What was the one condition Japan requested as part of the surrender in 1945?


Answer 1

Japan made a surrender offer to the Allies on August 10, 1945, with the emperor's continued status as nominal state head being the only requirement.

Explain the reason for Japan's surrender in 1945?

The Japanese government gathered on August 6, 1945, to discuss what to do after Hiroshima was bombed.

Military officials also believed that if they were to stand out until the Allies invaded Japan on foot, they will be able to kill enough of them to give Japan a chance at a negotiated solution. Next, word of the atomic bombing at Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, and the Soviet Union declaring war on Japan arrived almost simultaneously. For the very first occasion in a generation, the emperor, who usually only serves in ceremonial capacities, broke the tie and gave the order for Japan to surrender.

Thus, the United States declared on August 12 that it planned to acknowledge the Japanese surrender, which made it clear that the emperor could only continue in a ceremonial capacity.

To know more about the Japan's surrender in 1945, here



Related Questions

Match each characteristic of imperialism with indirect or direct control.


The characteristics of imperialism as indirect or direct control would be:

Direct control :

officials from imperial nation brought in to rulelocal population had no power to run its governmentgovernment institutions based solely on European styles of governingassimilation was a major goal

Indirect control:

government officials were from the local populationlocal population had limited ability to run its governmentgovernment institutions based on European style of governing but may have local ruleshelped to develop future leaders

How did direct and indirect control in imperialism differ ?

Direct control refers to a situation where an imperial power directly governs and administers a colony or territory. This means that the imperial power has complete control over the colony or territory and makes all decisions about its government, economy, and society.

Indirect control, on the other hand, refers to a situation where an imperial power exerts control over a colony or territory through more subtle means. This means that the imperial power would use economic, political, and cultural influence to control the colony or territory, rather than relying on military force.

Find out more on direct control at https://brainly.com/question/17073335


The full question is:

Match each characteristic of imperialism with indirect or direct control. offered some rights to the local populationplaced heavy restrictions on the local populationallowed the local population to participate in governmentgave the local population no rightsdid not give the local population positions in governmentforced the local population to adapt to european culture

a polish aristocrat who fought on the side of the colonists


A) Casimir Pulaski was a member of the Polish aristocracy who supported the colonists.

Casimir Pulaski: Who was he?

Casimir Pulaski was an aristocrat who grew up in a privileged position and had a reputation for more bravado than common sense. Despite this, he had reckless courage and a set of abilities that were uncommon among his American counterparts, and he had a significant impact on the Revolutionary War's course.

On March 4, 1745, Casimir Pulaski was born in Warsaw, the capital of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the politically strangest kingdoms in Europe at the time. Its governance was comparable to Great Britain's in that it was a constitutional monarchy, but the parallels ended there.

Learn more about Casimir Pulaski with the help of the given link:



Question 20
The Crimean War led to the end of


Answer: The Ottoman Empire

Explanation: More widely, the Crimean War saw the balance of power change hands in Europe. Whilst Russia suffered a major defeat, Austria, which had chosen to remain neutral, would find itself in the coming years at the mercy of a new rising star, Germany.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Democracy as people refers to participating in activities that positively impact a community. It participate in many ways to fix issues in their communities. ​


Civic Participation refers to participating in activities that positively impact a community. It strengthens democracy as people participate in many ways to fix issues in their communities.

Civic participation is the act of contributing to the growth of your community using your talents, ideals, and knowledge in order to improve your society. Through dedication and drive, civic participation aims to improve the standard and quality of life in your neighborhood. Because they contribute fresh and original ideas, young people are seen as being extremely vital in civic participation.

Active engagement, which combines knowledge, skills, attitudes, and actions to create a healthy society, is necessary for civic participation. You should be willing to take initiative and contribute in building a community that is safe, healthy, and sustainable if you are an active member of your society and community.

The correct question is, " ________ refers to participating in activities that positively impact a community. It _____  democracy as people participate in many ways to fix issues in their communities. ​"

Learn more about Democracy here:



How did the Soviet government control political opposition?



In the name of the revolutionary cause, they employed ruthless methods to suppress real or perceived political enemies.


Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), also called (1925–52) All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Russian Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza, or Vsesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya (Bolshevikov), the major political party of Russia and the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of October 1917 to 1991.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Communist Party of the Soviet Union

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Politics & Political Systems

Communist Party of the Soviet Union

political party, Soviet Union

Alternate titles: All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), CPSU, KPSS, Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza, Russian Communist Party, Vsesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya.

Read a brief summary of this topic

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), also called (1925–52) All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Russian Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza, or Vsesoyuznaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya (Bolshevikov), the major political party of Russia and the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of October 1917 to 1991.

Date: 1917 - c. 1991

Areas Of Involvement: communism

Related People: Vladimir Lenin Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Leon Trotsky Mikhail GorbachevThe Communist Party of the Soviet Union arose from the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party (RSDWP). The Bolsheviks, organized in 1903, were led by Vladimir I. Lenin, and they argued for a tightly disciplined organization of professional revolutionaries who were governed by democratic centralism and were dedicated to achieving the dictatorship of the proletariat. In 1917 they formally broke with the right, or Menshevik, wing of the RSDWP. I

n 1918, when the Bolsheviks became the ruling party of Russia, they changed their organization’s name to the All-Russian Communist Party; it was renamed the All-Union Communist Party in 1925 after the founding of the U.S.S.R. and finally to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1952.

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Though the treaty has been superseded by the Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol remains an important part of environmental and conservation history. United Nations Climate Change.

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan rejuvenated the conservative Republican ideology, with tax cuts, greatly increased defense spending, deregulation, a policy of rolling back communism, a greatly strengthened military and appeals to family values, and conservative Judeo-Christian morality. The Kyoto Protocol is based on the principles and provisions of the Convention and follows its annex-based structure.

To know more about Kyoto Protocol:



Who said power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely?


In a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton from the nineteenth century, English historian Lord Acton (1834–1902) used the adage "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts completely" to describe how historians should evaluate the misuse of power by previous leaders, particularly popes.

Acton's comment is understood to indicate that a person's sense of morality weakens as their level of power increases. He makes the case that those in positions of authority, particularly popes and kings, should be held to a higher standard of morality as a result of their enormous power, and not in spite of it. He continues by arguing that historians have a duty to promote moral principles by exposing injustices rather than rationalizing them. A leader's activities aren't necessarily correct or good just because they have authority.

To learn more about Lord Acton, click here: -


What triggered the actual beginning of World War II?
A. The British blockade of German ports
B. Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union
C. The joint invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union
D. Frances denouncement of the Munich Conference


The joint invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union triggered the actual beginning of World War II.

The start of World War II was signaled by the invasion of Poland, a coordinated assault on the Republic of Poland by Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union. One week after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between Germany and the Soviet Union and one day after the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union gave its approval, the German invasion started on September 1, 1939. Poland was invaded by the Soviets on September 17. The campaign came to a conclusion on October 6 when, in accordance with the conditions of the German-Soviet Frontier Treaty, Germany and the Soviet Union divided and annexed all of Poland. The invasion is also referred to in Germany as the Poland campaign and in Poland as the September campaign or the 1939 defensive struggle.

Learn more about World war II here:



I dont know what this answer is can someone please help me, placing a _____ on imported goods helped make america goods more competitive.



It's most likely to be "Investment"

How effective are different forms of government and economies in meeting the needs of its citizens?


Understanding the fundamentals of the various sorts of governments can enable more in depth instruction and increase students' access to the material.

Which type of government promotes economic development and growth the best?

Higher levels of economic freedom, lower inflation, less political turmoil, and higher levels of human capital accumulation are all indicators of democracies. Students can better comprehend how decisions are taken by understanding different sorts of governments. Understanding government enables our students to participate in it more effectively as future adults.

In what ways can the government support the economy?

Governments maintain competition, offer public resources and services, redistribute revenue, account for externalities, and keep the economy afloat in addition to providing the social and legal framework.

To know more about economy visit:



how did observing islamic teachings create unity among muslims?


The beliefs and practices of Islam created

unity and strength among the Muslims in

the 600's as Islam teaches that there is

good and evil, and that each individual is

responsible for the actions of his or her life.

There are five key practices that all Muslims

must follow throughout their lives. These

practices are known as pillars because

they serve as the foundation for Muslim life.

Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj are

the five pillars of Islam.

Because Muslims believe that each

individual is responsible for his or her own

actions, has created peace between the

people. Because the Qur'an was written

in a common language, Muslims were

able to communicate and spread the word

about Allah together, which brought them


To know more about Islam visit:



What drink of the greek gods gave immortality to those who drank it? A. Mead B. Nektar C. Xocolatl D. Green tea


Option a is Correct. Mead was also known to the ancient Greeks as "ambrosia," which meant immortal.

They thought mead was the beverage of the gods and had the ability to grant immortality. Mead is revered even in Anglo-Saxon culture as the beverage that grants immortality. The names of these two foods, Ambrosia and Nectar, as well as the idea of "food of the gods," which refers to any divine banquet, continue to be used today.

In Greek mythology, these two foods were the food and drink of the gods. The Consumption of the Gods. Ancient writings frequently discussed ambrosia and nectar, with the general agreement being that ambrosia was a food and nectar was a drink, however nectar was occasionally seen.

Learn more about Mead visit: brainly.com/question/28480719


at the time of the war, canada was a territory of which country?



As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded several times by the Americans.

Which of these is an example of automation benefiting producers?



New machines allow a factory to produce goods using fewer workers.


Answer: C


Who was the commander of the US forces in the Pacific during ww2?


Answer:In preparation for the invasion of Japan, a reorganization of U.S. Pacific forces had been effected on 3 April 1945, in which General MacArthur was given command of all Army forces and Admiral Nimitz of all naval forces. MacArthur's new command was designated U.S. Army Forces, Pacific.


Why did the Virginia legislature called for a meeting of all states. List at least three problems the new government faced and what needed to be address at the Constitutional Convention


The reason the Virginia legislature called a meeting with all states was to fix the problems the nation faced such as :

Economic issueNational DefenseConstitutional issues

What problems prompted Virginia to call a meeting of all states ?

In the years following the American Revolution, the new nation was facing economic problems such as high levels of debt, inflation, and trade imbalances. The Virginia legislature believed that a meeting of all states was necessary to address these issues and to establish a stable and prosperous national economy.

The new nation also faced security challenges from foreign powers, particularly from Great Britain and Spain. The Virginia legislature also believed that a meeting of all states was necessary to address the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States.

Find out more on the new government at https://brainly.com/question/7259375


What policy did the U.S. assert relating to European intervention in Latin America?


Answer: The Monroe Doctrine

Explanation: was articulated in President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823. The European powers, according to Monroe, were obligated to respect the Western Hemisphere as the United States' sphere of interest.

globalization has led to increased with countries such as china and india.


Globalization has led to increased competition with countries such as china and india.

With the rise of the global economy, competition from nations like China and India has intensified. This is a result of the expansion of international trade and the technical advancements that have led to globalization. This heightened competitiveness may offer advantages as well as disadvantages.

The increased living standards in developing nations are one advantage, but it also forces businesses to compete with these nations' less expensive goods and services. This may cause businesses to outsource their production to foreign nations, which would result in the loss of jobs within the home economy. according to the sources.

Find out more about globalization.



Economics is mostly about graphs such as demand and supply
curves. True or false



Supply and demand are both keys to understanding the economy because they reflect the prices and quantities of consumer goods and services within an economy.

Answer: True


I would say this is true because economic you learn about money which helps with knowing about demands and supply curves

Explain what brought about changes in democracy during this period (1800- 1848), and identify the changes.​


During the period of 1800 to 1848, several changes occurred in the concept and practice of democracy. These changes were brought about by a variety of factors, including economic, social, and political developments.

One of the main factors that brought about changes in democracy during this period was the Industrial Revolution. The rapid industrialization of Europe and North America led to significant changes in the economy, including the growth of a new urban working class. This increased the demand for political representation and led to the expansion of suffrage, or the right to vote, to more people.

Another factor that contributed to changes in democracy during this period was the rise of nationalist movements. Nationalism, which emphasizes the importance of a shared culture, history, and language, led to the demand for self-government and the creation of new nation-states. This, in turn, led to the expansion of political rights and the development of more representative forms of government.

There were also changes in the structure of government during this period. The rise of democracy led to the development of more representative forms of government, such as constitutional monarchies and parliamentary systems. This allowed for more participation in the political process and the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

In addition to these changes, there were also important developments in civil rights and freedoms during this period. The abolition of slavery and the expansion of religious freedom were significant steps towards greater equality and individual rights.

Overall, the period of 1800 to 1848 saw significant changes in the concept and practice of democracy, brought about by a variety of factors including the Industrial Revolution, the rise of nationalism movements, changes in the structure of government, and developments in civil rights and freedoms.

the word belligerent contains the root bel. what does the root bel mean?


Bel means "battle" in Arabic. Someone who rises up in armed opposition to the government is referred to as a rebel. The propensity for animosity and conflict-seeking is known as belligerence.

What does belligerent's bel root mean?

The Latin word "Bellum," which means "war," is the source of the "bell-" portion of the term "belligerent." Before the Civil War, this word was used in the English words "antebellum" and "bellicose" (antagonistic and wanting to fight). It follows that the word "belligerent" denotes someone who is hostile, aggressive, or engaged in conflict.

As for the other options, "creative" refers to someone who is imaginative and original; "whimsical" denotes someone who is funny, unusual, and humorous; "wanton" denotes someone who is random; and "demanding" denotes someone who is difficult or who demands a lot of time, effort, and work.

Learn more about belligerence with the help of the given link:



the growth of railroads during the nineteenth century affected u.s. businesses by_____.


Opening new markets for goods
The capacity to move people and things across large distances securely and effectively is essential to modern civilizations' economic existence.

Americans developed a powerful transportation system in the first half of the 19th century thanks to innovative technology and daring engineering feats. The political discussion of the period sometimes referred to these infrastructure expenditures as "internal improvements," and they quickly changed the North American continent into a patchwork of overland roads, canals, and railways. These improved transportation infrastructures created the framework for a thriving national economy based on commercial agriculture and industries.

To learn more about civilizations, click here: -https://brainly.com/question/6242921


Which different parts of the United States does King mention in his speech?



Mississippi, Alabama, South carolina , Georgia , Louisiana


help me pls i attached an image of the question



industrial and schools

what scottish noble succeeded william braveheart wallace as leader of the fight against england, ultimately achieving independence after victory at the 1286 battle of bannockburn?


Robert the Bruce, a Scottish noble, succeeded William Wallace as leader of the fight for Scottish independence against England.

He ultimately achieved success at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where the Scottish army defeated the English. This victory solidified Scottish independence and cemented Robert the Bruce's place in Scottish history as a national hero. He later went on to be crowned King of Scotland, and his reign saw the continuation of Scottish independence from England. 

William Wallace was a Scottish knight and warrior who is known for leading a resistance against the English invasion and occupation of Scotland in the late 13th century. He emerged as one of the main leaders during the Wars of Scottish Independence and is remembered as a patriot and national hero in Scotland. He is best known for his victory against an English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk in 1298. He was later portrayed in the 1995 film Braveheart, which depicted his life and deeds in a highly romanticized and fictionalized way.

Learn more about William Wallace here: brainly.com/question/19150214


What drink of the greek gods gave immortality to those who drank it? A. Mead B. Nektar C. Xocolatl D. Green tea


The correct answer is option A. Mead was the drink that made people immortal.

The Greeks called mead as 'ambrosia' which means immortal. Greeks believed that mead was the drink of the gods. They also believed that it has the power to conferred immortality to those who drink it.

Even Mead is very famous in  Anglo-Saxon culture and it is held up as the drink that bestows immortality to those who drink it.

In simple terms, mead is often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon the one who consumed it. It is called by ancient Greeks as the “nectar of the Gods,”. It is a tasty beverage that  continues to be a name heard all around the world despite not being very famous.

To know more about drinks refer to-



how did trench warfare lead to a stalemate in wwi?


I think it’s because both sides lost too many soldiers and any action would just lead to more and more problems and deadlier consequences. Not to mention diseases and horrible living conditions.

what is the purpose of the letter from the Vendee in 1793



A local government official, Choudieu, informs the National Convention that the detachment of soldiers it sent to the region has failed to dispel the brigands and asks for more forces, at just the moment when the Prussians have invaded from the north.

This photo shows Nazi officials posting a sign on the window of a Jewish business.

The sign reads, "Germans! Defend yourself! Buy nothing from Jews!"

What does this sign suggest about the Nazi government’s policies toward Jews?


The Nazis before the whole well known holocaust ordeal were very discriminatory towards Jews and other “undesirables” in Germany. Adolf Hitler had began a segregated movement against Jews as early as 1933 when he wasn’t even chancellor yet, but was still running for the position. He later passed the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 which later solidified the nazi hatred of the Jews. This laws were quite similar in a way to America’s Jim Crow Laws. They segregated Jews from public buildings to schools to even their own homes at times.

Which of the following is a check that the Legislative Branch has over the Executive and Judicial Branches?


you did not provide the options.

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