What type of switch is used to combine multiple network connections into a single link?a. core switchb. gateway switchc. aggregation switchd. access switch


Answer 1


C. Aggregation switch.


Aggregation switch is a type of switch used to combine multiple network connections into a single link.

In Computer Networking, Aggregation switches are primarily designed to be used for connecting the Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches to a core switch or router, as the case may be.

Generally, the core switch is typically placed at the top of the data center network architecture topology.

An aggregation switch is usually designed to be large in size and has a lot of interfaces or ports for the connection of multiple networks into a single logical link.

Additionally, the connections are mainly done in parallel in order to prevent total downtime or redundancy in a network, as well as to enhance the throughput than what is obtainable in a single network.

Related Questions

Attacks against previously unknown vulnerabilities that give network security specialists virtually no time to protect against them are referred to as:



Explanation: malware

A customer complains that her desktop computer will not power on. What initial actions should you take?



Test The Components and the motherboard


Well, im going to assume that she turned on the pc and the screen is completely black, nothing being displayed but the fans are spinning. The first thing i would do is test the components to see if its working or not. What i would do first is test the components. I would start from the RAM, Video Card (If it has one) CPU, PSU, and motherboard. I would also take out the CMOS battery and put it back in after a while to clear the bios settings if the customer messed with the bios settings. Make sure to test the motherboard and check for physical damage (Fried Areas, blown capacitors, water Damage etc.) And if you cant find any physical damage try testing the motherboard and see if its dead or not. Also try checking if all of the cables are plugged in all the way, like a loose HDMI cable, loose psu cable etc. Also make sure the psu is connected to power

Also, this is my first brainly answer. Yay :)  

Initials action we should take are as follows,

Check that all of the cables are fully plugged in.Ensure that power supply is turned on.After that, i will check for faulty power cable.Now open CPU and check parts and devices one by one such as RAM, SMPS etc.

These are the initial actions we should take when computer is not powering on.

Learn more https://brainly.com/question/24504878

Which of the following encryption methods does PKI typically use to securely protect keys? a. Elliptic curve b. Digital signatures c. Asymmetric d. Obfuscation



B. Digital Signature


Digital signature is an electronic signatures.  They are used to authenticate the identity of a person sending the message. It ensures that the original content of the document or message remains unchanged. Digital signatures cannot be imitated. There are three types of digital signature certificates:

Sign Digital Signature Certificate  

Encrypt Digital Signature Certificate  

Sign & Encrypt Digital Signature Certificate

Discuss some of the examples of poor quality in IT projects presented in the "What Went Wrong?" section. Could most of these problems have been avoided? Why do you think there are so many examples of poor quality in IT projects?




One of the biggest problems in IT projects is that software and hardware are rushed to market, in order for the sellers to beat their competition and make large profits. This causes large problems in regards to the consumer's safety and wellbeing. Most of these problems can be easily avoided by performing better quality management and performing the necessary tests before releasing a product to the market. Overall most of these poor quality IT projects are a result of greed and money.

What are the similarities and differences between the binary and decimal systems?



A binary system is a system that functions on zeros and ones (0's and 1's).

A decimal system is an Arabic numeric system that has 10 as its base and uses a dot which is also called a decimal point to show fractions.


A decimal uses ten different digits which is 0-9 while a binary system uses just two digits 0 and 1Decimal system was historically a Hindu-Arabic system while the binary system is just an Arabic system


They are capable of performing arithmetic operations They both can be represented in decimal form

Differences between binary and decimal systems

A binary system represents information using two digits(0 and 1) while a decimal system represents information using ten digits (0 to 9) Numbers represented using the binary system has bits as their unit while numbers represented using the decimal system has digits as their unitBinary numbers are called base two numbers while decimal numbers are called base 10 numbersThe language understood by the computer system is binary, and not decimal

Similarities between binary and decimal systems

Arithmetic operations can be carried out on numbers in both the binary ands decimal systemsValues of each bit and digit in binary and decimal numbers respectively depends on how close they are to the decimal pointInteger and fraction components are represented in both decimal and binary systems

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/18520134

what is the use of painting tools name any 5 tools​



1. Brush

2. Bucket

3. Pencil

4. Color Picker

5. Air Brush

Oh man, that's all i think.

what web revolution enables user to generate content​



web 2.0 internet



Tim O Reilly in 2004 changed the web with his web 2.0 concept which according to him at the time would allow enable the user to generate content.​

Create a VBScript script (w3_firstname_lastname.vbs) that takes one parameter (folder name) to do the following 1) List all files names, size, date created in the given folder 2) Parameter = Root Folder name The script should check and validate the folder name 3) Optionally, you can save the list into a file “Results.txt” using the redirection operator or by creating the file in the script. 4) Make sure to include comment block (flowerbox) in your code.



Set args = Wscript.Arguments

If (WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1) Then

 Wscript.Echo "Specify the folder name as a command line argument."


   objStartFolder = args.Item(0)

   Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

   if (Not objFSO.FolderExists(objStartFolder)) Then

       Wscript.Echo "Folder "&objStartFolder&" does not exist"


       Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder)

       Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

       For Each objFile in colFiles

           Wscript.Echo objFile.Name, objFile.Size, objFile.DateCreated


   End If

End If


Here's some code to get you started.

Emerson needs to tell his browser how to display a web page. Which tool will he use? HTML Web viewer Operating system Translator


HTML Web viewer is the only one that could that




yeah i just took test

g Write a function that collects integers from the user until a 0 is encountered and returns then in a list in the order they were input.



The function written in python is as follows;

def main():

      user_input = int(input("Input: "))

      mylist = []

      while not user_input == 0:


             user_input = int(input("Input: "))



if __name__ == "__main__":



This line declares a main function with no arguments

def main():

This line prompts user for input

      user_input = int(input("Input: "))

This line declares an empty list

      mylist = []

The following iteration checks if user input is not 0; If yes, the user input is appended to the list; otherwise, the iteration ends

      while not user_input == 0:


             user_input = int(input("Input: "))

This liine prints the list in the order which it was inputted



The following lines call the main function

if __name__ == "__main__":


importance of being having data on hand​




Data is collected is to make the decisions that will positively impact the success of a company, improve its practices and increase revenue. It is also essential that the way in which data are collected, assembled and published respects Indigenous sensitivities, not least so as to ensure that Indigenous people understand the purposes for which the data is being collected and willingly provide accurate answers to data collectors.

Hope this helped you!

7.1 Describe the six clauses in the syntax of an SQL retrieval query. Show what type of constructs can be specified in each of the six clauses. Which of the six clauses are required and which are optional



Answered below


The syntax of an SQL retrieval query is made up of six clauses. In the order in which they are used, they consist of: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and order by.

Of all these clauses, the SELECT clause and the FROM clause are required and must be included. They are the first two used to begin the retrieval query. The others are optional.

The SELECT clause allows you to choose the columns you want to get information or data, from.

The FROM clause identifies the table where the information is being retrieved.

The WHERE clause specifies a condition for the retrieval of information.

You use the GROUP BY clause to group your data in a meaningful way.

You use the HAVING clause to specify a condition on the group.

The ORDER BY clause is used to order results rows in descending or ascending order.

Which type of inheritance, when done continuously, is similar to a tree structure?a. Hierarchicalb. Multiplec. Multileveld. Hierarchical and Multiple



Hierarchical inheritance


It is the  Hierarchical inheritance when one continuously, is similar to a tree structure. The  Hierarchical inheritance derives more than one class from the main class. And it is done continuously and subsequently. Thus, resulting a shape of tree tree of classes being linked.

Which of the following arguments are valid? Explain your reasoning
a) I have a student in my class who is getting an A. Therefore, John, a student in my class is getting an A
b) Every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.



a) the Statement is Invalid

b) the Statement is Invalid



lets Consider, s: student of my class

A(x): Getting an A

Let b: john

I have a student in my class who is getting ab A: Зs, A(s)

John need not be the student i.e b ≠ s could be true

Hence ¬A(b) could be true and the given statement is invalid


Lets Consider G: girl scout

C: selling 50 boxes of cookies

P: getting prize

s: Suzy

Now every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize: ∀x ∈ G, C(x) -> P(x)

Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize: s ∈ G, P(s)

since P(s) is true, C(s) need not be true

Main Reason: false → true is also true

Therefore the Statement is Invalid

The argument that is valid is B. Every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.

What is a valid argument?

It should be noted that a valid argument simply means the argument that's the conclusion can be derived from the premise given.

In this case, the argument that is valid is that every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.

Learn more about arguments on:


1.3 Code Practice: Question 3. On edhesieve.

Write a program to output the following:
^ ^
( o o )
Hint: Copying and pasting the code above into each line of the programming environment will help you ensure that you are accurately spacing out the required characters.
Using ¨print¨



I'll answer this question using Python

print("  ^ ^")

print("( o o )")

print("   v")


To answer this question, you have to follow the hint as it is in the question

The hint says you should copy each line into a print statement and that's exactly what I did when answering this question;

In other words;

^ ^  becomes print("  ^ ^")

( o o )   becomes print("( o o )")

v becomes print("   v")

An OS X backup utility that automatically backs up files to a dedicated drive that is always available when the computer is turned on is called ____________.



Time machine.


An OS X backup utility that automatically backs up files to a dedicated drive that is always available when the computer is turned on is called a time machine.

OS X was released in 2001 and it's Apple's version ten (10) of the operating system that runs on its Macintosh computers.

A time machine is a software tool built into the Mac operating system and it is primarily designed to automatically backup user files or data onto a dedicated drive such as an external hard drive disk through a wired connection, by using a Thunderbolt or universal serial bus (USB) cable. The automatic backup can as well be done wirelessly through a network connection.

Which key or keys do you press to indent a first-level item in a list so it becomes a second-level item


This would be the Tab key

Write a program whose inputs are three integers, and whose output is the largest of the three values. Ex: If the input is 7 15 3, the output is: 15



Here is the C++ program to find the largest of three integers.

#include <iostream> //to use input output functions

using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout

int main(){ //start of main function

int integer1, integer2, integer3;  // declare three integers

   cin>>integer1>>integer2>>integer3;  //reads values of three integers variables from user

   if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) //if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values

       cout<<integer1;   //then largest number is integer1 and it is displayed

   else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) //if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers3 values

       cout<<integer2;  //then largest number is integer2 and it is displayed

   else //in case value of integer3 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers2 values

       cout<<integer3; } //then largest number is integer3 and it is displayed

Here is the JAVA program to find the largest of three integers.

import java.util.Scanner; //to take input from user

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {//start of main function

Scanner input= new Scanner(System.in); //a standard input stream.

int integer1= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of first integer

int integer2= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of second integer

int integer3= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of third integer

   if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) //if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values

       System.out.println(integer1);   //then largest number is integer1 and it is displayed

   else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) //if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers3 values

       System.out.println(integer2); //then largest number is integer2 and it is displayed

   else //when value of integer3 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers2 values

               System.out.println(integer3);  } } //then largest number is integer3 and it is displayed


The program is well explained in the comments attached with each statement of the program. I will explain the program with the help of an examples. Suppose

integer1 = 7

integer2 = 15

integer3 = 3

first if condition  if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) checks if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values. Since integer1 = 7 so it is greater than integer3 = 3 but less than integer2. So this statement evaluates to false because in && ( AND logical operator) both of the conditions i.e integer1 >= integer2 and integer1 >= integer3 should be true. So the program moves to the else if part.

The else if condition else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) checks if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integer3 values. Since integer2 = 15 so it is greater than integer1 = 7 and also greater than integer3 = 3. So this statement evaluates to true as both parts of the else if condition holds true. So the else if part executes which has the statement: cout<<integer2; which prints the value of integer2 i.e. 15 on output screen.




#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {


 int num1;

 int num2;

 int num3;

 printf("Enter three integers: ");

 scanf("%d", &num1);

 scanf("%d", &num2);

 scanf("%d", &num3);

 if (num1 == 0 || num2 == 0 || num3 == 0)


   printf("please input a number greater than zero :)\n");


 if (num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3)


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num1);


 else if (num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3)


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num2);




   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num3);


 return 0;



Alright so let's start with the requirements of the question:

must take 3 integers from user inputdetermine which of these 3 numbers are the smallestspit out the number to out

So we needed to create 3 variables to hold each integer that was going to be passed into our script.

By using scanf("%i", &variableName) we were able to take in user input and  store it inside of num1, num2, and num3.

Since you mentioned you were new to the C programming language, I threw in the first if statement as an example of how they can be used, use it as a guide for future reference, sometimes it's better to understand your code visually.

Basically what this if statement does is, it checks to see if any of the integers that came in from user input was the number zero, it told the user it does not accept that number, please input a number greater than zero.

if (num1 == 0 || num2 == 0 || num3 == 0)


   printf("please input a number greater than zero :)\n");


I used this methodology and implemented the heart of the question,

whichever number is smaller, print it out on the shell (output).

if (num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3)

^^ here we're checking if the first variable we created is smaller than the second variable and the third ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num1);

   ^^ if it is smaller, then print integer and then print a new line so the next line looks neat ^^

   ( incase if your wondering what "\n" is, its a special character that allows you so print a new line on the terminal, kind of like hitting the return or enter key )


else if (num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3)

^^ else if is used when your checking for more than one thing, and so for the second variable we checked to see if it was smaller than the first and third variable we created ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num2); < -- and we print if it's smaller


Last but not least:


^^ if it isn't num1 or num2, then it must be num3 ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num3);

  we checked the first two options, if its neither of those then we have only one variable left, and thats num3.


I hope that helps !!

Good luck on your coding journey :) ‍

The following binomial coefficient identity holds for any integer
n> 0. 2n
Prove this identity combinatorially by interpreting both sides in terms of fixed density binary strings



hello your question is incomplete attached below is the complete question and answer

answer ; attached below


To prove this identity combination the right hand side has to be equal to the left hand side attached below is the prove showing that the right hand side is equal to the left hand side

A _____ is the useful part of a transmission through a network.


Answer: LAN


what is the name of the physical database component that is typically created from the entity component of an erd





small nano bytes desind to kill a computers cellular compunds

How much will your assignment be docked if you turn it in late?
O It won't, Ms. Frederick accepts late work for full credit
O None since Ms. Frederick doesn't accept late work
O 50%
O 30% ​


We don’t know ms.Fredrick, you’re on your own here


This would be a classroom discussion, But here ill try I guess,

Maybe  None since Ms. Frederick doesn't accept late work  because I dont know her

The current standard for RFID is based off of Group of answer choices MIT standards IEEE standards ISO standards there is no agreement on a universal standard that’s accepted by all parties



ISO standards


ISO / IEC 14443 is the ISO standard that covers RFID usage by devices.

EPCglobal - Electronics Product Code Global Incorporated is also another international standard that covers RFID. These two standards work together to standardize RFID products produced by manufacturers so that these products can be the same across different markets and manufacturers. Example I can purchase a tag from one manufacturer and a transceiver from another and they would function well together. There are also other standards for RFID but the above two are the biggest and most popular with ISO being the oldest.

• How are organizations strengthening defense through ongoing management of computer networks? What are the most important tasks for a web and data security administrator on a day-to-day basis? How can the administrator ensure that no important task in the ongoing management of security in networks is neglected?



The use of VPNs and network demarcation zones mitigates the risk of an attack from an external source while constant briefing of network attack prevention guidelines to employees and access control is adviced.


The use of visualisation tools like the VMware is used to represent, maintain and analyse network performance is very important for network data flow and security and to alert for important scheduled task to be implemented daily.

Write a function that returns a chessboard pattern ("B" for black squares, "W" for white squares). The function takes a number N as input and generates the corresponding board.
Input The first line of the input consists of an integer- num, representing the size of the chessboard.
Output Print N lines consist of N space-separated characters representing the chessboard pattern.



Here is the C++ program.

#include <iostream>  //to use input output functions

using namespace std;  // to access objects like cin cout


void chessboard(int N){  // function that takes a number N as parameter generates corresponding board

   int i, j;  

   string black = "B";  // B for black squares

   string white = "W"; // W for white squares

   for(i=1;i<=N;i++){  //iterates through each column of the board

       for(j=1;j<=N;j++){  //iterates through each row of the board

           if((i+j)%2==0)  // if sum of i and j is completely divisible by 2

               cout<<black<<" ";  //displays B when above if condition is true

           else  //if (i+j)%2 is not equal to 0

           cout<<white<<" ";  }  // displays W when above if condition is false

      cout<<endl;    }    }  //prints the new line


int main(){    //start of the main function

   int num;  //declares an integer num

   cout << "Enter an integer representing the size of the chessboard: ";  //prompts user to enter size of chess board

   cin >> num;  //reads value of num from user

   chessboard(num); } //calls chessboard function to display N lines consist of N space-separated characters representing the chessboard pattern


The function works as follows:

Lets say that N = 2

two string variables black and white are declared. The value of black is set to "B" and value of white is set to "W" to return a chessboard pattern in B and W squares.

The outer loop for(i=1;i<=N;i++) iterates through each column of the chess board. The inner loop  for(j=1;j<=N;j++) iterates through each row of chess board.

At first iteration of outer loop:

N = 2

outer loop:


i<=N is true because i=1 and 1<=2

So the program enters the body of the outer for loop. It has an inner for loop:


At first iteration of inner loop:

j = 1

j<=N is true because j=1 and 1<=2

So the program enters the body of the inner for loop. It has an if statement:

if((i+j)%2==0) this statement works as:

if(1+1) % 2 == 0

(1+1 )% 2 takes the mod of 1+1 with 2 which gives the remainder of the division.

2%2 As 2 is completely divisible by 2 so 2%2 == 0

Hence the if condition evaluates to true. So the statement in if part executes:

cout<<black<<" ";

This prints B on the output screen with a space.


The value of j is incremented to 1.

j = 2

At second iteration of inner loop:

j = 2

j<=N is true because j=2 and 2=2

So the program enters the body of the inner for loop. It has an if statement:

if((i+j)%2==0) this statement works as:

if(1+2) % 2 == 0

(1+2 )% 2 takes the mod of 1+2 with 2 which gives the remainder of the division.

3%2 As 3 is not completely divisible by 2

Hence the if condition evaluates to false. So the statement in else part executes:

cout<<white<<" ";

This prints W on the output screen with a space.


The value of j is incremented to 1.

j = 3


j<=N is false because j=3 and 3>2

So the loop breaks and program moves to the outer loop to iterate through the next row.

At second iteration of outer loop:

N = 2

outer loop:


i<=N is true because i=2 and 2 = 2

So the program enters the body of the outer for loop. It has an inner for loop:


At first iteration of inner loop:

j = 1

j<=N is true because j=1 and 1<=2

So the program enters the body of the inner for loop. It has an if statement:

if((i+j)%2==0) this statement works as:

if(2+1) % 2 == 0

(2+1 )% 2 takes the mod of 2+1 with 2 which gives the remainder of the division.

3%2 As 3 is not completely divisible by 2

Hence the if condition evaluates to false. So the statement in else part executes:

cout<<white<<" ";

This prints W on the output screen with a space.



The value of j is incremented to 1.

j = 2

At second iteration of inner loop:

j = 2

j<=N is true because j=2 and 2=2

So the program enters the body of the inner for loop. It has an if statement:

if((i+j)%2==0) this statement works as:

if(2+2) % 2 == 0

(2+2 )% 2 takes the mod of 2+2 with 2 which gives the remainder of the division.

4%2 As 4 is completely divisible by 2 so 4%2 == 0

Hence the if condition evaluates to false. So the statement in if part executes:

cout<<black<<" ";

This prints B on the output screen with a space.



The value of j is incremented to 1.

j = 3


j<=N is false because j=3 and 3>2

So the loop breaks and program moves to the outer loop. The value of outer loop variable i is incremented to 1 so i = 3

N = 2

outer loop:


i<=N is false because i=3 and 3>2

So this outer loop ends.

Now the output of this program is:



Screenshot of this program along with its output is attached.

The ______ stores permanent subscriber profile data and relevant temporary data such as current subscriber location



Home Location Register


Home Location Register is a mobile network database that serves as storage for various information of different individuals or people referred to as customers or subscribers.

The information it stores includes the following:

1. Subscriber's service profile

2. Subscriber's current location information

3. Subscriber's activity status

Hence, the correct answer is HOME LOCATION REGISTER.

In QlikView, ________ are used to search information anywhere in the document.



Search Object


Qlikview is a form of computer software application that is basically used in analytics explanation. In order to search for information anywhere in the document inside the Qlikview application, a form of sheet object referred to as SEARCH OBJECT is utilized.

Hence, in this case, In QlikView, SEARCH OBJECT is used to search for information anywhere in the document.

Which part of the Word application window should the user go to for the following activities?

Read a document: document area.

Find the name of the document: title bar.

Change the way a document is viewed: ribbon area.

Find help to do a certain activity on word: ribbon area.

Go up and down to different parts of a document: scroll bar.

Determine the page number of the document: status bar





Indeed, the world application is a word processing software used by many professionals and students alike.

Read a document: To do this, the user should go to the document area  found at the top left corner of the tool bar.

Find the name of the document: By looking at the Title bar.

Change the way a document is viewed: The Ribbon area is located at the top right section of the screen near the minimize icon.

Find help to do a certain activity on word: Close to the Ribbon area there is a dialog box having the image of a bulb.

Go up and down to different parts of a document: By going to the scroll bar which found at the extreme right hand side (margin) of the page.

Determine the page number of the document: By going to the Status bar found at the bottom right of the page.

The part of the Word application window where the information van be found is illustrated thus:

Read a document: The user should go to the document area that can be found at the top left corner of the tool bar.

Find the name of the document: This can be seen by looking at the Title bar.

Change the way a document is viewed: This is located at the top right section of the screen near the minimize icon.

Find help to do a certain activity on word: This can be found close to the Ribbon area.

Go up and down to different parts of a document: This can be found on the scroll bar.

Determine the page number of the document: This can be found on the Status bar.

Learn more about word applications on;


A digital pen is an example of what type of device used in the information processing cycle ?



Input is the answer


im pretty sure its input..


This technique is based on searching for a fixed sequence of bytes in a single packet Group of answer choices Protocol Decode-based Analysis Heuristic-based Analysis Anomaly-based Analysis Pattern Matching



"Pattern Matching" is the correct choice.


In computational science, pattern matching seems to be the testing and location of similar information occurrences or variations of any form between raw code or a series of tokens. Pattern matching in various computing techniques or interfaces is something of several fundamental as well as essential paradigms.

The other choices don't apply to the specified instance. So that the choice above seems to be the right one.

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