Explain data hazard and structural hazard. Then, explain how we can prevent each type of hazard. Provide two examples to support your explanations


Answer 1


Answered below


Data hazards happen when instructions exhibiting data dependence modify data in the different stages of a pipeline. Potential data hazards when not attended to, can result in race hazards or race conditions. Examples of situations where data hazards can occur is read after write, write after read, write after write. To resolve data hazards we can insert a pipeline whenever a read after write, dependence is encountered, use out-of-order execution or use operand forwarding.

Structural hazards happen when multiple instructions which are already in pipeline new the same resource. Example is a situation which many instructions are ready to execute an there is a single Arithmetic Logic Unit. Methods for preventing this hazard include pipeline break an pipeline flushing.

Related Questions

write the full form of E-mail?​



Electronic Mail. This is your answer.

11. Which of the following is word processing


WordPerfectWordpadMS Word

Hope this is correct


1)What is Big Data?
2) What is machine learning?
3) Give one advantage of Big data analytics.
4) Give any one application of Big Data Analytics. 5) What are the features of Big Data Analytics?



Big data is defined as the extremely large data set that may be analysed computationally to reveal pattern,trends and associations, related to human behaviour and interaction.

Machine learning is a sub area of artifical intelligence where by the terms refers to the ability of IT system to independently find the solution to problem by reconnaissance pattern in databases.

The one advantage of bigdata is

To ensure hire the right employees.

The application of bigdata data is

to communicate media application nd entertainment

Explain how mobile phone production could be more sustainable​



Sustainable design - the key features for sustainable phones are: use of sustainable and recycled materials, the use of less energy and efficient charging, durability, and last but not least they should be easy and inexpensive to repair.


One of the best ways to change this is to voice your concern to cell phone manufacturers for more sustainable products. Request smartphones that are made with fewer hazardous chemicals, manufactured in plants powered by renewable energy, and that contain recycled materials.


A __________ infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industrygroup and is owned by an organization selling cloud services.

a. community cloud
b. hybrid cloud
c. public cloud
d. private cloud



A public cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industrygroup and is owned by an organization selling cloud services.

[tex]<font color=orange>[/tex]

a. community cloud

b. hybrid cloud

c. public cloud

d. private cloud

Which is the first computer brought in nepal for the census of 2028 B.S​



The first computer brought in Nepal was IBM 1401 which was brought by the Nepal government in lease (1 lakh 25 thousands per month) for the population census of 1972 AD (2028 BS). It took 1 year 7 months and 15 days to complete census of 1crore 12.5 lakhs population.

Giving Branliest IFFF CORRECT

Which feature displays certain data in a database?









when you use filter, it only fetches data that meets the filter criteria you applied


(2)/B - Filter


who is the owner of apple company??​



Steven Paul Jobs......


Select all steps in the list below that should be completed when using the problem-solving process discussed in this chapter.

Take action.

Take a break.


Complete the task.

Consider solutions and list ideas.

Understand the task or need.

Ask a coworker for help.


Take action.


Complete the task.

Consider solutions and list ideas.

Understand the task or need.

Solve using Matlab the problems:

One using the permutation of n objects formula

One using the permutation of r objects out of n objects

you can make up your own questions.

Help me please




% Clears variables and screen

clear; clc

% Asks user for input

n = input('Total number of objects: ');

r = input('Size of subgroup: ');

% Computes and displays permutation according to basic formulas

p = 1;

for i = n - r + 1 : n

   p = p*i;


str1 = [num2str(p) ' permutations'];


% Computes and displays combinations according to basic formulas

str2 = [num2str(p/factorial(r)) ' combinations'];




How many permutations and combinations can be made of the 15 alphabets, taking four at a time?

The answer is:

32760 permutations

1365 combinations

Suppose that a class named ClassA contains a private nonstatic integer named b, a public nonstatic integer named c, and a public static integer named d. Which of the following are legal statements in a class named ClassB that has instantiated an object as ClassA obA =new ClassA();?

a. obA.b 12;
b. obA.c 5;
c. obA.d 23;
d. ClassA.b=23;
e. ClassA.c= 33;
f. ClassA.d= 99;



b. obA.c 5;

d. ClassA.b=23;

f. ClassA.d = 99;


Java is a programming language for object oriented programs. It is high level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is used to create applications that can run on single computer. Static variable act as global variable in Java and can be shared among all objects. The non static variable is specific to instance object in which it is created.

Pls help me Pls help me



20 10


please mark me as brainlyest

Hello, I am having trouble adding a txt file into a array, so I can pop it off for a postfix problem I have uploaded what I have so far. I need help please



#include <stack>


#include<fstream> // to read imformation from files


using namespace std;

int main() {

   stack<string> data;

   ifstream inFile("postfix.txt");

   string content;

   if (!inFile) {

       cout << "Unable to open file" << endl;

       exit(1); // terminate with error


   while (getline(inFile, content)) {




   return 0;



You were very close. Use the standard <stack> STL library, and make sure the stack elements are of the same type as what you're trying to add, i.e., std::string.

#Write a function called fancy_find. fancy_find should have #two parameters: search_within and search_for. # #fancy_find should check if search_for is found within the #string search_within. If it is, it should print the message #"[search_for] found at index [index]!", with [search_for] #and [index] replaced by the value of search_for and the #index at which it is found. If search_for is not found #within search_within, it should print, "[search_for] was #not found within [search_within]!", again with the values #of search_for and search_within. # #For example: # # fancy_find("ABCDEF", "DEF") -> "DEF found at index 3!" # fancy_find("ABCDEF", "GHI") -> "GHI was not found within ABCDEF!"



Here is the Python program:

def fancy_find(search_within , search_for):  # function definition of fancy_find function that takes two parameters

   index = 0  #to store the index of search_within where the search_for string is found

   if search_for in search_within:  #checks if the string search_for is present in string search_within

       sf = search_for[0]  #points to the first character of the search_for

       for sw in search_within:  #iterates through search_within

           if sw == sf:  #if the first character of search_for is equal to the character at sw index of search_within

               if search_within[index:index+len(search_for)] == search_for:  #checks if the value of search_for is found in search_within

                   print(search_for,"found at index",index,"!")  #if above condition is true prints the message "[search_for] found at index [index]!", with [search_for] and [index] replaced by the value of search_for and the index at which it is found

                   return ""  

           index += 1  #increments value of index at each iteration

   print(search_for,"is not found within", search_within)  #if search_for is not found within search_within, prints message "[search_for] was not found within [search_within]!" with the values of search_for and search_within.

   return ""    

#following two statements are used to test the working of above function

print(fancy_find("ABCDEF", "DEF"))  #calls fancy_find() passing "ABCDEF" as search_within and "DEF" as search_for

print(fancy_find("ABCDEF", "GHI")) #calls fancy_find() passing "ABCDEF" as search_within and "GHI" as search_for


The program is well explained in the comments. I will explain the working of the function with the help of an example:


search_within = "ABCDEF"

search_for = "DEF"

We have to find if search_for i.e. DEF is present in search_within i.e. ABCDEF

if search_for in search_within statement checks using in operator that if DEF is included in ABCDEF. Here this condition evaluates to true so the next statement sf = search_for[0]  executes which sets the first element of search_for i.e. D to sf. So sf = 'D'

for sw in search_within this statement has a for loop that iterates through ABCDEF and works as following:

At first iteration:

sw contains the first character of search_within  i.e. A

if sw == sf: condition checks if the first character of the search_for i.e. D is equal to sw i.e. A. Its not true so the program control moves to this statement:

index += 1 This increases the value of index by 1. index was initialized to 0 so now it becomes 1. Hence index=1

At second iteration:

sw contains the second character of search_within  i.e. B

if sw == sf: condition checks if the first character of the search_for i.e. D is equal to sw i.e. B Its not true so the program control moves to this statement:

index += 1 This increases the value of index by 1. index was initialized to 0 so now it becomes  2. Hence index=2

At third iteration:

sw contains the third character of search_within  i.e. C

if sw == sf: condition checks if the first character of the search_for i.e. D is equal to sw i.e. C Its not true so the program control moves to this statement:

index += 1 This increases the value of index by 1. index was initialized to 0 so now it becomes  3. Hence index=3

At fourth iteration:

sw contains the third character of search_within  i.e. D

if sw == sf: condition checks if the first character of the search_for i.e. D is equal to sw i.e. D. Its true so so the program control moves to this statement:

  if search_within[index:index+len(search_for)] == search_for:

current value of index=3

len(search_for) returns the length of DEF i.e. 3

So the if condition checks for the search_for in search_within. The statement becomes:

if search_within[3:3+3] == search_for:

search_within[3:3+3]  means from 3rd index position of search_within to 6-th index position of the search_within. This means from 4th element of search_within i.e. D to the last. Hence search_within[3:3+3] is equal to DEF.

search_for = DEF so

if search_within[3:3+3] == search_for: checks if

search_within[3:3+3] = DEF is equals to search_for = DEF

Yes it is true so

print(search_for,"found at index",index,"!") statement is executef which prints the following message:

DEF found at index 3!

This output is because search_for = "DEF" and index=3

Which function in Excel tells how
? many numeric entries are there





Let's see which function does what:


This function totals one or more numbers in a range of cells.


This function gets the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers


This  function returns the square root of a number.


This function sorts the contents of a range or array.

As we see, Count is the function that gets the number of entries.




Tells how many numeric entries are there.

A computer uses a programmable clock in square-wav e mode. If a 500 MHz crystal is used, what should be the value of the holding register to achieve a clock resolution of (a) a millisecond (a clock tick once every millisecond)





A computer uses a programmable clock in square-wave mode. If a 500 MHz crystal is used, what should be the value of the holding register to achieve a clock resolution of (a) a millisecond (a clock tick once every millisecond)

1 millisecond = 1 million second = 1,000,000

For a 500 MHz crystal, Counter decrement = 2

Therefore value of the holding register to a clock resolution of 1,000,000 seconds :

1,000,000/2 = 500,000

If you are to enhance the ICT used by your teachers, how will ypu do it? Will you use the same ICT or will you modify how it was integrated?​


To enhance the ICT (Information Communication Technology) used by teachers, I will modify how the ICT was integrated.

The modification of how ICT is integrated will change the culture that places teaching over technology.  Then, teachers will be taught how to use ICT to:

improve learning so that teachers become learning facilitatorsmotivate learners by fostering learning autonomy, making students less dependent on the teacherengage the learners by creating collaborative learningdiminish content learning so that students learn to think, create, and communicate effectivelymake learning a lifetime culture enhance the learning environment so that teachers become collaborators and co-learners with students.

Thus, I will enhance the ICT used by teachers by modifying its integration to achieve better results for both teachers and learners.

Learn more about the importance of ICT here: https://brainly.com/question/13724249

The readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, how is an end of line character represented





readline() method is used to read one line from a file. It returns that line from the file.    

This line from the file is returned as a string. This string contains a \n at the end which is called a new line character.

So the readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, and this end of line character is represented by \n.

For example if the file "abc.txt" contains the lines:

Welcome to abc file.

This file is for demonstrating how read line works.

Consider the following code:

f = open("abc.txt", "r")  #opens the file in read mode

print(f.readline()) # read one line from file and displays it

The output is:

Welcome to abc file.    

The readline() method reads one line and the print method displays that line.                        

Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of numbers separated by commas. Here is an example of valid input: 7,9,10,2,18,6 The program should calculate and display the sum of all the numbers.



Here is the JAVA program. Let me know if you need the program in some other programming language.

import java.util.Scanner; // used for taking input from user

public class Main{ //Main class

public static void main(String[] args) {//start of main() function body

  Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); // creates a Scanner type object

   String input; // stores input series

    int sum = 0; //stores the sum of the series

    System.out.println("Enter a series of numbers separated by commas: "); //prompts user to enter a series of numbers separated by comma

     input = scan.nextLine(); //reads entire input series

     String[] numbers = input.split("[, ]"); //breaks the input series based on delimiter i.e. comma and stores the split sub strings (numbers) into the numbers array

   for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { //loops through each element of numbers array until the length of the numbers reaches

          sum += Integer.parseInt(numbers[i]); } // parses the each String element of numbers array as a signed decimal integer object and takes the sum of all the integer objects

     System.out.println("Sum of all the numbers: " + sum);  } } //displays the sum of all the numbers


The program prompts the user to enter a series separated by commas.

Then split() method is used to split or break the series of numbers which are in String form, into sub strings based on comma (,) . This means the series is split into separate numbers. These are stored in numbers[] array.

Next the for loop iterate through each sub string i.e. each number of the series, converts each String type decimal number to integer using Integer.parseInt and computes the sum of all these integers. The last print statement displays the sum of all numbers in series.  

If the input is 7,9,10,2,18,6

Then the output is: 7+9+10+2+18+6

sum = 52

The program and its output is attached.

Define a function group-by-nondecreasing, which takes in a stream of numbers and outputs a stream of lists, which overall has the same numbers in the same order, but grouped into segments that are non-decreasing.



def group_by_nondecreasing( *args ) :

     num_list = [arg for arg in args]

     sorted_numlist = sorted( num_list )

     list_stream = [ sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist ]

     return list_stream


This python function has the ability to accept multiple and varying amount of arguments. the list comprehension shorten the logical for statement to generate a list of numbers, sorts the list in ascending order by default and duplicates the list in another list.

some properties of Internal and External Storage.



Internal Storage

This has to do with the primary memory of a computer that is used to store the user's files, applications, etc. This is where the Operating System and pre-installed software is installed. There are two types of internal memory which are ROM and RAM.


They are volatileThey contain the OS of the systemROM loses data when power is lostRAM does not lose storage when power is lost.

External Storage

These are secondary memory that is not primarily permanently attached to the computer. This is a device that contains all the addressable data storage which are not inside the computer's storage. Some examples of external storage are flash drives, CD ROMs, etc.


They are addressableThey can be easily detached.

Differentiate between email and NIPOST System


Answer: NIPOST System is sending mail physical like photos and letters and many items

Email is electronic  mail sent through the internet but you can send it anywhere


What are some of the major issues with geotagging? What concerns you the most?



Major issues with geotagging include the ability to pinpoint the exact location where a photo was taken, which raises privacy concerns.

What concerns me the most is when a geotag of an unsuspecting victim's location falls into the wrong hands.


Geotag -  A geographical tag that can attach to SMS text messages, media such as photos and images, etc. The Geotag is measured in the longitude and latitude at which the image or text message took place.

Write a function called "equals" that accepts 2 arguments The two arguments will be of type list The function should return one string, either "Equals" or "Not Equals" For the lists to be equal, they need to: Have the same number of elements Have all the elements be of the same type Have the order fo the elements be the same DO NOT USE "



import numpy as np

def equals(list1, list2 ):

     compare = np.all( list1, list2)

     if ( compare == True):

           print ( "Equals")

     else :

           print(" Not Equals")


This python function utilizes the numpy package to compare two list items passed as its argument. It prints out "equals" for a true result and "not equal" for a false result.

what makes''emerging technologies'' happen and what impact will they have on individuals,society,and environment



Are characterized by radical novelty


Example, intelligent enterprises are reimaging and reinventing the way they do bussines

Which of the following BEST describes an inside attacker?
An agent who uses their technical knowledge to bypass security.
An attacker with lots of resources and money at their disposal.
A good guy who tries to help a company see their vulnerabilities.
An unintentional threat actor. This is the most common threat.​


The inside attacker should be a non-intentional threat actor that represents the most common threat.

The following information related to the inside attacker is:

It is introduced by the internal user that have authorization for using the system i.e. attacked.It could be intentional or an accidental.So it can be non-intentional threat.

Therefore we can conclude that The inside attacker should be a non-intentional threat actor that represents the most common threat.

Learn more about the threat here: brainly.com/question/3275422

Consider the binary search tree constructed for the words oenology, phrenology, campanology, ornithology, ichthyology, limnology, alchemy, and astrology using alphabetical order. Find the number of comparisons needed to locate or to add each of the following words in the search tree, starting fresh each time:

a. palmistry
b. etymology
c. paleontology
d. glaciology



Binary Search Tree is also called ordered tree or sorted binary tree. In the tree each node contains smaller values in the left side of the subtree and larger values in the right side of  the subtree.

Complete the function to replace any period by an exclamation point. Ex: "Hello. I'm Miley. Nice to meet you." becomes:

"Hello! I'm Miley! Nice to meet you!"



using namespace std;

void MakeSentenceExcited(char* sentenceText) {

/* Your solution goes here */


int main() {

const int TEST_STR_SIZE = 50;

char testStr[TEST_STR_SIZE];

strcpy(testStr, "Hello. I'm Miley. Nice to meet you.");


cout << testStr << endl;

return 0;




Here is the complete function:

void MakeSentenceExcited(char* sentenceText) {  // function that takes the text as parameter and replaces any period by an exclamation point in that text

int size = strlen(sentenceText);  //returns the length of sentenceText string and assigns it to size variable

char * ptr;  // character type pointer ptr

ptr = sentenceText;  // ptr points to the sentenceText string

for (int i=0; i<size; i++){  //iterates through the sentenceText string using i as an index

    if (sentenceText[i]=='.'){  // if the character at i-th index of sentenceText is a period

        sentenceText[i]='!'; } } } //places exclamation mark when it finds a period at i-th index of sentenceText


The program works as follows:

Suppose we have the string:

sentenceText = "Hello. I'm Miley. Nice to meet you."

The MakeSentenceExcited method takes this sentenceText as parameter

int size = strlen(sentenceText) this returns the length of sentenceText

The size of sentenceText is 35 as this string contains 35 characters

size =  35

Then a pointer ptr is declared which is set to point to sentenceText

for (int i=0; i<size; i++) loop works as follows:    

1st iteration:


i<size is true because i=0 and size = 35 so 0<35

So the body of loop executes:

 if (sentenceText[i]=='.') statement checks :

if (sentenceText[0]=='.')

The first element of sentenceText is H

H is not a period sign so the statement inside if statement does not execute and value of i increments to 1. Now i = 1

2nd iteration:


i<size is true because i=1 and size = 35 so 1<35

So the body of loop executes:

 if (sentenceText[i]=='.') statement checks :

if (sentenceText[1]=='.')

This is the second element of sentenceText i.e. e

e is not a period sign so the statement inside if statement does not execute and value of i increments to 1. Now i = 2

So at each iteration the if condition checks if the character at i-th index of string sentenceText is a period.

Now lets see a case where the element at i-th index is a period:

6th iteration:


i<size is true because i=5 and size = 35 so 5<35

So the body of loop executes:

 if (sentenceText[i]=='.') statement checks :

if (sentenceText[5]=='.')

This is the character at 5th index of sentenceText i.e. "."

So the if condition evaluates to true and the statement inside if part executes:

sentenceText[i]='!'; statement becomes:

sentenceText[5]='!'; this means that the character at 5th position of sentenceText string is assigned an exclamation mark.

So from above 6 iterations the result is:


This loop continues to execute until all the characters of sentenceText are checked and when the value of i gets greater than or equal to the length of sentenceText then the loop breaks.

The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.

Describe how tuples can be useful with loops over lists and dictionaries,
and give Python code examples.
Create your own code examples. Do not copy them from the textbook or any other source.
Your descriptions and examples should include the following: the zip function, the enumerate function, and the items method.



what is computer

what is simple machine

what is output device

explain computer coding in an understandable manner​



Coding is simply how we communicate with computers. Code tells a computer what actions to take, and writing code is like creating a set of instructions


Computer coding empowers kids to not only consume digital media and technology, but to create it. Instead of simply playing videogame or envision what their own website, or app might look like and they'll have the outlet for the expression

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