What are some good things to know before starting spanish?


Answer 1


Good things to know are, two l's equal a y sound, make sure to know when to add feminine too it and when you add there masculine.

Related Questions

what shocked you when you learned about American society that you didn't expect?



......what? I'm confused lol

Identify the sentences that correctly combine two independent clauses. (Select all that apply.)

I like the Colorado Rockies, I also like the Catskills.
I like the Colorado Rockies; I also like the Catskills.
I like the Colorado Rockies, however, I also like the Catskills.
I like the Colorado Rockies; however, I also like the Catskills.



I like the colorado Rockies,i also like the Catskills

শব্দের সঙ্গে কোন বিভক্তি যুক্ত হয়ে পদ তৈরি হয় ​




Terms are formed by adding a declension to a word



how can i improve my english vocabulary in less than 2 weeks? And how do i become better in math, science and other subjects?1


Two words:

Khan Academy

It is life changing, you must try it!!!!

You are welcome because I know you will thank me once you start.

the anti federalists believed in a loose construction of the constitution


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It seems there is no question here. It is a statement. Probably, it is a true or false question, but you do not mention it. So we can help with a general answer like this.

More than believing that the anti-federalists believed in a loose construction of the constitution, what these people thought was that a strong central government was bot good for the new nation.

We are talking about the debates during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1787. During the convention, federalists and antifederalists debated about the form of government for the United States. Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton and John Jay,  believed in a strong central government. Antifederlaits, led by Thomas Jefferson, opposed to a strong federal government because it could turn into a tyranny. But when James Madison drafted the US Bill of Rights, antifederalists accepted the new Constitution.


The Anti-Federalists believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution.


1) Who was last year's president of India


Ram Nath Kovind is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current President of India since 25 July 2017.


Ram Nath Kovind is last year's president of India

देशप्रति माया दर्साउन बनेको के हो​



एक अच्छे इंसान बनें और कानून के मुताबिक काम करें। अगर कोई समस्या है तो कृपया मदद करें। विभिन्न क्रियाकलाप करके राष्ट्र, धर्म और राजतंत्र का सम्मान करें


write any three uses of solution in our daily lifeanswer ​



A solution is a mixture formed when one or more solutes dissolve in a solvent. 3. In Homes Water as a solvent is used for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning and dissolving detergents. ... Beverages such as fizzy drinks, mineral water and tea are solutions.

Ninguem sofrera intromissões arbitrarias na sua vida privada.

Analisa sintaticamente a frase



análise sintática da frase ninguém sofrerá intromissões arbitrárias na sua vida


Select the restrictive clause in the sentence below.

The boy who is in yellow is my brother.

he boy who is in yellow
who is in yellow is my
yellow is my brother
who is in yellow


Ans = who is in yellow is my


1.- Barbara …………… (live) in Greece for three years before she ………… (move) to Italy.
2.-My team …………….. (not win) the football match because they ……………. (play) badly.
3.-The teacher ……………. (punish) the student because he …….……. (be) very naughty.
4.-By winter, the new soap opera ……………. (become) the most popular show on TV.
5.-He …………… (mug) three passengers by the time the police …………….. (arrive)
6.-The pirates ……………. (hijack) an enormous ship two months ago in Somalia.
7.-The captain of the ship ………………….(surrender) because he … ……… (hate) violence.
8.-The journalist …………. (interview) the famous actress before the TV…………. (come)
9.-Everyone ……………. (leave) the train before the bomb ……………… (explode)
10.- By the time my mum …………..… (prepare) lunch, we ………….. (lay) the table.


1. lived , moved
2. won’t win, played
3. punished, was being
4. became
5. mugged, arrived
6. hijacked
7. surrendered, hated
8. interviewed, came
9. left, exploded
10. prepared, laid


Ans 1. lived , moved

     2. won’t win, played

      3. punished, was being

      4. became

      5. mugged, arrived

     6. hijacked

     7. surrendered, hated

     8. interviewed, came

     9. left, exploded

     10. prepared, laid

Read this spoken phrase. I watched the scary movie. How will this phrase appear in ASL? a.I watched scary movie. b.Movie scary I watched. c.Scary movie I watched. d.Watched I scary movie.



b. Movie scary I watched.


Remember, in American Sign Language (ASLJ) certain rules guides how to successfully pass a message. Thus, to say, "I watched the scary movie", would be shortened in American |Sign Language as "Movie scary I watched.

The reason for this difference in expresion is due to the fact that ASL places emphasis first on the object been spoken about before further information is given.


C. Scary movie I watched.


Took the test and it was correct.

What is the meaning of bsdk ?



Nutaq Board Software Development Kit 

I think

prevention of stroke​


Eating healthy foods, low stress levels, no smoking and GOOD GENES

Hope you find this healthy ♥︎

Answer & Explanation:

Many stroke prevention strategies are the same as the strategies to prevent heart disease. In general some preventive tips for stroke patients are follows:

Diet and healthy eating: Following a proper diet may avoid the risk of second stroke.

Decreasing the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in your diet.

Controlling Diabetes

Monitoring blood pressure: As high blood pressure exerts continuous pressure on the walls of the arteries it may lead to arterial block.

Avoiding illicit drugs

Exercising: Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Quit smoking and alcohol.

Hope it helps.

In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Woodman is taken to the Throne room to meet Oz. What does he see?
O A. The room was empty; there was just a recorded voice.
B. A woman with long green hair
C. A beast the size of an elephant with five eyes
D. A short man dressed in green, wearing a crown



C. A beast the size of an elephant with five eyes


மேற்கண்ட இப்படம் குறித்து 5 வரிகளில் கவினுற தங்கள் கருத்துகளைப் பதிவு செய்க. ​
pls ANSWER This question. very urgent.




Post your comments about the above picture in 5 lines.


I'll edit the answer if this is not the answer you're looking for.

Thank You!

Leia o trecho abaixo da crônica "Blecaute", de Paula Pimenta: 01 - Aponte o fato que levou a cronista a escrever a crônica sobre o tema "blecaute": * 1 ponto a) A pergunta feita pelo professor de violão clássico sobre a eletricidade. B) O blecaute demorado na aula de música. C) A comodidade proporcionada pela eletricidade. D) O retorno da luz na aula de música.


Olá. O texto ao qual a pergunta se refere é:

“Sabia que a luz elétrica, no Brasil, existe apenas de uns 100 anos pra cá?” Essa foi a pergunta que meu professor de violão clássico me fez no meio de um blecaute demorado – culpa de um gerador queimado por algum raio – que fez com que a aula tomasse outro andamento, totalmente improvisado, mas não menos proveitoso. "


B) O blecaute demorado na aula de música.


O trecho da da crônica "Blecaute", de Paula Pimenta mostra que ela decidiu escrever essa cronica inspirada em um blecaute demorado que ela presenciou durante a aula de violão clássico.

Embora a aula de violão tivesse que ser finalizada por conta da falta de luz, o professor, para ter o tempo perdido, começou a contar a historia sobre a energia elétrica no Brasil, o que fez que a aula ficasse interessante e proveitosa.

Write 5 Lines About Gandhi Ji In Hindi Pls Someone Tell The Answer​


Answer:Gandhi was a human born in india.



Hope it helps u! Plz mark me BRAINLIEST if it does help u! TYSMM


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संघीयता को महत्व सात वटा ​



संघवाद एक अस्पष्ट दार्शनिक शब्द के रूप में प्रकट हो सकता है, लेकिन इसका एक बहुत ही ठोस अर्थ है। यह इस विचार को संदर्भित करता है कि हम कैसे शासित होते हैं, इसके बारे में निर्णय उस नियम द्वारा शासित लोगों के निकटतम सरकार के स्तर पर किए जाते हैं। यह केवल तभी आवश्यक है जब स्थानीय समुदाय सत्ता को उच्च स्तर की सरकार को सौंपने के लिए चुनता है।



संघवाद की प्रमुख विशेषताएं:

१) सरकार के दो या दो से अधिक स्तर (या स्तर) होते हैं।

2) सरकार के विभिन्न स्तर एक ही नागरिक को नियंत्रित करते हैं, लेकिन कानून, कराधान और प्रशासन के विशिष्ट मामलों में प्रत्येक स्तर का अपना अधिकार क्षेत्र होता है।

3) सरकार के संबंधित स्तरों या स्तरों के क्षेत्राधिकार संविधान में निर्दिष्ट हैं।

4) संविधान के मौलिक प्रावधानों को एक स्तर की सरकार द्वारा एकतरफा नहीं बदला जा सकता है। इस तरह के परिवर्तनों के लिए सरकार के दोनों स्तरों की सहमति की आवश्यकता होती है।

5) न्यायालयों को संविधान की व्याख्या करने और सरकार के विभिन्न स्तरों की शक्तियों की व्याख्या करने की शक्ति है।

६) सरकार के प्रत्येक स्तर के लिए राजस्व के स्रोत उसकी वित्तीय स्वायत्तता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए निर्दिष्ट हैं।

७) इस प्रकार संघीय व्यवस्था के दोहरे उद्देश्य हैं: देश की एकता की रक्षा करना और उसे बढ़ावा देना, साथ ही साथ क्षेत्रीय विविधता को समायोजित करना।

What effect do the poppies have on people in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
A. They make people sleep, sometimes they sleep forever
B. They make people have amnesia
C. They cause instant death
D. They make people hallucinate



the solution is A

they make people sleep sometimes they sleep forever

pls write 5-6 lines of vayayam ke labh in hindi pls help
sorry in my phone there is no hindi option when i press ask question ​



Heyy... Hope this helps.. If yes plz mark me as BRAINLIEST.. Plz?

Actually... I wrote a Para... So select some lines from it... Tysm..


जिस प्रकार मानव जीवन के लिए वायु, जल तथा भोजन की आवश्यकता है इसी प्रकार व्यायाम भी मानव जीवन के लिए आवश्यक है । इसकी कमी से मनुष्य का जीवन दुर्बल और अनेक रोगों का घर बन जाता है ।

व्यायाम से शारीरिक शक्ति बढ़ती है, स्वास्थ्य ठीक रहता है । मनुष्य धन कमा सकता है परन्तु उस धन से स्वास्थ्य नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता । व्यायाम करने से शरीर हल्का और फुर्तीला बन जाता है । उत्साह में वृद्धि होती है और पाचन शक्ति तेज होती है । पटठे और हड्डियां दृढ़ हो जाती हैं । मस्तिष्क का विकास होता है क्योंकि स्वस्थ शरीर में ही स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क निवास करता है ।

व्यायाम अनेक प्रकार से किया जाता है । दण्ड पेलना, मुग्दर, कुश्ती खेलना, कबड्डी, सैर करना आदि अनेक प्रकार के व्यायाम हैं, परन्तु जो व्यायाम धीरे-धीरे हो वह उत्तम है । नियम से प्रतिदिन व्यायाम करना लाभदायक होता है । व्यायाम अपनी शक्ति से बढ़कर कभी नहीं करना चाहिए । थकावट अनुभव होने पर व्यायाम छोड़ देना चाहिए ।

जैसे जैसे शक्ति का संचार अधिक हो, वैसे वैसे व्यायाम की मात्रा बढ़ाई जा सकती है । शक्ति से बढ़कर व्यायाम करना हानिकारक सिद्ध होता है । शीतकाल तथा बसंत ऋतू व्यायाम के लिए बहुत अच्छी है । गर्मी तथा वर्षा के मौसम में कम व्यायाम करना चाहिए । स्वास्थ्य बहुमूल्य धन है जिसने पा लिया उसने सब कुछ पा लिया । अतः सभी को प्रतिदिन व्यायाम करना चाहिए ।



व्यायाम से मानसिक तनाव और थकान मिटती है । शरीर का रक्त शुद्ध हो जाता है तथा पूरे शरीर में ताजगी आती है । व्यायाम यदि खुले स्थान में या किसी पार्क में किया जाए तो अधिक लाभ मिलता है । फेफड़ों को शुद्ध वायु पर्याप्त मात्रा में मिलती है । पेशियों और अस्थियों को ताकत मिलती है । शरीर का दर्द और ऐंठन मिट जाती है । ज्ञानेन्द्रियों में सजगता आती है । संपूर्ण शरीर प्राकृतिक दशा में कार्य करने लगता है । शारीरिक दुर्बलता और सुस्ती समाप्त हो जाती है । इस तरह व्यायाम के प्रभाव से शरीर में नवजीवन का संचार होता है । बूढ़े और बीमार लोग भी अपने भीतर स्कूर्ति का अनुभव करने लगते हैं ।

Your grandfather put some money in an account for you on the day you were born. You are now 18 years old and are allowed to withdraw the money for the first time. The account currently has $3996 in it and pays an 8% interest rate. A. How much money would be in the account




importance of trees in hindi​


1.hame tree se oxygen milta hai

2.tress k baja se forest hara hotha hai

3. tress hame lakdi deta hai

'मेरा परिवार है इस विषय पर निबंध

i promise i will mark brainliest



मेरा परिवार एक मूल तथा खुशहाल परिवार है, जिसमें माता पिता के साथ मैं और मेरा छोटा भाई रहते है तथा हम मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार के श्रेणी में आते हैं। व्यक्ति के आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति परिवार, बिना किसी स्वार्थ के करता है। इसलिए हम सब के जीवन में परिवार का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है।


मेरा परिवार पर निबंध |Essay for Kids  on My Family in Hindi!

हमारा परिवार बहुत छोटा है। हम घर में पाँच प्राणी रहते हैं । मेरी माँ, मेरे पिताजी मेरा बड़ा भाई और मेरी दादी । मेरा भाई मुझ से दो साल बड़ा है। हम दोनों एक ही विद्यालय में पढ़ते हैं ।

मेरा भाई आठवीं कक्षा में और मैं छठी में पड़ती हूँ । हम दोनों पैदल विद्यालय जाते हैं क्योंकि हमारा विद्यालय घर के समीप है। मेरे पिताजी डी॰ डी॰ ए॰ के आफिस में काम करते हैं । वह अपने आफिस बस से ही आते-जाते हैं । मेरी माँ अध्यापिका है। उनका स्कूल घर से कुछ दूरी पर है; वह रिक्शे पर विद्यालय जाती हैं । घर में दादी अकेली रहती हैं । अभी वे अपना कार्य स्वयं करने में सक्षम हैं ।

शाम को हम सब इकट्ठे घूमने के लिए बाग में जाते हैं । वहाँ पर माँ-पिताजी भी हमारे साय बैड-मिटन खेलते हैं । वह दोनों हमें हास्यप्रद चुटकुले और नई-नई कविताएँ भी सुनाते हैं । मेरे घर का वातावरण बहुत ही शान्त है । कोई भी आपस में नहीं झगड़ता ।

समस्याओं का समाधान सब मिलजुलकर कर लेते हैं । घर के महत्त्वपूर्ण निर्णयों में दादी की सलाह अवश्य ली जाती है । उनकी बात को घर का प्रत्येक सदस्य मानता है । वृद्ध होने के कारण उनकी सेवा भी की जाती है। विद्यालय की छुट्टियाँ होने पर पिताजी हमें बाहर घुमाने भी ले जाते हैं । घर का प्रत्येक सदस्य एक-दूसरे से प्रेम से बोलता है । माँ-पिताजी हमें बहुत प्यार करते हैं और हम उन्हें ।

त्यौहारों के अवसर पर हमारे पिताजी हमें नये-नये कपड़े बनवा देते हैं । मेरी मां घर पर ही नमकीन और मिठाइयाँ बना लेती है । क्योंकि बाजार से खरीदने पर ये चीजें बहुत महँगी पड़ती हैं और धर का बजट बिगड़ जाता है । हम अपने कपड़े स्वयं ही प्रैस करते हैं, पर कीमती कपड़े धोबी से प्रैस करवा लेते हैं ।

परिवार में रिश्तेदासें का आना-जाना भी लगा रहता है । कभी मेरे मामाजी और उनके बच्चे हमसे मिलने आ जाते हैं और कभी हम अपने ताऊजी के पास चले जाते हैं । हम शाकाहारी भोजन करते हैं । दाल, सब्जियाँ और दूध, दही प्रयोग में लाते हैं ।

कभी-कभी मक्खन और मटर पनीर का सेवन भी कर लेते हैं । हमारे परिवार में हमारे पिताजी और माताजी हमारा जन्मदिन बड़ी धूम-धाम से मनाते हैं । वे अनेक मित्रों को बुलाते हैं । हम अपनी दादी जी और माँ-पिताजी के चरण छूकर आशीर्वाद लेते हैं । मेरी दादी तो इस अवसर पर फूली नहीं समाती ।


Hope it helps helps you please make me brainlist

Bed shakers are a useful tool to help alert a deaf person of
O a clock alarm
O a phone call
O doorbell rings
O fire or smoke



i think it's fire or smoke.

संकेत बिन्दुओं के आधार पर कहानी लेखन कीजिए | कहानी का शीर्षक भी लिखिए | निर्धन व्यक्ति .....एक महात्मा जी आए ......सेवा में प्रसन्न ......निर्धन व्यक्ति को प्रतिदिन सोने का अंडा देने वाली मुर्गी दी .....व्यक्ति के मन में लालच ....एक दिन में अमीर बनने का स्वप्न .... मुर्गी को मारना ......पछताना ........... शिक्षा answer to this qns .......................


Write the story based on the hints. Also write the title of the story. Poor person… ..One Mahatma came… delighted in service…… gave a chicken to a...

How are we supposed to know what story this should be?

narrado de la historia los ojos del perro siberiano




Narrated from the story the eyes of the Siberian dog


siapa yang mau jadi teman ku​


Saya akan tetapi saya tidak punya banyak waktu, maaf


1 सलचत्र लवज्ञापन (25-30 र्ब्दोों में ) बनाइए|



Prepare 1 Salachtra advertisement (in 25-30 words).


You are not able to go to the cinema with your friend because you are sick. Write approximately 100 ja* in Korean



당신은 아프기 때문에 친구와 함께 영화관에 갈 수 없습니 다.


dangsin-eun apeugi ttaemun-e chinguwa hamkke yeonghwagwan-e gal su eobs-seubnida.

hope it helps please correct me if Iam wrong ◉‿◉

Other Questions
A rectangular swimming pool has length 15w - 1 feet and width 9w + 2 feet. Find the perimeter of the pool. Michael's adjusted basis in the MW Partnership was $20,000 at the time he received the following nonliquidating distribution: Cash of $5,000 Equipment with an adjusted basis to the partnership of $8,000 and a fair market value of $10,000. What is the gain/loss Michael will recognize on this transaction pi = c/d solve for d? Math Question (10 Points): vai tr ca c gio mm non trong vic t chc cc hot ng gio dc tch hp theo ch cho tr trng mm non. Write two different polynomials with a difference of- 3x + 5x - 7 Properties of Water Lab ReportInstructions: Choose a property of water and design an experiment to test the property. Use the following lab template to ensure all lab report components are included. Title:Objective(s):Identify the purpose of your investigation or the question you are attempting to answer. Be sure to tie in the property of water you are testing.Safety Notes:Always have parent(s) or guardian(s) permission and supervision when performing a lab activity at home.Wear proper protective clothing and eyewear when needed.Be sure to dispose of all materials properly.Always wash your hands carefully after touching anything in a lab investigation.Hypothesis:Variables:Independent Variable:Dependent Variable:Controlled Variable:Materials: Procedure:The procedure should be clear and detailed so that others can repeat it. The details should be specific in how the procedure changes the independent variable, controls all variables that need to be controlled, and observes or measures the resulting changes to the dependent variable.Data and Observations:Present all data and observations in a neat and organized manner. Include tables and graphs where appropriate/possible.Conclusion:Be sure to answer the following reflection questions as a summary in the conclusion of your lab report:Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? What were the results of your experiment?What changes would you make if you were to repeat the experiment?Questions: Using what you have learned in the lesson and the experiment, answer the following question in complete sentences. Analyze the property of water you investigated and provide some real-world applications of the importance of this property of water. Consider the line y = 4x + 9. If a second line is perpendicular to this one, what is its slope? Any number that CAN be divided by 2 without having remainder is considered an _______ number Forensic anthropologists are trying to determine the age of a male skeleton that has been uncovered. They conclude that he must have been between 16 and 19 judging by the measurement of his ribs clavicle pelvic bone tibia who is president of the philippines How does technological change affect industry evolution? And how should firms manage product adoption and diffusion? Determine which choice is an example of an endothermic process.O A. Lighting a matchB. RespirationC. Running a gas engineD. Baking bread Question 1 (2 points)(01.01 LC)Which of the following is a characteristic of science? (2 points)QUReproducible by other scientistsObThe personal opinion of the scientistUsing variable conditions for each testdIncluding only the data that supports a hypothesis What year was the first civil war As the language changed from Old to Middle to Modern English, many _________ were dropped. Please research a company that is taking steps to "green" their operation. Share with the class the steps the organization is taking. Do you think other organizations could easily implement these ideas? A special mixed-nut blend at a store cost $1.35 per lb, and in 2010 the blend cost $1.83 per lb. Let y represent the cost of a pound of the mixed-nut blend x years after 2005. Use a linear equation model to estimate the cost of a pound of the mixed-nut blend in 2007. what does procrastination mean what is homostatis in biology