Read the paragraphs.

Uninsured people are less likely to receive medical care and more likely to have poor health status. The cost of poor health among uninsured people was almost $125 billion in 2004 (Hadley & Holahan, 2004).

The financial burden of medical care is also high for uninsured individuals; almost 50% of personal bankruptcy filings are due to medical expenses (Jacoby, et al., 2000). Uninsured individuals report more problems getting care, are diagnosed at later disease stages, and get less therapeutic care.

Which sentence from the passage provides the best evidence to support the claim that the lack of health insurance is a financial burden?
Uninsured people are less likely to receive medical care and more likely to have poor health status.
The cost of poor health among uninsured people was almost $125 billion in 2004 (Hadley & Holahan, 2004).
The financial burden of medical care is also high for uninsured individuals. . . .
Uninsured individuals report more problems getting care, are diagnosed at later disease stages, and get less therapeutic care.


Answer 1

Uninsured people are less likely to receive medical care and more likely to have poor health status. This sentence from the passage provides the best evidence to support the claim that the lack of health insurance is a financial burden.

Health insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses incurred as a result of an illness. These expenses may be related to hospitalization costs, drug costs or doctor consultation fees.

Financial burden is a term used to describe the problems a patient has in relation to the cost of medical care.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A.

Learn more about Health insurance on


Answer 2


The cost of poor health among uninsured people was almost $125 billion in 2004 (Hadley & Holahan, 2004).


took test

Related Questions

Read the following passage from The Story of the Greeks and answer the question that follows.

Some time after Inachus had built Argos, another Egyptian prince came to settle in Greece. His name was Ce´crops, and, as he came to Greece after the Deluge of Ogyges, he found very few inhabitants left. He landed, and decided to build a city on a promontory northeast of Argos. Then he invited all the Pelasgians who had not been drowned in the flood to join him.

The Pelasgians, glad to find such a wise leader, gathered around him, and they soon learned to plow the fields and to sow wheat. Under Cecrops' orders they also planted olive trees and vines, and learned how to press the oil from the olives and the wine from the grapes. Cecrops taught them how to harness their oxen; and before long the women began to spin the wool of their sheep, and to weave it into rough woolen garments, which were used for clothing, instead of the skins of wild beasts.

After building several small towns in At´ti-ca, Cecrops founded a larger one, which was at first called Ce-cro´pi-a in honor of himself. This name, however, was soon changed to Ath´ens to please A-the´ne (or Mi-ner´va), a goddess whom the people worshiped, and who was said to watch over the welfare of this her favorite city.

When Cecrops died, he was followed by other princes, who continued teaching the people many useful things, such as the training and harnessing of horses, the building of carts, and the proper way of harvesting grain. One prince even showed them how to make beehives, and how to use the honey as an article of food.

Identify the text structure found in this excerpt.

Cause and effect
Compare and contrast
Problem and solution


The text structure found in this excerpt is: "Chronological Text Structure". (Option B) See the definition of same below.

What is a text structure?

The way that a text organizes it's information is what is called a text structure.

What are different kinds of text structure?

Some examples of text structure are;

Cause and effectChronologicalCompare and contrastProblem and solution

In this case, the text structure used is chronological because it recounts an event from the beginning indicating how related activities unfolds.

Learn more about text structure:

CAESAR. The gods do this in shame of cowardice.

Caesar should be a beast without a heart

If he should stay at home today for fear.

No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well

That Caesar is more dangerous than he.

We are two lions littered in one day,

And I the elder and more terrible.

And Caesar shall go forth.

–The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,

William Shakespeare

Which phrase in the passage includes a symbol?

What does this symbol represent?

What do the two lions Caesar mentions symbolize?


The phrase that includes a symbol is "beast without a heart," which represents cowardice, and the two lions symbolize Caesar and danger, as explained below.

What is a symbol?

We can define symbol as a word or image that possesses a deeper or bigger meaning in a certain context. In the lines spoken by Caesar, we can identify the following:

Phrase that includes a symbol: "beast without a heart."What the symbol represents: In this context, the phrase "beast without a heart" symbolizes cowardice. What Caesar means is that he is no such thing as a coward.What the two lions symbolize: As Caesar keeps on talking, he refers to himself and to danger as " two lions littered in one day." That is, Caesar is one lion and danger is the other. What he means is that he is afraid of nothing.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answers provided above are correct.

Learn more about symbols here:


(A.) Identify the subject and the predicate.
1. Meena has come first in the race.
Hint: Identify the w
what or who bef
answer would be the
Lazy boys come last.
The sun rises in the east.
The foolish crow tried to be the peacock.
My parents and my brother have gone to the market.
I have met Raman's father.
7. Thousands of trees have been cut to construct the stadium.
8. The teacher gave him a prize.


The subject in the following sentences are Meena, boys, sun, crow, parents, brother, I, trees, teacher, respectively.

The predicate in the following sentences are "come first in the race", "come last", "rises in the east", "tried to be the peacock", "gone to the market", "cut to construct the stadium", "gave him a prize", respectively.

What (or who) the statement is about is known as the subject. The portion of a clause or sentence known as the predicate describes the subject's state or identity.

The fact that the subject will either be a noun or a pronoun is one way to distinguish between the two. There will be a verb in the predicate as well as a potential modifier.

To learn more about subject and predicate here


Underwent an agony from every footstep of those that thronged to see her, as if her heart had been flung into the street for them all to spurn and trample upon. what is the meaning of this excerpt?



She is an outcast.  She is isolated form the others.  


both Hester and Dimmesdale suffered from what they had done.  She was publicly disgraced. Hester faces public humiliation.  He created his own suffering.  The whole town appears to watch her paraded through the streets like a criminal.  She has committed a crime.  She is an amazing sewer and makes the A herself.

What can readers infer about the narrator’s personality ?


Answer: I'm unsure if this is supposed to be linked to a question, but overall you can infer their opinions and beliefs based on what they say and believed is right.





Debate on topic "money can't buy you happiness"​


I feel like it can, because games for example can make you happy if you really love the game

tell us your story. what unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?


Story telling is the art of recounting an event such that the details of that event is understood by the audience.

What is my story?

High School was challenging as well as interesting. High School coincided with my journey for self discovery. I made many mistakes but I also learnt from them.

One of the mistakes I made was not putting my academics first. It wasn't that I was lazy or dull, it just didn't manage my time well. At the end, I had to re-sit most of my examinations.

Of course I passed them excellently this time around, but I leant the lesson that there is time for everything.

Learn more about stories at;

Which of the following best represents the use of symbolism in “The Gift of the Magi?”

The pier-glass is a symbol of Della’s vanity.
Della’s hair is used to symbolize her worth to Jim.
The queen of Sheba is portrayed as a symbol of beauty.
The magi symbolize the spirit of giving.


D. The magi symbolizes the spirit of giving.

The story tells us about the power of actions determined by love and how sacrificing something important because of that can have a huge impact on people.

Their great sacrifice for each other is what made them wise like the Magi. It's always the intentions, purity of ones heart's, sacrificing for each other that matters not the gift.

At the end of the story, we learned as a theme was that the best gift is the one which is given/accepted by making a sacrifice for others.

The characters Della and Jim were wise, as both of them have sacrificed something they loved, for a gift for someone they loved more than the sacrifice itself.

To learn more about Magi here


Laughter shook the general. "How extraordinarily droll you are!" he said. "One does not expect nowadays to find a young man of the educated class, even in America, with such a naive, and, if I may say so, mid-Victorian point of view. It's like finding a snuff-box in a limousine. Ah, well, doubtless you had Puritan ancestors. So many Americans appear to have had. I'll wager you'll forget your notions when you go hunting with me. You've a genuine new thrill in store for you, Mr. Rainsford."

"Thank you, I'm a hunter, not a murderer."

—"The Most Dangerous Game,"
Richard Connell

In what way is Zaroff portrayed as Rainsford’s foil?

Zaroff is a strong hunter, and Rainsford is a weak one.
Zaroff is a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.
Zaroff is a considerate host, but Rainsford is an inconsiderate guest.


The portrayal of the characters is B. Zaroff is a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.

What is Characterization?

This refers to the different roles a character(s) has to play and the ways they are described.

Hence, we can see that from the given narration, we can see that characterization is used in order to portray both characters in contrasting ways as Zaroff is characterized as a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.

Read more about characterization here:


Which text evidence best supports the inference that the Maharani was breaking with tradition?

". . . he cleverly kept all of us in the dark as to his intention that I should accompany him to England."
". . . I may as well confess that I dreaded the experience."
". . . for the wife of a ruler to visit England with her husband caused quite a sensation."
"The Maharani of Baroda, I believe, had once gone to Switzerland. . ."


The text evidence that best supports the inference that the Maharani was breaking with tradition is C. ". . . for the wife of a ruler to visit England with her husband caused quite a sensation."

What is Inference?

This refers to the conclusion that is made about a particular topic based on available evidence.

Hence, we can see that from the answer choices given, we can see option C talks about the wife of a ruler breaking tradition and going to England with her husband.

Read more about inference here:


When tourists visit different countries, they usually have to exchange their money. An American visiting China would exchange dollars for yuan. A Brazilian visiting Peru would exchange reais for nuevos soles. These exchanges take time away from people’s vacations, and travelers usually have to pay a fee to convert their money. Thanks to an exciting agreement in Europe, many travelers no longer need to make these exchanges.
2The Eurozone is a group of countries in Europe that have agreed to share the same kind of money. This money is called the euro. Today, more than 19 countries use the euro. These countries include France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Beginning in 2002, European countries traded in their francs, deutsche marks, lire, and pesetas for euro bills and coins. Since then, more countries have adopted the euro. Many more countries hope to do so in the future.
3In the United States, our bills and coins show symbols of America. These include important leaders and the bald eagle. Since the euro is shared by many countries, it needs to represent more than just one country. Each of the different euro bills shows a different style of European architecture. This allows the bills to represent many countries.
4Euro coins are a bit more complicated. All euro coins show Europe on one side. On the other side, individual countries are able to choose their own designs. For example, Irish euro coins show a harp, because the harp is an important symbol of Ireland. Austrian euro coins show flowers and important people in Austrian history. People can use euro coins with these different designs in any Eurozone country. This is similar to how Americans can use quarters with designs representing different states, no matter which state they are located in.
5You might be wondering how people who speak different languages are able to understand the words that are written on euros. Thankfully, people in all Eurozone countries can understand the numbers found on bills and coins. Euro bills also come in different sizes and colors, which makes it easier for people to tell them apart. Additionally, the term euro can be understood in almost any Eurozone country's language. The exception is Greek, which has its own alphabet. Because of this, the Greek spelling of euro is printed on all bills along with the word euro. These factors are important for making sure the euro works for all countries in the Eurozone.
6The adoption of the euro did more than just create a shared form of money. It also made it easier for all of the Eurozone countries to work together. It is now much simpler for businesses in these countries to buy and sell each other's good. Workers can find a job in different countries and get paid in a familiar form of money. Consumers can make smarter decisions when buying goods from different countries. Leaders from each Eurozone country now meet regularly to make decisions together. This helps make the economy of each Eurozone country stronger and more stable.
7However, there are some disadvantages to adopting the euro. Individual countries now have less control over their own money and their own economies. Additionally, when there is an economic problem in one Eurozone country, it can have a negative effect on the other Eurozone countries. These concerns have led some European countries to keep their own form of money instead of using the euro.
8In the coming years, economists will pay close attention to the effects of the euro, both positive and negative. While many countries hope to join the Eurozone, some are now considering an exit. For now, travelers in Europe can enjoy the convenience of one shared form of money, whether they are in Portugal, Cyprus, or many of the countries in between.


The central idea that's illustrated in the story is that there's a agreement in place that makes exchange not important for certain countries.

What is central idea?

It should be noted that central idea simply means the main idea that's illustrated in a literary work.

In this case, the central idea that's illustrated in the story is that there's a agreement in place that makes exchange not important for certain countries. This was illustrated in the first paragraph.

Learn more about central ideas on:


how would you use proofreading marks too correct the transamerica pyramid is a building in san francisco shaped like a pyramid


Proofreading marks can be used to correct the statement:

Transamerica Pyramid is a building in San Francisco shaped like a pyramid by using the caret to identify lower case words that should be upper case.

What are proofreading marks?

Proofreading marks are symbols that are used to identify the mistake in a sentence. The caret, delete, closeup, pilcrow, etc are examples of proofreading marks.

For the proofreading correction mentioned above, we can see that some words which are nouns are not correctly capitalized.

Proofreading marks such as the caret can be used to insert the right capitalized letters in the sentence. In this manner, proofreading marks are used correctly.

Learn more about proofreading marks here:


The likelihood that millions of additional vehicles will soon be clogging their nation's roads ________the
Chinese to adopt a variety of innovative transportation policies.
O have led
O has led
O leading
O this is leading



has led


The likelihood that millions of additional vehicles will soon be clogging their nation's roads has led the Chinese to adopt a variety of innovative transportation policies.

What is the purpose of the research process (usmc) basic grammar and composition


The purpose of the research process (usmc) basic grammar and composition is to help in engaging with the right use of vocabulary and punctuation and create a good flow of content.

Because in order to put your creative ideas into action, you have to have good written and spoken communication skills. It helps you become knowledgeable about the topic, problem.

Putting your thoughts into writing regarding this study enables you to construct a logical argument or argument that your readers can understand and take action on. Thus, the purpose of the research process (usmc) basic grammar and composition is to help in engaging with the right use of vocabulary and punctuation and create a good flow of content.

To know more about research process:


In what respect or area, do you think, society would benefit from greater critique?


Shaka Zulu haw old are you

Write 10 sentences on how did u spent your summer holidays. I need for grade 1 please help



Holidays are best to give our mind and body some rest from everyday life. I spent my holidays by attending dancing, painting and karate classes. During the holidays I also get to travel with my family and friends. Every student feels very happy throughout the holidays. i also go to village in summer holidays



We all love summer vacation. Summer vacation are the happiest days. In summer vacation I went to play in morning and evening. I play with my mother and father. In evenings I went for a walk with my grandparents. I exercised daily. I went to see flim. I went to my dance class daily . I ate ice cream. I enjoyed alot.

How do specific details best help the reader understand of the meaning of the historical event?



history changing impact

Specific details in historical writing serve as the building blocks of comprehension, offering readers a deeper understanding of the event's significance.

By providing concrete information about the time, place, people involved, and key actions, these details contextualize the event within its historical framework. They lend credibility and authenticity to the narrative, making it more reliable for readers.

Additionally, specific details evoke emotions and empathy, creating a human connection to the past and enhancing engagement. Through clarity and vivid descriptions, readers can visualize the event, grasp its implications, and critically analyze its causes and consequences. Overall, specific details enrich historical understanding, transforming events into meaningful and relatable stories.

Learn more about historical writing here:


which descripition is an example of direct characterization


The description that is an example of direct characterization is "Amir had a laugh that would bubble..."

What is direct characterization?

Direct characterization implies the narrator directly describes the attitude and personality of a character.

What is an example of direct characterization?

The description of Amir is an example of this type of characterization because the narrator is directly stating how happy Amir ir.

Note: This question is incomplete; here is the missing section:

A. The puppy shivered uncontrollably as he entered the veterinarian's office.

B. Dana gazed lazily out the window as her chemistry teacher handed out the semester exam.

C. The actress waltzed onto the stage without even glancing at the thousand-member audience.

D. Amir had a laugh that would bubble through the room, infecting those around him with giggles.

Learn more about direct characterization in:


"you ____ waste any more time." (a) does not (b) were not (c) should not (d) is not



(C) should not


If you put each phrase into sentence format, "should not" is the only one that would make sense.

A) "You does not waste any more time." (Doesn't make sense, therefore (A) is not correct.)

B) "You were not waste any more time." (Doesn't sound right, therefore (B) is not correct.)

D) "You is not waste any more time." (Also doesn't make sense, therefore (D) is not correct.)

C) "You should not waste any more time" (This one sounds right if you say it out loud and looks right on paper, therefore (C) is your answer).

I hope this helps!!

Have a great day!!

Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet.

Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends,
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite:
Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.

What effects does the foreshadowing in Friar Laurence’s warning to Romeo have? Select 3 options.

It keeps the audience engaged in the plot by suggesting more potential conflict in the story.
It explains to the reader why Romeo and Juliet will never find the happiness they seek together.
It creates suspense as the reader wonders why Friar Laurence would utter this warning.
It characterizes Friar Laurence as a man who believes he has the ability to predict the future.
It provides a clue that something tragic will happen to the lovers later as the story progresses.


The effects which the foreshadowing in Friar Laurence’s warning to Romeo have are:

A. It keeps the audience engaged in the plot by suggesting more potential conflict in the story.C. It creates suspense as the reader wonders why Friar Laurence would utter this warning.E. It provides a clue that something tragic will happen to the lovers later as the story progresses.

What is Foreshadowing?

This refers to the use of hints and clues to give an idea about what would happen in the future in a story.

Hence, we can see that from the complete question, there is the narration of the potential conflict that is suggested based on the warnings of Friar Laurence and the other effects of foreshadowing are shown in options A, C and E.

Read more about foreshadowing here:


The effects that the foreshadowing in Friar Laurence’s warning to Romeo have are:

It keeps the audience engaged in the plot by suggesting more potential conflict in the story.It creates suspense as the reader wonders why Friar Laurence would utter this warning.It provides a clue that something tragic will happen to the lovers later as the story progresses.

What is Foreshadowing?

Foreshadowing is a little clue that points to the possibility of a future event.

In the text above, Friar Laurence makes some statements that point to the possibility of awful events in the story. This creates some form of suspense in the story.

Learn more about foreshadowing here:


Highlight narration that helps you understand rainsford's character. when he opened his eyes he knew from the position of the sun that it was late in the afternoon. sleep had given him new vigor; a sharp hunger was picking at him. he looked about him, almost cheerfully. —"the most dangerous game," richard connell what can be concluded about rainsford? rainsford feels uncomfortable when he is in unfamiliar surroundings. rainsford is adventurous and knowledgeable about the outdoors. rainsford is frightened and desperate to be rescued.


From the narration, we can conclude that Rainsford is adventurous and knowledgeable about the outdoors.

Why is this conclusion possible?Because Rainsford can get a sense of the time by looking at the position of the sun.Because he proves to be a connoisseur of the environment.Because when he sees that he is in the environment, he is happy.

Rainsford is a hunter and spends a lot of time in the wild, going on adventures and exploring open areas. For this reason, he was happy to realize that he was in a natural environment because he knew how these environments work and could act more safely.

Learn more about Rainsford:





Edge 2023

To revise the paragraph and make the analysis clearer, what literary terms should be substituted for the underlined words in the paragraph? select two options. allusion characterization imagery irony theme


To revise the paragraph and make the analysis clearer, what literary terms should be substituted for the underlined words in the paragraph theme, characterization

The definition of analysis is the process of breaking down something into parts and learning what they do and how they are interrelated. Examining blood in the laboratory to find all its components is an example of analysis.

Literary analysis is more than just a summary of literary works. Instead, it is a discussion of the work that expresses the author's personal perspective, interpretation, judgment, or critical evaluation of the work.

Learn more about the analysis here



C and E I believe


Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iv of Romeo and Juliet. How does Mercutio offer comic relief in this excerpt?


Mercutio offers comic relief in the excerpt from "Romeo and Juliet" by refusing to treat Romeo’s romance seriously, as stated in option C and explained below.

What is comic relief?

Comic relief is a technique commonly used in serious, dramatic stories. It is a comic, funny event, dialogue, or situation whose purpose is to alleviate some of the tension and seriousness of the general story.

The excerpt from Act II, scene iv from "Romeo and Juliet" has Mercutio as the comic relief. His judgmental and teasing words about those well-known female characters come to provoke Romeo. Mercutio does not take Romeo's love seriously, and his joking attitude provides the comic relief the drama needs.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option C as the correct answer for this question.

The complete question with the missing excerpt and answer choices is the following:

Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iv of "Romeo and Juliet."

Benvolio: Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo.

Mercutio: Without his roe, like a dried herring. O flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! Now is he for the numbers that Petrarch flowed in: Laura to his lady was but a kitchen-wench; marry, she had a better love to be-rime her; Dido a dowdy; Cleopatra a gipsy; Helen and Hero hildings and harlots; Thisbe, a grey eye or so, but not to the purpose. Signior Romeo, bon jour! There’s a French salutation to your French slop. You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night.

Romeo: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you?

Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip; can you not conceive?

How does Mercutio offer comic relief in this excerpt?

By explaining romantic figures from history.By speaking in different languages.By refusing to treat Romeo’s romance seriously.By complaining about his own love interest.

Learn more about comic relief here:


An essay on What we're learning about Online Learning by Benedict Care


he was socially connected to the community he was Known as a saying he wanted specific care for certain people and yeah like certain spiritual things going on

In The Beggar and the King, what do the beggar's repeated appeals reveal about him?


In The Beggar and the King, the beggar's repeated appeals reveal him because c) He holds the king responsible for his poverty.

The subject matter of The Beggar and the King is that satisfaction leads to the downfall of man. This subject is plain all through the story as the king's downfall is foreshadowed after the beggar leaves. Although we never see his downfall, it is able to be speculated that the king is haunted by using the beggar's phrases.

The important tone of the play is uplifting. The desolate beggar is able to enlighten the hardhearted King, as a consequence climatically triumphing over the evil royal. The minor subject matter is introspective, the writer is making an attempt to inspire the reader to explore their treatment of the disenfranchised.

The king may be very merciless, and unkind he cannot listen to beggars' sounds so he ordered his servant to cut the beggar's tongue and did not supply some bread. And final whilst he changed into indignant with the beggar he ordered his servant to cut his all frame components.

The question is incomplete. Please read below to find the missing content.

In The Beggar and the King, what do the beggar's repeated appeals reveal about him?

a)He believes that the guards will soon overthrow the king.

b)He believes that a king is secretly a kind person.

c)He holds the king responsible for his poverty.

d)He wants the king to leave the throne.

Learn more about The Beggar and The king here


NEED HELP 70 PONITS... For the Birds!

The Endangered Species Act was passed by Congress in 1973 to protect animals and plants that were at risk of becoming extinct. The following editorial appeared in a local newspaper in North Carolina in 1937

a bird

Dear Citizens of Triston,

As a concerned citizen of Triston and member of the North Carolina Conservation of Nature Council, I am asking for the community's help with a serious issue. First, I want to congratulate our town's mayor and city council for planning to build a new community theater. However, do they realize that building the theater on Asbury Woodlands will destroy the prime breeding ground for an endangered species?

The Bachman's warbler is a small bird about four inches in length. This green-backed bird has a bright yellow belly and face and is sometimes confused with the similarly colored hooded warbler.

Since 1897, the population of the Bachman's warbler has decreased from over 500,000 to fewer than 100 in North Carolina. The main reason is the destruction of the areas (like Asbury Woodlands) that it uses for its natural breeding grounds. Bachman's warblers prefer thickly wooded swamps and wet thickets in heavy, full-grown forests where they can build their nests and feed on insects.

This does not mean that we cannot build a community theater. A similar situation recently arose in Cape Pristo, North Carolina. Nobel Hotels canceled its plans to build a high-rise structure when it became known that the roseate tern, another endangered bird, was living in the suggested location. Nobel Hotels put up a new building several miles down the beach from the original location, and the roseate tern kept its habitat.

Our community has forever prided itself on caring for our natural surroundings. The city council has promised that the proposed theater will be "highly tasteful" and that the structure will "complement the spirit of our town."

The city council's honorable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler would smooth the feathers of many voters. With their help and the support of our townspeople, future generations will appreciate the beauty of this little bird.

Redmond Harris

The last sighting of the Bachman's warbler in the United States was in 1988, and the last warbler nest was found in 1937 in Alabama.

Select the correct answer.
Which audience does the passage most likely address?

people of North Carolina
animal activist groups
North Carolina Conservation of Nature Council
the city council


The audience that the passage most likely addresses is:" people of North Carolina" (Option A)

Who is an Audience?

An audience is the target set of persons who the author of a text specifically had in mind when writing an article.

Notice that the first paragraph reads: "As a concerned citizen of Triston and member of the North Carolina Conservation of Nature Council, I am asking for the community's help with a serious issue."

Hence the correct option is option A.

Learn more about audience at;


D. the city council


Which one of the following is not a sound device? select one: a. refrain b. repetition c. onomatopoeia d. alliteration


Refrain is not a sound device


A Refrain


mark me brainiest gangy  

Which sentence below correctly uses italics



Sentence B


Good essay answers are based on your thoughts, and do not have to include examples from class or the course materials.



If this is a true or false question, then the answer would be False.


Help please I don’t know it I’ll let y’all help


Answer: the second


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