What is an analogy of protein synthesis


Answer 1


Ribosomes and tRNA

The ribosome will 'read' the mRNA and insert the appropriate amino acids. An

amino acid is a unit used to build up a protein , like a piece of timber used to build

up a house. There are 20 amino acids that cells can use, and different

combinations of these amino acids can make different proteins .

Answer 2

The analogy for protein synthesis or translation is building a house. In this process, DNA acts as an architect which plans for the whole house.

What is Translation?

Translation is the process in which the ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum synthesize proteins after the process of transcription of the DNA molecule to mRNA (messenger RNA) in the cell's nucleus. The entire process of translation is called as gene expression.

Building a house could be good analogy for the process of protein synthesis. Here, the DNA would be the architect, who has the plans for construction of the whole house. The DNA is changed into mRNA, which is like the copy of the blueprint that is given to the general contractor.

Learn more about Translation here:



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Hey There!!~

Which of the following describes why ice floats?

Your answer is B. The density of ice is lower than that of liquid water. Because, As the water cools, the particles slow down and the bonds last longer. These bonds cause the water molecules within ice to form a lattice-like structure that is less dense than liquid water. So, ice floats on the more dense liquid water.

Why is water vital to maintaining a constant internal environment?

Your answer is C. It is good solvent. It is the maintenance of a constant internal despite changes in internal and external conditions. In the human body, this includes control of: blood glucose concentration.

Your answer is A. Its pH is below 7. Because, An acidic solution is one in which the concentration of hydronium ions is greater than that of hydroxide ions. This makes the pH less than 7. An acidic solution is an electrolyte and conducts electricity.

Hope This Helps!!



The molecules in ice are more spread out so ice is less dense than water.


What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?(1 point) protein packaging waste packaging RNA packaging DNA packaging


it transports, modifies, and packages proteins and lipids into vesicles for delivery to targeted destinations


transfer of information or nutrients


Which of the following events is a part of the Light reaction of photosynthesis?



The events occurring in the light reaction of the photosynthesis are: Absorption of sunlight by the chlorophyll and release of the electron to the carriers. Photolysis of water to provide the electron to the chlorophyll. The release of molecular oxygen due to the photolysis of water.

Hope it helps:-)

During Anaerobic respiration



During anaerobic respiration, energy is released from the breakdown of food substances without the use of oxygen.

Do you think the processes that form and shape the small stream bed are similar to those that form and shape the Grand Canyon? Why or why not?



Due to the flowing of stream and river.


The processes that formed the small stream bed are similar to those that formed the Grand Canyon because both are formed by the flowing of river. The river flow through these regions and with this flow they takes rock particles with itself and makes several shapes and structures of that region. So we say that rivers and streams are responsible for the formation of  stream bed and Grand Canyon.

Which statements describe the importance of the six elements found in all living things?



All living things have six basic elements in common: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur, abbreviated as CHNOPS. Each element has properties that make it crucial to the building of biomolecules, both in their capacities for bonding to other elements and in the bonds themselves.


I just searched it up on google :)

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Rotation of the Sun and Moon
Rotation of the Moon and stars
Rotation of the Earth on its axis
O Rotation of the other planets in the universe


The rotation of the Earth in its axis


I agree with her because I took the test


How do oceanic conditions in Florida influence human behavior?



The large area of ocean near the Florida have resulted in gaseous portion in the surrounding. The water is evaporate and gases are release in the air. These gases impact the human behavior and their way of living. There can be threats to people lives who are living near the coast of the ocean as there can be storm which can lead to Tsunami. There can be issues like coastal pollution and over fishing.


Human behavior and their way of living is dependent on the environment. The people who live near the ocean are more prone to storms and floods. Also the ocean is threaten by the humans as there can be environmental pollution, over pollution and similar problems which could snatch away beauty of the ocean and create a threat to aquatic lives.

A man has the A blood phenotype and his wife has the B blood phenotype. Their son has the O blood phenotype. Could this man be the father of this child





They would have formed AB blood type not O.

Which best describes how air moves during convection?

A. Warm air cools as it mixes with cooler, denser air.

B. Cool air warms as it mixes with denser air.

C. Warm air is displaced by cooler, denser air.


Answer: C warm air is displaced by cooler, denser air.


C. Warm air is displaced by color air

How would extra carbon dioxide in a lake be removed



The primary source of carbon dioxide in lake is decomposition of organic matter in the lake. This carbon dioxide is a huge problem for aquatic animals as they face problems during respiration.

Carbon dioxide in a lake can be removed  by chemical treatment using liming agents such as  sodium carbonate or hydrated lime and quicklime. These liming agents react with carbon dioxide and reduces carbon dioxide and  increases the pH and alkanity of the lake.

The leaves of a plant have a waxy coating. In which environment does the plant most likely live?

1. Tropical rain forest
2. Arid grassland
3. Coastal wetland
4. Coniferous forest​


tropical rainforest leaves are waxy

Why can theories be change but laws cannot?



A law is a fact, theory is true until proven false.


A law is a fact that has been proven true through multiple observations. A theory is considered true until proven false.

What are the characteristics of energy



Energy is available in different forms

Energy can neither be created or be destroyed

Energy can be transformed from one form to another form

Energy can be stored


Use the picture to tell if it is accurate , precise , or both?



Accurate - Yes

Precise - Yes


Accuracy and precision are two ways to detect the closeness of measured values in an experiment. However, these two terms do not mean the same thing.

Accuracy of a measurement refers to how close a measurement (experimental values) is to a true or actual value while the precision of a measurement refers to how close the experimental or measured values are to one another.

Note that, a measurement may be accurate but not precise or be precise but not accurate.

In the case of the dart board in the image, it is evident that the measured values (represented by darts) are close to the middle target (represents the known or accepted mark). Hence, the measurements are said to be ACCURATE. Likewise, the measured values are also close to one another, meaning that they are PRECISE.

Therefore, the measurements are both precise and accurate.

Zygomycota produce
which germinate into new hyphae.



Zygomycota produce zygospores, which germinate into new hyphae.


The reproductive world of fungi ranges from bursting spores to fruiting bodies.

During asexual reproduction, some hyphae become spore-producing bodies called sporangia or conidia. The group of fungi known as Zygomycota develop sporangia within a sac. This sac then bursts to release the spores.

Once the spores land on a suitable habitat, they germinate a new hypha that grows into a mycelium.

Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota each reproduce sexually. The difference is the structure the spores form in. Basidiomycota form fruiting bodies called mushrooms or basidius; Ascomycota have sacs called ascus; and Zygomycota produce zygospore.


the answer is Zygospores


I want to design an experiment to see if drinking coffee makes students
score higher on tests. List 1 necessary constant.



The type of coffee


Different types of coffee contain different amounts of caffeine. This makes it important to use only one type of coffee

Constant is the one thing that does not change. If you are experimenting to see if they test better with coffee, you'll need to give each student the same amount of coffee throughout each trial.

The ratio of red blood cells to white cells in the human body is 700:1. If there are 3.5 million red blood cells in a microliter of blood, how many white blood cells are there in the same volume of blood? A) 5000 B) 10000 C) 15000 D) 20000


Answer: the answer would be 5,000

Explanation: because you are given that there are 700 red blood cells to every 1 white blood cell you can simply divide 3.5 million by 700

What are sensory nerves and what is their function???



Sensory nerves are the nerves connected to the sense organs.....Optic nerves are connected to the eyes,olfactory nerves are connected to the ear or nose am not so sure...These are the ones that I can think about for now.....Thank you for the question


sensory nerves are use to detect changes in the environment and respond to them in a appropriate way.


their functions are smelling tasting and sounds

Rank the metals from most reactive (1) to least reactive (3).


most reactive is - caesium then alkaline earth metals then least Noble Gases


The first question is 2,3,1 then the second question is 3,1,2


For the second one the periodic table gets more reactive from left to right.

Based on data collected from many different sources, such as the Hubble telescope and The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), scientists have been able to show that about 75% of the universe is composed of dark energy. Which of these theories becomes more credible knowing this information?



dhdbfbf r r


bebebdbe eehd r r eebr r

need answers 30 points





the others dont use imagination

ways cross pollination happens naturally​



Cross-pollination occurs when one type of flower pollinates another type which results in a hybrid plant.

It is simply  the process of applying pollen from one flower to the pistils of another flower and occurs in nature with the help of insects and wind


Fill in the below mention blanks with immunity. Immunity types may be used more than once, but each sentence has only one correct type of immunity associated with the description.

a. __________ Cytotoxic T cells attack and destroy foreign cells and viruses Antibody-mediated Immunity
b. __________ T-cells mature in the thymus before they circulate Immunological.
c. __________ B cells differentiate into plasmocytes.
d. __________ Antibodies attach to specific targets.
e. __________ B cells mature in red bone marrow before they circulate antigen.
f. ___________Memory T cells are activated later by the same 6 antigen.
g. ___________NK cells police peripheral tissues for abnormal and cancer cells.

1. Cell-mediated Immunity
2. Anti-body mediated immunity
3. Immunological surveillance



to. 1. Cell-mediated immunity Cytotoxic T lymphocytes attack and destroy foreign cells and viruses Antibody-mediated immunity

b.1. Cell-mediated immunity T cells mature in the thymus before they circulate. Immune.

C. 1. Cell-mediated immunity B cells differentiate into plasma cells.

re. 2. Antibody-mediated immunity Antibodies adhere to specific targets.

me. 1. Cell-mediated immunity B cells mature in the red bone marrow before they circulate the antigen.

f.1. Cell-mediated immunity Memory T cells are subsequently activated by the same 6 antigens.

g.3. Immune surveillance NK cells monitor peripheral tissues for cancer and abnormal cells.


Cellular immunity is mediated by the cells of the immune defense, it presents different times, in the first time the PMN appear, in the second time the antigen presenting cells, and lastly the lymphocyte lineage.

Antigen presenting cells have the ability to phagocytose and express antigen on their surface to facilitate the formation of antibodies.

Surveillance immunity refers to the lymphocytes that are responsible for monitoring or controlling cell mutations or uncontrolled growth due to genetic mutations.

Neoplastic cells express histocompatibility complexes on their surface that make them recognized by these lymphocytes and this is how they are responsible for inducing self-destruction or phagocytosis of the neoplastic cell.

Humoral immunity refers to the chemical substances that function as mediators of cell activity, these are: pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines, complement chain, nitric and nitrous acid, oxygen free radicals, interleukins, growth factors and tumor necrotic factor alpha - beta

Use information in last class, along with what you learned in the diagrams above to fill in the blanks below using the terms:

tendons, actin, myosin, dystrophin, skeleton, myofibrils, fascicles

The muscles in the human body that are connected to bones and aid in the movement of the ______________ are called skeletal muscles. These muscles are connected to bones by ________________. Within each of the skeletal muscles are bundles of muscle fibers. These bundles are also called ___________________.
Each skeletal muscle fiber contains many ________________, which are rod-shaped and contains many sarcomeres (the functioning unit of muscle tissue.) Sarcomeres are made up of thin filaments (composed mainly of the protein _____________) and thick filaments (composed mainly of the protein ______________.) The actin of the outermost myofibril is connected to the cell membrane by a protein called ________________.


Answer:My answer in the first line is skeleton and the second line is tendons... These are the ones I know I hope it helps you

What are the biological catalyst ?



The biological catalysts are enzymes.


Enzymes are proteins that function as catalysts that speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy.  The best way to define an enzyme is that it's a biological catalyst that accelerates a chemical reaction without altering its equilibrium.

The goal of basic science is:
A. to solve a specific problem.
B. to apply a new technology to an old problem.
C. to understand the world around us.
D. todesign a new product.



C. because the common goal of basic science is to understand how things work, whether it is a cell, an organism, or a entire ecosystem. 


to understand the world around us


Please answer the questions in the picture for 30 pts



For the barchart the answer is D,October

Why hydrophytes do not have cuticle on stem or leaves? answer just in 4 to 5 lines



The cuticle is a layer of tissue on the outside of most leaves and stems, and its primary function is to help the plant conserve moisture. Since hydrophytes are full of water and moisture, it does not need a cuticle.Most aquatic plants don’t need to seal in moisture, so they don’t have cuticles

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