does great britain drive on the left side of the road?


Answer 1

Yes, it is completely appropriate to mention that the people in Great Britain tend to drive on the left side of the road, as per their traffic rules and regulations.

The traffic rules in the Great Britain are similar to those followed in countries like India, whereas, they are completely in contrast when it comes to the regulations of the United States. Since a majority of the public  in the Great Britain is right-handed, the traffic rules maintain that driving should be done on the left-side of the road.

Learn more about traffic rules here:


Related Questions

1. What are the 20 rights Criminal defendants have?


The rights to counsel, the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses, and the right to a quick and open trial are all included in this.

What are a criminal's fundamental rights?

In India, the accused's rights are broken down into three categories: those before the trial, those during the trial, and those after the trial. The rights of the accused also include the right to a fair trial, the ability to post bail, the ability to retain the services of a criminal defense attorney, and the availability of free legal aid in India.

What is the accused's most crucial legal right?

In the US criminal justice system, the presumption of innocence is the most significant constitutional guarantee. Lower courts in the US have often received warnings from the Supreme Court that juries need to be properly educated that a defendant is innocent unless proven guilty.

To know more about rights visit:-


That State of Nature is discussed in political theory as _____. how things should be. A normative approach to answering questions would focus on _____.


That State of Nature is discussed in political theory as the way mankind was before government and society. A normative approach to answering questions would focus on how things should be.

A situation when there is no recognized political power is referred to as being in the state of nature. It is essentially an unrestricted condition of freedom. It has been employed by political theorists to better comprehend human nature and, often, to defend the sanity of a specific kind of government.

The Normative Approach is a values-based strategy for creating communities that works under the premise that everyone has a desire to succeed, a need to belong, and a want to feel purposeful. Normative political theory examines the principles and ideals of a political system with an emphasis on what should be.

To learn more about political theories:


If a law prevents individuals from exercising a fundamental right, or if the law's classification scheme involves suspect classifications, the action will be subject to ____________.Suspect classifications include classifications based on race, national origin, and citizenship.Requires compelling government interest and the least restrictive means of obtaining that adjective


If a law prevents individuals from exercising a fundamental right, or if the law's classification scheme involves suspect classifications, the action will be subject to strict scrutiny.

The fundamental rights of the individuals are such rights that have been made available to them by the virtue of the laws contained under the constitution. Moreover, it is also to be noted that whenever a law, whether amended or existing, restricts a fundamental right(s) of an individual, then the law will be subjected to be brought under strict scrutinization.

Learn more about fundamental right here:


Complete question

If a law prevents individuals from exercising a fundamental right, or if the law's classification scheme involves suspect classifications, the action will be subject to ____________.

does texas allow lottery winners to remain anonymous





a person who wins $1 million or more is eligible for anonymity

which article describes the formal amendment process


As per the contents of the Constitution, the Article V of the national constitution has described about the process of formal amendment of laws.

The amendment of laws has been a part and parcel of the legal articles of the United States' Constitution. There have been a number of instances wherein the amendments have been included in the Constitution for better protection to the citizens. However, in order to include an amendment under the law, a formal process as per the fifth article of the constitution is to be followed.

Learn more about the amendment here:


what does it mean to be charged with false imprisonment


Unlawful imprisonment- as knowingly restraining another person. “Restrain” is defined as restricting a person's movements to substantially interfere with his or her liberty, without legal authority or the person's consent.


False imprisonment is a misdemeanor crime in California. If you are convicted of this crime, you face up to 364 days in county jail, a $1,000 fine or both jail and fine. If the court finds that your act of false imprisonment occurred with violence, menace, fraud or deceit, you could be charged with a felony.

intelligence reform and terrorism prevention act of 2004


President George W. Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA) into law on December 17, 2004. IRTPA is made up of eight distinct titles that each address a crucial issue for terrorism prosecutors and others engaged in the legal aspect of the fight against terrorism.

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA) topics include: 

Intelligence community reform.Enhancements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's intelligence capabilities.Redesign and standardization of security clearance procedures.Enhancements to transportation security.Enhancements to border security.Visa and immigration procedures.New terrorism prosecution tools.Adoption of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.Establishment of interagency mechanisms for sharing information and intelligence, protecting and analyzing infrastructure, and protecting civil rights and civil liberties.

To learn more about Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, please refer:


in the georgia court system, which power is exclusive to the georgia supreme court?



The 1983 Georgia constitution

What is the difference between a theory and a law Mcq?


A theory and a law are two different kinds of scientific statements that are used to explain natural phenomena.

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. A law is a description of an observed phenomenon. It is an empirical generalization that can be expressed mathematically and is capable of being tested.

The primary difference between a theory and a law is that a theory is a comprehensive explanation of a phenomenon, while a law is a statement that describes the phenomenon. A theory is based on a broad range of observations and experiments, and is a generalization about how a phenomenon works. In contrast, a law is a concise statement that describes the phenomenon without explaining why it occurs.

For example, the theory of evolution is a comprehensive explanation of the diversity of living things on Earth. It explains the process by which new species arise, and the mechanisms by which species change over time. In contrast, the law of gravity is a concise statement that describes the force of gravity on objects. It does not explain why the force of gravity exists or how it works.

Learn more about theory at :


what is a major issue about the isolating impact of an echo chamber?


We tend to think people with opposing viewpoints are wrong or bad

Which branch of government has the best ability to prevent the others from becoming too powerful according to the Constitution?


Answer: Judicial Branch

The judicial branch can check the executive branch by declaring presidential acts unconstitutional and can check the legislative branch by declaring laws unconstitutional.

law of multiple proportions vs law of definite proportions


Difference Between Law of Definite Proportions and Law of Multiple Proportions. The key difference between law of definite proportions and law of multiple proportions is that the law of definite proportions states the samples of a compound will always contain the same proportion of elements by mass.

when thinking about checks and balances and separation of powers, _____ gives congress the ability to check both the president and the supreme court.


The system of checks and balances in the United States gives Congress the ability to check both the President and the Supreme Court through its powers of impeachment, oversight, and the power of the purse. This allows Congress to hold the President and federal judges accountable for their actions, and to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful.

The legislative branch, which is represented by Congress, has several key powers that allow it to check the actions of the other two branches. One of these powers is the ability to impeach the President and other federal officials, including judges. This means that if Congress believes that a President or judge has committed a serious crime or abuse of power, it can vote to remove that person from office.

Another important power of Congress is the ability to conduct oversight of the executive branch and its agencies. This means that Congress can review and investigate the actions of the President and his or her administration, and can hold hearings to question officials about their policies and actions. This allows Congress to ensure that the President and his or her administration are acting in the best interests of the American people.

Finally, Congress has the power of the purse, which means that it controls the federal government's budget and can use this power to influence the actions of the President and other federal officials. By controlling the budget, Congress can direct funding to specific programs and agencies, and can also use the threat of cutting funding to exert pressure on the President and other officials to take certain actions or to change their policies.

All of these powers, along with the power to pass laws and approve appointments, give Congress the ability to check both the President and the Supreme Court. This helps to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful and that the powers of government are balanced between the three branches.

Learn more about the United States government and politics here:


complaints against corporations are generally served on
a. the District Attorney
b. the general counsel.
c. the post office
d. a registered agent


Complaints against corporations are generally served on a registered agent. Therefore, Option d. is correct.

Any South African individual or registered corporation may apply to become a 'registered agent'. A licensed clearing agent may also become a 'registered agent'. While generally, the term “agent” means someone authorized to represent an individual or an entity or enter into complaints for an individual or an entity, registered agents don’t have a similar mandate.

The requirements that must be met to be eligible to be a registered agent are quite simple. A registered agent must be a resident of the state in which you registered your company or complaints are registered.

To know more about corporations:


A(n) _____ is issued by a federal grand jury and is similar to an arrest warrant issued by a state.


Your answer is indictment

let me know if im right or wrong ok

the idea that corporations should be conscious of their impact on all stakeholders is known as corporate___


The idea that corporations should be conscious of their impact on all stakeholders is known as corporate social responsibility, or CSR.

The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, has been proposed with an intention to make them pay for the fact that they get to operate in the society. The existence of corporations is in a society, and they must take care of the aspects that exist in the society. As a result, they are obliged to take a conscious step for making an impact on all the shareholders by the way of CSR.

Learn more about social responsibility here:


do executive orders have to be approved by congress



They require no approval from Congress


Executive orders are not legislation; they require no approval from Congress. One of the most common “presidential” documents in our modern government is an executive order. Every American president has issued at least one, totaling more than (as of this writing) 13,731 since George Washington took office in 1789.

4. Waste that is generated by a business is called a _____________.




waste stream

What gap does lying try to bridge? Explain.


The gap that lying attempts to close is one between what really occurred and what the liar want others to think occurred


Explanation:none my friend

What does the term unenumerated rights mean in this amendment?


The term “unenumerated rights” is used in the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The amendment states that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

This means that the rights listed in the Constitution are not the only rights that Americans have. In other words, the Ninth Amendment recognizes the existence of rights that are not specifically listed in the Constitution.

These rights are referred to as “unenumerated rights.” Unenumerated rights are important because they protect certain freedoms that are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. These rights are derived from the principle of natural rights, which states that all individuals are entitled to certain basic rights simply by virtue of being human. These rights include the right to privacy, the right to free speech, and the right to practice one’s religion.

The Ninth Amendment was intended to make sure that the government does not exceed its power by denying citizens their rights. The amendment serves as a reminder that the government must respect natural rights and that citizens should not be deprived of their unenumerated rights. In other words, the Ninth Amendment is designed to ensure that the government does not overstep its authority by infringing on the rights of its citizens.

Learn more about United States Constitution at :


Article I , Section 8 , Clause 3 of the Constitution provides for which of the following ?


To control trade with other nations, with the various States, and with Indian Tribes; Art. I, S8, clause 3.

To advance science and useful arts by guaranteeing authors or inventors the exclusive right to their respective works and discoveries for a finite period of time; Article I, Section 8, Clause 4: [The Congress shall have power. to establish a uniform naturalization standard and a uniform bankruptcy law across the country.

The "power of the purse" refers to the authority to appropriate federal funds. It gives Congress significant control over the executive branch, which must request financing from Congress in order to operate.

To enact all laws necessary and appropriate for carrying out the aforementioned powers and all other power given to the United States government by this Constitution.

Learn more about an article I here:


established judicial review which gave supreme court power to declare laws unconstitutional


Answer: The U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803)


what laws were passed in response to terrible working conditions for children?


Child Labour Act, of 1986 was passed in response to terrible working conditions for children.

As a result, the Child Labour (Development and Regulation) Act, of 1986, a comprehensive law, was passed. To accomplish these goals, a measure known as the Child Labour (Banning and Regulation) Bill was submitted to Parliament.

The law was enacted in 1986 and is known as THE CHILD LABOR (PROHIBITION AND REGULATION) ACT (61 of 1986). An act to forbid the employment of minors in certain occupations and to control the working conditions of minors in certain other occupations.

Underage workers were not permitted in factories (though by this stage numbers were few). Children between the ages of 9 and 13 were only permitted to work eight hours per day for a maximum of 48 hours per week.

Learn more about the child labour act here:


a sign of intoxication is buying rounds for strangers.
A. True
B. False



B. False


Intoxication are not buying around a strangers.

Identify the types of laws and regulations that apply to every business, regardless of size.



There are several types of laws and regulations that apply to businesses of all sizes, including:

Labor laws: These laws cover issues such as minimum wage, overtime pay, discrimination, and safety in the workplace.

Tax laws: Businesses of all sizes are required to pay taxes, such as income taxes and sales taxes. They also have to comply with tax laws and regulations such as filing tax returns and keeping accurate records.

Environmental laws: These laws regulate the impact of businesses on the environment, including pollution control, waste management, and energy efficiency.

Consumer protection laws: These laws protect customers from fraud, deception, and other unfair business practices.

Health and safety laws: These laws are designed to protect employees and customers from hazards in the workplace and in products.

Intellectual property laws: These laws protect trademarks, patents, and copyrights, which are important assets for many businesses.

Data protection laws: These laws regulate the collection, storage, and use of personal data, and businesses must comply with them, regardless of their size.

Compliance laws: Businesses are required to comply with laws and regulations such as anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and sanctions laws.

It's worth noting that laws and regulations vary by country and jurisdiction. It is important for businesses to stay informed about the specific laws and regulations that apply to them and seek professional advice if needed.

To Know more about Law

The innocence project found that most faulty convictions were based on


faulty eyewitness identification

After evaluating more than 200 wrongful convictions in the United States, the Innocence Project found that faulty eyewitness identification contributed up to 87 percent of those wrongful convictions.

what do you think the pure food and drug act and the meat inspection act do?


Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906, and President Theodore Roosevelt signed them into law. Taking effect in 1907, they required: sanitary conditions in factories, inspection of animals and meat, and correct labeling to prevent "adulturation" or misbranding.

Thomas dreams of becoming a Seabee. Which specialty field must he join?

O A. Naval Special War Command
OB. US Pacific Fleet's 3rd Fleet
OC. Naval Construction Battalion
OD. Fleet Cyber Command


The specialty field that Thomas should join to become a Seabee is C. Naval Construction Battalion

What is a Seabee ?

The group is one of four new special teams made up of Navy guys who were receiving military and construction training from Marines. They were known to as men from the Construction Battalion.

The majority of the temporary and permanent infrastructure at American military installations across the world is built by the Navy Construction Battalion, also referred to as the Seabees.

The Seabees are not limited to construction work; on occasion, they are also required to act as a fighting force, either by supporting other military branches in conflict or by defending the construction projects they are working on in the field.

Find out more on Seabees at


what the name of party that generally favors more restrictions on what types of guns citizens can own or carry in public places.


The Democratic Party also advocates for the banning of certain types of firearms such as assault weapons, which it considers to be weapons of war that have no place in civilian hands.

It also supports the regulation of private gun sales, the regulation of gun shows, and the regulation of firearms used in public places such as schools and churches.

The Democratic Party believes that these restrictions on gun ownership are necessary to reduce the number of mass shootings and other gun-related deaths and injuries. The party also believes that these restrictions will help to reduce the amount of gun violence in the country, as well as make it more difficult for criminals to obtain firearms.

In recent years, the Democratic Party has proposed a number of pieces of legislation to further its agenda of stricter gun control. This includes measures such as the “Red Flag” law, which allows law enforcement to take away firearms from individuals who are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others. The party also supports the creation of universal background checks, as well as the closing of loopholes that allow certain individuals to obtain firearms without a background check.

Learn more about Democratic Party at :


how is case masterpiece cakeshop v. colorado civil rights commission


The Colorado Civil Rights Commission's actions in assessing a cake shop owner's justifications for denying to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage violated the Free Exercise Clause, the Court ruled in a 7-2 ruling.

The Colorado legislation at issue in this case had to be applied impartially with regard to religion because it forbade discrimination against LGBT persons when buying goods and services. The majority agreed that Phillips' creation of cakes was an indication of his true religious convictions as well as an artistic method of expression.

The Court came to the conclusion that these remarks raised questions about how fairly the Commission had weighed Phillips' arguments.

To learn more about Colorado Civil Rights, please refer:


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