Using complete sentences, analyze the primary causes of the London Fog in 1952.


Answer 1

The primary causes of the London Fog in 1952 includes the combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions.

What was the Great Smog of London?

It was also known as Great Smog of 1952, which referred to the severe air pollution event that affected London, England in December 1952. It was caused by unusual period of cold weather, combined with an anticyclone and windless conditions, collected airborne pollutants (from the use of coal) formed a thick layer of smog over the city. The period lasted from Friday 5 December to Tuesday 9 December 1952, then dispersed quickly when the weather changed

This great smog caused a major disruption by reducing visibility and even penetrating indoor areas, even far more severely than previous smog events, called the "pea-soupers". The government medical reports in the weeks estimated that up to 4,000 people had died as a direct result of the smog and that 100,000 more were made ill by the smog's effects on the human respiratory tract.

Read more about Great Smog of 1952


Related Questions

how are average global temperatures predicted to change over the 21st century under the medium emissions scenario? what areas will be impacted the most and how?


Since 1880, the global temperature of the Earth has risen by 0.14° F (0.08° C) per decade, but since 1981, the pace of warming has increased by more than twice that, to 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade.

According to NOAA's temperature data, 2021 was the sixth-warmest year ever. According to the results of numerous climate model simulations, the average global temperature of our planet might be 2 to 9.7°F (1.1 to 5.4°C) higher in 2100 than it is right now. Carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse" gases produced by human activity are the primary causes of this temperature rise. The average temperature of the entire planet has risen by about 1 degree Celsius (1.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1880. By 2050, it is expected that the world's temperature will have risen by about 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). By 2100, temperatures will range from 3.6 to 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit (2-4 degrees Celsius). The unusually quick rise in the average surface temperature of the Earth over the past century is known as global warming, and it is primarily caused by greenhouse gases that are released when people burn fossil fuels.

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q017) which of the following statements about sand dunes is true? a. sand dunes are made of sandstone, a type of sedimentary rock. b. sand dunes that are covered with vegetation often erode more quickly than do non-vegetated dunes. c. sand dunes can migrate upwind more than 2 km in a year. d. cross beds of sand are produced by the downwind migration of sand dunes.


In cross-sectional view, they show cross beds of sand is the statement about sand dunes which is true .

What is Sand dunes ?

Sand that has been moved by wind or water forms dune landforms. Usually, it resembles a mound, ridge, or hill. A dune system or dune complex is a region having dunes. A huge dune complex is referred to as a dune field, whereas ergs or sand seas are vast, flat areas covered with wind-blown sand or dunes with little to no vegetation. Although dunes come in a variety of sizes and forms, most dunes have a longer stoss (upflow) side where sand is forced up the dune and a shorter slip face on the lee side. A dune slack is a valley or dip between dunes.

The environments with the highest density of dunes are deserts, where a lack of moisture prevents the growth of vegetation that would otherwise obstruct the formation of dunes. Sand deposits, however, are not only found in deserts; dunes can also be found along seashores, by semiarid climate streams, in glacial outwash basins, and in other places where poorly cemented sandstone bedrock crumbles to produce a plentiful supply of loose sand.

To learn more about Sand dunes checkout the link below :


where did the industrial revolution take place


great britain i believe

During the Industrial Revolution, which took place in the 18th century, scientific and technological advancements led to the industrialization of rural, agrarian cultures, particularly those in Europe and North America.

The Industrial Revolution began in earnest in Britain in the 1830s and 1840s, but certain improvements were created as early as the 1700s.

It quickly expanded to the rest of the world, including the United States. Modern historians frequently refer to this period as the First Industrial Revolution to distinguish it from the second phase of industrialization that occurred from the late 19th to early 20th century and witnessed tremendous advancements in the steel, electric, and car industries.

Beginning in the middle of the eighteenth century, inventions like the spinning jenny (a wooden frame with numerous spindles), the flying shuttle, the water frame, and the power loom greatly simplified the process of weaving cloth and spinning yarn and thread.

Cloth production became more time and labor-efficient and required much less human labor.

To learn more about the industrial revolution,

with the help of the text in unit 1 and from your studies find out the definitions
of the following terms inland drainage



Inland drainage refers to the drainage system where the streams of the rivers do not meet into an ocean or a sea instead they empty their waters in an Inland ocean or a lake.


which is the correct order to explain the idealized development of a nappe from originally undeformed horizontal strata by increasingly intense deformation?


An upright open symmetrical fold forms, an inclined asymmetrical fold forms, an overturned fold forms, a recumbent fold forms, a thrust fault forms, a large-offset thrust sheet develops a nappe.

What is Nappe?

A rock sheet called Nappe is one that has been transported far from its initial location by tectonic pressures. A thrust sheet or similar block of rock that has moved more than 2 km from its original location as a result of tectonic processes is what is referred to as this phenomenon.

Tectonic movements: what are they?

According to the widely recognised scientific hypothesis known as plate tectonics, the Earth's lithosphere is made up of many sizable tectonic plates that have been steadily moving for nearly 3.4 billion years.

Learn more about tectonic plates here:


Figure 11 shows the electricity energy mix for the UK at 0840 hours on Saturday 15th January 2022. Using Figure 11, state the main source of renewable energy.


Nuclear power generated 16.8% of the electricity produced by Major Power Producers, coal contributed 2.5%, and renewable energy generated 39.9%, matching the amount produced by gas.

What is renewable energy?

Energy that is derived from resources that can be regenerated naturally over time and are therefore considered to be renewable. It includes energy sources like sunlight, wind, water currents, and geothermal heat.

Energy that is produced using renewable resources won't run out. They are organic, self-renewing, and often leave no or very little carbon imprint.

Wind, sunlight, bioenergy (organic matter burned as fuel), and hydroelectricity, including tidal energy, are a few examples of renewable energy sources.

Solar energy, wind, falling water, geothermal heat from the soil, biomass from plants, waves, ocean currents, temperature variations in the oceans, and tide energy are all examples of renewable resources.

Producing energy from fossil fuels with no greenhouse gas emissions while lowering some forms of air pollution increasing energy supply diversity and decreasing reliance on imported fuels. Fostering economic growth and employment in manufacturing, installation, and other fields.


Learn more about renewable energy, here


What are the factors that determine climate?



The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important. Some areas have a much larger range between highest and lowest temperature than other areas.

loess deposits in the u.s. midwest are derived from . group of answer choices the ohio river valley the rocky mountains top soil loosened by agriculture the sahara desert glacial outwash of the pleistocene age


Using the theories of loess, we got that from the Ohio river valley loess deposits in the U.S. mid west are derived.

Loess is classically viewed as the glacially derived sediment, leading to the view that loess deposits denote times of the increased glacial activity and the intercalated paleosols indicate the warmer interglacial or interstadial periods. However, the loess of the North America comes from both glaciogenic and the nonglaciogenic sources. The response of  different loess regions of the North America to glacial and interglacial conditions varies, with the timing of loess deposition depending on  interplay between various factors including the climatic conditions, sediment supply, sediment source, and vegetation cover.

Hence, loess deposits in the U.S. mid west are derived from the Ohio river valley.

To know more about loess, visit here:


what ways, in general, do you expect climate change to cause species ranges to change? (check those that apply)


Climate changes can act to directly influence species distributions .

What are the major causes of climate change ?

Earth's temperature and the climate are being affected more and more by the burning of fossil fuels, logging forests, and raising animals.

The greenhouse effect and global climate change are increased as a result of this large addition of greenhouse gases to the already present ones in the atmosphere.

Co2 and other greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere by people, which results in climate change. More carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere now than at least the previous 2 million years. The amount of carbon dioxide increased by 40% during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Since the Industrial Revolution, we've started adding ever more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, trapping even more heat. The greenhouse effect is raising Earth's temperature instead of maintaining a comfortable, constant level of warmth.

to learn more about climate change click:


solutional erosion below the surface in areas underlain by soluble rock such as limestone and gypsum creates distinct features at the surface known as .



Karst features


Karst features are created by solutional erosion below the surface in areas underlain by soluble rock such as limestone and gypsum. These features include sinkholes, dolines, springs, and caves.

which type of volcanic eruption exhibits explosion or fountain of basaltic lava from a single vent


Hawaiian eruption exhibit an explosion or fountain of basaltic lava from a single vent

What is Hawaiian eruption?

Because it is typical of Hawaiian volcanoes, a Hawaiian eruption is a particular kind of volcanic eruption in which lava flows out the vent in a relatively calm, low-level explosion. Typically, these are effusive eruptions with basaltic magmas that are hot near the vent, low viscous, and low in gases. Volcanic ash is only occasionally produced. This kind of eruption can happen close to subduction zones and rift zones, although it most frequently happens at hotspot volcanoes like Kilauea and Iceland. On Surtsey from 1964 to 1967, molten lava flowed from the crater to the sea as another example of Hawaiian eruptions.

Hawaiian eruptions can happen along fissure vents, as they did during the 1950 eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano, or at a central vent, as they did in 1959 during the Kilauea Iki Crater eruption, which produced a lava fountain 580 metres high and constructed a 38-meter cone known as Pu'u Puai. Lava spurts from a fissure on the rift zone of the volcano feed lava streams that flow downslope during fissure-type eruptions. Lava fountains can erupt from core vent eruptions to a height of 300 metres or higher.

Learn more about Hawaiian eruption from the link below


why do some scientists think that comets aren't solely responsible for giving the earth it's oceans or drinking water?


The deuterium isotopes in cometary water differ from those in water on Earth. This is further supported by the discovery of two 4.5 billion year old meteorites that contained liquid water along with a wide variety of deuterium-poor organic molecules.

The deuterium to hydrogen ratio on Earth today is also consistent with the age of eucrite chondrites, which come from the asteroid Vesta in the outer asteroid belt. Both asteroids and comets are solid celestial entities that were created 4.5 billion years ago during the early solar system. Asteroids are rockier and only found in the Asteroid Belt (between Mars and Jupiter). On the other hand, comets, which originate from the outer solar system, are rich in water ice and other volatiles. The current preferred theory for how the Earth got its water is that it obtained it from elements (planetesimals) rich in water that comprised up a small portion of its building components. These planetesimals with abundant water would have either been comets or asteroids. It has been said that these are "dirty snowballs." They could provide crucial hints about how our solar system formed. The early Earth and other regions of the solar system may have received water and organic compounds from comets.

Learn more about water hear :


james hutton is credited with starting 'the present is the key to the past'. he believed earth's features made in the past were created by the same processes that are still occurring today. what is the name of the theory this describes?


Uniformitarianism is the name of the theory

What is Uniformitarianism?

The theory of uniformitarianism was developed by Charles Lyell in the 19th century and is based on the writings of James Hutton. According to Uniformitarianism, the forces and processes that can be seen at the surface of the earth are the same ones that have sculpted the planet's terrain throughout natural history.

Erosion, deposition, compaction, and uplift are the four processes that are mentioned above as sculpting the ground. These processes happen at incredibly slow rates even though they are constant. Hutton, a farmer, understood that erosion rates were so slow that it would take an impossibly long time to see significant changes in the Earth's landscape.

Furthermore, according to Uniformitarianism, these processes have continued throughout the course of nature. In 1his book Theory of the Earth, James Hutton states, "We find no evidence of a beginning - no hope of an end." The idea that the Earth must be so incredibly old that the mind cannot even begin to estimate its length was first put forth by Hutton.

Learn more about Uniformitarianism from the link below


dissolution of the limestone is facilitied by a humid climate. what are the two things associated with humid climates that promote the dissolution of limestone?


H2o co2 and h2co3 help in the dissolution of limestone.

How does humid climate affect limestone?

Limestone's aesthetic appeal and structural integrity may be harmed by weathering. Rain, snow, temperature, wind, and air pollutants are all factors. Typically, these elements work together or in conjunction with other degradation agents.

Rainwater, especially when combined with air chemicals that frequently produce acid rain, can cause the limestone to dissolve, increasing the amount of salt that moves inside the stone building.

Temperature has an impact on salt migration patterns within the stone as well as rates of disintegration and (in bigger stones) movement of the fragments. Most of the inherent or natural issues that might arise with limestone require some level of moisture, although some issues like wind erosion and vandalism can arise on their own.

to learn more about Limestone click:


which river in the northern united states floods almost every year due to ice jams and snow melt? select one: a. red river b. mississippi river c. missouri river d. chattahoochee river e. nile river



the red river

which option identifies the type of mining technique represented in the following scenario? in west virginia, many companies specialize in mountaintop-removal mining, where miners bulldoze the tops of mountains in order to extract coal from the rock. drilling drilling fracking fracking surface mining surface mining sub-surface mining sub-surface mining


Surface mining is where miners bulldoze the tops of mountains in order to extract coal from the rock .

What is Surface mining ?

In contrast to underground mining, when the underlying rock is left in place and the mineral is extracted by shafts or tunnels, surface mining refers to a broad category of mining practices that includes strip mining, open-pit mining, and mountaintop removal mining.

This technique was first applied in the middle of the 16th century in North America, where the bulk of surface coal mining takes place, and is being employed today in the mining of many other minerals.] Surface mining became more common in North America over the 20th century, and today surface mines provide the majority of the coal produced in the United States.

To learn more about Surface mining checkout the link below :


Answer:  The correct answer is surface mining

Explanation:  This answer was confirmed correct.

Surface mining uses bulldozers, cranes, and other surface removal equipment to clear mountaintops for mining just below the surface.

What is the relative location of the Great Lakes?



The lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario—are located in east-central North America and provide a natural border between Canada and the United States

Identify and explain where in the region these would be found. perma frost


Both the surface of the land and the ocean bottom contain per/mafr/ost. It may be found where it s/el/do/m gets above free/zing. As a result, perma/fro/st may be found often in Arctic locations including Green/land, and Ala/ska in the United States, Ru/ssia, Ch/ina, and Eastern Eur/ope.

What is Per\mafr\ost?

Generally, On land or in the water, per/mafr/ost is defined as ground that has consistently remained below 0 °C for two or more years. Per/mafr/ost is most prevalent in the Northern Hem/is\ph/ere, covering about 15% of the Northern He/mis/phe\re or 11% of the Ear/th's surface, totaling about 18 million square miles.

An area of the Earth's surface that is permanently frozen is known as per/maf/ ro/st. It is often composed of ice holding soil, gravel, and sand together.

Both on land and below the surface of the ocean, you can find per/maf\ro/st.

It lives in places where the temperature does not typically rise much above freezing.

This indicates that the Arc/tic regions such as Green\land, the state of Ala/ska in the United States, R/ussia, C/hina, and Eastern Europe are likely places to find per/mafr/ost.

Read more about per/mafr\os/t


How can you protect the coastline using hard and soft engineering techniques



Hard engineering is a coastal management technique used to protect coasts, by absorbing the energy of waves, preventing erosion and flooding. They are highly visible man-made structures used to stop or disrupt natural processes


Soft engineering is where the natural environment is used to help reduce coastal erosion and river flooding. At the coast, soft engineering is where a beach is used to absorb wave energy and reduce erosion. Through hard coastal protection strategies, we try to work against natural interactions in order to protect certain eras. Soft coastal protection strategies are methods to secure and/or restore coastal lines through a body of sand. The other option, soft Engineering, involves using natural defences to protect the coastline.

0.34 pts put the following metamorphic textures in order of increasing metamorphic grade: banding slaty cleavage schistocity group of answer choices banding slaty cleavage schistocity schistocity slaty cleavage banding banding schistocity slaty cleavage slaty cleavage schistocity banding slaty cleavage banding schistocity


The metamorphic textures in order of increasing metamorphic grade are:

Salty cleavageSchistocityBanding

Foliated Textures of Metamorphic Rocks

The texture of metamorphic rocks can be either granular or foliated. This time we will only discuss the foliation texture. Foliation is a collection of planar minerals, or concentrations of minerals, especially planar structures resulting from the flattening of mineral grains, such as mica.

Most metamorphic rocks are formed due to the influence of stress in a certain direction. Therefore, we can observe a striking directional texture. Foliation itself can appear subtle or obvious depending on the degree of metamorphism.

As temperature and pressure increase, a foliated texture develops in the following sequence.

Slaty Cleavage is the pervasive parallel foliation of fine-grained platy minerals such as chlorite in a direction perpendicular to the direction of maximum stress. This process produces slate and phyllite.Schistosity is the layering in coarse-grained crystalline rocks due to the parallel arrangement of platy mineral grains such as biotite, muscovite, quartz, feldspar, plus various other minerals such as garnet, kyanite, and sillimanite.Banding is the inner layer of rock in which bands or lenses of granular minerals such as quartz and feldspar alternate with bands or lenses in which platy minerals (mica) elongate and predominate.

Learn more about The Highest Metamorphic Grade here:


which of the following is a conclusion you could draw from the graph? a from 1950 to 2000, groundwater withdrawal increased steadily. b as population increases, groundwater withdrawals decrease. c fluctuations in groundwater withdrawals are not in response to increases in population growth. d increased population demands increase groundwater withdrawals every year regardless of precipitation.



it is NOT answer D, Increased population demands increase groundwater withdrawals every year regardless of precipitation.


just dont want others to get it wrong like I did :c

Answer: C) Fluctuations in groundwater withdrawals are not in response to increases in population growth.


A) couldn't be right because, in the graph, groundwater withdrawal was only increasing up until 1980, and then it started steadying and fluctuating.

B) claims that groundwater withdrawals decreased, which isn't supported by the graph either.

D) isn't true either, because there is clearly a stop in groundwater withdrawals increasing around 1980-1985.

What makes the United States and Canada leading industrial nations?
Think about:
Available resources



My answer: Both countries are leading agricultural and industrial nations because of their wealth of resources.


My answer: Both countries are leading agricultural and industrial nations because of their wealth of resources. The United States and Canada possess ample water resources, a immense amount of land, fertile soils, large forests. and valuable deposits of iron ore, nickel, copper, gold, silver, and uranium. Both countries also have substantial deposits of coal, natural gas, and oil, and well-developed networks for distributing these energy-producing fossil fuels.

Explain the relationship between physical landscape and cultural diffusion.


Based on the meaning of the two terms, the best explanation that can be given about the relationship between the physical landscape and cultural diffusion is the physical landscape is one of the features that attracts a person to migrate to a place which in turn enables him to spread his culture to his host nation, through cultural diffusion.

What is Cultural Diffusion?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the movement of culture from its place of origin to other places through forces of migration that allows others to "borrow the culture" and make use of it.

Hence, we can see that in terms of physical landscapes, this is a major factor that can allow people to migrate to a new place, which in turn enables them to share their culture to others.

With this in mind, we can see that the correct answer to the given question has been given above.

Read more about cultural diffusion here:


3. which restricted basin has the coolest temperatures?a. black sea b. mediterraneanc. balticd. hudsons bay


The restricted basin which has the coolest temperatures is Hudson Bay.

Hudson Bay, a constrained basin,  is completely or mostly covered in ice around the summer solstice and for much of the high sun season. The climate in this basin is severely continental.

Nearly the entire bay has average yearly temperatures of 0 °C (32 °F) or lower. Winter weather lows in the extreme northeast can reach 29 °C or 20.2 °F. The average temperature in this basin's region is extremely low throughout the year.

By early November, this basin begins to freeze, and by the end of the month, the northern portion of the basin is usually completely covered in ice.

Therefore, the correct answer is Hudson Bay

For more questions like Basin click the link below:


What is the continental drift theory?



Continental drift was a theory made by scientist Alfred Wegener explaining that continents have shifted position on Earth's surface. The continents have “drifted” together and/or apart. Scientists confirmed some of Wegener's ideas decades later, and are now part of the theory of plate tectonics.

Which diagram shows an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary? describe what occurs at this type of plate boundary


Oceanic-oceanic convergence is shown in Diagram B. These plates generate a deep marine trench. In the ocean, parallel to the trench, volcanoes can potentially develop.

What are the convergent boundaries?

Different plates on our planet interact with one another, move past one another, and pull apart from one another. There are several diverse plate borders, breathtaking scenery, and perilous perils as a result of these motions between the plates. In general, there are three different types of plate contact. Convergent borders are the first of them, which we shall examine below.

Two or more tectonic plates can move toward one another at convergence borders. The two tectonic plates are squeezed or pushed together during the convergence process by compressional stress. Mountain chains are most frequently recognised to be formed by convergent boundaries. Earth has seen periods of supercontinent creation, during which the continents as we know them now were once combined into one landmass, as a result of tectonic plate collisions. Supercontinents used to exist more than 250 million years ago, and one well-known example is the ancient continent of Pangaea.

To know more about convergent boundaries from the given link


Which diagram shows an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary? describe what occurs at this type of plate boundary

what relationship must exist between water temperature and air temperature for the lake effect snow to develop


The likelihood of lake-effect snow high water temperature and low air temperature.

What is the lake effect snow ?

Throughout the Great Lakes area in the late fall and winter, lake effect snow is typical. When cold air—often from Canada—moves across the open waters of the Great Lakes, snow is produced as a result. Warmth and moisture are transported into the lowest part of the atmosphere as the cold air travels over the Great Lakes' unfrozen and somewhat warm waters. A tight band of clouds grows as the air rises, dumping two to three inches of snow per hour or more.

Which places may see lake effect snow depends heavily on wind direction. While the sun may be shining just a few miles distant in any direction, it may be snowing heavily in one area while shining brightly in another.

to learn more about lake snow effect click:


calculations of the effect of melting the west antarctic ice sheet on global sea level are estimated at a 6 m rise. much of the east coast of the united states is at high risk in the event of sea level rise because of .


The east coast of United States is at high risk because of the presence of barrier islands, low elevation lands and gentle slopes of the coast.

The west Antarctic Ice sheet is collapsing at a faster rate due to the effect of Global Warming. This causes the ice to melt and an increase in the water level of the oceans and other water bodies. The east coast of the United States mainly comprises of the Atlantic Ocean and with the Atlantic Ice sheet melting it is the most vulnerable coast. The sea level if risen to an altitude greater than what is elevated then the people of the east coast will suffer. The presence of islands within the east coast which are called the barren islands provide the seawater a path to travel in the cities. Also, the area of the east coast is at a lower elevation, and this will provide no blockage to the rising seawater from flooding the cities. The slopes towards the coast are also gentle and not steep which will pave way for the seawater. All these reasons make the east coast most vulnerable.

Learn more about Ice sheet at:


Compare how a sphere of influence impacts the economy in a colonizing and colonized country.


In the colonized nation, the sphere of influence would cause the colonists in the area to lose the resources that they have to their colonizers.

In the colonizing economy, they would grow and have more resources from the ones that they take from these nations.

What is the sphere of influence?

In international politics, sphere of influence refers to a state's assertion of exclusive or predominate control over a foreign region or territory. The word could relate to a formal pact by which another state or states promise themselves to refrain from interfering inside the sphere of influence, or it could refer to a political claim to exclusive control that other nations may or may not acknowledge as a matter of fact.

The fact that the word initially became popular in the 1880s, when the colonial expansion of the European powers in Africa and Asia was about to come to an end, has legal relevance. The effort of the major colonial powers to continue their mutual competition for colonies through established procedures was a defining feature of that expansion's final phase.

Read more on colonization here:


desert features - death valley, ca. the problem 9 placemarks highlight depositional features that commonly occur in arid settings where there is an abrupt change in stream/valley gradient. what are the highlighted features?


The highlighted features are as follows:-

960 km is the distance along the longest axis connecting the Tarim basin's western and eastern ends.

Due to high evaporation and significant infiltration of river water into the Taklamakan sands, the north-flowing basin abruptly ends in the middle of the desert.

The majority of the Tarim Basin is made up of the Taklamakan Desert. Due to a variety of circumstances, rivers that cross the desert frequently disappear in the middle of the desert. These include significant river water loss due to excessive evaporation and water infiltration through porous sand particles. Additionally, because the river depends primarily on water from glacier melt, its volume is fairly low and it is easy for it to vanish in the desert.

Learn more about Tarim Basin from the link below


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