What is the difference between a ritual dance (autochthonous or pre-hispanic) and a mestizo dance or dance?


Answer 1


A difference between a ritual dance and a dance can be observed. Despite the fact that the two complement each other and are closely related.  Let's see the differences.


The most prominent differences between a dance and a ritual dance are the following:

In ritual dance something is always communicated. In the dance it does not necessarily communicate but also it is done for fun. The ritual dance is more structured as with choreography. The dance is free, you can do the movements you want. The ritual dance must be present a teacher teaching. In dance, people  learn without the need of a teacher. Ritual dance is a more cultural dance for performances. Dancing is more like for social fun or Recreation activity. Ritual dance is a series of body movements where specific patterns are followed. In the dance movements are used with the whole body, following the rhythm of a certain music.

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Su amigo Juan y el



Su amiga Matilda y Elena


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3. la amiga



la amiga



la amiga


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A marisa no le gustan las celebraciones
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Una escritura


which sentence needs to be fixed? check all that apply. 1. Vamos a el cine. 2. Vas a la piscina 3. Voy a el restaurante 4. Van a la iglesia 5. Va a el campo



1. "Vamos a el cine" should be "Vamos al cine"

3. "Voy a el restaurante" should be "Voy al restaurante"

4. "Va a el campo" should be "Va al campo"


In Spanish, when the preposition a is used followed by the article el, a contraction occurs and the result is the article al. It is not correct to pronounce or write those two separate words: a + el = al.


Elabora un cuadro tematico donde presentan variantes del español entre sus hablantes.
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Fill in the blanks with the preterite forms of the appropriate verb in parentheses.
A las tres, Pepe
(hablar con su novia por teléfono.
(comprar unos pantalones negros y mi amigo Mateo
(gastar) mucho dinero.
Después, nosotros
comer cerca de un mercado.


The first one:
A las tres, Pepe hablo con su novia por teléfono.

The second one doesn’t make much sense, it would be saying: I bought some black pants and my friend Mateo like a lot of money.
I added words in parentheses to make it make more sense:
Yo compré unos pantalones negros y (a) mi amigo mateo le gusta mucho (el) dinero.

The third one:
Después, nosotros comimos cerca de un mercado.

Susana va a ____________ una medalla en las Olimpiadas.



ganar /or/ competir


option a) Susana will go to win a medal in the olympics.

option b) Susana will go to compite for a medal in the olympics.

susana va a “ganar” una medalla en las olimpiadas.

susana will “win” a medal at the olympics

Los escritores necesitan que las publicaciones sean imprimida enseguida



I don't really know what you want me to do so here is the translation...

"Writers need publications to be printed right away"


I hope this you!! :)

Read the incomplete sentence and choose the option with the correct verbs to complete
Pamela y la señora Hernando
amigas y
en la boda de Carlos. (1 point)
es; está
estamos: somos
son; están
soy; estoy


Answer:son, están



The right answer is, C. Son; están.

* Pamela y la señora Hernando son amigas y están en la boda de Carlos.


Because the subject in the sentence is in the second person plural and is being narrated in the present tense, therefore it is important to identify the subject, gender, time and number in a sentence. In this way we manage to conjugate the verb in a logical way and that it agrees with what is being expressed.

Señala el número de versos, el número de estrofas y el número de versos en cada estrofa. Llora en silencio mi alma solitaria, excepto cuando esté mi corazón unido al tuyo en celestial alianza de mutuo suspirar y mutuo amor. Es la llama de mi alma cual aurora, brillando en el recinto sepulcral: casi extinta, invisible, pero eterna… ni la muerte la puede mancillar. ¡Acuérdate de mí!… Cerca de mi tumba no pases, no, sin regalarme tu plegaria; para mi alma no habrá mayor tortura que el saber que has olvidado mi dolor. Oye mi última voz. No es un delito rogar por los que fueron. Yo jamás te pedí nada: al expirar te exijo que sobre mi tumba derrames tus lágrimas.


Answer: Mark off the number of verses, the number of stanzas, and the number of verses in each stanza. My lonely soul weeps in silence, except when my heart is united to yours in a heavenly alliance of mutual sighing and mutual love. It is the flame of my soul like aurora, shining in the sepulchral enclosure: almost extinct, invisible, but eternal ... not even death can stain it. Remember me!… Near my grave do not pass, no, without giving me your prayer; for my soul there will be no greater torture than knowing that you have forgotten my pain. Hear my last voice. It is not a crime pray for those who were. I never asked you for anything: when I expire I demand that you shed your tears on my grave.

Explanation: i took spanish

Al trasladar una pieza de madera se dano una quinta parte con el resto de la madera en buen estado se construiran 2 puertas del mismo tamano Que parte de la pieza original se utilizo en cada una de las puertas



3 plus 2 plus 1 = 6 dumb coon

Which of the following is not true about friendships in the In Spanish speaking world. A. Acquaintances are like family members. B. Friends I thought to be part of the family. C. Friends may spend time with friends family even if your friend isn’t there.








took quick check conexus

Write the correct conjugation of the verb in the parenthesis using the preterite.
Mis amigos
(ver) una película de horror anoche.


Mis amigos ( vieron) una película de horror anoche

Need help please ‼️‼️



i cant


NEED HELP WRITING A SPANISH PAPER ABOUT WHO AM I!!!!!! Objective: Now that you have a full year of Spanish under your belt, it’s time to show off what you know, and what better topic to tell us about then the one you know the best…YOU! To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned throughout the year, you will need to create a presentation. You could make a Power Point, Prezi, or an audio/video presentation. 1. Requirements: Part A: Pick ONE of the following topics: * Information about yourself (including hobbies and interests) * Information about your family * A day in your life (la vida escolar y privada). It could even describe your day and what you did today, this week, or this school year. Part B: Pick ONE of the following 4 styles of presentation: * Power Point * Prezi If you make a PowerPoint or Prezi, it must be 4-6 slides, each with a picture. You must have a total of 10-15 sentences. Remember your sentences must correspond to the pictures/slides you share of you & your life. If you do more than 6 slides, ONLY the first 6 slides will be graded.



So what you could do is put like

Hola mi nombre es ... Y a mi me gusta el deporte de...

Tengo ... años Y soy el o la mes chiquito(a) de ... hermanos o hermanas .Yo vivo en y lo que me gusta hacer cuando estoy en mi tiempo libre me gusta pintar o jugar video juegos etc...

I think the easiest one is information about yourself , you can write it in English and I can translate it for u ✌

Translate these sentences to spanish! 1. I brought a book and a pencil for school today. 2. Yesterday I went to school, and had an exam in Spanish class.


Yo traje un libro y un lápiz para la escuela hoy.

Ayer fui a la escuela, y tuve un examen en clase de español.

Spanishdict is a good website for translating too


I brought a book and a pencil for school today.

        Compré un libro y un lápiz para llevar hoy a la escuela

     2. Yesterday I went to school, and had an exam in Spanish class.

         Ayer fui a la escuela u tuve un examen de la asignatura de Español.

Ana María was invited by her cousin Antonio to visit him in Ciudad de Guatemala. Complete her narrative with the correct forms of logical verbs.

costar entender pensar preferir
empezar jugar perder querer
Mi primo Antonio y yo hacemos planes para el viernes. (1) Nosotros_________ ir al cine. Antonio (2)___________ver una película (movie) de El Salvador que se llama Sobreviviendo Guazapa1. Yo (3) ____________ las películas francesas, pero Antonio no (4)____________ francés. Su madre piensa que debemos jugar al tenis. Antonio juega bien, pero yo (5)____________ mal y siempre (6)_____________ También hay un concierto de música hondureña el viernes; los boletos (tickets) (7)___________ 200 quetzales y el concierto (8)_____________ a las ocho.


8. Empezará
Bold answers:

Mi primo Antonio y yo hacemos planes para el viernes. Nosotros (1) pensamos ir al cine. Antonio (2) quiere ver una película de El Salvador que se llama Sobreviviendo Guazapa1. Yo (3) prefiero las películas francesas, pero Antonio no (4) entiende francés. Su madre piensa que debemos jugar al tenis. Antonio juega bien, pero yo (5) juego mal y siempre (6) pierdo. También hay un concierto de música hondureña el viernes; los boletos (7) cuestan 200 quetzales y el concierto (8)  empieza a las ocho.


My cousin Antonio and I make plans for Friday. We plan to go to the movies. Antonio wants to see a movie from El Salvador called Surviving Guazapa1. I prefer French films, but Antonio doesn't understand French. His mother thinks we should play tennis. Antonio plays well, but I play poorly and I always lose. There is also a Honduran music concert on Friday; tickets cost 200 quetzals and the concert starts at eight.


I’m suck if any of you guys know how to do this please HELP ME



im guessing that they want you to spell the letters out in spanish (guessing)

for example "lulu" would in my opinion be ele u ele u but i honestly dont know if thats the case. hope this helped (i really hope)


Luis visita a Veka cada 8 días y Fabrizio cada 10 días. Si hoy 3 de mayo se encontraron ambos en la visita a Veka, ¿cuando sera la próxima vez que se vuelven a encontrar?.
a)12 de junio
b)11 de junio
c)13 de junio
d)14 de junio
e)23 de junio


Es el inciso d
D) 14 de junio

What is one way to say "e-mail" in spanish?



correo electronico is one way to say email in spanish


i hope i spelled that right lol :)

correo electronico!!!!!!!!!!

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.



All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.

Explanation:All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.

Answer:the crimean war was the first to be documented for civilizations

Explanation: bc i guessed and got it right

[Get Free Brainliest] Lee y escoge la mejor respuesta para completar el diálogo. Read and select the best answer to complete the dialogue. You are just meeting a new neighbor, señora Hidalgo, and want to know her name. What do you ask in a formal way? —Hola, ________ —Señora Hidalgo. A: ¿cómo te llamas? B: ¿cuál es tu nombre? C: ¿cómo está usted? D: ¿cómo se llama?





When meeting someone new or in a professional way this is the proper way to ask for someone's name.


A. Como te llamas?


Actividad 2. Arcoiris de ideas
Completa el siguiente diagrama de arcoíris escribiendo las características de las
fábulas y refranes, tomando en cuenta las ideas subrayadas anteriormente. A
terminar el diagrama puedes colorearlo.​



This question is incomplete. You need the rainbow, and the text in which the ideas to underline appear. The file will be uploaded as an attachment.


You need to write on the rainbow the difference between a fábula and a refrán.  For that, you need to underline the following ideas from the text:

Una fábula consiste en una breve composición  literaria, sencilla de leer y entender. El propósito de la fábula es transmitir una enseñanza moralizadora a través del relato. Todas y cada una de las fábulas tienen una moraleja. Los refranes expresan verdades de la vida, no se atribuyen a algún autor. Los refranes  son expresiones que encapsulan situaciones y andan de boca en boca. Los refranes expresan un pensamiento, un  regaño o un deseo y recogen unas experiencias sacadas de la vida cotidiana.

When combining the phrase expressing a need with another verb, like "comer," it is correct to use the infinite (or the base form of the verb) for the second verb.



Use the infinitive form for the second verb.


Quiero comer tacos.

Necesito comprar unas manzanas.

If she could speak Spanish, how would a little girl ask her pet how he is feeling, in a very casual way? ¿Y usted? ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo está usted? ¿Qué tal?



I think is cómo está usted

Cómo está usted ———-
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