But it chanced the other day that I scented a white water-lily, and a season I had waited for had arrived. It is the emblem of purity. It bursts up so pure and fair to the eye, and so sweet to the scent, as if to show us what purity and sweetness reside in, and can be extracted from, the slime and muck of earth. I think I have plucked the first one that has opened for a mile. What confirmation of our hopes is in the fragrance of this flower! I shall not so soon despair of the world for it, notwithstanding slavery, and the cowardice and want of principle of Northern men. It suggests what kind of laws have prevailed longest and widest, and still prevail, and that the time may come when man's deeds will smell as sweet. Such is the odor which the plant emits. If Nature can compound this fragrance still annually, I shall believe her still young and full of vigor, her integrity and genius unimpaired, and that there is virtue even in man, too, who is fitted to perceive and love it. It reminds me that Nature has been partner to no Missouri Compromise. I scent no compromise in the fragrance of the water-lily. It is not a Nymphoea Douglasii.2 In it, the sweet, and pure, and innocent are wholly sundered from the obscene and baleful. I do not scent in this the time-serving irresolution of a Massachusetts Governor, nor of a Boston Mayor. So behave that the odor of your actions may enhance the general sweetness of the atmosphere, that when we behold or scent a flower, we may not be reminded how inconsistent your deeds are with it; for all odor is but one form of advertisement of a moral quality, and if fair actions had not been performed, the lily would not smell sweet. The foul slime stands for the sloth and vice of man, the decay of humanity; the fragrant flower that springs from it, for the purity and courage which are immortal.
In the paragraph above the foul slime functions as a metaphor for the (5 points)
lost hope of progress
evils of humanity
inconsistency of politicians
fate of fugitive slaves


Answer 1

The "foul slime" mentioned in the paragraph is a metaphor for the evils of humanity, which include slavery, lack of principles, inconsistency, an so on, B.

What is a metaphor?

The literary device called metaphor is a way of emphasizing qualities or ideas through the comparison of different things or people. Metaphors are effective in helping readers visualize an image that will evoke certain emotions or feelings. For example, suppose you wish to convey the idea that your friend Jake can swim extremely well. You can use a metaphor such as "Jake is fish when he swims" to show that idea through an image.

In the paragraph provided, the author uses a metaphor when comparing the "foul slime" to the evils of humanity. From the "foul slime", the fragrant water-lily is born. This means the author believes it is possible for goodness to come out of evil. Thus, the "foul slime" represents the evils, while the lily represents goodness. Such evils include slavery, sloth, inconsistency of actions and thoughts, lack of principles, etc.

Learn more about metaphors here:


Related Questions

PLEASE HELP!!!Choose one of the questions to start your own "Socratic essay." First, write the question in your journal in the space reserved for this lesson. Then write an answer, taking care to respond to all aspects of the question. Next, identify a related question to be the topic of your essay's next section. Write that question and answer it. Then identify a question to guide your next section, and so on, until you have answered at least four questions and you have arrived at a better understanding of what you think about the issue.


The Socratic Essay Method is a method of teaching or arguing that involves asking leading questions rather than just declaring a conclusion or opinion straight.

The Socratic Method's overarching purpose is for the individual being questioned to personally figure out, disagree with, or agree with whatever it is that is being disputed.

This strategy, which Socrates employs in The Republic, is critical in philosophy since it is the only way to gain knowledge or insight-virtues that cannot be physically or verbally communicated to another from the inside.

The purpose of this method is that Socrates believes that everyone has the raw ingredients within them to solve philosophical problems.

The sample Socratic Essay in relation to "The Phobia of Dominiation of Humans by Artificial Intelligence.

1) What exactly is the fear of Artificial intelligence?

The fear of Artificial Intelligence in the most rudimentary form is that it is already set up to take over lots of jobs. Truth be told, the output of AIs is extraordinary in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time.  The reasoning is that if Artificially Intelligent computers can beat humans to the efficiency game, billions of humans will be put out of work. This is more so given that a lot of hyper-realistic robots are now being built with super intelligent Artificial Intelligence.

Looking at history, however, humans have come a long way since the discovery of fire. When computers became more miniaturized and efficient,  it is true that the typewriter went to rest, however,if Moore's Law is to remain law, then Artificial Intelligence will not take over the human race.

Moore's Law indicates that computational progress will get faster even as computers get smaller over time. The reason is there are more problems to be solved. Humans are not expanding the capability of computing powers just for the sake of it. We are expanding the efficiency of computers because there will always be problems to solve.

If there will always be problems to solve, then humans will never go out of fashion or be dominated by AIs.

2) What kind of jobs will be done by humans in the Post AI and Hyper-realistic Intelligence Era?

Every invention requires maintenance and sits along the continuum of a value chain. This fact makes it impossible for human-related jobs to disappear.

3) Will Human Jobs Evolve?

Historically, this has proven to be true. Human jobs will evolve. The concept of interplanetary domination is already a thing. To create human habitats in such spaces, a lot of human input will be required. To achieve control over the aging process, a lot of human effort will be required. To eradicate HIV, Cancer, etc, a lot of human efforts will still be required.

4) So what is the conclusion?

The conclusion here is that AI will only help man attain it's his highest form.

Learn more about Socrates:

The passage claims that refracted light can
affect human optical perceptions


The refracted light can affect human optical perceptions because when  there are refractive errors in the eye then it causes some defects in the vision.

A human eye behaves like a camera. It focuses light to produce sharp images. The process of focusing an image starts when the light rays are reflected on the retina.

Before reaching retina, the light rays have to pass through the cornea, aqueous humor, the lens, and finally the vitreous humor.

Refraction is defined as a physical phenomenon in which the light rays pass through these various mediums. When light rays transmit between different mediums, then they experience a change in direction due to refraction.

To know more about Refraction here


The passage claims that refracted light can affect human optical perceptions. Explain.

Write a literary argument about two or more stories, poems, or plays. Any combination of two
different works.


O. Henry's narrative features characters who are over the poverty line: James & Della have "one dollar and eighty-seven cents" in their possession, and they must make sacrifices in order to stay afloat (O. Henry, unpaged).

Esperanza & her family, who are forced to share a room, can be said to experience the same thing. However, one shouldn't presume that people forced towards despair or egoism by their miserable living conditions.

Both James & Della are willing to sacrifice for each other in The Gift of the Magi. They actually lose something very important to them when James chooses to dispose of his watch and Della chooses to cut her gorgeous hair.

House on Mango Street as Well as the Gift of the Magi share the idea that family togetherness is one of the things that can always help people, especially in times of hardship, despite their obvious contrasts in style, storytelling mode, and structure.

To know more about Gift of the Magi:


Which of the following is not a type of pathos appeal?
a.) humor
b.) solidarity
c.) reputation


Answer:  is the c

Explanation: the solidarity can be interpreted by empaty and the humor is something that get your feelings.

Select the complete sentence
Even when it's hot and muggy,marry loves to jog.


“Marry loves to jog” is the complete sentence
Marry loves to jog. Is the answer

drop-down me
Read paragraph 11 from the story.
(11) At this time a rich man whom Tama's parents deemed a suitable match for their daughter presented his proposals, and
Tama was suddenly told that they approved of the marriage and that she must prepare for the bridal.
What is the meaning of the word proposals as it is used in the paragraph?
As used in paragraph 11, proposals means,


As used in paragraph 11, proposals means gifts. By hinting at Tama's inability to wed for love, the piece develops its main theme. The meaning of the word proposals is to lure to the offer for marriage through gifts.

Write a short note on Tama.

This section is adapted from Xenohikawa Sabrina's short fiction, "The Tale of Love & Reincarnation." Tama appeared in this narrative as a character. Once Tama got to know Hayashi, she realized she was in love with him. Hayashi was a meager samurai from a rural area. This made Tama's parents unhappy, and they wished for her not to wed this man. Although Tama's parents had a good candidate for her to wed, she preferred to elope with Hayashi.

To learn more about Tama, visit:





got it correct

Picture walking into your room to find a huge mess.

Now, you’ll describe the scene in two different ways: first using passive voice, and then using active voice. For a refresher on active and passive voice, check out this interactive tutorial.

First, imagine you don’t know who made the mess. Write three sentences in passive voice to describe the state of your room and to emphasize the destruction. (Examples: “My beloved stuffed animals were scattered...” or “My favorite poster was ripped...”)
Now, imagine you find out who the culprit is (maybe a sibling, a pet, or a friend?). Write a new version of your description, using active voice this time to emphasize who made the mess. Keep the details the same! (Examples: “My brother scattered my beloved stuffed animals....” or “My brother ripped my poster...”)

If you want more examples of how to change passive voice into active voice, take a look at this lesson.


We can write two short paragraphs describing the huge mess in our rooms by keeping in mind that the passive voice will emphasize the mess rather than the subject.

Passive voice: The bed covers were wrinkled and the pillows were scattered all over the floor. The wardrobe doors had been left open and, inside, clothes and hangers were knocked to the floor. The curtains were torn, scratched from top to bottom.Active voice: My cat wrinkled the bed covers and scattered the pillows all over the floor as she chased a bird that flew into the house. I had left the wardrobe doors open as I was in a hurry, so she knocked clothes and hangers to the floor while trying to catch the bird. She also tore the curtains, scratching them from top to bottom in her pursuit.

What is the difference between active and passive voice?

Both the active and the passive voices are used to indicate actions, the difference being that the passive voice emphasizes the action itself or the receiver of the action. The active voice, on the other hand, emphasizes the performer of the action.

Take a look at the two sentences below:

The curtains were scratched by my cat.My cat scratched the curtains.

The first sentence is in the passive voice. Its subject is the receiver of the action, the curtains. The performer of the action, which is the cat, is the agent of the sentence. In the second sentence, we use the active voice, so the subject is the cat, the performer. The curtains are the object of the verb.

Having that explained, we can conclude that the two paragraphs written above correctly employ the active and the passive voices.

Learn more about active and passive voice here:


Identify what writers should do first when writing a research paper.
make an outline
think of a catchy title
Ochoose a topic
write a thesis statement


Answer: Choose a topic

Question 8 (1 point)
Does the following statement meet the requirements for being a S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal?
"I want to be a nurse."

a) Yes

b) No


No, it isn’t

No, the following statement meet the requirements for being a S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal "I want to be a nurse." Correct option is b.

A S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluated, and Revised. Let's analyze the statement against these criteria:

Specific: The goal is not specific. It doesn't provide any details about what type of nurse the person wants to become or in what area of nursing they want to specialize.

Measurable: The goal is not measurable. It doesn't include any metrics or criteria to determine progress or successful achievement.

Achievable: The goal is vague, making it difficult to assess if it is achievable or not.

Relevant: The goal does not mention any context or reason for wanting to become a nurse.

Time-bound: The goal lacks a specific timeline or deadline by which the person wants to become a nurse.

Evaluated and Revised: There is no indication of how progress will be evaluated or how the goal might be revised if necessary.

To make this goal S.M.A.R.T.E.R, it should be rephrased to include more specific details, a measurable outcome, a clear timeframe, and the reasons for wanting to become a nurse. For example:

"I want to become a registered nurse specializing in pediatric care within the next five years, as I am passionate about working with children and helping improve their health and well-being."

To know more about S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal:


A fused (or run-on) sentence occurs when two or more complete thoughts run together without proper punctuation or a conjunction. Choose all of the correct options for fixing this fused sentence: "Jade wants to be an actress she's taken acting classes for more than a year." (Choose all that apply.)


Among the answer choices, the ones the fix the run-on sentence are those that use a semicolon, a comma and a conjunction, or a period, so options A, B and C.

Definition of run-on sentence

A run-on sentence is any type of sentence formed by the incorrect joining of two independent clauses. There are two types of run-on sentences:

Fused sentence: When absolutely no punctuation is used.Comma splice: When only a comma is used.

Examples of each type of run-on sentence are the following:

Fused sentence: I enjoy swimming Katherine enjoys fishing.Comma splice: I enjoy swimming, Katherine enjoys fishing.

To correctly join two independent clauses into one sentence, we must follow the guidelines below:

Use a semicolon:  I enjoy swimming; Katherine enjoys fishing.Use a comma and a conjunction:  I enjoy swimming, but Katherine enjoys fishing.Do not join them, but keep them separated by a period.  I enjoy swimming. Katherine enjoys fishing.

Having that in mind, after analyzing all answer choices, we can conclude that the correct ones are A, B, and C. All of them correct the run-on sentence provided in the prompt.

We found the missing answer choices online. They are the following:

Jade wants to be an actress; she's taken acting classes for more than a year.Jade wants to be an actress, so she's taken acting classes for more than a year.Jade wants to be an actress. She's taken acting classes for more than a year.Jade wants to be an actress, she's taken acting classes for more than a year.

Learn more about run-on sentences here:


Svara is writing an essay about why student loans should be forgiven. She argues that it is not appropriate to include discussion of those who disagree with her point of view as part of her synthesis of the existing research. Is she right?

Yes. It is NOT appropriate to include discussion of those who disagree with her point of view as part of her synthesis. Svara should only include and discuss those sources with which she agrees. She should build her argument around the ideas that establish her credibility and authority and discard any sources that refute her ideas.

Yes. It is NOT appropriate to include discussion of those who disagree with her point of view as part of her synthesis. Svara should be careful not to acknowledge that others disagree with her position. If she were to do so, it would undercut her credibility and authority on the topic.

No. It IS appropriate to include discussion of those who disagree with her point of view as part of her synthesis. Svara wants to show that she understands the existing conversation on the issue. If she is to establish her credibility and authority on the topic, she needs to include, understand, and refute those ideas with which she disagrees

No. It IS appropriate to include discussion of those who disagree with her point of view as part of her synthesis. Svara wants to show that she understands the existing conversation on the issue. However, Svara should be careful not to acknowledge that others disagree with her position. If she were to do so, it would undercut her credibility and authority on the topic.


Svara should exercise caution when mentioning that others disagree with her viewpoint. She would lose her authority and credibility if she were to do it. Thus, option C is correct.

What include discussion of those who disagree?

The value of conversing with those you don't always agree with cannot be overstated. Your viewpoint on a subject might change.

You could strengthen your case for why you disagree. You might discover something novel about the person you are speaking with.

Therefore, No. It is permissible to address persons who have different opinions from hers as part of her synthesis. Svara wants to demonstrate that she is aware of the current discussion on the subject.

Learn more about discussion here:


the boy is not tall enough to be a soldier
Type of sentence



Simple sentence


A. swift
B. passionate
C. heedless


Answer: Swift !


Impetuous means to do something quickly and hastily.

Swift ALSO means to do something quickly or a bit faster than normal.




i got this answer right in a test

Paragraph about ecotourism
Intro, body,ending
Help me please
Easy vocabulary



People travel for lots of reasons. They make journeys to and from school or work every day; visit friends and

family; take day trips shopping or to football matches; go out for evening entertainment such as the cinema;

and they go away on business or study trips. So when does travel become tourism? When people travel to

and stay in a place which is not where they live. For example there is recreational tourism if you want to relax

and have fun, maybe at the beach. There’s cultural tourism: sightseeing or visiting museums to learn about

history, art and people’s lifestyles. With adventure tourism you explore distant places or do extreme activities.

Ecotourism is about ethical and responsible trips to natural environments such as rainforests. Winter tourism

is usually holidays in resorts where there is snow and people go skiing or snowboarding. Sport tourism is to

play or watch different sporting events like the Olympics. Educational tourism is to learn something, possibly

a foreign language, abroad. Nowadays there is also health tourism to look after your body and mind by

visiting places like spa resorts; religious tourism to celebrate religious events or visit important religious

places such as Mecca for Muslims; and gap-year tourism when young people go backpacking or do voluntary

work between school and university.

Now, practice the same process with an informational text. Read “What Is an American?” and fill out the graphic organizer. Use the supporting details from the text to find the author’s message. Then draw your own conclusions about this text.

Authors Message
Supporting Details

What Is an American?
by J. Hector St. John Crèvecoeur
(excerpt from Letters from an American Farmer)

I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thoughts which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent….

Here he sees the industry of his native country displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where an hundred years ago all was wild, woody and uncultivated! What a train of pleasing ideas this fair spectacle must suggest; it is a prospect which must inspire a good citizen with the most heartfelt pleasure….

The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. Some few towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth, from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are a people of cultivators, scattered over an immense territory communicating with each other by means of good roads and navigable rivers, united by the silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws, without dreading their power, because they are equitable. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself….

We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world. Here man is free; as he ought to be; nor is this pleasing equality so transitory as many others are.





I'm a bank manager and parent of two high school
students, so I know just how important financial literacy is
for teenagers. College students today are graduating with
an average student debt of $24,800, yet only 1 in 5 high
schools nationwide are providing any type of financial
education. It's time for Springville High to start offering its
students financial education that is personal, practical, and
Thich is the most effective characteristic of this argument?
OA. The use of stories to help listeners understand his or her overall
OB. The use of emotion to evoke sympathy from listeners about
OC. The use of repeating sounds to make the final point more
D. The use of expert opinion to give the paragraph some additional


B would be the correct answer

why did not Ramon and brian eat their lunch that day?​



how can we answer we don't know the chapter please mention chapter or first give the paragraph and then ask the questions


They were probably not hungry

Pretty Shoes

I only like pretty shoes.

The only kind I choose

are pink, yellow, and green.

I keep them nice and clean.

I like the ones with bows,

the ones that hide my toes.

And even with the heel,

as long as they appeal.


How many stanzas does the poem have?









the anwers is A.2



1I only like pretty shoes I choose are pink

There is not ___ furniture in Dave’s house. He moved two weeks ago. a ) much b ) a little c ) few d ) many



There is not ___ furniture in Dave’s house. He moved two weeks ago. a ) much b ) a little c ) few d ) many



There is not much furniture in Dave’s house. He moved two weeks ago. The appropriate response is option A.

When is "much" used in a sentence?

If the noun is not countable, use much (e.g., water, sand). If a noun can be counted, use many (e.g., oranges, children). I don't have much money, for instance.

many is used for countable & plural nouns, respectively, while much is used for uncountable and single nouns. Much and most denote the largest amount in relation to other things, respectively.

Much can be used before more to combine the two words. Keep in mind that you must follow more in this usage with an uncountable singular word. A plural countable noun is never allowed after "much more."

Hence, the appropriate response is option A.

To learn more about countable nouns


What were the two political parties in Lilliput?what was there difference


high-Heels and Low-Heels

These two parties represent the political parties of Swift's time.

Hope this helps!

i need with this pls


is, write

(Is is a state of being verb)

what inferences about laertes and hamlet are best be supported by their respective interactions with their fathers in scenes 3 and 5?


Laertes is inspired by the Queen's passing to divulge Claudius' scheme. Hamlet exacts Claudius's revenge. He makes him swallow the poison after stabbing him with the poisoned sword. Horatio is left to mourn his loss after the deaths of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.

What is the relationship between Hamlet and Laertes?Since they were young children, Laertes and Hamlet have been pals. When the play begins, they are both in their twenties. But as the play progresses, the three's relationships become increasingly tense.Similar like Hamlet, Laertes too lost his father. He starts to accuse King Claudius of being the killer and subsequently dedicates the rest of his life to exacting revenge. Laertes understands Ophelia's situation and guides her toward making the proper decision.Both of them are mourning and dealing with the loss of their fathers. While Hamlet is engaged in battle with Claudius, Laertes seeks retribution against him. Laertes and Hamlet are interacting emotionally and also driving each other crazy.

To learn more about Hamlet and Laertes refer to:


Write paragraph describing the main conflict in the story
and explaining how it demonstrates different cultural


what? there isn't enough information to answer the question.

According to Source 2, what were boats used to do?

Warfare or transporting soldiers and/or weapons

Trade and/or travel

Creating jobs Cultural uses, such as speed races or individual/family trips

Obtaining treasure​


According to source 2, We can see that boats had large storage utensils that could have carried treasure or fishes. This could indicate these boats were either used for fishing or finding treasure and storing in it.

We can also see that wine was found in the boats as well, indicating that boats were also used in trade or travel. People might have used these boats to explore and travel to new cities. This could justify the wine and food.

But we could not see much evidence for transporting soldiers or using boats for warfare or storing weapons. Hence according to the source boats were used in travel, trade and obtaining treasure.

To know more about Boats visit:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of precise language?
A) is particularly vague
B) provides explicit details
C) creates strong mental pictures
D) holds the attention of the reader


The one whichis not a characteristic of precise language is particularly vague. Thus the correct option is A.

What are the Characteristics?

Characteristics refer to any feature or trait of any object which provides any information about the concept. These are unique in nature and make difference from one another.

Precise language is used to convey clear thought to the reader by using explicit details about the event and developing strong mental images which help to hold the focus of the reader and make them understand the meaning.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.,

Learn more about precise language, here:



It is A.


Write a d dialogue in about six exchanges between two friends who are talkin talking about the importance of learning English?


Answer: Example...

Myself- Hey John, can you tell me the importance of learning English?

John- Yes, of course. It is an international language, you know this. There is a massive use of English all over the world.

Myself- True. That is, English is an internationally communicative medium. Do you mean it?

John-Not only this. Books of higher level are written in English. So to receive higher education you must learn English. Moreover, in every job sector, government or non-government to get a job of handsome salary, you need knowledge in speaking, reading and writing English!

Myself- Okay John! Now I know the importance of the language English! I will improve...

Pls give me brainliest...

What do you think of John Hersey’s writing in “Hiroshima” and how he told the story of victims of the Hiroshima bombing?


My personal thought about the perspective and narrative that John Hersey used in writing in “Hiroshima” and how he told the story of victims of the Hiroshima bombing is that he writes in a matter-of-fact manner devoid of emotional connection.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the telling of a story through the eyes and lens of a narrator as he tells the story and how it happened, and how the story develops and unfolds.

Hence, we can see that based on the use of language and form of narration that John Hersey used in writing in “Hiroshima”, he wrote in a straightforward manner

Read more about the Hiroshima bombing here:


ppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppppppppWhat graphic would you use to best support an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe? And What graphic would you use to best support a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda? 50 and brainlyist!!!


The graphic that best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe is c. a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish

The graphic that best supports a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda is D. A chart showing how types of beverages affect health.

What is a Supporting Detail?

This refers to the use of evidence that is used when writing in order to persuade and convince a person or group of persons about a particular topic using a variety of persuasive or rhetorical appeals.

Hence, it can be seen that in order to support the evidence about how to prepare a recipe is c. a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish as this would give the viewers a step by step procedure on how to do it.

With this in mind, we can note that the correct answers are options C and D.

Read more about supporting detail here:


Which graphic best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe? (1 point)

a. a chart that shows types of vegetables

b. a photograph that shows a cooked dish

c. a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish***

d. a diagram that shows types of cooking knives

Which graphic best supports a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda? (1 point)

O a photograph of a soda advertisement


a video that explains how soda is made

O a timeline showing the history of the soda industry

O a chart showing how types of beverages affect health

Benjamin thinks that he might be the victim of identity theft. What is one of the first things he should do?

Place a fraud alert on his credit reports so no one can open new accounts in his name.

Visit the stores where he frequently shops to ask if someone else has been there using his credit cards.

Leave his accounts open so he can see where the criminal is using his card and maybe he can catch them.

Contact the Internal Revenue Service to make sure his tax status will not be affected by this fraudulent act.


Benjamin thinks that he might be the victim of identity theft. What is one of the first things he should do?


Place a fraud alert on his credit reports so no one can open new accounts in his name.


Visit the stores where he frequently shops to ask if someone else has been there using his credit cards.


Leave his accounts open so he can see where the criminal is using his card and maybe he can catch them.


Contact the Internal Revenue Service to make sure his tax status will not be affected by this fraudulent act.

Answer: A

If Benjamin suspects that he is the victim of identity theft, the first thing he should do is alert the bank and police, and place a fraud alert so the places he visits will know that it is not him, and he will also be able to be alerted of any unusual transactions or dealings in his name.


Fencing was known in Egypt, China, India, and Greece. Homer, a famous Greek author, wrote about a fight with swords in his book, "The Illiad". There are four sports that have been included in each modern Olympic Games since 1896 and fencing is one of them.

To be a fencer you need a sword, a protective vest and a jacket, a mask, and a glove. Fencers also wear breeches and special fencing shoes. There are three different kinds of swords. The foil is the lightest, the epée was the sword used for dueling years ago, and the sabre is the heaviest sword. Fencing is an indoor sport. Fencers use a special surface about 46 feet long and 5 feet wide.

Each bout has three rounds that last three minutes each, with one minute between rounds. The winner is the first fencer to score 15 hits on the opponent or the fencer who scores the greater number of hits by the end of the bout. If the players are even by the end of regular match time, one minute extra time will be fenced and the winner will be the first to score a touch on the opponent.

In the Olympic Games there are six disciplines of fencing that include six individual and four team events.
Выполните задания к тексту
Insert the missing words:

1). Fighting with swords ____________________ thousands of years.

2). Homer, ____________________ wrote about a fight with ____________________ in his book, “The Illiad”.

3). To be a fencer you need ________ , a protective __________ and jacket, a mask, and a glove.

4). The __________ is the lightest, the __________ was the sword used for dueling years ago, and the sabre is the heaviest sword.

5). The winner is the first fencer to score __________ hits on the opponent.

Complete the following sentences:

6). There are four sports that have been included in each modern _______________ .

7). Fencers also wear _______________ .

8). The epée was the sword used for _______________ .

9). Fencers use a special surface about _______________ .

10). Each bout has three rounds that last three minutes each, with _______________ .

Is it true (T) or false (F)?

11). Fencing is a modern sport. ____

12). Homer, a famous Roman author, wrote about a fight with swords in his book, “The Illiad”. ____

13). There are five sports that have been included in each modern Olympic Games since 1896 and fencing is one of them. ____

14). To be a fencer you needn’t any special equipment. ____

15). The sabre is the heaviest sword. ____

16). The winner is the fencer who scores the greater number of hits by the end of the bout. ____

17). Fencing is an outdoor sport. ____


Fencing is the recreational sport of swordplay that can be enjoyed by people of any age, and offers a multitude of benefits.

What is fencing?

Fencing is both a physical and a mental workout, in which fencers learn to hone their strategies against opponents of varying skill levels, and build up physical endurance, agility, and accuracy.

Confidence and sportsmanship are gained through participation in fencing and extend throughout other areas of life. You can begin fencing as a youth or an adult – for fun, for fitness, or to train to compete.

The three weapons of fencing are foil, saber, and epeé. The object of fencing is to score a point or touch by hitting your opponent’s target with your weapon before they get the scoring touch on you, but the rules, strategies, and target areas differ with each weapon to make the games distinct.

Therefore, Fencing is the recreational sport of swordplay that can be enjoyed by people of any age, and offers a multitude of benefits.

To learn more about fencing, refer to the link:


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