What happens to unemployment during a recession?


Answer 1

Businesses begin to reduce staff as product demand for goods and services drops while delaying price increases. As a result, unemployment rises and inflation falls during recessions.

What then are the product demands?

Demand in economics refers to a consumer's willingness and desire to purchase products and services at a specific price. When a good or service's price increases, demand often decreases. How is the demand for products and services formulated?

Demand for goods and services. Demand is the term used by economists to describe the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. The following are the different demand categories:

To know more about  increases visit:



Related Questions

a forecast model consistently shows the temperature in augusta, ga to be 3 degrees warmer than actually occurs. is this model useful? describe how we could use such a model to effectively forecast.


One of the earliest forecasting techniques, an analogue prediction is created by comparing present weather conditions with past, similar large-scale weather patterns.

Which forecast tries to foretell the future using the firm's current practices and policies?

Business forecasting aims to make educated assumptions or forecasts regarding the future status of certain business measures, such as sales growth, or predictions for the entire economy, such as GDP growth in the upcoming quarter.

The technique of forecasting the state of the economy using a variety of frequently used indicators is known as economic forecasting. Economic projections are used by both company and government leaders to decide on future monetary and fiscal policies as well as to schedule operational activity.

To know more about forecast model, refer to:



Which officer presides over and conducts meetings?


Answer: Chairperson
Explanation: They are the highest elected officer of an organized group such as a board, a committee, or a deliberative assembly. In formal meetings, the chair is responsible for driving the meeting content.

What are the six major goals of a market economy?


The six major goals of a market economy are efficiency, growth, stability, full employment, equality, and freedom.

Efficiency: A market economy aims to allocate resources in the most efficient way possible so that the most goods and services can be produced with the least amount of wasted resources.

Growth: A market economy aims to promote economic growth by encouraging investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Stability: A market economy aims to maintain stability by avoiding inflation, deflation, and large fluctuations in the economy.

Full Employment: A market economy aims to achieve full employment by ensuring that everyone who is willing and able to work has the opportunity to do so.

Equity: A market economy aims to distribute wealth and income in a fair and equitable manner.

Freedom: A market economy aims to protect individual freedom by allowing people to make their own economic decisions and pursue their own self-interest.

To learn more about economy:



a small incremental adjustment to a plan of action


A small incremental adjustment to a plan of action is know as a minor tweak or  marginal change.

What does marginal change mean?

Marginal change is a term used to describe a very small or minimal change in a given situation. It can be used to describe a change in a person's behavior, attitude, or performance, or it can refer to a slight alteration of a product or service. Marginal changes are usually very small or insignificant, and their effects may not be immediately noticeable. They can, however, have larger cumulative effects over time.For example, a company might decide to make a marginal change to their pricing structure, or an individual might make a marginal change to their daily routine. In either case, the change is small enough to not be noticeable in the short term, but it could have a larger impact over time.

What does incremental mean?

Incremental refers to a process of making changes or advances in small increments. It is a step-by-step approach that is used to gradually make improvements or progress in something.Incremental is often used to describe a process of development or growth that occurs over time, with each step providing a small but significant improvement.For example, an incremental approach to software development could involve making small improvements to the code, rather than attempting to make major changes all at once. This method allows developers to test and refine each step before moving on to the next.

To know more about Marginal change,



What is an example of communism?


Prominent examples of communism were the Soviet Union and China. While the former collapsed in 1991, the latter has drastically revised its economic system to include elements of capitalism.

Communism is an ideology and a socio-political, philosophical and economic movement within the socialist movement, the goal of which is to establish a communist society, an orderly Socio-economic focus on the common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange, allocating products to everyone in society.

This reflects the difference between a more liberal approach to communism, revolutionary spontaneity and worker self-management, and a more avant-garde or party-oriented approach. through the development of a constitutional socialist state, followed by the decline of the state.

To know more about Communism here-



Assume that you just won the state lottery. Your prize can be taken either in the form of $40,000 at the end of each of the next 25 years (that is, $1,000,000 over 25 years) or as a single amount of $500,000 paid immediately.

a) If you expect to be able to earn 5% annually on your investments over the next 25 years, ignoring taxes and other considerations, which alternative should you take? Why?

b) Would your decision in part a change if you could earn 7% rather than 5% on

your investments over the next 25 years? Why?

c) On a strictly economic basis, at approximately what earnings rate would you be indifferent between the two plans?


The alternative that should be taken is the single amount of $500,000 paid immediately, as it offers a higher return than the payments over 25 years.

If the expected return on investments over the next 25 years is 7%, then the present value of the 25 future payments is $580,000. This is greater than the one-time payment of $500,000, so payments over 25 years would be the better option.

If the expected return on investments is 5%, then the present value of the 25 future payments is $524,000. This is less than the one-time payment of $500,000, so a single payment of $500,000 is the better option.

To be indifferent between the two plans, the expected return on investments would need to be about 5.4%. This is because the present value of the 25 future payments is $540,000, which is the same as the one-time payment of $500,000.

For more questions like Expected return click the link below:



Which are the three major economic activities in any country Mcq?


Production, consumption and capital formation are called the basic economic activities of an economy. Scarce resources are used in the production of goods and services with the objective of satisfying our needs and wants.

Why did the US want people to buy war bonds?


President Roosevelt came to an agreement on two primary methods of funding: increased borrowing and taxes through the massive sale of war bonds.

In addition to covering the enormous costs of war, these measures would eliminate excess wages and other money that could be spent during times of shortage, thereby limiting inflation.

What made Americans purchase war bonds?

A government initiative known as a "war bond" uses debt that the general public can purchase to pay for military expenditures and operations. These bonds may be purchased by the general public out of a sense of patriotic duty or other emotional appeals.

To learn more about war bond here:



everyone benefits from street lighting, yet the marginal benefit to any one individual usually falls short of the marginal cost. this is an example of:


Although everyone benefits from street illumination, the marginal benefit to any one person usually isn't sufficient to pay the marginal expense. This serves as an example of: 1. Individual activities, for which the market does not sufficiently account for the consequences.

Everybody has taken advantage of every chance to better their circumstances when a market is in balance. The economy is said to be efficient if resource reallocation can help one person without affecting anyone else.

A margin choice is a choice to do something a little bit more or a little bit less. Making judgements that are on the edge can provide some really valuable information. Consider the challenge of cutting back on water use when there is not enough water available to

To know more about equilibrium, refer to:



What is the difference between traditional and command economic system?


The primary distinction between the two is that traditional economic systems are driven by decisions made by individuals, families, and other independent agents, whereas command economic systems are driven by decisions made by a central government.

What is the difference between traditional and command economic system?

Traditional Economic System: A traditional economic system is a system that relies on customs, history and time-honoured beliefs. It is based on the bartering of goods and services and typically involves the use of money or other commodities to facilitate trade. It is an economic system that is based on the customs, practices and beliefs of a particular society and has been around for centuries. It is usually based on agriculture and the barter of goods and services.

Command Economic System: A command economic system is a system in which the government controls the economy. It dictates the allocation of resources and the prices of goods and services. It is based on central planning, and the government decides what goods and services to produce and how to produce them. The government also sets prices and wages. It is a system in which the government has total control over the economy, and it is often used in socialist or communist countries.

What is an central government?

An central government is a type of government in which power is concentrated in a centralized government, typically headed by a president or prime minister. Such a government is responsible for policy making and decision-making on a national level and is usually further divided into departments, ministries, and agencies.Examples of central governments include the United States of America, France, China, and India.

To know more about Policy,



How consumers influence technology and how technology changes consumers?


Consumers influence technology by buying products that are innovative and technologically advanced.  By expressing their needs and desires through feedback, surveys, and customer service inquiries, consumers can help shape the direction of new technologies.

How consumers influence technology ?

Consumers have a significant influence on the technology industry. Through their purchasing decisions, consumers drive the development of new and innovative products and services. By expressing their needs and desires through feedback, surveys, and customer service inquiries, consumers can help shape the direction of new technologies. Consumers also influence the technology industry by adopting new technologies and helping to spread awareness of them through word of mouth, social media, and other channels.

How technology changes consumers?

Technology also changes consumers by making it easier for them to access information and resources. It provides them with more options for communication, entertainment, and shopping. Technology also provides consumers with more options for how and where to purchase products, as well as the ability to compare prices and features before making a purchase. This can give consumers more power to make informed decisions when purchasing products. Technology also allows consumers to stay connected to the world, giving them access to news, events, and people from all over the world.

To know more about Consumer,



hendrickson company's accountant decided not to accrue a liability for sick leave that the company employees did not take during the current year. the sick leave carries forward to the subsequent year. what condition most likely led the accountant to decide not to accrue a liability for unused sick leave? multiple choice question. the company pays employees for unused sick leave. future absences are contingent on ill


Future absences are contingent on illness.

If authorized by an award or registered arrangement, sick and caregiving leave may only be cashed out if the following requirements are satisfied: Every time the leave agreement is made. cashed out, a new written  After cashing out, the employee still has at least 300 days of paid sick and caregiver leave remaining.

One can take paid sick leave for a minimum of 0.5 days and a maximum of 7 days. There are neither carry-forwards nor encashments for sick time. Any unused sick leave will automatically expire at of end the current calendar year.

If you have any unused sick days when you retire, they are converted to creditable customer experience for the purposes of calculating your pension. Each month of sick leave statistics is 1/6th of 1% for employees under the CSRS.

Learn more about sick leave here:

https://brainly.com/question/14626553 here:


What kinds of freedom did Adam Smith believe were vital to the survival of any economy? Why?


Adam Smith believed that the freedom of individuals to pursue their own self-interest and the freedom of market competition was vital to the survival of any economy.

He argued that these freedoms allowed for the efficient allocation of resources and the development of new goods and services, leading to economic growth and prosperity.

Smith also believed that government intervention in the economy should be limited, as it would only serve to impede the natural functioning of the market.

Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, believed that the free market, also known as laissez-faire, is the most efficient way of allocating resources. In his seminal work, "The Wealth of Nations," he outlined how self-interest and competition among individuals and businesses in a market economy drive economic growth and prosperity.

To learn more about Adam Smith



before frank and ruby engage in trade, each of them a. consumes the same amounts of meat and potatoes as the other. b. consumes at a point outside his or her production possibilities frontier. c. consumes at a point inside his or her production possibilities frontier. d. consumes at a point on his or her production possibilities frontier.


Frank and ruby consumes at a point outside his or her production possibilities frontier before they are engage in trade. So the correct answer is B.

In economy and business, A production possibility curve (PPC) or production–possibility frontier or also known as PPF generally can be defined as  a curve which shows various combinations of the amounts of two goods which can be produced within the given resources. PPC also can be called as or production possibility boundary (PPB), or transformation curve/boundary/frontier, which is shows various combinations and technology or a graphical representation showing all the possible options of output for two products that can be produced using all factors of production.

Here you can learn more about production–possibility frontier https://brainly.com/question/27833900


Jocelyn takes home $2600 per month from her job as a paralegal. If her only debt obligations are a car loan payment of $480 and a credit card payment of $80 every month, is she in danger of credit overload?.


Over $520 is the sum of $480 and $80.

One-fifth will be used to pay taxes: one-fifth of $2600 520

What is meant by used to Pay Taxes?

The filing of taxes is not required for everyone. There are four factors that determine whether you need to file your taxes: your age, income, and filing status, as well as whether you are in a special category. You may want to file for tax credits and other benefits even if you are not required to.

Income tax must be paid by Indians under the age of 60 who earn more than Rs 2.5 lakh.

We accept payments in full and in part, as well as contributions to a payment plan (including installment agreements). Until you pay off the entire balance, you will continue to accrue interest and penalties.

To know more about Accrue Interest, Visit:



One of the functions of a data warehouse is to change table names to meaningful names. Which name is an example of a meaningful table name in a data warehouse?.


Data warehouses have the capacity to compile client data from several sources into a complete database. Finding patterns in vast quantities of unstructured data is known as data mining, which is one of a data warehouse's functions.

How Do Companies Use Data Warehouse?An organization's ability to store and analyze data is facilitated by the use of a data warehouse. Data from various sources, such as transactional systems, operational data stores, and other data sources, can be stored in data warehouses. Reporting and analytics on data can also be done in data warehouses.In today's quickly evolving corporate world, organizations are more frequently using cloud-based technology to gather, analyze, and report on massive volumes of data. A data warehouse, under the data warehouse's definition, is a central area where the general public can arrange and analyze data to aid in decision-making. Data warehouses are described as collections of organizational data and information that have been gathered through the collection of operational data and external data sources.OLAP systems and databases are known by various names, including data warehouses, OLAP systems, and online database query response systems. In order to execute analytical tasks, data is gathered on a large scale in data warehouses. The OLAP expands the relational database management system by linking multidimensional data operations to conventional relational procedures.Data sorting, filtering, and merging are just a few of the many processes that can be supported by data warehouses. Xplenty, Amazon Redshift, Teradata, Oracle 12c, Informatica, IBM Infosphere, Cloudera, and Panoply are some of the most well-liked data warehouse tools. Companies with specialized Data Warehouse teams are better equipped to manage a range of crucial areas, including product development, pricing, marketing, production time, historical analysis, forecasting, and customer satisfaction.

To Learn more About Data warehouses Refer TO:



the roles of____ are critical for managers in nonprofit organizations.


The roles of Spokesperson, leader, resource allocator are critical for managers in nonprofit organizations.

The main duty of a spokesperson is to speak on behalf of a company, nonprofit, or government agency in front of the general public.

A spokesperson typically communicates with newspapers, radio stations, and other media outlets on behalf of the company.

An organization's questions from the general public can also be answered by a spokesman. Additionally, spokespeople may manage events of a company.

It's typical for spokespeople to have some type of journalism background. Many organizations says that their spokesperson has a working knowledge of the media so they can interact with them more effectively.

To know more about, Leader click here:



which of the following is not an element of internal control? ( ) a. maintain adequate accounting records b. only promoting from within c. conduct internal audits d. implement segregation of duties


The correct answer would be: Only promoting from within is not an element of internal control.

What is internal control?

Internal control is a system of policies, procedures, and practices that an organization puts in place to help ensure that it achieves its objectives related to financial reporting, operational effectiveness and efficiency, and compliance with laws and regulations.

The other three options A, C, and D are all elements of internal control.

A. Maintaining adequate accounting records is an element of internal control, as it helps ensure that the organization's financial records are accurate, complete, and reliable.

C. Conducting internal audits is an element of internal control, as it helps ensure that the organization's internal control system is working effectively and that any weaknesses are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

D. Implementing segregation of duties is an element of internal control, as it helps ensure that no one person has too much control over a particular financial transaction, which can help prevent fraud or errors.

To know more about fraud, visit



which informational role of a manager is used when suzanne notices an article in the local newspaper that misrepresents her company?


Knowledge of work Is used when suzanne notices an aticle in the local newspaper that misrepresents her company .

The three informational responsibilities that managers must perform—monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson—are information collection, dissemination, and transmission. A manager will look for and gather information on both internal and external occurrences as part of monitoring what happens in the organisation, then share it with others.

This information-transmission method serves as the role of dissemination. A manager must enlighten staff and outsiders about the organisation, acting as a spokesperson for both the general public and those in positions of control.

Managers do not have to gather or distribute every piece of information themselves, but they must maintain their integrity and authority by making sure the data they handle is accurate.

To learn more about Role of manager:



alesha is looking for her first job as a marketing manager for a retailing company. when a recruiter asks her whether she has the technical skills for the job, what is he referring to? multiple choice question. a college degree in management contacts with suppliers and customers in retailing job-specific knowledge for the position in retailing any work experience in retailing


When Alesha is being asked by the recruiter related to the technical skills for the job, he is most likely referring to the knowledge for the position in retailing. Therefore, the option C holds true.

The technical skills of an individual are dependent upon the knowledge that he or she has gained through being relevant in that particular field. This is most likely in reference to the practical knowledge added with the experience, which is directly proportional to the time that he or she has most likely spent in the field of the task being asked.

Learn more about technical skills here:



at flourish and blotts Arthur weasley did what


Note that the above prompt is related to Harry Potter Lexicon (Chapter 4). It is also to be noted that Lucius Malfoy taunts Arthur Weasley for socializing with Muggles (Mr. and Mrs. Granger) at Gilderoy Lockhart's book signing at Flourish and Blotts, and Arthur lunges at Lucius.

What Occurred thereafter?

Following the above events, the ruckus disturbs the bookshelves. An Encyclopedia of Toadstools strikes Lucius in the eye, while Arthur suffers a lip cut.

Molly and the assistant manager of Flourish and Blotts implore in vain for the guys to cease fighting. Hagrid finally separates them. In the midst of the confusion, Lucius sneaks Riddle's journal into Ginny's cauldron.

Learn more about  Arthur Weasley:

larry and mike are equally skilled construction workers employed by the brown and root company. larry's job is riskier because he typically works on a scaffold 1,000 feet above ground. larry's higher wage rate is the result of a. a higher marginal revenue product. b. a compensating differential. c. economic discrimination. d. a negative feedback loop.


Option b: compensating Differential. Larry's higher wage rate is the result of a compensating differential.

Wage differential is a term used in labor economics to analyze the relationship between wage rates and the inconvenience, risk, or other undesirable characteristics of a particular job.

Compensating differentials, also called compensatory wage differentials or compensating differentials, must be provided to certain workers to motivate them to take certain undesirable jobs compared to other jobs they can perform.

Defined as additional income. We can also mention differences in rewards for particularly desirable or special activities, but in this case the difference would be negative.

That is, certain workers are willing to accept lower wages for particularly desirable jobs compared to other jobs.

The idea of ​​compensating differences is used to analyze issues such as the risk of future unemployment, the risk of injury, and the risk of unsafe sex that workers attribute to their lives, and to account for geographic wage disparities.

To learn more about compensating differential, here:



Economic concept necessitating choices and priorities in any society,a. Trueb. False


False, Scarcity is the economic idea that forces decisions and priorities in every society.

By economic idea, what do you mean?

Economic concepts are a group of fundamental ideas that explain a range of economic phenomena, such as the decisions and actions of economic agents.Therefore, it's crucial to have a foundational understanding of these ideas while researching and analysing the choices and actions of economic agents.Economic choice is the conduct that occurs when people just base their decisions on their personal preferences.Scarcity, supply and demand, costs and benefits, and incentives are four fundamental economic ideas that can be used to explain a variety of human decisions.

To know more about Economic concept visit:



having health insurance means that a family cannot go bankrupt due to medical expenses. question 7 options: true false


having health insurance means that a family cannot go bankrupt due to medical expenses.

The given statement is true.

If you have a medical emergency, hospitals and emergency rooms are required to treat you regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. That does not imply that the services will be provided for free. You will be liable for the cost, which might be rather high.

Epidemiology is the branch of medicine concerned with the occurrence, distribution, and potential control of diseases, illnesses, and other health-related variables.

Costs paid by individuals when they acquire health care services are referred to as health care costs. 1) The cost of health care is referred to by consumers and financiers as the price of health care services.

For more questions on health Insurance



the seaport town of new monopoly has become extremely popular with shipping companies due to its superior location. the port has become so congested that ships must wait hours every day just to dock. the mayor of new monopoly realizes that the congestion at the port costs the shipping companies and his town money. this is an example of


The statement above is the example of market failure. This is because the construction of the sea port did not think about and did not analyze the various possibilities that could occur, causing losses.

In economy and business, A market failure generally can be defined as the inefficient distribution of resources that occurs when the individuals in a group end up worse off than if they had not acted in rational self-interest. The statement above is an example of market failure. This is because in the construction of seaports, it is hoped that they will receive benefits, instead they will experience doubts. This can happen due to lack of analysis and various considerations in its development.

Here you can learn more about market failure https://brainly.com/question/13123538


yesterday's newspaper reported the results of a study indicating that people who eat more bananas are more attractive to the opposite sex. what do you expect to happen to the market price and quantity of bananas?


Yesterday's newspaper reported the results of a study indicating that people who eat more bananas are more attractive. We expect that price will increase and quantity will also increase in the market.

What is market price?

The price at which an asset can be sold on the open market is referred to as the "market price." The market price of a given commodity is the point at which supply and demand for that good are equal. It is crucial for figuring out consumer surpluses, economic surpluses, etc. A good or service's market price may change as a result of changes or shocks in the demand and supply components.

Know more about market- brainly.com/question/25309906


Why is online better than traditional?


saves time, saves transportation expenses, you can shop at any time you want, products are cheaper, you don't have to wait in the checkout line, you don't have to worry about crowds, and it is easier to search for what you want.

a petty cash on hand amount that is more than the recorded amount.


Cash over is a petty cash on hand amount that is more than the recorded amount.

Cash over is a situation where the amount of cash on hand is more than the recorded amount. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as when cashiers make mistakes when counting money or when customers give more money than what is owed. Cash over is a common occurrence in many businesses and can be addressed in several ways.

One solution is to make sure that all cashiers are properly trained and that they are double-checking the money they receive from customers. Additionally, businesses can install security cameras to monitor cashiers and ensure that they are not pocketing any extra cash. Finally, businesses can set up a system of checks and balances.

To know more about cash, click here.



when does a situation of competitive parity exist?


A situation of competitive parity exists when two or more companies have similar market positions and are facing similar competitive conditions.

This means that the companies have similar market shares, target markets, product offerings, and marketing strategies. In this situation, the companies will likely have similar levels of profitability and growth potential.

There are different ways that companies can achieve competitive parity, but generally, it happens when they are in the same industry and are facing the same external factors such as economic conditions, market trends, and regulations.

Furthermore, they have similar internal capabilities such as technology, processes, and human resources. In this situation, companies may find it difficult to differentiate themselves from their competitors and may need to focus on other strategies, such as cost leadership or innovation, to gain a competitive advantage.

To learn more about competitive parity



establish national bank, pay off war debt, pass whiskey tax and protective tariff


A national bank is "a political machine, of the utmost significance to the state," in Hamilton's words. He asserted that a national bank would facilitate tax payments, which the federal government urgently required as a source of revenue.

What does the word "political" mean to you?

The term "politics" refers to a wide range of activities that are associated with collective decision-making or other types of power dynamics, such as the distribution of assets or status.

Along with the contemporary conservatism and liberalism, historical political movements in the United States have been influenced by ideologies as diverse as republicanism, populism, separatism, socialism, monarchism, and nationalism.

To know more about  payments visit:



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