exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally


Answer 1

Answer: I don't know what you mean by that


Related Questions

Why are the Jewish languages dying out?


Today, with few exceptions, the remaining longstanding Jewish languages are severely endangered, whether destroyed by the Holocaust, persecuted in the Soviet Union, or lost in the thinning of the diaspora and the push towards assimilation.
Jewish languages are dying out because of assimilation. With increasing migration and intermarriage, Jews are assimilating into the wider society and abandoning their traditional languages. Jews also often acquire the language of their host country and try to learn it, instead of speaking their native language. Other factors, such as the Holocaust and the displacement of Jews from many parts of the world, have also had an effect.

In some cases, some Jewish languages, such as Yiddish, have been deliberately suppressed and discouraged as part of a wider campaign to force Jews to assimilate. As a result, fewer and fewer people are retaining their Jewish language, and the languages are being increasingly forgotten.

Why is the Illocano language dying out?


Illocano language is dying due to the use of English.

Why are the languages dying?

The decline of indigenous languages is primarily due to the widespread use of Tagalog and English, as well as the government's promotion of these languages in education and media. Additionally, economic and cultural pressures have led to a shift towards speaking dominant languages in order to access education, employment, and other opportunities.

Furthermore, many young people may not be interested in learning their indigenous languages due to the belief that it's not useful or that it's not cool to speak them.

Learn more about languages in:



which of the following words is most connected to a sense of security for Jerry?


Answer:Beach is the word which is most connected to a sense of safety and security for Jerry. It is the safest place which we readers encounter in the above story.


BEACh is the best word for this problem bro. The top answer already explain why^^

B. Un attimo (moment), per favore! Put the following measurements of
time in order from the smallest to the largest. The first one is done for you.

_un anno
_una settimana (week)
_un minuto
_un mese
1 un secondo
_un giorno


1- un secondo

2- un minuto

3- un'ora

4- un giorno

5- un settimana

6- un messe

7- un anno

Which of the following best supports your understanding of the denotative meaning of a word?

The denotative meaning of a word involves the actual, dictionary definition of a word.
The denotative meaning of a word involves the breaking down of a word into its component parts so you can understand it.
The denotative meaning of a word involves the meanings and feelings we associate with a word, as opposed to the dictionary definition of that word.
The denotative meaning of a word communicates all of the feelings and associations a person has with that word.





The denotative meaning of a word involves the actual, dictionary definition of a word.

What can someone who does not want to use
medicine say?


Answer: No Thank You Is What They Say.

They can just decline tell them “No thank you” they are not obligated to take the medicine

Why is the Japanese language declining?


There is a shortage of Japanese langauge teachers in demand as so many people are studying Japanese. It may be declining slowly but not anyway that is threatening.
The Japanese language is declining in usage due to several factors, including the influence of English and the spread of Japanese dialects, the globalization of Japanese culture and the decreasing birth rate, which has reduced the number of people learning Japanese. Additionally, with more and more Japanese speaking English, fewer people are using the native language to communicate.

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3. «Повість временних літ». Хто та коли уклав цей літопис? Про що у ньому
4. Чому князь Володимир Мономах написав «Повчання дітям»? Яких настанов він
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6. Українські землі в 16-ому – першій половині 17-ого століть. Розкажіть про
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9. Григорій Квітка-Основ’яненко. Яким є справжнє прізвище письменника і чому він взяв
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Основні заслуги школи.
Будь ласка поможіть!



"Folklore" is a trade of beliefs, customs, and stories of a community passed through generations. The word folklore emerged in Europe midway through the nineteenth century. Painting, pottery, sculpture, woodcraft, textile art, and metalwork are some types of folk art. 2. The Bible. Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Prodigal Son. The parable of the sower is a parable explaining how Jesus is the man and the seed is his message, and the parable of the prodigal's son explains how Jesus is a loving god or father that will always love us. His kids. They teach to explain how Jesus wants to be with us and love us. They warn that if you turn away from Jesus as his son or turn away from the seed there will be consequences to our actions at the end of the world. Moses was the most important Jewish prophet. Moses delivered the children of Israel out of their Egyptian bondage. Solomon was the king of Israel who built the first Temple in Jerusalem. The Judgment of Solomon is a story from the Hebrew Bible in which King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting cutting the baby in two, with each woman to receive half.

Explanation: Sorry I hope this helps. I could only answer half of it.

Which type of body language is encouraged when delivering a presentation?



Making eye contact at the audience that you' re presenting to


the answer is positive body language. for example a smile or making eye contact to the audience or judges

select the meaning of the letters ft in the acronym ftir.


Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)


Is meteors are particles of debris in outer space a phrase or clause



"Meteors are particles of debris in outer space" is a phrase. A phrase is a group of words that forms a unit of meaning, but it does not contain a subject and a verb.

A clause, on the other hand, is a group of words that contain a subject and a verb and forms a unit of meaning, it can be independent or dependent clause.


Why is the Japanese language dying out?



The Japanese language is not dying out, it's a widely spoken language with a relatively stable number of speakers. However, there are some factors that have led to a decline in the use of the language among certain groups and in certain contexts.

Demographic Changes: Japan's population is aging and shrinking, and with that, the number of children and young people who are native speakers of Japanese is decreasing, which can lead to a decline in the use of the language over time.

English Dominance: The increasing global importance of English, particularly in the business and professional sectors, has led to a shift away from Japanese in many contexts.

Regional Dialects: Japan has many regional dialects, and while they are all mutually intelligible, some are dying out. Some of the dialects are not passed down to the next generations, due to the influence of standard Japanese in media and education, and the decline of rural communities.

Language shift: Some Japanese people, particularly young people, are choosing to speak other languages, such as English or Chinese, as a way to communicate with an increasingly globalized society.

Lack of incentives: There are few incentives for Japanese people to learn and use the language, as it is spoken almost exclusively in Japan and is not widely used outside of the country.

Overall, while the Japanese language is not dying out, it is facing challenges from demographic changes and the global dominance of English, as well as a decline in the use of regional dialects.


Why is the Cebuano language declining? Why did the Cebuano language rapidly decline from being the most spoken Philippines language to a dying language?


The decline of the Cebuano language can be attributed to several factors, including:

   Influence of other languages    Migration    Lack of language promotion    Education

What languages are vanishing in the Philippines?

Influence of other languages: The dominance of other languages, such as English and Tagalog, has led to a decrease in the use of Cebuano. Many people, especially in urban areas, prefer to use these languages for education and communication, leading to a decline in the use of Cebuano.

   Migration: The migration of Cebuano speakers to other regions, both within the Philippines and abroad, has also contributed to the decline of the language. In these areas, Cebuano speakers may not have access to language-preservation efforts or be surrounded by speakers of different languages, leading to a decrease in fluency.

   Lack of language promotion: The lack of language promotion and support, such as language classes and the use of Cebuano in media, has also contributed to its decline. The lack of recognition of Cebuano as a language of value has led to a decrease in its use, especially among younger generations.

Despite these challenges, there are efforts being made to revive and preserve the Cebuano language, such as language classes and the use of Cebuano in media. However, sustained efforts are needed to ensure that the language does not become extinct in the future.

Learn more about language form



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