So, I don't take Chinese at school because I'm taking Spanish, but how do I politely ask the Chinese teacher to help me learn Chinese?

So, I Don't Take Chinese At School Because I'm Taking Spanish, But How Do I Politely Ask The Chinese


Answer 1


Learn how to say can you please teach me Chinese in Chinese


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आज हमारे देश भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली के किस प्रमुख समस्या के विषय के आप समाचार पत्रों में पढ़ने है तथा उस समस्या का क्या कारण है एवं किस प्रकार इस समस्या का समाधान किया जा सकता है ( 500 words hindi essay please )
( answer needed asap please )


[tex] \qquad \qquad \green{ \underline{\huge \sf निबंधलेखन}}[/tex]

भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली की सबसे प्रमुख समस्या आज प्रदूषण है। हर दिन, हर घंटे समाचार पत्रों तथा न्यूज चैनलों पर दिल्ली में बढ़ते प्रदुषण की कुछ न कुछ खबरें देखने मिलती है। प्रदूषण से बढ़ती बीमारी में कैंसर तथा हृदय से संबंधित कई रोगों ने न केवल वयस्कों को बल्कि बच्चों को भी निशाना बनाया है। इस घटनाक्रम में सबसे ज्यादा वायु प्रदूषण बढ़ा है, जिसके कुछ ठोस कारण हैं। इसमें सबसे प्रमुख कारण है किसानों द्वारा जलाए जाने वाले फसल के अवशेष। यह बात सुनने में अचरज लगती है पर इसने दिल्ली की हवा का हाल बेहाल कर रखा है, बिन सर्द के कोहरे केवल दिल्ली में ही देखने मिलेंगे। इसके अलावा देश की राजधानी होने के कारण दिल्ली में औद्योगीकरण और विकास अधिक हुआ है और नौकरी के आस में अन्य प्रदेश के लोगों का दिल्ली में पलायन भी खूब हुआ है जिससे दिल्ली की आबादी भी खूब बढ़ी है। जाहिर सी बात है यदि आबादी बढ़ेगी तो यातायात और परिवहन भी बढ़ेगा। दिल्ली के सड़को पर ट्रैफिक अब कोई नया मुद्दा नहीं है। यातायात तथा परिवहन भी दिल्ली में बढ़ते प्रदूषण का मुख्य कारण है।

इस समस्या का हल भी है परंतु उसके लिए जनता तथा सरकार दोनों को एकजुट होकर आगे आना होगा अन्यथा प्रदूषण यूं ही बढ़ते रहेगा और अल्प आयु में ही बच्चे भयानक बीमारियों की चपेट में आते रहेंगे। सर्वप्रथम सरकार को किसानों द्वारा जलाए जाने वाले फसलों के अवशेषों को जलाने से रोकने का आदेश देना चाहिए तथा उन्हें अवशेषों से लहू उद्योगों को कैसे शुरू किया जा सकता है इस बात की जागरूकता अभियान चलानी चाहिए। यातायात और परिवहन पर हम रोक तो नही लगा सकते परंतु हम जनता से यह गुज़ारिश कर सकते हैं कि वे निजी वाहनों की जगह सार्वजनिक वाहनों का प्रयोग करें। यदि नई गाड़ियां खरीद रहे हैं तो इलेक्ट्रिक या सीएनजी गाड़ियां खरीदें। यह छोटे छोटे कदम नई प्रदूषित दिल्ली को फिर पुरानी साफ दिल्ली बनने में एक अहम भूमिका निभाएंगे।

[tex]\sf \small \pink{Thanks }\: \green{for} \: \blue{joining} \: \orange{brainly } \: \red{community}![/tex]

Marque a alternativa em que o emprego do pronome relativo não está de acordo com a norma-padrão da Língua Portuguesa. Opções de pergunta 5: O clube onde treino estará fechado no próximo domingo. O livro que estou lendo é muito bom. É uma pessoa a quem muito devemos. Este é o livro cujas folhas estão amareladas. Parecia um debate onde ninguém sabia nada.



O livro que estou lendo é muito bom


O pronome relativo "que" é muito utilizado na linguagem oral, como mostrado na frase acima. Seu uso na frase não esta incorreto se a intenção é estabelecer uma linguagem informal.

Entretanto, se a intenção é estabelecer uma linguagem dentro da norma-padrão da língua portuguesa, o seu uso não é correto. O ideal, nesse caso, seria reescrever a frase substituindo "que" por "ao qual", ou seja: O livro, ao qual, estou lendo é muito bom.

Add comma(s) where
needed, if needed.
We brought home the dog a
beagle that we adopted.



We brought home the dog, A beagle that we adopted.



We broght home the dog , a beagle that we adopted...


▶hope this helped!!◀

Which of the following can be used as links?



Dashes and commas


One of the functions of dashes and commas is to mark an interruption from the rest of a sentence. These punctuation marks can be used in pairs (when they are in the middle of a sentence) or alone (mainly when they are at the end of the sentence) and their main difference is that while commas are used to mark off a weak interruption, dashes mark a strong interruption.


He loved me — that's what he had said— but he left abruptly and never came back.

Mark wanted a family — or so he believed.

I liked your company, of course, but I had to go home.

if its multiple choice.

پتّا پتّا بوٹا بوٹا حال ہمارا جانے ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ جانے نہ جانے گل ہی نہ جانے باغ تو سارا جانے ہے ۔۔۔۔ صنعت کی نشاندہی کیجیے *​



i cannot understand the question

A verb that does not transfer its a action to an object is call______. a.)a transitive verb b.)an intransitive verb c.)either one depending on the sentence d.)none of the above



b) an intransitive verb

Hope it helps.

Answer: its b


out of 1oo students, 80 passed in science, 71 in mathematics, 10 failed in both subject and 7 did not appear the examination. find the number of students who passed in passed in both subject by representing the given information in a venn diagram​



32 students passed in both subject

oque é aquecimento global me ajudem please



O aumento da temperatura média do sistema climático da Terra, chamado de aquecimento global, está causando mudanças nos padrões de precipitação, clima extremo, chegada de estações e muito mais. Coletivamente, o aquecimento global e seus efeitos são conhecidos como mudanças climáticas. Embora tenha havido períodos pré-históricos de aquecimento global, as mudanças observadas desde meados do século 20 foram sem precedentes em taxa e escala. As superfícies da terra estão aquecendo mais rápido do que as superfícies do oceano, levando a ondas de calor, incêndios florestais e a expansão dos desertos. O aumento da energia atmosférica e das taxas de evaporação estão causando tempestades mais intensas e extremos climáticos, danificando a infraestrutura e a agricultura. Os aumentos da temperatura da superfície são maiores no Ártico e contribuíram para o recuo das geleiras, do permafrost e do gelo marinho.

Write a short narrative describing a time when you communicated to message you later wished you could take back.



Maybe you can write about a lost loved one or an opportunity that you missed.


The one time i've ever been alone with her, that was when it happened. Every single one of us had a highschool crush, mine was more than that. I even asked my friends to test and try me in order to see if it was love, a crush or insanity. We were actually "friends" with her, Anna was her name, and she and i mostly met in groups, either to do homework or just hang around, but one time we just agreed to meet up only the two of us. Things were going well, we were talking, making jokes and telling us each other secrets, we were habing such a nice time until another friend of mine texted me on my phone inviting me to a party nearby. I asked Anna if she could wait a second so i could reply the messege, i typed "Hey man, i am sorry i won't be going, but guess what, i am right now alone with Anna, remember? the love of my life? hehe" and here it comes. In my hurry to reply my friend and get back to Anna, i sent the message to... Anna herself.


നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രദേശത്തുള്ള ഗവണ്മെന്റ് ആശുപത്രിയിലെ ശോചനീയാവസ്ഥാ പരിഹരിക്കണമെന്ന് ആവിശ്യപ്പെട്ട് ആരോഗ്യ മന്ദ്രിക്കു കത്ത് തയ്യാറാക്കുക its urgent pls help



കോവിഡ് -19 പാൻഡെമിക്കിന് എപ്പിഡെമോളജിക്കൽ നിരീക്ഷണത്തിനും പൊതുജനാരോഗ്യ തീരുമാനമെടുക്കലിനും



english- Dear Health Minister,

       I am very worried because of the horrible condition of the government hospital. The floors have cracks, patients and nurses fall because of them, and there are holes in the ceiling. Something needs to be done. Medical devices are not up to date, so some patients become ill. Instead of helping patients, they are getting worse, and we need to do something about this problem.

malayalam- പ്രിയ ആരോഗ്യമന്ത്രി,

       സർക്കാർ ആശുപത്രിയുടെ ഭീകരമായ അവസ്ഥ കാരണം ഞാൻ വളരെ ആശങ്കാകുലനാണ്. നിലകളിൽ വിള്ളലുകൾ ഉണ്ട്, രോഗികളും നഴ്സുമാരും കാരണം അവ വീഴുന്നു, കൂടാതെ സീലിംഗിൽ ദ്വാരങ്ങളുണ്ട്. എന്തെങ്കിലും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതുണ്ട്. മെഡിക്കൽ ഉപകരണങ്ങൾ കാലികമല്ല, അതിനാൽ ചില രോഗികൾ രോഗികളാകുന്നു. രോഗികളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിനുപകരം, അവർ കൂടുതൽ വഷളാകുന്നു, ഈ പ്രശ്നത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് ഞങ്ങൾ എന്തെങ്കിലും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതുണ്ട്.


At the end I would sign you own name.

Энд монгол хүүхэд байнуу



Би ч бас монгол хүн


ASAP Please someone help me (task 3. , 4. and 5.)



Task 3:

a) leche

b)agua mineral

c) huevos

d) patatas


f) pan

g) tomates

what ocean lies to the north of where scientists believe there was a bridge? please fast answer thx



Bering Sea



As a waterway, the Bering Strait connects the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean over the polar ice cap, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. The climate of the Bering Land Bridge (BLB) when it was above sea level during the Pleistocene was long thought to have been primarily a herbaceous tundra or steppe-tundra.


Hope this help!!

Please mark me brainiest!!!

Y don’t I understand the basics of anime logics??


Ps. Sry Anime Lovers :/


Tbh I got no idea of the answer

is communication that creates mistrust, hostility or hurt and indicates a desire for conflict rather than cooperation.



The answer is defensive communication. Hope my answer helped!  (‘∀’●)♡


~전이에요 when do I use this?



The word means "before".


~전이에요 means BEFORE.

Before means EARLIER.

hope it is helpful


50 divided by number n​



50 is divisible by are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50.

Translate in the image please



That the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born on Monday, in the year of elephants, the twelfth of the first Rabi month.

His father’s name is Abd Allah Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, and his mother is Aminah Bint Wahab. His father died, and he was two months old, and he was in his mother's womb. Then his mother died when he was six years old. So his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib raised him.

And when his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib died, his uncle Abu Talib raised him. And he was eight years old.

With the young, Muhammad tended to tear the flocks. Then he went to the Levant with his uncle, Abu Talib, to trade. Then he married Khadija after that, when he was forty years old. God sent Muhammad, a Prophet and a Messenger. Then his uncle, Abu Talib, who had been protecting him from the harm of Quraish, who was fifty years old, died. Then his wife Khadija died. She was the first to believe in God and His Messenger, and the first woman who believed in his prophethood.

After that, the Messenger, along with his companions, migrated to Al-Taif. Then God confided in His Messenger a night from the Great Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to the toxic ones in the meadow. Then the Messenger and his companions migrated from Mecca to Medina, and his emigration was at the age of fifty-three. And he died on the twelfth of the first spring of the eleventh year of migration, when he was sixty-three years old.

If anyone knows Japanese please help I just need to know what How to say Purple And I am 15 about to be 16 in September 21






Which Language is the easiest to learn?

Japanese, Korean or Chinese



probably Korean r japanese Chinese has alot of characters n japanese have many way of speaking and writing that when the character are less for like a larger word

It's far easier transferring to this from most Western languages, and there's no difficult Kanji. Korean is the clear-cut easiest to read and write when compared to Japanese and Chinese, as its alphabet is easier to remember and more logical to Western language speakers

tuliskan satu rangkap pantun tentang kebebasan​



saat saya mendaki bukit menuju kebebasan dan berlari melalui kaktus di atas pasir gurun, kaki saya tidak berhenti

Saya mendengar suara-suara di kepala saya dan berpikir seperti apa rumah saya

hatiku berjalan bebas aku mendengar suara teriakan "halo! halo!" dan suara-suara di bawah "selamat tinggal. selamat tinggal."

Saya merasa sedih tetapi senang mengetahui saya akan kembali ke tempat saya berasal. Mereka tidak tahu mengapa saya ingin pergi sekarang saatnya tetapi ketika mereka menangis, giliran saya untuk mati


Someone can help me???? Task 7.


Answer: dependiente- independiente

a) No me vas a decir que prefieres

b) Conosco (yo)muchos lugares agradables...


d) Las farmacias tienen un gran surtido de productos...

e) No me gusta el helado, por eso no puedo comprarlo

f) Donde venden revistas


h) No puedes comer más chocolate ...

i) En que bar quieren tomar cafés

j) Siempre hago las compras


I speak Spanish but I’m not completely sure since it is from Spain and I’m from Mexico. please tell me if it was helpful and there are also a lot of verbs that can go in just a simple answer but I hope this can give you an idea or something.

आत्मनिर्भरता विषय पर लगभग 80 से 100 शब्दों में अनुच्छेद लिखिए ।​



आत्मनिर्भरता स्वयं को सुरक्षित और संतुष्ट महसूस करने का गुण है, आंतरिक पूर्णता और स्थिरता की गहरी जड़ है। सतही स्तर पर, यह आत्मसम्मान को सुरक्षित करने के समान है - यह एक योग्य और सभ्य व्यक्ति के रूप में स्वयं का अनुमान है। लेकिन यह सुरक्षित आत्मसम्मान की तुलना में अधिक गहरा है, इसमें यह न केवल एक संज्ञानात्मक स्थिति है, बल्कि एक स्नेहपूर्ण स्थिति भी है - अर्थात यह मौलिक पूर्णता और कल्याण की भावना है।

उच्च या निम्न के संदर्भ में सोचने के बजाय - आत्मसम्मान के साथ - आत्मनिर्भरता के लिए कमजोर और मजबूत शब्दों का उपयोग करना अधिक उचित लगता है। मजबूत आत्मनिर्भरता वाले लोग अन्य लोगों की राय से बहुत चिंतित नहीं होते हैं। स्लेट्स उन्हें इतना प्रभावित नहीं करते हैं, क्योंकि उनके पास अपने स्वयं के मूल्य की गहरी जड़ें हैं।

आत्मनिर्भरता कुछ लक्षणों के साथ जुड़ी हुई है। आत्मनिर्भर लोगों के पास नियंत्रण का एक मजबूत आंतरिक स्थान होता है। अर्थात्, उनके पास अपने स्वयं के पाठ्यक्रम को निर्धारित करने की क्षमता और इच्छा है, अपने निर्णय लेने के बजाय, दूसरों द्वारा किए गए अपने जीवन के विकल्प होने की। वे अपनी स्वयं की प्रवृत्ति पर भरोसा करते हैं, और अपने तरीके से जाने के लिए तैयार होते हैं, भले ही इसका अर्थ है दूसरों की अपेक्षाओं के खिलाफ जाना, और इसलिए अधूरापन और उपहास का सामना करना पड़ता है।


What are the two definitions of the word Silo?


A tower
A chamber undergorund

2. A cut that has a stacked area around the exterior and is cut at low
to medium elevations is alan
a) elevation
b) blunt
c) graduated
d) beveled



Hey there!

This haircut is a graduated cut.

Let me know if this helps :)

Factors to consider before greeting



The form of greeting is determined by social etiquette, as well as by the relationship of the people. Beyond the formal greeting, which may involve a verbal acknowledgment and sometimes a handshake, facial expression, gestures, body language, and eye contact can all signal what type of greeting is expected.

pls give brainliest

hope this helped

Why do people make such a big deal of China being communist?



The Chinese Communist Revolution, led by the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao Zedong, resulted in the proclamation of the People's Republic of China, on 1 October 1949. The revolution began in 1946 after the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and was the second part of the Chinese Civil War (1945–49).



The Chinese Communist Revolution, led by the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao Zedong, resulted in the proclamation of the People's Republic of China, on 1 October 1949. The revolution began in 1946 after the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and was the second part of the Chinese Civil War (1945–49).


What are some websites I can use to study Chinese?



some good websites are LingoDeer, HelloChinese, Google Translate, Pleco, and Duolingo.


Google Translate
Rosetta Stone

What individual is most likely to be considered somewhat insular? a.) a football player b.) a teacher c.) a Hawaiian dancer d.) a nurse





they dont have intrest in cultures

A) Football Player.
Because they are uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience.

we differ ... you on this point​





fill in the blank, that's the only thing that makes sense

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3. Workers can becomejobs are seasonal.A casualB unemployedC replacedD formalThe cost to borrow money denende If K is the midpoint of JL, JK = 8x+11 and KL = 14x-1, find JL. What part of the bacterial cell is most involved in gram staining and why? 15 -g = 23-2gHelp me solve for g Sharonda is plotting quadrilateral PQRS on the graph below She will plot the fourth and final vertex, S, at (9, 5) What will be the length of side PS What is the vertex of g(x) = 8x2 48x + 65? (3, 7) (3, 7) (24, 7) (24, 7) What kind of criteria is applied when passing to high school in America#Tr Management's greatest single concern is ________, which is the movement of money through an organization over a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Why is it necessary to take an interdisciplinary approach to studying biology? why was joseph gidden important Mesopotamia definition select the value(s) of x. Check all of the boxes that apply. -11 1 9 21 how long does it take for the Europeans settlements to creat over fishing Which of the following lab tools is used to measure liquid volume?A) triple beam balanceB) rulerC) beakerD) Test tube During WW1, British propaganda influenced people to join the war by creating a heroic image of the soldiers. Do you think the government was justified to do so? Why? Was the war propaganda similar to reality? They killed him, Diego! I don't know how they did it, but they killed your brother!" I dropped the smartphone and its screen shattered as it hit the ground. My Mother's frantic voice was still coming out of the speaker, but I did not hear her. My brother was dead. My stupid invincible brother, who had survived buildings collapsing on him, trucks crashing into him, and tanks rolling over him, was dead. I wasn't prepared for this. No one could be prepared for this. Sure, everyone knew there were just as many supervillains as superheroes in this world, if not more, but I didn't think the villains would win. I never thought they could defeat the likes of Ultraguy or Lady Dervish or MacWolfen. I definitely did not think anyone could defeat my brother, the hero known as impervious. I wracked my brain, trying to figure out if Javier had ever mentioned having a weakness. The likelihood that he was killed by some sort of alien technology was roughly zilch. Even though the comics had come to life with the appearance of super-powered humans over a decade ago at the turn of the century, the science fiction of extraterrestrial life was still just that: fiction As long as I could remember, Javier had been a picture of perfect health. He wasn't just invincible on the outside, his insides seemed immune to damage or infection as well. He'd never been sick, never gotten so much as a scratch from crashing his bike, and never broken a single bone. I don't know how anyone could hurt him, more less kill him. He'd even survived being at ground zero of a nuclear detonation. Horror washed over me as I was shaken from my thoughts by a terrifying realization: what powerful evil could we be facing that could defeat my brother? Even worse, if impervious couldn't beat it...who could? Which of the following items does Diego rule out as being impervious weakness? a. Psychic attack b. Radio waves c. Infection d. Water Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all fractions. x + 3y =21 If increasing the admission charge for National Parks increases the National Park Service's total revenue, then the demand for National Park visits is: Multiple Choice inelastic. elastic. perfectly elastic. a perfectly horizontal line. Irrational numbers are _____ integers. sometimes never always Which of the following is not a component of the hepatic triad found at the edges of a liver lobule?a) hepatic artery. b) bile duct. c) central vein. d) hepatic portal vein.