Jean-Jacques Rousseau held which of the following to be true? Select all that apply.

Women should play an active role in public life.

Wiithout rational thought, human society would crumble.

Civilization was the foundation of freedom.

Women were best suited to a passive role in social relations.


Answer 1

Civilization was the foundation of freedom

The word civilization (or civilization) derives from the Latin civitas, which means a town dweller. Romans typically preferred that conquered people reside in cities. When a population is civilized, it has benefited from the experience, expertise, and knowledge accumulated over many years of human development. Entropy, barbarism, rudeness, or animal-like behavior are sometimes described as the antithesis of civilization.

Because of his contributions to political philosophy and moral psychology as well as his impact on succeeding thinkers, Jean-Jacques Rousseau continues to be a significant figure in the history of philosophy. Rousseau held a deeply pessimistic view of philosophy and philosophers, considering them to be the post-hoc justifiers of self-interest, apologists for various sorts of dictatorship, and contributors to the estrangement of the contemporary person from humanity's innate instinct toward compassion.

Finding a solution to maintain human freedom in a society where people are more and more reliant on one another to meet their wants is the central issue of Rousseau's writings. The psychological aspect of this issue is more significant than the material aspect.

Learn more about Civilization


Related Questions

How did the lives of many American farmers change over the course of the colonial period?



First, farmers claimed that farm prices were falling and, as a consequence, so were their incomes.


Describe the structure of the Constitution and explain the significance of the articles and
amendments within that structure. (amendments, articles)


The Constitution includes a Preamble, seven articles, and twenty-seven amendments. The principles are embodied in the United States Constitution are- Limited government, federalism, separation of powers into three branches of government, checks and balances, and individual rights are among the principles.

The most important and frequent reason for constitutional amendments is the limitation of the Fundamental Rights charter. This is accomplished by inserting anti-fundamental-rights legislation into Schedule 9 of the Constitution. Schedule 9 shields such laws from judicial scrutiny.

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or by a convention called for that purpose if two-thirds of the states request it.

To know more about Fundamental Rights charter here


how was the expansion of trade between Europe and Africa connected to the establishment of the European empires in the Americas


For both exports and imports, the EU remains the primary trading partner for North Africa, while China is the second largest trading partner for Sub-Saharan Africa. After China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, Africa is the fourth largest trading partner of the EU.

How were the economies of the Americas Europe and Africa interconnected?

The so-called "triangular trade" emerged as a result of mercantilism: a system of trade in which Europe provided finished goods to Africa and the Americas, raw materials to Africa and Europe, and enslaved laborers to Africa and the Americas.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect Africa, Europe, and the Americas?

New food and fiber crops were acquainted with Eurasia and Africa, further developing weight control plans and instigating exchange there. Additionally, the Columbian Exchange greatly expanded the production of some well-known drugs, bringing the pleasures and drawbacks of tobacco, coffee, and sugar to a large number of millions of people.

Learn more about North Africa here:


conservatives in 1815 wanted change they wanted equal rights for everyone true or false


Hereditary monarchs, government bureaucracies, landowning aristocracies, and revived churches (Protestant or Catholic) supported conservatism as a political philosophy after 1815.

After 1815, both domestically and internationally, the conservative forces appeared to be in control.

Are conservatives hoping for societal shifts?

Conservatives put money into traditional and cultural values. They are the individuals who have been advocating for aristocracy and royalty. They felt eminence and privileged freedoms expected to exist. After the French Revolution, they argued, society should make small improvements.

What is the goal of a conservative?

Conservatives in Western culture want to keep parliamentary government, property rights, organized religion, and other institutions. Traditionalists will generally lean toward foundations and practices that ensure steadiness and developed progressively.

Learn more about French Revolution here:


Geographically, the Chavín were people of the ________, while the Nazca inhabited ________.


Geographically, the Chavín were people of the highlands, while the Nazca inhabited valleys.

The Chavín culture is an extinct, pre-Columbian civilization, named for Chavín de Huántar, the predominant archaeological site at which its artifacts had been observed. The tradition advanced in the northern Andean highlands of Peru from 900 BCE to 2 hundred BCE. It extended its affect to other civilizations alongside the coast.  The Chavín people (whose call themselves is unknown) have been positioned within the Mosna Valley where the Mosna and Huachecsa rivers merge. This place is 3,150 meters (10,330 toes) above sea stage and encompasses the Quechua, suni, and puna lifestyles zones. In the periodization of pre-Columbian Peru, the Chavín is the primary subculture of the Early Horizon length in highland Peru, characterized with the aid of the intensification of the non secular cult, the arrival of ceramics carefully related to the ceremonial facilities, the development of agricultural techniques, and the improvement of metallurgy and textiles.

Learn more about Chavín here


By the turn of the century we were a world power with worldwide interests . What was the childhood of Theodore Roosevelt like? What challenges did he face as a young adult? How had Theodore Roosevelt come to the presidency ? How did he see his duty as President and the duty of the US in the world community ? What was his role in the construction of the Panama Canal ? What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? What were some of his other accomplishments ? ( Don't spare the details ... this man is fascinating ! ) Any flaws in his character that you might see?


Theodore Roosevelt  was a weak child who had trouble breathing, yet he grew into a strong man who was one of history's most important figures.

How had Theodore Roosevelt come to the presidency ?

His ambitious program infuriated the New York state party leadership, who persuaded McKinley to pick him as his running mate in the 1900 race. Roosevelt ran a ferocious campaign, and the McKinley-Roosevelt ticket triumphed in a landslide thanks to their promises of victory, peace, and prosperity.

Theodore Roosevelt, who was not quite 43 when President McKinley was assassinated, became the youngest leader of the country. He actively led Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a robust foreign policy, bringing new energy and authority to the Presidency.

A trans-isthmian canal, a long-term American project, was completed under the direction of President Theodore Roosevelt. Businessmen and political figures in America and Britain desired to move commodities rapidly and affordably between the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines throughout the 1800s.

The corollary declared that not only were the countries of the Western Hemisphere closed to colonization by European powers, but that it was the United States' duty to uphold order and safeguard people's lives and property there.

To learn more about Theodore Roosevelt


How does James madison describe the situation of states being superior to the federal government?


In Federalist Paper #45, James Madison describes the situation of states being superior to the federal government. He starts by saying that the powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those who are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The distribution of power between the two is, therefore, much more just and equal.

Madison goes on to say that the federal government will have authority over certain enumerated objects only, while the States will retain everything else. The supremacy of the federal government is thus limited to a few defined objects, while the States retain general supremacy over all other objects.

Madison also argues that, in practice, the federal government will have very little influence over the daily lives of citizens. The majority of laws will be made at the state and local level. The federal government will only be involved in a few areas, such as defense and foreign affairs.

Overall, Madison makes a strong case for the superiority of the state governments over the federal government. He argues that the federal government is limited in its powers, while the states retain a general supremacy. In practice, the federal government will have very little impact on the daily lives of citizens.

Give a detailed answer to the question: Which ancient singer would you erect a monument to and why?


Due to Meresamun's profound influence on the globe via the lyrics of her songs, the ancient singer requested that a monument be built in her honor.

What purpose do monuments fulfil?

A monument provides a location where people may come together, pay their respects, cry, and remember the departed. A loved one usually finds it difficult to grieve effectively without a place to go. Unhealthy sorrow may be taxing on the body, much alone the sufferer's emotional and psychological health. The desire to be remembered is a basic human reaction.

Be aware that Meresamun, an ancient Egyptian singer and priestess, gave a performance in the Karnak temple's inner sanctum. Her mummy, which dates to about 800 BC, was on display at the Oriental Institute of Chicago Museum of the University of Chicago from February 10 until December 6, 2009. Monuments serve as a reminder of our past. They serve as a national treasure and a representation of the civilization's pride.

Learn more about monuments, here:


How did Akhenaten change and challenge the traditional religious beliefs of the Egyptians?


Akhenaten sought to erase the names and representations of several of Egypt's ancient gods during his brief reign as pharaoh. He also changed the royal artistic style, relocated Egypt's capital to a previously uninhabited location, and imposed new components of Egyptian religion.

What is Akhenaten?

Generally, The tenth monarch of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Akhenaten, sometimes known as Echnaton or Akhenaton, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled from either 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC. He had the title Amenhotep IV prior to the fifth year of his rule.

Akhenaten was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt who reigned during the Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom. He is renowned for transforming Egypt's old religion from the adoration of numerous gods to the adoration of Aten.

In the span of just under twenty years on the throne, Akhenaten made significant changes to Egyptian religion, reformed its royal artistic style, relocated the capital of Egypt to a location that had never been inhabited before, introduced a novel style of architecture, and made an effort to eradicate the names and images of some of Egypt's more traditional gods.

Read more about Akhenaten


Which strategy was a key element of the Union victory in the Civil War?
A. Remaining in defensive positions instead of attacking Confederate
B. Burning farms and cities in the South to break the Confederate will
to fight
C. Sending spies to kill key Confederate political and military leaders
D. Requiring all free African Amerins to serve in the Union military


A is the answer


Help this helps dude

Which groups settled in Spanish colonial Texas?


The Spanish settlers there encountered the caddo indians ,who they called "tejas" (derived from the Caddoan word "Tay-yas" , meaning friend) The friendly relations between the Spanish and native people were short lived

which of the following is the most likely reason that some states require government regulations to be written in everyday language that all people can understand


A statement which is the most likely reason that some states require government regulations to be written in everyday language that all people can understand is because: (C) All citizens have the responsibility of knowing about the laws and obeying them.

What is a law?

A law can be defined as the system of rules, principles, standards, and regulations, that are established, adopted and enforced in a community, state, society, or court, in order to regulate all of the actions, behavior, conduct and testimonies of all individuals.

Generally speaking, understanding and obeying the laws that are enacted and passed by the government is considered as one of the basic responsibilities of all citizens, irrespective of their age or ability.

However, it is very important that the laws are written in a language that all of the citizens can easily comprehend and understand because ignorance is not an excuse in the court of law.

Read more on law here:


Complete Question:

Which of the following is the most likely reason that some states require government regulations to be written in everyday language that all people can understand?

(A)Tourists often do not speak or read formal English well

(B) The elderly often have difficulty reading complicated legal language.

(C) All citizens have the responsibility of knowing about the laws and obeying them.

(D) Young children often learn about the laws of the state by reading government regulations.

What are "fighting words?
any use of obscene or vulgar speech

any criticism of the government

words that would provoke a reasonable person to commit an immediate act of violence

words that would provoke the most sensitive and violent person to have an immediate and explosive reaction


Fighting words are words that would provoke a reasonable person to commit an immediate act of violence.

What words are fighting words?

Fighting words  can be described as those words that can be spoken in the society which can incite violence and may cause some kind of conflict ampong two or more people or can make the society to enter a state of disturbance.

It should be noted that this fighting words may not be protected as a free speech  when considering the First Amendment and it may be punished , because it is been considerd as the act of disturbibg the public peace and it will not be handled with any kid gloves.

In conclusion, the fighting words can be described as the words that can bring about violence of any form and can bring about disunity among the people in the society.

Therefore, the second option is correct.

Read more about Violence at:


Which provision did the public Treaty of Velasco include?

A) Mexican soldiers had one year to leave Texas.

B) Santa Anna agreed to never again fight against Texas.

C) Texas would become part of the United States.

D) Mexican forces could keep all property seized during the war.


The provision that the public Treaty of Velasco include B) Santa Anna agreed to never again fight against Texas.

What was the fact about the provision of the public Treaty of Velasco include?

The fact about the provision of the public Treaty of Velasco  was one that the treaty was able to brng about how the end came to the war that was been declared on the Texas.

It shoud be noted that the public treaty stated that the hostilities would cease  and in this case the Santa Anna  can now make the arrangemnt for the withdrawer of his forces  with respect to the Rio Grande.

In conclusion, the treathy wqas able to declare that   there would be no arms against Texas again which implies that the  Santa Anna  would not wage war fight against Texas agin and that they will be atr peace with each other.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Read more about Treaty of Velasco at:


(Free point)Who were supposedly the first 2 humans to roam earth?



The first dinosaur recognized by science - the Megalosaurus – was described in 1824 from a partially preserved jaw. The Iguanodon, the first herbivore dinosaur recognized as such, was known at the time only from some teeth and bone fragments


it was andy. free him

how did the Treblinka shape the development of the world history?


During World War II, Nazi Germany established and ran the Treblinka concentration camp in Polish-occupied territory. The camp was in existence from 23 July 1942 to 19 October 1943. It was 4 kilometers south of the Treblinka railroad station, in a forest northeast of Warsaw.

What was the need for Treblinka?

After the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, the majority of the 3.5 million Polish Jews were rounded up and imprisoned in newly created ghettos. The system's main goal was to keep Jews insular from the rest of society in order to allow their exploitation and mistreatment.

New preparations for the "Final Solution" to the Jewish Question, also known as the murder of Jews, were presented during the Wannsee Conference, which took place nearby Berlin on January 20, 1942. Operation Reinhard was the cover name for the eradication program.

One of three covert concentration camps established for Operation Reinhard was Treblinka; the other two were Bełżec and Sobibór.

Learn more about Treblinka, from:


What is the key landform that
is greatly affecting HOW
people live in Greece?


The key landforms that is affecting people living in Greece are rugged mountain topography and surrounded by three sides by the ocean. Also it has forests and lakes as a part of its topography which effects settlement patterns in Greece.

What is landform?

An anthropogenic or natural land feature on the solid surface of the Earth or another planetary body is referred to as a landform. A given terrain is made up of several landforms, and topography refers to how these landforms are arranged in the surrounding area.

Landforms, such as mountains, valleys, plains, or plateau, are physical characteristics of the Earth's surface that define the landscape. They also consist of underwater features like ocean basins and mid-ocean ridges as well as coastal features like bays or peninsulas.

Therefore, the key landforms affecting people in Greece are the mountains and the way it is surrounded by the ocean

To know more about landforms please click


Which international economic organization is made up of leaders from the world's largest economies?


The international economic organization made up of leaders from the world's largest economies is G20. It is an international forum, made up of 19 countries and the European Union, representing the world's major developed and emerging economies.

What do you mean by G20?
The G20 is a gathering of the twenty biggest economies on the planet that meets consistently to examine the most major problems confronting the worldwide economy. Together, the G20 represents over 80% of world Gross domestic product, 75% of worldwide exchange and 60% of the number of inhabitants in the planet. The ongoing individuals are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the Unified Realm and the US, in addition to the European Association.

Hence, G20 is an international organisation which is made up of leaders from the world's largest economies.

To learn more about G20 from the given link:

What was King Louis XVI connection to the revolution? Provide an example


Louis XVI supported providing military assistance to the American colonies during their successful war with the British. In an effort to resolve his financial crisis, Louis called a meeting of the Estates-General, but by doing so, he unintentionally started the French Revolution.

Who was Louis XVI?

Before the French Revolution brought about the end of the monarchy, Louis XVI (23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793) reigned as king of France. Prior to his guillotine execution, he was known to as Citizen Louis Capet for the final four months. His parents were Maria Josepha of Saxony and Louis, Dauphin of France, who was the son and heir apparent of King Louis XV. He succeeded his father as Dauphin when he passed away in 1765. When his grandfather passed away on May 10, 1774, he succeeded him as King of France and Navarre. He ruled in this capacity until September 4, 1791, when he was given the title of King of the French. He continued to rule in this capacity until the monarchy was abolished on September 21, 1792.

To learn more about Louis XVI, visit:


To encourage western expansion, Thomas Jefferson:
OA. ended international taxes.
B. supported the assimilation of Indigenous peoples.
O C. signed the Embargo Act of 1807.
D. purchased the Louisiana Territory.


The correct answer is D. purchased the Louisiana Territory.

To encourage western expansion, Thomas Jefferson played a significant role in the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. The Louisiana Purchase effectively doubled the size of the United States, opening up vast lands for settlement and providing opportunities for westward expansion. By acquiring this territory, Jefferson aimed to secure control over the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans, which were critical for trade and economic growth. The purchase also allowed for the exploration and mapping of new territories, leading to increased knowledge of the continent and paving the way for further westward expansion in the years to come.

In conclusion, the correct answer is: To encourage western expansion, Thomas Jefferson: D. purchased the Louisiana Territory.

For more questions on Louisiana Territory:


In general, which best explains why communist revolutions did not happen? Workers were too tired and poor to revolt. Moderate socialists were less radical. Capitalist governments enacted reforms. Workers were not convinced they would work.


In general, the statement that best explains why communist revolutions did not happen? Workers were too tired and poor to revolt is Capitalist governments enacted reforms. Option C

What are Capitalist governments?

Generally, Many people think of capitalism as an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accordance with their interests, and supply and demand freely set the prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society.

In conclusion, capitalism does not strictly adhere to this definition. The drive for financial gain is fundamental to the functioning of a capitalist economy.

Read more about Capitalist governments


Pro-democracy uprisings occurred in 2010 and 2011 against authoritarian rulers in which of the following countries? (select 3 correct answers)

Select 3 correct answer(s)
Question 4 options:







Tunasia, Egypt and Syria -Pro-democracy uprisings occurred in 2010 and 2011 against authoritarian rulers in These of the following countries

The Arab Spring was a wave of pro-democracy protests and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa that began in 2010 and 2011 and challenged some of the region's entrenched authoritarian regimes.

Protests in Tunisia and Egypt toppled their respective regimes in quick succession, inspiring similar attempts in other Arab countries. The media dubbed the protest movement the "Jasmine Revolution,"

Tunisia became the first country in the Arab Spring protests to experience a peaceful transfer of power from one democratically elected government to another in October-November 2019.

To know more about The Arab Spring here


The role of state governments Because they can be changed to reflect changing times and developments, both state and federal constitutions may be described as which of the following:
A) Rigid documents
B) Outdated documents
C) Living documents
D) Supreme documents



Socratic app


it will help you

All of the following were problems with the Articles of Confederation except
O The Articles did not allow the government to collect taxes
O Established a President that was far too powerful
O The Articles of Confederation gave way too much power to the states
O9 out of 13 states had to agree to pass a law which was extremely difficult


All of the following were problems with the Articles of Confederation except 9 out of 13 states had to agree to pass a law which was extremely difficult .

What are the consequences faced by Articles of Confederation ?

The federal government was only allowed to ask the states for money, not directly tax the people.Rare state financial contributions prevented the federal government from meeting its obligations or funding programs.International or intrastate trade could not be regulated by the national government.The federal government was powerless to stop states from undermining it by negotiating their own trade deals with other countries.The central authority could only ask the states to deploy soldiers; it could not establish an army.States' refusal to send troops might make it challenging to safeguard the country.No matter how many people lived there, each state only had one vote in Congress.Political power was proportionately greater among residents of tiny states than large states.

To learn more about Articles of Confederation checkout the link below :


I need help please but no points sorry


A monarch or dictator is typically given entire power and absolute sovereignty under the political theory and practice of absolutism.

What exactly is absolutism, and how did it influence politics?

Absolutism is a style of administration in which the entire country is completely under the jurisdiction of one monarch, usually a king or queen. The power of an absolutist government cannot be questioned or limited.

They would build enormous royal courts. This extended royal household consisted of everyone who frequently provided care for the monarch and the royal family. Monarchs would do this to appear more strong and to exert control over the nobility. To prevent the spread of ideas, they also controlled religion.

What was a wise despot subject to?

The social contract that grants a tyrant the right to reign in place of all other governments, according to enlightened despots, is the basis of royal power. By enhancing the quality of life for their subjects, the enlightened absolutist rulers were able to successfully consolidate their power.

What was the Enlightenment, exactly, and what impact did it have?

The Enlightenment established contemporary, secularized ideas of psychology and ethics. Science research and natural phenomenon investigation were encouraged, but Enlightenment thinkers also applied reason and science to social problems.

The Enlightenment criticized the excesses of the church, fought for the protection of human rights from oppression, and backed science as a trustworthy source of knowledge. Due to it, we also developed republics, representative democracies, modern medicine, and many other things.

What impact did the Enlightenment have on the French Revolution?

The French Revolution benefited greatly from the Enlightenment. The republican thought emerged during the monarchy's transition during the Age of Enlightenment. The bourgeois supported John Locke's ideas. He favored the idea of a constitutional monarchy and believed that no king should have ultimate power.

What changes resulted from the French Revolution?

It put an end to the feudal system, overthrew a kingdom and its king, created civil laws, and made sure that all peoples were fairly represented in the political system. It also served to strengthen and unite the French people as a whole.

What meaning would you put on Napoleon's ascent and decline?

Napoleon expanded his empire with cunning, ambition, and skillful military tactics while fighting a battle against multiple coalitions of European powers. But two years after the disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon abdicated the crown and fled to the island of Elba.

Learn more about French Revolution:


the Australian authorities justified their actions against aborigines in terms of pseudo-scientific race theories that were common at the time.explain​


"An "Australian Professor" remarked that Aborigines were, "Too low in the scale of humanity" , so they can help scientists in experiments as a subject."

"In early the 20th century, the race-theories regarding "Social Darwinism" were accelerated in Australia and were told to justify their cruelty on the local Australians. They were considered as "sub-human" or "primitive" or of an "inferior race". The "Aborigines Protection Act of 1909" founded residential camps to live, for the "doomed race to die off", as Aborigines were becoming extinct. These settler rules permitted several Aborigines to be used as experimental animals."

To learn more about Aborigines,


Do birmingham jail use Logical Proofs: King uses logical proof extensively in his letter. Explore the way King uses facts and evidence, Argument from Sign, and Argument from Cause. Give examples and explain how they strengthen his claim?


In his letter, King cites three different types of justifications for his stay in Birmingham: organizational, religious or historical, and moral.

How does King build his case?

King starts off by outlining his motivations for composing the letter. He is in Birmingham as the president of the Christian leadership conference and because of the injustices the people are experiencing. King develops his credibility and appeals to the audience's emotions by citing these arguments.

What can you say about King's argument as a whole?

King keeps a generally impassioned tone throughout the address, but to prime the audience for his message, he projected a more urgent, cautionary, sincere, and reverent tone in the opening.

What makes the essay King's Letter from Birmingham Jail compelling and potent?

King employed a number of literary techniques, including strong imagery and emotional appeal, to effectively communicate his argument throughout the letter. The author of the letter explains to his readers how, because of their skin color, black people are frequently harassed, abused, and put through hardship.

What logical errors does Letter from Birmingham Jail contain?

King persuades his audience by employing the either/or logical fallacy. His audience has the impression that they either either favor segregation or agree that something urgently has to be done. King's audience is effectively persuaded to take a "side" through the use of this fallacy.

Learn more about King's Letter from Birmingham Jail:


1. Making Inferences What about Robespierre might have appealed to others?


Robespierre was regarded as a "fervent believer in equality" and a "man of profound morality." He was not afraid to express his radical ideas, and he was regarded as an overall honorable and good person.

In the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre was the first to ride to power and was quick to begin the killing. Another ironic fact is that he was dubbed "the incorruptible" due to his scrupulousness and dedication to his beliefs and the revolutionary cause.

Although Maximilien Robespierre, a philosophical leader during the French Revolution, had many good leadership qualities at first, as his power grew, he became power-crazed .

To know more about Maximilien Robespierre here


Who was Immanuel Kant?


Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was a german philosopher and is the central figure in modern philosophy. He synthesized early modern rationalism and empiricism, set the terms for much of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy, and continues to exercise a significant influence today in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, and other fields

What is the primary reason that Arthur Compton disagrees with the writers of the Oak Ridge Petition? Failure to use the bomb might lead to greater American loss of life. The new bombs were not capable of making an effective military demonstration. The use of atomic weapons had been outlawed by international agreement.




The answer is A


A. Failure to use the bomb might lead to greater American loss of life.


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