What does 'from forth the fatal loins' mean in Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet:
In Romeo and Juliet, the titular characters are members of two warring houses who fall in love. After Romeo kills one of Juliet's kin, he is forced into exile. She fakes her own death in order to escape and be with her true love. However, Romeo thinks her death is real, and he kills himself. When Juliet realizes that Romeo is dead, she stabs herself and dies beside him.


Answer 1

This quotation is from Romeo and Juliet's Prologue, which sets the scene and describes the circumstances for the audience.

Romeo and Juliet are the unlucky offspring of two rival houses, and the battle between their families will result in their deaths, according to the statement "from forth the deadly loins." From the moment of their birth, they are doomed. The title characters of Romeo and Juliet are members of two feuding houses who fall in love. Romeo is sent into exile after murdering a member of Juliet's family.

In an effort to go away and be with her real love, she pretends to die. Romeo, however, believes that she has actually died, and he commits sui-cide. Juliet kills herself with a knife and passes away next to Romeo after realising he is de-ad.

To learn more about Romeo and Juliet:


Related Questions

What is singular and plural class 6?


A singular noun na-mes one per-son, place, or thing. Exam-ple: A boy walks on to-p of the ro-ck. There is only one boy in the sent-ence, so the wo-rd boy is a singular noun. Also, the-re is only one rock in the sent-ence, so the word rock is a sing-ular noun too.

A plural noun nam-es more th-an one per-son, place, or thing. Exam-ple: Two  boys  ran on the ro-cks. There is more th-an one boy, so the wo-rd boys is a plural noun.

If it is only refer-ring to one person or thi-ng, it is a singular noun. If it is refer-ring to more than one per-son or thing, it is a plu-ral noun.

To know more about singular noun click below:


Гостов and provid estem and 210) Explam at least five factors that incluences your self awarness and self estem examples were possible (5x1) = 5​


The five factors that influences our self-awareness are Social Interactions, Media Messages, Self-Talk, and Past Experiences

What are the factors that influences your self awareness ?

1. Social Interactions: Interacting with others and forming relationships can have a profound impact on one's self-awareness and self-esteem. The way others treat and respond to us, as well as the feedback we receive from them, can shape our view of ourselves and our confidence in our abilities. Success and Failure,

2. Media Messages: The messages we receive through media, such as television, magazines, and the internet, can influence our self-awareness and self-esteem. Seeing images of what society considers to be the ideal body types and lifestyles can make us feel inadequate and less confident in our own abilities.

3. Success and Failure: Successful experiences, such as achieving goals or receiving awards, can enhance our self-awareness and self-esteem. Conversely, failures or mistakes can have a negative impact on our self-perception and confidence.

4. Self-Talk: Our internal dialogue, or the way we talk to ourselves, can have a significant effect on our self-awareness and self-esteem. Having a positive inner dialogue can help us to feel good about ourselves and our abilities, while negative self-talk can lead to low self-esteem.

5. Past Experiences: Our past experiences can shape our self-awareness.

To learn more about self-awareness, visit


What is Snowball's Big Idea in Animal Farm?


Snowball is brimming with suggestions for enhancing the farm: He reads Mr. Jones' books and eventually comes up with a plan to build a windmill that would allow the animals to generate electricity and automate many farming chores

In Animal Farm, what concepts did snowball have?

His plans and ideas revolve around improving farm conditions and providing education. He organizes the animals during "The Battle of the Cowshed" and is also a brave fighter.

In Animal Farm, what is Snowball's primary motivation?

Additionally, Snowball desires the Rebellion's spread; "More and more pigeons to stir up rebellion among the animals on other farms" is what he intends to do (5.12). Snowball, like Old Major, has a tendency to dream: He envisions greater farm technical accomplishments and a revolution that could spread throughout England.

To learn more about Mr. Jones' books here:


Shower thoughts. Worth 100 points
Please write any shower thoughts you have yourself or make a list of at least 10 of your own
Once you complete your goals what's next? Isn’t anyone afraid of what's next? Of screwing up so bad that it ruins everything?
Why do we as humans always want to be something we can never be? Or why do we always want things we can never have?
Why do we hate pressure but when it comes to others we put pressure on them knowing that if that was us we would break?
You can tell someone a million times how pretty and amazing they are, but if they were told one time they were ugly then they’re always going to think back to that one time even if it wasn’t that big of a deal. There’s always going to be doubt.
Just because you think someone is pretty doesn’t mean they know it.
If you are afraid to ask something, just remember that you don’t know the answer or outcome until you have acted.
You can like multiple people at once but loving someone is different you can only love one person with all your heart.
When someone loses feelings for you it doesn’t mean they didn’t like you at all, it just means they didn’t love you.
Imagine if someone bottled all your tears every time you cried, whether it was because you were hurting or because you were happy. Imagine how full that bottle would be so others.
You can’t make someone love you, the only thing you can do is not ruin it with them
You can smile and laugh and pretend everything is fine even when it isn’t. But just know when you do that you only are hurting yourself more by pretending.
You can’t expect people to take responsibility for your mistakes.
Just because they are smiling and laughing doesn’t mean they are okay. Sometimes you got to ask someone if they are really okay.
We as humans could have it all and still not be happy. Because nothing is ever enough for us.
If you want someone to understand you just say how you really feel holding it in sucks and is just painful.
Asking is better than hiding.
What if you could make someone's day just by telling them how amazing they are?
Don’t run from your problems when you do that; you're just making your problems even worse.
You can give up on “everything” but in truth you won’t ever give up on the people you care about.
The only reason why people who cut only cut deep enough to feel pain is because they don’t want to actually die, they just need a way to deal with their emotional pain.
Loving someone isn’t loving them for the things you like about them, it’s about loving everything about them even when they make mistakes.
To stop your mind from wandering keep your eyes still. It actually works.
When you feel like you can’t breathe, dump your head in a bowl of cold water.
You can change yourself a lot by doing instead of wishing.


1. The thoughts in our brains don’t need to take a break.

2. It is underrated that your tongue has the ability to detect hair.

3. Watching the graduation ceremony is like sitting in a movie that’s entirely at the end credits.

4. It’s common for toddlers to sleep in one place and wake up in another place but for adults this situation is terrifying.

5. Eating lunch alone being a kid is like torture while for adults this is a nice treat.

6. At a time only one sock gets lost because if both disappear you will not notice at all.

7. Tickling yourself is not the same as being tickled by someone else.

8. Drinking water along with a minty mouth feels like a cold version of spicy.

9. Extreme pressure is when to see your neighbor mow their lawn.

10. The online IQ test is seeing if you will pay to see the results.

11. I’m curious as to how nasty dialogue might appear in sign language.

12. Is a paper cut a tree’s way of communicating with you?

13. People go to bed early for 8 hours of sleep and wake up early as well. They are considered disciplined people. But if a person goes to bed late and wakes up late they are considered lazy.

You need to borrow something from your friend for a special purpose. Write an email asking if you can borrow the item;
i) Say what you need to borrow and for how long
ii) How you are going to use it
iii) Offer something in return



Subject: Request to borrow item

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to ask if I could borrow [item] from you for a special purpose. I would need to borrow it for [length of time] and I would be extremely grateful if you could lend it to me.

I am planning to use [item] for [purpose]. I understand that it may be an inconvenience for you to lend it to me, and I want to assure you that I will take good care of it and return it in the same condition as I received it.

As a token of my appreciation, I would be happy to offer [something in return, e.g. returning the favor, a small gift, etc.]

Please let me know if this is something that you are willing to do, and if there is any specific date or time frame that would be more convenient for you.

Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

DIRECTIONS: The following passages have a similar topic but different diction, tone and
purpose. Read the passages, and then complete the chart.
Passage 1: Those with an epicurean bent need not trouble themselves with Central Grill
on Main Street. Despite the cackling of fawning food critics, the offerings at this
cramped, noisy eatery are, in fact, uninspired, and the service is lamentable. Blaring,
ear-shattering rock music and inattentive servers greet you, and when your inexpertly
prepared, lukewarm, bland meal arrives after what seems an interminable wait, you find
yourself wondering why you bothered. Avoid Central Grill, or visit at your own peril.
Passage 2: Central Grill on Main Street is awesome! When you go in, cool music is
playing, and the vibe is perfect. The servers are totally chill, and you have plenty of time
to check out the menu, talk with friends, and listen to the music before your food comes
out. And let me say, it is super-yummy. Foodies take note: You'll be snapping and
posting lots of pics. Your friends will be super-jealous. Definitely check this place out!.
Topic of the passages:
What is the diction of each
List three words or phrases
from the passage that
contribute to the diction in
each one.
What is the tone of each
List three words or phrases
from the passage that
contribute to the tone in each
What is the purpose of each
Passage 1
Passage 2


The words the author uses to communicate a particular meaning are simply referred to as the passage's diction. When examining diction, look for particular words or brief sentences that stand out from the others.

What are a passage's various tones?

These tone words are a collection of adjectives that fall into one of three categories: neutral, positive, or negative connotations. The tone of a passage can be inferred from the tone words employed within it.

What kind of tone does the entire passage have?

The author's emotion or sentiment, usually toward his subject, is reflected in the tone of any particular piece. The specific linguistic use an author makes to express his distinct writing voice is known as his style.

To know more about passage's diction visit :-


What rhythm pattern is mostly used by poets?


A poet typically employs metre, or a predictable pattern of stresses, to produce a rhythmic pattern. In contemporary poetry, line breaks may also be used by the poet to establish rhythm. The rhythm is broken by the line.

The most typical rhythmic pattern is the iambic measure. It is constructed by switching between stressed and unstressed syllables. An iamb is the name for a foot in iambic meter. Using the iambic rhythm makes a poem appear more natural or conversational since it is akin to how natural dialogue sounds.

We may examine, or "scan," poetry lines to find stressed and unstressed syllables. A poem's rhythmical structure is known as its meter.

To know more about rythm, visit,


Read the passage from part 2 of "for the win." jake loaded the dog onto his sled. "you get to be a rider, not a runner this time, girl," he said. he could drop her off at the next checkpoint and then get on with his race. clearly, he was well ahead of dean and bound to beat him now. then jake shook his head. thinking about dean gave him an awful sinking feeling. "should i press on or turn back?" he wondered. at last jake climbed back onto his sled and shouted, "come haw!" at first his lead dog, sasha, looked confused, but then she led the team in a wide circle to the left, and they headed back down the same trail they had cut just a few hours before. jake searched left and right for any sign of dean, but he saw only white on white. the internal conflict in this passage is that:___.a. jake is not sure if he should look for dean. b. jake is not sure if he wants to finish the race. c. sasha does not understand jake’s orders.d. sasha does not listen to jake’s commands.


Based on the passage from ‘For the Win’, the internal conflict in this passage is jake is not sure if he should look for dean. (Option A)

An internal conflict refers to the struggle occurring within a character's mind. It is also known as a character vs. self-conflict. Internal conflict involves a psychological struggle that occurs within a character and is caused by their own emotions, fears, conflicting desires, or mental illnesses. Internal conflict tends to be a battle of reconciling two opposing forces within the same individual. In the passage, as Jake considers whether to look for Dean as he first thinks about continuing with the trail but then gets a sinking feeling about Dean and decides to look for him, it is a internal conflict.

Learn more about Internal conflict:


What is competition in marketing plan?


In a marketing plan, competition refers to the rivalry between current businesses, services, or goods that are offered in a certain market.

Competition is a condition in a market when businesses or vendors compete with one another for customers' business in an effort to attain a certain business goal, such as earnings, sales, and/or market gain. In this sense, enmity is frequently linked with competition.

A market is a gathering place for consumers and sellers where they can trade products and services. Markets might be real-world, like a regular shop, or digital, like an online merchant. The financial market, the auction market, and the  black market  are more examples.

To learn more about market here


Part 5: Independent Practice
How is Odilia similar to Odysseus?


Odilia is marked by her sense of responsibility for her siblings, especially when their mother goes through tough times.

How is Odilia similar to Odysseus?Odilia and her "crew" of sisters, like Odysseus, must travel a great distance and vanquish a number of wicked creatures in order to get home. In addition, Odilia plays the part of Telemachus, the little son of Odysseus who must protect his mother and home from the invading suitors as he grows up without his father.The oldest, Odilia, is intelligent and determined. She can maintain her composure even when her sisters almost leave without her. Although Juanita is brazen and haughty, in her own harsh way, she is just as admirable as Odilia.Velia and Delia, the twins, are funny since they think they're renowned for locating the man. The oldest sister, Odilia, who is the first-person narrator, being pushed around by her younger sisters and hears whispers from La Llorona, falls behind.

To learn more about Odilia refer to:


What prediction should a reader make based on the
character vs. nature conflict in this passage?



write a dialogue between two friends who are planning for a picnic . write at least six exchanges.

Can a paragraph have 2 topic sentences?


Answer: yes

Explanation: anything else?

W. 6. 6 Argumentative Essay Questions School Uniforms (D What is the author's opinion on this topic?


The author's opinion on this topic is Uniforms sh-ow that you are part of an organ-ization. Wear-ing it says we’re all in this toget-her.

“Also, if you wear your uni-form with pride, it means you are ha-lf way there to being respect-ful, buying into what the organ-ization is all about.’’ Uniforms give stu-dents a sense of belong-ing to a part-icular school and create an iden-tity for the school in the commu-nity.

Some people be-lieve that a school uniform can improve learn-ing by reducing distract-ion, sharpening focus on school-work and making the class-room a more serious environ-ment, allow-ing students to perform better academic-ally.

To knw more about authors opinion click below:


Who is God's third child?


Seth is God's third child. He was Adam and Eve's third child as per mentioned in Bible.

Seth, who is revered in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mandaeism, and Sethianism, was Adam and Eve's third child and the brother of Cain and Abel, the only other members of their family whose names are listed in the Hebrew Bible.

According to Genesis, Seth was the father of all mankind because he was related to Noah and died in the Great Flood, making Noah the father of all mankind. Eve views Seth as God's replacement for Abel, whom Cain had killed. Seth allegedly received the Kabbalah's secret teachings from Adam in his later years.

For such more question on child:


What are 5 examples of compound complex sentences?


A compound-complex sentence consists of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Compound-complex sentences combine elements of compound and complicated sentences. It is the most intricate sentence pattern you can use. By mastering the art of constructing compound-complex phrases, you can raise the level of complexity in your writing.

Here are a few instances:

1. Because I want to be a ballerina when I grow up, my mother is pleased with me.

2. I'll be able to watch TV when we finish eating, but first I have to do the dishes.

3. The rain made my clothes muddy, despite the fact that we won the game.

4. After our trip to the beach, I was excited to see my classmates when school resumed.

5. Sarah cried when her cat got sick, but he healed right away.

To learn more about compound-complex sentence here:


Political opinions are formed with zero influence from outside sources.
True or False



This is False

If someone is in a subordinate position to someone else, which of the

following statements must be true? Base your answer on the meaning of


O The subordinate person is under the control of the other person.

The subordinate person holds the same job as the other person.

O The subordinate person supports and cares for the other person.

O The subordinate person has total authority over the other person.


The Declaration of Sentiments was written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton to dramatise the denied citizenship claims of affluent women at a time when the founding documents of the early republic gave preference to white, aristocratic males.

Who wrote the Declaration of Sentiments group of answer options in its entirety?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton served as the Declaration's primary author, and she based it on the American Declaration of Independence. Along with Martha Coffin Wright and Lucretia Coffin Mott, she played a key role in organising the convention.

What are the Declaration of Sentiments's five complaints?

Education, economics, religion, family, and society make up the five categories under which the complaints are divided.

To know more about Education visit:-


The Latin root oblivisci means "to forget." With this information in mind, what do you think oblivious means? Write your best definition of the word oblivious here.


The Latin root oblivisci means "to forget."

Define Oblivious?Without paying attention to anything, especially what is going on around you: She was so absorbed in her job that she was completely unaware of her surroundings. The mayor seemed unaware of the possible consequences of the new law.You are not aware of something if you are oblivious to it or oblivious to it.A sentence that uses a certain word in context is known as a "example sentence." A writer creates an example sentence to demonstrate how to properly utilize a particular word in writing. To make it obvious which definition these examples are meant to illustrate, they are placed after the definition itself.

To learn more about Oblivious refer to:


Which sentence uses incorrect parallel structure?
A.Jonathan enjoys hunting for falcons, spending time with family, and painting the landscapes.

B.Steve is not only talented as an athlete, but also as an actor in theater and performing arts.

C.The fried chicken was oily, grease was on the garlic bread, and the potatoes were cold.

D.The workers at the factory promised to be more vigilant, and to work more quickly.


Jonathan enjoys hunting for falcons, spending time with family, and painting the landscapes is parallel structure sentense .

What does a phrase lacking parallel structure look like?Problem. The use of the same word pattern for two or more concepts that are equally important is known as parallelism or parallel construction. Without parallel structure , a sentence or section is likely to come out as unorganised.Verify that you have paired nouns with other nouns, verbs with other verbs, prepositional phrases with other prepositional phrases, and so on to check for parallelism in your work. Check that each element in a sentence that is highlighted employs the same grammatical structure as the element to which it corresponds.

To learn more about parallel structure refer to:


What are important elements of the setting in Trifles?


The play is about a group of women who gather in a rural farmhouse to investigate the death of a woman's husband. Susan Glaspell authored The Trifles, a one-act play, in 1916.

What are important elements of the setting in Trifles?

The kitchen of a farmhouse: The kitchen is the main element of the setting in Trifles. It is a small, sparsely furnished kitchen in a lonely farmhouse. This setting reflects the rural, isolated lifestyle of the characters and is symbolic of the gender roles of the time.

The presence of the men: The men in the play are the county lawyer, Mr. Hale, and the sheriff, representing the law and order of the time. Their presence serves to contrast the women’s lives and emphasize their lack of power and autonomy.

John Wright's dead body: The discovery of John Wright's body is the inciting event of the play. His death serves as a symbol of the powerlessness of women in the time period and of the injustice of the law.

The evidence of Mrs. Wright's isolation: The evidence of Mrs. Wright's isolation is present throughout the kitchen. The broken birdcage, the neglected quilt, and the unwashed dishes are all symbols of her lack of connection to her community and her husband.

What was The Trifles?

The Trifles was a short one-act play written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. The play is about a group of women who gather in a rural farmhouse to investigate the death of a woman's husband. The women must piece together the events of the night before, as the men in the group overlook the clues that the women recognize as evidence of a crime. It is a powerful examination of gender roles and justice in the early 20th century. The play has become an important part of modern American theater, as it serves as a reminder of the power of women's intuition and the importance of paying attention to small details.

To know more about Trifles,


What is the difference between algorithms and heuristics?


An algorithm is a step-by-step process that takes a limited number of steps to solve a particular problem.

Explain algorithms and heuristics.

Given the same settings, an algorithm's output is predictable and reproducible (input). Heuristics are educated guesses that act as a roadmap for further research. The outcomes of a heuristic are neither predictable nor repeatable, in contrast to an algorithm. Human learning offers a practical comparison of algorithms and heuristics. A toddler uses a heuristic approach when learning to walk, testing out various muscle actions until it discovers one that works. But if you've learned it, walking turns into an algorithm—literally, a series of actions that (should) always result in the appropriate outcomes.

To learn more about Algorithms and Heuristics visit:


In Chapter 5 of Golding's Lord of the Flies, for what is Ralph preparing himself?


Ralph says he is going to call an assembly.

What is Ralph preparing himself?

Ralph calls the assembly and reminds everyone of their agreement to maintain fresh water supplies, observe sanitation measures, build shelters, and keep the signal fire going. He then addresses the growing fear that he knows is beginning to overwhelm many of the boys by opening up the floor for discussion. Meanwhile, darkness is falling.

Ralph realizes that life is an improvisation and much of one's life is spent watching one's feet. He also realizes that his hair is really long and he is really dirty.

Ralph, who has seen what he thinks is the beast, is listless and depressed, unsure of how to reconcile his civilized ideals with the sight he saw on the mountaintop. Ralph realizes that a chief needs to be able to think quickly and make decisions.

To learn more about Golding's "Lord of Flies", visit


What is the allegorical lesson that Orwell was teaching with Animal Farm?


Orwell utilises the allegory of farm animals rising up in Animal Farm to criticise Stalinist Russia. Orwell draws a lot of comparisons between communist Russia and the farm.

What is Animal Farm's metaphorical message?

Through the symbolism of the dogs, the hens, and Boxer, Orwell argues that governments may be corrupt in Animal Farm. The canines serve as a metaphor for how governments frighten society by using military force, according to Orwell. Stalin terrorised his people with ruthless military force.

What lesson is Animal Farm meant to impart, according to Orwell?

Orwell examines the premise that corruption results from having power. As a result of their position of power, many of the characters in the book—especially the pigs—become corrupt.

To know more about comparisons visit:-


A story that represents knowledge, life, passion, or rebirth with the archetype of fire uses a ___ archetype.
O character
O setting
O symbol


Symbol is your answer

Why is the sun's gold complexion dimmed often Sonnet 18?


The sun's gold complexion is dimmed often in Sonnet 18 because the poet is comparing the beauty of his beloved to the sun. He is saying that the beauty of his beloved surpasses the sun, and thus the sun's complexion is dimmed in comparison.

What is complexion?

Complexion is the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin on a person's face. It is often used to describe the overall look of a person's skin, including its color, tone, and texture. Complexion can be affected by a variety of factors, including genetics, age, diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors. A person's complexion can range from fair to dark, and can be affected by sun exposure, hormones, and other factors. A healthy complexion is usually even in color and texture, with no blemishes or discoloration. People often use makeup and skincare products to enhance their complexion and improve its appearance.

To learn more about complexion

A new building Was being built (Into active)​


A new building is being built.
"Someone was building a new building."

In the active voice sentence, make the subject of the passive voice sentence the doer of the action. Make the verb in the sentence in the corresponding form of the verb, usually in base form. And, if the object of the passive voice sentence is essential, include it.

For example, in the sentence "A new building was being built," the subject is "building," the verb is "was being built," and there's no object. To convert this sentence to active voice, we can say, "Someone was building a new building."

What is the central idea of the poem the last bargain?


The well-known and acclaimed Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore is the author of the poem The Last Bargain. The subject of this poem is a job seeker.

What is the central idea of poem?

The main theme of the poem The Last Bargain is that all material things, including riches, power, and beauty, are fleeting and useless. We discovered that passion, wealth, or power cannot satisfy our desires. Simpleness and purity are the highest qualities there are.

The poem's lesson is that pleasure cannot be purchased with money, prosperity, power, or beauty. Happiness may only be attained when something truly makes one feel good inside. A child's purity and simplicity are sufficient to hire the poet for life; neither beauty nor power could hire the poet.

To know more about Rabindranath Tagore, visit:


The well-known and acclaimed Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore is the author of the poem The Last Bargain. The subject of this poem is a job seeker.

What is the central idea of the poem?

The main theme of the poem The Last Bargain is that all material things, including riches, power, and beauty, are fleeting and useless. We discovered that passion, wealth, or power cannot satisfy our desires. Simpleness and purity are the highest qualities there are.

The well-known and acclaimed Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore is the author of the poem The Last Bargain.

The poem's lesson is that pleasure cannot be purchased with money, prosperity, power, or beauty. Happiness may only be attained when something truly makes one feel good inside. A child's purity and simplicity are sufficient to hire the poet for life; neither beauty nor power could hire the poet.

To know more about Rabindranath Tagore, visit:


Harry produces 7 balloon rides and 5 boat rides an hour. harry could not produce more balloon rides without producing fewer boat rides. Harry is _____________ his production possibilities frontier


The answer to the above fill-in-the-blank question Harry produces 7 balloon rides and 5 boat rides an hour. harry could not produce more balloon rides without producing fewer boat rides. Harry is _____________ his production possibilities frontier is. , is produced on

Harry produces 7 balloon rides and 5 boat rides an hour. harry could not produce more balloon rides without producing fewer boat rides. Harry is __producing on__ his production possibilities frontier is the full statement and the correct answer is producing on because it matches the tense of the sentence perfectly and is also more relatetable than other options  

producing outsideproducing inside moving along

for more fill-in-the-blank question see:


Where do you fall in the “life isn’t fair, deal with it” debate is this a good or bad way of thinking about your life?



Personally, it all matters about how outgoing you are as a human. I agree with it because life isn't fair and sometimes you've got to accept the bad things that happen. Many times your life will fall out of order but you have to learn to deal with it.

I believe that "life isn't fair, deal with it" is not a good way of thinking about your life because telling someone to deal with it may sound rude and making it your motto will give you the mindset to give up easily. I feel like going with the flow is a better way of thinking about your life.

Your town has been chosen as the location for a large international event.
write an email to your friend telling them about this.
In your email you should:
-explain why your town has been chosen for the event
-describe what will happen at the event
-suggest how you could both get tickets to watch the event.
You can also use some ideas of your own.
Your email, should be between 150 and 200 words long.


An email to a friend about  the town been chosen as the location for a large international event will be an informal email.

What is an email?

Electronic mail , also known as e-mail is a method of exchanging messages between people via electronic devices. Email was conceived as the electronic (digital) counterpart to mail at a time when "mail" only referred to physical mail.

In the email, I will mention explain why my town has been chosen for the event, which is mainly due to some historic importance, describe what will happen at the event, and will also suggest how could we both get tickets to watch the event. I will also mention about our dress code for that event.

Therefore, it will be an informal email.

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What happens to the carbonyl peak in a non-conjugated system relative to a conjugated one? Peak wavenumber shifts left by 60 Peak wavenumber shifts right by 30 Peak wavenumber shifts left by 30 Peak wavenumber shifts right by 60 was after the ball by barbara cook polka? Liv earns $9.50 for every two bracelets she sells. The equation y = 4.75x can be used to represent this situation. What is the constant of proportionality? What does the constant of proportionality represent in the context of the problem?? Excerpt from TextAnd having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer and say to them:Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning.Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities;In this section of the poem, the speaker isQuestion 3 options:fearful of the city's danger embarrassed by the crime in the city excited to move to another city proud of the city's resilience g a rigid waled cubical container is completely filled with water at 40 f and sealed. the water is then heated to 100 f. determine the pressure that develops in the container when the water reaches this higher termperature What is a point-slope equation of the line with slope 3 that goes through the point (-2, 8)? 8+2x3-6 divided by 2 carl rogers emphasized that a positive self-concept is promoted by group of answer choices reciprocal determinism. free association. unconditional positive regard. defense mechanisms. an external locus of control. 5. A food company designs a cylindrical can that will be used for beans. The net of the cylinder is shown.What is the approximate surface area of the cylindrical can, using 3.14 for ? Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary. PLEASE HELP ME DUE I BEG THANK U Under favorable circumstances including reaction time a motor vehicle with good brakes going 50 miles per hour can be stopped within Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating."But no one can ignore the damage being wrought by all this bad eating. More than one out of three adults in the United States -- 37.5 percent -- are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of the leading causes of death -- heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes -- are directly linked to obesity. And childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years. With more than a third of kids between 6 and 19 considered obese, the CDC reports, they are at substantially more risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone and joint conditions, and cancer.PLS HELP. Which statement best describes the author's argument in this part of the article?Eating a poor diet can have harmful effects on people's health. Eating healthier foods is not as easy as some might think.Children should be required to maintain a healthy diet.Eating habits have changed significantly in recent years. the nuirse admisisters a medication to the client that induces the secondary action of hypoglycemia what organ will be most acutley affected by inadequate Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the functions and powers of the House of Representatives and the Senate? House of Representatives Senate (A) They hold trials of impeachment They impeach officials prior to trial (B) They declare war They do not vote on declarations of war (C) They ratify treaties They choose the president if there is no Electoral College majority (D) They originate tax bills They confirm presidential appointments (A) (B) (C) (D) Multiple choice question for history find the number of automobiles whose total mass is the same as 1.0 mol of blueberries. She noticed that bubbles started to form and rise upwards only after she unscrewed the cap. She then opened another bottle that was much colder and she noticed that a lot more bubbles had formed. Explain what Ava observed write a letter to a friend who wants to visit your school giving him direction to your school and telling him about two interesting things he will see on his visit how do i solve 2(-3x+4)=5x+2? how many flights of stairs were in the twin towers Classify the angle pair. Select all choices that apply.