What is the meaning of the lyrics of this song "rumors of my death have been very overaggressed lyrics"?


Answer 1

Answer:The time that we kill keeps us alive.


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the blues is considered by scholars to be the single most important development in the history of american vernacular music. why?


The reason that many scholars consider the Blues to be the single most important development in the history of American vernacular music is that Blues is deeply rooted in African-American culture, Blues has changed how people listen to music and the uses of improvisation in Blues music.

What Are The Importance Of Blues Music?

Blues is a musical genre originating from America where African-Americans is the culture that created the music. Blues itself is the root of almost all types of modern music that we can listen to today, from jazz, rock, soul to R&B. Blues can have such a big influence because of the use of chord progressions which are still very popular today, namely I - IV - V. In addition, the use of improvisation in Blues is also the background for the birth of Jazz music. So, for this reason, many scholars believe that Blues is the single most important development in the history of American vernacular music

Learn more about Blues music at https://brainly.com/question/5238825


Rachel Whiteread is a British sculptor who fills empty spaces with concrete. For her work House, created in 1993, Whiteread made a concrete cast using an entire house as her mold. What assumptions might a viewer make about mass in the context of Whiteread’s work? How does it help us to understand the difference between mass and volume?


Note that due to the usage of concrete, a spectator could conclude Whiteread's work is weighty and substantial. However, because there is an empty area inside the mold, it helps to comprehend that mass and volume are not comparable, because the volume is empty but the sculpture's mass is still present.

Why is Mass and Volume important?

Matter's mass and volume are important physical properties. The mass of an item is a measure of how much matter it contains, and it is commonly expressed in grams or kilograms.

Volume is a measurement of how much space an object takes up and is generally expressed in liters or cubic meters. Understanding the link between mass and volume is useful in subjects such as physics, chemistry, and engineering because it helps to understand how substances behave and how they may be utilized in various applications.

Learn more about Rachel Whiteread:

"So I lose none
In seeking to augment it but still keep
My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,
I shall be counseled"
Banquo speaking to Macbeth
Macbeth asked Banquo to stand by him in his time of need and honor him, Banquo agrees but only if it isn't against Scotland
"I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.
Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or hell"
Macbeth speaking to Duncan
Macbeth is about to murder Duncan. He hears the bell, a que from Lady Macbeth showing it is time to kill Duncan. Macbeth compares the bell to funeral bells.
"I laid their daggers ready;
He could not miss 'em. Had he not resembled
My father as he slept, I had done't"
Lady Macbeth speaking to herself
As Macbeth is killing Duncan, Lady Macbeth is worried that it will go wrong. She thinks she should've killed Duncan herself but he looked too much like her father so she couldn't.
"Me thought I heard a voice cry, 'Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep-the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labours bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great natures second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast'"
Macbeth speaking to Lady Macbeth
Macbeth heard someone condemn him after he killed Duncan. He is worried he won't be able to live with this and he won't be able to sleep.
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red"
Macbeth speaking to himself
Macbeth killed Duncan and feels remorse and guilt. He can't undo what he has done.
"My hands are of your color, but I shame
To wear a heart so white"
Lady Macbeth speaking to Macbeth
Lady Macbeth comes back from framing the gaurds. She says she is just as guilty as Macbeth but not as scared.
"A little water clears is of this deed;
How easy it is then"
Lady Macbeth speaking to Macbeth
She is trying to calm Macbeth down and finish the plan but they hear someone knocking on the door.
"Here's a knocking indeed! If a man were porter
Of hell gate, he should have old turning the key"
Porter speaking to himself
He is pretending to be the gatekeeper to hell
"Had I but died an hour before this chance,
I had lived a blessed time:for from this instant
There's nothing serious in mortality"
Macbeth speaking to everyone
After Macbeth saw dead Duncan; he would've been happy if he didn't know about the death, he expressed sadness.
"There's daggers in men's smiles; the near in blood,
The nearer bloody"
Donalbain speaking to Malcolm
They fear for their lives, they think someone there is the murderer
"On Tuesday last
A falcon, tow'ring in her pride of place,
Was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed"
Old man speaking to Ross
Owl killed falcon, it is a sign from nature that things aren't normal; they realize nature is giving them signs.
"He is already named, and gone to Scone
To be invested"
Macduff speaking to Ross
Macbeth has been named kind and is going to get crowned.
"Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!"
Macduff speaking to Ross
He is worried that Macduff will be a harsher king than Duncan


"So I lose none / In seeking to augment it, but still keep / My bosom franchised and allegiance clear, / I shall be counseled". In this quote, Banquo tells Macbeth that he will pledge fealty if he becomes king, but he will not do anything malicious to make Macbeth king.

Banquo is a character in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." He is a nobleman and a friend of Macbeth, who becomes King of Scotland as a result of the prophecy of three witches. Banquo, however, is suspicious of Macbeth and his sudden rise to power, and he eventually becomes a victim of Macbeth's ambition and paranoia.

Macbeth is the titular character in the play "Macbeth," also by Shakespeare. He is a Scottish nobleman and a brave warrior who receives a prophecy from three witches that he will become King of Scotland. Driven by ambition and encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. However, his guilt and paranoia lead to him becoming increasingly tyrannical, which ultimately leads to his downfall.

Learn more about Banquo and Duncan here: brainly.com/question/25668662


when was the last time el salvador qualified for the world cup


Answer:El Salvador has made two FIFA World Cup appearances: first in 1970 and again in 1982, but have never progressed beyond the first stage of a finals tournament. They were the 1943 CCCF champions, and finished in second-place in the 1941 and 1961 championships.


watch the first minute of things grow (monahan, 2011). based on this clip, what type of film does it appear to be?


Based on the first minute of the Things Grow movie by Dave Monahan (2010), the type of film appears to be a short documentary movie. 

A short documentary movie is a film that provides a factual or informative account of a particular subject, event, or issue. It is typically non-fictional, and often includes interviews, footage, and other forms of visual representation. The length of a short documentary movie is usually less than 30 minutes, making it a concise and easily accessible form of storytelling. These films aim to educate and raise awareness about a specific topic and often have a clear message or call to action.

Learn more about documentary movie here: brainly.com/question/19837265


complete the sentence,
i _ hungry


Answer: I'm Hungry is the answer....


I’m hungry.

I am hungry

john coltrane, charlie parker and sonny rollins are all jazz musicians who primarily played which instrument?


John Coltrane played flute and tenor sax. Both the alto and tenor saxes were used by Charlie Parker.

Although he also played the alto saxophone and the flute, John Coltrane's primary instruments were the tenor and soprano saxophone. In addition to trumpet, Flugalhorn, piano, and other keyboard instruments like the synthesiser and organ, Miles Davis also performed these instruments. Alto and tenor saxophones were both instruments played by Charlie Parker.

The most significant contribution to bebop, a new, technically difficult and harmonically advanced style of jazz, was produced by altoist Charlie Parker in the mid-1940s. Parker had a significant impact on jazz, and his experiments changed the genre's direction and elevated it to the level of fine art. In the 1950s, a number of virtuoso jazz saxophonists followed Parker, including the titans of the tenor saxophone Stan Getz, Sonny Rollins, and John Coltrane. These players all elevated saxophone playing to new, higher levels of artistry while advancing jazz.

Know more about John Coltrane-



a term used to refer to the recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds in poetry


answer: rhythm. poets use this technique of rhythm to express the meaning that they are trying to say, while also conveying their feelings in the process

______ was the persevering church
In 2 John, John expresses the joy he felt when he learned that some members of the recipient's church body were following the Father's command to walk in truth
In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already knew, specifically that God hears and grants their prayer requests
_____ was one of the three people in the inner circle of our Lord's disciples
James pictures the tongue as
a small fire that ignites a large forest
One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and 1 Corinthians mention the giving of gifts by the Holy Spirit
The author of Hebrews explains what it means for Jesus to be the Mediator of a better covenant
James gives five pictures to describe the dangers of the tongue
The author of Hebrews list several personal examples of faith. From this list select the one Biblical character that is not mentioned by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:1-40
In the seven seal judgments the red horse stands for famine
In 3 John, John acknowledges that Diotrophes refusal to be corrected will lead to his exposure when John arrives
In 1 his first letter, Peter argues that believers have been redeemed from an empty way of life and are transformed by the precious blood of Christ
In the seven seal judgments the white horse stands for war
Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?
new commandments
According to 1Peter, believers should submit to every Christian institution in order to silence the unfounded criticism of unbelievers.
In Revelation, the problem that emerges with the seven-sealed scroll is that no one was found worthy to open it.
James teaches that God is waiting to give wisdom to anyone who asks for it
According to the author of Hebrews, for a time, the blood of animals was effective in taking away sins of the people.
Jude wants believers to contend actively and aggressively for the fundamentals of the Christian faith
Jude describes false teachers as
waves of the sea
Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?
new sacrifices
In James' discussion on hearing and doing he uses the example of
a mirror
According to the author of Hebrews, the earthly tabernacle allowed limited access to God.
One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and 2 Corinthians discuss the new covenant.
Peter’s second letter warns against false teaching and instructs Christians how to deal with heresy.
The traditional view of the Christian church has long held that John the apostle was the author of the Revelation as well as the Gospel and epistles that bear his name.
As a sinless priest, Jesus did not have to offer sacrifices for Himself as Aaron did.
In 1 John, John reminds his audience that those who profess to know Jesus yet do not keep His commandments are liars and the truth is not in them.
In the seven trumpets of judgment the rivers are polluted by decomposing flesh.
According to the textbook, the end of Revelation spells out twelve new things in the eternal state.
The book of Revelation is addressed to the seven churches in Africa.
According to 2 Peter, Christians are given everything needed for "life and godliness" by the grace of God.
In 2 Peter false teachers are characterized as bullish, sensational, and greedy.
The author of Hebrews was a commoner who was not an eloquent speaker and/or writer.
Which of the following is not one of the sevens that form the outline for the book of Revelation?
seven miracles
Jude’s reference to both Old Testament examples and those of Jewish non-canonical books indicate his readers were Jewish Christians.
In 1 John, John tell his audience not to be surprised by hatred from the world.
In the seven trumpets of judgement a rain of fire burns the vegetation
The write of Hebrews compares to Mountains: Mount ____ and Mount Zion
The author is 2 John and 3 John calls himself
The Elder
Eventually in the book of Revelation the seven-sealed scrolls is opened by the Lamb while the elders and angelic creatures fall down in worship, proclaiming, "You are worthy"
According to the textbook, Jude uniquely ties together doctrinal error with the immoral lifestyle of false teachers suggesting immorality leads to heresy
_____ was the prosperous church
One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and Colossians mention the preexistence and creatorship of Jesus
Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state
new nations
James warns believers about
friendship with the world
Jude describes false teachers as
waterless clouds
In the seven trumpets of judgement the oceans are polluted by a fireball
_____ was the preoccupied church
James warns believers about


Philadelphia was the persevering church.

The "Philadelphia" referred to in the statement is likely a reference to the church in the ancient city of Philadelphia, which was one of the seven churches addressed in the "Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible". The book, which is the final book in the New Testament, is known for its imagery and symbolism, and it is not entirely clear what the author intended with the references to the seven churches.

However, the church in Philadelphia is described as "persevering" in the text. In the passage, Jesus says to the church of Philadelphia, "I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." From this, it can be inferred that the church of Philadelphia was a small and relatively weak congregation, but it had remained faithful to Jesus despite its lack of power.

The passage also mentions that this church has "kept my word" and "not denied my name", which implies that the members of this church were faithful and loyal to Jesus, despite the challenges they faced. This is the reason why it is considered "persevering church"

The reference to the "Philadelphia" church in the statement may be intended to suggest that the church was small but faithful and loyal to Jesus, and that it had persevered despite challenges.

Learn more about church here: brainly.com/question/28389583


what is the pholosophy of art


Do you mean philosophy??

philosophy of art, the study of the nature of art, including concepts such as interpretation, representation and expression, and form. It is closely related to aesthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste.

How long was lisa marie married to michael jackson?



a year and a half, from May 1994 to December 1995


I believe from 1994 to somewhere from 1995 or 1996

what characters in musicals often do nyt


A clue can have multiple answers, and we have provided all of our knowledge for What musical theater characters frequently do—or what 31-Across literally depicts. In the NYT Crossword on January 1, 2023, this clue was last seen.

To find the right answer, compare the length of the answers below to the length that is required by the crossword puzzle you are working on. Recency bias is a phenomenon in which people place a higher value on recent versus distant events. This kind of bias can be seen in a lot of aspects of life, like how people remember things or make decisions. For instance, people may be able to recall recent events with greater clarity and ease than they can recall past events. In a similar vein, it's possible that people will be more likely to base their decisions on information that is more recent as opposed to information from the past. Recency bias can be a useful tool for decision-making, but it can also lead to a biased viewpoint when making major decisions. You can check the Crossword Clue for today,  Characters in musicals frequently do... or what 31-Across literally depicts NYT Crossword Clue Since the NYT Crossword can be challenging at times, we have created the clue for today. NYT has a lot of other games that are more fun to play. If you are unable to determine the correct response to What musical theater characters frequently do... or what 31-Across literally depicts, you can try the NYT Crossword.

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what happens if you put hand sanitizer in your hair



Damaged hair.


The alcohol in an hand sanitizer can take apart the natural oils from your hair type, leaving it feeling dry. In addition, hand sanitizer can irritate the scalp and cause dandruff

Just dont put it on ur hair


it'll leave you with damaged hair. it will strip your hair oils and dry out ur hair


Does anyone like The 100, Marvel (x-men, Avengers, Spiderman) Downton Abbey, Hobbit/Lord of The Rings, Sherlock, Gilmore Girls, Twilight, Divergent, or Pirates of the Caribbean?

The 100 is a CW show btw. I only like seasons 1-4 maybe 5. It's been a while since I watched it. 6-7 is a no for me.
Sherlock BBC with benediction cabbagepatch and Martin freeman specifically.
I know the Hobbit isn't the best, but I really like the characters. It's one of my guilty pleasures/comfort trilogy.
I liked Andrew Garfield's spiderman before No Way Home.
I LOVE X-men Days of Future Past, X-Men 2, and X-Men: The Last Stand. I also enjoy the gifted.





there is many

a rhyme with words that have similar, but not identical, sounds





have a great day, gl!

What's the meaning of I Write Sins Not Tragedies?


Answer:The song itself was inspired by heartbreak. The band's guitarist and main lyricist, Ryan Ross, wrote the story after a breakup with his then-girl. In an attempt to convey his feelings surrounding the split while also admitting things could have been worse, “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” was born.


Give several examples of how culture may hinder ""going global"" via the internet.


Culture can be a major obstacle when attempting to go global via the internet. For example, some countries have regulations that prevent foreign companies from accessing the internet or engaging in online commerce.

Additionally, language barriers can be a hindrance since many countries may not have the necessary infrastructure or resources to translate foreign webpages into their native language. Furthermore, cultural differences may also be a factor in the level of interaction that is acceptable to customers from different countries.

For instance, some cultures may not be as comfortable with online interactions, such as video chatting or email, as others might be. Finally, cultural norms and taboos may prevent certain products or services from being marketed to certain countries.

know more about Culture here



What is the title of the song from "she said do you love me i tell her only partly"?


The song you’re thinking about is Gods Plan -Drake


Ooh that's God's plan by Drake


know the song

What year did Martin Luther king Jr day become a federal holiday ?



In 1995,


Congress designated Martin Luther King Jr. Day as the first and only federal holiday observed as a National Day of Service.

Which English woman wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792?


Answer: Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary willow. The guy above me gave you the right answer

"my school life pretending to be worthless" Who is the author of this mango?


Answer:My School Life Pretending To Be a Worthless Person is a manga/manhwa/manhua written by updating and is updated fast and free on mreader.co.


Which type of creature symbolizes the obstacles of life?a. Dualistic creaturesb. Trickstersc. Monsters


Monsters are often used to symbolize the obstacles of life. Here option C is the correct answer.

In literature and mythology, monsters are often used as symbols of the obstacles that one must overcome in order to achieve their goals or fulfill their destiny.

These obstacles can take many forms, from physical challenges to emotional or psychological ones. Monsters represent the fears, doubts, and insecurities that we all face at some point in our lives.

They can be seen as a metaphor for the internal struggles that we must overcome in order to become our best selves. In this way, monsters are not just creatures to be defeated, but also important teachers and guides that can help us to grow and evolve.

To learn more about Monsters



What is the title of the song from the lyrics "i love you lord today because you care for me lyrics"?


Answer:I Love You Lord Today (By Maranatha! Gospel)


How does sally fail esperanza in the vignette red clowns?


The sally fail Esperanza in the vignette red clowns because Esperanza was raped and Sally never came back to help her.

Who is Esperanza?

Esperanza says this in "Red Clowns" after being abused by a bunch of lads during a carnival. Instead of condemning the boys who assaulted Sally and caused her harm and anguish, she reiterates her claim that her buddy lied. This chapter starts with Esperanza accusing Sally of lying to her about having sex. Sex turned out to be very different from how Sally described it or how it seems in movies. Sally was supposed to meet Esperanza by the tilt-a-whirl at the carnival, but she never did.

Learn more about Esperanza: https://brainly.com/question/28953100


Answer: When Esperanza calls for Sally to help her, Sally does not come.


what happens at the end of the most dangerous game


At the end of "The Most Dangerous Game," the story's protagonist, Sanger Rainsford, outwits and kills the antagonist, General Zaroff.

Zaroff, a wealthy and eccentric big-game hunter, has grown bored with hunting animals and has begun to hunt humans instead. Rainsford becomes his latest prey but manages to turn the tables on Zaroff by setting traps and using his wits to outsmart him.

In the climax of the story, Rainsford and Zaroff engage in a physical struggle, and Rainsford ultimately kills Zaroff by throwing him out of a window to his death.

Rainsford then finds his way back to civilization and tells his story to a group of people on a yacht. The story ends with Rainsford reflecting on the experience and wondering if he has become as savage as Zaroff in his fight for survival.

To learn more about Most Dangerous Game



I’m not sure if my answer is right


Answer: The answer you pick is right. :)


That is correctly.


___ X 2012 film about three teenagers who host a massive party Daily Themed Crossword


'Project X 2012 film about three teenagers who host a massive party Daily Themed Crossword’.

The 2012 American found footage teen comedy film Project X was written by Michael Bacall and Matt Drake, directed by Nima Nourizadeh, and produced by Todd Phillips. The story revolves around three friends named Thomas (Thomas Mann), Costa (Oliver Cooper), and J.B. (Jonathan Daniel Brown), who try to become popular by throwing a party. However, their plan quickly spirals out of their control.

Project X was originally intended to be a placeholder for a final title, but the interest it sparked due to its secrecy forced it to stay. To recruit new talent, a national open casting call was used. The majority of the cast members were found through this casting call, but others who already had acting experience, like Mann, were chosen after several tryouts. A $12 million budget was used over the five weeks of filming on Los Angeles sets. The movie is presented as a home video from the viewpoint of a partygoer who uses a camera to record the evening's activities.

Know more about film-



the authors quote several famous people: blaise pascal, carl friedrich gauss, claude bernard, pablo picasso, igor stravinsky, and isabel allende. among them are a philosopher and mathematician, another great mathematician, the founder of modern physiology, a painter, a composer, and a writer. the question is this: what do they all have in common, according to the authors?


Some possible commonalities that could be drawn from this list include that they were all highly accomplished in their respective fields, and that they were all influential figures in the history of their respective disciplines.    

It is not clear from the information provided what all of these individuals have in common. They come from different fields and have achieved success in different areas, such as philosophy, mathematics, psychiatry, painting, composing and writing.

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher who lived during the 17th century. He is known for his work in the fields of mathematics, particularly in the areas of projective geometry and probability theory, and for his contributions to the study of fluids and vacuum.

Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician and physicist who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time and made significant contributions to many fields, including number theory, statistics, astronomy, and the construction of regular polygons.

Claude Bernard was a French physiologist, one of the founders of modern physiology and experimental medicine.

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, and stage designer who is considered one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for his role in the development of modern art.

Igor Stravinsky was a Russian-born composer and pianist who was active in the 20th century. He is considered one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th century, and is best known for his work in the fields of classical music and ballet.

Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer known for her novels that often focus on strong women and social issues. She is one of the most widely read and critically acclaimed authors in the Spanish-speaking world.

Learn more about Blaise Pascal here: brainly.com/question/12534760


What is the subject of David Hockney's Moving Focus−An Image of Gregory?

Option A. The corner of a room

Option B. The colors red and blue

Option C. A man sitting in a chair

Option D. A white striped suit

Please tell me the correct answer for brainliest. Thank you in advance! :)
This is Art btw


The subject of David Hockney's Moving Focus- An Image of Gregory is the corner of a room. The correct option is a.

a musical instrument that produces sound by combining, shaping, and processing electronically generated sound sources Developed instrument versus synthesizer
criteria, versatility, identity, development Versatility
synthesizer fits here because it can be used practically anywhere Identity synthesizer does not fit any one identity Development because there is no identity, there is no developed way to play the synthesizer Analog synthsesizers use analog circuits and analog signals to generate sound electronically; voltage controlled oscillator is the heart; Digital synthesizers
combines DSP techniques and built-in sound-synthesis algorithms Sampler
similar to synthesizer, but uses recordings of sounds
movement to generate sound
oscillation of electric current as it changes polarity from positive to negative Sound Engine parts of the synthesizer that generate the sound electronically Waveform
determines timbre and volume the sound source is
an oscillator


Synthesizers are electronic instruments that generate sound by combining, shaping, and processing sound sources.

They are very versatile and can be used in a variety of different settings. Synthesizers are distinguished from instruments in that they have no single “identity” and can be played in a variety of different ways.

Analog synthesizers use analog circuits and analog signals to generate sound electronically, with a voltage controlled oscillator being the heart of the instrument. Digital synthesizers combine DSP techniques and built-in sound synthesis algorithms for sound generation.

The waveform of the sound is determined by the timbre and volume of the sound source, which is usually an oscillator.

Learn more about synthesizer:



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