What are the ethical implications of making a moral judgment on past actions by researchers?


Answer 1

The ethical implications of making a moral judgment on past actions by researchers are as follows :

Historical actions, events, and agents can elicit admiration, wonder, horror, or sympathy. It has the potential to stimulate moral judgement at times. As a result, despite the human tendency to make moral judgments about the past, some people may experience uneasiness when making retrospective moral judgments.

As a result, people may be hesitant to assign moral blame to people from the past. Reluctance to assign blame is sometimes accompanied by a willingness to judge actions as morally wrong and then conclude that certain rights of the individuals involved in the actions were violated.

Learn more about ethical implications of making a moral judgment here



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How have the arrangements of the buildings aided archaeologists in speculating on the ways in which these complexes were related to their cultural context; their rituals and or political use?


Archaeologists choose any picture or sculpture of a human figure and speculate how it is represented and relate it to the culture or lifeforms of that period. With the minute observation of the precision and the complexities of the work done a fair idea is deduced of the tools and equipment used which can also be related to then culture and rituals.

Early bronze age inhabitants of the Cycladic islands utilised white marble to carve human sculptures. The human forms, which were usually discovered in tombs, were represented by the sculptors in smooth, abstracted fashion. The majority of the figures are of women without clothe who all follow a particular norm. The figures had symmetrical shapes and their arms were tucked behind their breasts. Faces lack features other than a prominent nose.

The sculptors observed a design where three equal circles dictated the shape of the figures, and joints are depicted by incised lines. The painted themes that were used to colour the marble figurines may have had something to do with preparing bodies for burial. These human sculptures may have been connected to their owners through Cycladic rites around significant life events like puberty, marriage, and death.

To learn more about Archaeologists refer



Study and explain the graph given below. What are the adverse effects of fossil fuels on the



They release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming.They release nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, which contribute to the formation of smog and acid rain. Damage to crops and forests. Harm to wildlife.

The adverse effects of fossil fuels on the environment according to the graph are:

They discharge a significant amount of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. They cause the atmospheric release of nitrogen oxides.Destruction of woods and crops.Harm to animals.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere in massive quantities when fossil fuels are burned. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases, which trap heat in our atmosphere.

They discharge a significant amount of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases, which trap heat in our atmosphere.They cause the atmospheric release of nitrogen oxides, which is a factor in the development of smog and acid rain.Destruction of woods and crops.Harm to animals.

Therefore, the adverse effects of Fossil fuels on the environment are mentioned in the main answer.

Learn more about the Adverse effects of Fossil fuels on the environment here,



a client who has a history of aggressive, violent behavior becomes very angry and starts screaming at the nruse and pounding quizlet


Being assertive a  client who has a history of aggressive, violent behavior becomes very angry and starts screaming at the nurse. and pounding Quizlet.

A history of past aggression or violence is the best indicator of who is likely to become violent. People with anxiety disorders are not particularly prone to violence unless panic occurs.

Get help from other employees and keep a safe distance to avoid injury. A visibly upset client roams the corridors and mutters angrily.

Earn your trust. A 25-year-old woman is 28 weeks pregnant and about to give birth to her first child.

Most patients who come to the hospital are anxious and anxious, so it is not uncommon for patients to use anger and aggression as coping mechanisms. Therefore, caregivers should use active listening as a means of comforting patients and reassuring them that they are investing in their safety and recovery.

Learn more about the history of aggressive at



Politics of Fear versus Global Anxiety: A Critical Analysis of Recent US Anti-Immigration Policies from Psychoanalytic Perspectives.


Politics of Fear versus Global Anxiety: A Critical Analysis of Recent US Anti-Immigration Policies from Psychoanalytic Perspectives: politics and paranoia.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and have an effect on almost 30% of adults at some point in their lives. But Anxiety disorders are treatable and a number of effective remedies are available.

Feeling apprehensive, stressed, or hectic.Having a feeling of drawing close to risk, panic, or doom.Having an increased heart rate.Feeling weak or tired.

learn more about Anxiety here



Which best describes what public interest groups generally promote?

state-sponsored religion
financial support for political candidates
development of international economic relationships
causes and values important to a community


Public interest groups generally promote development of international economic relationships. The appropriate response is option C.

What is Public interest groups?

Public interest groups can be characterized as organizations that pursue objectives that, if met, presumably will benefit the general public, or at the very least a larger population than the group's membership.

As an illustration if a public interest group concerned with air quality is successful in its many strategies and operations, the obtained benefit—cleaner air—is available to the general public, not only to the group's members.

In the past 25 years, there has been a significant growth in the membership, funding, and quantity of active public interest groups in the US. There are already far over 2,500 national groups advancing the public interest across a wide range of topic areas, as determined from practically every imaginable angle.

To learn more about Public interest groups



D. causes and values important to a community

What power does the supreme court possess that is not expressly given to it by the constitution?


Judicial review………………

Standard precautions are considered mandatory because:________


Standard precautions are considered mandatory because: to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms from both recognized and non-recognized sources of infection.

General precautions refer to medical practices that avoid contact with patient bodily fluids by wearing non-porous items such as medical gloves, goggles, and face shields. Infection control techniques were essentially good hygiene practices, such as hand washing, use of gloves and other barriers, correct use of hypodermic needles, scalpels, and aseptic techniques.

Following the AIDS outbreak in the 1980s, the US CDC officially introduced AIDS in 1985-88. Each patient was treated as if infected and precautions were taken to minimize risk.

In 1987, the universal preventive practice was regulated by a set of rules known as the segregation of bodily substances. In 1996, both practices were superseded by a modern approach known as standard precautions. The use of personal protective equipment is now recommended in all healthcare facilities.

Learn more about Precautions  here: https://brainly.com/question/14367881


Confucius's ideal society would live according to the ideals of the:_______
A. Five great relationships.
B. Four noble truths.
C. Seven sacraments.
D. Five k's


Confucius's ideal society would live according to the ideals of the Five great relationships.

Instead of being classified as a religion, Confucianism is frequently described as a system of social and ethical philosophy. The social norms, institutions, and transcendent goals of old Chinese society were really established by Confucianism, which drew on a long-standing religious foundation.

It was the sense of religious identity and shared moral principles that served as the cornerstone of a society's key institutions, or what sociologist Robert Bellah called a "civil religion."

It is also what a Chinese sociologist referred to as a "diffused religion"; instead of having a separate church, its institutions were those of society, the family, the school, and the state; similarly, its priests were not separate liturgical experts but rather parents, teachers, and government representatives.

Chinese society and culture were influenced by Confucianism, and for them, daily life was a place for practicing their faith.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about Confucianism here



Robespierre and his supporters created a new calendar. Why would they want to wipe out ""every trace of france’s past?"".


Robespierre and his supporters created a new calendar to wipe out the past of France to set a ¨republic of virtue¨. They wanted to wipe out the past because they thought religion was old fashioned and dangerous.


Robespierre and his supporters set out to build a "republic of virtue." He wanted to wipe out every trace of France's past, so they changed the calendar, dividing the the year into 12 months of 30 days, and renamed every month.

This calendar also had no Sundays because the radicals considered religion old-fashioned and dangerous. They even closed all churches in Paris and later all over France.

July 1793 Robespierre became leader of the Committee of Public Safety and governed France virtually as a dictator and the period became known as the Reign of Terror. He often had enemies tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon justifying it by saying it enabled French citizens to remain true to the ideals of the Revolution.

The "enemies of the Revolution" that caused trouble were fellow radicals who challenged his leadership, many of those who had led the Revolution received death sentences. Their crime was that they were less radical than Robespierre.

Many famous people were killed during the Reign of Terror including Marie Antoinette and George Danton as well as 40,000 other people. 85% executed were peasants or members of the urban poor or middle class the same people that the Revolution was supposed to benefit. July 1794 members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre fearing their own safety.

The radical phase ended on July 28, 1794 when Robespierre was executed by the guillotine. In 1795 another plan of government, the third since 1789, placed power in the hands of the upper middle class and called for a two house legislature and an executive body of five men, known as the Directory. Some of the men were corrupt but it gave the country a period of order and Napoleon Bonaparte became general of France's armies.

Learn more about Robespierre on:



The godfather was a book before it was a film.
a. true
b. false


The Godfather is a novel that tells a fictional story about the Italian mafia that was later adapted to the cinema.

What is The Godfather?

The Godfather is a crime novel written by the Italian-American writer Mario Puzo published in 1969. The story of this novel tells the life of a Sicilian mafia family based in New York and headed by Don Vito Corleone, The Big Boss. The plot takes place between the years 1945 and 1955, and also provides Vito's background from his childhood to his maturity.

Later this novel was adapted to the cinema in 1972 by the production company Paramount Pictures and the director was Francis Ford Coppola. According to the above, The Godfather was first a novel and later a film adaptation (true).

Learn more about The Godfather in: https://brainly.com/question/28013524


A pedestrian sued a driver for injuries suffered in a hit-and-run accident. At trial, the pedestrian called a witness who testified that he saw the accident and that as the car sped off he accurately dictated the license number into his properly operating pocket dictating machine. The witness has stated that he no longer remembers the number. May the tape recording be played


Yes, the tape recording is played as a present sense impression and as a recorded recollection.

What is considered a present sense impression?

A remark that depicts an event as it is happening or right after it has happened is referred to as a current sense impression under the Federal Rules of Evidence. As an exemption to the hearsay rule, a statement that meets the criteria for a current sense impression may be admitted.

What is a past recollection recorded?

A recorded recollection is an exception to the hearsay rule in the law of evidence that permits witnesses to vouch for the veracity of a recording or documentation of their out-of-court statement based on their memory of the circumstances under which the statement was recorded or documented—even if the witness does not recall the events attested to in the statement. The witness only needs to be able to attest to having made the recording and writing an accurate statement at that time to suffice.

Learn more about the law of evidence: https://brainly.com/question/12160739


Afghanistan’s national government in the capital city of kabul has little influence in the country’s rural regions in large part due to the many __________ living there.


Afghanistan’s national government in the capital city of kabul has little influence in the country’s rural regions in large part due to the many ethnic factions living there.

In Afghanistan, a person's ethnicity serves as a quick and easy cultural marker and frequently establishes the social structure of a population. Pashtuns, Tajiks, and Hazaras are the three ethnic groups that are most prevalent. Uzbeks, Nuristanis, Aimaks, Turkmens, and Balochs are all present in substantial numbers (among others). In Afghanistan, the Pashtun are the majority ethnic group.

They are primarily Sunni Muslims and Pashto speakers. Historically, tribal honour rules and interpretations of Islamic law have shaped Pashtun culture and social organisation. This is referred to as "Pashtunwali" — a moral and legal code that establishes the social norms one should uphold in order to honour Islamic and cultural values. Only rural tribes generally adhere to Pashtunwali in its most rigid form. Many Pashtun behaviours, though, continue to reflect its impact.

To learn more about ethnic groups in Afghanistan here,



A function can have ________ parameters, and it can have either zero or one return value(s).


A function can have zero to many parameters, and it can have either zero or one return value(s).

A code module known as a function carries out a specific task. Several instances include sorting, looking for a specific item, and inverting a square matrix. A function is thoroughly tested after it is developed. Following that, it is added to the library of functions.

Programmers can define their own functions in C++. The codes defined in the function's body are all executed when the function is called from any other portion of the program. Parameters are the values that are specified at the time when the function prototype or definition of the function is made. A function may have a single return value or a large number of parameters.

To learn more about Functions and Parameters refer to:



An attack on the us power grid by terrorists or a foreign power is indicative of _____.


An attack on the us power grid by terrorists or a foreign power is indicative of Cyber warfare

The employment of cyberattacks against an adversary state to disrupt critical computer systems and/or inflict damage on the same scale as physical conflict is known as cyberwarfare. Espionage, sabotage, propaganda, manipulation, and economic warfare are a few possible desired effects.

The definition of cyberwarfare and whether it even exists are hotly contested topics among specialists. One argument against the phrase is that no cyberattacks to date may be classified as acts of war. An alternate perspective is that it is a fair term for cyberattacks that result in actual-world physical harm to people and objects.

To know more about Cyber warfare



he teacher in class A begins to expect the five students who littered to be messy. Because of this expectation they litter more often. This is best explained by what sociological theory?


The teacher in class A begins to expect the five students who littered to be messy. Because of this expectation, they litter more often. This is best explained by what sociological theory is symbolic interactionism.

What is Symbolic Interactionism?A sociological theory known as symbolic interactionism draws its inspiration from real-world situations and alludes to specific ways that communication and interaction with others might influence how people form mental representations and draw conclusions that are typical for them to make. Symbolic interactionism is "a framework for creating a theory that sees society as the product of everyday human interactions," according to Macionis. In other words, it serves as a frame of reference for understanding how people connect with one another to form symbolic worlds, which in turn influence how people behave. It is a conceptual framework that explains how recurrent human interactions preserve and shape civilization.

To learn more about symbolic interactionism refer to:



The tendency to judge the behavior of the members of your group more favorably than the behavior of members of other groups is called: hindsight bias. ethnocentrism.


The tendency to judge the behavior of the members of your group more favorably than the behavior of members of other groups is called hindsight bias.

Tendency to support your group, its members, its quality, and its products, especially in relation to other groups. In-group preferences tend to be more pronounced than out-of-group rejections, but both tendencies are more pronounced during periods of contact between groups.

The mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon that tends to develop a preference for things just because people are familiar with them. In social psychology, this effect is sometimes referred to as the principle of friendliness.

Settings are an inner tendency to judge or evaluate something or someone positively or negatively.

Learn more about the tendency at



The southern most tip of the main land of India is_____



south asisa


How does wollstonecraft describe the stereotypical woman of the time? what traits did men value in women, and why? how does wollstonecraft’s argument seek to counter such stereotypes?


When Wollstonecraft observed the women in her society, she thought of them as immature, weak in body and mind, and primarily interested in their appearance and other trivial pursuits.

Wollstonecraft describe the stereotypical woman of the time:Wollstonecraft observed the ladies in her society and thought solely of their clothing and other trivial pursuits, describing them as childlike, weak in body and mind. She may claim that women only acted in this way because of their knowledge by drawing comparisons to the plants and animals portrayed in natural history books. Similar to domestic animals, their genuine natures had been corrupted, but significantly, this also meant that through alternative education, there was a chance they would rediscover what she called woman's "natural state."

The traits men value in women are-

High-value Women are aware that being a nice, enjoyable spouse increases their value and appeal. They also realise that in order to walk with a high value man, they will need to give up control of the relationship's framework and put their trust in him to act as the leader.

Wollstonecraft’s argument seek to counter such stereotypes by-

She authored "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)", a groundbreaking feminist work in which she makes the case that the educational system purposefully taught women to be frivolous and incapable and that if girls were given the same advantages as boys, women would not only be exceptional wives and mothers but also competent workers.Then, in a ground-breaking statement, she continues, "I shall first evaluate women in the great light of human creatures, who, like men, are created on this earth to unveil their faculties.

To know more about the Wollstonecraft, here



Robespierre and his supporters created a new calendar. Why would they want to wipe out ""every trace of france’s past?"".


Robespierre and his supporters created a new calendar to wipe out the past of France to set a ¨republic of virtue¨. They wanted to wipe out the past because they thought religion was old fashioned and dangerous.


Robespierre and his supporters set out to build a "republic of virtue." He wanted to wipe out every trace of France's past, so they changed the calendar, dividing the the year into 12 months of 30 days, and renamed every month.

This calendar also had no Sundays because the radicals considered religion old-fashioned and dangerous. They even closed all churches in Paris and later all over France.

July 1793 Robespierre became leader of the Committee of Public Safety and governed France virtually as a dictator and the period became known as the Reign of Terror. He often had enemies tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon justifying it by saying it enabled French citizens to remain true to the ideals of the Revolution.

The "enemies of the Revolution" that caused trouble were fellow radicals who challenged his leadership, many of those who had led the Revolution received death sentences. Their crime was that they were less radical than Robespierre.

Many famous people were killed during the Reign of Terror including Marie Antoinette and George Danton as well as 40,000 other people. 85% executed were peasants or members of the urban poor or middle class the same people that the Revolution was supposed to benefit. July 1794 members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre fearing their own safety.

The radical phase ended on July 28, 1794 when Robespierre was executed by the guillotine. In 1795 another plan of government, the third since 1789, placed power in the hands of the upper middle class and called for a two house legislature and an executive body of five men, known as the Directory. Some of the men were corrupt but it gave the country a period of order and Napoleon Bonaparte became general of France's armies.

Learn more about Robespierre on:



If you subcultured a microbial colony by transferring some of the cells into a tube of sterile nutrient broth, would the new culture still be considered a pure culture?


1. Samples of a microbial colony obtained from the natural environment are not pure culture. They are mixed cultures because the environment consists of an array of microorganisms and not one specific organism. A sample obtained from the natural environment such as water or soil may contain several species of microbes that need to be further isolated to obtain a pure culture.  

2. Isolation streak plate technique involves the dilution of the sample several folds and then streaking a small amount using a sterile inoculation loop on an agar plate in a zig-zag manner. This is done to obtain a pure culture of bacteria from a mixed population by separating the microprocessor. When the sample is diluted into a small concentration and is streaked onto agar placed, widely spaced, discrete colonies of bacteria can be observed. These isolated colonies can be further cultured to obtain pure cultures by picking and re-streaking them on fresh agar plates.

3. A microbial colony is considered a pure culture because it consists of single species. A single species of bacteria cluster and form an isolated colony on an agar plate which can be further plated on fresh medium.

3-1 - If your agar plate shows discrete uncluttered colonies then you have obtained an isolated colony. The following picture might help you to understand.

3-2. If you subculture isolated microbes into a sterile nutrient broth without any contamination, it will still be considered pure culture because it is single isolated species in a sterile aseptic environment of the nutrient broth.

3.3. A pure culture can become a mixed culture due to contamination. This could be caused by airborne bacteria if your conditions are not aseptic. Contamination is possible if the work area is not clean and sterile or if the glassware is not sterile. The contamination can transform your pure culture into a mixed culture and is hence problematic. So, it is very important to maintain a sterile and aseptic environment, glassware, and instruments.

Learn more about subcultured at



Let's say you inoculate four agar plates, each containing a different antibiotic (A, B, C, and D), and you add a swab from a lesion taken from a patient. After incubating the plates, you observe that plate A has only a few colonies, while the others all have many colonies. How do you interpret the results


The correct interpretation of this case is that antibiotic A is the only one that effectively fights the patient's bacteria.

How to interpret the results?

To interpret the results of this case, we must take into account the manifestations that occur with respect to the antibiotic samples A, B, C and D and their reaction with the bacteria in the patient's wound.

According to the above, it can be inferred that antibiotic A eliminated the bacteria, while the other three antibiotics allowed the proliferation of bacteria.

Learn more about antibiotics in: https://brainly.com/question/10868637


While in the mid 20th century the family of mom, dad, and a couple of kids was seen as a(n) ________, today it is considered a(n) ________..


While in the mid 20th century the family of mom, dad, and a couple of kids was seen as a(n) idea today it is considered a(n) stereotype

Stereotypes are traits that are imposed on particular groups of people based on their racial, ethnic, or sexual identity. These traits frequently oversimplify the groups involved, and stereotypes are damaging even when they appear to be "good."

When applied to specific individuals, these generalizations about groups of people may be accurate, but they may also be incorrect, which is one of the causes of prejudice. While not all generalizations are stereotypes, they are nonetheless generalizations. While generalizations may be more based on personal experience and not a generally acknowledged aspect. Stereotypes of particular groups have harmful effects, even when they are presented as "good."

To know more about stereotype



Participants took part in a study to determine the number of consumed beers it would take to affect their ability to walk in a straight line. In this example, the dependent variable is __.


Dependent Variable: exam performance

The variable that depends on other factors that are measured.

What is a Dependent Variable ?

A dependent variable is the variable that changes as a result of the independent variable manipulation.

For example, in a study looking at how tutoring impacts test scores, the dependent variable would be the participants' test scores since that is what is being measured.

The easiest way to identify which variable in your experiment is the Independent Variable (IV) and which one is the Dependent Variable (DV) is by putting both the variables in the sentence below in a way that makes sense. “The IV causes a change in the DV. It is not possible that DV could cause any change in IV.

Learn more about Independent Variable here:



Months later, jessica has regrets and believes that her case was unfairly decided. jessica hires you as her attorney to help her get out of the settlement. what do you advise her?


Since, Jessica has regrets and believes that her case was unfairly decided the  advise i will give to her as  her attorney to help her get out of the settlement is to appeal at court of law.

How can the appeal court help Jessica?

Courts will apply the law to specific controversies that Jessica brought  before the court about her concern of not being satisfied with her case.

With the help of the the dispute will be resolved  and all the uphold limitations  will be handled,  it should be noted that the Court of Appeal  is been duly constituted for the purpose of hearing as well as  determining any appeal  with at least three Justices.

In this case, Since, Jessica has regrets and believes that her case was unfairly decided the  advise i will give to her as  her attorney to help her get out of the settlement is to appeal at court of law.

Learn more about Court at:



Sallekhana means:_______
A. Clothed in sky.
B. Holy death.
C. Nonattachment.
D. Perfect teacher


Sallekhana means Holy death.

According to Tattvrthastra 7.22 from the second century, "vow of willing pious dying" is what Sallekhan alludes to.

The householder then "courts voluntarily pious-death at the conclusion of his life." It involves progressively removing the physical body's and the interior passions' sources of strength as death draws near.

Death is the loss of senses and vitality at the conclusion of a person's life span as determined by their own wills.

When a tragedy, severe old age, or incurable illness affects the body and makes it difficult for the affected person to keep their vows (vrata), one should begin "courting voluntary pious-death" in order to at least preserve their vows.

Hence, option B is correct.

To learn more about Sallekhana here



Music of sub-saharan africa is most closely associated with what other cultural practice?


In the music of sub-Saharan Africa, the functions of music and dance are intertwined, and music communicates life through sound and interacts with every element of daily life.

The right sub-Saharan African music and dance are for employment as well as religious ceremonies for birth, name, rites of passage, marriage, and funerals. The drum's rhythms and sounds are employed for both cultural expression and communication. Sub-Saharan African music emphasizes the heavenly and eternal value of human life by helping to mark the significant events in life.

It is not unusual for sub-Saharan Africans to have a particular taste for rhythmic music, as rhythm and pitch are the two components that make up all music.

Learn more about sub-Saharan Africa here:



Psychologists who are concerned that the results of contemporary empirical research may not apply to all people everywhere are questioning the ________ of those results.


Psychologists who are concerned that the results of contemporary empirical research may not apply to all people everywhere are questioning the generalizability of those results.

Generalizability is a measure of how well research findings are useful to a wider group of people and situations. A study is said to be generalizable if its results are generally applicable to many different types of people and situations. In its simplest form, generalizability can be described as making predictions based on previous observations. This means that if something has happened many times in the past, it is likely to happen again in the future.

Generalizability can be defined as applying findings to the entire population based on a sample. This also means that the results of one study can be transferred to another similar situation. Research generalizability and transferability are two related characteristics of research.

Learn more about  generalization here: https://brainly.com/question/26238937


A blue chip corporation is making a bond offering that is rated aaa. during the issue’s first year of trading, what is the greatest potential risk that a bondholder assumes?


The greatest potential risk that a bondholder of a blue chip corporation assumes during the first year of trading is a. interest rate risk.

What is interest rate risk?

Interest rate risk refers to the probability of a decline in bond value when unexpected changes or fluctuations occur in interest rates.

Interest rate risk affects fixed-income assets, like bonds more than equity investments.

Inflation risk occurs when there is a general decline in the purchasing power of the currency.  Default risk is not associated with a bond in its first year when compared with the maturity year. The foreign exchange rate risk refers to the uncertainty or fluctuations in exchange rates.

Question Completion with Answer Options:

a. interest rate risk

b. default risk

c. inflation risk

d. forex rate risk

Thus, the greatest potential risk that a bondholder of a blue chip corporation assumes during the first year of trading is a. interest rate risk.

Learn more about interest rate risk at https://brainly.com/question/13163076


Grant and Reid are six-year old twins. They want to find a way to get the frisbee off of the roof without asking for help, so Grant climbs a tree in order to push down a branch so that Reid can reach it. They wiggle the branch until it snaps, then use the branch with a fan of leaves to sweep down the frisbee. Their solution relies on ________ intelligence.


The solution of Grant and Reid relies on the creative intelligence.

What is a creative intelligence?

This refers to any ability to solve problems by imagining new and unique solutions.

This type of intelligence is strongly associated with individuals who have a knack for developing new ideas.

In this case, solution of Grant and Reid relies on the creative intelligence.

Read more about creative intelligence



Abraham maslow suggested that self-transcendence needs motivate people to strive for:________


Abraham Maslow suggested that self-transcendence needs motivate people to strive for transpersonal meaning.

According to Maslow, self-transcendence brings the person what he termed “top studies” in which they transcend their very own personal issues and see from a higher angle. these reports frequently deliver sturdy high-quality emotions like joy, peace, and a nicely-advanced experience of consciousness (Messerly, 2017).

The traditional description of Abraham Maslow's (1943, 1954) hierarchy of wishes is incorrect as an outline of Maslow's later thoughts. Maslow (1969a) amended his model, setting self-transcendence as a motivational step beyond self-actualization.

With Maslow's concept, an employee's beginning emphasis on the decrease order wishes of body structure and safety makes feel. usually, a person starting their career may be very worried about physiological needs along with good enough wages and solid earnings and safety desires including benefits and safe paintings surroundings.

Learn more about Abraham Maslow here: https://brainly.com/question/7869564


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