How computer networks help in storage capacity and volume


Answer 1


Having a network of computers (especially a server) allows you to store things on the network instead of your own computer's drive.


A network is a grouping of computers. Some of these computers are usually servers, especially in medium-sized companies. An example is having a server unit (usually with something like an Intel Xeon processor, and with at least 64GB of RAM) with the main feature being mass storage. It's like your own personal cloud! You'll often see a couple of 10TB drives stashed into one. Everything anyone could need to access is on there, as well as everything they need to save. This really helps if you give your employees basic laptops for WFH.

As a cool anecdote, I have 5.5TB of storage and am using 90% of it. You can never have enough! The cost adds up too, with 2TB of typical Hard Drive storage being a $50 expense. With laptops, you usually need an external HDD, which is slightly more expensive. Hence, cloud/network.

Related Questions

Someone gives me the idea to increase this title for my thesis MULTI PURPOSE COOPERATIVE AUTOMATED LENDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.


An idea to increase the title for the thesis is the function of MULTI PURPOSE COOPERATIVE AUTOMATED LENDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in a growing economy.

What kind of thesis assertions are there?

Thesis statements that explain something; those that make an argument and Statement of an analytical thesis.

You will use your research to support an assertion, or argument. A compelling thesis statement introduces the subject of the paper, summarizes the key points, and persuades the reader to keep reading.

Hence, Many thesis statements hint at what will happen in the essay in addition to outlining the argument to be presented. In order to help readers follow the writer's idea as it is developed, this serves as a "road map" for them.

Learn more about thesis from

Identification where Information Technology is not present to support business processes


Identification where Information Technology is not present to support business processes is one that   Lacking an IT implementation Plan.

What is the importance of information technology planning?

The accomplishment of the organization's strategic goals and objectives can be helped by this planning.

Note that  the strategic IT plan should include changes that will be required to the organization's information and communications infrastructure as well as the relevance of technology to each of the organization's strategic business goals.

Therefore,  business process would find it difficult to run efficiently without fully functional computers and access to emails and data.

Learn more about business processes from

17 Can you determine Lack of Encryption and Security Misconfiguration in an organisation?


It is possible for the person to determine the lack of Encryption and Security Misconfiguration in an organization.

What do you mean by Security misconfiguration?

Security misconfiguration may be defined as a type of security control that is significantly configured or left insecure inaccurately by putting your systems and data at risk. It may arise when essential security settings are either not implemented or implemented with errors.  

A lack of encryption and security misconfiguration is easily determined by the employees of an organization. It may cause a potential threat to the organization by stealing all its personal and confidential information that harms the whole institution or organization.

Therefore, it is possible for the person to determine the lack of Encryption and Security Misconfiguration in an organization.

To learn more about Security misconfiguration, refer to the link:


PLEASE answer me quick its due tomorrow so please answer

- What is a Computer Network?

- What is the concept of Internet of things (IOT)?

- What are the elements of a Smart Object?

- Explain the the concept of Micro-Controller.


A computer network is a collection of computers that share resources that are located on or provided by network nodes. To interact with one another, the computers employ standard communication protocols across digital linkages.

The Internet of Things refers to physical items equipped with sensors, processing power, software, and other technologies that communicate and share information with other devices and processes over the Internet or other network infrastructure.

Sensors, microprocessors, storage systems, controls, programming, and embedded system software with enhanced user interface make up a smart object.

A microcontroller is a small integrated circuit that controls a single function in an embedded system. On a single chip, a typical microcontroller has a CPU, memory, and input/output (I/O) peripherals.

All the above are part of computer architecture.

What is computer architecture?

Computer architecture is a collection of principles and procedures used in computer engineering to explain the functioning, structure, and deployment of computer systems. A system's architecture refers to its structure in terms of individually stated components and their interrelationships.

The hardware, system software, and user layers comprise computer architecture.

Learn more about computer networks:

the proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to ___.


The proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to reduce the chances of injury.

Why safety equipment is required?

Safety equipment may be defined as a type of equipment that delivers a sense of protection that is significantly used by workers in order to avoid injuries, casualties, life-threatening situations, etc.

Safety equipment may include a set of numerous objects and things like gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, coveralls, vests, and full-body suits. All these pieces of equipment possess a common intention behind the safety of an individual.

Therefore, the proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to reduce the chances of injury.

To learn more about Safety equipment, refer to the link:


Tasia is using accrual accounting in Quickbooks and creat3ed a customer invoice. What account is debited when the invoice is created?


Since Tasia is using accrual accounting in Quickbooks and creat3ed a customer invoice. The account  that is debited when the invoice is created is option A: Accounts receivable.

When an invoice is created in QuickBooks Accrual, which account gets debited?

Quickbooks  will debit the AR account when I create an invoice, but does the account credit. Depending on whatever income account is linked to your product or service when you create an invoice, a credit will be applied to that account.

Note that Customers' outstanding debts for goods or services they have received but haven't yet paid for are referred to as accounts receivable. For instance, the amount owing when clients buy things on credit is added to the accounts receivable.

Learn more about Accounts receivable from

See options below

Tasia is using accrual accounting in QuickBooks and created a customer invoice. Which account is debited when the invoice is created? Accounts receivable Sales of product income Owner's equity Checking account Miscellaneous income

I need a query code I am confused with two questions
Display each classification that has a total of more than 70 parts on hand. List the classification and the total on hand as ‘More than 70’
What is the average quoted price, maximum quoted price, and minimum quoted price of all orders? Display the average as ‘Average Quoted Price’, maximum quoted price as ‘Maximum Quoted Price’, and minimum quoted price as ‘Minimum Quoted Price’. Extra decimal places are okay for now. Insert your snip of the query and resultset together here:


Using the knowledge in computational language in MYSQL it is possible to write a code that Display each classification that has a total of more than 70 parts on hand. List the classification and the total on hand as ‘More than 70’.

Writting the code:


   price   DECIMAL(16,2) DEFAULT '0.00' NOT NULL,

   PRIMARY KEY(article, dealer));




See more about MYSQL at


Sammy’s Seashore Supplies rents beach equipment such as kayaks, canoes, beach chairs, and umbrella to tourists. Modify your Application as follows: Using Python

Modify the getinput() function that accepts the user information so that it prompts for a customer name, first name and last name. Store in two separate variables.
Add data validation to the account number so that only a 4 character string is allowed. The first character must be an A. You will need to use a while loop here because you do not know how many times the user will enter an invalid Account Number. You will have two conditions for the while loop: while the length of the account number variable does not equal 4 or while the account number variables does not start with the letter "A".
Add a phone number input to the getinput(). Make sure that the phone number is 7 digits. Use a while loop that keeps asking the user to enter the phone number until it is seven digits.
Return all values from the getinput() function -- there will be 5 of them.
Modify the main() function so that the line that calls the getinput() function stores all 5 returned values in separate variables.
Modify the main() function so that the values returned from the getinput() function are passed to the calculatefotal() function.
Modify the header of the calculatetotal() function so that is accepts 5 parameters ( the account number, the number of minutes, the first name, the last name , and the telephone number.
Modify the function that calculates the total and displays all the information, so that it displays the Contract Number, first and last names, and the Phone Number. The Phone Number should be displayed in the ###-#### format. You can the slice function to do this.

Includes comments at the top to identify file name, project and a brief description.

For further documentation, include comment for each section of code.

Sample Run:

ACCOUNT NUMBER:, A234 (program keeps prompting until a 4 character, starting with an A

Name Sally Douglass

123 – 4567 (formatted in the module that displays the result)

Minutes rented: 115
Whole hours rented: 1
Minutes remaining: 55
Rental cost: $ 80

Coupon good for 10% Off!
This is my original code base on the instruction how do I add the new code to the case

# Main function calls other functions
def main():
# function to display logo
def display():
#Display the Sammy’s logo
print("+ +")
print("+ +")
print("+ +")
# function to receive input from user
def getinput():
# Request the minutes rented and store in variable
contract_number = (input("Enter the account number"))
rented_minutes = int(input("Enter the number of minutes it took to rent: "))
while (rented_minutes<60 or rented_minutes>7200):
rented_minutes = int(input("Try again"))
return rented_minutes,contract_number
# function to calculate hours, minutes remaining and cost
def calculatetotal(acc,mins):
# Calculate number of whole hours
whole_hours = mins//60
# Calculate the number of minutes remaining
remaining_min = mins % 60
# Calculate the cost as hours * 40 + minutes remaining times 1
#Calculation from smallest to greater by getting the smallest number
cost = whole_hours*40+ min(remaining_min*1, 40)
# >Display minutes, whole hours, minutes remaining, and cost with labels
# Print all values
print(("ACCOUNT NUMBER:"),acc)
print("Minutes Rented:",mins)
print("Whole Hours:",whole_hours)
print("Minutes Remaining:",remaining_min)



figure it out


Many documents use a specific format for a person's name. Write a program that reads a person's name in the following format:

firstName middleName lastName (in one line)

and outputs the person's name in the following format:

lastName, firstInitial.middleInitial.

Ex: If the input is:

Pat Silly Doe
the output is:

Doe, P.S.
If the input has the following format:

firstName lastName (in one line)

the output is:

lastName, firstInitial.

Ex: If the input is:

Julia Clark
the output is:

Clark, J.


Using the knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible to write the code that write a program whose input is: firstName middleName lastName, and whose output is: lastName, firstName middleInitial.

Writting the code:

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.lang.*;

public class LabProgram{

public static void main(String[] args) {

String name;

String lastName="";

String firstName="";

char firstInitial=' ',middleInitial=' ';

int counter = 0;

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

name = input.nextLine(); //read full name with spaces

int i;

for(i = name.length()-1;i>=0;i--){

if(name.charAt(i)==' '){

lastName = name.substring(i+1,name.length()); // find last name




for(i = 0;i<name.length()-1;i++){

if(name.charAt(i)==' '){

firstName = name.substring(0, i); // find firstName




for(i = 0 ;i<name.length();i++){

if(name.charAt(i)==' '){

counter++; //count entered names(first,middle,last or first last only)



if(counter == 2){

for(i = 0 ;i<name.length();i++){

if(Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(i)) == ' '){

middleInitial = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(i+1));//find the middle name initial character





firstInitial = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)); //the first name initial character

if(counter == 2){

System.out.print(lastName+", "+firstName+" "+middleInitial+".");


System.out.print(lastName+", "+firstName);




See more about JAVA at


When purchasing software or downloading music and games online, how can you make legal choices? Use details to support your answer.


When purchasing software or downloading music and games online, the ways that you make legal choices are to make sure that  depending on the place  you're downloading the music from. Make sure that the service has obtained permission to be distribution of the music and as such it's legal. Otherwise, it  is said to be illegal.

Is it legal to download music for personal use?

The majority of music and film content found on download or file-sharing websites is copyrighted. Downloading any copyrighted music or films is prohibited. A lawsuit for financial damages that might cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars could be brought against you if you download or share a copyrighted song or movie.

Note that copyright statute guards that music, making it illegal to duplicate and distribute it without the consent of individuals who have an interest in it. In other words, if someone downloads a song without paying for it, they have probably engaged in copyright infringement.

Learn more about downloading music from


When purchasing software or downloading music and games online, the ways that you make legal choices are to make sure that  depending on the place  you're downloading the music from. Make sure that the service has obtained permission to be distribution of the music and as such it's legal. Otherwise, it  is said to be illegal.


Match each benefit of participating in a professional network to the appropriate scenario.

1. building the professional network

2. preparing for interviews

3. upgrading knowledge

A. Miriam joins a group for employees of the company where she is interning.

B. Imelda reads about new technologies in the computer programming industry.

C. Rolf researches a company on a professional networking website.


Professional network                                 Scenario

1                                                                       A

2                                                                      C

3                                                                      B

How to categorize professional networks with the scenario?

Scenario: A. Miriam joins a group of employees of the company where she is interning.

Professional network: 1. building the professional network

Scenario: C. Rolf researches a company on a professional networking website.

Professional network: 3. upgrading knowledge

Scenario: B.  Imelda reads about new technologies in the computer programming industry.

Professional network: 2. preparing for interviews

Hence based on the appropriate scenario I have matched accordingly

To know more information on professional networks and related things, please follow the link below:


Highlight the two complex sentences in the text below.

Are Smart Watches Worth it?

Smart watches have been around for a while now, but I’ve avoided buying one. I was never convinced having one offered any great improvements on simply owning a phone. As far as I was concerned, they would never be able to replace a phone. But were they even supposed to? After speaking to a friend who swears by his smart watch, I decided to give one a go. What did I find? It was more useful than I first anticipated. Or maybe the right word is interesting?


The complex sentences are:

Smart watches have been around for a while now, but I’ve avoided buying one. After speaking to a friend who swears by his smart watch, I decided to give one a go.

What  categories of difficult sentences are there?

All of these sample sentences are complicated because they have both an independent clause and a dependent clause, so keep that in mind.

Subordinate Clauses Three Types

Adjective clauses in dependent sentences serve as adjectives.Adverbs are used in dependent adverb clauses.Nouns are used in dependent noun clauses.

A complex sentence is one that has at least one dependent clause and one independent clause. It functions best when you need to add more details to clarify or change the main idea of your text.

Note that a complicated sentence is one that has at least one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses (sometimes called a subordinate clause). A phrase that would make sense if it were a sentence on its own is known as an independent clause.

Learn more about complex sentences from

You are starting a new data project. What is one of the best sources to help you begin? in excel
a, Technical Documentation
b, Queries
c, The database
d, Existing reports


Technical Documentation is one of the best sources to help you begin in excel. Thus, option A is correct.

What is excel?

Excel is a software tool for creating and distributing spreadsheets, built by Microsoft.

Data analysts and some other customers could make that information simple to examine as content is loaded or altered by grouping items employing tools like Excel.

Technical documentation is a catch-all word for the various types of data produced to explain the performance, use, or construction of a given good, platform, or application.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about excel, here:


1. Design and implement a class dayType that implements the day of the week in a program. The class dayType should store the day, such as Sun for Sunday. The program should be able to perform the following operations on an object of type dayType:

a. Set the day.
b. Print the day.
c. Return the day.
d. Return the next day.
e. Return the previous day.
f. Calculate and return the day by adding certain days to the current day. For example, if the current day is Monday and we add 4 days, the day to be returned is Friday. Similarly, if today is Tuesday and we add 13 days, the day to be returned is Monday.
Add the appropriate constructors.

2. Also, write a program to test various operations on this class .


Using the knowledge in computational language in C++ it is possible to write the code that design and implement a class dayType that implements the day of the week in a program.

Writting the code:

#include "stdafx.h"



sing namespace std;

class dayType


public: int presday;

int prevday;

int nextday;


presday = 0;

nextday = 0;

prevday = 0;


void set(int day); //function declarations

void print(int day);

int Next_day(int day);

int day();

int prev_day(int pres);


void dayType::set(int day) //member functions


presday = day;


/* modify here*/

int dayType::prev_day(int day)


prevday = presday - day;// =abs(presday-day);

if (prevday<0)prevday += 7;

return prevday;


int dayType::day()


return presday;


int dayType::Next_day(int day)


nextday = presday + day;

if (nextday>7)


nextday = nextday % 7;


return nextday;


void dayType::print(int d)


if (d == 1)

cout << "Monday" << endl;

if (d == 2)

cout << "Tuesday" << endl;

if (d == 3)

cout << "Wednesday" << endl;

if (d == 4)

cout << "Thursday" << endl;

if (d == 5)

cout << "Friday" << endl;

if (d == 6)

cout << "Saturday" << endl;

if (d == 7)

cout << "Sunday" << endl;


/* here modify change void to int type */

int main()


int d, p, n;

dayType obj;

cout << "1-Mon" << endl << "2-Tue" << endl << "3-Wed" << endl << "4-Thur" << endl << "5-Fri" << endl << "6-Sat" << endl << "7-sun" << endl;

cout << "Enter Day";

cin >> d;


cout << "Present day is";


cout << "Enter number of days next";

cin >> d;

n = obj.Next_day(d);

cout << "Next day is";


cout << "Enter number of days previous";

cin >> d;

p = obj.prev_day(d);

cout << "previous day is";



return 0;


See more about C++ at


Insert the following records into the Airports table, using subqueries where appropriate:
-- | Name | City | Country | IATA | ICAO | Latitude | Longitude | Altitude | TimeZone & TzDatabaseTimeZone |
-- |-----------------------|---------------|---------|------|------|--------------|----------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
-- | Fort McMurray Airport | Fort Mcmurray | Canada | YMM | CYMM | 56.653301239 | -111.222000122 | 1211 | The same time zone as used for the `Edmonton International Airport` |


Using the knowledge of the computational language in python it is possible to write a code that Insert the following records into the Airports table, using subqueries where appropriate.

Writting the code:

select A.Name, A.City+', '+ A.Country as 'Serving City', A.TimeZone

from Airports A

where A.AirportCode=1028;

select A.FlightCode, A.ConfirmationNumber, Count(B.CustomerID) aa NumberOfPassengers

from Bookings A

join Passengers B on (A.ConfirmationCode=B.ConfirmationCode)

group by A.FlightCode, A.ConfirmationNumber;

select AVG(Amount) as AverageAmount

from Payments;

select A.FlightCode, sum(B.Amount) as TotalPayment

from Bookings A

join Payments B on (A.CustomerNumber=B.CustomerNumber)

group by A.FlightCode

having sum(B.Amount) > 10000;

select A.FlightCode, B.Date, C.FirstName+' '+C.MiddleName+' '+'C.LastName as FullName,


select AirportCode, Name

from Airports

where Name not like '%international%';

select Name

from Airlines

where AirlineCode not in (select AirlineCode

from Flights);

See more about python at


What are the architectural features of the data storage system in each proposal



Network storage architecture refers to the physical and conceptual organization of a network that enables data transfer between storage devices and servers. It provides the backend for most enterprise-level operations and allows users to get what they need


Probability Practice: Cass is interested in figuring out how many customers have applied for a home mortgage recently.

Review the data and calicut are the probability that if Cass runs into one of the financial institutions customers at random, that person has applied for a home mortgage this year.

What is the total number of customers?

How many customers applied for a home mortgage?



Doesn't make a lot of sense. Can you be more specific.


MYSQL Workbench question
Using a function, display the customer who has the highest credit limit.
. Display the customer number, customer name and credit limit.
I need my answer checked over for the question.
#Show me a list of customers who have the highest credit limit
use premier_products;
select count(*) customer_num, customer_name, credit_limit
from customers
Where credit_limit=
(Select AVG (credit_limit)
from customers)


A function that displays the customer who has the highest credit limit is given below:

The nested query to display the customer names and credit limit with a lower credit limit than the customer in Sunnyvale



                    WHERE CITY = 'Sunnyvale')


For Multiple Customers



                    WHERE CITY = 'Sunnyvale')


Read more about SQL here:


Someone gives me the idea to increase this title for my thesis MULTI PURPOSE COOPERATIVE AUTOMATED LENDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.


An  idea to increase this title for the thesis is the role of MULTI PURPOSE COOPERATIVE AUTOMATED LENDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in the GDP of a country.

What is a research thesis?

It is a position or assertion that will be supported by your study. A compelling thesis statement outlines the subject to be covered, condenses the important points, and persuades the reader to keep reading.

Note that the essential points that will be discussed in the essay should be indicated in the thesis. Many thesis statements hint at what will be discussed in the essay in addition to stating the argument that will be presented. This gives the reader a "road map" so they can follow the thought the author is developing.

Learn more about thesis formation from

Create a loop to display all even numbers from 0 to 100. Describe the three elements that must be included in order for a loop to
perform correctly. What will happen if these statements are not included? Provide examples.
The three elements that must be included in order for a loop to perform correctly. What will happen if these statements are not included? Provide examples


A loop to display all even numbers from 0 to 100:

for(i= 0;i<= 100; i++) {  

       if(counter%2 == 0) {

           printf("%d ",i);

The loop consists of three important parts:

the initialization: the keyword that starts the loopthe condition: the condition being testedthe update: for each iteration.

By missing a condition statement in a for loop, it would loop forever.


void main() {  

int i = 10;

for( ; ;) {

printf("%d\n",i); }


As in the above code, the for loop is running for infinite times and printing the i value that is 10 infinitely.

What is a for loop used for?

A "For" Loop is used to repeat a specific block of code a known number of times.

What are the main types of loops?

There are two types of loops, “while loops” and “for loops”. While loops will repeat while a condition is true, and for loops will repeat a certain number of times.

What are the elements of a loop?

Loop statements usually have three components: initialization, condition, and update step, and it contains a loop body.

To know more about loop:


What is a privacy data breach


Answer: A privacy data breach occurs when personal information is stolen or lost or is collected, used or disclosed without authority. A privacy breach occurs when personal information is stolen or lost or is collected, used or disclosed without authority.


Examples of a  data breach might include:

Loss or theft of hard copy notes, USB drives, computers or mobile devices. an unauthorized person gaining access to your laptop, email account or computer network. sending an email with personal data to the wrong person.

Write and test the “digit” function: Function Prototype: int digit(int n,int k) This function returns the kth digit of the positive integer n. For example, if n is the integer 85,419, then the call digit(n,0) would return the digit 8, and the call digit(n,2) would return the digit 4. Examples: 1. Input: n = 25419 , k = 1 output: 5 2. Input: n = 2 , k = 0 output: 2 3. Input: n = 2 , k = 1 output: index out of bound (return -1) Note: • The digits are numbered from left to right beginning with the “zeroth” digit. • Take input and display output in main function. • Do not use array or string etc.



You have to just take a number n and after that you just reverse the number after that when the number is reversed you simply apply mod of 10 at  that reversed number and then divide it by 10.


you have to use while loops when finding reversed number and the place of number to be found


fastian broh its call plagrism


uses of computer in communication​


Uses of computers in communication:

1) Transfer of data

2)Transfer of information

3) Wireless message communication

4)Video service


6) Internet and Fax

What is the use of computers in communication?

The mainstay of information technology, computers are essential for communication. Early in the 1990s, the first homes began to utilize the Internet, which eventually led to the widespread use of email, websites, blogs, social networking, and Voice-Over-Internet Protocol.

Above listed ones are the uses of computers in communication.

To know more about the information about computers in communication


Consider this program on the picture attached:
(a) In what programming language is this program implemented?
(b) Why is this program correct? In other words, how does it work?
(c) In what way is the program poorly designed?


a) javascript (or Ecmascript if you’re fancy like that)

b) the program assigns the immutable variable “arr” to an array of intagers. It then iterates over the items of the array starting at index zero. The current value is declared as “item”. It will then print item cast as a string to the console.

c) this program is poorly designed due to the use of “SetTimeout”. During each iteration, the program will await item milliseconds before printing the item to the console. This affects the speed of the program due to thread sleeps every iteration

This is related to coding. I just have no idea how to do this coding project.


class brainly


public String repeatString(String str, int n)








Using the knowledge of the computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that write a method that takes a string and a int and return to the string.

Writting the code:

public String repeatString(String str, int n)


 String text = "";


 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


       text = text + str;



   return text;


See more about JAVA at


Carlos is studying human skin cells under a microscope during science class. He asks his teacher why cells are small. Which response does his teacher give him?


Since Carlos is studying human skin cells and he asks his teacher why cells are small. The response that his teacher give him will be: Larger cells could not efficiently transport nutrients.

Why are big cells not productive?

The plasma membrane won't have enough surface area if the cell enlarges too much to support the rate of diffusion needed to accommodate the larger volume. In other words, a cell gets less effective as it develops.

Any of the four major cell types that make up the epidermis may be referred to as "skin cells." These are the Langerhans cells, Merkel cells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes.

Note that Because there is less plasma membrane and a longer distance for molecules to travel, a large cell has more volume and is less effective at moving items into, out of, and through the cell. The cell needs its supplies to be received and transferred in a timely manner for many of its organelles.

Learn more about human skin cells from

Identify the type of error and correction in the following statement. double 4th3. where is the error ​


They use the knowledge of computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code Identify the type of error and correction in the following statement.

Writting the code:

#include <stdio.h>  

int main()  


  int sum=0; // variable initialization  

  int k=1;  

  for(int i=1;i<=10;i++); // logical error, as we put the semicolon after loop  





printf("The  value of sum is %d", sum);  

   return 0;  


See more about C++ at


You have been using your Microsoft cordless mouse for a year but it suddenly stopped
working. You did not install the mouse software (driver) from Microsoft when you got the
mouse because you did not care about using custom features. You have been using the
generic mouse software for Windows. List all of the troubleshooting steps you would do
before declaring that the mouse is defective.


A wireless mouse can be very portable and effective in our day-to-day work on the computer but can develop problems. one of the problems you might come across is that it suddenly stops working. this can be caused by either a software or hardware issue.

What are the possible issues?Possible software issuesCorrupt drivers Faulty operating system

Possible hardware issues:

Weak batteryFaulty dongleFaulty USB portsFaulty components on the mouse panel

Below are a list of troubleshooting steps

Check switchReplace batteryUninstall drivers and reinstallupdate drivers (if any available update)Reinstall OScheck dongleTry on another computer

Learn more about computer on:


What hardware component is the main brain of the computer system that is responsible for all the activities of the processor stage of the IPOS cycle



It is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)

the difference bitween hardware and software ?​



Hardware refers to the physical and visible components of the system such as a monitor, CPU, keyboard and mouse. Software, on the other hand, refers to a set of instructions which enable the hardware to perform a specific set of tasks.

Hardware is any physical part of the computer, like the monitor or keyboard. Software is the virtual part that tells the hardware what to do.

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