What does America mean to you?


Answer 1


To me, being an American citizen is being free. Being an American means that you can make your own decisions about where you want to live, where you would like to work, who you'd like to marry etc. It means being brave, being proud of this Country, and being confident that we will succeed.

Answer 2

Answer: What America means to me is to have rights, a chance to be yourself, do the job that we want, and travel to where we want to go. You do not have all of these things in different countries.

I have the right to go to school where I choose. I can also go to whatever church I want. I also have the right to say or write what I want others to know as long as it is not hurtful.

America is a democracy. We can vote for our leaders like the President. We live by the constitution that gives us the rights we have.

In America everyone is equal, you can be yourself. Race, religion, gender or age doesn’t matter. Having rights makes our country better than others. Because we have choices we are lucky to live in America. This is why I like America.

Related Questions

Frank McCourt, Whose Irish Childhood Illuminated His Prose, Is Dead at 78:” How does the anecdote about McCourt assigning students to write “an excuse letter” in the paragraph below add to the development of his story? “Mr. McCourt developed an idiosyncratic teaching style that found a somewhat more receptive audience at the elite Stuyvesant High School, where he taught creative writing after earning a master’s degree in English from Brooklyn College in 1967. He had students sing Irish songs to break down their resistance to poetry. After discovering a sheaf of written excuses from past years, he recognized an unexplored literary genre and asked students to write, say, an excuse letter from Adam or Eve to God, explaining why he or she should not be punished for eating the apple.” Question 44 options: a) It illustrates another example of writing through using one’s own experiences. b) It puts forth the idea that McCourt was an even better teacher than he was a writer. c) It shows where he got the idea for what the format of Angela’s Ashes should be. d) It provides another instance of McCourt bringing one of his childhood traditions from Ireland and sharing it in America.



McCourt explained her horrible childhood


Explained how bad and horrific her childhood was :/

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey There!!

1. Romans created statues that were realistic and very much looked like the real person. It's actually True, Romans makes the statue look realistic so the person can get a better understand about that person. 2. An Effgy is sculpture representing a person? That's also true. 3. Well, The Olmec do have a thick lips and also have flatter nose than others. So, I do believe it's true. 4. The conservator actually maintains the condition of the objects. So most likely it's true. 5. Well, I think the answer is A clay vessel.

Hope This Helps!!~

By ☆~Itsbrazts☆~


Frank is having hydration therapy prior to his chemotherapy session. The hydration intravenous infusion lasts 45

minutes. This is properly coded as

O 96360


O 96360, 96361

O 96365


The answer is minutes!
Hope this helps!

Trojan war Ch. 13
From reading this text, what can you infer about the role of mortal women? Choose a woman character or two women to focus your response.


Fertility, Mortality, & Migration

Choose an animal species that live in Antarctica. Using the Internet, research five interesting facts about the animal you choose. Describe what you learned. P.S (should be approximately 20-25 lines)



Sea leopard/ Leopard seal.


The Leopard Seal is one of the fascinating animals to live in the Antarctica region. Due to its similarity in the design or pattern of spots in its shade, similar to that of the leopard. This distinction seems to be the point of origin of its name- the sea leopard/ leopard seal.

This massive reptilian-like mammal has a sturdy jaw bone that allows it to attack any prey and not fail in it. And another distinct feature is that the females are larger than the males. It's the only predator is the killer whale, thus making it one of the most dangerous hunters in the area. They are capable of hunting and killing most of the animal species in Antarctica.

Moreover, the similarity to the leopard is just not about the spots on their fur. They are also fierce predators, with their prey ranging from fishes to the various types of penguins and even other seals. Though solitary creatures, females usually do the job of taking care of the young ones before they are weaned and then left to fend for themselves. Male sea lions don't interact with or 'socialize' and prefer to be alone, not even involved in taking care of the young pups.

Sea leopards are known to be ferocious and dangerous not only to other animals but also to humans. In the recent past, there had been reports of a marine biologist killed while trying to get close to the mammal, leading to the animal dragging the biologist 200 meters below the sea level. This attack is the only case of fatal interaction with humans, but there have been numerous instances where these animals are known to attack and even try to kill humans. And it is also believed that with the recent increase in human activity in the Antarctic region, sea leopards are more likely to increase in their attack towards humans.




Penguins are small, Flightless birds that can't fly. They Have white and black colors they only eat small fish. Their predators are seals polar bears and whales

From "The Tyranny of Things" by Elizabeth Morris Once upon a time, when I was very tired, I chanced to go away to a little house by the sea. "It is empty," they said, "but you can easily furnish it." Empty! Yes, thank Heaven! Furnish it? Heaven forbid! Its floors were bare, its walls were bare, its tables there were only two in the house were bare. There was nothing in the closets but books; nothing in the bureau drawers but the smell of clean, fresh wood; nothing in the kitchen but an oil stove, and a few a very few dishes; nothing in the attic but rafters and sunshine, and a view of the sea. After I had been there an hour there descended upon me a great peace, a sense of freedom, of in finite leisure. In the twilight I sat before the flickering embers of the open fire, and looked out through the open door to the sea, and asked myself, "Why?" Then the answer came: I was emancipated from things. There was nothing in the house to demand care, to claim attention, to cumber my consciousness with its insistent, unchanging companionship. There was nothing but a shelter, and outside, the fields and marshes, the shore and the sea. These did not have to be taken down and put up and arranged and dusted and cared for. They were not things at all, they were powers, presences. And so I rested. While the spell was still unbroken, I came away. For broken it would have been, I know, had I not fled first. Even in this refuge the enemy would have pursued me, found me out, encompassed me. If we could but free ourselves once for all, how simple life might become! One of my friends, who, with six young children and only one servant, keeps a spotless house and a soul serene, told me once how she did it. "My dear, once a month I give away every single thing in the house that we do not imperatively need. It sounds wasteful, but I don’t believe it really is. Sometimes Jeremiah mourns over missing old clothes, or back numbers of the magazines, but I tell him if he doesn’t want to be mated to a gibbering maniac he will let me do as I like." The old monks knew all this very well. One wonders sometimes how they got their power; but go up to Fiesole, and sit a while in one of those little, bare, white-walled cells, and you will begin to understand. If there were any spiritual force in one, it would have to come out there. I have not their courage, and I win no such freedom. I allow myself to be overwhelmed by the invading host of things, making fitful resistance, but without any real steadiness of purpose. Yet never do I wholly give up the struggle, and in my heart I cherish an ideal, remotely typified by that empty little house beside the sea. Which three statements from the essay illustrate how Morris feels about things? Choose one answer from each group. Type the LETTER ONLY for each answer in the correct blank. Type A, B, or C for Blank 1. Empty! Yes, thank Heaven It sounds wasteful, but I don’t believe it really is I have not their courage, and I win no such freedom. Type D, E, or F for Blank 2. I cherish an ideal, remotely typified by that empty little house beside the sea. One wonders sometimes how they got their power Even in this refuge the enemy would have pursued me, found me out, encompassed me. Type G, H, or I for Blank 3. While the spell was still unbroken, I came away. Yet never do I wholly give up the struggle. The old monks knew all this very well.



Answer blank 1:  


Answer blank 2:  


Answer blank 3:



I took the test and can assure you its right




I put AEH and got 4/6 points and I believ it is b insted not too sure

“The world on a turtles back”
Answer the following questions properly (complete sentences and direct citations/quotations where necessary)
3. What does “The world on a turtle’s back” suggest about the relationship between human beings and animals? be specific.





Why do you think Hal, Mercedes, and Charles set out for the Klondike when they were so inexperienced? Give at least 3 examples as to why they were unsuccessful.




There could be a lot of possible reasons as to why Hal, Charles, and Mercedes head for the Klondike despite their inexperience. In fact, I would probably say that they headed for the Klondike because of their inexperience. The trio is simply ignorant of the dangers present in nature, and they are ignorant of the necessary supplies that they need and don't need. They are foolish and overconfident. They feel that their desire to get to their destination will somehow overcome any kind of difficulty.

I'm also confident that they head out to the Klondike because they are greedy. If there was no promise of future wealth, I do not think that they would have gone.

I believe that a reader could make a case that the trio is also stubborn. They are warned about their timing and load, but Hal, Mercedes, and Charles do not heed any of that advice.

As for why they were unsuccessful in reaching the Klondike, the easy is answer is that they died. Their deaths could have been avoided had they listened to the advice of the experienced men about how much to load the sled and to not go over the ice that late in the season. Their arrogance and foolishness ultimately got them killed.

The main conflict in the passage is between what two character types?
Designer and craftsperson
O Rebel and inventor
O Dreamer and romantic
Artist and businessperson


Answer: ~Artist and Businessperson ~


The answer would be Artist and Businessperson because with ARTISTS ART IS SUBJECTIVE.However with a BUSINESSPERSON THEY HAVE TO FOLLOW MANY RULES. I hope I answered your question ☺️

Bob is 1 foot taller than Jill.

Observation or Inference?


that's an observation.
It’s an Observation

Which question did the author of "How to Grow a School Garden" consider

about the audience before writing the project plan?


A. What locations are best for growing a school garden?


B. What type of climate is my audience most likely located in?

O C. Which types of plants will my audience be most likely to grow?

O D. What misconceptions might my audience have about gardening?



A. What locations are best for growing a school garden?


The question "What locations are best for growing a school garden?" it is the only one that directly refers to the establishment of a school garden. For this reason, we can say that with this question the author of the book would be able to quickly reach the audience he wants to reach, since he raises a common and recurring thought in people who want to create a school garden.

Like the person said before me the most reasonable answer I would say is A. Just to give you some more assurance! Hope this helps. Thank you! I hope you have a nice day! ;)

(1) One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. (2) "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table—Samsa was a travelling salesman—and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. (3) Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Drops of rain could be heard hitting the pane, which made him feel quite sad. "How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense," he thought, but that was something he was unable to do because he was used to sleeping on his right, and in his present state couldn't get into that position. However hard he threw himself onto his right, he always rolled back to where he was. He must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he wouldn't have to look at the floundering legs, and only stopped when he began to feel a mild, dull pain there that he had never felt before. Whose view does the author follow throughout this selection? A.The woman in the picture's B.Gregor Samsa's C. An all-knowing narrator's D. The author's



I thik B is correct because a person telling this story and sometime woman speaks

have good day

Guys plssss answer thisssss (╯︵╰,)



im making it a letter to a principal so u can change it ifu want

(the beggining is the extra )

ANUSHkA SHARMA -- 4125 SUFYAN RD tolichowki,HYDERABAD  45252

10TH AUGUST 2020









WE WILL BE HAVING SEVERAL ACTIVITIES SUCH As Songs, street plays, declamation, and poster making competitions will be held to create awareness about the ill-effects of plastics on our environment.

For further details, contact the undersigned.

thanks and regards,

       anushka sharma

i worked really hard on this







Answer:i can't read it


When the flower girl notices the notetaker she says, “They’ll take away my character and drive me on the streets for speaking to gentlemen.” Why can’t she speak to the gentleman?
She spoke impolitely to him and that was not allowed in England.
He doesn’t speak English and she offended him.
Since she is a woman she cannot speak to men.
She is poor and should not be speaking to someone of a higher social standing.


In my opinion, it is the last one cause many people in the past care about their status.

1-How does loneliness distort your perceptions of the people in your life and your relationships with them? 2-Describe an experience from your own life that, in hindsight, was an opportunity to apply emotional first aid and explain why it might have been useful to do so.



Ans 1.

There are many paths to loneliness. ... Loneliness distorts our perceptions, making us believe the people around us care much less than they actually do, and it makes us view our existing relationships more negatively, such that we see them as less meaningful and important than we would if we were not lonely.


Loneliness distorts our perceptions, making us believe the people around us care much less than they actually do, and it makes us view our existing relationships more negatively, such that we see them as less meaningful and important than we would if we were not lonely.


Take slow, deep breaths, and allow a little extra time to exhale.

Remind yourself that this, too, shall pass.

Allow space for all of your feelings.

Have faith in yourself. ...

Don't take anything personally.

Try to stick with your routine, even if you are feeling dazed or numb.

The story is Cupid and Psyche please help!
Written: You will write a four-to six-minute movie pitch for the novel or short story you read in module 5. Be sure to keep in mind all you have learned about what makes a pitch effective. Remember, this is more than just a summary of your novel or short story—you want to get your movie made! Be sure to include the following:

1. Introduction: Your name, the movie title, and the genre it will belong to
2. Three Act Format:

Act 1: Using supporting details from the text, write four to five sentences that describe the exposition and conflict. Include strong adjectives to describe the tone/mood.
Act 2: Using supporting details from the text, write four to five sentences that describe the rising action and climax. Include strong adjectives to describe the tone/mood.
Act 3: Using supporting details from the text, write four to five sentences that describe the falling action and the resolution. Include strong adjectives to describe the tone/mood.



that didnt help


what is the similarity between ordinary and special resolution​




Company decisions are taken by two process which are named as Ordinary Resolution and Special Resolution. To know the similarities, will need to explain them individually

Ordinary resolution is passed by the numbers of the company by the simple majority. That is, vote in favour exceed the votes casted against the resolution by members to entitled for voting. It is used for normal business activities such as appointments of new or changing directors, Issuing of new shares, e.t.c.

special resolution is a type of resolution in which it is affirm by 2/3 of the members of board or committee of the company (at least 75% of the members). It used for special decisions as the name implies. Decision such as changing the name and or constitution of the company, Investing on long term bases and large capital investment, e.t.c.

The similarities involved in both resolutions is that meeting as to hold before any of them can be passed. They are both used as decision making tool for the development of the company.

tell me some of the reasons that it is important to keep a positive attitude in a learning environment. (please answer it's really simple)​



it is important to be positive attitude because if you don't think you can your mind will tell you that you can't do it. being positive will give you confidence in maintaining your learning experience and also will keep you mindset on what is being taught

It’s important to keep a Positive Attitude because it helps you excel. When you are Positive you will believe in your self which helps you focus and learn in a great environment.

when the light went out, I threw myself down _____my stomach
A.by B.on C.to D.at​


on is the most suitable answer :)

When the light went out, I threw myself down on my stomach.

What would be someone experience after being immigrated to America?



Immigrants had few jobs, terrible living conditions, poor working conditions, forced assimilation, nativism (discrimination), anti-Aisan sentiment.


Poor living conditions

“Those were the Rommely women ...They were all slender, frail creatures with wondering eyes and soft fluttery voices. But they were made out of thin visible steel.” Explain the truth/falsity of this passage.



The women all looked brave but inside they could be hurt very easy


hopes this helps!

She must be trying to put a smile in her face even though she is hurt from the inside

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
make a reliable argument more persuasive.



Rhetorical devices



Among all the given options from the drop-down menu the correct answer that makes a reliable argument more persuasive is Rhetorical devices. Hence, Option B is correct.

What is the meaning of the term “drop-down menu”?

When a user interacts with a drop-down menu, such as by clicking on it or moving their cursor over it, a list of options hidden from view is displayed. After the user disengages from the menu, the menu options descend vertically and vanish once more.

The user can select one value from a list of options using a drop-down list, a graphical control element akin to a list box. When inactive, a drop-down list only shows one value. When turned on, it shows a list of values from which the user can choose.

Rhetorical devices is the appropriate response from the drop-down selection that increases the persuasiveness of a reliable argument.

Therefore, Option B is correct.

Learn more about drop-down menu from here:



Please write 2 sentences. 1. Shows an example of 1st person point of view. 2. Shows an example of 3rd person point of view.


First person: I went to the store
Third person: He went to the store


1st Person POV: I saw the boat in the distance.

3rd Person POV: He dropped a coin in the slot of the telescope and when he looked through it he saw the boat in the distance.


These are narrative voices.  Not necessarily dialogue or spoken voices.

1st Person's voice comes from the writer's internal POV. aka: I do this. I did that. I ran, I felt, etc.

3rd person's voice is from the other character's POV. aka: He did this, she did that. They walked across the street."

(2nd Person's voive is the POV of YOU, the reader. aka You loved me. But now you love another.

Went today School to I.,\

What is the proper way to say this phrase>



I went to school today.



I went to school today.

melissa has chosen a career in business administration what would be a good job market for melissa.

a. a bustling city with many businesses
b.a rural area with lots of farms
c.a coastal town
d.a concentrated manufacturing district


A., since her degree is in business, there are more opportunities for her to get the money she deserves.


A bustling city with many businesses would be the ideal place for her, looking at her career she would be able to profit more from a city with many businesses who could come to her for help regarding different problems.


Modern inventions and discoveries: support Scripture and creation support the idea of evolution do not relate to Scripture falsify Scripture



Both believe that the universe was created or made. Somehow.  Either they believe that poof it was put into place in 6 days or by a process of evolution - over a period of time.  Most evolutionists do not believe in a world wide flood - but creationists can see the layers that have formed over the years in places like the Grand Canyon.   Can anything evolve from nothing?  How did living things come to have Life?  Try to remember that living things reproduce into more living things.  


There is no scientific law that states that something evolved from nothing.  How does life arise from non-life?  How does one creature turn into another creature - or does he evolve into a different type of species.  We have seen this in nature - how a species must adapt to his new environment.  Man or animal.  Maybe this will help too:  Simplistic info -

Evolutionists - single cell evolves into multicelled - evolves into fish - evolves into amphibians - and then you get the reptile.  Soon comes the evolution of this turning into birds, mammals, and then humans.

Creationinsts - fish are created as just that - fish, amphibians - created as just that - amphibians, etc.....birds created as birds....

Did dogs evolve from a wolf?  People breed dogs all the time to try to create a new type of dog.  Finches - type of bird - has shown that it has changed or evolved over time too - it's beak has changed shape.  It changed shape to adapt to the environment around it.  

Maybe you could point out in your writing that science needs evidence.  Have we really seen something evolve in real time -

Just make sure to include that humans have intervened.  They even are cloning now.  Scary but true.  Are they trying to be God or are they just trying to create something better than it was before???


Both believe that the universe was created or made. Somehow.  Either they believe that poof it was put into place in 6 days or by a process of evolution - over a period of time.  Most evolutionists do not believe in a world wide flood - but creationists can see the layers that have formed over the years in places like the Grand Canyon.   Can anything evolve from nothing?  How did living things come to have Life?  Try to remember that living things reproduce into more living things.  


Task: Create your own connotative, or shades of meaning, activity worksheet.

Directions: Follow the steps below to complete the activity.

Step 1. Write 3 sentences describing a person, place, or thing. Write these sentences with 'positive' describing words.

Step 2. Rewrite these same 3 sentences with 'neutral' describing words.

Step 3. Rewrite these same 3 sentences again, using 'negative' describing words.

Step 4. Describe how the intent of each sentence changes with the difference in denotation and connotation.


Answer: 1. California is such a beautiful place to live. It is sunny and its right next to the ocean, which means its a wonderful balance between warm and a cool breeze. It also has many attractions and theme parks that can make it even more fun to stay in the beautiful state.

2. California is such a nice place to live. It is sunny and right next to the ocean, which means its a nice balance between warm and a cool breeze. It also has many attractions that can make it a little more enjoyable to stay in the bright state.

3. California is such a horrible place to live. It is hot and right next to the ocean, which means its an obnoxious balance between hot and a fishy smell. It also has many attractions and theme parks that can make it even more annoying and expensive to stay in the humid state.

4. In the first sentences, it describes and in a way, coaxes people to look more into the subject. In the negative version, it is dialing down the enthusiasm, and not amping up everything that the state has to offer. In the last one, it is telling you that its not a great place to live because its hot and pricing is expensive.  

Explanation:  You can change around some things, and this can also act as an example, good luck on your assignment!



Destroy dffvvg fffff fffvvv

Htrgg ftyhj



Which detail most strongly develops the theme of loneliness in "The Raven"? The speaker looks to the bird for company by sitting on a chair and studying it. The speaker explains that like other friends and his hopes, the raven will leave him, too. The speaker whispers Lenore's name when he opens the door to see who has been tapping on it. The speaker asks the raven if he will see Lenore again.





The speaker has a dejected tone, talking about how the raven will leave him like everything else.

The speaker explains that like other friends and his hopes, the raven will leave him, too is the detail most strongly develops the theme of loneliness in "The Raven".

What is loneliness ?

The emotion we experience when our demand for fulfilling social interaction and connections is unmet is a frequent definition of loneliness.

However, being lonely is not necessarily the same as being by yourself. Some people could find it isolating to be alone and have a happy life with little interaction from others.

A mismatch between the amount and quality of the social relationships can lead to the unpleasant, subjective sense of being alone or losing company.

Situational aspects including physical isolation, relocation, and divorce are contributing elements to loneliness.  Feelings of loneliness can also result from the loss of a significant someone in a person's life. There are also internal causes of loneliness.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about loneliness follow the link below;



What argument does Roosevelt make in this
Read the passage from Eleanor Roosevelt's speech
on the adoption of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
The first two paragraphs of the amendment to
article 3 deal with the question of minorities, which
committee 3 decided required further study, and has
recommended, in a separate resolution, their
reference to the Economic and Social Council and
the Human Rights Commission. As set out in the
Soviet amendment this provision clearly states
"group," and not "individual," rights.
The Soviet amendment to article 20 is obviously a
very restrictive statement of the right to freedom of
opinion and expression. It sets up standards which
would enable any state practically to deny all
freedom of opinion and expression without violating
the article. It introduces the terms "democratic view."
"democratic systems," "democratic state," and
o If the Assembly fails to approve the Soviet
amendments, individual freedom may soon
o If the Assembly fails to approve the Soviet
amendments, the Soviets might have to declare
The Soviet amendments mention fascism, which
is too controversial a topic for the UDHR.
0 The Soviet amendments endanger human
freedoms by emphasizing group rights over
individual rights


Answer: The argument which Roosevelt makes in this passage is that if the assembly fails to approve the soviet amendments, individual freedom may soon disappear.


He warns the Soviet delegations in case if they do not approve the Soviet amendments.

The argument Roosevelt makes in this passage is If the Assembly fails to approve the Soviet amendments, individual freedom may soon disappear. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the argument?

The situations when two individuals involved in a conversation share differences of opinions which causes disagreement between them and creates arguments in order to prove them stronger.

The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is highlighted in the paragraph. As stated in the Soviet modification, this clause expressly refers to "collective" rights rather than "individual" rights.

In this section, Roosevelt makes the claim that if the Soviet amendments are not approved by the Assembly, individual freedom may soon become abolished which is not considered better for growth.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Argument, here:



What makes “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” a modernist story? Select all that apply.
It focuses on the concept of individual identity.
It emphasizes the changing values of the time.
It discusses the effects of war on modern society.
It portrays a sense of disillusionment with the world.
It explores the conflict of civilization and nature.



It disc


Because when he said that he was going to war on june

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Which value of x satisfies the equation URGENT HELP PLS AND THANK U Step by step on how to do this plz Which of the following is not true about sex differences in educational achievement? Explain how/where could you change the NIC Card configuration from dynamic DHCP setting to an IP address of with a subnet mask of and a gateway of (hint: we spoke about 2 different methods) The comparative balance sheets for Swifty Company show these changes in noncash current asset accounts: accounts receivable decreased $80,000, prepaid expenses increased $28,500, and inventories increased $43,500. Compute net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method, assuming that net income is $228,900. Question 6 of 10Which of the following graphs represents the equation y- 4 = 3(x - 1)? Lillie is saving up for a trip she is taking with friends during her break from school. If Lillie's current monthly net pay is $560.00 and her monthly expenses are $347.49, what percent of her net pay is left for savings? (2 points)19%23%38% Lili spent $120 on a new sweater rather than using this money to buy her personal finance textbooks. The cost of doing without the textbooks is called the cost of buying the sweater. Group of answer choices Find the number of five-digit numbers which are not divisible by 5? Between 1953 and 2015, rising labor productivity contributed more to U.S. economic growth than did increases in inputs.A. TrueB. False It can be shown that the line with intercepts (a, 0) and (0, b) has the following equation:x/a + y/b= 1, a 0, b 0.Use this result to write an equation of the line.Point on line: (2, 4)x-intercept: (a, 0)y-intercept: (0, a)(a 0) Find the commission on a sale of $600 with a 5% commission rate. Central to agency theory is the concern with problems that can arise between the principals who are the owners of the firm and the agents who are the people who are paid by outside consultants to perform a job on their behalf.a. Trueb. False I need help with all the answers to 1 and 2 0.18 divided by 0.04 Identify a transformation of the function f(x) = (x by observing the equationof the function g(x) = VX- 19. Send ReplyHi Ingrid!We're having lots of adventures on ourholiday. While we (1) ... (stay) at a campsitenear a river, we (2) ... (have) a terribleexperience. There (3) ... (be) a flood whilewe (4) ... (sleep). When we (5) ... (wake up),we (6) ... (be) wet.Hope you're having a good summer!Jack Combining alcohol and/or drugs with automobiles ...A. has no financial impact.B. has limited financial consequences.C. is a costly choice. If P is the midpoint of XY, XP = 8x - 2 and PY = 12x - 30, find thevalue of x.