how to treat others and expect to be treated with dignity and respect ?


Answer 1

Respecting someone's rights is a component of treating them with respect, which also entails being courteous and nice to them.

Allowing them to make their own decisions. paying attention to what they have to say and considering it. even when one disagrees, respecting their desires and choices. The term dignity is derived from the Latin words dignitas (merit) or dignus (worthy). In English, the phrases dignitary and dignify are associated. The Collins English Dictionary defines dignity as I the state or characteristic of being deserving of honour and (ii) a sense of self-importance (to stand on one's dignity, under one's dignity). Thus, a personal quality that is acknowledged by oneself and/or others and commands respect might be interpreted as having dignity.

Dignity is sometimes linked to independence and having control over one's future. Anecdotal information implies that:

To learn more about Dignity. Please visit the below link.


Related Questions

What does Dr. Jekyll's letter say?


Dr. Jekyll asks Lanyon in his letter to drop everything and go to Jekyll's house.

Lanyon is asked in Jekyll's letter to drop everything and go to Jekyll's house, where Poole will be going to wait with a locksmith to break into the cabinet. Lanyon is to locate a specific drawer, bring it back to his own home, and wait for a visitor at midnight. The letter makes it clear that Jekyll's life and sanity are dependent on Lanyon doing what he has asked.

Lanyon suspects it is evidence of Jekyll's insanity, but follows the instructions anyway. The drawer houses a collection of chemicals as well as a book in which dates and brief notes are recorded.

Learn more about  The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION Does the author answer the question "What is love?"With a partner, discuss how love is described in the essay. Select the description you think is best and support your choice with evidence from the text. ​


Love is a set of  complex emotions, deeds, and beliefs that are accompanied by strong feelings of attachment. So, for instance, a person might profess their love for God, freedom, or their dog..

How would you define and define love?

Love is a powerful, enduring affection for someone. Having this intense passion for someone is another definition of love. Love can also refer to a strong fondness or a lot of liking for something.. Both as a verb and a noun, love has numerous other meanings.

What is your favorite way to define love?

a  way of expressing one's love or passion for, commitment to, or loyalty to, a person or individuals.

To know more about love visit:-


Who is more cunning Napoleon or Snowball?


In George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, Napoleon and Snowball are both pigs who are among the leaders of the rebellion against the human farmer, Mr. Jones, and the subsequent establishment of Animal Farm.

Napoleon is portrayed as more cunning than Snowball. He is more interested in consolidating power and control over the other animals, rather than in creating a society based on the principles of equality and social justice.

Napoleon uses force, manipulation, and deceit to maintain control of the farm, and is often willing to use violence to achieve his goals.

On the other hand, Snowball is depicted as more idealistic and passionate about creating a society where animals are equal and treated fairly. He is intelligent, hard-working, and dedicated to the cause of animal rights, but he lacks the cunning and ruthlessness of Napoleon.

To learn more about Animal Farm


Write a creative diary entry of 300 word or more by Okonkwo about hi father, Unoka. How doe Okonkwo feel about hi father? Are there thing he i grateful for? What might Okonkwo feel reentful about? Are there leon Okonkwo learned from hi father that he might want to pa along to hi children omeday? Why or why not?


Unoka, Okonkwo's father, was a tall, trim guy with a little stoop. Except when he was drinking or playing his flute, he was "haggard and sad."

After the harvest was his favorite time of year, when he would gather with the village musicians to play music and feast; Unoka's top priority was to live life to the fullest.

What was said about his father by Okonkwo?

"Even as a young child, he had despised his father's shortcomings and frailty, and even now, he recalled how it had hurt him when a playmate had revealed that his father was an agbala.

Okonkwo is what kind of a father?

Okonkwo is a man's man who doesn't make any concessions, and as such, he completely controls his family's life. His three wives take care of his children and serve him food. By considering them to be his subjects, Okonkwo is able to defend his treatment of them brutally. He doesn't feel bad about beating his wives.

To learn more about Okonkwo here:


Why was Pluto removed?


Pluto was removed from the list of planets in the solar system, because it was not able to fulfill the criteria for being called a full-sized planet.

Pluto, which is also popularized as the only dwarf planet of our solar system, once has had the status of a full-sized planet for a prolonged period of time. Very recently, when it was observed that the planet could not satisfy the conditions and criterion of a full-sized planet, its status was removed for being called the same. And thus, it is no more a planet.

Learn more about Pluto here:


What is the theme of the poem I Wandered Lonely?


The theme of the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth is one of appreciation for the beauty of nature.

The poem describes the poet's joy and astonishment upon coming across a field of daffodils while traveling. Wordsworth uses powerful sensory language and vivid imagery to communicate this sensation.

He is able to capture both the serene ambience of nature and the beauty of the daffodils. Additionally, he expresses his sense of amazement and admiration at the ability of nature to bring him such delight. The poem is a tribute to the wonders of nature and how they can enrich our lives.

Wordsworth is able to fully express the intensity of the feelings he experienced upon discovering the daffodils. He is able to demonstrate to us the comfort that comes from the beauty of nature.

Learn more about  Wandered Lonely click the link below:


Use what you've read by Andrea Levy to answer the following text related question.

1. How do Levy’s feelings about her home change over the course of the essay?

2. How does she build upon her experiences and knowledge to eventually question her relationship to Britain and Jamaica?

3. What can you infer about how Levy’s experiences with racial prejudice compare to that of her family when they first arrive in Britain? Has it gotten better or worse?

4. How does Britain and Jamaica’s history influence how Levy and her family feel about themselves, their home, and their community?

5. How does learning Britain’s history help Levy to resolve her feelings about her identity in the earlier parts of the essay?

6. Based upon her thoughts and experiences in the essay, how would Levy define home? Consider her connections to both Jamaica and Britain


Duty's sentiments about her home change all through the paper "Back to My Own Country" as she comes to feel pleased with her Jamaican roots as opposed to needing to fit in no matter what into English culture.

"Back to My Own Country"

It is a paper composed by Andrea Toll on issues of separation and prejudice that outsiders in Extraordinary England experience in a hidden way. The creator shares how her experience living in London molded her personality up until the second she chose to visit Jamaica interestingly.

In this way, the exposition centers around mirroring the significance of people being glad for their social roots and ethnic legacy, as workers can add to a culture with their qualities, imagination, and exuberance.

Learn more about Levy’s feelings:


Is Gregory a boy or a girl?


Gregory is a boy.

Gregory is a young boy which is a character in the very famous movie Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. The story revolves around the fact that Gregory is trapped in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex overnight.

The story develops the plot where Gregory and Freddy find out the secrets of Pizzaplex to help them survive till dawn. It is a horror and mystery genre film directed by Jason Topoloski.

It was also developed into a game. The movie was released on 16 December 2021. The voice over artist for Gregory was Marta Svetek. It is the biggest game in the franchise, far surpassing Help Wanted which previously held the title as the largest game in the series. The game's file size is almost 80 gigabytes rivaling and nearly surpassing enormous games like Grand Theft Auto V and God of War.

To know more about Five Nights at Freddy's visit:


What does Augustine say about beauty?


The famous line "Beauty, ever ancient, ever fresh" is from Augustine's "Confessions." He regrets having only recently fallen in love with this Beauty.

While it was present, he was unaware of it and assumed it was there. In According with Augustine, people are unable to live morally upright lives without the guidance of God.

He held the view that all people have an insatiable desire to commit evil from birth and that only God's grace can deliver them from eternal punishment in hell. The elevating of the human body above God, in St. Augustine's view, leads to materialism.

To learn more about Augustine here:


journal entries please write your journal entries as if you are helen keller!!! each entry should be 5-8 sentences. age 7 (what was it like for you when you started working with anne?) age 10 (how is your life different from others? you can reference chores, work, school,


When I started working with Anne, I was able to learn how to communicate, read and write. I also learned how to do many everyday tasks.

When I first started working with Anne, I was 7 years old and had been completely blind and deaf since I was a baby. For the first time in my life, I was able to learn how to communicate with the world around me.

Anne taught me how to communicate with her using finger spelling and the manual alphabet. She also helped me to learn how to read and write using Braille. Anne also taught me how to do everyday tasks like brushing my teeth, cooking, and taking care of myself.

She showed me how to use sign language to communicate with other people, and I was even able to learn how to use a typewriter. I was also able to attend school with other children my age and learn just like them.

This was different from other children my age as I had to learn how to do things differently than they did. I was able to learn how to do everyday tasks and communicate with the world around me, and I am grateful for Anne and the work she put in to helping me.

For more questions like Anne click the link below:


What principle information is based on actual costs incurred in transactions.


Using the cost principle, you may determine a sale's revenue with accuracy.The figures must precisely match the costs incurred within a given time period in actual company operations.

What is the reliability principle?Using the cost principle, you may determine a sale's revenue with accuracy.The figures must precisely match the costs incurred within a given time period in actual company operations.The goal of the reliability principle is to ensure the accuracy of all transactions, events, and business operations reported in the financial statements.Information is regarded as trustworthy if it can be checked, validated, and reviewed with impartial evidence.The revenue recognition principle basically states that earnings are recorded when a customer is thought to have received a service or good, not when money is actually received.More time and research may be needed than one might think to determine what counts as a transaction.

To learn more about cost principle refer


Write three to four entence comparing and contrating how the people are characterized in each paage. Ue detail from the text to upport your anwer


Putting "cheat notes" on your body or items you bring with you to the exam. trying to mimic what other classmates are doing. chatting with other students or passersby while the exam is still being taken.

employing electronic devices to access exam-related information while the exam is still being taken.

Is turning in someone else's work plagiarized or unethical?

Plagiarism. Cheating. submitting the identical assignment without the instructor's approval for more than one course. Using someone else's identity whilst taking a test or exam.

What are the four different forms of academic fraud?Cheating.Plagiarism.falsehood or fabrication.Sabotage.

What constitutes a breach of integrity?

copying verbatim without giving due credit. rephrasing without giving due credit. the practice of incorporating quotes from another source without giving due credit. theft of intellectual property without giving due credit.

To learn more about Plagiarism here:


What is contrast short answer?


A writer will frequently use contrast as a rhetorical device to emphasize the differences between two people, places, or things.

The most basic definition of contrast is the opposite of two things, emphasizing and explaining their contrasts.

Because black is the inverse of white, there is a distinction between black ink and white paper. Contrast may also be used to mean "opposite." Contrast can also develop when two elements are diametrically opposed. Cats and dogs, for example, contrast but are not opposites.

While difference in writing emphasizes distinguishing traits, comparison in writing relies on figurative language that is comparable. A compare-and-contrast essay, then, compares, contrasts, or assesses two subjects.

To know more about contrast, visit,


What religion is the pilgrim church?


Members of the breakaway Puritan group of the Church of England made up the Mayflower pilgrims. Separatists and non-separatists were the two categories of puritans that existed at the period inside the Church of England.

A church to which pilgrimages are frequently made or a church located along a pilgrimage route, such as the Way of St. James, that is frequented by pilgrims, is referred to as a pilgrimage church (German: Wallfahrtskirche).

We hold that Jesus Christ provided a full atonement for all human sin via the spilling of His own blood and His merited death on the cross. We also hold that this atonement is the only basis for salvation and that it is sufficient for each person. The word "synod" refers to a group of people traveling or walking together.

Learn more about church visit:


Who does Mr Napoleon represent in Animal Farm?


Napoleon is a pig with a dark complexion. Stalin is depicted by Napoleon. Stalin resembled France's Napoleon Bonaparte.

During the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power in France and was regarded as a hero of the movement.

Who or what does Napoleon represent?

Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as Napoleon I, was a French emperor and military leader who, in the early 19th century, conquered much of Europe. During the French Revolution, Napoleon, who was born on the island of Corsica, rose quickly through the ranks of the military.

What is Orwell's portrayal of Napoleon?

Napoleon is depicted by George Orwell as a pig or a dog—a greedy, manipulative hypocrite. Because Napoleon is aware that he cannot defeat snowball, he conspires with the other pigs to ascend to power. Eventually, it came to an end with nine dogs chasing Snowball out of the farm.

To learn more about George Orwell here:


Which details should be included in an effective summary of ""the road not taken"" by robert frost? select yes or no for each detail.


The details should be included in an effective summary of "The road Not taken" by Robert Frost:

1. We cаn conclude thаt "The Roаd Not Tаken" is one of the most populаr poems in Аmericаn literаture. ⇒ Yes

2. While the speаker is wаlking in the woods, he must decide the pаth to tаke. ⇒ Yes

3. Аs the speаker tаkes the second pаth, he recognizes thаt he could never tаke the first pаth simultаneously. ⇒ Yes

4. We cаnnot аgree thаt the poem is often misunderstood becаuse it beаrs simple lаnguаge аnd а fаmiliаr structure. ⇒ No

5. The speаker cаn wonder аbout how his pаst decisions will be judged. ⇒ Yes

Which details should be included in an effective summary?

А summаry begins with аn introductory sentence thаt stаtes the text's title, аuthor аnd mаin point of the text аs you see it. А summаry is written in your own words. А summаry contаins only the ideаs of the originаl text. Do not insert аny of your own opinions, interpretаtions, deductions or comments into а summаry

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question can be seen in the Attachment.

For more information about The Roаd Not Tаken refer to the link:


take me deeper than my feet could ever wander lyrics from?


The lyrics of Take Me Deeper Than My Feet Could Ever Wander were sung by Hillsong UNITED. The lyrics for Take Me Deeper Than My Feet Could Ever Wander were written by Salomon Ligthelm and Joel Timothy Houston. The song is Oceans (Where Feet May Fail).

This is the message of Hillsong's song Oceans.

It's hard to be brave and do something you've never done before, so it's important to have a strong conviction. Necessary when you want to keep your eyes on the waves. Just one step, one decision, one call to get you where your feet could go wrong.

for more information about take me deeper than my feet could ever wander see:


In which of the following lines does the connotative language best support Addams’s thesis that Lincoln was an epitome of all that was great and good?


The connotative language best support Addams’s thesis that Lincoln was an epitome of all that was great and good was "the martyred President as the standard bearer to the conscience of his countrymen".

What do you mean by the connotative language?

Connotation is the use of a word to imply a different association from its denotative, or literal, meaning.

"Connotation refers to a connotation that a word conveys in addition to the object it expressly describes.

In addition to their denotative or literal meanings, connotative words often have cultural and emotional connotations.

Connotative language is language that goes beyond the meaning that a word has in a dictionary. In order to provide the audience a more thorough understanding of the person or thing being described, connotative language is frequently utilized in descriptions.

Therefore, the connotative language best support Addams’s thesis that Lincoln was an epitome of all that was great and good was "the martyred President as the standard bearer to the conscience of his countrymen".

To know more about the connotative language, visit:


Why does poetry utilize figurative language how does it affect the beauty of poetry?


By employing common words or phrases in a non-literal way to appeal to the reader's emotions, poets can connect or compare concrete objects and abstract ideas through the use of figurative language.

Our prose and poetry gain depth via the use of figurative language, which enables us to express ideas more creatively and colourfully. Since figurative language is frequently vibrant, it tends to pop and come to life in readers' minds. We can convey more ideas with figurative language and use fewer words. Communication and language become more attractive, vibrant, and colourful when using figurative language. It gives speaking and writing a poetic flair that can't be expressed in any other way.

Children that study metaphorical language will develop their imaginations and inventiveness. A passage's emotional tone can be determined by the mood it conveys and evokes. In order to convey certain aspects of a story, such as emotion and topic, writers often employ figurative language. Figurative language can be used in a variety of ways, and how an author uses it will influence the final form of their work.

To learn more about figurative language:


How to end a speech.​


use a period to end a speech “.”

Answer: "Thank you", and smile then just focus to do you, be sure you explain your content well!


Which examples are clauses?


Examples of clauses :

I graduated last year. (One clause sentence)When I came here, I saw him. (Two clause sentence)When I came here, I saw him, and he greeted me. (Three clause sentence)

What is a clause?A set of words called a clause usually consists of a subject and a finite verb. There is just one subject and one verb in it.A clause is a collection of words with a subject and a verb that relate to one another. This connection is essential because a clause, as opposed to being just a collection of words, transmits information about what the subject is or is doing.A sentence is a component of language that consists of a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. A typical clause consists of a subject, any possible objects, and additional modifiers, and a syntactic predicate, which is often a verb phrase.

Learn more about Clause refer to :


story says.
"You really are enjoying this," [Harriet] said. "Superb, that really is
superb. We'll make a gardener out of you yet, girl."
Enjoying this, Clara reflected. Yes, I am enjoying this. Her eyes
widened. But I must focus. I am a caregiver. She straightened.
"What do you need me to do next, Harriet?"
Clara's flat tone made Harriet frown, but she offered no
What does this passage show about the story's conflict?
A. Harriet wants Clara to stop being a caregiver and become a
B. Harriet wants Clara to stay silent and just do her job like other
Al caregivers.
C. Harriet wants Clara to leave her alone and return to working at
the hospital.
D. Harriet wants Clara to experience and express feelings like a


“You are a great caregiver.” “You're doing everything you can.” Encouragement can boost confidence and lift spirits. Encourage away!

What does this passage show about the story's conflict?Caregiving is the act of attending to someone's everyday needs who is unable to look after oneself. A person who needs ongoing help and attention may also have physical and emotional needs that need to be met. The person might be a friend or a family member. In-home caregiving is the norm. "Caring for others frequently asks us to lean into love we didn't realise was possible." "The two best treatments for everything are a good laugh and a long sleep." "The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make," is my caregiving mantra. One of the biggest honours is to take care of those who took care of us in the past.

To learn more about story's conflict refer to:


what is the highest scoring national championship game


The highest scoring national championship game is basketball.

How mush has this game scored?

Bill Bradley has scored the highest, 58 points, in NCAA Final Four game. He played for the University of New Hampshire Wildcats. Larry Bird of Indiana State University Indians has won NBA MVP award five times and also voted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. The game played between Troy State and DeVry on January 12, 1992, has the highest points scoring single game in NCAA history, with 733 points.

Learn more on games here:


Drag each tile to the correct box. Look at the questions. What is the most appropriate time to ask each question about a text? before after during What do I already know about this topic? arrowRight What would a good summary of this text look like? arrowRight How can I put what I am reading in my own words? arrowRight


The most appropriate time to ask each question about a text:

Before: What do I already know about this topic?During: How can I put what I am reading into my own words?After: What would a good summary of this text look like?

There are three types of questions for informаtionаl text: questions аbout conditionаl context, questions аbout temporаl informаtion, аnd questions аbout possibility аnd necessity.

The reаders should аsk questions before, during аnd аfter reаding because asking questions before reаding helps readers аccess аnd use their prior knowledge аs they construct meаning from а text. Аsking questions while reаding fosters аctive engаgement with the text, аnd questioning аfter reаding cаn be used to check for comprehension аnd encourаge the trаnsfer аnd аpplicаtion of knowledge.

For more information about questions refers to the link:


Where are dependent clauses found in a sentence?


Dependent clauses may appear in a sentence either before or after an independent clause.

What is an illustration of a sentence with a dependent clause?

I rode my birthday-gifted bike from Mary outside. "I went out on the bike" is the main clause of the phrase and is a complete thought that may stand alone as a sentence. The sentence that comes next ("that Mary gave me for my birthday") is a dependent clause that supports the main clause.

Which section of the sentence contains the dependent clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a predicate but is unable to function as a simple sentence on its own. When a dependent clause is employed, it can be a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

To know more about clauses  visit:-


Part A
Which of the following statements based on evidence in "The King of
Mazy May is supported by historical facts in Call of the Klondike?
A. Some miners were dishonest.
B. Gold was found along Mazy May Creek.
C. Some miners became rich prospecting for gold.
D. Claims had to be registered in Dawson to be valid.
Part B
Which sentence or phrase from Call of the Klondike supports your
answer to Part A?
OA. "Both groups of miners had found their gold in the same place....
OB. "It was worth nearly one million dollars, which, by today's standards, would
be many times that amount."
OC. "Soon these discoveries would make headlines around the world."
OD.... the Klondike region of northern Canada."


Claims had to be registered in Dawson to be valid statement is based on evidence in "The King of Mazy May is supported by historical facts in Call of the Klondike.

What are historical facts?

Any fact concerning the past is a historical fact. What happened?, a very fundamental question, is answered. However, historians go beyond simply recording events on a timeline and attempt to understand why they occurred, what factors contributed to their occurrence, what consequences they had, and how they were perceived.

Historians analyze accounts from a wide range of sources in an effort to determine what actually transpired, looking for recurring themes that support a credible account.

Archeological findings are contrasted to accounts. Although neither history nor archeology is an exact science, advancements in method and technology have allowed each of them to present ever-more compelling arguments for their interpretations of the past.

Learn more about historical facts, here





Why didn’t Mrs. Seward say anything during the conversation at dinner? (paragraph 6)


Answer:she was scared


(1) Gretchen searched around looking for her missing keys. (2) She thought she had seen them in the kitchen. (3) When she looked around all over. (4) They were not there. (5) Then she checked under the couch seat cushions, and there they were! (6) She was very relieved.

Which of the following is a sentence fragment?

A. sentence 4

B. sentence 3

C. sentence 6

D. sentence 5​


Answer: A. sentence 4 (1) Gretchen searched around looking for her missing keys. (2) She thought she had seen them in the kitchen. (3) When she looked around all over. (4) They were not there. (5) Then she checked under the couch seat cushions, and there they were! (6) She was very relieved.

Which of the following is a sentence fragment?

A. sentence 4


some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch tv I need a general statement for this question ​


Reading books is said to improve people's creativity and linguistic abilities, but watching TV has less of an impact. Reading books, than watching TV, a superior approach to strengthen one's creativity and linguistic abilities.

How can students improve imagination?

Fine motor skills and focus can also be improved through creative hobbies. Arts-based learning is especially beneficial for older students.

What causes loss of imagination?

Unfortunately, humans lose their inventiveness as they age, but that is the awful reality. It happens as a result of them understanding how the world works, adjusting to their surroundings, and forgetting how it feels to be inventive. If you don't adapt today, you won't be very inventive in the future.

To know more about Imagination skills visit:


Other Questions
According to the narrator, where do the neighborhood kids often play in "TheHorned Toad"?A. At the ranchB. In the oil patchC. In the vacant lotD. At the stores in town Is lead and oxygen ionic? Question 32(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.02 MC)The Swahili people are best known forO the first sub-Saharan Africans to use the camelO a large stone fortification discovered by Portuguese explorers in the 1600sO being a cultural mix of Bantu and Arab culturesO having a powerful empire until Christianity's introduction caused internal tensions distinguish what is the term used to describe a temporary low supply of a good or service? Monica rarely seems people on television that look like her. She was born with a prominent birthmark on her face, and she was teased quite a bit for in when she was growing up. While she is now more confident about her appearance, it bothers her that everyone she sees on television seem to have blemish-free skin. She knows that there are a lot of people like her out there, but she never sees them as the main character or the hero in the story. When she was younger, this made her think she was not attractive. What is this scenario an example of?why low self-esteem is a problemthe role of diversity in the mediasituations where it is best to ignore the mediahow the media shapes body image 27of the students in1006th grade said theyhave one sibling. What27percent is equal to?10011>>> FRACTION, DECIMAL, PERCENTE What is the ultimate goal of most business people UN says ozone layer slowly healing, hole to mend by 2066Please write a summary only (7-10) sentences about this article, please i need the answer in the next 10 min but the sooner the better. if you want to measure the electric potential difference, which cables will you use to connect to a multimeter, and where will you plug them in? what did mlk tell the people outside his home who were upset his house had been firebombed? Pls help me to answer these questions:( What is the author's main purpose in writing George Washington, Spymaster? Please help quickly! TV is a medsegment of UWXif WX=3s+77 and TV=2s+42, what is TV what is the equation for the change in the common stock account? Predict the product(s) of this reaction: (Don't worry about balancing)C2H4 + O2 Identify the properties used in solving the inequality. PLEASE HELPYou are assigned one specific demographic group that is might be protected under equal opportunity, affirmative action, or other laws (geographically such as state or county) or corporate policy. My group : high school students into trades, crafts, vocational fields (not college)Identify whether the group is legally protected under federal legislation. If you were a HR manager, how would you recruit candidates from this specific group to apply at your (or a specific) work location? Be specific and name specific newspapers/publications/website, professional organizations, job fairs, other recruitment sources and creative ideas. Research to include in your posting recruitment price listing (such as the expense to publish in a newspaper or professional publication) if possible. Credits are awarded on specificity. the code or principles of conduct that a person accepts If a point is chosen inside the large circle, what is the probability that it will also be inside the small circle? [?]% according to the director what is the worst offense a person can commit? explain the reason to this? do you agree