नेपाल से होकर तिब्बत जाने वाले रास्ते में जगह-जगह फौजी चौकियां क्यों बनी थी​ ?​

please answer fast


Answer 1


because of the danger of terrorist attacks

Related Questions

the anti federalists believed in a loose construction of the constitution


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It seems there is no question here. It is a statement. Probably, it is a true or false question, but you do not mention it. So we can help with a general answer like this.

More than believing that the anti-federalists believed in a loose construction of the constitution, what these people thought was that a strong central government was bot good for the new nation.

We are talking about the debates during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1787. During the convention, federalists and antifederalists debated about the form of government for the United States. Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton and John Jay,  believed in a strong central government. Antifederlaits, led by Thomas Jefferson, opposed to a strong federal government because it could turn into a tyranny. But when James Madison drafted the US Bill of Rights, antifederalists accepted the new Constitution.


The Anti-Federalists believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution.


कोविड -19 ने हमारे जीवन को कैसे बदल दिया ?
can u give in points ......​



how the virus changed lives.


O tempo presente expressa uma ação que está ocorrendo no momento da fala ou uma ação habitual. Qual desses casos se aplica ao verbo da charge? Explique.



The present tense expresses an action that is taking place at the moment of speech or a habitual action. Which of these cases applies to the verb in the cartoon? Explain.



Todas as conjugações verbais da charge estão no tempo presente.


A ironia presente na change se dá pelo fato de que os verbos 'prender' e 'soltar' são antônimos.

Questão 22
Na sintaxe interna da estrutura da frase: "Todos nós fomos à festa de formatura". Identifique abaixo a
alternativa correta:
A) *Todos nós é o sujeito simples da oração e nós o adjunto adnominal.
B) "fomos à festa” é predicado verbal e "de formatura" é o adjunto adverbial.
C) "todos" é objeto indireto e à festa" adjunto adnominal.
D 'Todos nós é o sujeito simples da oração e "fomos" é o verbo transitivo indireto.
E) "fomos à festa” é predicado nominal e de formatura é predicado verbal.



what is this subject and language?

Hola, miren por motivos personales tuve que mudarme en Bilbao y este año entro a bachillerato, y quería saber si en el bachiller es obligatorio Euskera en País Vasco ya que yo no lo quiero cursar y se me haría imposible darlo.



Hello, look for personal reasons I had to move to Bilbao and this year I am entering high school, and I wanted to know if Basque is compulsory in the Basque Country since I do not want to take it and it would be impossible for me to give it.



write any three uses of solution in our daily lifeanswer ​



A solution is a mixture formed when one or more solutes dissolve in a solvent. 3. In Homes Water as a solvent is used for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning and dissolving detergents. ... Beverages such as fizzy drinks, mineral water and tea are solutions.

Besides vir, the nominative singular of all second declension masculines ends with the two letters __ or __.


male aur men the two type of masculine

market to brand list and follow me

Read this spoken phrase. I watched the scary movie. How will this phrase appear in ASL? a.I watched scary movie. b.Movie scary I watched. c.Scary movie I watched. d.Watched I scary movie.



b. Movie scary I watched.


Remember, in American Sign Language (ASLJ) certain rules guides how to successfully pass a message. Thus, to say, "I watched the scary movie", would be shortened in American |Sign Language as "Movie scary I watched.

The reason for this difference in expresion is due to the fact that ASL places emphasis first on the object been spoken about before further information is given.


C. Scary movie I watched.


Took the test and it was correct.

what is the best word choice bused to describe the probalility of beatingt your friem



I'm not sure I understand your question

If a Chinese asks you 你是不是一个呆子? What do you say? (This was given by my mandarin teacher, once it was given the Asian kid started laughing what do I do?!)


It means 'Are you a fool?'.

Respond to this message with your response and I will translate it for you if you wish.

Hope that helped!!! k

Brooo! This means you “are a fool?” Respond with “no, are you?”

Hopefully this helps ♥︎

Hey I need Japanese HIRAGANA help! Ka means is right?


This is Hiragana .....



7. The expression denim can be translated as let's have breakfast VERO/FALSO

8. The verb 'mangiare can be translated as to eat, VERO/FALSO

9.What does Bere mean


Bere means drinking/ drink
7. Falso
8. Vero
9. Bere means drinking

Aeneas is forced to leave because of ______________. his love of Dido his hatred of Carthage his duty to found Rome his love of new places


Answer: Explanation:

Dido: she is enraged. She claims that Aeneas is committing a crime by leaving her and is being cruel. She begs him to stay.

Aeneas: He claims that they were never married. He regrets leaving, but he feels that the welfare of Troy and his people come first and that he is obligated by the gods to leave and found a kingdom.

Aeneas had to find his destiny, and it wasn’t with Carthage. He had to leave his bride, Dido; who is so perfect a woman. Truly it is a great personal tragedy; adding to his own loss of his nation. But the mindset of Aeneas overlooked that as he embraced his destiny….


Dido: she is enraged. She claims that Aeneas is committing a crime by leaving her and is being cruel. She begs him to stay.  Aeneas: He claims that they were never married. He regrets leaving, but he feels that the welfare of Troy and his people come first and that he is obligated by the gods to leave and found a kingdom.


Titulo do poema é"O poeta da roça". O eu poético é alguém que apenas fala da Vida na roça ou que faz parte dela? Comprove sua resposta com versos do poema
Espero que me ajudem



¿Es poético y alguien que apenas deja de dar vida na roça o qué rostro forma parte de ello? Comprueba tu respuesta con los versos del poema Espero ajustarme.

बर्फ का फूल कैसे बनता है?
Oa.हवा के धीरे-धीरे बहने से
Ob.हवा के मध्यम गति से
०८.हवा के तेज चलने से​



I think a is correct...........

'मेरा परिवार है इस विषय पर निबंध

i promise i will mark brainliest



मेरा परिवार एक मूल तथा खुशहाल परिवार है, जिसमें माता पिता के साथ मैं और मेरा छोटा भाई रहते है तथा हम मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार के श्रेणी में आते हैं। व्यक्ति के आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति परिवार, बिना किसी स्वार्थ के करता है। इसलिए हम सब के जीवन में परिवार का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है।


मेरा परिवार पर निबंध |Essay for Kids  on My Family in Hindi!

हमारा परिवार बहुत छोटा है। हम घर में पाँच प्राणी रहते हैं । मेरी माँ, मेरे पिताजी मेरा बड़ा भाई और मेरी दादी । मेरा भाई मुझ से दो साल बड़ा है। हम दोनों एक ही विद्यालय में पढ़ते हैं ।

मेरा भाई आठवीं कक्षा में और मैं छठी में पड़ती हूँ । हम दोनों पैदल विद्यालय जाते हैं क्योंकि हमारा विद्यालय घर के समीप है। मेरे पिताजी डी॰ डी॰ ए॰ के आफिस में काम करते हैं । वह अपने आफिस बस से ही आते-जाते हैं । मेरी माँ अध्यापिका है। उनका स्कूल घर से कुछ दूरी पर है; वह रिक्शे पर विद्यालय जाती हैं । घर में दादी अकेली रहती हैं । अभी वे अपना कार्य स्वयं करने में सक्षम हैं ।

शाम को हम सब इकट्ठे घूमने के लिए बाग में जाते हैं । वहाँ पर माँ-पिताजी भी हमारे साय बैड-मिटन खेलते हैं । वह दोनों हमें हास्यप्रद चुटकुले और नई-नई कविताएँ भी सुनाते हैं । मेरे घर का वातावरण बहुत ही शान्त है । कोई भी आपस में नहीं झगड़ता ।

समस्याओं का समाधान सब मिलजुलकर कर लेते हैं । घर के महत्त्वपूर्ण निर्णयों में दादी की सलाह अवश्य ली जाती है । उनकी बात को घर का प्रत्येक सदस्य मानता है । वृद्ध होने के कारण उनकी सेवा भी की जाती है। विद्यालय की छुट्टियाँ होने पर पिताजी हमें बाहर घुमाने भी ले जाते हैं । घर का प्रत्येक सदस्य एक-दूसरे से प्रेम से बोलता है । माँ-पिताजी हमें बहुत प्यार करते हैं और हम उन्हें ।

त्यौहारों के अवसर पर हमारे पिताजी हमें नये-नये कपड़े बनवा देते हैं । मेरी मां घर पर ही नमकीन और मिठाइयाँ बना लेती है । क्योंकि बाजार से खरीदने पर ये चीजें बहुत महँगी पड़ती हैं और धर का बजट बिगड़ जाता है । हम अपने कपड़े स्वयं ही प्रैस करते हैं, पर कीमती कपड़े धोबी से प्रैस करवा लेते हैं ।

परिवार में रिश्तेदासें का आना-जाना भी लगा रहता है । कभी मेरे मामाजी और उनके बच्चे हमसे मिलने आ जाते हैं और कभी हम अपने ताऊजी के पास चले जाते हैं । हम शाकाहारी भोजन करते हैं । दाल, सब्जियाँ और दूध, दही प्रयोग में लाते हैं ।

कभी-कभी मक्खन और मटर पनीर का सेवन भी कर लेते हैं । हमारे परिवार में हमारे पिताजी और माताजी हमारा जन्मदिन बड़ी धूम-धाम से मनाते हैं । वे अनेक मित्रों को बुलाते हैं । हम अपनी दादी जी और माँ-पिताजी के चरण छूकर आशीर्वाद लेते हैं । मेरी दादी तो इस अवसर पर फूली नहीं समाती ।


Hope it helps helps you please make me brainlist

importance of trees in hindi​


1.hame tree se oxygen milta hai

2.tress k baja se forest hara hotha hai

3. tress hame lakdi deta hai

what is the tagalog/filipino language of "ZERO"?​


filipino language of zero is kopong


"Wala" is the Tagalog/Filipino language of "Zero".


It's similar to "Nothing".

Latin Help!!!! translate 1. The good farmer let the children play in his fields. 2. I see the wild animals (neuter) in the zoo. 3. They gave the small boy a new basketball. find the case, gender and number for the sentences.​



1. Et agricolae bonis et pueri in agris ludunt.

2. Video autem animalia fera (neuter) in saepti ferarum.

3. Et dedit ad puerum parvum a basketball. invenire casus, numeri enim et genus sententias.

देशप्रति माया दर्साउन बनेको के हो​



एक अच्छे इंसान बनें और कानून के मुताबिक काम करें। अगर कोई समस्या है तो कृपया मदद करें। विभिन्न क्रियाकलाप करके राष्ट्र, धर्म और राजतंत्र का सम्मान करें


¿Alguien me ayuda con el significado el significado de algunas Raices Latinas?



Claro, ¿con que palabras necesitas ayuda?

Which part of economic theory is used to determine income and employment level of the economy ?

(a) Microecnomics (b) Macroeconomics
(c) Neither (a)nor(b) (d) Both (a) and (b)​



(b) Macroeconomics


Macro Economics is known as Income Theory. ... It studies about the performance of the economy as a whole and not of any individual firm or business. It focuses on the study of problems like inflation, unemployment, poverty, etc. It aims to determine the national income and employment levels in the country.

Read this story and then answer the question that follows:
Sarah saw them again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the kids ganging up on the new girl, Lara. She was late to her band practice and only had a few minutes to get there. "I barely
krow her stemmered to herset as she waked qulody to the car. "I'm sure she can take care of herself." Sarah knew this was an important rehearsal and could not miss it. "Hurry up,
shouted her to from the one's seat. Sarah threw her guitar in the back seat and slammed the door. "Let's go," she said. As they rounded the comer and stopped at the stop sign-her heart
mong-Sarah locked at the mom "Mom, Lara needs our help. Let's go back." which of the following is an example of theme in this story


Sarah saw them, again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the kids ganging up on the new girl, Lara. She was late to her band practice and only had a few minutes to get there. "I barely know her," she muttered to herself as she walked quickly to the car. "I'm sure she can take care of herself." Sarah knew this was an important rehearsal and could not miss it. "Hurry up," shouted her mom from the driver's seat. Sarah threw her guitar in the back seat and slammed the door. "Let's go," she said. As they rounded the corner and stopped at the stop sign-her heart racing-Sarah looked at her mom. "Mom, Lara needs our help. Let's go back."

Which of the following is an example of theme in this story? (5 points)


We should be in a band.

We should help those who are in need.

We should not be late.


We should help those who are in need.


According to the narrative, Sarah was witnessing bullying but she was already late for an important band practice that she could not miss so she made the decision to enter the car and drive away.

She tried to rationalize her decision by saying that the girl could take care of herself. As she rounded the corner, her conscience wouldn't let her be and she asked her mom to turn back because Lara, the girl that was being bullied needed their help.

The theme of the story is that we should help those who are in need.

Does anyone know of any good classes where I can learn Japanese?




I suggest you look into you-tube.

I learned Spanish on you-tube without going to a private learning class

An altlas is a collection of statisical date ranging one year. True of false ?



[tex]false \: [/tex]

hope that helps uh..

prevention of stroke​


Eating healthy foods, low stress levels, no smoking and GOOD GENES

Hope you find this healthy ♥︎

Answer & Explanation:

Many stroke prevention strategies are the same as the strategies to prevent heart disease. In general some preventive tips for stroke patients are follows:

Diet and healthy eating: Following a proper diet may avoid the risk of second stroke.

Decreasing the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in your diet.

Controlling Diabetes

Monitoring blood pressure: As high blood pressure exerts continuous pressure on the walls of the arteries it may lead to arterial block.

Avoiding illicit drugs

Exercising: Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Quit smoking and alcohol.

Hope it helps.


Abd Allah (or Abdullah) was born on Sunday night, 5th Safar, 1044 AH (1634 CE) in al-Subayr, a village on the outskirts of Tarim in Hadramawt. His father was Alawi bin Muhammad al-Haddad, a pious man of taqwa, from the people of Allah. Imam al-Haddad's paternal grandmother, Salma, was also known to be a woman of gnosis and sainthood. His mother was Salma bint Aidrus bin Ahmad al-Habshi. His maternal great-grandfather, Ahmad al-Habshi, met Imam al-Haddad's father, prior to Imam al-Haddad's father knowing Imam al-Haddad's mother and he said to Imam al-Haddad's father "Your children are my children, and there is a blessing in them". As a Sayyid, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry.​



عبد الله (يا عبدالله) آچر جي رات ، 5 صفر ، 1044 ھ (1634 ع) تي الصبير ۾ پيدا ٿيو ، ھڪڙو Hadو Had ھدراموٽ ۾ ترم جي skرپاسي تي. سندس پيءُ علوي بن محمد الحداد هو ، جيڪو تقويٰ جو متقي ماڻهو هو ، الله جي ماڻهن مان هو. امام الحداد جي ناني ، سلميٰ کي به gاتو وي ٿو ته هوءَ عقل ۽ تقدس واري عورت آهي. سندس والده سلمه بنت ادريس بن احمد الحبشي هئي. هن جي ناني ، ڏاڏي ، احمد الحبشي ، امام الحداد جي پيءُ سان ملاقات ڪئي ، ان کان ا Imam جو امام الحداد جي والد امام الحداد جي ماءُ کي ساڻي ۽ هن امام الحداد جي پيءُ کي چيو ته ”تنهنجا myار منهنجا childrenار آهن ، ۽ اتي آهي. انهن ۾ هڪ نعمت ". هڪ سيد جي حيثيت ۾ ، هن جي تقدس ۽ خدا جو س directو تجربو واضح طور تي ظاهر ٿئي ٿو سندس لکڻين ۾ ، جنهن ۾ شامل آهن ڪيترائي ڪتاب ، صوفي خطن جو هڪ مجموعو ، ۽ صوفيانه شاعريءَ جو هڪ مجموعو

What's easier to learn for a person who knows english. Spanish Or German? Pls explain


German. It’s a phonetic language which makes pronunciation easy


The answer is not definite


Each is a foreign language, they both use the pheonecian alphabet (abcedfg with accents like äéþð) and are not that similar to english, but from a person who knows spanish, I would say that spanish is easier due to the slight more similarity to english. Also spanish is much more usable is the US than german. If you go to the lower west Coast (LA, San Jose, San Francisco) more than 30% of the population speaks spanish so its very useful. If hyou are asking this for highschool classes, I would choose spanish

what shocked you when you learned about American society that you didn't expect?



......what? I'm confused lol

What's easier to learn for a person who knows english. Spanish Or German? Pls explain its for highschool





German might not be as familiar to English speakers as spanish, but its still one of the easiet languages to learn like spanish ,its also phonetic language which makes pronunciatiom easy

I would say Spanish. Spanish is one of the most common languages and it’s easier to pronounce the words/sentences. (That picture that I added shows which is easier 1 being the easiest )
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A golfer's combined score for the 18 holes is -5. The golfer score -2 on each of the several holes. on all the other holes the golfer scored a combined total of +1. On how many holes did the golfer score -2? In a right triangle ABC , C is the right angle What does sin B equal what is the answer to (x+1)(3x+2) Question 7 of 10A certain plant has a color that can range from green to yellow. Some plantsare very green, and some are very yellow, but most are in between. What ismost likely true about this trait?A. The color is a Mendelian trait.B. There are several genes that control the color.C. There are only two alleles for color.D. Being yellow is a recessive trait. Sheila cuts 60 foot wire cable in equal stripes of [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex] of a feet each. how many strips does she make? a) 48 b) 51 c)60 d) 70 e) 75 Cafeteria Meals I regularly purchase my lunch in the cafeteria; however, we only have one meal option each day. I would not serve some of the meals prepared in our cafeteria to cockroaches. Consider the school's pepperoni pizza. I am one who rarely turns down pizza, especially if it has pepperoni on it, but the pizza that our school serves is just too greasy. I even put paper napkins over the pizza in order to soak up the grease. Nevertheless, I always have a stomachache in the afternoon on pizza day. Some of my friends do not even eat lunch on pizza day because the pizza our school serves makes them feel ill too. If we had more meal options at lunch, we could choose foods that left us feeling better in the afternoons. 18 Select the correct answer. What is the best thesis statement for this argument? A. Some of our students are not allowed to eat certain foods and must skip lunch. B. Many schools in nearby districts offer a variety of meal options to their students. C. Schools should not be allowed to sell high-fat desserts to students. D. 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