Is deletion a frameshift?


Answer 1

Yes deletion is a form of frameshift

A frameshift mutation in a gene refers to the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases in numbers that are not multiples of three. This is important because a cell reads a gene's code in groups of three bases when making a protein. Some regions of DNA contain short sequences of nucleotides that are repeated a number of times in a row. Insertion mutations and deletion mutations are the two forms of frameshift mutations that might occur. Both have a similar overall impact

A deletion, as related to genomics, is a type of mutation that involves the loss of one or more nucleotides from a segment of DNA. A deletion can involve the loss of any number of nucleotides, from a single nucleotide to an entire piece of a chromosome.

Mutations can be of many types, such as substitution, insertion, and translocation are other forms of frameshifts that may occur to DNA.

Consider reading more about genetics frameshifts here


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how long does it take for an unburied body to decompose to a skeleton


In a temperate environment, it typically takes three weeks to several years for a corpse to disintegrate into a skeleton, depending on circumstances such as temperature, humidity, the presence of insects, and submersion in a substrate like as water.

Skeletonization refers to the condition of a deceased organism following decomposition. Skeletonization is the last stage of decomposition in which the soft tissues of a corpse or carcass have deteriorated or dried to the point that the skeleton can be seen. All soft tissue will have been removed by the conclusion of the skeletonization process, leaving just disarticulated bones.

In a temperate environment, it typically takes three weeks to several years for a corpse to disintegrate fully into a skeleton, depending on circumstances such as temperature, humidity, the presence of insects, and submersion in a substrate like as water.

Learn more about  skeleton


Which example is an abiotic factor of a desert environment?​



Lots Of Sunlight


Sunlight is the biggest source of energy on our planet which makes it a very important abiotic factor. Sunlight is needed for photosynthesis where a plant would make food by converting carbon dioxide and water to oxygen




Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem that shape the living organisms and their interactions within the environment. They include things like temperature, light, water, soil, and air. In a desert environment, temperature is one of the key abiotic factors. Deserts are known for their extreme temperatures, with hot days and cold nights. This high temperature can be a limiting factor for the survival of the organisms that live in these regions.

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Differences in skin and hair color are principally genetically determined and are due to variation in the amount, type, and packaging of melanin polymers produced by melanocytes secreted into keratinocytes. Pigmentary phenotype is genetically complex and at a physiological level complicated.


When you lift an object, you're using ____ energy that was stored in your body. A Mechanical B Chemical C Thermal D Electrical


Chemical Energy, Option B You use chemical energy that was stored in your body when you raise an object. Your muscles flex as you lift something, using molecules stored energy.

When bonds between atoms and molecules are broken, chemical energy that has been stored in those bonds is released. To fuel movement, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is used. Lifting the thing requires the conversion of chemical energy held in the ATP molecules into mechanical energy. When bonds between atoms and molecules are broken, chemical energy that has been stored in those bonds is released. To raise an item, chemical energy that has been stored in the form of ATP must be converted into mechanical energy.

Learn more about Chemical energy here:


what can a dna microarray teach us about oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes?


DNA microarray technology is a powerful tool that can be used to study the genetic changes that occur in cancer cells.

It allows for the simultaneous analysis of the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single sample.

With respect to oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, DNA microarrays can provide information about which of these genes are overexpressed or underexpressed in cancer cells compared to normal cells.

Oncogenes are genes that have the potential to cause cancer when they are activated (turned on) inappropriately. DNA microarray analysis can identify which oncogenes are overexpressed in particular cancer and this information can be used to develop targeted therapies that block the activity of these oncogenes.

To learn more about DNA


what does transcription allow a cell to do and why is this important?


Transcription factors enable cells to conduct logic operations and incorporate information from multiple sources to "decide" whether to express a gene.

Introduction to transcriptionBecause a single mRNA molecule can produce several proteins, RNA transcription is an effective control point. Transcript processing provides an additional degree of control for eukaryotes, which is enabled by the presence of a nucleus.The process by which a cell creates an RNA copy of a portion of DNA in biology. This RNA copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), conveys the genetic information required for a cell to produce proteins. It transports information from the nucleus of the cell's DNA to the cytoplasm, where proteins are produced.

For more information on transcription kindly visit to


What is deletion with example?


The frameshift mutation known as deletion with example is defined by the loss of one or more nucleotides from the DNA sequence. DiGeorge syndrome is an example of deletion mutation.

The term "deletion" of a chromosome simply refers to the absence of a specific region of the chromosome. The tiniest piece of a chromosome can contain a wide range of genes. A baby's development could be affected because some of the "commands" are missing when genes are missing. An example of deletion mutation is the "Cri du Ch4t" syndrome, in which a section of the #5 chromosome is missing or deleted.

A little portion of chromosome 22 is deleted, leading to the condition known as DiGeorge syndrome. This syndrome results in gastrointestinal issues, bluish skin color, poor blood circulation, an undeveloped chin, respiratory issues, and delayed growth. Cystic fibrosis and cat cry syndrome are two further genetic disorders brought on by deletion mutations.

Learn more about deletion here:


T/F tatagcgtagctagct repeated in tandem over and over is a gene sequence that codes for a protein.


TATAGCGTAGCTAGCT repeated in tandem over and over is a gene sequence that codes for protein : false.

What is genome sequence?

Genome sequence finds the order of letters of DNA (A, T, C and G), one by one. Sequencing human genome means finding sequence of someone's unique 3 billion letters of DNA and there are different methods and machines that can sequence genomes.

DNA sequencing is a method used to find the precise order of four nucleotide bases that are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. These bases provide the underlying genetic basis for telling a cell what to do, where to go and what kind of cell to become.

To know more about gene sequence, refer


A student has obtained a sample of pond water for study. Using the high-power lens, he observes several cells with nuclei. He can conclude that the cells are NOT bacteria.


True, Using the high-power lens,  observes several cells with nuclei and can conclude that the cells are not bacteria.

Prokaryotic creatures include bacteria. Because they are prokaryotes, bacteria lack nuclei in their cells. The cytoplasm itself contains their genetic material, or DNA. Therefore, if the observed cells include a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, this indicates that those cells were not the bacterial cells. Additionally, bacterial cells lack additional membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.

The cell structure of bacteria is more straightforward than that of many other microorganisms. A single loop of DNA serves as their command center and houses all of their genetic information. Instead of a nucleus, some bacteria have a plasmid—an additional circular structure containing genetic material. Genes that offer the bacterium an edge over rival germs are frequently found in plasmids. By way of illustration, it might have a gene that renders the bacterium resistant to a specific drug.

Cocci, rod-shaped bacilli, spiral-shaped spirilla, comma-shaped vibrios, and corkscrew-shaped bacteria are divided into five groups based on their basic forms (spirochaetes). They can exist individually, in pairs, chains, or clusters.

To know more about bacteria click here:


compare and contrast spontaneous generation and biogenesis


According to the notion of spontaneous generation, life can emerge from inanimate objects, as evidenced by the existence of creatures in seemingly sterile conditions. The idea of biogenesis holds that all live things evolved from other living things.

Spontaneous Generatiion The existence of animals in seemingly sterile environments is evidence that life can develop spontaneously from inanimate substances, according to the theory of spontaneous generation. According to the biogenesis theory, all living things descended from earlier living things. This is different from abiogenesis and spontaneous generation.Supporters of spontaneous generation included Francesco Redi, Harold Urey, Stanley Miller, and Alexander Oparin. Spontaneous generation is also known as Aristotelian abiogenesis because of the ancient Greek proponent. The idea of spontaneous generation was influenced by the stealth and invisibility of some species, including rats, bees, and bacteria.According to the theory of spontaneous genesis, non-living molecules were the source of life on Earth.Science has not established spontaneous generation.Observations and logical thinking serve as the foundation for spontaneous generation.BiogenesisThe idea of biogenesis holds that all live things evolved from other living things. This differs between spontaneous generation and abiogenesis.Supporters of biogenesis included William Harvey, Theodore Schwann, Lazzaro Spallanzani, John Needham, and Louis Pasteur. Lazzaro Spallanzani was the first to dispute spontaneous generation. In 1767, he provided evidence that boiling can kill bacteria. He cooked the beef in a tightly closed jar, and the broth afterwards revealed no evidence of bacterial growth. Louis Pasteur refuted spontaneous generation in 1864 with a series of tests that were similar to Spallanzani's.Biogenesis holds that life on Earth evolved from earlier living organisms.Science has demonstrated biogenesis.The foundation of Biogenesis is actual research and empirical data.

To know more about Spontaneous generation and biogenesis refer to:


The first step in the replication of dna is catalyzed by _____.


The first step in the replication of DNA is catalyzed by the enzyme DNA helicase.

DNA replication, as used in molecular biology, is the process by which one DNA molecule is biologically converted into two identical copies of DNA. The most crucial component of biological inheritance is DNA replication, which happens in all living things. In addition to ensuring that each of the new cells receives a copy of the DNA, this is crucial for cell division during tissue growth and repair. Replication of DNA is crucial because the cell's unique ability to divide makes it.

Enzymes called helicases can modify or bind to complexes of nucleic acids or proteins that include nucleic acids. Helicases are present in both DNA and RNA. DNA helicases are necessary for DNA replication because they divide double-stranded DNA into single strands, allowing each strand to be replicated separately. At locations known as origins, where synthesis will begin, DNA helicases unwind DNA during DNA replication. The replication fork, so named because the two strands of DNA seem forked as they are unzipped apart, is a structure that is formed as the DNA is further unwound by the DNA helicase. In double-stranded DNA, energy is required to dissociate the hydrogen bonds that bind the base pairs together.

To know more about replication of DNA


link the nutrient-supplying capillaries to neurons and control the chemical environment to protect the neurons from any harmful substances in the blood.


Astrocytes regulate the chemical environment and link the capillaries that deliver nutrition to the neurons, shielding neurons from potentially harmful blood components. Dead cells and microbes are ingested and expelled by MICROGLIA.

Generally speaking, three main neuronal types play distinct roles in the brain. In reaction to stimuli like touch, sound, or light, sense neurons—which affect the cells of the sensory organs—send messages to the spinal cord or brain. The brain and spinal cord provide instructions to motor neurons, which then control everything from glandular secretion to muscle contractions. Neurons in the same region of the spinal cord or brain are connected by interneurons. A "neural circuit" is the configuration of many neurons.

The complete question is:

What link the nutrient-supplying capillaries to neurons and control the chemical environment to protect the neurons from any harmful substances in the blood?

To learn more about neurons click on the given link:


Which polysacccharide is stored as an energy source in the body of animals?



Glycogen is the answer


Animals don't store starch so it would have to be glycogen

during inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and moves down and the ribs are pulled up and out as a result of the contraction of the external intercostal muscles. what happens to the volume of the thorax when inspiration occurs?


The contraction of the intercostal muscles causes the diaphragm to become flattened and the ribs to move upward and outward during inhalation. The thoracic cavity's volume is increased as a result.

There are two distinct phases to the process of breathing, or respiration. Inhaling, also known as inspiration, is the first stage. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward when the lungs inhale. The muscles between the ribs simultaneously contract and pull upward. The thoracic cavity gets bigger as a result, but the pressure inside gets lower. Consequently, air enters and fills the lungs.

Know more about breathing here:


what type of fit happens when the su bstrate binds to the enzume and ethe active site undergoes a change in shape


An induced fit is occured when the substrate binds to the enzyme and the active site undergoes a change in shape.

Matching an enzyme's active site to its substrate is not like two puzzle pieces that fit together (as scientists once thought in an old model called the "lock and key" model). Instead, the enzyme changes shape slightly when it binds to its substrate, resulting in an even tighter fit.

The current theory, known as the induced fit model, states that when an enzyme binds to a substrate molecule, it undergoes a conformational change such that only after substrate binding does the active site conform to a shape complementary to that of the substrate, as has been shown for hexokinase. is shown to have

Induced adaptation refers to the shape and conformation of enzymes changing over time in response to substrate binding. This allows the enzyme to catalyze, lower the activation energy barrier, and increase the rate of completion of the reaction.

For more information on induced fit, visit :


identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis



In addition to light energy, to carry out photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are needed as reagents and the products generated are carbohydrates (glucose and sucrose) and oxygen gas (O2).

I hope this helped you, good studies!

Explain one way how the excretory system works together with the respiratory system to maintain homeostasis when your muscles are experiencing fatigue/tiredness? Explain.


By controlling blood volume and composition, the urinary system supports homeostasis.

What systems work with the excretory system to maintain homeostasis?To support the endocrine system in sustaining homeostasis, the excretory system collaborates with it. In accordance with the amounts of salt and water in the body, hormones act as chemical messengers to tell the kidneys whether to filter more or less of the two substances. The water content of your blood, for instance, may decrease when you perspire a lot.Other organs participate in the excretory function even though the urinary system plays a significant role. Some waste materials, including carbon dioxide and water, are expelled from the respiratory system by the lungs. In addition to the kidneys, the skin also functions as an excretory organ by removing wastes from the body through sweat.Gas exchange and blood pH control are two ways that the respiratory system keeps homeostasis in check.

To learn more about blood refer to:


In humans, hemophilia is a sex linked trait. Females can be normal, carriers, or have the disease. Males will either have the disease or not (but they won't ever be carriers) H X X H xixi = female, normal = female, carrier = female, hemophiliac XHY Xh Y = male, normal O 100% of their children will have the disease = male, hemophiliac If a woman who is a carrier has children with a man who does not have the disease, which of the following demostrates the correct probabilities of the children being carriers or having the condition? O 0% of the males will have the disease, 50% of the females will have the disease O 100% of the males will have the disease, 100% of the females will be carriers O 50% of the males will have the disease, 50% of the females will be carriers​


Hope it helps.

If you have any query, feel free to ask.

In cattle, if a red animal is crossed with a white one, a mixture of red and white color, called roan, is produced in the F1 generation. Crosses between animals in the F1 generation produce white, roan, and red cattle. Describe the pattern of inheritance in these types of cattle


The pattern of inheritance in these types of cattle is codominance. So, in cattle, if a red animal is crossed with a white one, a mixture of red and white color, called roan, is produced in the F1 generation. Crosses which are in between animals in the F1 generation will produce white, roan, and red cattle.

Codominance, in which allelic products co-exist in the phenotypic, contrasts with incomplete dominance, in which the quantitative interaction of allele products results in an intermediate phenotype. For instance, the offspring of a red homozygous flower and a white homozygous flower will include co-dominant red and white dots. When plants from the F1 generation are self-pollinated, the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F2 generation will be 1:2:1. (Red:Spotted:White). The ratios are the same when partial domination is present. Once again, this idiom is untrue; in fact, such circumstances shouldn't even be seen as exhibiting dominance.

To learn more about Codominance click on the given link:


what is the segment of dna that contains information to synthesize a specific protein molecule?


Genes are the segment of DNA that contain the information to synthesize a specific protein molecule.

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. It is the genetic material that contains the information for the synthesis of various type of proteins that give an organism several trait. DNA structure is composed of two strands present in a helical form.

Protein is the biopolymer composed of amino acids as the monomer. It is the functional form of genes that perform various functions inside the living body. These functions include transport, enzymes, signaling, structural, etc. Proteins can be of two types based on their structure: fibrous and globular.

To know more about protein, here


The contraction of the heart follows which sequence? The right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, then left ventricle The left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, then right ventricle Both atria contract together, then both ventricles contract together All four chambers contract at the same time.


The cardiac cycle begins with atrial systole and continues through ventricular systole, atrial diastole, and ventricular diastole before restarting.

The SA node starts the process, which causes the atrial muscles to contract. Doctors occasionally refer to it as the anatomical pacemaker because of this. Before the signal causes the ventricles to contract, it first travels through the Purkinje fibres, the bundle of HIS, the bundle branches, and the AV node. Analysis shows that the right and left ventricles move immediately, followed by the septum and apex of the heart being mechanically moved. These findings open the door for more extensive research and are in line with the concept that the helical myocardium is activated.

To learn more about cardiac cycle click here


the portions of the nervous system outside the central nervous system is called


The portions of the nervous system outside the central nervous system is called peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components of bilateral animals' nervous systems, the other being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS is made up of nerves and ganglia that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord.  The PNS's primary role is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, acting as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body.

The PNS, unlike the CNS, is neither protected by the spinal column and skull, nor by the blood-brain barrier, leaving it vulnerable to toxins.

Learn more about peripheral nervous system


Scientists Studying Temperature at Which Humans Spontaneously Die With Increasing Urgency


Scientists are actively researching the temperature at which people spontaneously die. Heat and humidity under "wet-bulb" circumstances can lead to overheating and death in otherwise healthy people.

Scientists are studying the temperature at which humans spontaneously die, known as the human lethal temperature range, with increasing urgency as climate change is causing temperatures to rise globally.

This research is important because it helps understand the effects of extreme heat on human health and can inform public health policy to protect vulnerable populations. The human lethal temperature range can vary depending on factors such as age, health status, and acclimatization.

In general, the human body can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but extreme heat can cause heat stroke, which can be fatal if left untreated. Additionally, heat waves have been associated with an increase in deaths from heart attacks, strokes, and other causes.

To learn more about wet-bulb


Answer all for crown
The ability to taste PTC is due to a single dominant allele "T". You sampled 215 individuals in a biology class, and determined that f150 could detect the bitter taste of PTC and 65 could not.
What is the predicted frequency of the recessive allele (t)?
What is the predicted frequency of dominant allele (T)?
In a population of 10,000 people, how many would be heterozygous (assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium)? Homozygous dominant? Homozygous recessive? Calculate all of the potential frequencies.


The genotypic and allelic frequencies of population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium remain the same through generations. f(T) = 0.453. f(t) = 0.547. Homozygous dominant individuals = 2050. Heterozygous individuals = 4950. Homozygous recessive individuals = 3000.

What is Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a theory that states that a population in equilibium is not evolving (no evolutive forces are acting on it) and its allelic and genotypic frequencies remain the same generation after generation.

Assuming a diallelic gene,

⇒ The allelic frequencies in a locus are represented as p and q.

The frequency of the dominant allele p(X) is pThe frequency of the recessive allele p(x) is q

⇒ The genotypic frequencies after one generation are

p² (Homozygous dominant genotypic frequency),2pq (Heterozygous genotypic frequency),q² (Homozygous recessive genotypic frequency).

To calculate these frequencies, we can use the following formulas,

The addition of the allelic frequencies equals 1

p + q = 1.

The sum of genotypic frequencies equals 1

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

In the exposed example,

  N = 215 individuals

 150 Individuals could taste PTC ⇒ TT and Tt

 65 individuals could not ⇒ tt

To get the frequencies, we will divide the number of individuals expressing each phenotype by the total number of individuals.

Phenotypic frequencies

Capability to taste PTC ⇒ 150/215 = 0.697 ≅ 0.7No capability to taste PTC ⇒ 65/215 = 0.302 ≅ 0.3

The phenotypic frequency of individuals who can not taste PTC (non-taster) is equal to the genotypic frequency -F(tt)-. We can use this value to get the allelic frequency -f(t)- by taking the square root.

F(tt) = q² = 0.3

f(t) = q = √0.3 = 0.547

Now we can get the dominant allele frequency -f(T)- by clearing the equation p + q = 1.

p + q = 1

p + 0.547 = 1

p = 1 - 0.547

p = 0.453

f(t) = 0.547f(T) = 0.453

Now, by using these allelic frequencies, we can calculate the genotypic frequencies F(TT), F(Tt), and F(tt).

F(TT) = p² = 0.453² = 0.205F(Tt) = 2pq = 2 x 0.453 x 0.547 = 0.495F(tt) = q²= 0.547²= 0.3

In a population of 10,000 people there will be,

Homozygous dominant individuals = 0.205 x 10,000 = 2050Heterozygous individuals = 0.495 x 10,000 = 4950Homozygous recessive individuals = 0.3 x 10,000 = 3000

You can learn more about hardy-weinberg equilibrium at


nutrients absorbed into tiny capillaries and lymph vessels in walls.


Digestive nutrients are taken up by the lymphatic and tiny capillary walls.

In the heart of each villus are lacteals, specialized lymph capillaries that are blood capillaries. The majority of nutrients are absorbed via blood capillaries, while lacteals are responsible for absorbing lipids and fat-soluble vitamins. Because it contains a lot of fat, the lymph in lacteals is called chyle and has a milky appearance.

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are among them. These vitamins do not dissolve in water. After being absorbed, these vitamins are transported into circulation by the lymphatic capillaries themselves.

They also have lacteals, which are lymph capillaries, and blood capillaries. Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into lacteal lymph whereas glucose, fructose, galactose, and amino acids are taken into the blood.

To learn more about Digestive nutrients


tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra, called?


Vas deferens is the tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra.

Vas deferens is a tube that stores sperm and transports it out of the scrotal sac. The vas deferens runs between the epididymis and the urethra, connecting them.

A ductus deferens is also known as a sperm duct. The ejaculatory duct is a long muscular tube that runs from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity behind your bladder and connects to your urethra.

The vas deferens is a muscular tube that extends from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity and ends just behind the bladder. The vas deferens transports mature sperm to the urethra before ejaculation.

Learn more about vas deferens here:


Is a polysaccharide that functions in energy storage in plants?


Starch, which serves as plants' primary means of storing energy, is one of the most well-known polysaccharides. The majority of human diets are based on starch.

Repeated condensation reactions can join numerous simple sugars to create very big molecules. When several monosaccharide monomers are linked together, a complex carbohydrate polymer known as a polysaccharide is created. Starch, which serves as plants' primary means of storing energy, is one of the most well-known polysaccharides.

The majority of human diets are based on starch. High starch content foods include corn, potatoes, rice, and wheat. Glucose monomers, the building blocks of starch, can be found in both straight-chain and branched forms. The straight-chain type of amylose is made up of several connected glucose molecules.

Learn more about polysaccharides Visit:


How does the amount of energy resulting from fermentation compare with that of aerobic respiration?
A. Aerobic respiration results in less energy.
B. Aerobic respiration results in more energy.
C. Each process results in equal amounts of energy.
D. Each process results in variable amounts of energy.


The amount of energy resulting from fermentation compare with that of aerobic respiration is B. Aerobic respiration results in more energy.

Depending on efficiency, cardio respiratory produces 34-36 ATP. Fermentation does now no longer bring about the manufacturing of sparkling ATP. Glycolysis, on the opposite hand, takes place earlier than cardio respiratory and fermentation and outcomes in a internet benefit of 2ATP. There's handiest 2 ATP produced in fermentation due to the fact the relaxation of the strength is without a doubt mixed with the waste substances produced after the fermentation method. Aerobic respiratory is a metabolic method that takes place withinside the presence of oxygen at the same time as fermentation is a catabolic method that takes place withinside the absence of oxygen.

Thus, the correct option is B.

To learn more about Fermentation check the link below:


do you think this type of genetic testing should be available? what are the advantages and disadvantages of knowing what is in your genes?


Genetic testing can be a valuable tool for understanding a person's risk for certain diseases and can help people make informed decisions about their health.

Genetic testing can be beneficial for early detection and prevention of inherited diseases, for identifying genetic conditions that may affect a pregnancy and for guiding treatment options for certain diseases. Genetic testing can be difficult to interpret, and they can raise ethical, legal, and social issues. Genetic testing can also have emotional and psychological effects, such as anxiety, depression, or guilt. Genetic testing can be a useful tool, but it is important to consider the potential risks , diseases and benefits before making a decision to undergo testing.

Learn more about Genetic testing here:


period of nuclear cell division in which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes.
O mitosis
O What is the order of the stages of mitosis?
O organ system
O What is the purpose of mitosis?


Two daughter cells, each of which has an entire set of chromosomes, are created during the nuclear cell division process known as mitosis.

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis are the stages of mitosis in that order. A eukaryotic cell's nucleus divides in two during the process of mitosis, which is followed by the division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. The term "mitosis," which translates to "threads," refers to the chromosomes' appearance as threads when the cell gets ready to divide. The process by which a cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells is known as mitosis. The primary functions of mitosis are cell reproduction and growth and repair in the organism. It also enables tissue renewal and repair in multicellular organisms .An organ system is a collection of organs that cooperate to carry out a single function or group of related functions in the body.

Learn more about mitosis here:


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