In which part of this excerpt from the Gettysburg Address does President Abraham Lincoln argue that the outcome of the war will depend on the determination and loyalty of Northern citizens?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow— this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us— that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

A. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

B. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.

C. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

D. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. - WRONG

E. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

Its between A, B, C, & E

NEED HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!In Which Part Of This Excerpt From The Gettysburg Address Does President


Answer 1

In the excerpt "Gettysburg Address" President Abraham Lincoln argues that the outcome of the war will depend on the determination and loyalty of Northern citizens.

We can see it when he says (E.) "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced".

This statement give us a clear understanding that it the people who are living now can keep the the name and honor of those dead by acts of determination and loyalty.

To know more about the "Gettysburg Address" visit:


Related Questions

Read this excerpt from The Raven.
here I opened wide the door–
Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"–
Merely this and nothing more.
Which best describes the imagery the poet is creating in this excerpt?

A.)The speaker goes to his bedroom door, opens the door, and finds his lover Lenore standing in the dark on the other side.
B.)The speaker opens his bedroom door into darkness and there is nothing there so he closes the door quickly and runs back to bed.
C.)The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.
D.)The speaker opens his door as fast as he can to run into his room, away from the scary darkness in the hallway that has no lighting.


here I opened wide the door– Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;

But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,

And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"

This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"–

Merely this and nothing more.

Which best describes the imagery the poet is creating in this excerpt?

A.)The speaker goes to his bedroom door, opens the door, and finds his lover Lenore standing in the dark on the other side.

B.)The speaker opens his bedroom door into darkness and there is nothing there so he closes the door quickly and runs back to bed.

C.)The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.

D.)The speaker opens his door as fast as he can to run into his room, away from the scary darkness in the hallway that has no lighting.


C The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, "Lenore," and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.


He hears it but he does not see her, because the main character has lost his wife he is mourning for her, it just echoed back but he didnt run he just heard it echoed back to him, it never mentions him seeing her to that is why it cannot be A, making the answer C.

what is the passive form of 'helen is going to break our ferindship'​



Our friendship is going to be broken by Helen.


Object + Verb + Subject


Subject + Verb + Object

A passive voice kind of sounds like talking from third person view or being a news reporter.

3. What does the speaker condemn in the poem "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling?


Pride ,All acts of terrorism are condemned by the government. The nation abhors the use of force against detainees. Cheating is prohibited in the school, and any students caught doing so will be expelled.

What is condemn?

When a government uses eminent domain to acquire private property for a public use or benefit, it files a lawsuit known as a condemnation action. This action expresses an unfavorable or adverse judgment on, shows strong disapproval of, or censures the subject. a killer is sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty and given a punishment.

We vehemently deplore this assault on our allies. All acts of terrorism are condemned by the government. The nation abhors the use of force against detainees. Cheating is prohibited in the school, and any students caught doing so will be expelled.

To learn more about condemn refer to:


For which of the following reasons is a graphic organizer useful for retaining
information from a text?
OA. It enables you to summarize the passage for a friend.
B. It helps visually organize the notes you take while reading.
OC. It keeps you focused on your purpose for reading.
OD. It provides you with a study guide for vocabulary.



B it help organiza your work and get you prepared for anythin


when you are ready it can help u be focused

(1) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

(2) Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?

(3)It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy.

Which stylistic device most contributes to a shift in tone in this excerpt? (5 points)
A. Rhetorical question
B. Balanced Syntax
C. Extended Metaphor
D. Figurative Language


We can see here that the stylistic device that most contributes to a shift in tone in this excerpt is: A. Rhetorical question.

What is tone?

Tone is actually known to be the attitude and feelings of an author or writer to the subject matter which he writes about. Tone is seen in literature which is usually created through the use of stylistic devices, literary devices, figurative languages, etc. Tone makes the readers to know how an author feels about a subject matter.

We see here that in the second paragraph, there seems to be a shift in the tone in the passage. It is very clear to state that the shift in tone is as a result of the use of rhetorical questions as used in the second paragraph.

Learn more about tone on


How has Truman's life been controlled?



I can't write a whole essay for you. However one thing I can say is that everything that anybody has ever done to Truman or said to Truman, has been scripted or scheduled. The "directors" of his life have been manipulating him and they know who to make say what and how they should do it this influences Truman life.

Short version: Manipulation or mind control (you can watch documentaries on mind control - it's the control of one's views, and morals... in my understanding)

feedback on our new package



awesome package bro you rocked it

Analyze the strength of Lacan's theory. Is there
evidence from the text that contradicts or
weakens his argument? Cite specific evidence
from the article in your response.


Because unconscious desire is the main focus of psychoanalysis, Lacan's desire always refers to unconscious desire.

What is Lacan's theory?

Lacan's theory is defined as "The unconscious has a language-like organization." He claimed that the unconscious is composed of "chains of repressed signifiers" that relate to one another according to their own set of metonymic and metaphorical conventions.

Psychoanalysis seeks to help the analysand identify his or her desire and, in doing so, reveal the true nature of that desire. Desire is a relation to being to lack, according to Lacan, who first identified a lack of being: what is desired is being itself.

Thus, because unconscious desire is the main focus of psychoanalysis, Lacan's desire always refers to unconscious desire.

To learn more about Lacan's theory, refer to the link below:


what the we learn from aklilu lemma short paragraph


In 1964, as a young Ethio-pian doctor, Aklilu Lemma disco-vered that suds from the fru-it of a com-mon African plant, the endod or soap berry (Phytolacca dodecandra), which Afric-an women have us-ed as soap for cen-turies, act as a pote-nt mollus-cicide.

Aklilu Lemma was an Ethi-opian path-obiologist.[1] In 1989, he was awar-ded the Right Liveli-hood Award "for disco-vering and campaig-ning relentlessly for an afford-able prevent-ative against bilharzia.

He found-ed the Institute of Patho-biology, which is now known as the Aklilu Lem-ma Institute of Patho-biology, and tau-ght there until 1976, wh-en he left it for a job in the Uni-ted Nations.

To know more about Bilharzia click below:


Besides indirect and direct objects, what else can objective pronouns be used as?
objects of the preposition
ownership over something
the subject of a verb
objects of the possession


Besides indirect and direct objects, what else can objective pronouns be used as objects of the preposition.

Which pronouns are utilized as the object of the relational word?

Prepositional pronouns are equivalent to immediate and roundabout item pronouns. The thing that matters is that they are utilized as the object of a relational word in a prepositional expression. A prepositional expression comprises of a relational word and the thing following it.

What could you at any point supplant a roundabout item with?

Most aberrant items can be supplanted by a circuitous article pronoun (me, te, se, lui, nous, vous, leur, y). Y is utilized as a third individual pronoun to replace things or theoretical circumstances.

When can protest pronouns be utilized?

Object pronouns are utilized rather than things, normally on the grounds that we definitely understand what the article is. It makes the sentence more straightforward to peruse and comprehend and stays away from reiteration. We regularly use object pronouns after an action word or a relational word.

Learn more about pronoun here:


You have a new English teacher in the classroom. Write down five questions which you will ask him/her for acquaintanceship. These questions should start from auxiliary verbs such as Do, Are, Is, Did, Have etc.



1.Do I do this?

2.Can I please do this?

3.May I please do this?

4.May I please do that?


The correct responses are - 1. Do I do this? 2. Can I please do this? 3. May I please do this? 4. May I please do that?

What is a Question?

A question is an expression used to solicit information. Interrogatives, which are the grammatical forms commonly employed to convey questions, are occasionally distinguished from questions.

an interrogative phrase frequently used to gauge knowledge (2) : a question-mark phrase or clause. Issue refers to a topic or feature that is up for debate.

A question is a specific kind of statement that we ask or write to elicit additional information from the respondent(s). A question mark is used to indicate that a sentence has been finished in written questions.

In a nutshell, questions aim to comprehend, clarify, frame, and assess, but answers, at their best, are transient reactions whose relative quality can deteriorate over time, necessitating reformulation, remaking, and reevaluation as the world itself changes.

To read more about Questions, refer to -


How did Archaeology and Old English affect the English language


The main way and method in which Archaeology and Old English affected the English language is through the invasion of foreign forces from 1066 until date.

What is Language?

This refers to the means of communication that is used by a group of persons to communicate or send a message that contains certain phonemes, sounds, and meanings.

Hence, we can see that archaeology has played a huge role in the formation or evolution of the English language and this can be seen in the many changes the language has undertaken over the last 1500 years through many invasions and cultural diffusions.

Read more about the English Language here:



The words ‘English’ and ‘England’ derive from one of these tribes, the ‘Angles’. Words from North Germanic origin also flooded into the English language, especially in the north of England, due to the Viking invasions, which started in around 850. This was a main influence on the creation and development of the Old English language.


Which word in the following thesis statement is a qualifier? "The death penalty for most crimes should be abolished."


The word in the following thesis statement that is a qualifier is: Most.

What is a qualifier?

A qualifier is a word that makes a sentence more specific. It reduces the tone of the statement from being overly generalized to specific and relatable. In the sentence above, we can see that the word, most is a qualifier for the crimes being committed.

Now, we are made to understand that the death penalty is not ideal for all crimes but most crimes. When used in this sense the generalization is well reduced. Some, none, and most are other examples of qualifiers.

Learn more about qualifiers here:


how did Macbeth feel seeing the dagger?



Continuing to gaze upon the dagger, he thinks he sees blood on the blade, then abruptly decides that the vision is just a manifestation of his unease over killing Duncan. The night around him seems thick with horror and witchcraft, but Macbeth stiffens and resolves to do his bloody work.

Yet, he starts to wonders if the dagger which he sees is a 'fatal vision' or a mere hallucination. Macbeth wonders if this dagger is a result of his 'heat-oppressed' or fevered brain referring to his growing insanity. Being it a part of the great tragedy, the soliloquy comes with implied stage direction.

What happens once Meg frees Charles Wallace from IT's power?


Meg ultimately saves Charles Wallace by going by herself to Camazotz and faces IT and embraces her love for Charles Wallace. She thinks about how much she loves him.

Which line contains a noun phrase?
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the Gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.


Hope is the thing with feathers is the line contains a noun phrase. The poem starts off by inventing a metaphor likening the human quality of hope to a bird. The poem describes hope to a noun, bird that resides in a person's soul and sings in all weather conditions, including rain, wind, and hard times. Because birds are such lovely creatures, having hope is wonderful. But like optimism, birds are equally prone to danger. They both require meticulous maintenance because they are priceless beings.

Write a short note on 'Hope is the thing with feathers'.

"Hope is the thing with feathers" is a popular poem by the American poet Emily Dickinson. This poem, which extols hope as a virtue, also emphasizes how vital hope is to surviving. In one's life, hope is portrayed as a weak but lovely element. But optimism triumphs, being a constant for the speaker and promoting healing.

Dickinson claims that even in her darkest moments, she could always hear the music of hope. She uses pictures of desolate areas to imply that there shouldn't have been any hope. Hope never asked for anything in return, even during these trying times. The speaker is seen to be badly affected by despair, which almost destroys them. In order to produce a vibrant sound, bring the bird to life, and mirror the joyous subject matter, Dickinson penned this poem in ballad meter.

To learn more about 'Hope is the thing with feathers', visit:


Write an esoteric reference from elementary or middle school.
(Four sentences)


Examples of esoteric references:

My friend has an esoteric assortment of vintage games and toys.

My class teacher has fairly esoteric fashion preferences.

Define a esoteric concept.

Esoteric translates as "not widely known or public." Esoteric typically refers to obscure and only understood by a small group of people with specialized (and possibly secret) knowledge.

It is frequently used to refer to information that should only be known by those who have been initiated into a particular group. When you say something is esoteric, you're implying that only a tiny group of people are aware of, cognizant of, or appreciative of it.  It may used in sentences like:

I was drawn to him because of his esoteric hobbies and unaffected smile.

There are many modest individuals with a wealth of esoteric knowledge in the world.

To learn more about esoteric, visit:


When a source was written is important because it must be appropriate to
O a. Time and Topic
b. Year ar Day
Oc. Topic and Author
O d. Popular Opinion



C - The source has to be about the topic of interest and due respect is given to the person who has presented the information to you.

What graphic would you use to best support an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe?


The graphic that best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe is option c. a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish.

What is the text about?

An explanation is a form of non-fiction text that explains a process in an explanatory text (for example, how something works or why something happens).

A sort of non-fiction work known as an explanation text employs concise phrases and straightforward vocabulary. For example, you won't find many descriptive words, metaphors, or others.

Note that the use of video will help show the step by step of making the recipe.

Learn more about explanatory text from

See full question below

Which graphic best supports an explanatory text about how to prepare a recipe? (1 point)

a. a chart that shows types of vegetables

b. a photograph that shows a cooked dish

c. a video that shows the steps in cooking a dish

d. a diagram that shows types of cooking knives

1. They made a plan to visit the office in Chicago. Function: _____________________


Based on the given sentence: "They made a plan to visit the office in Chicago.", the grammatical name of this sentence is a verb phrase and the function is to show the action of the verb about visiting Chicago

What is a Verb Phrase?

This refers to the type of phrase that is used in a given sentence that contains a verb and its auxiliaries that performs a specific function in a given sentence.

Hence, we can see that from the given sentence, there is the use of a verb phrase: "to visit the office in Chicago." and this serves the function and purpose to show the action of the verb about visiting Chicago

Read more about verb phrases here:


Complete the following sentences with the suitable form of the adjectives or adverbs of the words in the parenthesis in each sentence
1. It is a ______________________ (beauty) drawn picture. It looks very ____________ (beauty) on the wall.
2. I did the homework _______________________ (complete) by myself. I am an __________________ (autonomy) student.
3. James was a very _______________________ (love) student in the class although he was the _________________________ (little) boy in the class.
4. James is the _____________________________ (tall) of the twins. Twins live _________________________ (long) than singles.



1 beautifully - beautiful
2 completed - autonomics
3 lovely - littlest
4 tallest - longer


A ____is a defect in the reasoning of an
argument that causes it to be invalid, unsound, or weak.




what page # is It seemed funny that the sunset [Cherry] saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset. on/


The page number in The Outsider that contains the quotes "It seemed funny that the sunset [Cherry] saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset" is p. 35 of chapter 2.

What chapters do Ponyboy and Cherry talk about sunsets and sunrises?

The book "The outsiders" talk about seeing the same sunsets in chapters 2 and 3, page 35-40. They remind themselves that irrespective of the differences between their socioeconomic status and geographical locations they both see the very same sunsets.

These sunsets and sunrises represent beauty and goodness in the world  as well as common humanity of all people regardless of the social standing according to the book.

Learn more on the outsider here:


Select "Correct" if the sentence is punctuated correctly and "Run-on" if it is not.

Riding the express train is a pleasure, the cars are air-conditioned.

A) Correct
B) Run-on

I’ve asked this question before but I keep getting mixed answers:/


A) Correct. I don’t see anything wrong with punctuation.
B run-on
It’s starting a new topic so it also needs to start a new sentence

3. What role does nature, particularly the seasons
and the weather, play in the story? Explain how
the author uses natural imagery, referring to
specific examples from the text in your response.


Nature, the changing of the seasons, and the weather play a part in highlighting the difficulties the postman must face.

What do adverse weather conditions have on the postman?

The daily struggles and joys a postman experiences with his working uncle are depicted in "The Postmaster."

A postman must, as we all know, overcome several obstacles to finish his deliveries, and one of these obstacles is caused by nature.

This is because weather, seasons, and environment can make it challenging for the postman to reach his destination. After all, they might encourage arduous terrain to walk on and extremely cold or extremely hot situations.

Therefore, we can conclude that the plot is strongly influenced by nature, the changing of the seasons, and the weather because these elements directly affect the postman and his objectives.

Learn more about Nature from the given link.


Title Now is the time for running
pages/chapter read


It concerns choices and opportunities, as well as life and death. In the young adult book "Now Is the Time for Running," two brothers who live in Zimbabwe are compelled to flee after government soldiers raid their town, steal their food, and attack the locals.

Who is now the time for running's major character?

Deo serves as the narrative's major character. Innocent, Deo's older brother, encourages Deo and his buddies as they play soccer on the arid fields of Zimbabwe. It's a typical day like any other. . . Up until the military show up and Deo and Innocent must flee for their lives.

Therefore, Deo, a teenage boy who lives in Zimbabwe, is the subject of the book Now is The Time for Running.

Learn more about it, Now is the time for running from the given link.


And whatever he touched in that rich fortress of his soul sprang into golden life: as the years passed, the fruit
trees-the peach, the plum, the cherry, the apple grew great and bent beneath their clusters. His grape vines
thickened into brawny ropes of brown and coiled down the high wire fences of his lot, and hung in a dense
fabric, upon his trellises, roping his domain twice around. They climbed the porch end of the house and
framed the upper windows in thick bowers. And the flowers grew in rioting glory in his yard-the velvet-
leaved nasturtium, slashed with a hundred tawny dyes, the rose, the snowball, the redcupped tulip, and the
The author uses sensory details in this excerpt to create images of?


The author uses bountiful harvests, to suggest Gant’s agricultural success sensory details in the excerpt to create images.

The phrases "His wine vines extended into brawny ropes of brown" and "And the flowers flowered in rioting splendor in his yard—the velvet-leaved nasturtium, slashed with a hundred tawny hues" in the extract offer a richness of sensory details on Gant's crops.

Our sensory-motor skills are enhanced by these sensory details of Gant's harvests, which help to communicate an impression of abundance and high-quality commodities. The integration of the sensory and motor systems is known as sensory-motor coupling.

Hence the correct answer is D i.e. bountiful harvests, to suggest Gant’s agricultural success.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is;

And whatever he touched in that rich fortress of his soul sprang into golden life: as the years passed, the fruit trees—the peach, the plum, the cherry, the apple—grew great and bent beneath their clusters. His grape vines thickened into brawny ropes of brown and coiled down the high wire fences of his lot, and hung in a dense fabric, upon his trellises, roping his domain twice around. They climbed the porch end of the house and framed the upper windows in thick bowers. And the flowers grew in rioting glory in his yard—the velvet-leaved nasturtium, slashed with a hundred tawny dyes, the rose, the snowball, the red cupped tulip, and the lily.

The author uses sensory details in this excerpt to create images of

excess and riches, to suggest Gant’s interest in materialism.

shades and barriers, to suggest Gant’s need for privacy.

colorful sceneries, to suggest Gant’s artistic aptitude.

bountiful harvests, to suggest Gant’s agricultural success.

To learn more about Sensory here:


Comprehension Questions for “Introduction to Antigone” by Bernard Knox
The word consecrate comes from the Latin consecrare, meaning “sacred,” and that “consecrate” means “to honor or to make sacred.” The Latin prefix de- means “apart, away, off, or from.” Use this understanding of Latin roots and affixes as well as context clues in the passage to determine the meaning of desecration in the last paragraph. Write your explanation and your definition of “desecration” here.


Definition of “desecration”- the acti-on of damaging or show-ing no respect tow-ards some-thing holy or very much respect-ed. the act of treat-ing some-thing sacred or sole-mn in a sacrile-gious or dis-respectful way.

For example - People were horrified at the desecration of the cemetery.

Desec-ration of sa-cred sites and obj-ects was wide-spread.

Prefix is an affix at the begin-ning of a wo-rd and suf-fix is an affix at the end of a wo-rd. A basic word to wh-ich affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are add-ed is call-ed a root word beca-use it forms the ba-sis of a new wo-rd. The root wo-rd is also a wo-rd in its own rig-ht.

To know more about desecration click below:


Exercise 1 Using Different Sentence Openers. Rewrite the beginning of each sentence below.
Use as many different openers as you can, and label the type of opener in each case.
1. Many new houses in the West, in contrast, do not have attics or basements.
2. The child got lost in the crowd at the fair.
3. He sprained his ankle, dashing for a bus.
4. They felt that they could not leave the place until they had fulfilled their obligations.
5. The Red Cross in its Basic First Aid Course teaches three methods to stop bleeding.
6. Mavis was careful not to overwater the begonia to avoid rotting the plant's roots.
7. A six-cylinder engine uses less fuel, not surprisingly, than does one with eight cylinders.
8. The dog. lonely and sad, watched me through the window.
9. Antique jewelry and furniture are smart investments because they appreciate in value rather than
10. A faint glimmer appeared through the window.


The use of different sentence openers for each sentence is given below:

1. Despite the fact that there are attics in the West, many new houses in the West, do not have attics or basements.

2. As a consequence, the child got lost in the crowd at the fair.

3. As a result, he sprained his ankle, dashing for a bus.

4. Due to their sense of duty, they felt that they could not leave the place until they had fulfilled their obligations.

5. Thankfully, the Red Cross in its Basic First Aid Course teaches three methods to stop bleeding.

6. Therefore, Mavis was careful not to overwater the begonia to avoid rotting the plant's roots.

7. As a result, a six-cylinder engine uses less fuel, not surprisingly, than one with eight cylinders.

8. Consequently, the dog. lonely and sad, watched me through the window.

9. It is no secret that antique jewelry and furniture are smart investments because they appreciate in value rather than depreciate.

10. As a result, a faint glimmer appeared through the window.

What is a Sentence Opener?

This refers to the use of a subordinate clause in a given sentence that acts as a precursor for the complete sentence that introduces an idea and is grammatically correct and accurate.

Read more about sentence openers here:


What does the text say about ancient women and power? Responses They had political influence. They had political influence. Women only held military power. Women only held military power. Women held many different types of power. Women held many different types of power. They never held power of any kind. They never held power of any kind. Question 2 Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A. Which line from the text best supports the answer in Part A? Responses "'Because that space is particularly male-dominated, power and men become equated.'" "'Because that space is particularly male-dominated, power and men become equated.'" "'What makes sense to us as power isn't always what power is to people in other times and places.'" "'What makes sense to us as power isn't always what power is to people in other times and places.'" "'While influence is a form of power, it's not the same as direct control and authority over others.'" "'While influence is a form of power, it's not the same as direct control and authority over others.'" "'All too often, power is often wrongly attributed to just the public, political sphere.'" "'All too often, power is often wrongly attributed to just the public, political sphere.'" Skip to navigation


The thing that the text say about ancient women and power is option D: Women held many different types of power.

The line from the text that best supports the answer in Part A is option C: "'What makes sense to us as power isn't always what power is to people in other times and places.'"

What is the link about women and power?

Women are frequently active change agents who inspire both sexes to take action, assert their rights, build stronger communities, and save the environment. Democratic governance is fundamentally dependent on their participation.

"A strong woman is someone who can love herself and is self-assured about who she is. She may have strong opinions, but she also has the capacity to change her mind, accept responsibility for her actions, and treat people with kindness.

Therefore, People who view power as a resource see it as a beneficial social asset that is now distributed unevenly. Feminists who view power in this sense aim to redistribute it so that women have an equal amount of power to males.

Learn more about women and power from

See full question below

Refer to the Newsela article "Who Was the Most Powerful Woman in Ancient History?"

Part A

What does the text say about ancient women and power?

They never held power of any kind.

They had political influence.

Women held many different types of power.

Women only held military power.

Question 2

Part B

Which line from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

"'All too often, power is often wrongly attributed to just the public, political sphere.'"

"'Because that space is particularly male-dominated, power and men become equated.'"

"'What makes sense to us as power isn't always what power is to people in other times and places.'"

"'While influence is a form of power, it's not the same as direct control and authority over others.'"

Other Questions
An astronomical telescope is used to view distant stars. How does the angle between the just-resolvable light from two stars differ if the average light from the stars is red or if it is blue?. explain why the water strider is able to land on the surface of the water. use your knowledge of intermolecular forces and draw a particle diagram to justify your explanation If housekeeping normally takes 10 minutes to prepare a patients room, how many rooms can one housekeeper be expected to handle in an 8 hour shift when aluminum (al) reacts with oxygen (o2) in a synthesis reaction, what is the chemical formula of the product? group of answer choices alo2 none of these options al2o3 al3o2 Determine when the function is positive, negative, increasing, or decreasing. Then describe the end behavior of the function. identify the error in the diagram below. what's wrong with it. 70pts please give me a short short sentence using the word contribute in the sentence a project has an expected risky cash flow of $500 in years 1, 2 and 3. the risk-free rate is 4 percent, the expected market rate of return is 14 percent, and the project's beta is 1.20. (a) calculate the certainty equivalents cash flow for years 1, 2 and 3 (ceq). (b) what is the difference between the ceqs and the pvs of the year 1, 2, 3 risky cash flows? What changed as a result of civil rights legislation?A. a majority of African Americans bought homesB. a majority of African Americans passed literacy testsC. a majority of African Americans attended universitiesD. a majority of African Americans registered to vote what do conference committees do? a. reconcile differences between chambers b. monitor the bureaucracy c. override the veto of the president d. produce reports that may be amended on the house floor 1. 1/4 of a vegetable garden has broccoli and 2/3 of the garden has peppers. How much of the garden has vegetables growing in it?2. Jessica and Maria are both making slime with different recipes. Jessicas recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of flour and Marias recipe calls for 2/3 cups of flour. How many cups of flour will they need in order to make both of their batches of slime?3. Donnie has a pool and recently discovered a leak. He continues to patch the leak until someone can come out to repair it. After all the water has completely drained out of the pool due to the patch coming off, it takes him two days to fill the pool back up. It takes three days for the pool to drain completely. How long would it take to fill the pool if the patch is off while Donnie is refilling it?4. I baked a cake for my sibilants. My brother ate 1/8 of the cake and my sister ate 3/4. How much of the cake is left for me?5. Amanda is making oatmeal cookies with raisins and pecans for her club. The recipe makes seventeen oatmeal cookies. It takes 1/4 of a cup of nuts and 1/2 a cup of radons just for seventeen cookies! There are thirty-four members in Amandas club. If she makes exactly thirty-four cookies, how many cups of nuts will she need?6. Felipe has a business where he builds and sells birdhouses. To build 12 birdhouses, he needs 5 1/4 meters of wood. During the holiday season, Felipe was asked to make 4 1/2 times the number of birdhouses he usually makes. How many meters of wood does Felipe need to make that many birdhouses? 7. It is Nadines birthday, and she is making walnut brownies for her sleepover. She invited eight of her friends to her party. The recipe that she is using makes twenty-four brownies, but she only wants to make eight. The recipe for twenty-four calls for 4 1/2 cups of walnuts. How many cups of walnuts will she need for eight people?8. A candy bar is 5 1/3 inches long. If it is divided into pieces that are 1 1/4 inches long, then how many pieces of candy bar will there be?9. A maple tree can grow in average to be 90 feet tall. Redwood trees can grow to be 2 2/3 times bigger than a maple tree. What is the average height of a Redwood tree?10. A piece of rope is 24 1/2 feet long. How many 1/4- foot sections can be cut from it? which of the following is true of the research that digitized multiple faces and averaged them using a computer? group of answer choices a) averaged faces and bodies tend to be perfectly symmetrical, a characteristic of attractive people. b) people find the composite faces less appealing than almost all the actual faces. c) an average leg-length-to-body ratio looks less attractive than very short or long legs. d) averaged looks least embody prototypes and thus are difficult for the brain to process and c consider a situation in which you analyze a mixture of the starting alcohol and the alkene product of an elimination reaction using tlc. if you used a reverse phase tlc plate, which compound would have the higher retention factor? group of answer choices the alkene in what ways does reviewing existing works aid in the research process? identify a topic of interest and provide an example of how and why you might perform a review of existing literature/artifacts on that topic. The Monty Corporation has a staff of sales people who are paid a monthly salary of $1,600.00 plus an incremental commission based on the table below. If Sally sells $29,700.00, what is her total gross pay for the month Why is light important to our laying chickens? during the month, evergreen roofing settled $600 in warranty claims by replacing the defective flashing. evergreen uses an estimated warranty account. the journal entry to record the settled claims would have been: This is an excerpt from a ninth-grade history textbook:Trench warfare had been used throughout history, but it ismost commonly associated with fighting in World War I.Trenches were as deep as 12 feet and often constructed ina zigzag pattern. By the end of 1914, an estimated 475miles of trenches had been dug on the Western Front.Which statement best represents the main idea of this source?A. Trench warfare was used a lot in World War I.B. Fighting in trenches was dangerous and boring.C. An estimated 475 miles of trenches were built.D. Trenches were often dug to a depth of 12 feet. look at the arrows pointing towards atmospheric CO2. what are two major sources of atmospheric carbon? For many-electron systems each principal energy level is split into of differing energies. The energy of an orbital in such a system is affected by the charge, by repulsions between , and by orbital shape.