
Answer 1


As one of the original Thirteen Colonies, North Carolina culture has been greatly influenced by early settlers of English, Scotch-Irish, Scotch, German, and Swiss descent. Likewise, African Americans have had great cultural influence in North Carolina, first coming as enslaved people during colonial times.

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William Chafe argued that there was a shift in the concerns, goals, and organizational strategies between the first generation of feminists (1848-1890) and the second generation (1890-1920), and historian Aileen Kraditor described the strategies for securing women's suffrage as moving from an argument from justice to an argument from expediency. Explain what Chafe and Kraditor mean.


According to the two arguments, it can be inferred that Chafe and Kraditor have similar views on the development of the feminist movement and its two stages.

What can be inferred about the arguments of William Chafe and Aileen Kraditor?

According to the arguments presented by both authors, it can be inferred that the feminist movement had two generations that had different points of view to fight for their goals of gender equality. For example, as Kraditor mentions, feminists went from fighting for suffrage on the basis of justice to fighting for suffrage on the basis of convenience.

On the other hand, Chafe argues that the feminist movement had changes in its concerns, goals and strategies, so it can be inferred that one of the strategies of feminists during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was to focus their struggle from different perspectives to achieve their goal. goal of women's suffrage in the United States.

In accordance with the above, it can be inferred that both authors coincide in their perspective on the development of the feminist movement in two generations.

Learn more about feminism in: https://brainly.com/question/9254131


What was Jefferson‘s policy toward Native Americans most focus on

preserving their traditional ways of life
Creating schools for Nagive American children
Getting land for settlement
Relocating settlers to Europe


Thomas Jefferson believed Native Americans to be a noble race with a marked capacity for reason and an innate moral sense, and who were "in body and mind equal to the white man".

Nevertheless, he thought that Native Americans were less advanced in terms of both culture and technology. Like many of his contemporaries, he thought white people ought to annex Indian territory.Jefferson talked about the need for respect, brotherhood, and trade with Native Americans before and during his presidency. At first, he thought that forcing them to adopt European-style agriculture and ways of life would allow them to "progress" from "savagery" to "civilization" quickly.

Jefferson began to support the idea of removal in his private letters in 1803, and he offered several suggestions for removing tribes.

To learn more about Jefferson, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/27882304



C (Getting land for settlement)


i got this correct on my test

What was the United States’ main concern during the Cold War?


During the Cold War, communism was the main concern of the United States. The Soviet Union had a communist economy where most property was owned by the government. The United States had a market economy, or capitalist economy.

Answer: communism

Explanation: The United States main concern during the Cold War was communism. The Cold War was not a traditional war. It was "cold" because the U.S. and the Soviet Union did not fight each other directly. The Cold War began after World War II ended in 1945. The Soviet Union was a communist country. Communism is an economic system where most property belongs to the government. The United States had a capitalist economy, where property usually belongs to individuals. The United States and the Soviet Union competed for world power. Leaders of both countries worried that the other would use the atomic bomb to turn the Cold War into a real war. This never happened. The Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union divided into many smaller countries. The United States' main concern during the Cold War was communism.

Question 8 of 10
The part of the U.S. economy that depended on
Embargo Act of 1807.
O A. agricultural products
OB. fur trading
OC. shipbuilding
OD. industry
was damaged by the


Answer: Answer in A.

Explanation: Just took the quiz.

can somone help me pls





What provisions did Georgia's founding leader James Oglethorpe make to preserve the colony as a "society of hardworking people who would defend the British empire against invasion from the south"?


He placed restrictions on who could acquire land and who could inherit property. He instituted a ban on slavery.

Who is Georgia's founding leader James Oglethorpe?

Generally, On December 22, 1696, James Edward Oglethorpe, who would later be known as the founder of the colony of Georgia, was born in Yorkshire, England.

In conclusion, Oglethorpe started his career in the military in 1717, shortly after graduating from Eton and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He served with Prince Eugene of Savoy in an effort to defeat the Ottoman Empire.

He instituted regulations that limited who may purchase land and who could pass on property to their heirs. He put an end to the practice of slavery by banning it.

Read more about James Oglethorpe



Jean-Jacques Rousseau held which of the following to be true? Select all that apply.

Women should play an active role in public life.

Wiithout rational thought, human society would crumble.

Civilization was the foundation of freedom.

Women were best suited to a passive role in social relations.


Civilization was the foundation of freedom

The word civilization (or civilization) derives from the Latin civitas, which means a town dweller. Romans typically preferred that conquered people reside in cities. When a population is civilized, it has benefited from the experience, expertise, and knowledge accumulated over many years of human development. Entropy, barbarism, rudeness, or animal-like behavior are sometimes described as the antithesis of civilization.

Because of his contributions to political philosophy and moral psychology as well as his impact on succeeding thinkers, Jean-Jacques Rousseau continues to be a significant figure in the history of philosophy. Rousseau held a deeply pessimistic view of philosophy and philosophers, considering them to be the post-hoc justifiers of self-interest, apologists for various sorts of dictatorship, and contributors to the estrangement of the contemporary person from humanity's innate instinct toward compassion.

Finding a solution to maintain human freedom in a society where people are more and more reliant on one another to meet their wants is the central issue of Rousseau's writings. The psychological aspect of this issue is more significant than the material aspect.

Learn more about Civilization https://brainly.com/question/12207844


What does Piaget mean by the term egocentrism


Answer: According to Piaget, logical egocentrism is due to the fact that “the child sees everything from his own point of view, it is because he believes all the world to think like himself.


Egocentrism is a commonly held thought pattern by children and adolescents. The definition of egocentrism is the tendency of an individual to focus their attention inward, concerned with how others will view themselves. At this stage of thinking, this age group is unable to understand other ways of thinking that do not center around their worlds.

Children and adolescents struggle to understand the point of view of others. This is different from selfishness, which is the willful lack of consideration for others. Egocentrism puts the person at the center of their world. They believe that everything happening around them is related to themselves.

The Amarna vassal correspondence

always begins with a formula of addressing the king of Egypt as a brother and equal

always begins with a formula of addressing the king of Egypt as a lord to whom one must bow down

includes letters from kings of city-states complaining about Egypt not protecting them properly, and about rebellions of other vassal kings

includes letters praising Akhenaton for sending soldiers regularly and keeping down rebellions

both A and C

both B and C


The Amarna vassal correspondence - always begins with a formula of addressing the king of Egypt as a brother and equal

The Amarna Letters are a collection of correspondence between the rulers of the Ancient Near East and Egypt in the 14th century BCE. They are possibly the earliest examples of international diplomacy, with the most common subjects being diplomatic marriage negotiations, friendship statements, and exchanged materials.

Religious iconoclasm was prevalent during the Amarna Period. Amenhotep IV, the pharaoh, changed his name to Akhenaten to reflect his worship of a single god, the Aten. In Middle Egypt, he constructed a new capital and cemetery at Tell el-Amarna.

To know more about The Amarna vassal correspondence here



Which article explains Georgia's election laws?
Which article explains the rights of citizens?
Which articles explain the structure of the branches of government?
Which articles explain how the government receives and spends funds?


A prose writing piece, typically nonfiction, on a particular subject, that exists as a stand-alone component of a book or other publication, such as a newspaper or magazine.  a solitary object, class member, or component; a specific: articles of clothing; food items.

Which article details the electoral laws of Georgia?

The Georgia election and voting process is outlined in Article 2 of the state constitution. The manner of voting, the ability to register and vote, general regulations, and the suspension and removal of public officials are all part of this procedure.

Which article details citizens' rights?

All privileges and immunities enjoyed by citizens of the several States are also available to citizens of each state.

Which articles describe the organization of the government's branches?

A) Branches, Checks, and Balances in Articles 1-3

The Executive (led by the President), Legislative (headed by Congress), and Judicial departments of government are established with specified authorities in the first three articles of the Constitution (Supreme Court).  Power is divided and distributed.

Which articles detail the sources and uses of government funding?

The federal government receives funding from a number of sources, including as excise taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, and individual income taxes. Additionally, it receives money from services like customs duties and park admission.

To Know more about magazine.




1) Article II

2) Article I

3) Article III—VI and IX

4) Article VII—VIII


when you decide to vote what information or sources do you use to make a decision?


When I decide to vote I will use three places to get my information to help me make a decision. The first is the Secretary of State website to read on the state votes coming up. I will then use my local city government site to see any local laws and people up for election. Finally I will use a trust local media source to get their take. All of these will help in my decision.

can somone help me pls





Into water and carbon dioxide.

I need help please asap
Question 16
The continuous columns surrounding the Cella of a Greek temple are known as
O Greek temples had no columns
O peripteral columns
O No answer text provided.
O the perimeter


The continuous columns surrounding the Cella of a Greek temple are known as the perimeter. The Option D is correct.

What is the Cella of Greek temple?

In Classical architecture, the cella meant the body of a temple in which the image of the deity is housed. During the early Greek and Roman architecture, it was a simple room (rectangular) with the entrance at one end and with the side walls often being extended to form a porch.

In much larger temples, the cella is open to the sky with a small temple was sometimes placed within. In Byzantine architecture, the naos was preserved as the area of a centrally planned church including the core and the sanctuary, where the liturgy is performed.

Read more about Greek temple



Salons were a key way that Enlightenment ideas spread. Which of the following are among the funcitons of the salon? Select all that apply.

Organizing public performances of subversive theatrical works by radical thinkers

Organizing public lectures on scientific topics of the day

Inviting the lower classes to private homes to hear political discussions

Allowing radical thinkers to discuss their ideas in private, away from possible government surveillance

Facilitating communication of coded information from radical thinkers, often communicated by dress and hairstyle


A significant institution where women were heavily represented was the French salon, a creation of The Enlightenment in the early 18th century. Women and men might meet in salons to have intellectual conversations. As a result, women in Paris experienced less marginalization.

The Marquess of Rambouillet, a French aristocrat of Italian descent, hosted the first real "salon" in 1610; it was a literary gathering (maybe akin to a book club) where discussions about literature, art, music, and even philosophy were held in addition to sports and social activities.

Who held the most sway among salon hosts?

The most prominent hosts in the early and late 18th centuries, respectively, were Charlotte Schimmelman and Christine Sophie Holstein.

Read more about Enlightenment https://brainly.com/question/13310693


Why did diseases from Africa affect people in the Americas in the
early 1500s?
Disease spread when people
in the Americas purchased raw materials from Africa.
Disease spread when people in the Americas went to Africa to capture and enslave people.
Africans brought disease when they visited the Americas.
Europeans intentionally carried African diseases to the Americas.


The disease from Africa affected people in the Americas in early 1500s because "Disease spread when people in the Americas went to Africa to capture and enslave people."

Native Americans, who lacked immunity to the infections and pathogens brought by Europeans, were rapidly afflicted by diseases they were unaware of. Native Americans unwittingly spread disease to nearby tribes as they canoe through streams to trade and exchange news.Native Americans were powerless against European-introduced deadly diseases and microorganisms such as smallpox, measles, typhus, and cholera (Denevan, 1976). European sailors carried syphilis back with them to their home continent.Smallpox, measles, mumps, and chickenpox were unintentionally brought by European explorers, decimating some populations and annihilating others. One disease did go the other way; for the first time, the deadly sexually transmitted disease syphilis made its way from the New World to Europe.

Thus the correct option is C.

Refer here to learn more about diseases: https://brainly.com/question/20079425





Mountain chains can be formed by the collision of two tectonic plates. Which of the following provides the energy which pushes the tectonic plates together?
energy from sunlight
energy from the Earth's interior
energy from organisms living on the Earth
enegy from ocean currents


Answer: energy from the Earth's interior


Question 3 of 5
Which of the following describes a major similarity between the Declaration
of Independence and Thomas Paine's Common Sense?


Each document acted as propaganda to increase the independence movement's popularity on a national and worldwide level.

What is declaration of independence?On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence, which announced the separation of the 13 British colonies in North America from Great Britain. This act became the founding document of the United States.The Declaration's primary goal is explained briefly in the first sentence, which refers to defend the colonists' right to revolt. To declare the factors that led to their separation, in other words. To support its position, Congress has to offer evidence.The introduction, preamble, body (which is split into two pieces), and conclusion are the five separate components that make up the Declaration of Independence. The paper would "declare" the "causes," according to the introduction, that have forced the American colonies to secede from the British Empire.

To learn more about declaration of independence refer to :



Decolonization fundamentally changed Africa during the 20th century by:
A. convincing African leaders to abandon nationalism.
B. allowing European powers to violate human rights in Africa.
C. isolating African countries from the global community.
D. creating many new independent African countries.


Decolonization fundamentally changed Africa during the 20th century by: isolating African countries from the global community.

The correct option is C.

In order to achieve Indigenous sovereignty, or the right and capacity of Indigenous people to practise self-determination over their territory, traditions, and political and economic systems, decolonization is about "cultural, psychological, and economic independence" for Indigenous people.

Colonialism imposed a single-culture economy on the colonies, which rendered them reliant. Additionally, it de-humanised African traders and labourers. Africans were driven from their lands and forced to labour on European plantations for pitiful salaries.

The entire transformation of the political landscape of the continent was the most important result of decolonization of Africa. Young African nations faced several issues stemming from their socioeconomic underdevelopment, including a shortage of skilled employees.

To learn more about decolonization of Africa, refer



Answer: the answer is D. Creating many new independent African Countries.

Explanation: I took the test.

Explore the issue of child labor in late nineteenth through early twentieth century. How many children worked during this time, and what types of work did they do? What were the negative consequences of their work? How did progressives try to deal with this problem? Were they successful? Who was Jacob Riis? How did he influence Lewis Hine? What did young reformers like Riis and Hine do to try and stir the conscience of the nation? 300 words minimum


Child labor is an abuse or an exploitations of children that deprived them of their childhood life. All  the answers that you need to know about the issue of child labor is written below.

What is Child Labor?

In the early nineteenth to the twentieth century parent were unable to send their children to school and this has given rise to poverty.

in the nineteenth and early twentieth an estimate of 1.7 to 75 million of children were involved in child labor.

They were forced to work in factory, farms mostly commercial and domestic servant. Some are into drug and prostitution.

One of the negative consequences of child labor are children are not able to schoolchildren tend to fall sick children are poorly educated.

Note that Jacob Riis and Lewis Heine were photographers who documented about  child labor. They were schoolteacher who had the passion to stop child labor and also quit their jobs to achieve this.

Therefore, Even the most obscured areas of the city were illuminated by Riis's innovative use of flash photography. His remarkable works were incorporated into essays, books, and speeches and were effective forces for social change. was a surprise to many New Yorkers and an instant hit. 

Learn more about child labor from



During the late nineteenth and twentieth century, poor children have to work instead of going to school due to poverty and unemployment. children has of work in factories, farming and mining. some work as domestic servant and taking care of the old. They often work long hours in an unsafe condition which has negative consequences on their health resulting in children being injured or dying.

More than 1.75 million children were involved in child labor. Through then  efforts of the progressives in 1938,a child labor law was passed(fair labor standard ACTS) it states that only children under the age of sixteen are allowed to work. With this and a change in standard of living ,this has led to a decline of child labor.

Jacob Riis was a police reporter and in his course of work, he noticed the poor living condition of the of the people. He took photographs of their inhabitants and wrote about their conditions.

Lewis Hine was influenced by Jacob Riis through his pictures of the conditions of the slum of the New York lower Hills side. The use of Jacob Riis photography helps to document the effects of industrialization and urbanization of a working class American. Their work brings to awareness   for the need for housing and labor reforms to the attention of legislators and the public.

What is child labor?

This is a situation where children are exploited to do work that deprives them of their childhood and may cause harm to them socially, mentally, physically and morally. In other words it entails the use of underaged children to do hard work that is detrimental to their entire being.

Learn more about child labor: brainly.com/question/1388027


The chart above illustrates what historians have called the


A historian is someone who studies history specifically and writes about it in books and articles. Synonyms: historian is also known as a chronicler, recorder, biographer, and antiquarian. The chart shows the Columbian exchange.

What is the title of a historian scientist?

Archaeologist: a scientist who finds and investigates human remains, structures, and writings to study human history, particularly the culture of historic and prehistoric people.

What is the name of the study of history?

The study of history, its philosophy, and its methods is referred to as historiography. It is essential for historians to be familiar with the historiography of their particular field. Non-historians frequently draw broad generalizations regarding historical figures, concepts, occurrences, or eras.

Learn more about history here:



You add 2 integers and the sum is -6. Write 4 possible additon equation. Include both a postive and negative integer in some of the equations.


The 4 possible additon equation when you add 2 integers and the sum is -6 include:

-1 + (-5) = -6

-2 + (-4) = -6

7 - 13 = -6

0 - 6 = 6

What is an integer?

An integer simply refers to a number. It's important to note that an integer can be zero, it can be a positive number and can also be a negative number.

In this case, it should be noted that based on the information given in the question, we will use negative and positive numbers to illustrate the information. This will be:

-1 + (-5)

= -1 - 5

= -6

-2 + (-4)

= -2 - 4

= -6

7 - 13

= -6

0 - 6

= 6

This shows the integers.

Learn more about integers on:



Question # 1: What was the strategy of the Allies to achieve victory in both Europe and the Pacific during World War II?

Question # 2: How was the war ultimately won?

You may want to consider discussing the following topics as you answer the two questions above.:

Island hopping
Atomic bomb
War on 2 fronts (Europe and Pacific)
Protecting trade routes.


The strategy of the Allies to achieve victory in Europe during WWII was fighting the Germans on two fronts. The strategy for the Pacific was Island Hopping.

The war was ultimately won by the allies thanks to the capture of Berlin and the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan.

How the Allies won WWII?

The Allies won WWII in Europe by fighting the Germans on two fronts - the west and the east. In the west the Allies pressed from France and Italy. In the East, they pressed from the Soviet Union. This led to Berlin being captured and the end of the war in Europe.

As for the Pacific, the Japanese occupied a lot of Islands so the Allies did not want to waste time capturing every island. They engaged in Island Hopping where they captured only significant islands until they reached close enough to Japan to drop two atomic bombs that ended the war via a Japanese surrender.

Find out more on the Allies in WWII at https://brainly.com/question/8608312


How do the rights of the local population differ under direct and indirect rule?
Group of answer choices

They differ in whether local people must obey the law.

They differ in whether local people can travel.

They differ in whether local people are allowed to work.

They differ in whether local people have a say in government.



The correct answer choice is choice D.


No decisions are left to the people under direct rule. Indirect rule is a weaker form of government, because it allows some of the local people under appointment to make decisions regarding the codification of the law.


A. They differ in whether local people have a say in government.

Question # 1: What was the strategy of the Allies to achieve victory in both Europe and the Pacific during World War II?

Question # 2: How was the war ultimately won?

You may want to consider discussing the following topics as you answer the two questions above.:

Island hopping
Atomic bomb
War on 2 fronts (Europe and Pacific)
Protecting trade routes.


The strategy of the Allies in achieving victory in Europe was by forcing Hitler to fight on two fronts. In the Pacific, the Allied World War II strategy was Island hopping.

The war in Europe was won by defeating the Germans in Berlin and the war in the Pacific was won with the dropping of the Atomic bomb.

How did the Allies win WWII?

The Allies won World War II thanks to their superior manpower, resources, and strategies. In Europe, the Allies employed a strategy that made the Germans fight on two fronts. They had to fight against the Soviets in the East and the western allies in the west. This led to a collapse of the German military and for the destruction of Berlin, and the surrender of Germany.

In the Pacific, the Allies practiced Island hopping, which was a strategy that involved bypassing islands that the Japanese had occupied but were of no real significance. The Allies used this to get close enough to Japan to drop the atomic bombs and end the war.

Find out more on the the Pacific in WWII at https://brainly.com/question/12133934


After studying both prehistoric and ancient art, your classmate rachel is determined that these two types of art have absolutely nothing in common. You tell her that you have noticed some similarities. What could you tell her to support your argument that prehistoric and ancient art have some things in common.

A. Both have a written history that was left behind by various cultures that help explain the pieces
B. Both types of art originated in Mesopotamia, the "cradle of civilization"
C. Both have pieces that were made of durable moments
D. Both use the process known as red figure style


You should argument to your colleague that prehistoric and ancient art have in common the fact that they both have a written history that has been left behind by various cultures that help explain the pieces.

What was prehistoric art like?

It can be understood as the art of the Paleolithic and Neolithic period, with a focus on cave paintings, depicting the daily life of the people, as a representation of agriculture and hunting, with the use of natural elements for production, such as bones and blood of animals.

Ancient art also represented the culture of the people, such as Egyptian art, with its paintings, sculptures and writings.

Therefore, prehistoric art and ancient art have similarities to the portrayal of essential aspects that characterized the culture of the period and civilization, being important instruments for understanding the past through artistic pieces.

Find out more about prehistoric art on:



According to the account, which events caused the Boston Massacre? A. Colonists resisted when a British customs official attempted to collect taxes, and British soldiers were called in to restore order. B. Disagreement among groups of colonists gathered in protest led to a riot, and British soldiers fired shots to disperse the crowd. C. Armed British soldiers mistreated colonists, who became agitated and threw snowballs; then the soldiers fired on the colonists. D. A mob of angry colonists attacked British soldiers and trapped them against the Customs House, then the soldiers fired on the colonists.​



probably c


How does the 2nd agricultural revolution compliment the Industrial Revolution in regards to the following?
- Technology
- Population
- Labor
- Urbanization
- Societal changes


Answer: population


The Ottoman and Safavid empires are often referred to as “gunpowder empires”. Explain what this means. How is this characterization thought to differentiate them from earlier empires? They are also referred to as “early modern” empires. What are the features of this empire that allow us to understand them as “modern”? Conversely, given that their modernity is “early”, what do they have in common with earlier empires?


The reason they're called that is this prospect that these major centralized domains were able to form only with the power of gunpowder. The Ottomans were famed for their early use of heavy weapons. The Mughal, Babur in special, came to power with explosives.

Who are the Mughal?

The Mughal were a Muslim dynasty that ruled over a number of Hindu groupings. By 1750, they had acted upon much of South Asia for several centuries. Muslims were already living in India.

The Ottoman and Safavid empires are often referred to as gunpowder empires, these major centralized domains

Therefore, The Mughal, Babur in special, came to power with explosives.

Learn more about the Mughal here:



How did the Boston Massacre influence colonial
opinion of Great Britain's rule?


Answer: It further incensed colonists already weary of British rule and unfair taxation and roused them to fight for independence


between absolute and relative dating, which one determines the exact date of an object? ( PLEASE HELP I NEED THE ANSWER BY TONIGHT )



absolute dating


Relative dating is, like it states, relative, meaning that it is only ordered by chronology, whereas absolute dating is an absolute approximation of when an object first existed in relation to when the universe or a celestial body originated.

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