What does the last clause of Section 8 of Article 1 mean (it is called the "elastic clause" or "necessary and proper clause")?​


Answer 1

Answer: The last clause of Section 8 of Article 1 of the United States Constitution is commonly


The last clause of Section 8 of Article 1 of the United States Constitution is commonly referred to as the "elastic clause" or "necessary and proper clause." It grants Congress the power "to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof." In other words, it gives Congress the authority to pass laws that are necessary and proper in order to effectively exercise the powers specifically granted to it in the Constitution, as well as any other powers granted to the federal government. This clause has been used to justify a wide range of federal laws and actions.

Related Questions

Malcolm X mentions that African Americans did not arrive on the “Mayflower”. Why do you think he includes this? What does that statement imply?


Malcolm X mentions Black political nationalism. The political philosophy of black nationalism means that a black person must control politics and politicians in his own community.”

Who was Malcolm X?

Malcolm X was an African American  leader and he was a civil rights activist for the black people empowerment and promoted for the adoption of Islam within the Black community.

He charged the United States with human rights violations against African Americans at the United Nations.

Malcolm X  opposed integration with the whites. He saw black and white to be separate powers. He said that the solution was to set up a country in Africa which was to be populated by American blacks.

Learn more about Malcolm X here:



In 1851, Louis Napoleon overthrew the French Republic, and began ruling as…Question 12 options:PresidentNone of the above.DictatorKing




Emperor should be correct

Where did most people live in the Southern Colonies?


Most people in the Southern colonies during the colonial period lived in rural areas on plantations or small farms.

The Southern colonies were primarily agricultural societies, and the economy was based on the production of crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. Plantations were the dominant form of agriculture in the South, and the labor force was primarily made up of enslaved Africans.

Plantations were typically large, sprawling estates, often covering thousands of acres, where crops were grown to be exported to Europe and other parts of the British Empire. Plantations were typically located in coastal areas where the soil was fertile and the climate was suitable for growing cash crops.

Small farmers also lived in the southern colonies, mostly in the Piedmont regions, where the soil was less fertile and the climate less suitable for cash crops, they grew subsistence crops to feed themselves and their families. They also had smaller numbers of enslaved people, if any.

To learn more about the southern colony at



Which Enlightenment thinkers and ideas are reflected in important U.S. documents like the Declaration of Independence. the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights?


Important U.S. documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights reflect Enlightenment ideas such as natural rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, reason and rationality, and individualism.

The Enlightenment thinkers and ideas that are reflected in important U.S. documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights include:

The idea of natural rights holds that individuals have certain inherent rights that cannot be taken away by the government or society, such as life, liberty, and property. This idea is reflected in the Declaration of Independence's statement that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."The concept of limited government holds that government should have only those powers necessary to protect the rights of citizens. This idea is reflected in the Constitution's system of checks and balances, as well as the Bill of Rights, which places limits on government power.The idea of popular sovereignty holds that government is based on the consent of the governed. This idea is reflected in the Declaration of Independence's statement that "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."The belief in the power of reason and rationality to improve society. This idea is reflected in the Enlightenment's emphasis on science, education, and rational thinking and is reflected in the Constitution's emphasis on creating a government that is "efficient" and "promotes the general welfare."The idea of individualism and self-reliance. This idea is reflected in the Constitution's emphasis on protecting individual rights, such as freedom of speech and religion and the right to a fair trial.

To learn more about the Declaration of Independence at



which is not a subculture? teenagers, teachers, asian americans, or the government.


Among the given options, the government  is not a subculture. Subcultures have the power to challenge, shape and contribute to the larger culture they are part of.

What do you mean by subculture?

Subculture is a group or community of people who share a common set of values, beliefs and behaviors which are distinct from the larger culture they are a part of. Subcultures are formed when a group of people with similar interests and values come together and create their own set of norms and beliefs which set them apart from the larger culture they are part of. These people feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with each other as they share a common set of values. Subcultures also develop their own language, dress code, and music style that can be seen as a form of self expression and identity.

So, The required answer is the goverment.

To learn more about subculture:



Which native american empires did spanish conquistadors conquer?


Francisco Pizarro and Hernán Cortés, two of the most well-known Spanish conquistadors, are credited with taking over the Incan and Aztec empires, respectively.

As immigrants looked for more resources to exploit, Spanish focus quickly turned from the Caribbean to the American mainland. Spanish conquistadors also known as "conquerors" pushed past the Caribbean islands in the early sixteenth century, travelling west into Mexico and south into Panama and Peru.

Hernán Cortés and a small group of men overthrew the Aztec kingdom in Mexico between 1519 and 1521, while Francisco Pizarro and his supporters overthrew the Inca empire in Peru between 1532 and 1533.

These victories established the framework for colonial governments that would change the American continent.

An exploration to look for gold on the American continent marked the start of the conquest of Mexico.

To know more about Spanish conquistadors, visit:



Prior to the Civil War, which of the following groups were most likely to enjoy full citizenship rights under the Constitution?


African Americans were granted some rights during the Civil War, including the ability to vote, engage in politics, buy former owners' land, choose their own job, and utilize public facilities.

What is The African American Odyssey?

After the Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment released all slaves in the United States, regardless of where they were, and the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed African Americans in rebel states. As a result, the majority of black people in the South now faced the same challenge that black people in the North had to deal with: being a free people in a hostile environment. "For we colored people did not know how to be free and the white people did not know how to have a free colored person about them," Houston Hartsfield Holloway, a freedman, wrote.

The country was still unprepared to cope with the issue of full citizenship for its newly liberated black population even after the Emancipation Proclamation, two additional years of war, service by African American troops, and the collapse of the Confederacy.

Congress's Reconstruction program, which ran from 1866 to 1877, was designed to restructure the Southern states after the Civil War, provide a pathway for their readmission to the Union, and specify how whites and blacks might coexist in a post-slavery society. Reconstruction, however, was not welcomed in the South since it was seen as a humiliating, even vindictive, imposition.

To learn more about congress visit here:



Aim: What was the outcome of the Civil War and how did it impact the United States?

Do Now:
What battle began the Civil War?
Why was the Battle of Antietam significant?

Lincoln Suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus (no due process of law. Jailed traitors without a court decision.) This breaks individual liberties. Lincoln justified his actions in order to “preserve” the Union.

The Emancipation Proclamation

1863, freed all slaves in areas of rebellion, which was more of a symbolic action
Many criticized it for not freeing all slaves, but it did add a humanitarian objective to the war

Q: Research the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation. How did this change the cause of the war?

Prevented foreign powers from involvement
Shift from perserving to union to freeing the slaves (moral)

The Gettysburg Address

1863 Lincoln dedicated the cemetery and his short speech summarized the meaning and importance of the war

Gettysburg Address: Read this & explain what Lincoln's message was.
The Gettysburg Address full text delivered by President Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery at the scene of the Battle Of Gettysburg of the American Civil War on November 19, 1863.
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

End of the War
The Battle of Gettysburg was the last time the South invaded the North.
After that the South fought a defensive war
The war ended in 1865 with General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House (VA) General Lee wanted to give it one more shot but the arrival of Union infantry, however, stopped the advance in its tracks. Lee's army was now surrounded on three sides. Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9. This was the final engagement of the war in Virginia.
By the end of the war the South was devastated.

Closure Question: How did the Civil War bring temporary and lasting changes to American Society? It freed all of the black men and ended the issue over slavery, but the South's economy was destroyed while the North's economy boomed.

What would you do? If you were a Northerner after the Civil War, Would you treat the southerners as enemies or as friends and why?

End of the War/Civil War Amendments:

13th Amendment (1865) Ended Slavery
14th Amendment (1868) Granted CITIZENSHIP to newly freed
15th Amendment (1870) Gave newly freed the Right to vote

US History & Government
Mrs. Aliani
Use the review book pages to answer the following questions. When you complete all the questions please hand in. This will be graded as a test.
The Reconstructed Nation –
Plans for Reconstruction

Identify: Reconstruction
Explain Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
Explain Johnson’s Plan for reconstruction
Who were the Radical Republicans and what was their Plan for Reconstruction (List 3 chief features)

Why did white southerners resent Radical Reconstruction?
Identify & Define: Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

End of Reconstruction

Define & explain the “return” of the SOLID SOUTH.
Explain the outcome of the election of 1876.

White Control of South

List & explain 6 ways that African Americans rights were limited after reconstruction ended.
Identify: Ku Klux Klan, Freedmen's Bureau, segregation

Who was Booker T. Washington & what was his strategy?

Who was W.E.B. Du Bois & what was his strategy?


Self-help, racial unity, and accommodation were the three main tenets of Booker T. Washington's (1856–1915) worldview, which made him the most important black leader of his day.

What do you know about black leader?

Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s biographies are frequently highlighted during Black History Month each year, and for good cause.

It is impossible to overestimate the contributions that these individuals made to Black history and, consequently, American history. However, there are a great number of important Black historical individuals who frequently receive less attention.

It is crucial to understand the bigger structures and historical moments that have significantly influenced Black history, but it is also worthwhile to investigate the unique lives, viewpoints, decisions, and legacies of significant players in that developing narrative.

By combining these methods, teachers and students can better understand a particular period of history.

Learn more about black leader, here



in great britain, the citizens elect the legislature. this legislature then decides who their chief executive will be. based on this description, great britain most likely uses which system of government?



Great Britain most likely uses a parliamentary system of government.


In a parliamentary system, the citizens elect Parliament, then they choose someone to be Prime Minister who is then officially appointed by the Monarch.

both the tigris and euphrates rivers flow into which body of water?
a. Red Sea
b. Arabian (Persian) Gulf
c. Gulf of Oman
d. Gulf of Aqaba


Both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow into b. Arabian (Persian) Gulf.

The Tigris-Euphrates river system is a significant river in Western Asia that empties into the Persian Gulf. Its main rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates, as well as other lesser tributaries.

The rivers flow through valleys and gorges from their headwaters and upper courses in the mountains of eastern Turkey to the uplands of Syria and northern Iraq, and finally to the other all-uv-ial plain of central Iraq. tributaries flow into the Tigris from the Zag-ros Mountains to the east.

The rivers travel south-east through the middle plain, joining at Al-Qurnah to form the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf. The rivers and their tributaries drain an area of 879,790 km2, nearly the entire territory of Iraq.

To know more about Persian Gulf:



What was the main cause of the Mexican-American War?


The initial cause of the Mexican-American War was a disagreement over the Nueces Strip between the United States and Texas. Mexico refused to acknowledge Texas as real American territory, and the accession of Texas to the United States enraged Mexican politicians and citizenry.

Disputes over territory (land). 2) Texas Annexation- Nine years after gaining independence from Mexico, Texas was joined to the Union as a slave state. The annexation had a role in the Mexican-American War. 1) Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty- Mexico ceded California and New Mexico.

The Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 was caused by Mexico's refusal to acknowledge Texas independence, Texans' desire for statehood, and Americans' ambition for westward expansion.

Learn more about to Mexican-American War



during which decade of the twentieth century was there a perception that the presidency had become too powerful?



During the 1960s


There was a perception that the presidency had become too powerful. The Cold War and the threat of communism led to an increase in presidential power as presidents took on a larger role in national security.

Who was George Washington Williams and what was his role in the Congo ?


African American writer, lawyer, clergyman, and historian George Washington Williams authored the first in-depth history of African Americans from their own perspective in the late 19th century.

What was George Williams renowned for?

English philanthropist, entrepreneur, and founder of the Young Men's Christian Association Sir George Williams lived from 11 October 1821 to 6 November 1905. (YMCA). The goal of the largest and oldest youth charity in the world is to help young people feel a sense of community, contribute, and flourish.

What did George Washington Williams observe in the Congo?

He visited the Congo Free State in 1890 to observe its growth after being inspired by his meeting with King Leopold II of Belgium.

To know more about The George Washington Williams visit:



Write the summary of the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism


By examining the relationship between austere Protestantism's ethical tenets and the emergence of modern capitalism, Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism examines this relationship.

Weber claimed that the formation of the capitalistic mentality was influenced by the theological convictions of organizations like the Calvinists. According to German sociologist Max Weber's thesis in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–1955), the Protestant ethic was a key factor in the prosperity of Protestant communities economically.

Material prosperity was regarded as a symbol of eternitarian salvation during the early stages of European capitalism. Max Weber authored several books, including Economy and Society (1922), General Economic History (1923), The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–1955), and others.

Learn more about capitalism Visit: brainly.com/question/25879591


Recall what you have read about the history of us relations with indigenous people up to the late 1830s. In three to five sentences, explain the effects of indigenous removal on eastern tribes.


The Choctaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creeks & Seminoles agree to settle in the 1830s. This relocation had to be in the west, with Indian Removal Act requiring them to sign a treaty and leave their southeast lands.

On May 28, 1830, US President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law. According to Congress, the measure called for "an exchange of land with Indians resident in any one of the states and territories, and their evacuation west of the Mississippi River." And over 60,000 Indians of at least 20 - 25 tribes were compelled to relocate west of the river during Jackson's and his successor Peter Van Buren's presidency. The majority of the southern nations were relocated to Indian Territory. Northern tribes were initially resettled in Kansas. With a few exceptions, the Indian population in the U.s east of a Mississippi & south of the Lakes was wiped out.

Learn more about population here



A historian reviews several of his colleagues' books about
early African states. He then writes his own book
summarizing the findings in these works and offering his
own opinions on their significance.
The historian in the passage is most clearly demonstrating which historical
thinking skill?
A. Making and evaluating arguments and interpretations
B. Thinking chronologically
OC. Identifying causes and historical context
OD. Analyzing historical sources


The capacity to examine many historical events and circumstances and identify similar themes, relationships, and methods. In a word, it involves looking at historical events and analyzing how certain factors link them.

Which historical period is correct?

Type of History Should I Use Something that is historic is noteworthy or significant in history. Something that originates from a previous era of history is simply described as historical.

What kind of language is historical?

However, in modern use, a difference is regularly made between two: historical is used as adjective to describe historical events, whilst historic is utilized as an adjective to describe the study of history.

To know more about historical visit:



What is Brutus's argument against ratification of the Constitution and the
proposed court system?


He believed that if the Constitution and the laws of each state were inconsistent with the Constitution, they would be null and void. Brutus contended that the Necessary.

What exactly does the term "Constitution" mean?

A constitution is a state's rule book. It lays out the basic principles that govern the state. It defines the relationship here between state's main institutions and describes their functions.

What is India's Constitution?

The Republic is governed by the Constitution of India, which has been adopted by the Transitional Government on November 26, 1949 and went into effect on January 26, 1950. The Constitution calls for a parliamentary system of government that is unified in structure but has some unitary elements.

To know more about Constitution visit:



what is the most likely way that expansion of human civilization leads to new human disease outbreaks?


Humans who were previously isolated from disease reservoirs come into contact with them as a result of expansion of human civilization.

The potential of diseases to spread has been altered in the following ways by population expansion.

1) Urbanization and population density - Diseases spread more swiftly among people who live near to one another. Currently, urban regions are home to more than 50% of the world's population. Since there are more people living in close quarters, illness transmission is made easier by the increased frequency of human contact.

2) Migration and international travel - As people travel more frequently, it is also getting simpler for diseases to follow them. When infected individuals move to these locations or travel there, an outbreak in one region that would have otherwise been confined can spread to neighboring uninfected regions.

3) Environmental damage - Diseases, especially those that are vector-borne, can spread as a result of environmental problems like a changing climate. As an illustration, mosquitoes propagate the West Nile Virus (the vector). As the climate shifts, disease-carrying mosquitoes can now survive in areas where they were previously unable to, affecting new areas. Furthermore, the environment that many of these carriers thrive in change as a result of rising global temperatures.

To know more about disease



The complete question is:

What is the most likely way that expansion of human civilization leads to new human disease outbreaks?

A. Humans who were previously isolated from disease reservoirs come into contact with them.

B. Human genotypes are altered through expansion, resulting in genotypes that increase susceptibility to infectious pathogens.

C. Humans are further distant from hospitals that can detect and treat diseases as a result of expansion.

D. As a result of expansion, climate change is lessened, and pathogenic organisms can thrive more effectively in a stable climate.

Did thomas jefferson fight in the revolutionary war?


American Patriots fought the British from 1775 through 1783. The American Revolution was the name of the conflict. Jefferson never participated in combat as a soldier.

Instead, he fought for independence with forceful words. Jefferson, a reform-minded delegate to the Virginia House of Burgesses, was the main draftsman of the Declaration of Independence and was chosen to serve in the Second Continental Congress. During the American Revolution, he was the governor of Virginia. He later succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to France. He organized the Virginia militia, of which he was the chief commander, to support the Continental Army in the Southern campaign, which culminated on October 19, 1781, in victory at Yorktown. Later, Jefferson held the positions of Secretary of State, Vice President, and Minister to France. But countries wage war. Why the United States declared war is an issue that comes up infrequently and is more intriguing. The two presidents of the country at the time, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, opposed war while the youthful members of Congress known as the War Hawks did. Hamilton trained with a volunteer militia company in 1775, and in March 1776 he was appointed captain of an artillery company. He took part in the battles of Kip's Bay, White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton during the American Revolution. Hamilton trained with a volunteer militia company in 1775, and in March 1776 he was appointed captain of an artillery company. He took part in the battles of Kip's Bay, White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton during the American Revolution.

Learn more about jefferson here :



How often are congressional seats allocated to the states based on population?


Answer: Every 10 Years.

Explanation: The Convention determined that a Census of the population conducted every 10 years would enable the House to adjust the distribution of its Membership on a regular basis.

What happened to the Navy at Guadalcanal?


U.S. soldiers suffered shockingly high casualties during the seven-month Guadalcanal war, with 7,100 killed and over 8,000 wounded. More than 19,000 Japanese soldiers died while defending the island, while an undetermined number were injured.

What took place at the Guadalcanal Battle?

Battleships Hiei and Kirishima, heavy cruiser Kinugasa, three destroyers (Akatsuki, Yudachi, and Ayanami), as well as numerous priceless transports, were all lost by Japan. Seven destroyers (Barton, Monssen, Cushing, Laffey, Preston, Benham, and Walke) and two American light cruisers (Atlanta and Juneau) were sunk.

242 American and 249 Japanese sailors lost their lives in the battle. In the whole Pacific campaign of World War II, there were only two battleship-against-battleship surface encounters; the other one took place at the Surigao Strait during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

To know more about Guadalcanal Battle, refer:



What invention transformed transportation in the first half of the twentieth century?.


The invention of automobiles transformed transportation in the first half of the twentieth century.

The invention of the railroad and the steam powered locomotive in first half of twentieth century opened up a new world in transportation sector. Now, the trains could travel wherever the tracks could be built. Transportation expanded at rapid rate and it was no longer limited to rivers and canals.

Of all the advancements of the Transportation Revolution in the first half of twentieth century, the construction of railroads was the most important. However, the first railroads carried goods for only short distances, but the idea of a railroad sparked interest in the transportation sector.

To know more about the transportation refer to-brainly.com/question/3955268#


Why do you think the Bible was the first book printed with movable type


Yes,  the Bible was the first book printed with movable type. The Gutenberg Bible  is the most famous Bible in the world.

What is a bible?

The  Bible is the holy book of Christians. It is like the basic foundation of  the Christian belief. The Bible helps the people to learn more about God and his plan to restore all people and the whole world to himself, by sending his son Jesus Christ to live on earth.

The Bible contains two parts – The Old Testament ( which was written before Jesus) and the New Testament (which was written during and after Jesus’ life).

The Gutenberg Bible  is the most famous Bible in the world and was the first book printed with movable type.

Learn more about bible here:



Americans enjoy a constitutional right to free speech, meaning we have theabsolute right to express our ideas, opinions, and perspectives free of allgovernment restrictions.TrueFalse


The statements "Americans enjoy a constitutional right to free speech, meaning we have the absolute right to express our ideas, opinions, and perspectives free of all government restrictions" is true because the First Amendment guarantee every US citizen freedom of expression.

The First Amendment guarantees our freedom of speech and expression and free association, where it means that the government has no right to prevent us from saying or writing whatever we want; we can form clubs and organizations, and participate in demonstrations and rallies. Every individual has the right to express themselves freely. This right includes the freedom to hold opinions, as well as the freedom to receive and transmit ideas and information without interference from public authorities and regardless of borders.

Learn more about the First Amendment https://brainly.com/question/9194486


Why was the wahhabi movement in arabia a threat to the ottoman empire?


Its adherents rejected Ottoman theology and law in order to return to Muhammad's original teachings. correct option (c).

The Wahhabi Movement was established with the intention of deposing the British in Bengal and the Sikhs in Punjab. Its goal was to reestablish Islamic power in the country. The Movement was founded by Abdul Wahab's (1703-1792) followers in order to free the Arab bedouin from the influence of Sufism.

The movement had been active since 1820, but after the 1857 revolt, it shifted to armed resistance, a Jihad against the British. Following that, the British labeled Wahabis as traitors and rebels, and conducted extensive military operations against them. After 1870, the movement was completely crushed.

Learn  more about wahhabi movement



Full question :Why was the Wahhabi movement in Arabia a threat to the Ottoman Empire?

A. It’s members wanted to westernize education and revolted when the sultan turn down their request

B. It’s member sought to return Arabian princes to their role as leaders of the kingdom

C. It’s members rejected ottoman theology and law because they wanted to return to Muhamed‘s original teachings

D. It’s members overthrew the Ottoman rulers in Arabia because they believed in Arab self-rule

The first stage of mitosis, when the nuclear membrane breaks down and chromatin condenses into chromosomes is called _____.


Answer is: Prophase

Which of the following was a major problem for the German economy in the 1920s?

A An oversized military not contributing to real output
B Enormous payments to France and England for World War I
C Unsound policies from the National Socialist government
D The unhelpful Dawes Plan


It would be B Enormous payments to France and England for World War I. Hope that was helpful!

Answer : THe correct answer is B


Trust me brother

Whose theory does the following describe?
Stonehenge was like a graveyard.
1 king James I
2 Ramilisonina
3 John Aubrey
4 William stukeley
5 Timothy darvill


Stonehenge was like a graveyard is the theory of option 3: John Aubrey

What is the Stonehenge?

John Aubrey was a 17th century English antiquarian and natural philosopher who is best known for his pioneering work in archaeology and the study of megalithic monuments. One of his most famous contributions to the field was his idea that Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in England, was once a cemetery.

Therefore, Aubrey's theory was based on his observations of the numerous burial mounds that surrounded the monument, as well as on his belief that the stones had been arranged in a circular pattern to commemorate the dead.

Learn more about Stonehenge form



Which leader was most influenced by marxist ideology?


Vladimir Lenin was the leader most influenced by Marxist ideology.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist and political theorist whose ideas and writings, collectively known as Marxism, had a significant influence on political leaders and movements around the world. One leader who was heavily influenced by Marxist ideology was Vladimir Lenin, the first leader of Soviet Russia.

Lenin was a Russian revolutionary, communist politician, and head of the Soviet Union from 1917 until his death in 1924. He was a strong advocate of Marxism and implemented many of its principles in Soviet Russia, including the nationalization of industry, the collectivization of agriculture, and the establishment of a planned economy. He also led the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, which resulted in the overthrow of the Russian Tsarist government and the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Lenin's ideas and actions were instrumental in the development of communist ideology and the spread of socialism throughout the world. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of communism, and his teachings continue to influence many political movements and leaders to this day.

Know more about Vladimir Lenin - https://brainly.com/question/23425467


When did Vasco da Gama sails to India?


Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer sailed to India in 1498.

Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who set sail in July 1497 with a fleet of four ships. He sailed around the southern tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean, finally arriving at Calicut, India in May 1498.

This voyage established a direct sea route from Europe to Asia, which opened up trade between the two regions and marked the beginning of the Portuguese Empire's trade with the East.

Vasco da Gama's voyage was a significant event in world history, as it marked the beginning of the European exploration and colonization of the East.

This voyage was the first direct sea route from Europe to India and marked the beginning of the Portuguese Empire's trade with the East.

For more questions like Vasco da Gama click the link below:



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Who owns the property?The buyerA property with encumbrances that will outlast the closingCan be sold if a buyer agrees to take it subject to the encumbrancesWhich of the following would NOT be acceptable of ownership?Deed to the current owner signed by the last sellerChain of title MOST accurately defined asA history of all documents and legal proceedings affecting a specific parcel of land.A seller delivered title to a buyer at closing. A title search had disclosed no serious defects, and the title did not appear to be based on doubtful questions of law or fact or to expose the buyer to possible litigation. The sellers title did not appear to present a threat to the buyers quiet enjoyment, and the title insurance policy provided was sufficient to convince a reasonably well-informed person that the property could be resold. The title conveyed would commonly be referred to as a(n)Marketable titleThe person who prepares an abstract of title for a parcel of real estateSearches the public records and then summarizes the events and proceedings that affect titleHomeowners are frantic because they want to sell their property and the deed is missing. Which of the following is TRUE?They do not need the original deed if it has been recorded.Mortgagee title policies protect which parties against loss?LendersWhich of the following are traditionally covered by a standard title insurance policy?Improperly delivered deedsA written summary of the history of all conveyances and legal proceedings affecting a specific parcel of real estate is called a(n)AbstractWhich of the following is NOT covered by a standard title insurance policy?Unrecorded rights of parties in possessionDocuments referred to as title evidence includePolicies of title insuranceAll of the following are true regarding public records EXCEPTThey guarantee marketable titleA sells a portion of property to B. B promptly records the deed in the appropriate county office. If A tries to sell the same portion of property to C, which of the following statements is TRUE?C has been given constructive notice of the prior sale because B promptly recorded the deed.The BEST reason for a buyer to obtain title insurance isTo ensure that the seller can deliver marketable titleA mortgagee received a title insurance policy in the property a buyer is pledging as security for the mortgage loan. Which of the following is TRUE?The amount of coverage is commensurate with the loan amount. we have three voters and four alternatives. the individual preference lists are as follows: voter 1: d c a b voter 2: b d a c voter 3: c a b d suppose that the social choice procedure being used is sequential pairwise voting with a fixed agenda, and that you have agenda-setting power (that is, you get to choose the order). what order should you choose if you want alternative c to be the social choice? 3) What is the DIFFERENCE in rates between the 2 people below: John: Y= 5x Sally X 2 4 6 8 10 12 Y 14 28 42 56 70 84 Define the terms culture and media, and explainhow each influences health. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar?A. Both assist autotrophic organisms in converting light energy into necessary chemical energy.B. Both extract carbon from materials and rearrange it into carbon dioxide, which is released into the air or water.C. Both processes involve carbon compounds either taken in from the environment or produced by the organisms themselves.D. Both support the carbon cycle by influencing the way living things break down sugars to produce energy. What did progressive try to change molecules with many polar covalent bonds are ______ and can interact with water. the endocrine system incorporates feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis. Which of the following demonstrates negative feedback by the endocrine system? Given the following list of numbers: [21, 1, 26, 45, 29, 28, 2, 9, 16, 49, 39, 27, 43, 34, 46, 40] which answer illustrates the first two lists to be merged? A manager has collected data on sales, the economy, and taxes over a number of years, and statistically estimates an equation that describes how each of these predictors has affected staffing levels in the past. This equation is used to predict future staffing levels. This is an example of ______________ A dilation is a nonrigid transformation that can produce enlarge or reduce images from a given pre-image. How do you know that a dilation will produce similar figures? Explain. Can you please help with this