What is the status of any creative work that you make? A. Copyrighted B. Fair use C. Parody D. Public domain


Answer 1

The status of any creative work you do is copyrighted.

This can be defined as the legal registration of any creative work, such as a literary, scientific or artistic work.

Copyright exists to protect the author from any kind of plagiarism or illegal use of their works.

With the registration of copyright, the author is the individual who owns the domain over the use of their creative work, being exclusively theirs the possibility of permission to use, copy or share their work by third parties.

This is a way that benefits and encourages individuals to produce creative works that benefit the community, by ensuring that an original work will not be used and modified without the author's legal authorization.

Learn more here:


Answer 2

The status of any creative work that a person does is known as copyrighted.

Copyright refers to an intellectual property which gives the owner of the property the right to make copies. Copyrights are given for the creative work of a person.

Fair use is when another person uses a copyrighted material without needing to get the right to use it from the owner of the work.

Parody is a creative work whereby someone copies the work of another person.

In conclusion, the correct option is A.

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what does (where's the fire )mean?​


It could be someone asking you why you're rushing through/to something.


where is the fire that is the question

your grandfather has recently told you about how he grew up .narrate this story to your brothers and sisters at home​


Grandpa told me about his life growing up; when he was just 16, there was a job opening at the nearby car wash. His Mom and Dad wanted him to go and apply for the job, so he did. Grandpa Frank walked down the street and sat down for his interview. Then, the boss’s daughter walked out and sat in front of him. “What’s your name?” She asked. “Frank, and yourself?” He replied. “Grace, nice to meet you.” She smiled. Grandpa Frank was already noticing how beautiful the girl was. He wanted the job just to talk to her. The interview went on and Grandpa Frank went home until he was called a few days later being told he got the job! He was so excited & quickly went to work the next morning. Everyday he worked; Grace would talk to him at his lunch break. It was their own little dates. A few years later the car wash was shutting down due to going bankrupt. Grandpa Frank didn’t want to loose Grace; so on a cold, starry Tuesday night, he got on one knee & asked Grace to marry him. Grace quickly agreed then got married the next week. That’s the story how Grandpa Frank met Grandma Grace.

"What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?" (250 words or less)



I would tell you that the reason a person studies is to get a slightly higher probability of getting a job in what they like, also that you can't get the job you want without a college degree.

In addition, there are surveys of high-quality service providers that claim not to accept an employee without a degree or study.


According to studies, it is difficult to enter a prestigious university due to financial problems.

Many students want to finish college to get a qualification to work in a company.

In addition to the fact that a person with a degree either undergraduate, master or doctorate, will earn a higher salary than someone who does not have one.

How does Hester wear her scarlet letter?



on the chest of her dress

I always Hurries to my bus stop. punctuate the sentences ​



I always ,hurry to my bus stop.


I always hurry to my bus stop.


I always hurry to my bus stop.

Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤

Write a letter to your friend who is studying in another school describing about your e-Learning (Online) Classes run by our school during this pandamic.


(Sender's address: in 3 lines)

Date: 08/08/2021

(Receiver's address: in 3 lines)

Dear friend,

I am fine and I hope you are fine too. In your last letter, you asked about my online classes. They are going well.

Our teachers are trying their best to teach us as efficiently as possible. Though studying in a real class is another thing, online classes are also great. I can manage my time more efficiently in online classes. Moreover, it is a different and new experience, and you know how new things excite me. In a nutshell, my e-learning experience is great.

What about your e-learning experience? Hoping to hear from you soon.


(Your name)

Please help me from number 1 to 22



1. F

2. S

3. F

4. F

5. S


Complete sentences have a subject and verb. A subject tends to be a noun or pronoun. A couple examples of a noun or pronoun: "dog" or "Billy." Always look for these two characteristics when analyzing these problems. If one is missing, it is a fragment. I will answer the first few with some explanation.


"Lay" is the subject of the sentence. There is no verb. Therefore this is not a complete sentence, but instead a sentence fragment.


"Tree" is the subject while the verb and helping verb is "was struck." Since this problem meets both requirements, this is a complete sentence.


"Sound" is the subject, but there is no verb.


"I" is the subject and "fell" can be considered a verb, but this is actually not a complete sentence. This is because the sentence starts with "just as" which begins a clause. This one is a bit trickier to explain, but I hope my explanation makes a little sense.


"Jud" is the subject and "crawled" is the verb.

I hope these examples/explanations help!

19. F
20. F
21 F


Please read the following article on CommonLit and the answer: How does Igbo tradition help to maintain order and peace in the community?

Don't forget to include a variety of evidence.



Traditional Igbo religion includes belief in a creator god (Chukwu or Chineke), an earth goddess (Ala), and numerous other deities and spirits as well as a belief in ancestors who protect their living descendants. Revelation of the will of the deities is sought by divination and oracles.


What is a powerful means



Hello friend!



hunger games the book question.
Explain how the society in the novel is similar to the society of North Korea​



both are dictatorships, because both have rulers that control them and give no freedom.

Identify and research about a personality or organization who can be considered as a jewel of kindness in the current situation of a global pandemic. Write a brief note in not more than 30- 50 words. Photographs can be attached.


Answer and Explanation:

City Harvest is an international organization that collects excess food and then distributes it to soup kitchens and shelters. During the pandemic, City Harvest has been helping feed thousands of hungry people. In New York, for instance, they have delivered food to up to 400 soup kitchens.

NOTE: If I'm not mistaken, there are 47 words above.

mark each)
1.Alfred George Gardiner was the editor of​



Alfred George Gardiner, 1865-1946, was born in Chelmsford and worked for the Chelmsford Chronicle and the Bournemouth Directory as a boy. In 1887 he became a member of staff of the Northern Daily Telegraph in Blackburn and in 1899 became editor of the Blackburn Weekly Telegraph .


describe this picture​



Improper Eating Etiquite


It's very rude to just take food from plates without asking, or to not eat at all and just talk

A little boy stealing his brothers food while his brother is distracted and whilst his sister watches

Which statement best describes relevant?
o the goal of a discussion group
O explores a topic
O directly related to the topic
O responses to questions



Directly related to the topic

why are cheerleaders important in any athletic program?

In point forms​



To make a connection with the fans, and to help to support the main players.


The cheerleaders work together to bring "hype" to the crowd, essentially bringing more energy to the sport being played. This can also be used to support the players.


Hey there!

Some reasons I can think of include:

Bring excitement to the game.Gives own team support.Promotes school pride.Connects the players to the crowd.

Let me know if this helps :)


The Nazi used propaganda to get the support of German citizens. The Nazi's used sophisticated advertising techniques and
the most current technology of their time to spread the messages. Once in power, Adolf Hitler created a Ministry of Public
Enlightenment and Propaganda to shape German public opinion and behavior. The propaganda used by used by the German
Nazi party was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power. Joseph Goebbels was key to the Nazi use of
propaganda to increase their appeal. Goebbels joined the nazi party in 1924 and became the Gauleiter for Berlin in 1926.
Goebbels used a combination of modern media, such as films and radio, and traditional campaigning tools such as posters and
newspapers to reach as many people as possible. It was through this technique that he began to build an image of Hitler as a
strong, stable leader that Germany needed to become a great power again.



The Nazis used propaganda to influence German citizens to support them, not only that but they used advertising, and the different technological resources in order to broadcast these messages. Furthermore, after Hitler was in power, he constructed the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda to set more people The Nazi's used sophisticated advertising techniques and  the most current technology of their time to spread the messages. Once in power, Adolf Hitler created a Ministry of Public  Enlightenment and Propaganda to once again sway the public.  

Joseph Goebbels was essential to active  propaganda to advance peoples opinions of them. Goebbels joined the Nazis in 1924 and became an official for Berlin in 1926.  Goebbels used both modern technology and traditional campaign tools such as posters and  newspapers to gain as many followers as possible. It was with this that they built an image of Hitler as an intelligent and capable leader of the public.

Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
One of the spark plugs miss.



a oración está formada por un sujeto y un predicado:

El sujeto es la palabra o el grupo de palabras de las que se dice algo.

El predicado es la palabra o el grupo de palabras que expresan lo que se dice del sujeto.

La palabra más importante del sujeto y el predicado es el núcleo.

En el sujeto el núcleo es un nombre o un pronombre: El jugador está lesionado. Ella cocinó el bizcocho.

En el predicado el núcleo es el verbo: Carolina escribió el cuento.


Describe the tone Grandma uses when she speaks. What kind of words help to create this tone? In a monster calls


Answer: Words that can help:

When Grandma is nice-- softly, tenderly, whisper, brightly, inviting

When Grandma is mean--savagely, mean, angrily, raspily

Explanation:Hope this helps!

Please help me.

Make 6 dialogue sentences that contain

So that
Such that

Urgent!!! ​



Dialogue with 6 sentences


A: Hi man! How are you?

B: I'm fine, busy day. Such a beautiful day, isn't it?

A: Yes it is. I managed my morning today, get the breakfast and stuff so I can go for a short walk.

B: Wow you are talking with such passion that I would move into tears.

Have a great day man!

A: Bye! You are such a sentive man, I admire that.

B: I love being such!


Hello, Myla I have simply written it, please check it...

The answer is given below,

Myla: I have a great problem with swimming. Do you have any?

Mini: No. I learned during my childhood with my father.

Myla: Can you teach a little bit? Iwould be so greatful to you.

Mini: sure! I will be glad if I can help you out.

Myla: Oh, that's great. so, when are we starting to learn it?

Mini: well, let's go swimming next sunday. I will teach you there.

Myla: Thank you !

Mini: Not at all.

Hope it helps...

2. ............. is a single-wheel bike.

A. Mono wheel B. Hover scooter C. Segway D. Teleporter



A mono wheel is a single-wheel bike.

Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

What are two strategies the speaker uses to develop the point that voluntour opportunities are not legitimate ways to learn about other cultures?

Expert testimony



Statistics are always on a high alert for our lifes destination

How far is it from her house to school



about 6 feet


if you dig a 12 foot hole how deep is that hole

Read the excerpt from The Canterbury Tales.I can sting with my tongue; and when I preachI sting so hard, the fellow can’t escapeSlander and defamation, if so beHe’s wronged my fellow-pardoners, or me,Even if I don’t give his actual name,Yet everybody knows that he’s the oneFrom hints, and other circumstantialities—That’s how I deal with people who annoy us;That’s how I spit out venom, under guiseOf piety, and seem sincerely pious.How does the excerpt satirize the clergy?



C. By revealing the clergy's vindictive abuse of power.


Satirizing is a literary technique that writers use to express opinions or let their characters speak in such a way that ridicules others. This allows the criticizing or at times humorously critiquing any moral value, or vices.

The given excerpt is from 'The Pardoner's Prologue' of Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales". These lines from the prologue present the vindictive language the clergy used in his teaching at the pulpit. He admits "I can sting with my tongue; and when I preach I sting so hard", using language that is "slander and defamation". He continues "I spit out venom, under guise Of piety, and seem sincerely pious". All these languages show the clergy's vindictive abuse of power which he thinks is ordained to him as a preacher or leader of the church.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.


The answer is C- By revealing the clergy's vindictive abuse of power


Correct on Edge 2021

help me plss.........​



if I help you then what things will you give me for this question?

hey kids, whats the right answer?



It's either A or C, but I'm pretty sure it's C. I hope this helps!


Which of the following STEM discoverers is known for inventing the circular saws used in saw mills?



Tabitha Babbitt


Read the paragraph and identify the adjectives used in it and write in a separate table

Scolars are worshiped everywhere. No one likes a fool. An educated person can accomplish any task in any situation. People who don't read, don't care about others, don't know what to do and don't know how to do anything, suffer a lot in life. Anyone who likes patriarchal, prudent, helpful and obedient people. People who don't do their part are thugs. People with bad tempers are always disgusted. Not only hundreds, thousands, millions of crores but billions of people living on this earth have different tendencies. Man's conduct must be very good. Students should pay attention in time to associate with their friends as they get older. There is a big difference between being big and being good. In this world, anyone who does what is right will receive the same reward. People learn a lot from the people they have met, the places they have visited, the books they have read, and so on. So people should first take care of my habits and only care about the behavior of others. Students can learn a lot from peers who are older than them and who are first, second and third. Just as your parents have good manners and good manners, so must you have good manners.​






4. helpful












I think I have done so many mistakes please don't take it seriously that I had answered wrong...

22. I (not/hear) any information from Kate recently
They (already/buy) everything for the picnic.
24. He usually....................................(go) on foot but today he (catch) a bus to work
25. How often. dinner for her family? (she/cook)
26. I ............................. him three times this morning (phone)
27. He................................never. in a helicopter before. (fly)
28. An apple......... many vitamins (have)



22. I have not heard any information from Kate recently.

23. They already bought everything for the picnic.

24. He usually goes on foot, but today he caught a bus to work. 

25. How often does she cook dinner for her family?

26. I phoned him three times this morning.

 27. He had never flown in a helicopter before.

28. An apple has many vitamins. It is a good way to start the day.


Corrected grammar above

Is this good? I’ll give Brainly



yes it is good pls mark as BRAINLIEST



No it's not!

In which type of speech is the speaker expected to express gratitude for receiving a specific honor, thank a few people who helped along the way, and should express knowledge about and appreciation of the qualities being celebrated



Commemorative speech.


The purpose of a commemorative speech is to embrace or celebrate a particular topic. The objectives with commemorative speech styles are to convince the audience to feel as intensely about anything as you do. It can be seen that all cultures have certain ideals at the core of human existence for example elegance, loyalty, intelligence, compassion, tradition, achievement, honesty, knowledge, bravery, perseverance, goodness, Many forms of commemorative speeches include the acceptance speech, the speech of the promotion, the speech of consolation, etc.

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