state three areas of change that developmental psychologists study, and identify the three major issues in developmental psychology.


Answer 1

Developmental psychologists goal to give an explanation for how thinking, feeling, and behaviors change during life.

This field examines change throughout three predominant dimensions, which are physical development, cognitive development, and social emotional development

What are the principal problems that developmental psychologists study?

Developmental psychologists find out about modifications in human improvement throughout the lifespan, along with physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.

Let's take a look at 5 of the most basic psychological techniques - sensation, perception, attention, learning, and reminiscence - and how they make a contribution to the idea and human behavior

Learn more about developmental psychologists study here:

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jamar, a high school student, is looking up the profiles of various colleges to make a decision about which one he wants to attend. being a confident person, he believes that he will do well at a prestigious university. according to social cognitive theorists, his belief in his success is called


According to social cognitive theorists, his belief in his success is called


Self-efficacy theory is a social cognitive paradigm that emphasizes the individual as the primary factor in results.

High self-efficacy individuals have confidence in their ability to overcome obstacles in their lives and achieve their goals. They exhibit reduced levels of stress and despair, are motivated, are quick to recover from setbacks, think that they have some influence over the issue, and can bounce back from failure.

According to self-efficacy, everyone has the potential to succeed given the correct circumstances and resources. It stands for a democratic slant in this way.

To find out more about social cognitive theorists Visit :





It is easier to reach a small, highly targeted audiences who are more receptive to specific marketing messages.



it is easier to reach a small highly audience

kuo conducted a study in which he raised a kitten in the same cage as a rat. as an adult, the cat refrained from attacking the rat and, in fact, the two became close companions. the cat never chased or attacked any other rats as well. this study indicates that:


According to this research, violent tendencies can be changed through experience.A notable psychologist known for his contributions to the behaviourism school, Zing Yang Kuo.

He became well-known for his studies on animals, which were mostly conducted to ascertain how animals’ behaviours were formed.He established In one of his study projects that behaviour may be changed. He achieved this by co-parenting a cat and a rat from infancy. In contrast to the usual hostility of cats toward rats, the cat was not aggressive toward the rat.Experience-dependent plasticity is demonstrated by the fact that rats reared in cages with toys have more dendritic spines and synapses per neuron than rats raised in cages without similar stimulation.Experience-dependent neuroplasticity describes the brain’s capacity to adapt to new experiences, repetitive inputs, environmental cues, and learning.A brain’s capacity to change at any time as a function of environment and experience, both throughout development and as an adult.

To know more about Experience visit:


according to u.s. surveys, what percentage of american adolescents report an affiliation with a religious group?


The majority of Americans—roughly 75%—declare themselves to be religious, with 70% of them identifying as Christians and 6% as belonging to other religions.

A quarter of the populace declares themselves to be either atheists or not religious at all.The group of American teenagers is regarded as a Sample since they are being utilised to study the watching preferences of all Americans.In this instance, a sample is a smaller group of people used to draw conclusions from the population as a whole.In this case, the population of America as a whole is the bigger group, with 100 American teenagers constituting the smaller group. I can answer that based on the facts supplied inside the question, the complete group of American teens is an example of a population based on my research on various research categories and terms. This is so because a creature belonging to the same group or species that lives in a specific geographic area is considered to be a member of a population. Since American Adolescents describes an age range inside a specific geographic area, this is the category it belongs to.

To know more about American research visit:


lucas walks around his busy college campus between classes. he notices smoke coming out from one of the buildings, but decides not to call the fire department because he assumes that someone else has already called. what psychological phenomenon does this example illustrate?


The psychological phenomenon this example illustrates is that of diffusion of responsibility.

Responsibility is diluted when persons who must make decisions wait for someone else to act on their behalf. It is more likely that no one will act since they believe someone else in the group will likely take the initiative the more participants there are. Diffusion of responsibility within a group result in members not feeling as accountable for their actions (or inaction) and making them much more likely to engage in social loafing. This is why diffusion of responsibility is a direct cause of social loafing.

Learn more about diffusion of responsibility at:


arissa decides to major in engineering because she enjoys math and the challenge of solving problems that can have real world impact. this is an example of what kind of motivation:


Because she likes numbers and the difficulty of challenges that may have a real-world impact, Marissa decides to study engineering. This serves as an illustration of the intrinsic motivational style.

The act of engaging in an activity for its own intrinsic enjoyment rather than seeking a separate benefit is known as intrinsic motivation. When someone is intrinsically driven, they are inspired to act by the joy or challenge involved rather than by outside demands, pressures, or incentives.

taking part in a sport for enjoyment's sake rather than to compete for recognition. Learning a new language should be done for personal interest rather than professional needs.

To learn more about intrinsic motivational


Andrene is having difficulties with her roommate. A problem-focused coping strategy for andrene would be.



Andrene should just try to talk to her roommate about the problems or try to find a new place to live.


nductive arguments are a. intended to be abductive. b. supposed to give logically conclusive support to their conclusions. c. intended to supplement deductive arguments. d. supposed to offer only probable support for their conclusions.


Option a is the proper solution for inductive arguments  because Inductive arguments, then, are designed to provide only plausible evidence for their conclusions.

As such, an inductive argument is one that the arguer intends to be strong enough that, if the premises are true, it would be unlikely that the conclusion is false.

To know more about the inductive argument visit here :


What provides a visual model for classifying and comparing various social media services?.


Honeycombs. ​Social networking can be traced back to online services, such as CompuServe, Prodigy, and America Online.

A social networking carrier or SNS (every now and then referred to as a social networking website) is an internet platform that people use to construct social networks or social relationships with other people who percentage similar non-public or career content material, interests, sports, backgrounds, or actual-existence connections.

Social networking services range in layout and number of features. they could incorporate a selection of the latest facts and conversation gear, running on desktops and on laptops, on cellular devices along with tablet computer systems and smartphones. this can feature virtual pics/videos/sharing and diary entries online (running a blog). online network services are every now and then taken into consideration social-network services with the aid of builders and users, although, in a broader sense, a social-network service commonly presents a man or woman-targeted service while online community services are organizations centered.

Commonly described as "websites that facilitate the constructing of a network of contacts with the intention to alternate numerous sorts of content online," social networking websites offer a space for interplay to hold past in-individual interactions. these pc-mediated interactions link individuals of numerous networks and might help to create, preserve and increase new social and professional relationships.

To learn more about​ Social networking visit here:


What is the source for coliform bacteria and what are the possible effects from consuming water which contains them?.


All warm-blooded animals, including humans, have coliform bacteria in their faeces and the environment. It is unlikely that coliform bacteria will make you sick. However, the fact that they are found in drinking water suggests that pathogenic organisms (pathogens) may be present in the water system.

What are Coliform bacteria?
Coliform bacteria
are classified as Gram-negative, non-spore-forming Bacilli that are either motile as well as non-motile and have -galactosidase to produce gases and acids at their preferred growth temperature of 35–37°C. They can be facultative or aerobes, and they are a typical sign of uncleanliness in food, milk, and water. Coliforms are ubiquitously present in large numbers in the faeces of warm-blooded animals because they are known to inhabit this same gastrointestinal system. They can be found inside the aquatic environment, in soil, and on vegetation. Although coliform bacteria are not typically the cause of serious illness, they are simple to culture, as well as their presence is utilized to infer the presence of other pathogenic faecal origin organisms or the unfitness of a sample for consumption.

to know more about  Coliform bacteria follow


A Smart Loan for People with No Credit History Yet
1. What is the traditional method of assessing trust to pay a loan? What is the problem with
this method?
2. How does Siroya use mobile data to create a financial identity?
3. What were Jenipher's options for getting a loan?
4. What is one data point that shows a good propensity to pay a loan back?
5. How has Jenipher's life improved as a result of the loan using Siroya's technology?
Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the Future of Branded Currency
1. What is Bitcoin and where did it come from?
2. What kinds of businesses are accepting Bitcoin?
3. What is the definition of money, according to Kemp?
4. What are some other forms of currency in existence now?
5. Can you think of other examples of currency?


1. Examining a person's present assets is one of the conventional approaches to determine whether they are, in fact, capable of repaying a certain amount of debt. With this approach, there is a risk that someone will declare an asset that they do not actually have in order to use lending services.

2. According to Siroya, they have developed a mobile application that, after taking steps to build credibility, may establish credit card scores using mobile data and provide access to the financial system for those without credit card scores.

3. Jenipher will consider using microloans. The loan proportion will be too tiny to have a good effect on Jenipher's business, so she will need to organize a group or an association to access the microloans.

4. The smartphone application was able to identify a promising credit history in Jenipher's case.

5. After utilizing the mobile app, Jenipher realized savings of 6% and saw significant growth in her business.

What is a bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that can be transferred over the peer-to-peer Bitcoin network. Bitcoin transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded on a publicly distributed ledger called a blockchain.

1. A person or group of people using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto established Bitcoin in 2009; Satoshi Nakamoto's name originally appeared on the 2008 Bitcoin white paper that provided the first description of the blockchain technology that would later become the foundation of the whole cryptocurrency market.

2. Major companies accepting Bitcoin are: Burger King, Wikipedia, AT & amp; T, Subway, Dallas Maverick and many more.

3. Kemp claims that the money represents value that we have promised to provide or receive in a predetermined amount of time. Kemp also defends it by pointing out that Bitcoin performs essentially the same functions, with the exception that it does it via an electronic system that makes trading with it possible.

4. Depending on what ensures a currency's value (the economy at large vs. the government's physical metal reserves), one can group currencies into three monetary systems: fiat money, commodity money, and representational money.

5. Any of the paper U.S. bills you may have in your possession are an example of currency. It is any coin that the US mints, including the penny, nickel, and quarter. Paper money and coins that are produced by governments in other nations throughout the world can likewise be used as currency.

To know more about Currency visit:


What is the primary advantage of using phase comparison in an interference microscope?.


The ability to view living cells in their normal structure without first killing, fixing, and staining them is one of the primary advantages of phase contrast microscopy in an interference microscope.

The dynamics of ongoing biological processes can be seen and captured in high contrast and clarity with tiny specimen detail. For getting sharp images of transparent biological phases that frequently have no effect on the amplitude of visible light waves passing through the material, phase contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy are complementary techniques.

In both cases, the specimen's orientation has a significant impact on the contrast in the DIC images, but it has no impact on the features of the phase contrast images when the specimen is rotated about the optical axis of the microscope.

Learn to know more about Interference microscopes at


jessica has been treating paul like a king. she pays for all of their dates, and does lots of special things for him. paul has not been reciprocating this treatment. how is he likely to be feeling, according to equity theory?


If Jessica keeps on paying all the bills and does something special by spending money on her stuff, then Paul might get sad and feel uncomfortable and guilty.

Money is often the root cause of couples drifting away from each other. If only one partner spends all the money and the other is incapable of doing so, then they may feel offended at times, and this can cause some rift between them which can affect their relationship negatively. It is very important for the partners to share the bills or contribute proportionally to their income. It can reduce misunderstandings too and hence bring positivity between them. Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both relational partners in a rational manner. It also suggests that employee motivation at work is driven largely by their sense of fairness and proportion. It simply focuses on the idea that both inputs and outcomes of any exchange process should be proportional in nature.

Learn more about Equity theory at:


what does kris want to accomplish by administering attitude surveys? how can those surveys help kris address bella's problem?


Kris wants to accomplish by administering attitude surveys is defining brand objectives.

What is an attitude survey?

An attitude survey aims to comprehend and assess the attitudes of consumers (both users and non-users) toward a specific good, service, or concept. In order to properly define the respondent profile, such an attitude survey is frequently conducted while keeping in mind the target market. With the aid of an attitude survey, a business can learn more about how consumers feel about a certain product, service, or category. In a larger sense, attitude refers to a person's emotional, perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive responses to various aspects of their environment. With regard to marketing in particular, attitude can be regarded as a person's enduring emotional feelings, action propensities, and favorable or unfavorable inclination toward a product, service, or idea. A company's decision on the brand's marketing approach is subsequently aided by an attitude poll.

To learn more about attitude survey, visit:


which conflict conclusion occurs when one person gets his or her way by causing others to accommodate?


Domination occurs when one person gets his or her way by causing others to accommodate.

What is dominating Behaviour?

Dominant individuals are frequently the most influential in their social groups, influencing movement, opinion, and performance across species and contexts. However, behavioral traits such as aggression, intimidation, and coercion, which are associated with and often define dominance, can be socially aversive. Dominance is frequently associated with patterns of behavior that include intimidation, coercion, and aggression across many species. However, when it comes to humans, this isn't always the case, and even when it is, it doesn't always have a negative connotation.

To learn more about social groupings, click


chantal has frontal lobe damage. she is doing a problem-solving task in which she has to choose the red object out of many choices. she can easily complete this repeatedly, but when the experimenter asks her to choose the blue object on a new trial of the task, she continues to choose the red one, even when the experimenter gives her feedback that she is incorrect. chantal is displaying a. perseveration. b. decay. c. agnosia. d. sensory memory.


Chantal has frontal lobe damage. she is doing a problem-solving task in which she has to choose a red object out of many choices. Chantal is displaying perseveration. The correct answer is an option(a).

Problem-solving is the process of realizing an aim by overcoming barriers, a frequent few most projects. Problems down and out solutions range from natural private tasks to complex issues in trade and mechanics fields. Problem-solving enables us to label and exploit convenience in the surroundings and apply (some level of) control over the future.

Perseveration is repetitive and constant behavior, talk, or idea that happens due to changes in intelligent abilities to a degree of thought, attention, and insane elasticity. Perseveration regularly happens in association with an upset of thought and indicates basic brain affliction, possibly the only pathognomonic enter psychiatry.

To know more about Problem-solving refer to:


The big boy was a new weapon invented during the civil war


Answer: I believe so

Explanation: I think it was invented then I could be wrong

when we engage in passive listening, we are group of answer choices following the talk closely and taking notes. not really interested or we are trying to multitask. engaged in the deliberate and conscious process of attending to, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding to messages. evaluating the quality of the information.


The true statement  about active listening is that it is essential in communication as it motivates and directs the speaker.

when we engage in passive listening, we are group of answer choices following the talk closely and taking notes. not really interested or we are trying to multitask. engaged in the deliberate and conscious process of attending to, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding to messages. evaluating the quality of the information.

This refers to the process of assimilating what is being said by a presenter or a speaker. Ways to demonstrate active listening are:

Maintain eye contact with the speaker eye contact.

Respond with head nods. Use appropriate body language. Ask questions if the time is right speaker.

Learn more about listening here:


Why is a democracy without a bill of rights not successful?



The Bill of Rights is important not only in the freedoms it protects but in its demonstration of America's enduring commitment to self-improvement and striving to continuously form a “more perfect union.” Since 1791, 17 additional Amendments have been ratified for a total of 27 Amendments to the Constitution



The bill of rights spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States.


Democracy means that people ought to be able to vote for public officials in fair elections, and make most political decisions by majority rule.

The Bill of Rights is important not only in the freedoms it protects but in its demonstration of America's enduring commitment to self-improvement and striving to continuously form a “more perfect union.” Since 1791, 17 additional Amendments have been ratified for a total of 27 Amendments to the Constitution.

which type of survey question is best suited to addressing concerns about errors in public opinion polling resulting from difficulty in measuring intensity?


Feeling thermometer question is best suited to addressing concerns about errors in public opinion polling resulting from difficulty in measuring intensity.

In political science research, measuring people's attitudes and sentiments toward a political object, such as a political figure or an organization, is commonly done using feeling thermometer questions. There has to be more research into how to measure this question type given how common the feeling thermometer inquiry is in population surveys. The effect of data collection mode on tactile thermometers is investigated in this study. We discover, using the 2012 American National Election Studies, that the assessment of feeling thermometers between in-person and online surveys is not quite identical. Respondents who are contacted directly have a tendency to express warmer emotions, while respondents who are contacted online tend to provide more trustworthy answers.

Learn more about Political, here


after watching violent cartoons, jeremy and julie engaged in the very same violence they saw on tv, such as flying karate kicks. this best illustrates that one of the factors contributing to the violence-viewing effect is


One of the factors contributing to the violence-viewing effect is imitation

Reproduction or performance of an act that is inspired by the perception of a comparable act by another person is referred to as imitation. In essence, it requires a model toward whom the imitator directs his or her attention and action. According to the violence viewing effect theory, persons who continually see violent acts on television or in the media get desensitised to it.

In addition to desensitisation, this can raise the likelihood of violence in kids. After watching violent cartoons, in the example presented, Jeremy and Julie mimicked the violence they saw on television by performing flying karate kicks. Both of the children began acting out the stunts as they were inspired by violent cartoons. This indicates that they were imitating the behavior.

Read more about imitation on:


How does the leadership’s control of floor debate in the house differ from the leadership’s control of floor debate in the senate?.


Leadership Control of House Floor Discussion The minority leader of the House has 30 minutes to testify at a committee hearing while the leadership of the Senate controls the floor debate. The leadership in the Senate was unable to limit the speaker's duration to 30 minutes.

This is often the committee or subcommittee chairperson who has authority over the current bill. The minority is often granted one-half of the general debate time under the special rule, and the ranking minority member of the committee or subcommittee normally controls that time.

Both party leaders, also known as floor leaders, coordinate their separate legislative plans and act as the party's representatives on matters.

The suspension of rules technique, which limits debate to 40 minutes and prohibits members from suggesting modifications on the floor, is used to evaluate the majority of bills.

To learn more about floor debate


What happens should no presidential candidate receive the majority of electoral college votes?.


The House of Representatives chooses the president from among the three candidates who received the most electoral votes when no candidate obtained a majority of those votes.

The three candidates with the most electoral votes are chosen as the president by the House of Representatives if no candidate obtains a majority of those votes. Each delegate from every state has one vote. The two vice presidential candidates with the most electoral votes are chosen by the Senate to serve as vice president. One vote is cast by each senator. In the elections of 1800 and 1824, the House of Representatives twice elected the president. In the election of 1836, the Senate only once selected the vice president.

To know more about electoral college:


What are some highlands located on the east coast of South America?



the Brazilian highalnds and the guiana highlands

what do we call the process through which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture, yet still retain a distinct ethnic culture of their own?


Multiculturalism is the process through which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture, yet still retain a distinct ethnic culture of their own.

Multiculturalism in sociology refers to the way a society addresses cultural diversity. It expresses the idea that society is improved by preserving, appreciating and even promoting cultural diversity. It is based on the underlying premise that people from frequently quite different cultures may coexist peacefully. Multiculturalism is a term used in political philosophy to describe how civilizations decide to create and carry out formal laws addressing the fair treatment of other cultures. Either the ‘melting pot’ hypothesis or the ‘salad bowl’ theory describes how multiculturalism normally emerges.

To read more about melting pot hypothesis see:


what do you understand by the term stress testing? suggest how you might stress tets the mentcare system


A stress test involves increasing the load on your system to test its limits and see how it responds. You want it to deteriorate slowly rather than suddenly. Mentcare is a client-server system with client download capabilities.

What exactly is a stress test?

A stress test, also known as an exercise stress test, involves continuously monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing while walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike.

Stress tests are frequently used to diagnose coronary artery disease or an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia), as well as to assist your doctor in planning treatment for a heart condition you've been diagnosed with. Stress tests are commonly used to:

carried out in a doctor's office or hospitalfinished in an hourNon-invasive

If you are unable to exercise, an intravenous medication may be administered to simulate exercise.

Learn more about stress tests with the help of the given link:


how does reviewing existing research help sociologists conduct their studies? a.) it provides new ideas to use in their research, which might not have occurred to them earlier. b.) it provides demographic data from government sources pertaining to the research topic. c.) it decreases the time sociologists need to design their research plans. d.) it eliminates the need for researchers to develop their own research question.


Reviewing existing research can assist sociologists in conducting their studies by providing new ideas that can be used in creating new research (alternative A).

Functions of Reviewing Existing Research for Sociologists

Reviewing existing research is useful to find out how the research method and the results of the research carried out, so that future researchers will get the latest ideas that are used for further research.

The definition of reviewing existing research is past sources of research results which will be attempted by researchers to compare the research to be carried out.

Reviewing existing research can also serve as a source of inspiration that will help carry out research. In addition, researchers can also examine what are lacking and advantages to be developed, so that scientists can also make an original or new study because they know which ones have been discovered and which have not.

Learn more about the benefits of reviewing existing research:


What are some of the useful traits that humans have accentuated by controlled mating?.


Some of the useful traits that humans have accentuated by controlled mating are speed in horses, strength in oxen, larger fruits in crops, and breeds in dogs.

Traits may be defined as the properties or features that are acquired or from some foreign element or acquired genetically from the parent organism. Controlled mating is a very important feature and a very successful breeding technique by which unproductive animals can also be made productive. It is a very useful tool used by human beings in order to increase the productivity of the animals. It also improves certain traits and feature within animals and make them more useful. Selective breeding through controlled mating enables farmers to breed animals which do not have any impact of climate change on them, and this increases the productivity of the farm.

Learn more about Controlled mating at:


Judicial review gives the Supreme Court the ability to check which branch of government?
a. the executive branch only
b. the legislative branch only
c. both the legislative and judicial branches
d. both the executive and legislative branches


d. both the executive and legislative branches
The answer is d I did this a couple times

describe the four major aspects of sacred reality according to your textbook. to do this effectively, you should not simply list the four aspects, but explain what each means in your own words


The four facets of religion: ceremony, experience, community, and belief.

Which four different religious experiences are there?

which highlights a person's place as a creature, the sense of being at one with the divine, and the perception of an invisible order have all been used to identify specific religious experience.

What are the four fundamental components of religion and how do they contribute to our knowledge of religion from an anthropological perspective?

The importance of gods and spirits, the potency of holy rituals, the telling of sacred stories, and belonging to faith communities are the four components of religion that were previously mentioned.  Each of these elements appears to be a fundamental aspect of the human condition in the twenty-first century.

To Know more about fundamental


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a nurse is caring for a client with sepsis who was recently transferred to the intensive care unit following the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (dic). the nurse understands that dic is most likely secondary to the infection causing the release of cytokines, which can cause: ce4. Six foot tall pine trees were planted during theschool's observation of Earth Awareness Week in1990. The trees have grown at an average rate of3/4 foot per year. How tall would they be in 2010? the hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) form bushy structures after making contact with the plasma membrane of a root cell. what is the function of these structures? Write log A as a natural logarithm. Choose the list that shows the temperatures in order from warmest to coldest.A) 11F, 12F, -11F, -12FB) 12F, 11F, -12F, -11FC) 12F, 11F, -11F, -12FD) 12F, -12F, 11F, -11F prior to recording adjusting entries, the office supplies account had a $359 debit balance. a physical count of the supplies showed $105 of unused supplies available. the required adjusting entry is: PLSSS HELP IF YOU TURLY KNOW THISS PLSS HELP!!!!!!!Tell what you know about what comparative anatomy is and how this study provides evidence for change over time. HELP!I will name you the BRAINLIEST!The thing is in the photo.I do not understand it because it looks like it has "!" Please help. Colin buys a car for 45500. It depreciates at a rate of 6% per year. How much will it be worth in 3 years? Give your answer to the nearest penny where appropriate. a rectangle has length 3 cm greater than its width. If it has an area of 28cm 2, find the dimensions of the rectangle do you think it is possible for government to outlaw everything that businesses could do wrong? if so, why does government not do that? if not, how can regulation stay ahead of rogue businesses that push the limits of the system until it breaks? An employment situation that pays bills but is largely unfulfilling is for a binomial experiment, how many outcomes are possible for each trial? what are the possible outcomes? one; success three; success, failure, or neither two; success or failure one; failure (X^2 + 9) / (x-3)Synthetic Division Pls show work you are creating the project's cost baseline. ultimately, what document will be the outcome of this process? Give the domain and range of the relationship. List items from least to greatest. Do not include duplicates. Determine whether or not the relationship is a function. A truck driver is driving from Nome, Alaska, IDeath Valley, California. Because he is traveling between locations with extreme temperatures, he needscheckthe weather continuously to make sure the gashis truck remains in liquid form. Thegas he uses freezes at -40 F and evaporates at 140 F.Part A: Write an inequality to represent the temperatures at which the gas in the truck will remain in liquid form.(2 points)Part B: Describe thegraph of the inequality completely from Part A. Use terms such as open/closed circles and shading directions. Explain what the solutions tothe inequality represent. (4 points)Part C: In January 1989, the temperature in Nome, Alaska, dropped to -49 F. Would the gas inthe driver's truck haveremained in liquid form so he could havedriven on this day? Why or why not? (4 points) The existence of savant syndromes such as calendar calculation, and prodigious drawing or musical ability has been used as evidence to support the idea of ____________. Chlorine gas will react with iron metal.Exactly 21.3 g of chlorine reacts with 11.2 g of iron.How many iron atoms react with 30 molecules of chlorine?A 10B 15C 20D 30