LOTS OF POINTS!!! One of the best ways to put language learning to practice is to spend time in the countries where the language is spoken. You could join a travel program, participate in a student exchange, or sign up for volunteer work abroad. There are many programs available to middle and high school students (over the summer or during the year) and to gap year students (the year after high school and before college). Research travel, adventure, exchange, and/or volunteer abroad programs that take students your age to countries where Spanish is spoken. Write one paragraph in English summarizing a program that appeals to you. Your paragraph should include 8-10 sentences and respond to the following questions: What is the name of the program? In which Spanish-speaking country is the program located? What are the requirements to participate in the program? What interests you about the program? Remember to include a link to the program you choose.


Answer 1


See explanation:


Education First (EF) is a foreign exchange program that helps everyone middle school and up travel to Spain and study abroad. You can go to Spain for up to 11 months if you're 16. Children 10 and over can go for at least two weeks. I'm interested because it can take people my age. It sounds amazing to spend time in Spain and learn about the culture, meet new people, and gain new experiences. I love the idea of studying abroad for a period of time. This program requires you to contact them in order to learn about the requirements to participate in the program. According to the website, it seems that there aren't any requirements aside from age. Overall, it would be an incredible experience and an incredible opportunity to master the Spanish language.


Answer 2
EF is a foreign exchange program.

Related Questions


Read the text and choose the option with the correct answer for the question. ¡Hola! Me llamo Vanessa y soy de Texas. Hoy es el 12 de diciembre y estoy en mi dormitorio con muchas maletas porque la próxima semana voy a visitar a mi amiga Miriam y a conocer a su familia. Vamos a ir de excursión por su país, Ecuador, y después a explorar los países de Chile y Perú. Esta noche voy a hacer mis maletas y a preparar mi viaje a Sudamérica. En diciembre en Texas hace frío y viento, pero en Ecuador, Perú y Chile hace sol y calor porque es verano. En mi maleta voy a poner camisas, unos vestidos, mi traje de baño, mis chanclas, mis tenis y ¡claro mis gafas de sol! Pero también voy a empacar mis botas, unos pantalones, un abrigo y un gorro porque también vamos a escalar y explorar las montañas de los Andes. Miriam dice que vamos a visitar Guayaquil y Salinas en Ecuador, y Trujillo, Perú y Copiapó, Chile. Voy a consultar el mapa y ver unos videos por internet para saber un poco más sobre mis destinos. Mi mamá está un poco nerviosa, pero ¡yo estoy muy emocionada!

Based on the text, what element of the narrative is Miriam?






Answer: Personaje

Explanation:  Miriam is a character in the story that Vanessa tells.


Hello! My name is Vanessa and I am from Texas. Today is December 12 and I am in my bedroom with many suitcases because next week I am going to visit my friend Miriam and meet her family. We are going to hike through her country, Ecuador, and then explore the countries of Chile and Peru. Tonight I'm going to pack my bags and prepare my trip to South America. In December in Texas it is cold and windy, but in Ecuador, Peru and Chile it is sunny and hot because it is summer. In my suitcase I will put shirts, some dresses, my bathing suit, my flip flops, my tennis shoes and of course my sunglasses! But I'm also going to pack my boots, some pants, a coat, and a hat because we're also going to climb and explore the Andes mountains. Miriam says that we are going to visit Guayaquil and Salinas in Ecuador, and Trujillo, in Peru and Copiapó, in Chile. I am going to consult the map and watch some videos online to know a little more about my destinations. My mom is a little nervous, but I am very excited!


Write a letter to the sheriff to convince him that you have solved the crime of the stolen gardening tools. Explain who you believe took the gardening tools.

paragraph 1 requirement
Identify the MOST reliable piece of information you used to solve the mystery and justify your answer. You should include the following:
what the source told you about the crime
why you think this evidence is the MOST reliable
the type of source (Hint: Was it a newspaper, diary, photograph, etc.?)
the purpose of the source (Hint: Why was it created?)
whether this source is primary or secondary (Hint: Was it created at the time of the event or after the fact?)

paragraph 2 requirement
Identify the LEAST reliable piece of information you used to solve the mystery and justify your answer. You should include the following:
what the source told you about the crime
why you think this evidence is the LEAST reliable
the type of source (Hint: Was it a newspaper, diary, photograph, etc.?)
the purpose of the source (Hint: Why was it created?)
whether this source is primary or secondary (Hint: Was it created at the time of the event or after the fact?)

Case Summary
On February 28, 1755, someone stole gardening tools from Will Anthony’s blacksmith shop.
Word around town is that the prime suspects for this crime were James Ansley and Matthew Farmer. Mr. Ansley was another blacksmith in town who threatened to burn down Will Anthony’s shop to force him out of business. Matthew Farmer was Will Anthony’s apprentice at the blacksmith shop. You arrive on the scene.

You have found a history textbook from the 21st century! Colonial Life: Many colonists depended on agriculture for their livelihood and survival. During the drought of 1755, many colonists had little money for extra expenses. Farming tools were valuable and often stolen because many people in the community could not afford the extra expense of purchasing these tools from a blacksmith. Having these tools allowed colonists to cultivate their crops and feed their families.

You have found the blacksmith’s sales journal. (Author:
The blacksmith’s apprentice, Matthew, records all of the store’s sales transactions in this journal)
Entries are dated March 1st, 1755 and were made by Matthew Farmer
February 14—Benjamin Miller—pistol—£3
February 20—Michael Farmer—grubbing h(0)e—2 shillings
February 26—Adam Reed—saddle—£2

I have found the blacksmith’s diary. There are three entries less than a month apart.
I need to figure out if this is a primary or secondary source!
Did he expect anyone else to read this? Is this reliable evidence? February 10, 1755
I am concerned about my apprentice, Matthew Farmer, and his family. Matthew confided in me that his father, Michael, was injured. His family is having a hard time tending to their crops and earning money.
March 1, 1755
I discovered that the gardening tools that I made in my shop have been stolen! They were missing at sunrise, when I went to my shop, so the thief must have stolen them last night.
March 6, 1755
I think I may need more sleep, as my memory seems to be failing me. I do not remember making a grubbing h(0)e two weeks ago, but in looking back at my sales journal, it appears that I sold one.

You have found the court’s transcript of an interview with Matthew Farmer. Interviewer:
Did you steal the gardening equipment from your employer? You were the blacksmith’s apprentice and had access to the shop.
Matthew Farmer:
I would never (umm) steal from him. Mr. Anthony has been so kind to help me learn his trade. I am very grateful to him. In addition, I left the shop early on the day of the crime. (looks away) Besides, (hesitant laugh) why would I need to steal farming equipment when my father, Michael Farmer, purchased a grubbing h(0)e week before the crime? Besides, Mr. Ansley, the other blacksmith in town, would love nothing more than to steal from Mr. Anthony. He wants to put our shop out of business. I (umm) saw him right outside of the shop the night the tools were stolen!
I thought you said you left the shop early that night.

I have found an alleged photograph of the crime.
Did they even have cameras back then?
The back of the photo says: “Title: Mr. James Ansley Stealing Tools From Will Anthony’s Shop, Artist: Elizabeth Burr, Date: 2010.”.​



Farmer stole the tools


The reason why I believe this is because during the interview Farmer declares that he "left the shop early on the day of the crime." But earlier in the diary entry Mr.Anthony declared that someone must have stolen them in the middle of the night. Mr.Farmer said that he saw Mr. Ansley outside the shop despite the fact that he had left the shop earlier. and the robbery was presumed to be in the middle of the night. This would show that Farmer was there in the middle of the night when the robbery took place. Not only this but during the interview Farmer showed common evidence of lying. when he looked away and laughed hesitantly as if hiding something. not only this but in the diary entry Farmer has declared that his family is having a tough time tending to the crops and earning money. There were to very reliable sources used here but the most reliable one id say is the diary, this was most likely created so that Mr.Anthony could keep track of what happened in his store. this source is secondary despite the fact that entries are written before the event and after but none written in the time of the event.

I believe that the newspaper was one of the least reliable resources that there were....this is because the shop most likely didn't have security cameras yet and if anyone was up during the crime to take pictures there would probably not have been a crime in the first place, however this piece of information is the primary resource since it was created during the time of the event.

Hope this helps!

Farmer stole the tool

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Yo uso "un mapa" para navegar. a mile a city block a map to cross



a map


The sentence says: I use a map to navigate (or to cross)

A map
I use a map to navigate

10. CORRIGE el mal empleo de los pronombres
en estas frases:
1- me lo repita, por favor.

2-Delegado les ordena a tus companeros que con
Lesten la encuesta con seriedad.

3-La lavadora quiero la tener antes del sábado.

4-Esta catedral es impresionante. Me alegro de la haber viste.

5-El viaje fue tan interesante que todos estaban satisfechos de haber podidolo hacer

6-stábamelo contando



Repítamelo, por favorEl delegado les ordenas a tus compañeros que escuchen (listen) la encuesta con seriedadLa lavadora quiero tenerla antes del sábadoEsta catedral es impresionante. Me alegro de  haberla visto.El viaje fue tan interesante que todos estaban satisfechos de haberlo podido hacerMe lo estaba contando
Me lo repite, por favor.

Delegado les ordena a tus compañeros que contesten las encuesta con seriedad.

La lavadora la quiero tener antes de el sábado.

Esta catedral es impresionante. Me alegro haberla visitado.

El viaje fue tan impresionante que todos estaban satisfechos de haberlo podido hacer.

Estaba contándomelo

¿Cuándo es la clase de fútbol el día dieciséis? (1 point) Select one: a. Tengo la clase de fútbol el Sábado, enero 15 de 2018. b. Tengo la clase de fútbol el domingo, 16 de enero de 2018. c. Tengo la clase de fútbol el sábado, 15 de 2018, Enero. d. Tengo la clase de fútbol el Domingo de 2018, 16 de Enero.



i also know spanish
The answer C

Yes because I also know Spanish

Mis abuelos son de Panamá. Ellos son                          .



Mis abuelos son de Panamá. Son panameños


My grandparents are from Panama. They are Panamanian




El gentilicio de Panamá es:


Tus abuelos son panameños

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? El pájaro va por arriba. down across near up



The Bird went up


I am guessing that arriba was the underlined word since up is the only word in the sentence that is correct. So arriba means up.

The bird went up

Arriba means up

Read the text and question. Think about what you have learned and choose the option with the correct answer.

Soy Paul; soy estadounidense y tengo amigos gauchos y managuas. ¡Me encanta tener amigos de muchos países! Nos gusta jugar a los juegos de mesa los domingos en la tarde. Prefiero jugar con mi amiga de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mi amiga se llama Leticia y juego con ella porque es atrevida. En la escuela tenemos un grupo de juegos de mesa con otros amigos ticos. Based on the text and on what you have learned in the lesson, what is true about Leticia?

Es argentina.
Es costarricense.
Es nicaragüense.
Es puertorriqueña.


Answer: Es argentina.


It’s true because She is Argentine

the answer is she’s from argentina

Read and choose the option that answers the question based on the reading.

¡Saludos desde el mar hermoso en Chile! Soy Emilia y estoy aquí en Valparaíso con mi novio Jacobo. Cerca de nuestro hotel hay casas de muchos colores. Para bajar de donde está el hotel a la playa, nosotros tomamos el funicular. El funicular es un tipo de tren que baja y sube. De la estación de tren vamos a pie a la playa. Jacobo va a ir de pesca y yo voy a caminar por la arena. Después vamos a nadar, a tomar el sol y a descansar al lado del mar. La próxima semana vamos a ir a las montañas y al Cajón de Maipo cerca de Santiago. Me gusta ir a las montañas, pero las vacaciones perfectas siempre son las de la playa.

¿Qué van a poner en su maleta para Valparaíso?

Boots and a coat
Tennis shoes and pants
A nice dress and suit
Bathing suits and sandals



Tennis shoes and pants



Bathing suits and sandals


Let's analyze the passage and look for key words/hints.

De la estación de tren vamos a pie a la playa: From the train station we are going by foot to the beach.

Jacobo va a ir de pesca y yo voy a caminar por la arena: Jacob is going to fish and I am going to walk in the sand.

Después vamos a nadar, a tomar el sol y a descansar al lado del mar: After we are going to swim, sunbathe and rest by the sea.

Clearly, they are going to the beach. The question asks us what should be packed. If they are going to the ocean, then they should pack bathing suits and sandals.

In the following sentence, which word(s) signifies order in the paragraph? (
Secondh; you must add salt and pepper to the avocado dressing,
O and
O Secondly



second  (not secondly)


"Second" signals to the reader that you are providing information in an ordered fashion.


I would say Secondly because you only have a few choices and those are not the obvious answers.


Select the most appropriate translation for the following phrase: It's a shark. Mira ese pez tan grande. Es un tiburón. Mira ese pez tan grande. Es un océano.



Es un tiburón


The correct translation for “It’s a shark.” would be; Es un tiburón.

What do you use "lápiz labial" for? make your eyelids longer make your lips have color make your nails shinier make your hair thicker


make your lips have color

The inference is that the thing that lápiz labial" is used for is B. To make your lips have color.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given.

In this case, the inference is that the thing that lápiz labial" is used for is to make your lips have color.

Learn more about inference on:



What would you do at a "cine?" dance see a movie eat play a game


Answer: You would see a movie.

Explanation: a "cine" is a movie theater.

What can be done at a "cine " which is a movie theater is to see a movie

What is a movie theater?

movie theater serves as a place where people visit to watch a movie of their choice which can also be regarded as a cine.

Therefore, at movie theater, people can enjoy their life with their favorite movie and also some refreshments can also be enjoyed in the cine.

Learn more about movie theater at;https://brainly.com/question/9980022


How many sections are there in a Spanish/English dictionary?



Bidirectional bilingual dictionaries usually consist of two sections, each listing words and phrases of one language alphabetically along with their translation

21 sections are in the Spanish dictionary

Read the e-mail from Emily's mother, Teresa, about their planned trip. Create a response from Emily's perspective giving your opinions about how
you would like the trip to shape up.
Querida Emily
¡Hola, hija! ¿Qué tal la Investigación? ¿Qué has aprendido? Yo siempre quise visitar las ruinas de civilizaciones antiguas como Machu Picchu o
Teotihuacán. Pero quiero que tú elijas el lugar para nuestras vacaciones. Me Interesa también el ecoturismo y me llaman la atención los deportes
de aventuras. ¿Qué piensas?
Espero que todo vaya bien, mi amor. Te extraño mucho. Dale recuerdos de mi parte a la familia.
Con carino,
Tu mamá



Querida Mamá,

¡Hola, Mamá! Me está llendo muy bien. La investigación pues ay le llevo. Ando aprendiendo muchas cosas que me están volviendo loca. Madre mía si tú quieres visitar Machu Picchu entonces ahí vamos. Dónde tú quieras ir yo te acompaño. Tu ya sabes que estoy dispuesta con lo que sea.

Te extraño muchísimo. Besitos.

Con cariño,


siii madre me encataria te amo te veo ahi genii

19. ELIGE la frase que te parezca correcta y RAZONA por que:
a. A mi no dieron ventaja,
b. A mi no me dieron ventaja.

a. Me Tallaron los cálculos
b. Fallaron los cálculos a mi

a.Ahi te quiero ver
b.Ahí quiero ver a ti

a. A ella vendieron un cuadro famoso
b. Le vendieron a ella un cuadro famoso

a.le enviaron un mensaje
b. Enviaron un mensaje a el


It is number one in this
1) b
2) a?
3) a
4) b
5) a
Other Questions
Write the names of any four newly established universities of Nepal and mention the role they can play for transforming society. help for abunch of points. How does 4D Shape look like? and, do (4 < n)D are possible? Based on this map, which of the following countries would you expect to have the least opportunity for citizen political participation?A. CanadaB. MexicoC. EgyptD. Italy Kindly help me here Find the least number which added to 3597 will make it a perfect square? Based on these documents, what socioeconomic and sociopolitical conditions in late medieval Europe do you think combined to infantilize women and severely limit their legal rights? Factor the following expression completely:32z4+8z34z2 If you know the answer please help me When did the CIAwrite this brief? What was going on in the U.S. atthis time? Find th slope of the line passing through the points (5,8) and (6,12) 1) At AJ Welding Company they employ 253 people, 108 employees receive 2 weeks of paid 1) _______ vacation each year. Find the ratio of those who receive 2 weeks of paid vacation to those whose paid vacation is not 2 weeks. PLEASE HELP !! (4/5) -50 POINTS- Rebecca is comparing prices on toilet paper. Charmin has 18 rolls, each with 200 sheets, for $12.97. Angel Soft has 24 rolls, each with 425 sheets, for $19.98. Which is the better value? Least you greatest (help please but dont give wrong answer pls) the Olympic games ........... place every four years a) taken b) takes c) took d) will take Qu hacen Uds. usualmente durante la semana? Write 5 Spanish sentences about what you and your friends typically do during the week.Use 5 different verbs and 5 different pronouns (yo, t, nosotros, ellos, etc.). Don't forget to conjugate!*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but, more importantly, it will enhance your language ability. This activity will not count towards your grade. There are 120 students going in a field trip. If each bus held 30 students, how many buses are needed?A:6B:5C:4D:3 Which of the sentences below is an affirmative t command that uses doubleobject pronouns and corresponds to the following sentence?Dale los zapatos a Pedro.oA. Se los das.O B. Dselos.O C. No se los des.O D. Dselo. the french we're convinced to support the american war against that british after the americans won the battle of