
Answer 1




Letter B .their own president

Answer 2
Answer is B
Their own resident
Can I get brainliest

Related Questions

the jeffersonian-republicans are usually characterized as strict constructionists who were opposed to the broad constructionism of the federalists. to what extent was this characterization of the two parties accurate during the presidencies of jefferson and madison?


The Jeffersonian Republicans are typically described as strict constructionists who resisted the wide in terms of the federal Constitution.

- Economic and political influence is extending to America as the conflict in Europe continues. As presidents, Jefferson and Madison face challenges defending the reputation of their nation and acting on their convictions.

- Federalists generally had a wide interpretation of the constitution and did not think that smaller state legislatures were necessary. Daniel Webster critiques Madison's military strategy in document D, arguing that it is unlawful to conscript adults and children into the militia.

- As a result, it is clear that although Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, both of whom were purportedly Republicans, sought to uphold republican ideas, they were actually dominated by Federalists like Daniel Webster, as he acknowledged in his speech.

To know more about  Jeffersonian-republicans , kindly click on the link below :


How should the impacts of American economic and imperialist growth in the late 19th century be remembered


Economic imperialism enabled the industrialized economies of the United States and Europe to significantly increase their power and influence over the economy of the non-industrialized countries during the 19th century.

What repercussion of the Civil War had the greatest impact on the American economy?

The growth in the federal government's involvement in the economy was the most important shift for the North. Republican-controlled Congresses approved a number of laws during the Civil War that reorganized the relationship between the government and the market and laid the foundation for the Gilded Age.

When the War of 1812 ended?

As a result of the Embargo of 1807, which prevented imports, the United States had to start producing its own commodities after the War of 1812. It was going to have to be self-sustaining. It was in need of financial autonomy. The Industrial Revolution got its start as a result of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812.

Learn more about Economic imperialism:


Imagine that our school has just hired a new principal. using jonathan edwards' sermon as a model, write a
modern day speech that this principal might make in front of an audience of students. imagine that the new
principal views all students as potential troublemakers and is addressing our student body in the auditorium,
with language designed to intimidate them and frighten students into being good.


Edwards hoped that his speech would awaken the faithful and serve as a warning of the awful punishment that would await them if they refused to repent of their sins and seek forgiveness from God.

Three major ideas are present in the sermon: Corrupt sinners must endure a terrifying judgment. Time is running out for the unrepentant; God's just vengeance will strike without warning. Only God's free will can prolong the day of mercy and give people another chance to answer his call.

Edwards uses the word "nothing" more than once to drive home his point that the people cannot save themselves from God's wrath on their own. Only God can do that.

Jonathan Edwards, a theologian, delivered the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" on July 8, 1741, at a congregational church in Enfield.

Read more about new principal auditorium at


What are the two impacts of chattel slavery on the enslaved people


The most common type of slavery known to Americans is chattel slavery. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, this system, which allowed people — considered legal property — to be bought, sold, and owned in perpetuity, was legal and supported by the United States and European powers.

Such chattel slaves are traded for camels, trucks, guns, and money in exchange for their labor, sex, and breeding. Children born to chattel slaves remain the master's property.

Unfortunately, this type of slavery still exists today, primarily in the East African countries of Mauritania and Sudan. While this is probably the least common of the modern forms of slavery, it still enslaves many thousands of people. Chattel slavery is heinous in Mauritania and Sudan.

To know more about chattel slavery here


What is Someone who represents the party
Views of a state at a national convention called


Delegates from Primaries and Caucuses are Awarded A certain number of delegates are at stake in each primary or caucus. These are the people who represent their state at national political conventions. The candidate who receives the most delegates from the party wins the nomination.

A delegate is a person chosen to represent a group of people in a United States political assembly. Different types of delegates are elected to various political bodies.

Today, in 48 states, individuals participate in primaries or caucuses to elect delegates who support their presidential candidate of choice. At national party conventions, the presidential contender with the most state delegate votes wins the party nomination.

To know more about A delegate here


Did Jefferson won every electoral vote in his home state in the election of 1796?





Jefferson was elected president with 71 electoral votes, one more than was needed for a majority. He won by sweeping the electoral votes of New England and winning votes from several other swing states, especially the states of the Mid-Atlantic region. Jefferson received 68 electoral votes and was elected vice president.

What are some of the ways that a culture’s attitude toward education can become manifest in the classroom? Identify some of the outcomes of a culture’s overemphasis and under-emphasis on education.


A culture’s attitude toward education can become manifest in the classroom in a number of ways. One way is through the expectations that are placed on students. In a culture that overemphasizes education, students may be expected to achieve at high levels and to excel in their studies. In contrast, in a culture that under-emphasizes education, students may be expected to only meet basic standards or to perform below average.

Another way that a culture’s attitude toward education can become manifest in the classroom is through the resources that are available to students. In a culture that overemphasizes education, students may have access to advanced resources and technology that can help them to succeed. In contrast, in a culture that under-emphasizes education, students may have limited resources and may not have access to the same level of technology.

The attitudes of parents and guardians can also play a role in how a culture’s attitude toward education manifests in the classroom. In a culture that overemphasizes education, parents and guardians may be highly involved in their children’s education and may be supportive of their academic success. In contrast, in a culture that under-emphasizes education, parents and guardians may be less involved in their children’s education and may not be as supportive of their academic success.

The attitudes of teachers can also influence how a culture’s attitude toward education manifests in the classroom. In a culture that overemphasizes education, teachers may be highly skilled and may have high expectations for their students. In contrast, in a culture that under-emphasizes education, teachers may be less skilled and may have lower expectations for their students.

The outcomes of a culture’s overemphasis and under-emphasis on education can vary. In a culture that overemphasizes education, students may feel pressure to succeed and may experience stress and anxiety. In contrast, in a culture that under-emphasizes education, students may feel less pressure to succeed and may be more likely to drop out of school.

Name 3 ethnicities of people who fought in the Continental army.


The Continental Army was the army of the Thirteen Colonies and the United States during the Revolutionary War. It was established by a resolution of Congress on June 14, 1775, following the formation of the Second Continental Congress following the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War.

The Continental Army was formed to coordinate the military efforts of the Colonies in their war for independence against the British, who sought to maintain control over their American lands. Throughout the war, General George Washington was the army's commander-in-chief.

Local militias and volunteer troops, either loyal to individual states or otherwise independent, supplemented the Continental Army.

To know more about The Continental Army here


Drag each label to the correct location. Match the social characteristics with the correct city-state.

Males were sent to military
school at age 7.
Women didn’t enjoy the
same rights as male
citizens and couldn’t
own property.
Boys received formal
education in addition
to military training.

Women were educated
and didn’t perform
household duties.


The social characteristics when matched with the correct city - state are:


Boys received formal education in addition to military training.Women were educated and didn’t perform household duties.


males were sent to the military at age 7Women didn't enjoy the same rights as men

How were Sparta and Athens different?

Even though the city - states of Athens and Sparta were both conservation, the Spartans were more conservative than the Athenians. They made sure that males were sent for military training from the age of 7 in what was called the Agoge and women were sent to be trained on how to be housewives. They were therefore given less rights as men.

In Athens however, boys received military training but also received formal education as well. This was because Athens valued education and so tried to instill it in their young. Women were also educated and did not have to perform household duties as this was left to enslaved people. They did not however, have the same rights as men.

Find out more on Sparta and Athens at


describe one way islam changed as it spread into southeast asia and one way that it remained the same.


One way Islam changed as it spread into southeast Asia Islam changed when Javanese women were allowed to work in the royal court. Traditional animistic practices of Javanese spiritual worship coexisted with Islam.

Describe one way Islam remained the same?

Islam remained the same in that it required Muslim rights to be practiced and had dietary restrictions accompanying enforcement. In Aceh, women were disenfranchised in the late 17th century after four women ruled the area.

What is Islam?

The word “Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah. Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allah.

To know more about Islam, click here-


Read this quotation.

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind . . . The laying a Country desolate with Fire and Sword, declaring War against the natural rights of all Mankind . . . is the Concern of every Man to whom Nature hath given the Power of feeling.
—Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

In this quotation, Paine argues that the American desire for independence is
universal, or shared by everyone.
only the concern of Britain and the colonies.
different from those of people in other countries.
too complicated for most people to understand.


Thomas Paine argues that the American desire for independence is universal, or shared by everyone.

Thus, the correct option is A.

Who was Thomas Paine?

Political philosopher and author Thomas Paine, who was born in England, advocated uprisings in both America and Europe. The first booklet to support American independence was "Common Sense," which was published in 1776 to widespread acclaim.

He encouraged reason and freethought, campaigned against institutionalized religions in general and the Christian theology in particular, and advocated Deism in The Age of Reason and other books.

He wrote a furious open letter to George Washington in 1796, calling him a general without talent and a hypocrite.

While working as a journalist in Philadelphia, Thomas Paine's career suddenly took off. He wrote Common Sense, a forceful case of American independence from England, and it was published in 1776.

Paine's pamphlet not only increased public support for the Revolution but also put the leaders of the insurrection under pressure to proclaim independence by advancing the notion of American exceptionalism and the necessity to found a new nation to fulfill its promise.

Learn more about Thomas Paine, here


Which situation could have ended the Great Migration?

King James removing Catholic influence on the Anglican Church
Catholicism becoming the state religion of England
Massachusetts Bay Colony gaining more territory
French traders refusing to trade with American Indians


A situation that could have ended the Great Migration was A. King James removing Catholic influence on the Anglican Church.

What was the Great Migration?

The Great Migration refers to a time between the years 1620 and 1640 when the English Puritans left England in their thousands in order to establish new colonies and settlements in the Americas. They chose the New England area of North America and set up the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. They also went south to the Barbados.

The reason the English Puritans left England was because they were being persecuted for their belief that the Anglican Church ( Church of England) still had too many Catholic influences because it had descended from the Catholic Church.

If King James had simply removed the Catholic influenced from the Anglican Church, then the Puritans would have stayed.

Find out more on the Great Migration at


How did the Aztecs treat neighboring tributary states?


Typical offerings included armor and shields for warriors, as well as paper, food, copal incense, exotic feathers, and animal goods. Each of the captured provinces had calpixque, or official tribute collectors, who made sure the necessary payments were paid.

Who were the Aztecs?

Generally, The Aztecs were a Native American tribe that lived in northern Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.

They held the majority of political and military power in the region. The Aztecs were a nomadic people who finally settled on many tiny islands in the middle of Lake Texcoco.

It was there that in 1325 they established the town of Tenochtitlan, which is now the capital of Mexico.

The Aztecs were renowned throughout history for their achievements in agriculture, land management, art, and architecture. They constructed temples and other places of worship in addition to developing the ability to write and a calendar system.

They were also notorious for their ferocity and lack of mercy for others. They offered human sacrifices as a way to appease their gods.

In conclusion, The typical sacrifices included of items such as paper, food, copal incense, rare feathers, and animal commodities in addition to weapons such as armor and shields for warriors.

Each of the provinces that were conquered had calpixque, also known as official tribute collectors, who were in charge of ensuring that the required payments were made.

Read more about Aztecs


Genesis, the first book of the
Torah, describes how the world
began. Using the Internet or
other sources, find a text from
another culture or religion
that describes how the world
began. On a separate sheet
of paper, write a short essay
comparing and contrasting
what you found to the Book
of Genesis.


Scripture Gateway NIV translation of Genesis 1 The earth and the skies were first created by God. The world was now shapeless and empty, the deep's surface was shrouded in darkness, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waves.

Scripture Gateway NIV translation of Genesis 1?Genesis 1 NIV translation from Scripture Gateway God initially created the skies and the earth. The deep's surface was now enveloped in darkness, the earth was empty and shapeless, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waves. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.We have a role to play in the universe because of our relationship with the creator, the world is not ethically neutral, and we are not helplessly caught between good and evil, according to Genesis.The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Torah.

To learn more about Torah refer to:


How many actors did Shakespeare have in a play?


Richard Burbage, Will Kempe, Henry Condell, and John Heminges were Shakespeare's performers. Burbage initially performed Richard III, Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear.

Who is Shakespeare?

Generally, By the year 1600, the most popular plays in London could accommodate up to three thousand spectators in theaters such as the Globe. Because there are multiple theaters in London that put on plays most afternoons, this means that between 10,000 and 20,000 people visit the city's theaters each week.

Richard Burbage, Will Kempe, Henry Condell, and John Heminges were some of the other players that worked in Shakespeare's company.

Burbage was the actor who originated the title part in the premieres of several of Shakespeare's plays, including Richard III, Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear, amongst others.

Read more about Shakespeare


Which robber barons engaged directly in war profiteering and later became the most powerful banker in the U.S.?
J.P. Morgan
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Leland Stanford


The J.P. Morgan barons actively participated in war profiteering before rising to the top of the American banking industry.

J.P. Morgan: who was he?

J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837–1913), one of the most influential bankers of his time, financed railroads and helped establish U.S. Steel, General Electric, and other significant businesses. The wealthy Connecticut native entered the banking industry in the late 1850s, and in 1871 he partnered with Philadelphia banker Anthony Drexel.

Their business changed its name to J.P. Morgan & Company in 1895, becoming the forerunner of the current financial behemoth JPMorgan Chase. During several economic crises, such as the Panic of 1907, Morgan used his influence to help maintain stability in American financial markets. He was criticized for wielding excessive power, and he was charged with tampering with the country's financial system.

Learn more about J.P. Morgan with the help of the given link:


hat two things does Columbus note about the indigenous people?

They have a belief system and are intelligent

They have a confusing religion and are deceptive

They worship images and have no language

They practice Christianity and fight among themselves


Two things that Columbus noted about the indigenous people were:

They have a belief system and are intelligentThey have a confusing religion and are deceptive

What did Columbus say of the Natives?

When Columbus first encountered the Native Americans on Hispaniola, he was taken aback by their belief system. He did not know that they would be intelligent which is what he described them as.

He however noted that their religion was a little confusing because he did not quite understand it. He also stated that they were deceptive but this was probably to justify how badly he treated them.

Find out more on Columbus at


How did Europeans influence the lives and culture of north and South American



The Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America and would transform peoples' lives: guns, iron tools, and weapons; Christianity and Roman law; sugarcane and wheat; horses and cattle. They also carried diseases against which the Indian peoples had no defenses.

Both Catholics and Protestants considered the
by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger as an authoritative work on


Both Catholics and Protestants considered the by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger as an authoritative work on witchcraft.

What was the joint work of the Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger ?

The  joint work of the Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger can be seen in the book that they collectiveley produced which focus on the witchcraft.

It should be noted that this book was dated bcak to the year 1487- which was one of the book that was amost famous work of witchcraft  that is ever put into wring in the history so far, the book focus on how the operatin as well as the belief on the witchcraft can be known.

Read more about Protestants at:


6. What does it mean that the Spanish that "kept
us in a sort of permanent infancy"?


"This sentence means that the Spanish stopped the Jamaica from maturing and growing as a country in terms of knowing how to run their country."

"One of Bolívar's most famous texts about American political theory, "The Letter from Jamaica" discussed both Bolívar's dedicated commitment to get freedom for Spain's American colonies and  an intolerant tendency for autocratic rule. In the “Jamaica Letter” he is asking for independence for not only Jamaica, but all South American colonies. This letter seems similar to the "American Declaration", because the purpose of both is same."

To learn more about American Declaration,


Write a 250-word report on either the Sadducees or the Pharisees. Your report should include information concerning the background of the religious group, their beliefs, their influence on the Jewish people, and their conflicts with Jesus Christ


The Sadducees had the going with points of view, as shown by Josephus: There is no fate. God doesn't do awful things.

250 words are generally outrageous for a report on the Sadducees.

Jewish Jews who had a spot with the socioreligious association known as the Sadducees lived in Judea during the Subsequent Safe-haven time, which persevered from the second century BCE until the Asylum was decimated in 70 CE.

The Sadducees had the going with points of view, as shown by Josephus: There is no fate. God doesn't do awful things.

The Sadducees, who guarded the current quo, were unflinching adversaries of Jesus' administration and purportedly partook in his primer and execution.

To know more about Sadducees:


Third parties are only found in nations with multiparty systems.
True or false


Third parties are only found in nations with multiparty systems is a false statement.

What is the role of third parties in our political system?

Third parties are crucial because they occasionally speak on behalf of groups that the two major parties do not represent and give viewpoints that the two major parties may not have considered.

Third parties have a significant impact on elections by diverting supporters from one of the two main political candidates, forcing major political parties to address topics they may have previously overlooked. A third party has the power to alter the outcome of a state. When a group believes the major parties do not reflect their interests, third parties are created.

To learn more about third party, visit:


What was the purpose of the several pavilions likely to be found as part of a nobleman or high-ranking individual’s house and compound?.


Answer: Several pavilions can be found at nobleman or high-ranking individual's houses and compounds.


How did enslaved Africans gain their freedom during the American Civil War?


Answer: The Thirteenth Amendment

Explanation: The Emancipation Proclamation (1863) freed slaves in rebel states but it wasn't until the Civil War that all slaves were freed in the U.S.A

at the site of dholavira, archaeological data suggest that people built walls surrounding the city mainly because of


At the site of Dholavira, archaeological data suggest that people built walls surrounding the city mainly because the walls had acted as a shield from storms.

The walls were high because they served as retaining walls since people rebuilt their houses many times on top of the foundations that existed before. These houses would fall off of the bringing mound unless walls were built to keep the mound from erosion.

The walls also had other purposes: enclosing to separate parts of cities from one another due to community differences, keeping animals in during the night and protecting them from raiders, and protecting the site from floods too.

To read more about Dholavira city visit:


In time a system of town meetings emerged in which colonists voted for representatives to govern them. In many ways, the colonies were more __________________________ than England.

Group of answer choices

slave trade




Mayflower Compact

cash crop


In many ways, the colonies were more democratic than England.

What is democracy?

Demokratie, which can be translated as "power of the people," is a form of government that is based on popular will. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power."

Government by the people is a form of government in which the people themselves, or their chosen representatives, exercise ultimate authority in a free electoral process. a country with this type of government: Democracies include the US and Canada.

Read more on democracy here:


What was the outcome of SFC​



System file check is a utility built into the Operating System that will check for system file corruption The sfc /scannow command (System File Check) scans the integrity of all protected operating system files and replaces incorrect, corrupted, changed, or damaged versions with the correct versions where possible


What is Georgia's Chief farm product​


Answer: poultry and eggs



Georgia is perennially the number one state in the nation in the production of peanuts, broilers (chickens), pecans, blueberries, and spring onions. We are also at or near the top when it comes to cotton, watermelon, peaches, eggs, cucumbers, sweet corn, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupes, rye, and cabbage.

Question: What are the top 3 agricultural commodities in Georgia?

Top Commodities in Georgia

Native Georgians will tell you that their peaches are best known for quality, not quantity! Georgia's top commodity was broilers (chickens), followed by cotton, eggs, beef, and timber.

Hope it helps!

Imagine you operated a shipping and packaging service within new york city. You slowly expanded to include shipments and deliveries between new york, new jersey, and connecticut. After the expansion, could you be subject to regulation by either or all of the states and the federal government? which court case outlines this? explain your answer.


A shipping and packaging service with New York city which expanded to include shipments and deliveries between New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, after the expansion, the company will be subject to regulation by the federal government. The court case that outlines this is Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) was a Supreme court case that delivered a landmark decision stating that the power to regulate interstate commerce, which was granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, encompassed the power to regulate navigation. It prevented the states from enforcing any laws that would interfere with Congress’ power to regulate interstate commerce.

The complaint was filed by Aaron Ogden in the Court of Chancery of New York to restrain Thomas Gibbons from operating on these waters as he had exclusive rights to the waters. Ogden's lawyer argued that laws are often passed by the states interstate matters and should have fully concurrent power with Congress on matters concerning interstate commerce. Gibbons's lawyers stated that Congress had exclusive national power over interstate commerce according to Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, of the Constitution. The courts found in favor of Ogden. Gibbons appealed to the Supreme Court and argued that the monopoly conflicted with federal law. The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gibbons. Congress had the right to regulate interstate commerce as per the Commerce Clause.

Learn more about Gibbons v. Ogden (1824):


in the late nineteenth century, many businessmen argued that the united states should be prepared to compete with nations throughout the world for natural resources. what policy would these businessmen support? question 1 options: an end to environmental protection an end to american imperialism a movement toward american imperialism


In the late nineteenth century, many businessmen argued that the United States should be prepared to compete with nations throughout the world for natural resources.  The policy the businessmen supported was a movement towards American Imperialism

Hence, option C is correct.

What do you mean by American Imperialism?

It started with the idea of new imperialism in 19th C.  The main aim of the imperialism was to to acquire resources mainly through exploitation expansion.

It included various colonies in Puerto, Philippines, Cuba, Panama, and Latin America. Due to the American imperialism the main loss of tradition of many people occurred. The difference between local and native culture began. There was on overall expansion of the  the expansion of American political, economic, cultural beyond the borders of the USA.

Major factors led to American Imperialism

Economic competition Political and military competition

Hence, The policy the businessmen supported was a movement towards American Imperialism

Hence, option C is correct.

To know more about American imperialism from the given link


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