he speaker in “The Tyger” questions what great power created the amazing animal that we know as the tiger and how it was done. Read the stanza from the poem:

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

What is the figurative meaning of these lines? How does this meaning contribute to the overall message of the poem? Your response should be one or two complete paragraphs.



Answer 1

Metaphorical or figurative language is used by the speaker to describe the tiger. The words describe the tiger's various characteristics. The fourth stanza recounts the tiger's brain and how the animal was created by God. The poem is simply saying that they are smart, speedy, and strong.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning to convey a complicated meaning, colourful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. It uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it.

Understanding figurative language is an important part of reading the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), where management may use a metaphor to help explain complicated concepts or directions that the company is taking.

Learn more about language, here:



Related Questions

A friend confided in you that she intends
to drop out from school to get married. Write
a letter.
to her giving 3 reason she



She needs JESUS.


1) get jesus

2)not do it

3)talk about it to trusted person

What is the clause in this sentence The big black dog that barks in the night.


[The big black dog that barks in the night] is a sentence fragment, dependent clause most likely.  An independent clause makes sense on its own, and a dependent clause relies on the independent clause to make a sentence.

Answer: the big black dog.

At the turn of the 18th Century, the world was moving away from a devotion to religious ethics toward a belief in moral, secular responsibility and reasoning. Kant explains this new period of Enlightenment as "man's release from his self-incurred tutelage" (D 105), and Diderot and D'Alembert describe the enlightened person as one who "dares to think for himself...trampling on prejudice, tradition, conventional wisdom, authority, in a word, all that enslaves most minds" (D 101).
Using these texts, come up with your own definition of Enlightenment as demonstrated by these authors. What is it, and why do you think the shift toward Enlightenment and secular reasoning was a difficult one for the religious readers of the 18th century?

Video search if needed: Kant & Categorical Imperatives: Crash Course Philosophy #35 or the book by: 4th edition of The Norton Anthology of World Literature, books D, E, F, by Martin Puchner.



Enlightenment, as demonstrated by Kant, Diderot, and D'Alembert, is a period in which individuals release themselves from self-incurred tutelage and dare to think for themselves, breaking free from the constraints of prejudice, tradition, and authority. It is a shift towards moral, secular reasoning and responsibility, away from religious ethics. The Enlightenment period is a period where individuals are encouraged to question and challenge the status quo, and establish their own beliefs and values.

The shift towards Enlightenment and secular reasoning was a difficult one for religious readers of the 18th century as it challenged their long-held beliefs and values. In the 18th century, religion was deeply ingrained in society and was often used as a means of enforcing social order and control. The emergence of Enlightenment ideas and secular reasoning threatened the authority of religious institutions and challenged traditional beliefs and values. Additionally, religious readers may have found it difficult to reconcile the idea of moral responsibility and reasoning without the guidance of religious doctrine and authority.

In summary, Enlightenment is a period in which individuals release themselves from self-incurred tutelage and dare to think for themselves, breaking free from the constraints of prejudice, tradition, and authority. The shift towards Enlightenment and secular reasoning was a difficult one for religious readers of the 18th century as it challenged their long-held beliefs and values, and threatened the authority of religious institutions.

What does a Food Product company do? Please explain what a Food Product company is?



A Food Product company manufactures and distributes food products.


A Food Product company is a business that produces and sells food products, such as packaged items, ingredients, and ready-to-eat meals. These companies typically have processing facilities to produce the food items, and a distribution network to ensure that the products are available in retail outlets. They may also provide services such as catering, food preparation, and product testing and analysis.

Death and isolation are common themes in Dickinson’s poetry, yet her poems rarely seem melancholy. What elements prevent her poems from becoming too solemn?


It is true that death and isolation are common themes in Dickinson’s poetry, yet her poems rarely seem melancholy. Note that Dickinson's use of imagery, metaphor, and wit infuses her poems with a sense of complexity and nuance, preventing them from becoming overly melancholy.

What is a theme?

It is correct to state that a theme is a central topic, subject, or message within a story in current literary studies.

Themes are classified into two types: thematic concepts (what viewers "believe the work is about) and thematic statements (what the work says about the subject).

Learn mroe about Metaphor:

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The wallpaper in the "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman symbolizes
in the story.

The narrator projects her own
onto the woman creeping behind the wallpaper.


The wallpaper in "The Yellow Wallpaper" represents how the narrator feels trapped and confined by her responsibilities as a wife and mother.

What is the Yellow Wallpaper about?

The narrator's husband advises her to rest in a room with yellow wallpaper because she is experiencing postpartum depression. She eventually becomes fixated on the wallpaper and starts to perceive a figure moving slowly behind it, which stands in for her own experiences of feeling restrained and trapped.

The narrator's descent into madness can be interpreted as a manifestation of her frustration and rebellion against these constraints, just as the wallpaper represents the societal expectations and restrictions placed on women during the late 19th century.

Learn more about Yellow Wallpaper on:








In the conclusion of Elie Wiesel's novel "Night," the main character, Elie, reflects on his experiences in the Holocaust and the loss of his faith in God. He muses on the atrocities he witnessed and the trauma he endured, ultimately expressing his belief that God was silent during the Holocaust and that his faith was forever changed by the events of the Holocaust. He also reflects on the death of his father, which was a significant loss in his life and the final stage of his detachment from God and religion.

My reaction to the novel is one of shock and sorrow. The descriptions of the inhumanity and brutality suffered by the Jewish prisoners are unbearable to read. The scene that stood out most in my mind is when Elie and his father were forced to witness the hanging of three prisoners. This moment was particularly poignant and devastating, as it illustrates the senseless violence and cruelty inflicted upon the prisoners. Additionally, Elie's loss of faith in God was a recurring theme throughout the novel, and I found it to be particularly powerful and thought-provoking. The quote "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night" is particularly poignant and illustrates the long-lasting impact of the Holocaust on Elie's life. Overall, I found "Night" to be a powerful and deeply moving novel that serves as a stark reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust and the importance of remembering and learning from such tragic events in history.

Excerpt from Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Autobiography
In 1854, I prepared my first speech for the New York Legislature. That was a great event in my life. I felt so nervous over it, lest it should not be worthy the occasion.
My father felt equally nervous when he saw that I was to speak at the Capitol, and asked
me to read my speech to him also.
On no occasion, before or since, was I ever more embarrassed an audience of one, and that the one of all others whose approbation I most desired, whose disapproval I most feared. . . . Hence I was fully aware that I was about to address a wholly unsympathetic audience. However, I began, with a dogged determination to give all the power I could to my manuscript, and not to be discouraged or turned from my purpose by any tender appeals or adverse criticism. . . . I threw all the pathos I could into my voice and language at this point, and, to my intense satisfaction, I saw tears filling my father's eyes. I cannot express the exultation I felt, thinking that now he would see, with my eyes, the injustice women suffered under the laws he understood so well.
Feeling that I had touched his heart I went on with renewed confidence, and, when I had finished, I saw he was thoroughly magnetized.
With beating heart I waited for him to break the silence.
At last, turning abruptly, he said: "Surely you have had a happy,
comfortable life, with all your wants and needs supplied; and yet that speech fills me with self-reproach; for one might naturally ask, how can a young woman, tenderly brought up, who has had no bitter personal experience, feel so keenly the wrongs of her sex? Where did vou learn this lesson?"
"I learned it here," I replied, "in your office, when a child, listening to complaints women made to you. They who have sympathy and imagination to make the sorrows of others their own can readily learn all the hard lessons of life from the experience of others.


Abolitionist, advocate for human rights, and one of the earliest figures in the women's rights movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Despite coming from a wealthy family, she made the decision early in life to fight for women's equality.

The prominent activist-intellectual of the nineteenth-century movement that pushed for women's rights, such as the right to education, property, and a role in public life, was Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902). By achieving success in her efforts to protect the rights of women and slaves, Stanton permanently altered the social and political climate of the United States of America. The 19th amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote, was made possible by her uncompromising commitment to women's suffrage.

The women's rights movement stopped holding annual conventions, but in 1863, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton founded the Women's Loyal National League, collecting 400,000 signatures on a petition to pass the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution right away to abolish slavery in the country.

To know more about Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Autobiography, click on the link below:



What is the effect of the repetition of the word "nothing”
on the tone of this excerpt?
O It creates a defiant tone.
O It creates a desperate tone.
O It creates a resigned tone.
O It creates a critical tone.


It creates a defiant tone

What is the effect of repetition a word?When people are asked to recall words that have been repeated at short and long intervals, the likelihood that they will do so grows as the interval between the repetitions is longer. The way a word is recognised in short-term memory is thought to be related to this spacing effect. Repetition occurs when a word or phrase is used more than once to emphasise a point or to emphasise a deeper meaning in the text. Now, repetition may be both subtle and blatant, and writers can use their imagination to really get creative with what those repeating phrases mean. A literary method known as repetition involves using the same word or phrase repeatedly. The literary world is full of repetition. It is most frequently used in poetry and speeches to generate rhythm or highlight a word or phrase.

To learn more about repetition refers to:



What do you already know about compound sentences? Use pictures and words to share what you know.


Use snap shots and phrases to share what you know. ​​A compound sentence is a sentence that connects two impartial clauses, typically with a coordinating conjunction like and or but. They're satisfactory for combining two or more self-sufficient and associated sentences into a single, unified one

What are 5 examples of compound sentences?Compound Sentence Examples

The cinema was once sold out, so we watched a movie on TV.

I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three days.

I virtually want a holiday, but I don't have the money, and I don't have the time.

He's crazy! ...

It's long gone 10pm, and he nevertheless hasn't arrived.

Our auto broke down, so we took a taxi.

learn more about compound sentences here:


The narrator's attitude toward the protagonist can best be described as
(A) magnanimous
(B) belittling
(C) spiteful
(D) sympathetic
(E) dispassionate


B- what the author mostly want is for the reader to be interested
The answer is B I hope this helps you

Find the air with the subject verb agreement so like the incorrect verb and type it correctly the boys enchanting everyone with their performance is members of the world famous Vienna boys choir


The boys enchanting everyone with their performance are members of the world famous Vienna Boys Choir.

Who are entrancing everyone with their performance?

The boys enchanting everyone with their performance are members of the world famous Vienna Boys Choir.Founded in 1498, the Vienna Boys Choir is made up of over 100 boys from around the world.It is one of the oldest and most prestigious boys choirs in the world, renowned for its angelic, high-pitched sound.The Vienna Boys Choir has performed for royalty and dignitaries, including Emperor Maximilian I, King Edward VII and Pope John Paul II.They are now renowned for their international tours, which have seen them perform in countries around the world, including the United States, China, and Brazil.They have also released numerous studio albums, which have achieved critical and commercial success.The choir is beloved for its unique sound and its ability to captivate audiences with their performances.It is an honor to witness them enchanting everyone with their performance, and they are certainly deserving of their world-famous status.

To learn more about Vienna Boys Choir refer to:



3. In Clean Verbatim, the transcribed text does not include:


In Clean Verbatim transcription, the transcribed text does not include:

False starts or interruptionsUm's, ah's, and other filler wordsStutters or repetitionsBackground noise or irrelevant side conversationsPronunciation errors or non-standard speech patterns

What more should you know about Clean Verbatim transcription?

A Clean Verbatim transcription aims to provide an accurate representation of the spoken words in a text, while removing any filler words, stutters, repetitions, false starts, and irrelevant side conversations. Here are a few more things to keep in mind about Clean Verbatim transcription:

It is still a verbatim transcript, meaning that all of the spoken words are included, even if they are non-standard or incorrect.Clean Verbatim transcription is still intended to be a word-for-word representation of the original speech, and so it is not edited or paraphrased.Clean Verbatim transcripts are often used in a variety of settings, such as academic research, media production, and legal proceedings, where a precise and accurate representation of spoken language is required.The degree of editing and cleaning can vary, depending on the specific requirements of the project or client. In some cases, only minor editing may be required, while in others, more extensive cleaning may be necessary to produce a clear and usable transcript.

Find more helpful exercises on Clean Verbatim transcripts here;



In Winter the sky
By Jon McGregor


The story's four main characters are The Protagonist, The Antagonist, The Confidant, and The Love Interest.

A protagonist has what personality type?

A Narrator (ENFJ) is a person who is Applied to individuals, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. These warm, forthright people enjoy assisting others and hold strong values and ideals. They back up their viewpoint with the creative talent needed to achieve their objectives.

Is the protagonist's personality uncommon?

The Protagonist type of personality is uncommon, accounting for only about 2% of the electorate. Oprah Winfrey, Presidential Candidate, John 2005 ) stressed, and Malala Yousafzai are all well-known protagonists. 90% of Heroines say their perfect partner would involve multiple activities.

To know more about protagonist visit:



say something about bangladesh?



There are a lot of Bangladeshis out of the country.

Dhaka is the most densely populated city on Earth.

Traffic is insane.

The world's least livable city.

Dhaka has a street with more people than a village.

It was once East Pakistan.

Longest female-led government.


write/reflect on a time in which you had a meaningful experience with nature in which you were able to disconnect from the stresses of the outside world, reconnect with others (or yourself and live in the moment. Who was there? What did it feel like? How were you connected to nature? Use descriptive language to make the reader feel like they are there with you.
400 word MINIMUM


Depersonalization-derealization disorder or another medical or mental health problem can cause derealization, a mental state when you feel cut off from your environment.

Can feeling disconnected lead to anxiety?

A common sign of panic disorder and extreme anxiety is detachment. People can emotionally disconnect themselves from friends, family, and life, or they can deal with detachment as a symptom — feeling as though they are not physically there or residing in the real world.

What is detachment of the mind?

Mental diseases known as dissociative disorders are characterized by a sense of discontinuity and separation from one's thoughts, memories, environment, activities, and identity.

To know more about disorders visit:-



pact your grade
Which of the following sentences has a
Nonessential clause?
A. The instructor who invented basketball was James Naismith.
B. The school mascot that was chosen by the majority of the student
body is the panther.
C. The thing that is amazing is photographing a black hole using the
world as a telescope.
D. Pepper Ann, who liked strawberries, was the best surgeon in her


Sentences contain a non-essential clause: A. James Naismith was the instructor who created basketball.

An illustration of a non-essential phrase.

A nonessential clause is essentially a digression or the addition of extraneous details concerning a word that comes before it, which may be intriguing but are unimportant to the core idea of the sentence. Nonessential words and phrases are sentence components that don't contribute anything crucial to the understanding of the sentence as a whole. Consider this: The middle child out of three, Jan, always feels left out.What is an illustration of a superfluous adjective clause?

An adjective phrase that is unnecessary provides information that is merely cosmetic rather than defining. Examine these instances: The grumpiest resident in the area is Mr. Dixon, who yelled at me for letting my dog sniff the border of his property.

To know more about sentence visit:



Ocean Acidification: A Wake-up Call in Our Waters from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) For good and colled climate change's cuil bain. The overiood of carbon dioxide (00) threatening fragile security ivelihood book to global economies keo sponge, our accons are absorbin increasing amounts of CO from the tmosphere. Over the past 200 years, the 3 4 what is the BEST summary of the passage? ​


The vast amount of carbon dioxide collected by the ocean dissolves into carbonic acid in saltwater. This is referred to as ocean acidification. Many marine organisms suffer as a result of ocean acidification.

What is ocean acidification and why is it a problem?

Because of human-caused increases in carbondioxide levels in the atmosphere, more CO2 is dissolving into the ocean. The normal pH of the ocean is presently approximately 8.1, but as it absorbs more CO2, the pH drops and becomes more acidic.

What are the main effects of ocean acidification?

This might have an impact on marine food chains and human food supplies. Acidification may also reduce storm protection provided by reefs, as well as tourist potential and other benefits.

What are three effects of ocean acidification?

1) Injure carbonate-based shells and skeletons, 2) Hurt acid-sensitive animals, and 3) Harm organisms further up the food chain that feed on these sensitive organisms.

To know more about Ocean Acidification visit:



How does the "Bill of Rights" help to solve a problem identified in "Federalist Paper No.
O by giving an exhaustive list of rights held by the people
O by guaranteeing the rights of those who have little power
O by describing how branches of government will work together
O by explaining that government should pursue justice





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A mesh net inside collects droplets of dew that form along the surface.


A mesh net inside collects droplets of dew that form along the surface. The statement is True.

What are droplets?

The term "droplets" are used in reference to any liquid mainly water. When night fog took place these water droplets formed on the ground mainly on the plants and grass and make them wet. It is water that forms in the morning or evening as a result of condensation.

Mesh nets are something that fog harvesters contain. As the wind picks up fog through the machine,  the droplets are collected by the mesh, and the water is pulled down by gravity into bottles below.

Therefore, the statement is True.

Learn more about Droplets, here:



the advantages and disadvantages of copying from nature ??


Answer:  What are the advantages of copying from nature?

New technologies that mimic the way insects, plants and animals overcome engineering problems could help reduce our dependence on energy, according to new research published in the Royal Society journal Interface. Disadvantages: : Disadvantage of nature are Working in a team can be hard enough within a discipline familiar to all, but outside that it can become even harder. Nature needs detailed cross disciplinary thinking. Making something look like a birds nest does not make it inherently environmentally friendly


Advantages is that there’s many plants that are used for medical purposes so copying them would be helpful to have more medicines readily available for whenever they are needed
Disadvantage is that they will never be the same as the real nature copying nature will just make the copy be as good as we can get it to be or how we think it should be

Before you work on ways to improve the conditions in which you study, use these questions to analyze where you are now and plan your improvements. Part A Describe the conditions in which you currently study, including the following: when, where, and for how long you study differences in how you study depending on the class or subject matter what materials you have on hand what goals you set for yourself while studying, if any breaks you take from studying, how long they are, and what you do


Studying in a learning-focused and concentrated environment is very helpful for good study.

What are good conditions for study?

The key is to select a place with few distractions, and a calm, soothing setting where you can concentrate and do your work.

You can teach your brain to focus just on studying and not on your to-do list or other distractions by designating a specific place for your schooling. Review your notes after class for effective study.

The brain is most open to new information between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm and 10:00 night, according to scientists.

Learn more about the effective study, here:



Reading Comprehension Questions
1. According to Melinda, what are some signs of spring?
2. What does spring symbolize? What could this mean for Melinda?


As the snow melts and farmers start planting, everyone is outside cleaning their yards and washing their cars. Spring brings fresh life everywhere. It's an opportunity to start afresh. Melinda sees this as a new start and an opportunity to reinvent herself.

Why does Melinda tell her dad she wants him to go out and get her some flower seeds?

This matters because she is like a brand fresh seed. She's sowing the seeds for her future self-improvement. And this is the first time she has ever engaged in conversation with her parents or shown any signs of genuine interest in anything. Her father agrees that this is an opportunity for a fresh start.

How did Melinda figure out how to better her tree drawings for class?

She takes some creative risks and tries out some new techniques. Now that she's in the tree, she can feel free to express herself.

To learn more about Melinda, visit:



Write 2-3 paragraphs about a human sense. Give as much information and detail as possible.


Humans typically rely so much more on sight than on sound or taste to learn about their surroundings.

What is a sense?

A specific bodily process or system that deals with how a stimulus affects a sensory organ is termed sense. This helps in figuring out the way people understand things.

The mechanisms that the body picks up signals from its surroundings. Sight, hearing, aroma, taste, plus touch are now the sensory receptors that humans have. The sensory organs allow the body to pick up data. Special fibers in all of these organs communicate with the head.

Learn more about sense, Here:



3. In the Odyssey, Circe restores the men to their human state by

O enticing Odysseus to her bed.

O driving them into Odysseus's presence.

O waving her long staff over them

O rubbing them with ointment.



By waving her long staff over them

I think this is it as this is how Circe turns them into animals.


brg. I borrowed Estienne's car. Had you known about it? (Correct the sentence if necessary.)​



I borrowed the Estienne's car

5. What does Harrison's rebellion against the government's handicapping tell you about his character and values? Support your response with evidence from the text.


Harrison’s rebellion reveals that he values individualism and competition in society

Do you need to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling?


If it becomes a problem, gambling can lead to low self-esteem, tension, anxiety, and despair.

Explain about the gambling?

If you use gambling obsessively or feel out of control, it can develop an addiction, just like using drugs or alcohol. The area of our brains responsible for dopamine release can be impacted by gambling.

Gambling may be motivated by a variety of factors since compulsive gambling is a behavioural illness that modifies the brain's structure. The fact that they win or lose isn't particularly important to many people because gambling is a fun activity that helps them escape the stresses of everyday life.

Emotions are everything when you gamble. There are several enjoyable options, like the thrill of winning, the pleasure of mingling, or the habit of playing the slots when you're bored.

To learn more about gambling refer to:



Add an adverb to add detail to the sentence.
Many people showed up
to see Goody Hibbins punished.


Answer: Many people showed up to see Goody Hibbins punished mercilessly.

What’s the gist of a mighty long way chapter 4


In chapter 4 of 'A mighty long way,' we learn of the event in which Ishamel Beach was conscripted to work as a child soldier. he was just 13 years at this time.

What is the gist of chapter 4?

In chapter 4 of the story, we learn of Ishmael Beah who was confronted by the realities of war in his hometown in Sierra Leone. In the previous chapters of the story, readers get a glimpse of his childhood that was now eroded by the war in the country.

At first, Ishmael thought nothing of the war but he was later made to face it and become a child soldier. The escape with his friends and the search for food and money at Khailious' residence. This is the gist of the chapter.

Learn more about 'A mighty long way,' here:



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