What is resource management in Wireless Communication? Explain its advantages


Answer 1


Wireless resources management is communication to address they faster response time.


Wireless communication that provide bandwidth, and transmission reliable, towards development.

This communication is discovered to the date and have consumed physical layer  of available wireless resources.

Wireless communication management all this critical topic  and the management techniques, and limited device battery power.

Communication as the address channel loss, and multi path .

Communication are the latest resources allocation and new or next generation and technologies.

Wireless communication theoretical concepts in a manner, and the necessary mathematical tools and fundamental tools.

Wireless communication device industries up to date of the topic,readers are benefit from a basic.

Related Questions

Which of the following is designed to help an organization continue to operate during and after a disruption?
a. incident response plan
b. business continuity plan
c. disaster recovery plan
d. risk mitigation plan





cause people need a care for there incedents that not expected thats why people need help prevent from a risk to save people lives

If our HMap implementation is used (load factor of 75% and an initial capacity of 1,000), how many times is the enlarge method called if the number of unique entries put into the map is:_______

a. 100
b. 750
c. 2,000
d. 10,000
e. 100,000



A) for 100 : < 1 times

b) for 750 : < 1 times

c) For 2000 = 1 time

D) for  10000 = 4 times

E) for  100000 = 7 times


Given data:

load factor = 75%

initial capacity = 1000

The number of times the enlarge method will be called for a unique number of entries  would be 2 times the initial capacity ( 1000 ) because the load factor = 75% = 0.75

A) for 100 : < 1 times

b) for 750 : < 1 times

C) For 2000

= initial capacity * 2  = 2000   ( 1 time )

D) for 10000

= 1000 * 2 *2 *2*2 = 16000 ( 4 times )

to make it 10000 we have to add another 2000 which will make the number of times = 4 times

E)for  100000

= 1000*2*2*2*2*2*2*2= 128000 ( 7 times )

unique entry of 100000 is contained in 7 times

Append newValue to the end of vector tempReadings. Ex: If newValue = 67, then tempReadings = {53, 57, 60} becomes {53, 57, 60, 67}.
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector tempReadings(3);
int newValue = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
tempReadings.at(0) = 53;
tempReadings.at(1) = 57;
tempReadings.at(2) = 60;
newValue = 67;
/* Your solution goes here */
for (i = 0; i < tempReadings.size(); ++i) {
cout << tempReadings.at(i) << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
2.Remove the last element from vector ticketList.
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector ticketList(3);
unsigned int i = 0;
ticketList.at(0) = 5;
ticketList.at(1) = 100;
ticketList.at(2) = 12;
/* Your solution goes here */
for (i = 0; i < ticketList.size(); ++i) {
cout << ticketList.at(i) << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
3. Assign the size of vector sensorReadings to currentSize.
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector sensorReadings(4);
int currentSize = 0;
/* Your solution goes here */
cout << "Number of elements: " << currentSize << endl;
return 0;
4. Write a statement to print "Last mpg reading: " followed by the value of mpgTracker's last element. End with newline. Ex: If mpgTracker = {17, 19, 20}, print:
Last mpg reading: 20
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector mpgTracker(3);
mpgTracker.at(0) = 17;
mpgTracker.at(1) = 19;
mpgTracker.at(2) = 20;
/* Your solution goes here */
return 0;}



Following are the code to this question:

In question 1:

tempReadings.push_back(newValue); //using array that store value in at 3 position

In question 2:

ticketList.pop_back(); //defining ticketList that uses the pop_back method to remove last insert value

In question 3:

currentSize = sensorReadings.size(); /defining currentSize variable holds the sensorReadings size value

In question 4:

cout<<"Last mpg reading: "<<mpgTracker.at(mpgTracker.size()-1)<<endl;

//using mpgTracker array with at method that prints last element value


please find the attachment of the questions output:

In the first question, it uses the push_back method, which assigns the value in the third position, that is "53, 57, 60, and 67 "In the second question, It uses the pop_back method, which removes the last element, that is "5 and 100"In the third question, It uses the "currentSize" variable to holds the "sensorReadings" size value, which is "10".In the fourth question, It uses the mpgTracker array with the "at" method, which prints the last element value, which is "20".

Using data from interviews with ESCO executives conducted in late 2012, this study examines the market size, growth forecasts, and industry trends in the United States for the ESCO sector.

Thus,  It uses the "currentSize" variable to holds the "sensorReadings" size value, which is "10". In the fourth question, It uses the mpgTracker array with the "at" method, which prints the last element value, which is "20".

There are numerous types of gateways that can operate at various protocol layer depths.

Application layer gateways (ALGs) are also frequently used, albeit most frequently a gateway refers to a device that translates the physical and link layers. It is best to avoid the latter because it complicates deployments and is a frequent source of error.

Thus, Using data from interviews with Gateway executives conducted in late 2012, this study examines the market size, growth Esco size and industry trends in the United States for the Gateway.

Learn more about Gateway, refer to the link:



Define a function readList with one parameter, the (string) name of a file to be read from. The file consists of integers, one per line. The function should return a list of the integers in the file.



Here is the Python function readList:

def readList(filename):  #function definition of readList that takes a filename as a parameter and returns a list of integers in the file

   list = []  # declares an empty list

   with open(filename, 'r') as infile:  # opens the file in read mode by an object infile

       lines = infile.readlines()  # returns a list with each line in file as a list item

       for line in lines:   #loops through the list of each line

           i = line[:-1]  # removes new line break which is the last character of the list of line

           list.append(i)  # add each list item i.e. integers in the list

       return list  #returns the list of integers

#in order to check the working of the above function use the following function call and print statement to print the result on output screen

print(readList("file.txt")) #calls readList function by passing a file name to it


The program is well explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the code.

The program declares an empty list.

Then it opens the input file in read mode using the object infile.

Next it uses readLines method which returns a list with each line of the file as a list item.

Next the for loop iterates through each item of the file which is basically integer one per line

It adds each item of list i.e. each integers in a line to a list using append() method.

Then the function returns the list which is the list of integers in the file.

The program along with it output is attached. The file "file.txt" contains integers 1 to 8 one per line.

In the three As of security, which part pertains to describing what the user account does or doesn't have access to





The policy that allows a transaction to commit even if it has modified some blocks that have not yet been written back to disk is called the __________ policy.



No-force policy


The policy that allows a transaction to commit even if it has modified some blocks that have not yet been written back to disk is called the _NO-FORCE_ policy.

In data theory, the No-Force Policy is beneficial for the control of transaction. In this policy, when a transaction commits, changes that are made are not required to be written to disk in place. The changes recorded are preserved in order to make transaction durable. The recorded changes must be preserved at commit time.

31. Explain what the program does. Write out the output 20 PRINT "Hellooo00000000000, world!" 30 PRINT "I'm learning about commands in BASIC." 40 PRINT 'This text is being printed via the PRINT commarrd. 2 209​


o_num = input ("Please enter the amount of \"o\": ")

zero_num = input ("Please enter the amount of zeros: ")

i = 0

while i < o_num and i < zero_num:

repeat_o = "Hell" + o_num

repeat_zero = repeat_o + zero_num


print (repeat_zero)

Write a for loop to print all NUM_VALS elements of array hourlyTemp. Separate elements with a comma and space. Ex: If hourlyTemp = {90, 92, 94, 95}, print:
90, 92, 94, 95
Note that the last element is not followed by a comma, space, or newline.
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int hourlyTemp[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
hourlyTemp[0] = 90;
hourlyTemp[1] = 92;
hourlyTemp[2] = 94;
hourlyTemp[3] = 95;
/* Your solution goes here */
cout << endl;
return 0;



string sep = "";

for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i++) {

 cout << sep << hourlyTemp[i];

 sep = ", ";



Insert the snippet at the commented location.

With the absence of a join() method as found in other languages, it is always a hassle to suppress that separator comma from appearing at the beginning or the end of your output. This solution is nice since it doesn't require any magic flags to keep track of wether the first element was printed.

Describe how asymmetric encryption is used to send a message from User A to User B that assures data confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. Be specific as to the keys used and how they achieve the three goals.



Find the explanation below.


Asymmetric encryption is a system of communication in technology between two parties where keys which are variable values coined by an algorithm are used to encrypt and decrypt the messages between the sender and receiver. The two types of keys used in this process are the public and private keys. The public keys can be used by anyone to encrypt messages which are then sent to the receiver who decrypts the message using his private keys. The private keys on the other hand are only shared by the person who first set up the key. In sending messages this way, the receiver's public key is gotten from a public directory, and the message encrypted by the sender. The receiver can then decrypt the message using his private keys. But if the message is encrypted using a private key, it is decrypted by the receiver with a public key.

The one-way nature of this style of communication ensures data integrity and confidentiality since users are not required to disclose their keys and only the two parties can access the message. The two end users also preserve the right to authenticate the keys. The transport layer security protocol makes use of asymmetric encryption.

Why operating system is pivotal in teaching and learning



Without it learning and teaching cannot take place.


It is worthy to note that an operating system enables a computer install and run (lunch) computer programs. In a teaching environment that involves the use of computers, sending lessons to students; would mean that they have software programs that can successfully open this lessons.

In summary, an operating system is indeed pivotal in teaching and learning.

10. Which property is used to show the form in maximize state
a) Selection State b) Window State c) Mode d) Opening State



windows state


the answer is windows state.

The primary function of a web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to the clients. You are required to clearly identify the purpose and relationships between communication protocols, web server hardware, web server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing a website.



The main job of a web server is to display website content through storing, processing and delivering webpages to users. Besides HTTP, web servers also support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), used for email, file transfer and storage.


If it helps you mark me as a brainleast

Consider the following calling sequences and assuming that dynamic scoping is used, what variables are visible during execution of the last function called? Include with each visible variable the name of the function in which it was defined.a. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3b. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3c. Main calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1d. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1e. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2f. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun1void fun1(void);void fun2(void);void fun3(void);void main() {Int a,b,c;…}void fun1(void){Int b,c,d;…}void fun2(void){Int c,d,e;…}void fun3(void){Int d,e,f;…}



In dynamic scoping the current block is searched by the compiler and then all calling functions consecutively e.g. if a function a() calls a separately defined function b() then b() does have access to the local variables of a(). The visible variables with the name of the function in which it was defined are given below.


In main() function three integer type variables are declared: a,b,c

In fun1() three int type variables are declared/defined: b,c,d

In fun2() three int type variables are declared/defined: c,d,e

In fun3() three int type variables are declared/defined: d,e,f

a. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3

Here the main() calls fun1() which calls fun2() and fun2() calls func3() . This means first the func3() executes, then fun2(), then fun1() and last main()

Visible Variable:  d, e, f        Defined in: fun3

Visible Variable: c                 Defined in: fun2 (the variables d and e of fun2  

                                                                                                     are not visible)

Visible Variable: b                  Defined in: fun1 ( c and d of func1 are hidden)

Visible Variable: a                 Defined in: main (b,c are hidden)

b. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3

Here the main() calls fun1, fun1 calls fun3. This means the body of fun3 executes first, then of fun1 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: d, e, f           Defined in: fun3

Visible Variable:  b, c              Defined in: fun1 (d not visible)

Visible Variable:  a                  Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

c. Main calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun2, fun2 calls fun3 and fun3 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun3, then fun2 and in last, of main()

Visible Variable:  b, c, d        Defined in: fun1

Visible Variable:  e, f             Defined in: fun3 ( d not visible)

Visible Variable:  a                Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

Here variables c, d and e of fun2 are not visible

d. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun3, fun3 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun3 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: b, c, d     Defined in: fun1  

Visible Variable:   e, f        Defined in:  fun3   ( d not visible )

Visible Variable:    a          Defined in: main (b and c not visible)

e. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2

Here the main() calls fun1, fun1 calls fun3 and fun3 calls fun2. This means the body of fun2 executes first, then of fun3, then of fun1 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: c, d, e        Defined in: fun2

Visible Variable:  f               Defined in: fun3 ( d and e not visible)

Visible Variable:  b               Defined in:  fun1 ( c and d not visible)

Visible Variable: a                Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

f. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun3, fun3 calls fun2 and fun2 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun2, then of fun3 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: b, c, d       Defined in: fun1  

Visible Variable: e               Defined in: fun2  

Visible Variable: f                Defined in: fun3  

Visible Variable: a               Defined in: main

which programming paradigm do programmers follow to write code for event driven applications? a. object oriented programming. b. functional c. nonprocedural. d. procedural​



D) Procedural



Object-Oriented Programming


Which of the following statements is correct? Group of answer choices An object of type Employee can call the setProjectName method on itself. The Employee class's setDepartment method overrides the Programmer class's setDepartment method. An object of type Programmer can call the setDepartment method of the Employee class on itself. An object of type Employee can call the setDepartment method of the Programmer class on itself.



An object of type Employee can call the setDepartment method of the Programmer class on itself


From what can be inferred above, the programmer class is a subclass of the employee class meaning that the programmer class inherits from the employee class by the code:

Public class Programmer extends Employee

This therefore means(such as in Java) that the programmer class now has access to the methods and attributes of the employee class, the superclass which was inherited from

Write equivalent predicate statement for Every teacher who is also a painter loves Bob​



Every teacher who is also a painter loves Bob

I have no idea how to answer this question so I’m just gonna

Java there are n coins each showing either heads or tails we would like all the coins to form a sequence of alternating heads and tails what is the minimum number of coins that must be reversed to achieve this


El número mínimo de monedas que se deben invertir para lograr esto:

45 moas

Describe and compare imperative (C), functional (SML) and logic (Prolog) programming paradigms.



Answered below


Imperative programming paradigm is a paradigm in which the programmer tells the machine how to change its state. It is divided into procedural programming, where programs are grouped as procedures, and object-oriented, where programs are grouped together with the properties they operate on.

Imperative paradigm is efficient, familiar and popular compared to others.

Functional programming paradigm implements all instructions as functions, in a mathematical sense. They take on an argument and return a single solution. The advantage of this, compared to other paradigms, is its abstraction and independence.

Logical programming, like functional programming, incorporates a declarative approach to problem solving. All known facts are first established before queries are made. Advantage of this paradigm is that programming steps are kept to a minimum.

Bar-code readers are typically used to track large numbers of inventory items, as in grocery store inventory and checkout, package tracking, warehouse inventory control, and zip code routing for postal mail.
A. True
B. False


B. False ..................

what dose the following tool's do?
2-back color


Caption:it is used to display speaker's name and describe relevant sounds that are inaccessible to people of hard hearing or who are deaf

Back color: it is used to fill a section's interior. it contains numerical expressions that corresponds

Font: it is used to add style to a document or webpage

Alignment: it is used to describe how text is placed on a screen.

If you like my answer,mark as brainliest

What will be assigned to the variable s_string after the following code executes? special = '1357 Country Ln.' s_string = special[ :4] Group of answer choices



s_string = 1357


character: index

1: 0

3: 1

5: 2

7: 3

 : 4

C: 5

o: 6

u: 7

n: 8

t: 9

r: 10

y: 11

 : 12

L: 13

n: 14

. : 15

s_tring  = special[:4]

s_tring = special[0] + special[1] + special[2] + special[3]

s_string = 1357

Declare a class named PatientData that contains two attributes named height_inches and weight_pounds. Sample output for the given program with inputs: 63 115 Patient data (before): 0 in, 0 lbs Patient data (after): 63 in, 115 lbs 1 Your solution goes here ' 2 1 test passed 4 patient PatientData () 5 print('Patient data (before):, end-' ') 6 print(patient.height_inches, 'in,, end=' ') 7 print(patient.weight_pounds, lbs') All tests passed 9 10 patient.height_inches = int(input()) 11 patient.weight_pounds = int(input()) 12 13 print('Patient data (after):', end-' ') 14 print (patient. height_inches, 'in,', end- ') 15 print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs') Run



class PatientData():    #declaration of PatientData class

   height_inches=0  #attribute of class is declared and initialized to 0

   weight_pounds=0 #attribute of class is declared and initialized to 0


Here is the complete program:

#below is the class PatientData() that has two attributes height_inches and weight_pounds and both are initialized to 0

class PatientData():  



patient = PatientData()  #patient object is created of class PatientData

#below are the print statements that will be displayed on output screen to show that patient data before

print('Patient data (before):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

#below print  statement for taking the values height_inches and  weight_pounds as input from user

patient.height_inches = int(input())  

patient.weight_pounds = int(input())  

#below are the print statements that will be displayed on output screen to show that patient data after with the values of height_inches and weight_pounds input by the user

print('Patient data (after):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')      

Another way to write the solution is:

def __init__(self):

       self.height_inches = 0

       self.weight_pounds = 0

self keyword is the keyword which is used to easily access all the attributes i.e. height_inches and weight_pounds defined within a PatientData class.

__init__ is a constructor which is called when an instance is created from the PatientData, and access is required to initialize the attributes height_inches and weight_pounds of PatientData class.

The program along with its output is attached.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in python to describe a code, like this:

The code can be found in the attached image.

To make it easier the code can be found below as:

class PatientData():  



patient = PatientData()

print('Patient data (before):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

patient.height_inches = int(input())  

patient.weight_pounds = int(input())  

print('Patient data (after):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

See more about python at brainly.com/question/26104476

Implement a recursive method named power that takes 2 integer parameters named base and expo. The method will return the base raised to the power of expo.



def power(base, expo):

   if expo == 0:

       return 1


       return base * power(base, expo-1)


*The code is in Python.

Create a method called power that takes base and expo as parameters

Check if the expo is equal to 0. If it is return 1 (This is our base case for the method, where it stops. This way our method will call itself "expo" times). If expo is not 0, return base * power(base, expo-1). (Call the method itself, decrease the expo by 1 in each call and multiply the base)

Input two numbers and work out their sim, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, average and sum of the squares of the numbers.


def ultimate_math (num1, num2):


array_num = [num1, num2]

print (num1 + num2)

print (num1 - num2)

print (num1 * num2)

print (num1 / num2)

print (num1 % num2)

print ((num1 + num2) / (len(array_num)))

print ((num1**2) + (num2**2))

except ValueError:

return "Invalid Input"

user_num1 = float (input (" Please enter a num: "))

user_num2 = float (input (" Please enter a second num: "))

print (ultimate_math (user_num1, user_num2))

so in media literacy,
what roles do confirmation bias, stereotyping, and other cognitive biases impact how we interpret events, news, and information? ​



Confirmation biases impact how we gather information, but they also influence how we interpret and recall information. For example, people who support or oppose a particular issue will not only seek information to support it, they will also interpret news stories in a way that upholds their existing ideas.

Under the ____________________, federal agencies must 1) review their IT systems for privacy risks, 2) post privacy policies on their Web sites, 3) post machine-readable privacy policies on their Web sites, and 4) report privacy activities.



E-Government Act of 2002.


The E-Government Act of 2002 is a statute of the United States of America which was enacted by the 107th U.S Congress on the 17th of December, 2002. The E-Government Act of 2002 was signed into law to facilitate the management and promotion of the US government processes and services, as well as enhance transparency and accountability between the government and the public through the application of internet-based information technology.

Under the E-Government Act of 2002, federal agencies must;

1. Review their IT systems for privacy risks.

2. Post privacy policies on their websites.

3. Post machine-readable privacy policies on their websites.

4. Report privacy activities.

why is operating system pivotal in teaching and learning



Kindly see explanation

Explanation: The operating system is a huge part of a computer system which plays a an invaluable role in the working of computer programs, hardwares and influences the overall experience of the user. It operating system serves as the interface between the computer hardware itself and the user who may wish to perform different tasks using a computer. In other to teach and learn, it is necessary to input and also obtain output, store our files and process and most essentially one may need to install application programs or softwares, all these functions are made possible with the help of an operating system. In essence, a system without an operating system can perform very little to no function at all. So basically teaching and learning becomes difficult. Teaching and Learning tools such as video, writing and other application softwares cannot be installed without an operating system and thus teaching or learning becomes impossible in it's absence.

The Adjacent Coins Problem Published on 2017-08-30 Consider N coins aligned in a row. Each coin is showing either heads or tails. The adjacency of these coins is the number of adjacent pairs of coins with the same side facing up. Write a program that given a non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers representing the coins, returns the maximum possible adjacency that can be obtained by reversing exactly one coin (that is, one of the coins must be reversed). Consecutive elements of array A represent consecutive coins in the row. Array A contains only 0s and/or 1s:



Here is the JAVA code:

public class Main{

public static int solution(int[] A) { //method that takes non-empty array A consisting of 0s and 1s

           int N = A.length; // number of 0s and 1s in array A

           int r = 0; //result of adjacency

           for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++;   )   { // iterates through A

               if (A[i] == A[i + 1])  //if i-th element of A is equal to (i+1)th element

                   r = r + 1;   }     //add 1 to the count of r

           if (r == N-1)   //for test cases like {1,1}

           {return r-1; }

           int max = 0; //to store maximum possible adjacency

           for (int i = 0; i <N; i++)   { //iterates through array

               int c = 0;

               if (i > 0)    { //starts from 1 and  covering the last

                   if (A[i-1] != A[i]) //checks if i-1 element of A is not equal to ith element of A

                       c = c + 1;    //adds 1 to counter variable


                      c = c - 1;   } //decrements c by 1

               if (i < N - 1)     {//starting with 0

                   if (A[i] != A[i + 1])  //checks if ith element of A is not equal to i+1th element of A

                       c = c + 1; //adds 1 to counter variable


                       c = c - 1;   }      //decrements c by 1        

               max = Math.max(max,c);   }  //finds the maximum of max and c

           return r + max;         } //returns result + maximum result

        public static void main(String[] args) {

   int[] A = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}; //sample array to test the method

   System.out.println(solution(A));} } //calls the method passing array to it


The program works as follows:

A[] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}

N = A.length

N = 6

The A has the following elements:

A[0] =  1

A[1] = 1

A[2] = 0

A[3] = 1

A[4] = 0

A[5] = 0

Program iterates through array A using for loop. Loop variable i is initialized to 0

if condition if (A[i] == A[i + 1]) checks

if (A[0] == A[0 + 1])

A[0] =  1

A[0 + 1] = A[1] = 1

They both are 1 so they are equal

r = r + 1;  

Since the above if condition is true so 1 is added to the value of r Hence

r = 1

At each iteration of the loop the if condition checks whether the adjacent elements of A are equal. If true then r is incremented to 1 otherwise not.

So after all the iterations value of r = 2

if (r == N-1) evaluates to false because r=2 and N-1 = 5

So program moves to the statement:

for (int i = 0; i <N; i++)

This loop iterates through the array A

if (i > 0) condition checks if value of i is greater than 0. This evaluates to false and program control moves to statement:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(0<5) This evaluates to true and program control moves to statement

if (A[i] != A[i + 1])  which means:

if (A[0] != A[0 + 1]) -> if (A[0] != A[1])

We know that

A[0] =  1

A[1] = 1

So this evaluates to false and else part is executed:

value of c is decremented to 1. So c=-1

max = Math.max(max,c) statement returns the max of max and c

max = 0

c = -1

So max = 0

value of i is incremented to 1 so i = 1

At next step:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(1<5) This evaluates to true and program control moves to statement

if (A[i] != A[i + 1]) which means:

if (A[1] != A[1 + 1]) -> if (A[1] != A[2])

A[1] = 1

A[2] = 0

So the statement evaluates to true and following statement is executed

c = c + 1; The value of c is incremented to 1. So

c = -1 + 1


Hence c= 0, max = 0 and i = 2

next step:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(2<5) This evaluates to true and program control moves to statement

if (A[i] != A[i + 1]) which means:

if (A[2] != A[2 + 1]) -> if (A[2] != A[3])

A[2] = 0

A[3] = 1

So the statement evaluates to true and following statement is executed

c = c + 1; The value of c is incremented to 1. So

c = 0 + 1

c = 1


The statement max = Math.max(max,c) returns the max of max and c

max = 0

c = 1

So max = 1

Hence  c= 1, max = 1 and i = 3

next step:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(3<5) This evaluates to true and program control moves to statement

if (A[i] != A[i + 1]) which means:

if (A[3] != A[3 + 1]) -> if (A[3] != A[4])

A[3] = 1

A[4] = 0

So the statement evaluates to true and following statement is executed

c = c + 1; The value of c is incremented to 1. So

c = 1 + 1

c = 2


The statement max = Math.max(max,c) returns the max of max and c

max = 1

c = 2

So max = 2

Hence c= 2, max = 2 i = 4

next step:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(4<5) This evaluates to true and program control moves to statement

if (A[i] != A[i + 1])  which means:

if (A[4] != A[4+ 1]) -> if (A[4] != A[5])

A[4] = 0

A[5] = 0

So this evaluates to false and else part is executed:

value of c is decremented to 1. So c=1

max = Math.max(max,c) statement returns the max of max and c

max = 2

c = 1

So max = 2

value of i is incremented to 1 so i = 5

next step:

if (i < N - 1) which makes if(5<5) This evaluates to false

if (i > 0) evaluates to true so following statement executes:

if (A[i-1] != A[i])

if (A[5-1] != A[5])

if (A[4] != A[5])

A[4] = 0

A[5] = 0

This statement evaluates to false so else part executes and value of c is decremented to 1


max = 2

c = 0

So max = 2

value of i is incremented to 1 so i = 6

The loop breaks because i <N evaluates to false.

Program control moves to the statement:

return r + max;

r = 2

max = 2

r + max = 2+2 = 4

So the output of the above program is:


Question 16
Which of the following may not be used when securing a wireless connection? (select multiple answers where appropriate)
VPN tunnelling
Open Access Point
Nahan nah​



wpa2 wep


wpa2 wep multiple choices

If a schema is not given, you may assume a table structure that makes sense in the context of the question. (using sql queries)
Find all Employee records containing the word "Joe", regardless of whether it was stored as JOE, Joe, or joe.



The correct query is;

select * from EMPLOYEE where Employee_Name = 'JOE' or Employee_Name = 'Joe' or Employee_Name = 'joe';

where EMPLOYEE refer to the table name and type attribute name is Employee_Name


Here, the first thing we will do is to assume the name of the table.

Let’s assume the table name is EMPLOYEE, where the column i.e attribute from which we will be extracting our information is Employee_Name

The correct query to get the piece of information we are looking for will be;

select * from EMPLOYEE where Employee_Name = 'JOE' or Employee_Name = 'Joe' or Employee_Name = 'joe';

Other Questions
Write paragraph about how the country can benefit from National Park. use these points in your writing. Nationalpark......protect the natural heritage: landscapes, wildlife and forests. ........ attract millions of visitors annually : economic benefits ........ protect endangered spices.class 7 high school Find the missing probability. P(A)=720,P(B)=35,P(AB)=21100 ,P(AB)=? The Clifford Corporation has announced a rights offer to raise $17 million for a new journal, the Journal of Financial Excess. This journal will review potential articles after the author pays a nonrefundable reviewing fee of $6,000 per page. The stock currently sells for $42 per share, and there are 2.9 million shares outstanding. a. What is the maximum possible subscription price? What is the minimum? (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "0" wherever required.) b. If the subscription price is set at $34 per share, how many shares must be sold? How many rights will it take to buy one share? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your rights needed answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) c. What is the ex-rights price? What is the value of a right? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) d. A shareholder with 2,000 shares before the offering has no desire (or money) to buy additional shares offered as rights. What is his portfolio value before and after the rights offer? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) Sixty-five percent of employees make judgements about their co-workers based on the cleanliness of their desk. You randomly select 8 employees and ask them if they judge co-workers based on this criterion. The random variable is the number of employees who judge their co-workers by cleanliness. Which outcomes of this binomial distribution would be considered unusual? Sixty-five percent of employees make judgements about their co-workers based on the cleanliness of their desk. You randomly select 8 employees and ask them if they judge co-workers based on this criterion. The random variable is the number of employees who judge their co-workers by cleanliness. Which outcomes of this binomial distribution would be considered unusual? Simplify.[tex] \frac{6a + 18b - 12c}{6} [/tex]8th grade maths How do you do this TwT The midpoint of line segment AB is (-2,1). If the coordinates of B are (0,2) what are the coordinates of A? Danton, a popular performer, dies. His spouse Caitlin sells their house to Buck. Unknown to Caitlin or Buck, in one of the closets is the master recording of an unreleased album. With respect to this recording, Buck can A train travels southwest from point A to point B through the Arizona desert at 55 mi/h. How far will the train travel six-and-a-half hours? mean marks of 100 students was 40.. It was discovered that 53 was misread as 83. Find the actual mean. Molly and Craig are the original parties to a contract. Craig is obligated to design a Website for Molly. They subsequently make an agreement with Eric that Eric should take the place of Craig and assume all of Craig's rights and duties under the contract. The agreement releases Craig from his obligations under the contract. This agreement is To what was Gustave Courbet's desire to paint individuals and scenes from ordinary life in the grand artistic tradition usually reserved for gods and royalty linked From her purchased bags, Rory counted 110 red candies out of 550 total candies. Using a 90% confidence interval for the population proportion, what are the lower and upper limit of the interval? Answer choices are rounded to the thousandths place. Without this, many cycles such as the water cycle and photosynthesis would not exist. What could all these cycles not exist without? Solve the following system of linear equations {2x-7y=10 {5x -6y=2 Why is kristallnacht important when studying the Holocaust? Explain to your lab mate the health risk associated with consuming a diet low in vitamin K along with the ingestion of antibiotics over multiple days. How would the termination of antibiotic treatment help to remove this health risk? answer choices: A. 32%B. 46%C. 24%D. 11% Ellen makes $20 per hour in her job as a kiental assistant. She works 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. How much does Ellen make in a day before taxes? What is the minimum Valium of this function? F(x)=150sin(3x)A=150B=-150C=200D=-200