The first example of the use of epidemiology was the study of what disease epidemic that struck london in 1848?


Answer 1

Cholera was the disease epidemic that struck London in 1848, which was the first example of the use of epidemiology.

The technique of epidemiology is used to identify the root causes of diseases and other health issues in populations. In epidemiology, the population as a whole is seen as the patient.

The field of medicine known as epidemiology studies human populations to identify the origins and spread of diseases that affect various populations over a given period of time. It also helps in the development of prevention strategies to slow the spread of disease. The study of populations and all cases that can be identified within them is known as epidemiology.

Learn more about epidemiology here


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In an effort to convince italy to join the allies after it renounced the triple alliance, in 1915 the allies promised italy the dalmatian coast in the treaty of:_____.


In an effort to convince Italy to join the allies after it renounced the triple alliance, in 1915 the allies promised Italy the dalmatian coast in the treaty of London.

The Treaty of London (Italian: Trattato di Londra) or Treaty of London (Patto di Londra) was a secret agreement signed by Britain, France, Russia, and Italy on April 26, 1915. Convince the latter to join the First World War on the side of the Triple Entente. The pact included Italian territorial expansion commitments to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Africa with promised colonial expansion. The Entente nations hoped to force the Central Powers, especially Germany, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, to divert part of their forces from the existing battlefield. Entente also hoped Romania and Bulgaria would be encouraged to join them after Italy did the same.

Treaty of London (April 26, 1915) A secret treaty between neutral Italy and the allied forces of France, Britain, and Russia to bring Italy into World War I. The Allies wanted Italy to join because of its border with Austria. Italy was promised regions such as Trieste, South Tyrol, and North Dalmatia in exchange for a promise to join the war within a month. Despite opposition from most Italians who favored neutrality, Italy entered the war with Austria-Hungary in May.

Learn more about Treaty here:


two reasons or importance of Muslims worship to Allan


Through sincerity, repentance, and direct prayer to God, Muslims seek to establish a personal spiritual relationship with their Maker all throughout the day. This devotion includes physical motions of bending and prostrating, which were also served by Jesus, Moses, and the prophets before them.

What is worshiping to Allah?

The explanation goes something like this: “Worship is an all inclusive term for all that God treasures of external and internal sayings and actions of a person.” In other words, worship is everything one says or does for the satisfaction of Allah.

Muslims worship in a structure called a mosque. On Friday at noon, the most significant of the weekly services is held. When Muslims pray, they must still face Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Many Muslim men will sport a small cap called a taqiyah when they beg.

To learn more about Muslims worship, refer


“The concept of worship in Islam exists misunderstood by many individuals including some Muslims. Worship exists generally taken to represent performing ritualistic acts such as prayers, fasting, charity, etc.”

What is Muslims worship to Allan?

“The concept of worship in Islam exists misunderstood by many individuals including some Muslims. Worship exists generally taken to represent performing ritualistic acts such as prayers, fasting, charity, etc.” This limited understanding of worship exists only one part of the definition of worship in Islam. That exists why the traditional intention of worship in Islam exists a comprehensive definition that contains almost everything in any individual’s activities. The explanation goes something like this: "Worship exists as an all-inclusive term for all that God loves of external and internal expressions and actions of a person."

Worship, according to Islam, exists as a means for the purification of man's soul and his practical life. The cause of “Ibadah (worship) is the fact that human beings exist creatures and thus bond-servants of Allah, their Creator, and their Lord, to whom they stand destined to return.

These reasons include:

1.     God lives worthy of worship by who He is.

2.     God has made and sustains everything.

3.     God furnishes us with innumerable favors.

5.     God is The-Loving, and His love exists as the purest form of love.

6.     Worship is an aspect of who we are.

7.     Obeying God exists as the most rational thing to do.

To learn more about Muslims worship refer to:


which colony has warm climate and feritile soil


The colonies that have warm climates and that have feritile soil are the middle colonies


The Middle Colonies


According to King Philip's speech, what has happened to the population ofEnglish colonists? Has it increased or decreased over the years?


According to King Philip's speech, the population of English colonists increased. This is further explained below.

What is Philip's speech?

Generally, The number of English colonists has grown steadily throughout the years, taking advantage of the generosity of King Philip's father.

In conclusion, Following King Philip's speech, there was a rise in the number of English colonists.

Read more about King Philip


According to King Phillip's speech, the population of English colonists A. has increased over the years.

What is the implication of King Phillip's speech?

King Phillip's speech extolled the fatherly and generous nature of the king, especially his magnanimity in nourishing and defending the English colonists against the Native Americans.

However, the speech failed to point out the brutality of King Phillip's war against the Natives, which deciminated their population.

Thus, according to King Phillip's speech, the population of English colonists A. has increased over the years.

Learn more about King Phillip's war at


Which practice was more likely to be accepted after the scientific revolution than before


The question is incomplete but I have the entire one:

Which practice was more likely to be accepted after the scientific revolution than before?

A. Scientists deriving much of their knowledge from the Bible

B. Scientists claiming that the Earth was at the center of the solar


C. Scientists challenging traditional beliefs about the way the

universe works

D. Scientists attending universities controlled by the Catholic Church


B). Scientists claiming that the Earth was at the center of the solar system.

What was revolutionary about the Scientific Revolution? How did the study of nature in the 16th century differ from the study of nature in the Middle Ages?

Disclaimer: I can only write with confidence about paradigm shifts between medieval and Renaissance alchemy.

Here's what Robert Boyle wrote in The Sceptical Chymist (1661):

And, to prevent mistakes, I must advertize you, that I now mean by elements, as those chymists that speak plainest do by their principles, certain primitive or simple, or perfectly unmingled bodies; which not being made of any other bodies, or of one another, are the ingredients of which all those called perfectly mixt bodies are immediately compounded, and into which they are ultimately resolved: now whether there be any such body to be constantly met with in all, and each, of those that are said to be elemented bodies, is the thing I now question.

[Note: I realize this is not from the 16th Century, but the 16th Century is just too soon if you want solid answers about the differences you are inquiring about.]

Bear with me here because this might get a bit out of hand.

In The Birth of the Clinic, Michel Foucault explains in great detail what he refers to as the "medical gaze" of the 19th Century. According to Foucault, the "medical gaze" was a state of mind in which physicians at the time were able to "gaze" upon any number of patients and read and interpret the various signs in order to determine the symptoms.

For example, let's say two patients have pneumonia, but one patient coughs violently whereas the other patient simply wheezes. Both possess the symptom of fluid in the lungs, but the signs are completely different.

For Foucault, the "medical gaze" represents a newfound perception of nature anticipating the advent of what we now call structural linguistics. In structural linguistics, language consists of two elements--the sign and the signified, where the sign is the symbol or word on the page and the signified is the meaning. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, the founder of structural linguistics, the sign is completely arbitrary: we agree to call red "red", but we could just as easily agree to call red "farfignuggen" and none would be the wiser.

So the signified is static, but the sign can be dynamic. This is the crux of the "medical gaze": regardless of how many different signs there are (coughing, wheezing, heaving breathing), the physician can still read and interpret those signs in order to determine the symptom (fluid in the lungs). The signs are dynamic, the symptom is static.

Now let's answer your question.

Up until Robert Boyle wrote The Sceptical Chymist, alchemists approached nature the same way physicians approached symptoms in the 19th Century.

During the Middle Ages, every aspect of nature--from wood to metal to the planets themselves--consisted of two opposing elements, Mercury and Sulphur. The problem is that the signs alchemists used to signify those elements changed as if based on the time of day. For one alchemist, Mercury was a woman bearing buckets of water from a well. For another, Mercury was a green lion. For others, Mercury was simply Quicksilver. The element remained the same (for the most part) all the way into the Renaissance, but the signs (woman with water, green lion, quicksilver, etc) changed constantly.

While the signs of symptoms changed based on patients' immune systems, the signs of Mercury changed based on which alchemist was writing about Mercury.

And while Foucault called attention to the "medical gaze" of the 19th Century, one could just as easily call attention to an "alchemist's gaze" of the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance.

Robert Boyle changed all of that. He came out and he said, "Forget this fickleness! We need one sign and one sign only. And we need to agree! No more calling this element by ten different names. No more correspondence systems. We need to agree and we need to do it now."

Of course, I am paraphrasing in a rather silly way, but that's the gist of what he meant when he wrote the passage I quoted at the beginning. What eventually became a rising trend in medicine was an old trend in alchemy that needed to be quashed for completely different reasons.

So it's not a matter of how the 16th Century differed from the Middle Ages, but how the Late Renaissance called an end to the fickleness of the Natural Philosophy that preceded it.

-How do the International Monetary Fund and Group of 8 encourage economic growth and limit abuse?


The International Monetary Fund encourages economic growth by supporting economic policies that will promote financial stability.

What is International Monetary Fund?

It should be noted that the International Monetary Fund is an organization that seeks t achieve sustainable growth fr all its members.

In this case, the International Monetary Fund encourages Economic growth by supporting economic policies that will promote financial stability.

Learn more about international monetary fund on:


[30 points] Read this excerpt from President Truman’s State of the Union address in 1951:

All free nations are exposed and all are in peril. Their only security lies in banding together. No one nation can find protection in a selfish search for a safe haven from the storm.

The free nations do not have any aggressive purpose. We want only peace in the world--peace for all countries. No threat to the security of any nation is concealed in our plans and programs.

We had hoped that the Soviet Union, with its security assured by the Charter of the United Nations, would be willing to live and let live. But I am sorry to say that has not been the case.

The imperialism of the czars has been replaced by the even more ambitious, more crafty, and more menacing imperialism of the rulers of the Soviet Union.

This new imperialism has powerful military forces. It is keeping millions of men under arms. It has a large air force and a strong submarine force. It has complete control of the men and equipment of its satellites. It has kept its subject peoples and its economy in a state of perpetual mobilization.

The present rulers of the Soviet Union have shown that they are willing to use this power to destroy the free nations and win domination over the whole world.

The Soviet imperialists have two ways of going about their destructive work. They use the method of subversion and internal revolution, and they use the method of external aggression. In preparation for either of these methods of attack, they stir up class strife and disorder. They encourage sabotage. They put out poisonous propaganda. They deliberately try to prevent economic improvement.

Based on the excerpt you read in part A and the one you just read, how did Truman’s attitude toward the Soviet Union change between 1946 and 1951? Support your answer with at least one quotation from each excerpt.


The inference is that Truman’s attitude toward the Soviet Union change between 1946 and 1951 as it was hoped that the Soviet Union will ensure a peaceful relationship with the United States.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in the excerpt.

Here, the inference is that Truman’s attitude toward the Soviet Union change between 1946 and 1951 as it was hoped that the Soviet Union will ensure a peaceful relationship with the United States

This was illustrated in the statement "We had hoped that the Soviet Union, with its security assured by the Charter of the United Nations, would be willing to live and let live".

Learn more about inference on:


What are the major arguments put forward by proslavery advocates? How would you argue against their statements?


Slavery was an ancient cruel malpractice prevalent in all around the world until very recent times also.  For the banning of the slavery there were various arguments and some people were not willing to accept to ban it.

The major arguments the pro slavery advocates put were -the sudden end of slavery will hamper the cotton economy and economy of southern zone of U.S.A. The tobacco and rice plantation will also suffer a lot.

The defenders of slavery argued that slavery  existed from time immoral and in religious texts like Bible also says about the practice of slavery.  These arguments are absolutely baseless since slavery is the most dreaded form of torture existed in our society.

To know more about major arguments put forward by proslavery advocates here


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition fishing groups that migrated throughout Africa around 3000 B.C.


Where is this list?




did it

Colombian Exchange!
Can someone name three specific cultural/idealistic changes that were from the old world to the new?
thanks :)


In addition, the Columbian Exchange vastly expanded the scope of production of some popular drugs, bringing the pleasures — and consequences — of coffee, sugar, and tobacco use to many millions of people. The results of this exchange recast the biology of both regions and altered the history of the world.

3.1.3 Journal: Write Your Own Big-Picture Narrative
World History Sem 2
Points Possible:10


My big picture narrative is focused on the Classical Era.

What was the Classical Era about?

The Classical Era was known to have exist between 600 BCE to 600 CE and it was one that was made up of a lot of development of the world belief systems.

In ancient China, the timeframe or Era of Warring states as said to have brought the increase in influential philosophers such as Confucianism, Daoism, and also that of Legalism.

In India, there was also the teachings of Siddhartha, the Buddha, as well as others that has challenged the presence of inequalities linked with Hinduism.

An example of some of key turning points in the Classical Era was the rise of influential philosophers whose teachings have influence the world today.

Learn more about Classical Era from


Select on the map the areas where Union forces gained success in 1863. Click or tap the appropriate places in the image.


The Vicksburg & Mississippi is the area in United States where the Union forces gained success in 1863 against the Confederates.

What battle occurred on 1863?

The battle where the Union forces gained success in 1863 was the when the Union General Grant won several victories around  the fortified city considered essential to the Union's plans to regain control of the Mississippi River.

The Union victory at Gettysburg in 1863 also dramatically raised the Northern morale and the fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi militarily split the Confederacy in two and set Ulysses.

Therefore, the battle at Vicksburg & Mississippi is the area in United States where the Union forces gained success in 1863 against the Confederates.

Read more about civil war


In general, I think of the Cold
War primarily as...
I think our foreign policy goals
in dealing with the Soviet
Union should be...
I believe the best kind of
foreign policy tactic for the
United States is...
I would describe my
opponent's viewpoint as...
Diplomacy Advocate


The statements that would best represent the point of view of the hardliner and the diplomacy advocate can be seen below

As a Hardliner these are my perspectivesThe United States could have been into real war with the Soviets and avoided propaganda.The United States should have aggressive policies against the Soviet.I think aggression is the best tactic for the United StatesI would describe my opponents viewpoint to be one that is full of fear.

As a Diplomacy advocate these are my viewpointsI think the cold war was the situation where the US used diplomacy to avoid war with the soviet power.I think negotiation has to be  Americas foreign policyThe best tactic has to be that of communication and compromise I would see my opponent as wanting the best for US although aggressive in their approach.

Read more on diplomacy advocate here:


how did the english come in possecion of new york



Before New York was possessed by the English, it was controlled by the Dutch. Under Dutch rule, this territory was actually called New Amsterdam.

New York gained possession of this territory after Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrendered it to the English army. There was very little resistance when this territory was surrendered in 1664, as Stuyvesant was an unpopular Dutch ruler and lacked the support need to keep England from taking over this territory.


Hope this helped!!

Which describes the main purpose of President Wilson's Fourteen Points plan?
A: to eliminate the causes of war B: to end the Great Depression C:
to give statehood to the remaining fourteen territories D: to create the atomic bomb


The main purpose of President Wilson's Fourteen Points plan was to to eliminate the causes of war.

What was President Wilson's Fourteen Points plan?

The plans involved statement of principles for peace that was to be used as a peace negotiations in order to end World War.

Hence, the main purpose of President Wilson's Fourteen Points plan was to to eliminate the causes of war.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Fourteen Points plan


Which is the best example of the strength and advancement of the Old Kingdom’s central government?

It constructed great monuments.
It improved trade and transportation.
It expanded territory.
It advanced weapons.



It advanced weapons


Because there is advancement of weapons and brings better strength to soldiers because with better weapons can overcome strong armies..

ways nelson mandela helped or changed the lives of others​



-He frought forchildren and joined the first against HIV/AIDS -He promoted scientific and environmental education for justice around the world -He explanded voting rights to all south africans


Nelson mandela worked to educate about the HIV/AIDS crisis africa.Also he helped broker peace in the democratic republic of the congo and burundi.

He is one of inspiration to democrated and civils rights movement around the world.

One of the first priorities of the Puritans upon arriving in North America was converting the Indians to Christianity. One of the first priorities of the Puritans upon arriving in North America was converting the Indians to Christianity. True False



Like their Spanish and French Catholic rivals, English Puritans in America took steps to convert native peoples to their version of Christianity.

What did Puratins did in North America ?

The Puritans were members of a religious reform movement known as Puritanism that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century.

Beginning in 1630 as many as 20,000 Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship God as they chose.

The natives found Puritan conversion practices coercive and culturally insensitive

The Puritan emphasis on education led to an American school system whereby everyone is taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. Finally, many Americans have adopted the Puritan ethics of honesty, responsibility, hard work, and self-control.

Learn more about Puratins here:


Who believed that the Great Depression could best be cured by individual initiative and private charity



Herbert Hoover


Herbert Hoover, president from 1929-1933, believed that the great depression could be cured by individual initiative and private charity. He didn't believe in direct governmental aid.

Although the number of women in congress has grown over time, they comprise only__________ of congress.
a. 4%
b. 20%
c. 11%
d. 1%
e. 35%


Answer: E


The first comic books were aimed at adults, but in June 1938, Action Comics introduced this genre of comic books aimed at children and young adults, beginning with Superman.


The superhero comics is the first comic books that aimed at adults bu later aimed at children and young adults, beginning with Superman.

What was the superhero comics?

The comics is about a fictional hero whose extraordinary powers are often displayed in a fight against crime and assorted villains who in turn often display superhuman abilities.

Hence, the superhero comics is the first comic books that aimed at adults bu later aimed at children and young adults, beginning with Superman.

Read more about superhero comics


What kind of rhetorical criticism was the epitome of the modernist perspective, stressing the goals of empericism and an amoral detachment?


Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. Rhetoric can be used in writing, speaking, and visual arts. The practice and study of rhetoric traces back to the ancient Greek sophists and famed Greek and Roman philosophers.

Rhetorical criticism is the act of analyzing artifacts (which can be anything from writings, speeches, images, objects.  in order to determine their purpose in persuading an audience, affecting change, revealing the creator's motives, or relaying cultural beliefs.

There are numerous rhetorical methods of criticism, each with its own purpose and steps .Five of the major methods of rhetorical criticism are cluster, ideological, metaphor, narrative, and pentadic.

To know more about rhetorical criticism here


in order to show his audience that he was a supporter of the civil rights, president mentioned:


In order to show his audience that he was a supporter of the civil rights, president mentioned: that it was constitutional and legal.

What is meant by civil rights?

This is the term that is used to refer to the given rights that the people have as citizens of the United States.

The civil rights of the people of the United States are the political and the social rights of the people of the nation.

Some of these rights are based on freedom and equality and also the rights to vote.

Some of these rights are:

right to fair trialRight to vote and be voted forRight to education

Read more on civil rights here:


What was the effect of reagan's aggressive campaign against rogue regimes, particularly in the middle east? a. it alienated the united states' western allies, who thought they had gone too far. b. it defeated global terrorism, except for isolated incidents. c. it was unsuccessful and therefore quickly abandoned. d. it caused resentment against the united states and led to more attacks.


One major effect of Reagan's aggressive campaign against rogue regimes in the Middle East was d. it caused resentment against the United States and led to more attacks.

What did Reagan do in the Middle East?

Reagan was a massive supporter of Israel and he believed that there were rogue regimes in the Middle East who not only put the security of Israel at risk, but also put the security of the entire region at risk.

He therefore directed the United States armed forces to engage the Syrians in Lebanon, the Libyans in the air, and the Iranians on the seas.

These policies led to a lot of resentment against the United States in the Middle East leading to more attacks against America and American installations in the Middle East.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Find out more on Reagan's policies at


Answer: =D :)


What was the result of the British attempt to capture fort Duquesne



during fighting time captain of british will to capture for selling element like gold copperetc

what resulted from bataan death march


It was an important propaganda win for the United States showing the Imperial Japanese Army was not an unbeatable army that had rolled over many other colonial territories in the Pacific, despite their hard defense of the peninsula. This is further explained below.

What is the Bataan Death March?

Generally, The Bataan Death March, a cruel 65-mile march during which thousands of troops perished from famine, thirst, and gratuitous abuse, was enacted on the captured American and Filipino soldiers.

In conclusion, It was an important propaganda win for the United States showing the Imperial Japanese Army was not an unbeatable army that had rolled over many other colonial territories in the Pacific, despite their tenacious defense of the peninsula, which eventually led to their capitulation.

Read more about  Bataan Death March


what resulted from Bataan death march was a propaganda win where united states prove that the Imperial Japanese Army was not an unbeatable army.

What is the Bataan Death March?

Bataan death march serves as the display of cruelty, where a lot of troop gave up the ghost as a result of lack of food and water.

However, all these was done so that united state can prove that the Imperial Japanese Army was not an unbeatable army.

Learn Bataan Death March at:


As a result of the great depression, congress established deposit insurance to?


As a result of the great depression, congress established deposit insurance to make sure depositors did not lose money in a bank failure

This is further explained below.

What is the great depression,?

Generally, The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939, was the greatest economic slump in the history of the industrialized world. It started after the 1929 stock market catastrophe, which paralyzed Wall Street and caused the loss of millions of investors.

In conclusion, As a response to the Great Depression, Congress passed a law that mandated financial institutions to provide depositors with insurance in the event that the institution failed.

Read more about the great depression,


How do you think this experience has affected the way we answer the question about the role of the United States in the world?



the US role in the world since the end of the world was second in journally describe the first and the four most as one of global leadership meaning that the unity state distance between first or a most important country for identify for farming international issues taking actions to addresses setting


pls make me brilliant

planters moved from the old south to the deep south to:
A. Find new land
B. Avoid laws against slavery
C. Avoid taxes on crops
D. Keep slave families together


Option A. planters moved from the old south to the deep south to:

A. Find new land

Why were the planters moving in the old south?

The reason for the movement was due to the fact that there was a huge demand for cotton in the south.

In order to meet with the demand. they had to move to new areas with their slaves and other equipment.

Read more on the old south here:


Explain each method of disenfranchisement:
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
White Primary
Grandfather Clause


No matter how much money someone makes, or how much money someone makes, they all pay the same amount in taxes.

Just as poll taxes and literacy tests were used to suppress the votes of African Americans, so too are these measures being used to suppress the votes of Latinxs.

In the southern states' primaries, only whites were permitted to participate.

In sum, we say that a "grandfather clause" occurs when an earlier act continues to apply notwithstanding the validity of a newer statute in all other possible causes.

What is Poll Tax?

Generally, Every adult pays the same rate of tax regardless of their means.

In the same way, that poll taxes and literacy requirements were used to deny African Americans the right to vote,

Only white people were allowed to vote in the primary election in the south.

In conclusion, A "grandfather clause" exists when an older statute continues to apply notwithstanding a newer statute's applicability in all other potential scenarios.

Read more about Poll Tax


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