What event is depicted in the photo below? Is this event an example of a passive resistant activity?

GIVING 30 POINTS!!What Event Is Depicted In The Photo Below? Is This Event An Example Of A Passive Resistant


Answer 1
The event is Greensboro Sit-ins don’t know the second question sorry
Answer 2

Answer: This is a Sit In

Explanation: an act of occupying seats in a racially segregated establishment in organized protest against discrimination. or an act of sitting in the seats or on the floor of an establishment as a means of organized protest.

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think about what you know about 1200-1450 and what you just read about 1450-1750. Describe one change and one continuity



A big change would be


chnological developments such as the compass improved shipbuilding technology, and gunpowder shaped the development of the world. Trade through the Silk Road, the Indian Ocean, the trans-Saharan routes, and the Mediterranean Sea led to the spread of ideas, religions, and technology.

Name one argument in favor of and one argument in opposition to judicial review.​


Reasons for favour those who support judicial restraint contend that courts lack a constitutional right to make laws and that only the legislative branch has the authority to do so.

What does judicial activism mean? What are the reasons for and against it?

Judiciary activism is a strategy for using judicial review or a description of a specific judicial decision in which the judge was thought to be more inclined to rule on constitutional questions and to nullify legislative or executive measures.

Who was against legal review?

Thomas Jefferson voiced his disapproval of the judicial review doctrine in 1820: Your apparent belief that judges should decide all constitutional disputes is extremely dangerous and would put us in jeopardy.

To know more about Judicial review visit:


who declared martin luther an outlaw with the edict of worms?


The Edict of Worms, issued by Emperor Charles V, forbade Luther's works, labeled him a heretic, and branded him an enemy of the state.

What is the Worm Edict?

Diet of Worms, an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire held in Worms, Germany in 1521, became well-known when Martin Luther appeared before it to defend himself against accusations of heresy.

Luther was called before the political authorities rather than the pope or a council of the Roman Catholic Church because of the conflicting political and religious circumstances of the time.

Pope Leo X rejected 41 of Luther's 95 theses in June 1520, although he granted Luther time to retract his claims. Luther responded by burning the papal bull in front of everyone and standing by his ideas.

Learn more about the Edict of Worms with the help of the given link:


Did Reconstruction ultimately benefit or hinder the freedmen?


The reconstruction project was a success. The 14th and 15th Amendments have the authority. Amendments that aided African Americans in achieving full civil rights in the twentieth century.

What is Reconstruction?

Reconstruction was the period in American history following the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877, when the country attempted to redress slavery and its legacy, as well as to reintegrate 11 states into the Union.

Among Reconstruction's other accomplishments were the South's first state-funded public school systems, more equitable taxation legislation, anti-racial discrimination laws in public transportation and accommodations, and ambitious economic development programs (including aid to railroads and other enterprises).

Therefore, Reconstruction ultimately benefits the freedmen.

Learn more about Reconstruction, here;


28. The Golden Mean was an idea taught by Aristotle that meant

a. People should treat one another as they would like to be treated themselves.

b. There is no absolute right or wrong.

c. People should live moderately and take the middle position between two extremes.

d. Seeking pleasure is the most important thing. ​


The middle ground between two extremes—excess and deficiency—is moral behaviour. Choose a middle ground between those two extremes, and your behaviour will be moral.

The ideal middle ground between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency, is known as the golden mean or golden middle path. It first existed in Greek thinking at least as early as Plato's Philebus, which explored the Delphic maxim "nothing in excess."

The Nicomachean Ethics Book II contains an analysis of the golden mean, which states that character virtues can be thought of as means. In Aristotelian virtue ethics, it was thereafter stressed.

To know more about Greek ,click here:


how did the industrial revolution effect the children working in the mills?


The industrial revolution caused the children to take up jobs that they should have so that they would support their families. They were faced with harsh condition.

How did the industrial revolution effect the children working in the mills?

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century and continued through the 19th century, had a significant impact on the working conditions of children in mills. Before the Industrial Revolution, most children worked in agriculture or as apprentices in small shops and businesses.

With the rise of factories and mass production, however, many children were employed in mills and factories, often working long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions. Children as young as five or six years old were often employed in mills, where they worked for 12 to 16 hours a day, six days a week.

Read more on the industrial revolution here:


"The Constitution guarantees that people incarcerated in
jails and prisons may not be detained beyond their
release dates, and it is the fundamental duty of the State
to ensure that all people in its custody are released on
time," said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of
the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.
Explain why this is important in the United States of


The statement highlights the importance of due process and the protection of individual rights in the US.

What is due process?

The Constitution guarantees that individuals cannot be detained beyond their release date, which is a fundamental right and protects against unlawful detention. The duty of the state to ensure timely release also reinforces the principle of the rule of law and upholds the integrity of the criminal justice system.

Due process is a legal concept that ensures individuals are treated fairly and have adequate notice and opportunity to be heard before the government takes away their life, liberty, or property.

Learn more on the rule of law here


Need: more men were needed to continue the war
Solution: ?


When more men are needed to continue a war, the solution would be the institute a military draft.

Why are military drafts instituted ?

Military drafts are instituted to conscript, or compulsory enroll, a large number of individuals into the military service for a certain period of time, typically during times of war or national emergency.

The goal of a military draft is to quickly increase the size of the armed forces and provide the manpower needed to defend the country. The use of a draft ensures a more equal distribution of the burden of military service among the population and helps to maintain public support for the war effort.

Find out more on military drafts at


Explain the steps that a person must complete in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of Buddhism?


Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.

What are the basics of Buddhism?

Buddhism is a significant world religion with a nuanced history and set of doctrines. The history and core principles of Buddhism will only be briefly covered in the sections that follow; they are not meant to be all-inclusive guides to the faith.

Although they leave a lot out, the Four Noble Truths are the core of Buddha's teachings. They are the truth of pain, the truth of suffering's source, the reality of suffering's resolution, and the truth of the way to suffering's resolution. In plainer terms, pain has a cause, an end, and a reason that will bring about that end. The idea of suffering is meant to communicate a pragmatic attitude that deals with the world as it is and works to make it better, not a pessimistic one.

To learn more about Buddhism visit here:


How did "separate but equal" policies actually try to maintain inequality?



"Separate but equal" policies, also known as "Jim Crow laws," were a system of laws and practices in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination. These policies were based on the principle that as long as separate facilities were provided for different racial groups, the treatment of those groups was considered equal. However, in practice, the separate facilities provided for different racial groups were often of significantly lower quality and were intended to maintain inequality.

For example, separate schools for Black and white children were often vastly underfunded, leading to inferior educational opportunities for Black children. Similarly, public restrooms, water fountains, and other facilities designated for Black people were frequently poorly maintained and had fewer amenities than those designated for white people. These policies also restricted the rights of Black people in areas such as voting, housing, and employment.

Additionally, the "separate but equal" doctrine was used to justify laws that criminalized interracial marriage and other forms of racial mixing. This doctrine helped to perpetuate the notion that different races were inherently unequal, which in turn helped to maintain the existing social, economic, and political inequality between different racial groups.

In summary, "separate but equal" policies were used to justify and maintain racial segregation and discrimination, which led to significant inequality between different racial groups in areas such as education, housing, and employment, and helped to reinforce the notion of inherent racial inequality.

Hope this helps! Enjoy Learning!<3

The Civil Rights organization that was made up mainly of religious leaders and older adults, was known for nonviolent protests, and its leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr? A.Southern Christian Leadership Conference
B.Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
C.The Nation of Islam
D.The Rainbow Coalition


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made up the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which was known for non-violent protests. He and other civil rights activists, the majority of whom were fellow pastors, created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957.

A group dedicated to obtaining full equality for African Americans via non-violent protest, encouraged by the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. "Not one hair of one head of one person should be damaged," was the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's motto. King would continue to lead this significant group until his passing.

Martin Luther King Jr. traveled across the nation and the globe while serving as president of the SCLC, making speeches on civil rights and non-violent protest and meeting with religious leaders, activists, and politicians.

He had the chance to visit Gandhi's family and supporters during a month-long trip to India in 1959, referring to Gandhi as "the guiding light of our technique of non-violent social transformation" in his book. During this time, King wrote numerous books and essays.

To learn more about Southern Christian Leadership Conference, click below:


Which of these BEST explains why European powers competed intensely for China?
a. They wanted to bring Christianity to the people there.
b. They wanted to build military bases there to fight Japan.
c. They wanted to have access to the fertile Yangtze river valley.
d. They wanted to market products to China's large population.


Option (d). They wanted to market products to China's large population.( China provided Europeans with a huge market for their products.)

What is the large population in economics?

An increase in population means an increase in the availability of workers or employees, which means more labor. The downside of having a large population is that unemployment can be high. human capital. Increasing investment in human capital can improve the quality of the workforce.

What are largest population size?

Six of the earth's seven continents are massively and permanently inhabited. Asia is most populous continent, with 4.64 billion people making up her 60% of the world's population. Her two most populous countries in the world, China and India, together account for about 36% of the world's population.

To know more about large population visit here:


What legendary italian soldier led volunteers from piedmont in the 1860 invasions of sicily and naples, paving the way for the unification of italy?


Northern and southern Tuscany were nearly brought together by Garibaldi's efforts to promote Italian unification.

What word best describes an invasion?

Encroach, encroach, and trespass are a few popular alternatives of invade. All of these verbs indicate "to make inroads onto the property, land, or right of another," but invade suggests an aggressive and harmful intrusion into another person's space. accused of violating their personal space.

Invasion is what do you name it?

Army movement into a territory is known as an invasion, which is often a hostile invasion that is a component of a conflict or conflict. Invasion accounts abound in world history. An invasion occurs when an army from one country invades or occupies a city or region of another.

To know more about invasions visit:


The Portuguese were the first to explore other lands because they had...
...superior ships.


Portuguese ships were larger and more advanced than those of other nations at the time, which allowed them to sail farther and explore more distant lands.

What is Portuguese ships?

Portuguese ships are vessels used by the Portuguese people since the early days of their exploration and colonization. These vessels have played a major role in the history of Portugal and the world, being used for exploration and trade, as well as for war. The initial ships used by the Portuguese were lateen-rigged caravels, which were small and light, allowing them to be extremely manoeuvrable and able to sail in shallow waters. This allowed them to explore and discover new lands, as well as to establish trade routes.

They were also the first to develop navigational instruments, such as the astrolabe and a magnetic compass, which allowed them to chart their course more precisely.

To learn more about Portuguese ships

36. How did the viewpoints of this bench restrict the rights of freedmen of the South?



The answer is, A lack of funding, coupled with the politics of race and Reconstruction. Hope this helped you, and tell me if I am wrong.


Who declared Independence in 1776?


On July 2, 1776, Congress resolved to declare the country independent. Two days later, it adopted the text of the Declaration.

Who declared Independence in 776?

Congress decided to declare independence on July 2, 1776. It approved the Declaration's text two days later.

John Dunlap, the Congress's official printer, toiled all night to typeset and print about 200 copies of the Declaration.

The legislative of the U.S. federal government is known as the United States Congress. It is bicameral, with the House of Representatives as its lower body and the Senate as its upper body.

It convenes in Washington, D.C., at the Capitol building.

Direct elections are used to choose senators and representatives, though the governor may nominate someone to fill a vacancy in the Senate.

Therefore, on July 2, 1776, Congress resolved to declare the country independent. Two days later, it adopted the text of the Declaration.

Know more about the congress here:


6. How was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal different from policies the U.S. government adopted earlier in the Great Depression?​


The federal government adopted a number of initiatives under Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal to combat the economic crisis during the Great Depression. A number of ways set the New Deal apart from past government initiatives. First of all, it had a considerably wider range of initiatives that were more broad and ambitious in scope, aiming to address many facets of the economic crisis like unemployment, poverty, and financial instability. Second, a larger role for the federal government in the economy, with the government playing a more active role in controlling the economy and directly assisting people and businesses, was a hallmark of the New Deal.

what is a military officer


A military officer is a person who holds a position of leadership and management within the military.

What are military officers responsible for ?

Military officers are responsible for leading, training, and commanding troops, as well as planning and executing military operations. Military officers typically have ranks that reflect their level of responsibility and experience, such as second lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, and general.

They also often receive specialized training in areas such as tactics, strategy, and weapons use.

Find out more on military officers at


According to the Code of Hammurabi, what was most highly valued in Hammurabi, what was most highly valued in Mesopotamian society? What was the least valued in Mesopotamian society? What was the least valued? Explain your answer


All members of society had to abide by the rules provided by the code. As a result, there existed a legal foundation for determining what was and wasn't illegal.

What is the value of Hammurabi?To unify all of southern Mesopotamia, Hammurabi grew the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River. The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 regulations, established norms for business dealings and imposed fines and penalties to satisfy the demands of justice.Mesopotamians had a remarkably organised civilisation and a set of rigid cultural norms that made society run smoothly. The religious, professional, and social status values of Mesopotamian civilization are expressed in the Hammurabi Code.From from 1792 to 1750 BCE, Hammurabi was the ruler of Babylon. He is famous for having left behind a collection of regulations that were engraved on a stela in the Morduch temple in Babylon.

To learn more about Hammurabi refer to:


After the french revolution, the french economy was in ruins. the directory_______ . napoleon took advantage of this situation by in a coup.


After the French Revolution, the French economy was in ruins. The Directory, the government in power at the time, struggled to revive it.

The country was plagued by inflation, food shortages, and high unemployment. Napoleon took advantage of this situation by seizing power in a coup in 1799. He implemented a series of economic and political measures that helped to stabilize and strengthen the French economy. Napoleon introduced the gold standard, created a national bank, and established a system of tariffs to protect French industries. He also implemented policies to encourage agricultural production, which helped to alleviate food shortages. Despite his authoritarian rule, Napoleon's economic policies were successful in reviving the French economy and restoring stability to the country.

To know more about  French Revolution click below:


which constitutional amendment, passed during the reconstruction era, gave enslaved persons their freedom?


Enslaved people were released by the United States constitution's 13th amendment, which was passed during the reconstruction era.

President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which said that "all persons held as slaves within any State, or defined part of a State, the people of which shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall then be then, thenceforward, and forever free."

The 13th Amendment should have been easily approved by Congress, despite the fact that the Southern states had not yet been re-admitted to the Union at the time it was adopted. The House did not immediately approve it, even though the Senate did in April 1864. Lincoln then actively intervened to win congressional approval. He argued that the 13th Amendment should be ratified as part of the Republican Party program for the upcoming 1864 presidential election. His efforts were fruitful since the House passed the bill in January 1865 by a vote of 119-56.

With the ratification of the 13th Amendment, slavery in the United States finally received a constitutional conclusion. The 13th Amendment, together with the 14th and 15th Amendments, are three Civil War-era amendments that dramatically expanded Americans' civil rights.

To know more about reconstruction era


Read the following sentences from the text.
"Walt was able to travel to the battlefield in
Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the two brothers spent a few days
together. For Walt, it was a close-up view of war that he never
forgot. He saw gruesome evidence of the terrible wounds the
soldiers had suffered. He saw how young, scared, and lonely
they were. And though he had no medical training, he spent the
remainder of the war visiting the wounded in Washington's
hospitals, offering sympathy and words of encouragement. He
wrote a number of poems about the cost of war for those who
fight it and for their families."
What conclusion can you draw from this evidence?
A Whitman was inspired to become a doctor after he
visited his brother on the battlefield.
B Whitman encouraged Americans to join the armed
forces because he believed in the war.
Whitman used his writing to convey difficult emotions
that he both felt and witnessed.
D Whitman volunteered to write sympathy messages for
families of soldiers who died in battle.



Whitman used his writing to convey difficult emotions that he both felt and witnessed.

Quiz review everything to know about world war 1 and 1920s


In writing an essay you must consider the structure of the essay, Hence, the structure of the essay should be considered;

The Introduction The body'The conclusion

What is World War I ?

Generally, World War I was a devastating conflict that shook the world and changed the course of history. It was fought from 1914 to 1918, and involved many of the world’s most powerful nations. The war had a profound effect on the social, political, and economic landscape of the world, and the 1920s were a time of great transformation in its wake.

The war had a significant impact on the global economy. Before the war, Europe was a powerful economic force, but the conflict sent nations into spiraling debt that would take decades to recover from. The price of goods and services rose dramatically, as did the cost of living. Inflation ran rampant, and it was difficult for many people to afford basic necessities.

The war also had a major impact on the political landscape. The fall of the German, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires, combined with the rise of the Soviet Union and the League of Nations, led to a new world order. The old powers were replaced with new ones, and the balance of power shifted dramatically.

Read more about World War I


Answer the following questions in paragraph form with AT LEAST 100 words. Highlight
any key terms, people, places, or events in your response. Make sure you answer
EACH QUESTION in your written response!
Describe life as an English colonial citizen. BE SURE to include the following:
1. Different European cultures, ethnicities, and religions-MIDDLE COLONIES
2. The impact/contribution of the African population in the South
3. Sense of Colonial Freedom/Independence through Salutary Neglect
4. How the Great Awakening changed the outlook/perspective of English colonial


4. The great awakening paved away for the independence and the constitution

What was Truman trying to prevent?


In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.

The goal of the Truman Doctrine was to contain and prevent the communist sphere of influence in governments around the world, specifically around Asia and Europe, and prevent the Soviet Union (USSR) from growing.

The USSR's communism was explicitly feared by the US as having the potential to expand from one nation to the next, destabilising one, which would then destabilise the next and allow communist regimes to rule the region.

To know more about President, click here:


which two european groups were the first to colonize south america?



Spain and Portugal.


Spain & Portugal! Hope that was helpful!

The new federal government in America took actions that would set an example for the future in George Washington's these exemplary actions "will serve to establish a


In George Washington's these exemplary actions "will serve to establish a Precedent".

George Washington established the precedent for how many terms a president might hold office and how to pick cabinet members.

After Franklin Roosevelt was elected to four terms more than a century and a half later, the Twenty-Second Amendment solidified that precedent.

George Washington set the executive office's precedents, which have now become accepted practice. The inauguration speech ritual and the cabinet structure, neither of which are mandated by the Constitution, were established by Washington.

A well-known farewell speech by Washington that called for political unification among Americans is still important today. Ironically, very few presidents have given such moving farewell speeches afterward.

To know more about Constitution, visit:


how does the federal deposit insurance corporation continue to affect the american public today?


It boosts trust in the financial system by guaranteeing bank deposits. The FDIC promotes financial education and encourages commercial and cooperation possibilities.

The FDIC enhances the banking system and communities across the country by helping to connect banks and communities in new ways and raising knowledge and usage of affordable banking services.

No depositor has ever lost a dime of FDIC-insured funds since 1933. The FDIC now covers deposits up to $250,000 per depositor per FDIC-insured bank. A FDIC-insured account is the safest location for consumers' money to be kept.

The Great Depression accelerated the growth in crime as many jobless employees turned to petty thievery to put food on the table.

Learn more about to FDIC


the bayeux tapestry recorded which historical event


The bayeux tapestry recorded the conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy.

The Bayeux Tapestry is an embroidered cloth nearly 70 metres (230 feet) long and 50 centimetres (20 inches) tall[1] that depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, led by William, Duke of Normandy and culminating in the Battle of Hastings.

It is thought to have been built in the 11th century, just a few years after the battle. It tells the story from the perspective of the conquering Normans, but it is now widely accepted that it was created in England.

Learn more about bayeux tapestry


Please help. this is about the french revolution era 1792. need to answer the questions using the sources given. thanks.


This same French Revolution was a period of big social upheaval that lasted from 1787 to 1799. It fundamentally alters the relationship between rulers as well as those they govern, redefining.

What did revolution mean?

A sudden, drastic, or complete change. A big shift in political organization, particularly the toppling or renunciation of one authorities or ruler and the replacement by another by the governed.

What is a rebellion and what is an example?

A shift in a country's governance, usually to a distinct political system and frequently involving violence or war: France was transformed from a monarchy into a republic following the French Revolution.

To know more about Revolution visit:


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