In which two ways did the new deal programs impact the structure of the united states?


Answer 1


It strengthened the view that government is responsible for the welfare of its citizens.

It created the Social Security Act, which resulted in the Social Security system.

How effective was the New Deal?

FDR is praised as a brilliant leader, but not because of the New Deal. The New Deal was ineffective and even affected the economy, but Roosevelt's efforts and maniacal optimism were contagious and gave the public hope that he was genuinely concerned.

First of all, I think the history on the Great Depression, FDR, and the economy in the 1930s and 1940s is a complete disaster. The commonplace "everybody knows that" narrative holds that Roosevelt lifted spirits, tried to put everyone to work, cared about the common man while Hoover did not, was prevented from assisting the nation as he desired by the supreme court, and that when World War II broke out, the massive government stimulus and control of the economy demonstrated the validity of Keynesian economic theory. The supreme court did succeed in thwarting his initiatives, and he was successful in inspiring people to trust in themselves—no minor accomplishment. However, the second reality in this widely accepted myth is that World War II actually took place.

What he did that worked

FDR was a magnificent politician with amazing drive and infectious optimism, all of which the country psychologically needed. He was, however, in matters of economics and his understanding of Stalin and the USSR, a dilettante. I personally believe the man fits the description if you were to do a search on “narcissistic personality disorder,” but that was hugely beneficial during the depression and WW2. For example, instead of explaining to the American people what a grave and dangerous situation the banks and loan institutions were in and that people must stop making runs on the banks, in his cocky and friendly manner he simply announced a bank “holiday” and the panic subsided. He had that kind of psychological effect on people. He also hired some—a small number, but those engaged were very appreciative—to work in photography, painting, documenting oral histories, or building of roads, swimming pools, or other infrastructure. Conservatives vehemently opposed such jobs initiatives, and economists today claim it wasn't enough to affect the macroeconomy, but it was appreciated and viewed as a comforting sign that he cared.

What he did that didn’t work

Hoover's ideas, his own, and a good deal of what could be nicely described as experimentation were used in part to inspire FDR's New Deal. Demagoguery against "cut-throat competition," the profit motive, and capitalism in general was another activity of his. He particularly liked the National Industrial Recovery Act. It may sound unusual, but it formed and made legal corporate cartels with the intention of lowering competition while increasing salaries and profits. This had the effect of discouraging enterprises that were stronger when the slump hit—better management, brand loyalty, R&D, smaller debt, etc.—from outcompeting one another. Additionally, salaries were artificially raised, which raised the unemployment rate. Here's a basic yet effective illustration: Let's imagine a company can hire 20 workers in a normal economy, or 24 at 80% of what the workers would want to be paid in a normal economy, but they are grateful they have a job while many others don't. Imagine if this company could only afford to recruit 16 employees and had to pay them 120 percent of what both the employer and the employees would consider to be fair in a normal economic environment. With unemployment rates between 15 and 25 percent, which is hardly what you'd call normal economic conditions, unemployment was by far the largest issue throughout the slump. The Supreme Court overturned the National Industrial Recovery Act and other FDR policies that artificially boosted unemployment in the "sick chicken case" known as Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States. Basically, the federal government shouldn't have interfered with intrastate trade, salaries, or pricing.

Answer 2

The two ways did the new deal programs impact the structure of the united states was, It solidified the idea that the government is in charge of ensuring the wellbeing of its people.

What is government?

The term government refers to that An organized community governed by a system or group of individuals, typically a state. The government often consists of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in the case of its broad associative definition

The Social Security system was produced by it, which also produced the Social Security Act. reform, and economic recovery (via increased federal expenditure and employment creation) (of capitalism, by means of regulations.

Therefore, The new deal programs impact legislation and the creation of new social welfare programs).

Learn more about the government here:


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Why is it called a parish instead of a county?

The phrase "parish" was used in the state's 1816 first official map as well as the state's 1845 constitution. The county system was eliminated and replaced with parishes as the State's principal civil division in the 1845 Constitution. Since that time, parishes have been used officially.

Is Louisiana the only state with parishes instead of counties?

Without nullifying the previous counties, which persisted until 1845, the territory legislature established 19 parishes on March 31, 1807. RIGHT NOW: Louisiana is the only US state that divides its territory into parishes rather than counties.

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In this treaty, signed on April 29, 1868, between the U.S. Government and the Sioux Nation, the United States recognized the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people



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Factors that led to worsening conditions in Mexico's 1994-1995 financial markets include the increased uncertainty from political shocks

This is further explained below.

What is Mexico's 1994-1995?

Generally, The Mexican financial crisis of 1994-1995, often known as the "Tequila Crisis," refers to the crisis that began following Mexico's devaluation of the peso in December of 1994. The Tequila Crisis was also known as the "Mexican Financial Crisis of 1994-1995."

In conclusion, The increasing unpredictability as a result of political shocks was one of the contributing factors that contributed to deteriorating circumstances in Mexico's financial markets in 1994 and 1995.

Read more about Mexico's 1994-1995


Approximately how many immigrant women and children died in the triangle shirtwaist factory fire?


Answer:  About 150 people died in that fire



129 women and 17 men perished in the 18 minutes conflagration of the shirt waist factory fire

What best explains the muckrakers legislative successes during the progressive era?

Their ability to inspire public pressure
Expanded freedom of the press
The expansion of voting rights
Strong government support


What best explains the muckraker's legislative successes during the progressive era is Their ability to inspire public pressure. This is further explained below.

What best explains the muckraker's legislative successes during the progressive era?

Generally, The muckrakers documented the political and economic corruption and social miseries created by the influence of big business in a rapidly industrializing the United States via their extensive and accurate journalistic reporting.

In conclusion, It is the capacity of the muckrakers to generate public pressure that is the most important factor in explaining their legislative victories throughout the progressive period.

Read more about muckraker's legislative



A. their ability to inspire public pressure

you're welcome :)

What power did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution give President Johnson?
A. He blamed the Soviet Union for the war and demanded reparations
B. He could call in help from the United States’ allies in Europe
C. He could use nuclear weapons to end the Vietnam War
D. He could escalate US involvement with troops and planes


The correct answer is option D: The power of Gulf of Tokin Resolution gives President Johnson the power to escalate US involvement with troops and planes.

The Gulf of Tokin Resolution was passed on August 7, 1964 by the U.S Congress after reports of two attacks North Vietnamese boats on U.S naval destroyer in the Gulf of Tokin. This resolution authorized President Lyndon Johnson to all necessary measures to curb armed attacks against U.S forces and also to prevent any kind of aggression caused by the communist government of the North Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution served as the official catalyst for the United States' extensive involvement in the Vietnam War.

Learn more about The Gulf of Tokin Resolution here:


What was the social structure of people in Arabia before Islam?



Arabia was a male-dominated society. Women had no status of any kind other than as sex objects. The number of women a man could marry was not fixed. When a man died, his son “inherited” all his wives except his own mother.



What was Spain’s main goal in the new world



Spain colonized the Americas to get gold and silver, boost its economy, and become more powerful.


When the Spanish colonized the Americas, they had several goals in mind when they established colonies in the Americas. There was one goal that had to do with economics. In hopes of finding gold and silver, the Spanish were looking for a source of resources to boost their empire's growth. Spanish explorers found a great deal of gold in the Americas. It is also thought that Spain could expand its empire by establishing colonies to increase its trade. There would also be a positive effect on the Spanish economy as a result of this.

Hope this helps :)

Write a comprehension note in your own word on Razia Sultana


Razziyat ud Duniya commonly known as Razia Sultana, She was a ruler of Delhi sultanate. She was the first Muslim female ruler, she ruled the northern parts of Indian Subcontinent during 1236 - 1240.

Who is Muslim?

Muslim is the follower of Islam, Islam is the religion of One God also called as Allah in the religion. The religion preaches peace and brotherhood.

She was the daughter of Iltustmish, he also ruled the subcontinent from 1211 - 1236. She was born in India in the year 1205.

She only ruled the subcontinent for 4 years but because being the first Muslim female ruler she gained much fame.

Learn more about Muslims at


Why was german submarine warfare different than normal naval warfare?



usually an enemy would be stopped and passengers and crew made safe before a ship was destroyed

-German submarines attacked without warning

Why do you think slave owners prevented enslaved people from gathering in large group?


The reason that slave owners prevented enslaved people from gathering in a large group includes that they were aware that if slaves banded together, they might fight for their freedom and assassinate the slave-owners. similar to a slave uprising. They prevented them from teaching them how to write and read as well.

The ______ level of analysis describes the argument that through interaction, the United States and the Soviet Union came to see each other as enemies, not rivals.


The systemic level of analysis describes the argument that through interaction, the United States and the Soviet Union came to see each other as enemies, not rivals.

What is systemic level of analysis?

The results of an investigation at the systemic level, which takes into account all states, are explained.

By taking into account the characteristics or organisational structure of the international political system during the time under investigation, it looks for answers for global events.

Some key features of systemic level of analysis are-

According to the international or systemic level of analysis, it is not even necessary to consider the internal traits of states or persons in order to comprehend foreign policy in its entirety. Instead, features of the international system influence how countries operate in relation to their level of power.

The tension between the Soviet Union and the US resolved as-

Over time, the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States fluctuated between cautious cooperation and frequently acrimonious superpower rivalry as a result of a complex interaction of ideological, political, and economic reasons.The United States and Soviet Union formed an alliance during World War II out of necessity and a shared understanding that each nation required the other to overcome one of the most deadly and destructive forces of the twentieth century.

To know more about three levels of analysis, here


How do the quotation from mary tsukamoto, the photos, and the excerpt from executive order 9066 contrast with traditional american democratic principles?


A conflicting view of the effects of Executive Order 9066 on Japanese Americans was presented in a quote by Mary Tsukamoto.

Who precisely is this Mary Tsukamoto?

She was an author who was recognized for voicing her view on Executive Order 9066 which was given by Franklin Roosevelt for the incarceration of Japanese citizens. She took the initiative to follow her convictions, and she became famous for doing so.

In conclusion, Due to the fact that she was an activist for Japanese American civil rights, she gave a series of interviews in which she discussed Franklin Roosevelt's decision and her thoughts on it.

Read more about Mary Tsukamoto


Answer: The quotation, the photos, and the executive order all illustrate how democratic principles of freedom were limited during World War II for Japanese American Citizens. They were forced to live in internment camps against their will and work in fields without being asked if they wanted to. The executive order gave a lot of power to the military without providing any checks on it.

Explanation: Edmentum Answer

what was the location of the attack that caused the United States to enter world war 12


Answer: Pearl Harbor at Oahu Island, Hawaii


The Japanese sent a surprise attack

Why did Luther escape the fate of Jan Hus, even though Luther attacked the church, called for radical reforms, and even praised Hus at the Imperial Diet of Worms



Luther’s public denunciation of indulgences and other church practices came at a very unique time in European history. These geopolitical forces all combined to protect Luther from the fate of previous “heretics,” to be burned at the stake. The principle protection for Luther came from the threat of the Ottoman Turks.


Luther escaped the fate of Jan Hus because Luther enjoyed the protection of a powerful prince, Frederick the Wise, the elector of Saxony.

Luther's escape from the fate of Jan Hus, who was executed for heresy a century earlier, was largely due to the protection and support he received from Frederick the Wise, the elector of Saxony.

As a prominent and influential ruler in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick offered Luther sanctuary in his territory and shielded him from the reach of the Roman Catholic Church and the imperial authorities.

This protection allowed Luther to continue his theological reforms and spread his ideas, leading to the Protestant Reformation, which had a profound impact on the religious landscape of Europe.

Learn more about Jan Hus here:


what goals did eisenhower express in the speech



In his “Atoms for Peace” speech before the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1953, President Eisenhower sought to address the perilous balance that resulted from nuclear power resting in the hands of not only the United States and its allies, but also the Soviet Union at the dawn of the Cold War.

Please give me brainliest

What countries’ names should appear in the blank areas? france; great britain germany; the soviet union west germany; east germany germany; italy



Answer:The correct answer is C. West Germany and East Germany should appear in the blank

Which three events contributed to the Six-Day War?




disputes between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. A series of border disputes were the major spark for the Six-Day War

Israel staged a sudden preemptive air assault that destroyed more than 90 percent of Egypt’s air force on the tarmac. A similar air assault incapacitated the Syrian air force.

An eastern front was also opened on June 5 when Jordanian forces began shelling West Jerusalem—disregarding Israel’s warning to King Hussein to keep Jordan out of the fight—only to face a crushing Israeli counterattack

The disputes between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. A series of border disputes were the major reason for the Six-Day War.

What was the Six-Day War?

The Six-Day War, also known as the June War or the Third Arab-Israeli War, was a brief war that occurred from June 5 to 10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars. The Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Old City of Jerusalem, and Golan Heights were all captured by Israel. Following that, the status of these territories became a major point of contention in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The events that contributed to the Six-Day War:-

Six Day War arose from disagreements between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to transit the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.Israel launched a surprise air assault, destroying more than 90% of Egypt's air force on the ground. A similar air assault rendered the Syrian air force inoperable. An eastern front was also opened on June 5 when Jordanian forces began shelling West Jerusalem disregarding Israel’s warning to King Hussein to keep Jordan out of the fight—only to face a crushing Israeli counterattack.

Therefore, the events that contributed to the Six-Day War are described above.

To learn more about the Six-Day War, click here:


Before the 1960s, what was the main goal of the early Civil Rights Movement?


the main goal was equality :)

Answer: achieving equal rights

Explanation: Before the 1960s, the main goal of the early Civil Rights Movement was achieving equal rights for African Americans, including equal access to education, employment, and housing.

Edmentum Answer

Socioeconomic status can be based on which of the following factors?


It is a combination of a persons work experience, education and lineage.

Describe the 2 dissenters and their reasons for opposing the war with mexico.


The 2 dissenters and their reasons for opposing the war with Mexico.

Henry David Thoreau (believed it was the citizen's moral right to oppose the immoral government, and refused to pay taxes supporting the war) and Abraham Lincoln (was concerned about the increase in executive power).

Mexican-American conflict, also called the Mexican struggle, Spanish Guerra de 1847 or Guerra de Estados Unidos a Mexico (“conflict of America towards Mexico”), conflict between the united states and Mexico (April 1846–February 1848) stemming from the use of annexation of Texas in 1845 and from a dispute over whether or not Texas.

The Mexican-American conflict of 1846-1848 turned into a mixture of Mexican unwillingness to apprehend Texas independence, the choice of Texans for statehood, and the American desire for westward growth.

On can also 12, 1846, American Senate voted 40 to 2 to visit war with Mexico. President James ok. Polk had accused Mexican troops of having attacked individuals on U.S. soil, north of the Rio Grande. However, Mexico claimed this land as its own territory and accused the yank military of having invaded.

Learn more about the Mexican-American War here:


One contribution of overseas colonies to the allied effort during world war i was that they provided.


One contribution of overseas colonies to the allied effort during world war I was that they provided soldiers.

What exactly is World War I?

World War I, often known as the First World War or the Great War, was a global struggle that engulfed the majority of the European countries, as well as Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other areas, between 1914 and 1918.

The Central Powers—primarily Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—were pitted against the Allies—primarily France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, starting in 1917, the United States—during the conflict. The Central Powers were vanquished at the end of it. In terms of the death toll, mayhem, and destruction, the war was essentially unprecedented.

Learn more about overseas colonies with the help of the given link:


How did the Columbian Exchange impact economics and culture around the world?


The Columbian Exchange impacted economics and culture around the world as it led to the production of new crops and an increase in trade.

What is culture?

It should be noted that culture simply means the way of life of the people living in a particular area.

In this case, the Columbian Exchange impacted economics and culture around the world as it led to the production of new crops and an increase in trade.

Learn more about culture on:


What was the most common reason immigrants came to the United States at the turn of the twentieth century


Answer:To seek asylum or to pursue economic success

Explanation:During the 20th century due to tragedies such as the Irish potato famine migrants sought a better life in the states

The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente were formed through the signing of


A treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed these

The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente were formed through the signing of these were created by a treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

What are the Triple Alliance countries?

In May 1882, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the secret Triple Alliance, which was repeatedly renewed until World War I.

Since 1879, Germany and Austria-Hungary have maintained a tight alliance. Shortly after France defeated Italy's objectives in North Africa, Italy requested their assistance against France.

Thus, treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

For more details about Triple Alliance countries, click here:


Explain how the 1920s was a decade of contradictions. What does the relationship between mass immigration and the rise of the Second Ku Klux Klan tell us about American attitudes


The 1920s were a decade of contradictions because of the economic development that led to an increase in cultural diversity and immigration in the country.

The rise of the Second Ku Klux Klan can be understood about the structural racism rooted in American society, which did not accept the social diversity that occurred in response to American urbanism and prosperity.

What is structural racism?

It is a process of racism and discrimination that can be analyzed in a historical context in a country, such as the blacks who were brought from Africa to be enslaved in colonial America, in a past of violence and suffering that were inserted as legal in the structures social.

Therefore, racism must be actively fought, because despite being illegal, it is still rooted in society through prejudice, low wages and fewer opportunities for the black population in relation to whites.

Find out more about racism here:


Signposts, Internal Previews, and Internal Summaries are examples of __________________ statements, which helps audience members follow your presentation and smooths your delivery.


Signposts, internal previews and internal summaries are examples of linking statements.

What are signposts, internal previews and internal summaries?

The signposts, internal previews and internal summaries are a tool that allows the readers or audience to connect and understand the ideas that the speaker is using in his speech.

According to the above, it can be inferred that these tools are linking statements that help connect one thought to another in a speech.

Learn more about Signposts in:



What was the significant difference between Elizabeth I and Charles I?

- Even though Elizabeth was next in line after Charles, she did not have English support because she was a woman.
- Elizabeth was a Catholic who was tolerant to Protestants, while Charles was an intolerant Protestant.
- Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.
- Elizabeth had to establish a new royal line, while Charles was part of a well-established family.


Option 3. The difference betwen Charles and Elizabeth was that  Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.

How did Charles defy Parliament?

Charles the first was known to have defied parliament through the fact that he had to dissolve it.

He was known to have refused all kinds of fines on the English. He refused to call back the parliament.

Read more on Elizabeth I here:


Answer: C

Explanation: Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.

Which of the following became a widespread symbol of social status in Central and Southern Africa in the medieval period?

A - silk B - cattle C - Christianity D - literacy


The level of literacy was the symbol of social status in Central and Southern Africa in the medieval period

What was the symbol of social status?

Around the 751 and 979 CE, the Literacy that was brought to the people by Islamic scholars increased the education and the Islamic religion in Africa.

Hence, level of literacy was the symbol of social status in Central and Southern Africa in the medieval period

Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about social status



D. Literacy


The other person is correct

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He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference."Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead."I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before rememberthe last time I flunked."Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety."Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought."Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate.""Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time."You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?""I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.Chapter 2Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. 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