and how the bag teaches very important life lessons which included the popular saying that things always happen for a reason.

A medicine bag is usually a small pouch that is worn by the indigenous people and consists of sacred items. It may consist of things that may symbolize personal identity and well-being.

The medicine bag is used to carry the medicines. It was used as a symbol of the animal spirit. Good luck, protection, and strength in battle.

Learn more about the five-sentence summary of Medicine Bag.

Do you feel as if humans are more important than all other creations in the universe? What shapes your opinion? Do you feel as if your opinion has the potential to make life difficult for others who exist in the universe? Does your opinion work to your advantage?



Humans are in no way more important than the rest of the other creations in the universe. This is so because both humans and other living beings must enjoy the same right to life and freedom, which are essential for the balance of life systems on the planet and the peaceful coexistence between species.

No specific situation gives humans any power or superiority over the rest of the species, other than the very nature of each living being and the food relationships between species. Thus, man has certain animals and vegetables for his food, as other animals do among themselves, but in no way does this imply another type of superiority at a general level.

Furthermore, the protection of the diversity of species and living beings is necessary for the conservation of biological stability in the universe, which ultimately contributes to the well-being and quality of life of all species.

Thinking in this way can be positive if awareness is raised regarding this situation and positive actions are promoted that generate respect for the life of species and biological diversity.

A loud noise woke me up change to passive voice?



i was woken up by the loud noise


Choose the sentence that uses a hyphen correctly.

At the beginning of the year, we were missing two-dozen history books.

There was not a single-student in the school who was without a history book.

At the end of the class period, the teacher collected twenty-four history books.

There were twelve or thirteen-students who needed a copy of the history book.



The answer is "At the end of the class period,the teacher collected twenty-four history books.

Do sympathize with Fortunato, or think that he deserved his fate?



I sympathize with Fortunato.


This question is related to the short story "The Cask of Amontillado" written by Edgar Alan Poe. In this story we learn that a man named Montresor, wants to take revenge on his neighbor, Fortunato, because he was humiliated by him. This revenge causes Montresor to handcuff Fortunato and leave him trapped in a brick wall. He really does that and listens to Fortunato's screams, imprisoned, until he dies.

In this story I sympathize with Fortunato because I don't believe that torture, like what happened to him, is the right way to get revenge. Also, I don't believe that revenge is a good way to resolve grievances, as nothing will change what happened.

Are the following metaphors?
#1 Forests are the lungs of our Earth
#2 A tree is a collective property so take care of it
#3 Trees are our wealth on planet Earth
#4 Trees are the root of all life


the options that are metaphors are 1,3, and 4


These are not metaphors


a metaphor is figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable thus these are not metaphors

what is Thomas Paine's response to the argument that the British have protected America


He argues that they could have done better on their own that they have done so much for there own sake

Which example of dialogue is formatted correctly? A. “Sometimes you win” the coach said, “And sometimes you lose.” B. “Sometimes you win, the coach said, “and sometimes you lose”. C. “Sometimes you win,” the coach said, “and sometimes you lose.” D.“Sometimes you win” the coach said “And sometimes you lose.” I think its ether c or d but idk. Will give brainlyiest








"and" cant be capitalized bc its still in the same sentence and coach cant be in the quotation bc they arent saying it

Do you think their media habits add value and meaning to their lives? Explain.



I do belive.


Although the value and meaning of our lives depend on factors in addition to the media habits we have, I can say that media habits have their contribution to building value and meaning in our lives in relation to the construction of knowledge and information.

This is because media habits, when well managed, can promote strong knowledge and information, which will influence our lives in different ways, which contributes to the construction of concepts and ideas that imply the construction of value and meaning in our lives.

I believe that the media plays an important role in our lives.

Through the media, we get the required knowledge and information that are helpful to live a healthy life.

For example, on televisions, people speak about healthy living and ways to improve our health. This is vital for our existence. With the information gotten, people can know what to do.

Learn more about media on:

Look at the picture. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences about what the teenagers are doing.



2. Lisa is looking at shows.

3. Rachel is eating a salad.

4. Louise and Jane are not eating a salad.

5. Brain is waiting for a friend.

6. George is going to the gym.


second sheet

2. What are tom and frank doing? Tom and Frank are buying movie tickets.

3.  Is rachel looking at shoes? No, Rachel is eating a salad.

4. Who is looking in a shop window? Lisa is looking in a shop window at shoes.

5. Is Brian going to the cinema? No, Brian is waiting for a friend.

6. Where is George going? George is going to the gym.

7. Are Louise and Jane eating pizza? No, they're not eating pizza.

8. What are Louise and Jane doing? They're drinking coffee.


for the first page you are turning the words in the brackets into present tense and using them in the sentence. for the second page you are doing the same but finishing the question and then answering it.

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