For ancient Egyptians, burial was a ritual where the dead left the land of the living and entered the afterlife. Before the burial, the body had to be prepared. Not everyone could afford the same service. All ancient Egyptians had some type of funeral ceremony to make the transition to the world of the dead. People with little money gave their used clothing as payment to the embalmer (the person preserving the mummy). A family with more money could have more work done. The body would be kept for 70 days in a chemical to preserve it. For a middle-class family, the embalmer might inject the body with oil of cedar or other perfumes. The wealthy had a more complex mummification process that included careful work on the brain and organs. When the bodies were dried and wrapped, they were given to their families in wooden coffins. How did the burial of a wealthy person differ from that of an enslaved person? Choose two answers.
A) The wealthy had a more complex process.
B) The wealthy were wrapped in their clothes.
C) The wealthy had a ceremony.
D) The wealthy had perfumes in their bodies.


Answer 1


A and d


Answer 2


The wealthy had a more complex process.

The wealthy had perfumes in their bodies.


For ancient Egyptians, burial was a ritual where the dead left the land of the living and entered the afterlife. Before the burial, the body had to be prepared. Not everyone could afford the same service.  All ancient Egyptians had some type of funeral ceremony to make the transition to the world of the dead. People with little money gave their used clothing as payment to the embalmer (the person preserving the mummy). A family with more money could have more work done. The body would be kept for 70 days in a chemical to preserve it. For a middle-class family, the embalmer might inject the body with oil of cedar or other perfumes. The wealthy had a more complex mummification process that included careful work on the brain and organs. When the bodies were dried and wrapped, they were given to their families in wooden coffins.

Related Questions

1. What led to a change in economics during and after the middle ages?



For the continent as a whole, the population growth under way by 1500 continued over the “long” 16th century until the second or third decade of the 17th century. A recent estimate by the American historian Jan De Vries set Europe’s population (excluding Russia and the Ottoman Empire) at 61.6 million in 1500, 70.2 million in 1550, and 78.0 million in 1600; it then lapsed back to 74.6 million in 1650. The distribution of population across the continent was also shifting. Northwestern Europe (especially the Low Countries and the British Isles) witnessed the most vigorous expansion; England’s population more than doubled between 1500, when it stood at an estimated 2.6 million, and 1650, when it probably attained 5.6 million. Northwestern Europe also largely escaped the demographic downturn of the mid-17th century, which was especially pronounced in Germany, Italy, and Spain. In Germany, the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) may have cost the country, according to different estimates, between 25 and 40 percent of its population.


Hope this helps :)

Which of the following is a requirement for all u.s citizens over 18?
A.serve in the military
B.Attend a public school
C.respond when summond to jury duty
D.apply for naturalization



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c. respond when summoned to jury duty


First, no one can be forced to go to the military, unless they reinforced the draft.

Second, when a u.s. citizen turns 18 they no longer legally are forced to attend school

Last, naturalization is for non citizens trying to become u.s. citizens

Therefore that leaves you with c

(I hope that helped)

What element of the web page indicates it might be unreliable? A: The page title B: The visual design C: The domain name D: The last updated date


Answer:  d : the last updated date






What is the Library of Alexandria and why is it significant?



The Library was built in the Brucheion (Royal Quarter) as part of the Mouseion. Its main purpose was to show off the wealth of Egypt, with research as a lesser goal, but its contents were used to aid the ruler of Egypt.


The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. ... Alexandria came to be regarded as the capital of knowledge and learning, in part because of the Great Library.


, explain the medieval political and economic system.


Feudalism, also called feudal system or feudality, French féodalité, historiographic construct designating the social, economic, and political conditions in western Europe during the early Middle Ages, the long stretch of time between the 5th and 12th centuries.

Based upon the account of Thomas Morton, why did Native Americans use a fire in the middle of their house?
OA. It helps to keep the house warm.
OB. It makes for better lighting.
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It is the only place they can build it.
It is the best spot for cooking.
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Session Score: 57% (417)



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What were the major differences between the Navajo and Apache and the Pueblos?




Apache- made tipis and wiki ups which show that they are more nomadic. Pueblo- made adobe multistoried houses which were warm and shows how they were sedentary. I’m pretty sure that’s it


hope it helps


pache- made tipis and wiki ups which show that they are more nomadic. Pueblo- made adobe multistoried houses which were warm and shows how they were sedentary. I’m pretty sure that’s it


What outside factor most directly contributed to the formation of enclaves in cities?



housing discrimination


Because the Rio Grande Valley had poor soil quality compared to other regions of Texas, Coahuiltecans


The correct answer is B) "were non-agricultural and traveled in bands to follow game."

Because the Rio Grande Valley had poor soil quality compared to other regions of Texas, Coahuiltecans "were non-agricultural and traveled in bands to follow game."

Early Coahuiltecans lived in the region of southern Texas and the northeast part of México, modern-day states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, México. As the soil had poor quality and was not fertile to grow crops, this tribe wandered around following animal herds to hunt them and feed their families. They hunted armadillos, rabbits, snakes, deer, and Bison.

3) Please give two reasons why slaves needed in the "New World"



The following is an excerpt from Jubilee: The Emergence of African-American Culture by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library (National Geographic Books,2003). Order it here.

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"—Patrick Henry, Speech in the Virginia Convention, March, 1775.

African peoples were captured and transported to the Americas to work. Most European colonial economies in the Americas from the 16th through the 19th century were dependent on enslaved African labor for their survival.

According to European colonial officials, the abundant land they had "discovered" in the Americas was useless without sufficient labor to exploit it. Slavery systems of labor exploitation were preferred, but neither European nor Native American sources proved adequate to the task.

The trans-Saharan slave trade had long supplied enslaved African labor to work on sugar plantations in the Mediterranean alongside white slaves from Russia and the Balkans. This same trade also sent as many as 10,000 slaves a year to serve owners in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Iberian Peninsula.


!not saying slavery is okay! i just hope this helps you hehe, and good luck on your homework/ school work!

Analyze and explain life in the American colonies, focusing upon reasons for colonial foundation and settlement, regional differences, and the American Colonial identity.



New England Colonies - These colonies were founded by puritan separatists. The main reason was to flee religious persecution. Life there was controlled unders strict religious principles, and societal structure was very egalitarian.

Mid-Atlantic Colonies - These colonies were founded by private companies that obtained royal authorization (royal charters). They were characterized by a higher degree of religious diversity, with denominations such as a quakers, catholics, and presbyterians living there.

Southern Colonies - they were the last to be founded. These colonies had a warmer climate that allowed for the development of large cash crop plantations. These plantations led to the importation of thousands of African slaves. However, the backcountry of these colonies was very different, settled mainly by poor white farmers who lived off subsistance agriculture (many of them coming from Scotland and the Ulster).

Identify and explain one similarity and one difference between Europe and the United States of



The United States does not have the same cultural clashes that Europe does. The United States is very patriotic, but does not have the same underlying cultural ethos that European nations do. This means that people with an ‘outsider’ culture can engage easier with civil society and institutions in the United States than they can in Europe.


There's a couple. Hope this helps.

The People's Party (Populist) wanted public ownership of the ______________.


ownership of railroads

they didn't want to be controlled

what do Rome in the US have in common​


The US government and the Roman Republic both have the Executive and Legislative Branches in their government. The Roman Republic and US Government both have a set of checks and balances.

what factors could cause two regions to develop with such different economies?



All of them can influence them except an economy

Why would the governor of Arkansas try to prevent African Americans from attending school?




n September 2, 1957, Governor Orval Faubus announced that he would call in the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the African American students' entry to Central High, claiming this action was for the students' own protection.


Governor Orval Faubus announced that he would call in the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the African American students entry to Central High, claiming this action was for the students' own protection. He enlisted the National Guard to prevent nine African American students from entering Central High School in Little Rock. After the Supreme Court ruled school segregation unconstitutional in the 1954 Brown cases, it ordered that schools be desegregated with “all deliberate speed.” But many white Americans, especially in the South, responded angrily to the Court’s rulings. They did not want public schools to be desegregated. Soon, "Massive Resistance, a campaign to block desegregation at the local, state, and national level, was underway. In late summer 1956, crowds of angry whites prevented the desegregation of public schools in Texas, Tennessee, and elsewhere. And, since the Supreme Court’s ruling applied to public but not to private schools, some counties simply closed public schools altogether. Some whites also pulled their children out of public school just to put them in a private school. In the end several of the Little Rock Nine went on to pursue their careers.


I Hope this helped :)

(Please tell me if I am wrong)

Imagine you are traveling back in time to visit an early
river valley civilization. Describe what characteristics of
the place would you find, and what social organization
you would experience.


This is a personal question that only you can answer. However, we can provide some information that can help guide your work.

River valley civilizations were the first civilizations that arose in history. They formed in the banks of rivers, as these provided fertile ground to grow crops. Therefore, it is likely that if you travelled to these valleys, you would find a society that mostly relies on agriculture. These societies included the Ancient Egyptians (Nile River), the Mesopotamians (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers), Ancient Chinese (Yellow River) and Ancient Indians (Indus River).

These societies were also organized in a very particular way. It is likely that you would find a society where most people are farmers. They would form a particular social group. Other groups would include traders, priests and the nobility. Most of these civilizations consisted of a series of villages, with one or several large urban populations.

Why did Spain lose interest in the Louisiana Territory?
The land was poorly suited for farming.
O Explorers failed to find silver and gold in the region.
Europeans were reluctant to move to the colony.
O The French had offered to purchase the land.


Answer:Explorers failed to find silver and gold in the region.

Why is it important to be familiar with the terms AD and BC?
They are required on all time lines.
They are found on some time lines.
They represent the events on time lines.
They show the overall span of some time lines.



They are found on some timelines.


I took the test analyzing time lines and it said it was the correct answer.


They are found sometimes on timelines.


What were the reasons why Spanish colonist settled in America



3 AND 4



to spread christianity to the indians

to search for gold (i think)


i learned about this literally just yesterday

Which of the following classes grew as a result of global trade routes?
1. Clergy
2. Merchants
3. Royalty
4. Common people


Answer: Merchants


Clergy are the people who work in the Church so that's false.

Royalty didn't need to grow from trade they were already royal.

and Common people didn't grow from it.

So that leaves - Merchants

What is an example of exclusive powers?


Declaring war is an example

How did the roles of women not Change in 1920?


Women wasn’t able to vote or get a job they couldn’t own property they couldn’t learn

Define philanthropy



the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.



the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.


i looked up the def

During the era of European settlement 1600 and 1820, most Africans came to the Americas arrives as ______.





That went on for a long time


Well slaves.


they were taken from their homes and forced to become slaves.

Why is it important to understand that the 9/11 attacks are not a part of the religion of Islam



If you live in the US, it is an important lesson to know what happened in the history of the US, especially since it only happened a few years ago. It is a lesson about terrorist attacks and how afterwards, the whole country got together and helped everyone in need.


Well they were and they weren't


The terrorists who committed that atrocity were Islamic radicalists, which basically means they twisted the words of Islam in a manner to serve their wants, which was to eliminate all infidels basically. However, it's important to realize that distinction between radicalized and normal Muslims, because you can't just blame all Muslims for the attacks, just the bad ones.

what were two groups that battled for power under the republic


Answer: The Conflict of the Orders, also referred to as the Struggle of the Orders, was a political struggle between the Plebeians (commoners) and Patricians (aristocrats) of the ancient Roman Republic lasting from 500 BC to 287 BC, in which the Plebeians sought political equality with the Patricians

What happened during the Haymarket Riot​


it turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police at least eight people died as a result of the violence that day.
May 4, 1886, when a labor protest rally near Chicago's Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result of the violence that day.

Why did each of these civilizations use human sacrifice?





Aztecs: because they would give their blood to the sun god as a way of not harming their way of living
Inca: because they grew crops for and lived in mountains to get closer to their god

__________ powers are powers given specifically to the federal government by the Constitution. A. Reserved B. Federalist C. Delegated D. Concurrent


The Answer is C. Delegated. I got it right.
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