Publishing the priority of every project and ensuring the process is open and free of power politics. Communicating which projects are approved. Deciding how organizational resources are allocated among the different types of projects. Constant scanning of the external environment to determine if organizational selection criteria need to be changed. Evaluating the progress of the projects in the portfolio.


Answer 1


Deciding how organisational resources are allocated among the different types of projects.


All other stated are the responsibilities of the governance team while managing the portfolio system.

The governance team ensures that the best projects are chosen, further when they are chosen how they are implemented or how the other teams work on such projects is not the duty of governance team.

Basically governance team assures that best suitable projects are chosen.

They are chosen in the correct order, but do not ensure how shall the company invest in that project.

Related Questions

Suppose Mattel, the producer of Barbie dolls and accessories (sold separately), has two types of consumers who purchase its dolls: low-value consumers and high-value consumers. Each of the low-value consumers tends to purchase one doll and one accessory, with a total willingness to pay of $72. Each of the high-value consumers buys one doll and two accessories and is willing to pay $138 in total.
Mattel is currently considering two pricing strategies:
• Strategy 1: Sell each doll for $36 and each accessory for $36
• Strategy 2: Sell each doll for $6 and each accessory for $66
In the following table, indicate the revenue for a low-value and a high-value customer under strategy 1 and strategy 2. Then, assuming each strategy is applied to one low-value and one high-value customer, indicate the total revenue for each strategy.
Revenue from Low-Value Customers
Revenue from High-Value Customers
Total Revenue from Strategy
$72 Value, 1 Accessory
$138 Value, 2 Accessories
Strategy 1
$36 doll + $36 accessory
Strategy 2
$6 doll + $66 accessory
The strategy that generates the most revenue is strategy .(1 or 2)




a) Revenue outcomes from strategies:

                                      Strategy 1           Strategy 2                      


Low-Value Customers       36                         6

High-Value Customers      36                         6

Accessory :

Low-Value Customers       36                       66

High-Value Customers      72                      132

Total Revenue                $180                   $210

b) The strategy that generates the most revenue is strategy 2.


a) Data and Calculations:

Types of Consumers:

Revenue from Low-value Customers = $72

Revenue from High-value Customers = $138

Strategy 1: Doll for $36 and each accessory for $36

Strategy 2: Doll for $6 and each accessory for $66

The high-value customers buy 2 accessories with 1 doll.

The low-value customers buy 1 accessory with 1 doll.

b) Revenue outcomes from strategies:

                                     Strategy 1           Strategy 2                      


Low-Value Customers     36                         6

High-Value Customers    36                         6

Accessory :

Low-Value Customers     36                       66

High-Value Customers    72                      132

Total Revenue              $180                   $210

Briefly describe a customer experience you have personally encountered where you were unsatisfactory when you purchased a good.


Answer: Faulty Mother board ordered on AliExpress


A while back my Laptop developEd power issues wasn’t turning on, took it down to the technician who told me it had board issues as it wasn’t responsive. And the only solution was me getting a new mother board. Well i ended up ordering the board from Abroad on Aliexpress the board arrived damaged Was bent all efforts to get a refund or a replacement was proving difficult as the seller and AliExpress were hell bent on frustrating me. At the end was refunded but that was like over a month was one hell of an experience.

Attorneys who work for a company and are part of the executive or mid-level management team are specifically referred to as _________________________l



In house counsel


In house counsel handle of legal matters of the firm, policy, tax and regulatory matters or may occupy managerial positions

Rachel Bailey was quickly hired out of Santa Clara University during the dot-com boom to a company of 100 employees that ran an innovative social networking website in Silicon Valley. She was immediately put in charge of email communication to customers-both existing and potential.
The Internet was quite new to everyone and online communication (via email) had little corporate regulation or set social protocol. Privacy policies were yet to be established. With thousands of individuals discovering the Internet everyday, business was booming for the small Silicon Valley firm.
Rachel handled all online contact with existing users and was asked to market to these existing online community members via email. But she struggled with finding a balance of the right amount of marketing. With Internet competition growing everyday within the social networking websites, these users had plenty of alternatives. And flooding their email inboxes, she thought, wasn't the best way to attract them.
Unfortunately, Rachel's boss had a different approach. The Vice President of Marketing wanted results-he wanted existing customers to upgrade their networking packages and follow through on advertisements. He told Rachel to be as aggressive as possible with her email campaigns. But at the same time, Rachel spoke with coworkers who didn't want to work for a company known for its email spam. They prided themselves on working at an organization that respected its users and didn't abuse the ease of email communication-even within the competitive market.
Rachel found subtle alternatives to the mass emails. She developed links on the company website to advertisements, but she wasn' t getting the results her boss demanded.
One day when Rachel arrived at the office, her boss said he had a brilliant idea. He said that everybody knew someone named Cindy Anderson, so they could send emails to their users from that name to trick them into opening the email, which would display a link to their website.
Rachel was incensed with her boss's idea. "A lot of people are very casual with the truth," she said.
Rachel felt very uncomfortable with the thought of implementing what she considered to be her boss's deceptive idea.
"People trust you with their email addresses," said Rachel. "You have to be responsible and not take advantage of that access."
She worried that existing customers would begin to resent the company and unsubscribe. But she also had a commitment to drawing in as many new customers as she could-and her more subtle tactics weren't working.
Rachel made the decision to stand up to her boss. The following week she told him that his idea was deceitful and would cause customers to lose trust and faith in the company. In the end, it wouldn't be a financially viable solution to their problem.
Rachel proved to be convincing. Her boss took her advice and began to realize that it was a bad idea.
"In the end, we had happy customers and our company gained more value in the highly competitive market," said Rachel.
Discussion Questions:________.
Describe the ethical dilemma or dilemmas Rachel faced.
Do you think Rachel's boss' "Cindy Anderson" strategy is ethically acceptable? Why or why not?
What is Rachel's obligation to her customers and what are Rachel 's obligations to the company?
What do you think is the most important factor in how Rachel responded to the situation: That she thought the proposed "Cindy Anderson" strategy was deceitful or that she thought the strategy would cost the company customers?
Jessica Silliman was a 2006-07 Hackworth Fellow at The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.


Answer and Explanation:

Describe the ethical dilemma or dilemmas Rachel faced:

Rachael was faced with the ethical dilemma of accepting her boss's deceptive strategy to increase customer conversion or reject it because it is wrong even though she doesn't have an ethical or right way of increasing customer base

Do you think Rachel's boss' "Cindy Anderson" strategy is ethically acceptable? Why or why not?

What Rachel's boss asked for is wrong and unethical because betraying the trust of existing customers and trying to deceive them by using another identity is dishonest

What is Rachel's obligation to her customers and what are Rachel 's obligations to the company?

Rachel's obligation to the company was to increase customer conversion by using all possible email communications to market company products. Her obligation to customers was to not be deceitful

What do you think is the most important factor in how Rachel responded to the situation: That she thought the proposed "Cindy Anderson" strategy was deceitful or that she thought the strategy would cost the company customers?

The most important factor in her response was that she thought the Cindy Anderson strategy was deceitful and ethically unacceptable.

Justin and Neil both exhibit behavior that Kimberly calls unethical. What is ethical behavior in business?



In simple words, Ethical behaviour requires reliability, dignity, justice and a number of other beneficial characteristics. Many companies are creating the Code of Ethics, which could include basic ethical compliance principles for doing the right thing or being honest. Relevant protocols within the company may also be listed.

Workers make more choices with less time using corporate principles as a driving proposition; that increases efficiency and the overall wellbeing of employees. As workers perform their jobs in a manner that is founded on fairness and dignity, the entire company profits.


Ethics are very important in all area. These rules are applied for the safety of a person. When a person know about right and wrong, means they are aware about ethics.


Ethical behavior is very important in all aspects. If you are a doctor then there are some rules and regulation that is followed by a doctor for the safety of patient. Same thing happened with the person who is in business. Justin and Neil were not behaving in proper manner. Ethical behavior is that when a person know about the difference between what is right and what is wrong. There are many good example that put forward consistently.

There should be honesty and fairness in the relationship and coworkers. Ethically correct person do behave in a manner no one could hurt. Thus Justin and Neil were not ethical correct.

The "invisible hands" ability to coordinate the decisions of the firms and households in the economy can be hindered by


Answer: Government actions that distort prices


The "invisible hands" ability to coordinate the decisions of the firms and households in the economy can be hindered by government actions that distort prices.

It should be noted that when econoimic activities are guided bhy the "invisible hand", the prices of goods and services show how much the society values such good.

What is the major problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a measure of personality?
A. It does not include enough dimensions to differentiate all the variety of human personality.
B. It is very difficult to administer.
C. It forces a person to be categorized as elther one type or anothen
D. It does not clearly classify a person into any single type.
It tends to overemphasize intuitive personality traits over analytical personality traits.



C. It forces a person to be categorized as either one type or another


Whenever you look at the world as black or white, good or evil, etc., you are bot considering the millions of different varieties of shades that lie in between. For e.g. you can be very extroverted with your peers at work, but very introverted when interacting with your superiors (supervisor, manager).

Another big issue with this test is that one single person can get multiple results (which might vary a lot) when taking the tests on different days.

High-performance teams are characterized by: members with only individual accountability. members with specialty skills rather than people skills. extensive communication mechanisms. an optimal team size of 15 to 20.



extensive communication mechanisms.


High-performance teams is a term often used in organizational settings to describes teams that often performed better than other teams and beyond expectation. They are associated with various characteristics amongst others which are:

1. Presence of extensive communication mechanisms

2. Constant collaboration among team members

3. Define objectives and goals

4. Ability to tackle and resolve conflict amicably with speed.

The standard deviations of individual stocks are generally higher than the standard deviation of the market portfolio because the market portfolio: Multiple Choice has specific risk. offers lower returns. has less systematic risk. diversifies risk.



has specific risk


Standard deviation is a measure of central tendency. It measures the variation of data from a central value. As such variables with high standard deviation have values far from the central value while standard deviation close to the central value is low.

So when individual stocks have higher standard deviation it means prices are less stable than that of market portfolio.

This can be attributed to them having specific risk. The market is not subject to diversification risk so prices tend to fluctuate less

In America, being "normal" is


Being selfish I guess

the loss of producer surplus associated with some sellers dropping out of the market as a result of the tax is





According to information on your question. We are to note that an absence or reduction of suppliers could lead to lower supply.

As in this case, the producer supply loss of $60 was incurred as some sellers dropped out of the market as a result of the tax.

"the return on investment is usually considered the most popular approach to measure performance because"



yes i definetly agree with the statement you have typed here

what are the variables the cause the demand curve to shift?



1. Expectations about future conditions and prices.

2. Tastes

3. Population

4. Income

5. Prices of substitute or complement goods.

You are the operations manager for a small kayak and canoc manufacturer (Valley Kayaks) locate on the Pacific Northwest (Oregon) Lately your company has experience product quality problems. Simply put, the kayaks that you produce occasionally have defects and require rework. Consequently, you have decided to assess the impact of introducing a quality management (TQM) program. After discussing the potential effects with representatives from marketing, finance, accounting, and quality, you arrive at a set of estimates (contained in the following table). Top management has told you that it will accept any proposal that you come up with, provided that it improves the return on assets measure by at least 30%. Show your calculations and then determine if you would go forward with this proposal?
Category Current Values Estimated Impact of TOM
Sales $2,000,000 5% + (improvement)
Cost of goods sold $1,500,000 0%
Variable expenses $300,000 8.25%-(reduction)
Fixed expenses $100,000 0%
Inventory $30,000 25%
Accounts receivable $100,000 10%
Other current assets $500,000 0%
Fixed assets $400,000 0%



I would go forward with the proposal as it improves the return on assets by more than 125%


a) Data:

1. Category               Current Values     Estimated Impact of TOM

Sales                          $2,000,000          5% + (improvement)

Cost of goods sold    $1,500,000          0%

Variable expenses       $300,000           8.25%-(reduction)

Fixed expenses            $100,000            0%

Inventory                        $30,000            25%

Accounts receivable    $100,000            10%

Other current assets  $500,000            0%

Fixed assets                $400,000            0%

b) Calculations:

1. Category               Current Values     Estimated Impact of TQM

Sales                          $2,000,000          $2,100,000

Cost of goods sold    $1,500,000          $1,500,000

Variable expenses       $300,000            $275,250

Fixed expenses            $100,000             $100,000

Returns                         $100,000             $224,750

Current Assets:

Inventory                        $30,000               $37,500

Accounts receivable    $100,000              $110,000

Other current assets  $500,000            $500,000

Fixed assets                $400,000            $400,000

Total assets              $1,030,000           $1,047,500

Return on assets = Returns/Total Assets * 100    

                            =      9.71%                     21.46%

Improvement = Return on assets with TQM minus Current Return on assets divided by Current Return

= ($224,750 - $100,000) / $100,000 * 100

= 1.25 or 125%

Improvement > 30% from 9.71 to 21.46%, which is more than 100% increase.

The junior class will sell pumpkins as a fall project. what is the total income if they sell pumpkins for $8 each and pay the pumpkin farm a $500 fee to purchase a truckload of pumpkins


Answer: Income = 8p - 500


The revenue they will make is the quanitity which p multiplied by the price they will sell the pumpkins for which is $8.

The income will then be Revenue - expenses which is the $500 fee.

The expression therefore is;

Income = 8p - 500

Explain the alternative hedging techniques of Leading & Lagging, Cross-Hedging and Currency Diversification



See answer and explanation below.


These are explained as follows:

Leading & Lagging techniques

Leading and lagging hedge techniques refer to the strategies employed to adjust the timing of a payment request or disbursement in order to show the expectations about future currency movements.

Specifically, leading implies that a payment is made quickly or expedited, while lagging implies that a payment is deferred.


Cross-hedging is an act of hedging risk whereby two different currencies which have a strong positive correlation between are used.

Cross-hedging is done by taking opposing positions in the two currencies in order to reduce the associated with holding just one currency.

Currency Diversification

Currency Diversification refers to an investing or financing strategy in which more than one currency is used or held as a portfolio.

The primary aim of currency diversification is to reduce the exposure to exchange rate movement or risk usually associated with holding a single foreign currency.

Kentucky Company uses the indirect method to prepare the statement of cash flows. Refer to the following income​ statement:
Kentucky Company
Income Statement
Year Ended December​ 31, 2019
Sales Revenue 253,000
Interest Revenue 3,000
Gain on Sale of Plant Assets 6,000
Total Revenues and Gains $262,000
Cost of Goods Sold 118,000
Salary Expense 43,000
Depreciation Expense 13,000
Other Operating Expenses 22.000
Salary Expense 43,000
Interest Expense 1,700
Income Tax Expense 5,500
Total Expenses 203,000
Net Income​ (Loss) $58,000
Additional information provided by the company includes the​ following:
1. Current​ assets, other than​ cash, increased by $22,000.
2. Current liabilities decreased by $1,100.
Compute the net cash provided by​ (used for) operating activities.
A. $42,700.
B, $48,700.
C. $35,700.
D. $13,100.





Net income. $58,000

Non-Monetary terms

Gain on sale of plants ($6,000)

Depreciation expense. $13,000

Changes in working capital:

Current assets increase. ($22,000)

Current liabilities decrease ($1,100)

Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities is $41,900

This morning you purchased a stock that just paid an annual dividend of $3.10 per share. You require a return of 9.2 percent and the dividend will increase at an annual growth rate of 4 percent. If you sell this stock in three years, what will your capital gain be?





This morining a stock was purchased.

The stock just paid an annual dividend of $3.10 per share

A return of 9.2% is required

= 9.2/100

= 0.092

The growth rate is 4%

= 4/100

= 0.04

The first step is to calculate today's price

= D1/(r-g)

=3.10× 1+0.04/0.092-0.04

= 3.10×1.04/0.092-0.04

= 3.224/0.052

= $62

The price at the end of year 3 can be calculated as follows

= today's price × (1+g)

= 62×(1+0.04)

= 62×1.04

= $64.48

Therefore, the capital gain can be calculated as follows

Price at the end of year 3-today's price

= $64.48-$62

= $2.48

Hence the capital gain is $2.48

g The beginning cash balance is $15,000. Sales are forecasted at $800,000 of which 80% will be on credit. 70% of credit sales are expected to be collected in the year of sale. Cash expenditures for the year are forecasted at $475,000. Accounts Receivable from previous accounting periods totaling $9,000 will be collected in the current year. The company is required to make a $15,000 loan payment and an annual interest payment on the last day of every year. The loan balance as of the beginning of the year is $90,000, and the annual interest rate is 10%. Compute the excess of cash receipts over cash disbursements.



Excess of cash receipts over cash disbursements is $118,000.


The excess of cash receipts over cash disbursements in a cash budget refers to the amount by which the total cash received is greater than the total cash payments made by a company in a particular period.

The excess of cash receipts over cash disbursements is obtained by deducting the total cash payments from the total cash received, and this can be obtained fo this question as follows:

Cash Budget

Particulars                                                         $                       $        

Cash Receipts:

Cash sales (w.1)                                          160,000

Cash received from credit sales (w.2)      448,000

Accounts receivable                                    9,000  

Total cash receipts (A)                                                           617,000

Cash Disbursement:

Cash expenditures                                  (475,000)

Loan repayment                                         (15,000)

Interest on loan (w.3)                                 (9,000)    

Total cash disbursement (B)                                                 (499,000)    

Excess of cash receipts over

cash disbursements (C = A - B)                                             118,000

Beginning cash balance                                                          15,000  

Ending cash balance                                                              133,000  

Therefore, excess of cash receipts over cash disbursements is $118,000.


w.1: Cash sales =$800,000 * (100% - 80%) = $800,000 * 20% = $16,000

w.2: Cash received from credit sales = $800,000 * 80% * 70% = $448,000

w.3: Interest on loan = $90,000 * 10% = $9,000

The computation of the excess cash receipts over the cash disbursements is $118,000.

Data and Calculations:

Beginning cash balance = $15,000

Sales forecast = $800,000

Cash sales = $ 160,000 ($800,000 x 20%)

Credit Sales = $640,000 ($800,000 x 80%)

Cash collection from credit sales = $448,000 ($640,000 x 70%)

Accounts Receivable = $9,000

Total cash receipts = $617,000 ($160,000 + $448,000 + $9,000)

Cash expenditures forecast = $475,000

Loan repayment with interest = $24,000 ($15,000 + $9,000)

Total disbursements = $499,000

Excess cash receipts over cash disbursements = $118,000 ($617,000 = $499,000)

Learn more:

What should be the price of a stock that offers a $4.32 annual dividend with no prospects of growth, and has a required return of 12.5%



The price should be P0 = $34.56


The value or price of a stock today can be whose dividend growth is zero can be calculated using the zero growth model of DDM. The DDM values a stock based on the present value of the expected future dividends from the stock. The formula for price today under this model is,

P0 = Dividend / r


r is the required rate of return

P0 = 4.32 / 0.125

P0 = $34.56

Suppose that you want to develop a product that can easily be configured in a wide variety of ways. What design approach would be best?



Modular product design


Modular product design is a term used to describes a method or strategy of developing a product, by breaking the product's development into separate parts often referred to as modules, specifically according to their functions and operations such that these modules can be developed separately.

Hence, in this case, to develop a product that can easily be configured in a wide variety of ways. The design approach would be best be Modular product design

The first budget customarily prepared as part of an entity’s master budget is the blank____________ .


Answer: sales budget


The first budget customarily prepared as part of an entity’s master budget is the sales budget.

Sales budget is simply financial plan, that shows how resources will have to be distributed in order for the predicted sales to be achievable.

Crystal Corporation makes $2,800 payments every month for leasing office equipment. Crystal recorded a lease payment as follows:Lease payable 1,680 Interest expense 1,120 Cash 2,800Amortization expense 1,680 Right-of-use asset 1,680Crystal must have a(n):__________a) Leveraged lease.b) Sales-type lease without selling profit.c) Finance lease.d) Operating lease.


Answer: operating lease


Operating lease is a contract whereby a owner who is regarded as the lessor, allows a user, who is regarded to as the lesse, to use an asset for a stipulated period of time without transfering ownership rights.

With regards to the above scenario, Crystal must have an operating lease.

If payments were made at the rate of $1183 per second, how many years would it take to pay off the debt, assuming that no interest were charged


Answer: 402 years


Debt is $15,000,000,000,000

Payment per second $1,183

Time taken to pay off = 15,000,000,000,000/1,183

= 12,679,628,064 seconds

Seconds in a year = 60 secs * 60 mins * 24 hours * 365 days

= 31,536,000‬ secs

Time taken in years = 12,679,628,064/ 31,536,000

= 402 years

On July 9, Mifflin Company receives a $8,900, 90-day, 12% note from customer Payton Summersas payment on account. What entry should be made on the maturity date assuming the maker pays in full? (Use 360 days a year.)A. Debit Cash $8,100; credit Notes Receivable $8,100.B. Debit Cash $8,262; credit Interest Revenue $162; credit Notes Receivable $8,100.C. Debit Cash $8,222; credit Interest Revenue $122; credit Notes Receivable $8,100.D. Debit Cash $8,208; credit Interest Revenue $108; credit Notes Receivable $8,100.E. Debit Notes Receivable $8,100; debit Interest Receivable $162; credit Sales $8,262.


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entry is shown below:

Cash Dr $8,633

       To Interest revenue ($8,900 × 90 days ÷ 360 days × 12%) $267

       To Notes receivable $8,900

(Being the cash is received)

For recording this we debited the cash as it increased the assets and credited the interest revenue as it also increased the revenue and decreased the asset so the note receivable account is credited

this is the answer but the same is not provided in the options

This video describes the brewing industry. Large brewers and craft brewers are both a part of the industry because: a.all beers taste the same. b.they are operated with the same business organization and have the same ownership structure. c.they both offer products that serve the same customer need. d.They are implementing the same strategic plan to gain a competitive advantage.



c.they both offer products that serve the same customer need.


Industries are organized according to the type of good or service that they offer to the final customers.

Examples of industries are the car industry, the fruit industry, the meat industry, and also the beer industry.

Craft beer makers and large brewers, while differing in many ways like organizational structure, capital structure, economies of scale, and amount of production, have in common that they offer essentially the same product to the final customer: beer. This is why they are considered to be part of the same industry.

If a homeowner wants to sell his property to an adult child for $1, may a sales agent be involved in that transaction?



Of course a sales agent can be involved, although they will probably charge a fixed amount and not a sales percentage. Many people probably need the help of a sales agent to fill out legal forms, including contracts, etc. Not everyone has the knowledge to prepare them or simply fill them out, and a sales agent can be helpful.

Tim purchased a bounce house one year ago for $6,500. During the year it generated $4,000 in cash flow. If Time sells the bounce house today, he could receive $6,100 for it. What would be his rate of return under these conditions?


Answer: 55.39%


From the question, we are informed that Tim purchased a bounce house one year ago for $6,500 and that during the year it generated $4,000 in cash flow and if he sells the bounce house today, he could receive $6,100 for it.

His rate of return will be:

= [($6100 + $4000) - $6500]/$6500 × 100

= ($10100 - $6500)/$6500 × 100

= $3600/$6500 × 100

= 0.5539 × 100

= 55.39%

"Discuss the financial and operational implications for airlines as they try to offer the newest technology services?"


Answer with Explanation:

The introducing of newest technology would definitely have financial and operational implications. These implications are given as under:

Financial implications

Cost Reduction: The operational costs would be reduced by investing in the newest technology which will make the cash flow position better with time. Benefits Lost Risk: It is possible that the investment might not bring value to the company because of any emergent problems, whose mitigation requires incurring of additional costs.Cost Advantage: The lower operational cost can drive higher sales because the company will be charging lower fare prices to its customer thus giving Cost Advantage.Investing in newest technology might not bring value to the company because it is not attracting potential customers but it might pay off later in the form of developed customer loyalty.

Operational implications

Implementing a newest technology might improve the operational processes through which the customer go through, which would increase the customer satisfaction.Implementation problems of newest technology.Long term Customer retention will easy for the airline company due increased customer satisfaction.Operational efficiencies related to services will process the customer fastly saving the companies precious time wasted in these process thus reducing the future human resource cost. Using robots might bring adverse marketing because the people might think that the human resource are no more required and risks associated with the acceptance of technology due to cultural differences. Better Security systems would increase the security level and safety levels for the customers.

As of December 31 of the current year, Armani Company's records show the following.
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Common stock
Retained earnings, Dec. 31, prior year
Retained earnings, Dec. 31, current year
Consulting revenue
Rental revenue
Salaries expense
Rent expense
Selling and administrative expenses
Prepare the income statement for Armani Company for the current year ended December 31.



Armani Company

Income Statement for the current year ended December 31:


Consulting revenue                          $33,000

Rental revenue                                   22,000   $55,000


Salaries expense                                20,000

Rent expense                                      12,000

Selling and administrative expenses 8,000     40,000

Net Income                                                       $15,000

Retained earnings, Dec. 31, prior year                3,000

Dividends                                                           (13,000)

Retained earnings, Dec. 31, current year       $ 5,000


a) Data:

Cash   $10,000

Accounts receivable  9,000

Supplies  7,000

Equipment  4,000

Accounts payable  11,000

Common stock  14,000

Retained earnings, Dec. 31, prior year  3,000

Retained earnings, Dec. 31, current year  5,000

Dividends  13,000

Consulting revenue  33,000

Rental revenue  22,000

Salaries expense  20,000

Rent expense  12,000

Selling and administrative expenses 8,000

b) The income statement is a financial statement prepared at the end of a financial period to show the difference between the revenues and the expenses (called net income or loss).

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