PLEASEE HELP I NEED IT NOWW WILL GIVE 40 POINTSS TO OKAY ANSWERRead lost in the wilderness one man’s five day fight for survival explain how the topic of survival is explored in similar or different ways through both RainsFord in the short story and Mike Vilhauer in the news story. Provide specific evidence from both text to support your claims


Answer 1


Survival was explored by Mike Vilhauer and Rainsford in both similar and different ways from each other. One way that these two similarly tried to survive is that Mike and Rainsford tried to seek a safe area to spend the night when they first got lost. Mike "decided to make shelter under a pine tree" and Rainsford "reached a flat place at the top...All he knew was that he was safe". The different ways that survival was explored between these two is that Rainsford was able to search for clues to find humans while Mike tried to get humans to find him. This is shown when Rainsford "examined the ground closely and found what he had hoped to find—the print of hunting boots" while Mike "used cypress needles to spell out 'HELP'" hoping a helicopter would come to him.

Answer 2

Answer: I`m only 12 so please forgive me if its not worded great! It should be correct I verified it

    Coming to the new world would have its struggles, which is to be expected because you would have to start all over and moving is hard enough so there would be challenges. I think the best option would be to find a place to settle near water such a spring because spring water is safe to drink due to aquifers under ground which are made of lime stone which filters water. That would spare me from having to build a well. Then get enough food to last awhile and start building a house or a shelter of some sort. I'd also need a place for whatever livestock I brought with me because no matter where you settle there are bound to be predators such as wolves. I could add a lot more but this is WAY more than two examples I'm sorry!

Related Questions

PLEASE HELP: To what extent do institutions emphasize conformity at the expense of individuality?



Individuality refers to the quality of being unique and doing things in a way that isn't the same as the way most people do things.

Conformity, on the other hand, is when a person tries to blend in and behave in a certain way to fit into a particular standard. When a person conforms, he or she does not stand out from a crowd but rather blends in.

Institutions emphasize individuality, only if the individual does not go against the ethics or rules of the profession. It is much safer to conform and go with the trend in an institution because, that way, you would rarely go wrong.

With this in mind, an institution emphasizes conformity but is flexible with allowing talented people some room for individualism.

The following is an example of an opinion concerning the extent to which institutions emphasize conformity at the expense of individuality in the following manner:

Institutions exist with the purpose of organizing society, maintaining a certain order and preventing people from behaving in harmful ways to themselves and others.

However, their existence comes at an expense. When we allow institutions to govern our lives, we give them the power to tell us what to do and how to do it. And one thing that all institutions have in common is their demand that we conform to rules by letting go of our individuality.

When you belong to an institution (a school, an organization, a business, a church), you are told what to wear, when to arrive and when to go home, what to say or how to behave, etc. Even if you would like to act, dress, or think differently, you must conform to their rules in order to be a part of them.

In other words, the things we could do, say, or wear in order to express our tastes and preferences, that is, our individuality, are suppressed. To be seen as a respectable, functional member of that institution, we must leave aside what truly makes us ourselves.

Writing texts expressing opinions:First, decide on what opinion you would like to express. In this case, you must decide whether you think institutions do emphasize conformity at the expense of individuality or not.Once you make you decision, begin drafting some ideas. Why do you think that way? What examples can you think of that support your opinion?Begin writing. Keep in mind that your text must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.Present your claim or opinion in the introduction. Then, in the two or three paragraphs that follow, provide the examples that serve as evidence for that opinion.Conclude by simply wrapping up, restating you opinion.

Learn more about writing texts here:

Which statement best states the claim, or main point, that Bacon builds upon in this passage?


Part A was which statement best states the claim, or main point, that Bacon builds upon in this passage?

A. Holding high office causes people to do evil.

B. Holding high office is one of the noblest aspirations.

C. Holding high office has costs as great as any of the benefits.

D. Holding high office helps people serve others in many ways.


C. Holding high office has costs as great as any of the benefits.


The statement that best states the claim that Bacon made in the passage is the third statement because it shows that holding high office comes at a great cost and that highly placed powerful people are really servants, both to the state, fame, or business which takes away a degree of their freedom.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Holding high office has costs as great as any of the benefits.

an author writes a book that consists of letters written back and forth bewtween two characters. which literary technique is he using?



Hey there!

Alliteration is used. Alliteration is when words next to each other begin with the same character.

For example, "Sheep should sleep in a shed." Is alliteration.

Let me know if this helps :)

Discuss the characterization of Norma and compare this to Arthur. Why does Mr. Steward believe Norma did not know Arthur?



Norma is described as a less humanitarian person who does not care who will die, since it is someone she does not know. This is different from how Arthur is characterized, as he is more concerned with the consequences of his actions.

Mr. Steward believed that Norma does not know Arthur because it is Arthur who is killed so that she receives the money.


This question refers to the short story "Button button" that tells the story of the couple Norma and Arthur who are going through financial problems. One day, they receive a box with a button on top and a note written by Mr. Steward, who states that they will receive $ 50,000 if they press the button on the box, but in doing so, a person they do not know will die.

Norma is very inconsequential and willing to press the button and receive the money, but Arthur is sorry because he is afraid that an innocent baby will be killed if they press the button.

Norma ends up pressing the button, after a while and Arthur ends up dying in a train accident, causing Norma to receive $ 50,000. Norma is embittered by this and asks Mr. Steward why her husband died and Mr. Steward replies that if he died, it is because Norma didn't really know him.

an instruction that might be a clue that a writing assignment is asking you to present an argument is



state your point of view is the answer


 An instruction that might be a clue that a writing assignment is asking you to present an argument is

State your point of view...

when was pluto was formally downgraded from planet to dwarf planet



In August of 2006

Hope this helps :)



Which vocabulary word is used to describe phony behavior?





A phony behavior is a type of behavior that is not real, but fake or disguised.

The term is used to describe people who live a fake life or who are not true to themselves.

Therefore, the vocabulary word that is used to describe phony behavior is feigned because "to feign" means to pretend or be insincere.

Use either infinitive or gerund in the following sentences in order
to make them correct:
1. His only
aim was te cheat (to cheat / cheating)
2. Fish
in this stream is permitted for license holders. (to
9. Use either infinitive or gerund in the following sentences in
order to make them correct:
I will lock the door to prevent/preventing theft.
What is essential is to maintain/maintaining a healthy diet.
Choose the best adverb to complete each sentence.
1. During autumn, colorful leaves can be seen falling
A. everywhere B. very C. gently D. loudly
2. My grandmother always smiled chestully
A. cheerfully B. sadly C. never D. yesterday
should look after Their children​



1. His only  aim was to cheat.

2. Fishing  in this stream is permitted for license holders.

I will lock the door to prevent theft.

What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet.

A. everywhere

A. cheerfully


An infinitive is the use of "-to+base verb" in a sentence while a gerund is the present participle form of the verb "-ing". So, whether a gerund is used or an infinitive is used in a sentence all depends on how the sentence is structured and the form of the main verb.

1. His only aim was to cheat. -Infinitive.

2. Fishing in this stream is permitted for license holders.- gerund

1. I will lock the door to prevent theft. - infinitive

2. What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet.- infinitive.

Adverbs are those words that modify the verb in a sentence. So, how they work will be based on what the verb is.

In sentence 1, the adverb is "everywhere" and in sentence 2, the adverb is "cheerfully". There are no options provided for the third sentence.

Which statement best explains how the poet’s use figurative language in this excerpt conveys the tone?


The correct answer is A. The speaker conveys a sense of disgust by using sensory details to portray a grimy city scene.


The excerpt from "Preludes" focuses on describing a dirty and depressing city scene. This is mainly expressed through details that appeal to the senses, such as "now a gusty shower wraps" or "And newspapers from vacant lots" because these appeal to the reader's sight and show the pollution of the city. This means, in this poem the author uses sensory details to show how grimy the city is. Moreover, the tone or attitude of the speaker is disgust because the author shows this dirtiness is negative through details such as "the grimy scraps". According to this, the correct answer is A.

Two friends bought a packet of cucumber seeds.They argued that the seeds were not living.Here is what they said:
Dulce:”I think they are alive in the sealed packet.”
Jonathan:”I don’t think they are alive until they are planted in the soil.
-which person do you agree with most?
-explain your reasoning

Can someone help me with this?(thx:)


Answer: Dulce


Dulce’s comment make more sense since there are still seeds in the cucumber you are still able to take them out and put them in soil and regenerated. When you eat plants, you can never destroy them permanently. You eat a fruit, the seed will germinate. You discard a stem, life will emerge, you discard a flower, they will pollinate.

does anyone go to Mcclintock





What is MOST likely the reason the author
included information about altering the
adenovirus 5?



Report the possibility of adenovirus mutations.


The changes in the adenovirus shown by the author during the article, represent changes in the genetic material of the virus that changes its entire structure and composition. This represents a mutation, which causes the virus to present itself completely differently.

The author's intention in showing these changes is to show the possibility of mutations in the adenovirus.

And so she goes over to look, can't find Pluto, and this
reporter says I think I've got a story here, telephones back
to get the science reporter, and the science reporter files a
story that makes page one of the New York Times on
January 22, 2001, by the way, and what else is going on in
the world that day? Bush had just been inaugurated in
Washington. They're still counting chads in Florida. You'd
think other news would be filling page one, but no. There it
was: "Pluto Not A Planet? Only In New York." And that's
when the real wave of hate mail started coming in,
Neil deGrasse Tyson, interview by Melissa Block,
"Astrophysicist Chronicles Battle over Pluto"
Which excerpt from Tyson's preface or interview conveys the most emotion?


Answer: and that’s when the real wave of hate mail started coming in

Explanation: apex

As a perfect,write a letter to the principal about habits that should be discouraged among students and that should be encouraged among teachers



Letter to the principal about habits that should be discouraged among students and that should be encouraged among teachers.



The Principal

ABC Public School

New Jersey


Date: 12 April 2020

Subject: Proposal of habits to be discouraged among the students and encouraged among the teachers.

Respected Sir,

It is with utmost respect and concern that I am writing to you regarding some of the habits that have come to the attention of the school's student awareness association. As a representative of the student community and the prefect, it is my duty to bring to your attention to the issues in our school.

There have been some concerns from the teachers and parents that students have taken advantage of the cell phone especially in class. So, if the accessibility or use of cellphones inside the classrooms is prohibited, then there is a high chance that they might actually listen to the teaching. Moreover, there should be a certain dress code or limit given to the students so that they can have a certain common ground instead of the richer ones overdressing and showing off while the poorer ones suffer humiliation.

And regarding the teachers, I have seen that many teachers actually take it upon themselves to impose strict rules on how classes are taken and even gave detention and punishment in various forms to the students disrupting them. So, I think that this practice should be allowed to all teachers without the need to worry about the school's review board, and it may also help in better disciplining the students while they are in the learning process.

I hope that you will consider the points highlighted and make decisions accordingly.

Thank you.


Ashley James


why is summarizing better than paraphrasing?



summarizing is when you are telling a brief and exact story or point but paraphrasing is like writing the full story but still getting the point and people always want a brief point that still makes sense.

What the person above said

what is the author's tone? the castle loomed over me, its tall towers like the fingernails of the devil himself.



the author's tone is isolated and consternation


you can tell by the words loomed and devil


the author's tone is frightful


4.Ian is a financial _______ . He is a reporter who specialized in stories about the economy.



anchor, or journalist


Ian can be a financial anchor/journalist who talks about the economy. Hope this helps!

Which answer choice describes a moment of situational irony in narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass?

A. Douglass writes passes for travel for the other enslaved people, even though they know nothing about Canada or the northern states.

B. Mr. Freeland allows his enslaved people to do as they wish, and so douglass begins teaching them how to read.

C. Mr Freeland is described as the best master Douglass ever had, even though Freeland was highly religious and serious.

D. Douglass describes how granting enslaved people time off at the holidays allows masters to maintain control over them for the rest of the year.

I will give brainliest.



The answer is D


I just took the test Hope it helps

The statement which describes a moment of situational irony in the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass is that Douglass describes how granting enslaved people time off during the holidays allows masters to maintain control over them for the rest of the year. Hence, Option D is correct.

What do you mean by situational irony?

A literary device known as situational irony occurs when the expected result does not occur or the opposite occurs.

Situational irony is the irony of something occurring that is drastically out of the ordinary. An ordinary fire station catching fire or someone tweeting that social media is a waste of time are two examples of situational irony.

Hence, The statement which describes a moment of situational irony in the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass is that Douglass describes how granting enslaved people time off during the holidays allows masters to maintain control over them for the rest of the year. Option D is correct.

Learn more about situational irony:


Read the passage.

Amira is punctilious about where everything in her room should go, and can't stand it when anything is out of place. Her friend Luz is the exact opposite, leaving a trail of stray pens, sticky notes, and unmatched gym socks wherever she goes.

What does the word punctilious most likely suggest? Select two options.

that Amira is somewhat neat
that Amira is indifferent about how her room looks
that Amira is controlling with regard to details
that Amira is lazy and unmotivated
that Amira is uptight about cleanliness



c and e


just got it right

The of book printing led to the first mass production of books in Europe. One printing press could produce 3,600 pages per day, as compared to about 2,000 by printing or just a few by hand-copying methods.



The mechanization of book printing led to the first mass production of books in Europe. One printing press could produce 3,600 pages per day, as compared to about 2,000 by typographic block printing and just a few by hand-copying methods.


The Printing Press was first invented by German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg, in 1440. This discovery became one of the most influential developments in the history of the world, starting the Printing revolution.

With Johannes Gutenberg's discovery/ invention, the world of literary works became much easier to procure and reach, even for the poorer sections of the society who were unable to get to prior to this discovery. Moreover, the mechanization of the printing process led to a huge surge in the production of books in Europe. In a huge disparity between the production levels, the former process of typographical block printing which produces about 2,000 pages per day was replaced by the production of 3,600 pages per day with the mechanical process.

Share your parents old memories



"Once we went to this carnival with rollercoasters and all sorts of fun attractions to see. It was our first time and we were very excited. We thought of taking our kids there all the time. We had a great time there. One of our best memeroies"



"We were walking around in the park once upon a time. Light footed and our spirits bright. Now we walk heavily, with the weight of a child. Every time it kicks it seems to be the price of a grudge, but nonetheless we trudge."

Sheila looks at the above Web site because she wants to find a recipe for brownies. Which icon should she click on? A. cookies B. pies C. fruit D. chocolate


she should click on b

How do you think your graduate educational experience will be different from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What would be the key components of a learning community and how might it be different from an undergraduate learning community? Are communication and collaboration expectation the same in a graduate learning community



i dont think that school education degree is what you re.there are some frop outs that make millions there

general direction of changes or delelopments
A) considerable
B) trend
C) correction
D) devastating


The general direction of changes developments is Trend


B is the correct answer just took the test


1. mezzo medicine 2. arachnid construction 3. igneous firefighting 4. troposphere music 5. monolithic pour literature 6. entree culinary arts 7. heterotropia meteorology 8. allusion geology 9. stinger biology



1. Mezzo: music

2. Arachnid: biology

3. Igneous: geology

4. Troposphere: meteorology

5. Monolithic pour: construction

6. Entree: culinary arts

7. Heterotropia: medicine

8. Allusion: literature

9. Stinger: firefighting


The specific terms that are used primarily in particular professions or fields are termed as Jargon. These words are comprehended and understood among the people belonging to the same profession, or academic genre. The terminology helps in providing the particular meaning and helping in the process of better communication.

In the given question, the terms and the technical fields in which they are used have been incorrectly paired up. The terms and their technical fields have been matched correctly and stated above.

Reread lines 67–78. How does Tough think OneGoal might be improved? Support your answer with explicit textual evidence.
Article: Kewauna's Ambition
Those numbers grow more significant when you recall that OneGoal teachers are deliberately selecting struggling students who seem especially unlikely to go to college. Jeff Nelson would be the first to admit that what he has created is far from a perfect solution for the widespread dysfunction of the country’s human-capital pipeline. Ideally, we should have in place an education and social support system that produces teenagers from the South Side who aren’t regularly two or three or four years behind grade level. For now, though, OneGoal and the theories that underlie it seem like a most valuable intervention, a program that, for about fourteen hundred dollars a year per student, regularly turns underperforming, undermotivated, low-income teenagers into successful college students.



Tough thinks that OneGoal needs improvement as only 66% of the students remain enrolled in the college after graduating from high school.


The given text is taken from the book entitled ' How  Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character' written by Paul Tough. The book is based on Tough's research on OneGoal Program. OneGoal is a program that works to encourage students for postsecondary education.

In the article titled 'Kewauna’s  Ambition' taken from his book, Tough says that OneGoal needs improvement. He asserts this based on the statistics that only 66% of the students remain enrolled in the college after graduating from high school. He asserts that even Jeff Nelson, CEO of OneGoal, would agree that the program is way beyond perfect solution at present.

Textual Evidence:

'Jeff Nelson would be the first to admit that what he has created is far from a perfect solution for the widespread dysfunction of the country’s human-capital pipeline.'

What type of conflict does this passage reveal? character vs. character character vs. nature character vs. self character vs. society​


Answer: C: Character vs. self

Explanation: I guessed wrong twice and seen the answer


A Character .vs. Self

Explanation: the dude below me was almost write but had the wrong letter

How might an audio recording reflect the setting in this passage? Check all of the boxes that apply. With sound effects of clanging pans With the characters’ tones of voice With the reading of stage directions With sound effects of footsteps


Answer: A,C,and D


An audio recording reflects the setting in this passage as-

With sound effects of clanging pansWith the reading of stage directionsWith sound effects of footsteps

What is the setting in the story?

The setting of a tale is its period and location. It is a literary device seen in plays, novels, short stories, films, and other forms of writing. It is typically introduced alongside the characters during the exposition of the plot.

The environment of the tale might relate to the social and cultural setting, as well as the climate and weather, in addition to the physical location. There are numerous ways to indicate setting by time and location.

The audio recording reflects the sound and transitions which helps to create a suspense and thrilling atmosphere especially used in horror movies. In the passage audio recording help in footsteps and stage direction.

Learn more about the Setting, here:


The rise of meal delivery service HomeBites and the app Foodie (that allows users to rate restaurants) are just two instance of how technology has dominated our eating culture.




That is SO true!

The main idea of "Kelvin Doe - A Young Engineer"


Answer:The central idea of the story is how a teen boy changed the lives of the people in his community by his innovative approach to life. In the middle of the night Kelvin made his living room in to a small electronics scrapyard.


Explanation: what does that mean

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