toilet bowl cleaner is an example of which hazard class?


Answer 1

A toilet bowl cleaner falls under the H314 hazard class. A hazard is a beginning or a position accompanying the potential for harm in agreements of human harm or ill-health, damage to possessions, damage to the atmosphere, or a consolidation of these.

Like drain cleaners, bathroom bowl detergent holds very consuming chemicals. The powerful chemical compound takes care of damage or devastates the finish on your bathtub or added fittings to a degree of decrease, and can likewise damage grout.

Class 1 goods are crops that own the skill to perch or burst in an appropriate of a related series of events. Explosives are classified as dangerous devices for a pretty clear reason – they can discredit. Class 2 hazards are condensed vapors, that is detached into four types: flammable/fiery smoke, non-incendiary/non-harmful vapor, poisonous/harmful vapor, and oxygen.

To know more about hazards refer to:


Related Questions

Passage 1 Passage 2
London's Watchtower:
Big Ben
2 3 4 5 6
Which statement BEST represents the contrasting
viewpoints of the two authors?
While the first author describes the tower's
construction as superior, the second author views it
as careless.
While the first author views the clock tower as a
feat of engineering, the second author recognizes
that the clock tower has defects.
While the first author appreciates the history
behind the tower, the second author dismisses it as
While the first author seems enthusiastically
devoted to the clock tower, the second author
eagerly awaits its destruction.


The first author is describing the clock tower in a positive light, likely praising its construction and design as superior.

Which statement best represents the contrasting viewpoints of the two authors?

The second author, on the other hand, takes a more critical view and sees the clock tower as having defects or shortcomings in its engineering. This suggests that the two authors have differing opinions on the quality and value of the clock tower, with the first author seeing it as a positive achievement and the second author recognizing its flaws. It implies that the first author may have a more favorable attitude towards the clock tower, while the second author may be more skeptical or critical. The first author in this scenario has a positive perspective on the clock tower and sees it as a remarkable achievement in engineering. They likely appreciate the design, construction, and technical aspects of the tower. On the other hand, the second author has a more critical perspective and recognizes that the clock tower has defects or shortcomings. They may have concerns about the structural integrity or functionality of the tower.

To learn more about authors refer to:


Answer the following Word Bank questions correctly

1.What does Menagene Meaan?
2. What does Abruptly Mean?
3.What does Septuagenarian mean?
4.What does Fragile Mean?
5. What does edutaining Mean?
6.What does Snitch Mean?
7.What does a communique mean?


Menagene is not a commonly used word. It is possible that it is a misspelling or variation of "menopause," which refers to the natural biological process of a woman ceasing to have menstrual periods.

What are the other meanings?

Abruptly means suddenly or unexpectedly.

Septuagenarian means a person who is between 70 and 79 years old.

Fragile means easily broken or damaged, or delicate and delicate.

Edutaining is a portmanteau of the words "educational" and "entertaining," and it typically refers to content or activities that are both informative and enjoyable.

Snitch means to inform on someone or to reveal secret information, especially to authority figures.

A communique is an official statement or message, typically issued by a government or organization.

Read more about word banks here:


Menagene is not a commonly used word. It is possible that it is a misspelling or variation of "menopause," which refers to the natural biological process of a woman ceasing to have menstrual periods.

What are the other meanings?

Abruptly means suddenly or unexpectedly.

Septuagenarian means a person who is between 70 and 79 years old.

Fragile means easily broken or damaged, or delicate and delicate.

Edutaining is a portmanteau of the words "educational" and "entertaining," and it typically refers to content or activities that are both informative and enjoyable.

Snitch means to inform on someone or to reveal secret information, especially to authority figures.

A communique is an official statement or message, typically issued by a government or organization.

Read more about word banks here:



who or what has prevented people from becoming enlightened?


People who are incapable of exercising independent thought People haven't reached enlightened because they haven't been permitted to think for themselves before and are terrified of failing if they do.

What was the primary concern of the Enlightenment?

The use of reason, the capacity by which people comprehend the cosmos and better themselves, and its celebration were central to Enlightenment thinking. Knowledge, freedom, and happiness were seen as the three main objectives of rational humanity.

What outcome did the Enlightenment bring?

On the one hand, the Enlightenment made significant contributions to our technical knowledge of and ability to control the world. However, technology utterly failed to provide us the moral insight to refrain from imitating the barbarism of earlier, less technologically advanced eras on ever-larger, grotesquer scales.

To know more about enlightened visit:-


What are the variety of verbs?


There are 3 types of verbs: act-ion verbs, linking verbs, and help-ing verbs. Verbs are words that ex-press action or state of being.

Action verbs are wo-rds that express action (give, eat, wa-lk, etc.) or possess-ion (have, own, etc.). Action ve-rbs can be either transitive or in-transitive.

A linking verb con-nects the subject of a sent-ence to a noun or adjective that re-names or describes the sub-ject. This noun or adjective is call-ed the subject comp-lement.

Helping verbs are used be-fore action or linking verbs to con-vey additional inform-ation regarding aspects of possi-bility (can, could, etc.) or ti-me (was, did, has, etc.).

To know more about verbs click below:


Why is it important to only use credible sources for academic writing? How can your academic writing be impacted if the sources you use are not credible?


Finding sources for research is important, but using unreliable sources will hurt your credibility and make your arguments seem less powerful. It is important to be able to identify which sources are credible. This ability requires an understanding of depth, objectivity, currency, authority, and purpose.

Answer: It's important to only use credible sources for academic writing because it can lead to a non-factual or false argument. Your audience would want reliable, trustworthy, up-to-date and overall factual information.

Explanation: Without reliable sources to include into your argument, you will otherwise come up with a false conclusion, with unreliable evidence to back up your claim. Another thing about reliable websites is that while most websites that end in .gov or .edu are reliable, some of them will use those suffixes to mislead. Which is why it is important to do your research first.

I hope this helps! :)

which sentence in this excerpt from patrick henry’s famous “liberty or death” speech at the Second Virginia Convention in 1775 emphasizes the American colonists efforts to avoid war


In Patrick Henry's speech, the sentence that emphasizes the efforts to avoid war is "We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have... Parliament."

What is the speech about?

The famous speech by Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty or give me Death" is about the right American colonists have to defend themselves against the British. Great Britain has sent its navy to America, which Henry sees as meaning war is imminent.

In the sentence that begins with "We have petitioned," Henry explains that colonists have done as much as they could, have made a lot of effort, to keep war from happening. But, he says, all has failed. It is now time to fight, time to defend themselves and their right to freedom.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have chosen the right sentence from the speech.

Learn more about Patrick Henry here:


Did we lose a planet?


Yes, we did lose a planet in the form of Pluto.

Pluto has often been in the know for being revered as the dwarf planet. However, it was a part of the solar system similar to any other planet until 2006. However, it had to lose its status as a full sized planet that year, as it could not fulfill the complete criterion required for being known as a planet. Since, it did not meet the eligibility requirements, the solar system lost a planet, which now has only eight planets to its tally ever since Pluto has become a dwarf.

Learn more about Pluto here:


What are the important literary movements in English literature?


Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Modernism, the Harlem Renaissance, the New York School, and Postmodernism are some of the few literary trends that are frequently cited (in the English language), while most literary movements have some degree of influence.

In contrast to divides by genre or time period, literary movements are a technique to group literature into categories with common philosophical, topical, or aesthetic traits.

Literary movements offer terminology for contrasting and debating literary works, much like other categorizations do.

A structure for classifying literary movements is provided by these 16 key movements.

To know more about Postmodernism , click here:


___ ability to resist antibiotics has improved over the years


Answer: Bacteria's ability to resist antibiotics has improved over the years due to the development and spread of antibiotic-resistant strains

Who is the king of demons?


In Jewish mythology, Asmodeus, also known as Ashmedai in Hebrew, is the demon king.

According to the apocryphal tale of Tobit, Asmodeus killed Sarah's seven succeeding husbands on the eve of their weddings after falling in love with the daughter of Raguel. As archangels guide choirs of angels, archdemons are described as the heads of demonic hosts.

Demon Asmodeus is a formidable one. He is said to as one of the "seven princes of hell," a title that calls for a lot of cunning and ruthlessness. Asmodeus (a demon), according to medieval Talmudic tales and Qur'anic interpretation, took King Solomon's throne and misled the world.

To learn more about demon here:


Why do poets use rhythm?


Poets use rhythm to create a musical quality in their poetry, which can make it more pleasing to the ear. The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of the verse gives a poem its tempo and flow and can be used to create a particular mood or atmosphere. Additionally, rhythm can help to emphasize the meaning of certain words or phrases, and can also make a poem more memorable.

By using rhythm, poets can also create a sense of movement and energy, and convey a sense of time and duration. A regular rhythm can create a sense of calm and stability, while a more irregular rhythm can create a sense of tension and movement. poets use rhythm as a tool to add depth and complexity to their work, convey meaning and emotion, and make their poetry more engaging.

To learn more about rhythm in poetry:


In 3–5 complete sentences, thoroughly explain the conflict in your Module One short story. Identify the conflict as internal or external and classify it as man vs. nature, man vs. man, man vs. self, or man vs. society. Provide at least two specific details from the text to describe the conflict.
(My story is rules of the game)


The main conflict in "Rules of the Game" is external, man vs. man or, more specifically, Waverly vs. her mother, as we see every time Waverly gets upset.

What is conflict?

Conflict is the opposition between two forces in a story. In the short story "Rules of the Game," the main character is Waverly Jong. The main conflict she faces can be classified as external, man vs. man. Her opposing force is her own mother, a Chinese woman whose behavior and demands conflict with Waverly's own behavior, wishes, and culture.

Perhaps the most evident example of their conflict happens when Waverly screams at her mother while the two are walking down the street. Tired of being paraded as a child prodigy and, especially, of her mother acting as if she has any merit in Waverly's success, the girl yells at the woman.

Learn more about conflict here:


Who is the real hero of Animal Farm?


Boxer is the protagonist of Animal Farm, a 1945 book. He also plays the deuteragonist in both the 1954 and 1999 film adaptations. He is said to be the farm's most diligent and loyal employee.

Animal Farm depicts the 1917 Russian Revolution. Old Major is Karl Marx, Snowball is Leon Trotsky, Napoleon is Josef Stalin, Squealer is propaganda, and Boxer is a symbol of all Russian laborers and workers.

Snowball emerges as a hero during the Battle of the Cowshed, leading the animals' defense tactics to a decisive win over Mr. Jones, who attempts to reclaim the farm.

Learn more about to Animal Farm


How do the events unfold as this story progresses in the passage snapping branches


The chronological order in which events take place in a narrative is known as the sequence of events in a story. It is an essential literary device that improves readers' ability to follow and comprehend a story.

Why Do We Sequence?

One of the abilities that aids kids in understanding what they read is sequencing. It relates to determining the beginning, middle, and end—the three crucial parts of a story. Additionally, the capacity to recount events in their original sequence.

Why Is Sequencing Important in a Story?

One of the most important comprehension strategies is the capacity to order events. Students with varying skills can arrange ideas and information using sequencing patterns.

To know more about chronological visit :-


What is static and dynamic with example?


Stationary websites do not use databases, are written in and display the same information to every stoner. Dynamic websites induce happiness automatically grounded on the stoner.

An illustration of a dynamic website, which tailors each feed grounded on the stoner and updates repeatedly over time.  In general, dynamic means being able to act and/ or change, while static means being stationary.

Dynamic and stationary websites are used to describe two types of spots and the system they display. A justice ball. A bowler a justice ball at a certain pace toward the batsman. The batsman hits the incoming ball by the club and changes its position, direction, and speed. By the batsman on the ball with the help of a  club is dynamic.

To learn more about dynamic websites, visit here


What is the significance of the symbolism of the quilt in the quilt?


In "Everyday Use," the quilt serves as a symbol for the history and culture of African-Americans. Additionally, because a quilt is a work of art, it stands for the dignity of black women.

The quilts mentioned in the short story also hold a unique significance for the family as they are a part of their history. They are referred to as "Big Dee" and "pieced by Grandma Dee."

African Americans in general, and African American women in particular, have an important place in quilting history. African-American women began using quilts during the era of enslavement, adapting a European, feminine tradition (Baker & Pierce-Baker, 1985: 706/713). The craft of quilting has been passed down.

Learn more about quilt visit:


in a text an author describes a funny childhood story


Answer: C. To Entertain.

Explanation: entertain


What part of speech is variety?


The part of speech variety is a noun. The-re are eight parts of speech in the Eng-lish language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjec-tive, adverb, pre-position, conjunction, and inter-jection. The part of speech indi-cates how the word functions in mean-ing as well as grammatically with-in the sentence.

A noun is the name of a per-son, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are of-ten used with an article (the, a, an), but not al-ways. Proper nouns al-ways start with a capital let-ter; common nouns do not. Nouns can be singular or plu-ral, concrete or abstract.

A noun can be a sub-ject, direct object, in-direct object, subject comple-ment, or object of a pre-position.

To know more about part of speech click below:


Homophones are words that ____________


Answer: have different meanings but are pronounced the same way:)

Homophones are words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same way.

What do you mean by homophones?

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differ in spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, for example rose and rose, or spelled differently.

A homophone is a word pair that has the same sound. A homonym is a word pair that has the same sound and same spelling. Homophones sound the same but have different meanings and have different spellings too.

A homophone means two or more words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins or spellings. "Homo" means "same" and "phones" mean "sound". Hence homophones are words that produce the same sound when pronounced.

Learn more about homophones:


Select the correct answer. Look at the examples in highlighted text in the passage. Which example shows the influence of Sir Walter Scott's patriotism?
A. "l willingly believe it,". . . .
B. "You can speak to no one," replied the knight,. . . .
C. Locksley led the knight a little apart,. . . .
D. Such being our chief scene,. . .


The knight's response, "You can talk to no one," demonstrates the patriotism of Sir Walter Scott.

What is the subject matter of Sir Walter Scott's poem "Patriotism"?

In his poem "Patriotism," Sir Walter Scott explores the limits of what it means to be a true patriot by discussing metaphysical concepts like the soul. Because he is a Scot, and a Borders Scot at that, the poet has strong opinions about what these attributes are.

What constitutes patriotism's central tenet?

The emotions of love, dedication, and attachment to one's nation are known as patriotism. This attachment can be a combination of a wide range of emotions, words used to describe one's own country, including ethnic.

To know more about patriotism visit:-


An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of:


There isn't a single motivation theory that accounts for all aspects of human motivation, but a variety of theoretical justifications have been employed to develop strategies and tactics to increase motivation in numerous domains of human activity.

Drive reduction theory:

The drive-reduction theory postulates that individuals are motivated to meet physiological needs in order to preserve homeostasis. The desires or needs that direct behavior toward a goal are referred to as motivation.

Drives are physically based acts of motivation like hunger or thirst, whereas motives are mostly fueled by social and psychological reasons. Motives and drives are two often used categories to categorize motivations. An early theory of motivation suggests that maintaining homeostasis is crucial for controlling behavior.

To learn more about homeostasis click on the below link :


in paragraph 4, what sentence structure and words does she repeat



sorry don't have idea


What do you think life might have been like in the South following the Civ
challenges might people have faced? (Consider soldiers returning home, freed formen
slaves, women who tried to run the plantations or farms while the men were gone,
Click here to add your response


The hardships increased or intensified for other reasons as well. As an agricultural region, the South had more difficulty than the North in manufacturing .

What was life like after the Civil War in the South?Image result for What do you think life might have been like in the South following the Civil challenges might people have faced?After the Civil War, sharecropping and tenant farming took the place of slavery and the plantation system in the South. Sharecropping and tenant farming were systems in which white landlords (often former plantation slaveowners) entered into contracts with impoverished farm laborers to work their lands.More than a million African Americans were refugees, homeless, separated from family during years of slavery, wondering what to do now. The white male population had been decimated by the war. The survivors straggled home, many of them wounded. But when they arrived home, they found a strange new world waiting for them.

To learn more about Civil War refer to:


how many words did shakespeare contribute to the english language


Answer: 1,700 words


He contributed this many words to the English language because he was the first author to write them down.

What can you infer about the peppered moth's natural selection process?


The peppered moths are the case selection process. By the changes in the environment cause the changes in the characteristics that were most beneficial for survival.

What is the environment?

The environment can be defined as a sum absolute of all the realistic and non-living atmospheric condition and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic weather conditions include water, land, sunshine, rocks, and air.

The peppered moth's natural selection process, Because The camouflage of the light moth no longer worked in the dark forest. Dark moths live longer in a dark forest, so they had more time to breed.

Therefore, By the natural selection process, The more time to breed. All living things respond to natural selection.

Learn more about the environment here:


What are two symbols in Animal Farm?


Animal Farm is a representation of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Old Major is a symbol of Karl Marx, Snowball is a symbol of Leon Trotsky.

Napoleon is a symbol of Josef Stalin, Squealer is a symbol of propaganda, and Boxer is a symbol of all the workers and laborers in Russia.

Which two elements comprise the Animal Farm flag?

A green field with a hoof and horn is the centerpiece of the Animal Farm flag. The book says that the green represents England's fields and the hoof and horn the Republic of the Animals.

What is the story Animal Farm's symbolism?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the early years of the Soviet Union are represented by the main action in Animal Farm. Communism is actually animalism. The farmer Mr. Jones is the Russian Czar, and Manor Farm is a representation of Russia.

To learn more about Animal Farm here:


Does the Sun have a real name?


Sun does not have a real name. Usually, a scientific name is pinned on an object, especially a star in space, but the sun does not have a scientific name.

How do scientists categorize a star in space?

The stars are categorized based on the following:

a. Temperature and Size

Temperature from the hottest: are classified into O, B, A, F, G, K and MEach group is further subdivided into ten classes (0-10)For example: O1, O2, B6, F10, etc.

b. Dimensions and Luminescence

Are classified into six classes from the supergiant: Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, and V.

So, the Sun is G2V star. But, this is not the official scientific name of the Sun. The real scientific name of the Sun is Sun.

How about Sol?

Sol is usually mentioned in English as reference to the Sun. But actually Sol is not the scientific name of Sun. It just a name that English people usually used, but in scientific writing Sun is used.

Here to learn more abou Sun:


scam that takes some time to pay off crossword clue


Scam that takes some time to pay off crossword clue However, it's always important to remember that different crossword puzzles may use a different answer for the same clue. The USA Today Crossword is where the ensuing clue was discovered on January 10 2023.

Crossword puzzles are a lot of fun, but they can also be highly challenging because the categories constantly change and demand new information. Since 1913, crossword puzzle and crossword producers have published them in print formats. More recently, the online puzzle and crossword appetite has only grown, with hundreds of millions of people flocking to them every day for entertainment and relaxation.

The crossword industry benefits from an ever-expanding technological landscape that makes mobile devices more powerful every day. Most users can access puzzles on their smartphones with the click of a button, which drives up the number of crosswords available and the number of people who play them every day.

The longer a game, crossword, or puzzle has been around, the more the developer or creator will need to get inventive and make it harder. This also guarantees that players will remain interested over time.

To learn more about crossword clue Please click on the given link:


What is the main characteristic of a dynamic system?


I thought amethyst had repressed her love for greg and was a little jealous of rose and greg's friendship at first. But I see now that this is not the case.

Pearl predicted that amethyst and greg would be gone for several days. This would indicate that Greg and amethyst once shared a close relationship. The epitome of a father who is "good enough" is Greg. Although he has failed numerous times and does not always succeed, he still makes an effort.

He didn't take Steven to the doctor because he was genuinely unsure about how to handle being a parent. In Steven Universe on Cartoon Network, Greg is a good father, although he isn't always the wisest. For more information, keep reading. Being a parent is challenging. especially if your child is half-gem, battles aliens and monsters, and has trouble controlling their abilities.

To know more about Greg visit:


Reread lines 59-64. In a small group,

discuss whether Thayer seems prepared for the situation that occurs


The book Polar Dream tells the tale of their daring journey and remarkable bond as they battled polar bears, extreme cold, and a storm that ruined the majority of their food and supplies. This second edition adds a new epilogue, maps, and numerous expedition photos that have never before been published.

When a polar bear approached Thayer, what was the advice given to her?

When Thayer instructs the audience to "keep eye contact, move sideways or slightly forward, never backward, stay calm, don't show fear, and stand beside a tent, a sled, or other larger object to make my five foot three inches as large as possible," this instruction is taken directly from the movie "Polar Dream."

What is the polar bear Son's main point?

It is a short tale with the message that family can mean many different things.

To know more about Polar Dream visit:-


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