Where in this passage do you see goldsmith introducing what others are saying about the internet and the amount of time we spend on screens? What do you notice about the different ways Goldsmith introduces “they say” arguments


Answer 1

The place in the passage where the goldsmith introduces what others are saying about the internet and the amount of time we spend on screens is in the second paragraph.

What I notice about the different ways Goldsmith introduces “they say” arguments is to show the way the detractors of the internet and the users of the internet attack the time spent online.

What is an Argument?

This refers to the use of words, logic or rhetoric that is used in order to persuade and convince a person about a line of reasoning.

Hence, we can see that the correct answers have been given above.

Read more about arguments here:



Where In This Passage Do You See Goldsmith Introducing What Others Are Saying About The Internet And

Related Questions

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
A. We drove North of town to best see the Northern Lights.
B. We made an appointment to meet with Hon. Douglas
Peabody about the proposed County Annexation.
C. Don, Marcy, and Cliff are my Cousins from Peoria.
D. He read The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.


D if The Three Musketeers isn't inquoted

I'm a bank manager and parent of two high school
students, so I know just how important financial literacy is
for teenagers. College students today are graduating with
an average student debt of $24,800, yet only 1 in 5 high
schools nationwide are providing any type of financial
education. It's time for Springville High to start offering its
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Thich is the most effective characteristic of this argument?
OA. The use of stories to help listeners understand his or her overall
OB. The use of emotion to evoke sympathy from listeners about
OC. The use of repeating sounds to make the final point more
D. The use of expert opinion to give the paragraph some additional


B would be the correct answer

The passage claims that refracted light can
affect human optical perceptions


The refracted light can affect human optical perceptions because when  there are refractive errors in the eye then it causes some defects in the vision.

A human eye behaves like a camera. It focuses light to produce sharp images. The process of focusing an image starts when the light rays are reflected on the retina.

Before reaching retina, the light rays have to pass through the cornea, aqueous humor, the lens, and finally the vitreous humor.

Refraction is defined as a physical phenomenon in which the light rays pass through these various mediums. When light rays transmit between different mediums, then they experience a change in direction due to refraction.

To know more about Refraction here



The passage claims that refracted light can affect human optical perceptions. Explain.

Now, practice the same process with an informational text. Read “What Is an American?” and fill out the graphic organizer. Use the supporting details from the text to find the author’s message. Then draw your own conclusions about this text.

Authors Message
Supporting Details

What Is an American?
by J. Hector St. John Crèvecoeur
(excerpt from Letters from an American Farmer)

I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thoughts which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent….

Here he sees the industry of his native country displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where an hundred years ago all was wild, woody and uncultivated! What a train of pleasing ideas this fair spectacle must suggest; it is a prospect which must inspire a good citizen with the most heartfelt pleasure….

The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. Some few towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth, from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are a people of cultivators, scattered over an immense territory communicating with each other by means of good roads and navigable rivers, united by the silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws, without dreading their power, because they are equitable. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself….

We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world. Here man is free; as he ought to be; nor is this pleasing equality so transitory as many others are.





Step 1: Select one of the three fairy tale options to use for this assessment.
● The Leap-frog
● Jorinda and Joringel
● The Travelling Musicians.
Step 2: Choose two of the following alternate plot structure techniques to rewrite all or a part of
the fairy tale:

● Episodic plots
● Flash-forward
In media res
● Parallel plots

Dream sequence


Answer: anyone else confused?


Identify what writers should do first when writing a research paper.
make an outline
think of a catchy title
Ochoose a topic
write a thesis statement


Answer: Choose a topic

what chapter in frankenstein does william die



Chapter 7


Might be chapter 7 or 16

Write a d dialogue in about six exchanges between two friends who are talkin talking about the importance of learning English?


Answer: Example...

Myself- Hey John, can you tell me the importance of learning English?

John- Yes, of course. It is an international language, you know this. There is a massive use of English all over the world.

Myself- True. That is, English is an internationally communicative medium. Do you mean it?

John-Not only this. Books of higher level are written in English. So to receive higher education you must learn English. Moreover, in every job sector, government or non-government to get a job of handsome salary, you need knowledge in speaking, reading and writing English!

Myself- Okay John! Now I know the importance of the language English! I will improve...

Pls give me brainliest...

Question 8 (1 point)
Does the following statement meet the requirements for being a S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal?
"I want to be a nurse."

a) Yes

b) No


No, it isn’t

No, the following statement meet the requirements for being a S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal "I want to be a nurse." Correct option is b.

A S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluated, and Revised. Let's analyze the statement against these criteria:

Specific: The goal is not specific. It doesn't provide any details about what type of nurse the person wants to become or in what area of nursing they want to specialize.

Measurable: The goal is not measurable. It doesn't include any metrics or criteria to determine progress or successful achievement.

Achievable: The goal is vague, making it difficult to assess if it is achievable or not.

Relevant: The goal does not mention any context or reason for wanting to become a nurse.

Time-bound: The goal lacks a specific timeline or deadline by which the person wants to become a nurse.

Evaluated and Revised: There is no indication of how progress will be evaluated or how the goal might be revised if necessary.

To make this goal S.M.A.R.T.E.R, it should be rephrased to include more specific details, a measurable outcome, a clear timeframe, and the reasons for wanting to become a nurse. For example:

"I want to become a registered nurse specializing in pediatric care within the next five years, as I am passionate about working with children and helping improve their health and well-being."

To know more about S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal:



Pretty Shoes

I only like pretty shoes.

The only kind I choose

are pink, yellow, and green.

I keep them nice and clean.

I like the ones with bows,

the ones that hide my toes.

And even with the heel,

as long as they appeal.


How many stanzas does the poem have?









the anwers is A.2



1I only like pretty shoes I choose are pink

Which type of characters are usually the focus of a story's subplot?
A) protagonist
B) supporting characters
C) narrator
D) antagonist


Answer: B


B) Supporting characters

A subplot usually has more focus on the supporting characters than the protagonist.


It is B


Misty wants to pursue a career in agricultural technology. She has set long-term and short-term goals. Complete the sentences to describe why Misty would find it helpful to know her goals.

Misty has set a long-term goal of attaining a degree in agricultural science from a reputable college. The purpose of this goal is BLANK 1
Misty has set a short-term goal of finding a job at a local farm. The purpose of this goal is BLANK 2

A. To save her the effort of planning for her future
B. To keep her focused on her desired career path
C. To help her select the best college in her area

A. to give her the opportunity to work outdoors
B. To help her pay for tuition for college later
C. To help her gain experience in her future career


Profit maximization on market-oriented farms and household sustenance on subsistence farms are the two main farm operating goals, respectively.

What are the farm's immediate and long-term objectives?

Things break on a farm, and you have to either fix your equipment or find a different way to complete your duty. For putting food on American tables, not to mention your own, time is of the utmost.

The goal of the farming enterprise is to maximize profit under the condition that the natural resources (soil, water, grazing, etc.) are preserved in a manner.

Therefore, All of these “fix-it” moments result in a plethora of technical expertise and tenacity.

Learn more about farm's here:



what inferences about laertes and hamlet are best be supported by their respective interactions with their fathers in scenes 3 and 5?


Laertes is inspired by the Queen's passing to divulge Claudius' scheme. Hamlet exacts Claudius's revenge. He makes him swallow the poison after stabbing him with the poisoned sword. Horatio is left to mourn his loss after the deaths of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.

What is the relationship between Hamlet and Laertes?Since they were young children, Laertes and Hamlet have been pals. When the play begins, they are both in their twenties. But as the play progresses, the three's relationships become increasingly tense.Similar like Hamlet, Laertes too lost his father. He starts to accuse King Claudius of being the killer and subsequently dedicates the rest of his life to exacting revenge. Laertes understands Ophelia's situation and guides her toward making the proper decision.Both of them are mourning and dealing with the loss of their fathers. While Hamlet is engaged in battle with Claudius, Laertes seeks retribution against him. Laertes and Hamlet are interacting emotionally and also driving each other crazy.

To learn more about Hamlet and Laertes refer to:



The best brainwave state for reading is


Answer: Beta

Explanation: Beta waves are good for reading and memorizing

I need 3 song titles or lyrics that contain a paradox. Hot N Cold cannot be used.


Some examples of a paradox have been given below:

The child is the father of the manWe are a country that is more united when we are dividedYou can only make more money when you spend the one you have

What is a Paradox?

This refers to the literary term that describes a statement that on the face of it contains contradictions but a closer look or inspection shows that the statement is indeed true and accurate.

Hence, it can be seen that the three examples given that contains a paradox shows that when you first read them, you immediately dismiss it as false, but if you read it again, you would see how true they are.

Read more about paradoxes here:



What were the two political parties in Lilliput?what was there difference


high-Heels and Low-Heels

These two parties represent the political parties of Swift's time.

Hope this helps!

Write paragraph describing the main conflict in the story
and explaining how it demonstrates different cultural


what? there isn't enough information to answer the question.


Fencing was known in Egypt, China, India, and Greece. Homer, a famous Greek author, wrote about a fight with swords in his book, "The Illiad". There are four sports that have been included in each modern Olympic Games since 1896 and fencing is one of them.

To be a fencer you need a sword, a protective vest and a jacket, a mask, and a glove. Fencers also wear breeches and special fencing shoes. There are three different kinds of swords. The foil is the lightest, the epée was the sword used for dueling years ago, and the sabre is the heaviest sword. Fencing is an indoor sport. Fencers use a special surface about 46 feet long and 5 feet wide.

Each bout has three rounds that last three minutes each, with one minute between rounds. The winner is the first fencer to score 15 hits on the opponent or the fencer who scores the greater number of hits by the end of the bout. If the players are even by the end of regular match time, one minute extra time will be fenced and the winner will be the first to score a touch on the opponent.

In the Olympic Games there are six disciplines of fencing that include six individual and four team events.
Выполните задания к тексту
Insert the missing words:

1). Fighting with swords ____________________ thousands of years.

2). Homer, ____________________ wrote about a fight with ____________________ in his book, “The Illiad”.

3). To be a fencer you need ________ , a protective __________ and jacket, a mask, and a glove.

4). The __________ is the lightest, the __________ was the sword used for dueling years ago, and the sabre is the heaviest sword.

5). The winner is the first fencer to score __________ hits on the opponent.

Complete the following sentences:

6). There are four sports that have been included in each modern _______________ .

7). Fencers also wear _______________ .

8). The epée was the sword used for _______________ .

9). Fencers use a special surface about _______________ .

10). Each bout has three rounds that last three minutes each, with _______________ .

Is it true (T) or false (F)?

11). Fencing is a modern sport. ____

12). Homer, a famous Roman author, wrote about a fight with swords in his book, “The Illiad”. ____

13). There are five sports that have been included in each modern Olympic Games since 1896 and fencing is one of them. ____

14). To be a fencer you needn’t any special equipment. ____

15). The sabre is the heaviest sword. ____

16). The winner is the fencer who scores the greater number of hits by the end of the bout. ____

17). Fencing is an outdoor sport. ____


Fencing is the recreational sport of swordplay that can be enjoyed by people of any age, and offers a multitude of benefits.

What is fencing?

Fencing is both a physical and a mental workout, in which fencers learn to hone their strategies against opponents of varying skill levels, and build up physical endurance, agility, and accuracy.

Confidence and sportsmanship are gained through participation in fencing and extend throughout other areas of life. You can begin fencing as a youth or an adult – for fun, for fitness, or to train to compete.

The three weapons of fencing are foil, saber, and epeé. The object of fencing is to score a point or touch by hitting your opponent’s target with your weapon before they get the scoring touch on you, but the rules, strategies, and target areas differ with each weapon to make the games distinct.

Therefore, Fencing is the recreational sport of swordplay that can be enjoyed by people of any age, and offers a multitude of benefits.

To learn more about fencing, refer to the link:



Click to correct the one capitalization error




The Cia should have a capital letter because it is a proper noun.

Answer: I think it is april is the capitalization error if not my bad lol

Explanation: The general rule says that seasons should not be capitalized. They are common nouns, not proper nouns.

Question 4
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word fortify. Then, check your guess with a dictionary to see if you were right.



Fortify means to make or provide shelter


PLEASE HELP!!!Choose one of the questions to start your own "Socratic essay." First, write the question in your journal in the space reserved for this lesson. Then write an answer, taking care to respond to all aspects of the question. Next, identify a related question to be the topic of your essay's next section. Write that question and answer it. Then identify a question to guide your next section, and so on, until you have answered at least four questions and you have arrived at a better understanding of what you think about the issue.


The Socratic Essay Method is a method of teaching or arguing that involves asking leading questions rather than just declaring a conclusion or opinion straight.

The Socratic Method's overarching purpose is for the individual being questioned to personally figure out, disagree with, or agree with whatever it is that is being disputed.

This strategy, which Socrates employs in The Republic, is critical in philosophy since it is the only way to gain knowledge or insight-virtues that cannot be physically or verbally communicated to another from the inside.

The purpose of this method is that Socrates believes that everyone has the raw ingredients within them to solve philosophical problems.

The sample Socratic Essay in relation to "The Phobia of Dominiation of Humans by Artificial Intelligence.

1) What exactly is the fear of Artificial intelligence?

The fear of Artificial Intelligence in the most rudimentary form is that it is already set up to take over lots of jobs. Truth be told, the output of AIs is extraordinary in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time.  The reasoning is that if Artificially Intelligent computers can beat humans to the efficiency game, billions of humans will be put out of work. This is more so given that a lot of hyper-realistic robots are now being built with super intelligent Artificial Intelligence.

Looking at history, however, humans have come a long way since the discovery of fire. When computers became more miniaturized and efficient,  it is true that the typewriter went to rest, however,if Moore's Law is to remain law, then Artificial Intelligence will not take over the human race.

Moore's Law indicates that computational progress will get faster even as computers get smaller over time. The reason is there are more problems to be solved. Humans are not expanding the capability of computing powers just for the sake of it. We are expanding the efficiency of computers because there will always be problems to solve.

If there will always be problems to solve, then humans will never go out of fashion or be dominated by AIs.

2) What kind of jobs will be done by humans in the Post AI and Hyper-realistic Intelligence Era?

Every invention requires maintenance and sits along the continuum of a value chain. This fact makes it impossible for human-related jobs to disappear.

3) Will Human Jobs Evolve?

Historically, this has proven to be true. Human jobs will evolve. The concept of interplanetary domination is already a thing. To create human habitats in such spaces, a lot of human input will be required. To achieve control over the aging process, a lot of human effort will be required. To eradicate HIV, Cancer, etc, a lot of human efforts will still be required.

4) So what is the conclusion?

The conclusion here is that AI will only help man attain it's his highest form.

Learn more about Socrates:

Federico García Lorca compares the guitar to a wounded heart


The given statement is true that Federico García Lorca compares the guitar to a wounded heart.

What is a Wound?

An injury that breaks the skin or other bodily tissues is called a wound. They consist of skin punctures, scrapes, scratches, and cuts. Wounds can also be brought on by surgery, sutures, and stitches in addition to accidents. Cleaning minor wounds are crucial since they typically don't require medical attention.

a bodily injury that frequently involves laceration or breaking of a membrane (such as the skin), as well as damage to underlying tissues, whether it is from an assault, an accident, or surgery. a cut or breach in a plant that is often caused by an outside force.

To read more about Wound, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/3355853


According to Source 2, what were boats used to do?

Warfare or transporting soldiers and/or weapons

Trade and/or travel

Creating jobs Cultural uses, such as speed races or individual/family trips

Obtaining treasure​


According to source 2, We can see that boats had large storage utensils that could have carried treasure or fishes. This could indicate these boats were either used for fishing or finding treasure and storing in it.

We can also see that wine was found in the boats as well, indicating that boats were also used in trade or travel. People might have used these boats to explore and travel to new cities. This could justify the wine and food.

But we could not see much evidence for transporting soldiers or using boats for warfare or storing weapons. Hence according to the source boats were used in travel, trade and obtaining treasure.

To know more about Boats visit:



Which sentence describes a story's plot rather than its theme? On the first day of school, Camilla wakes up to find herself completely covered in rainbow stripes. She tries to wash them off, but that doesn't work. Hard work always pays off. Getting along with others requires give and take. It takes courage to survive on your own in the wild.


Answer: She tries to wash them off, but that doesn't work.

What do you think of John Hersey’s writing in “Hiroshima” and how he told the story of victims of the Hiroshima bombing?


My personal thought about the perspective and narrative that John Hersey used in writing in “Hiroshima” and how he told the story of victims of the Hiroshima bombing is that he writes in a matter-of-fact manner devoid of emotional connection.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the telling of a story through the eyes and lens of a narrator as he tells the story and how it happened, and how the story develops and unfolds.

Hence, we can see that based on the use of language and form of narration that John Hersey used in writing in “Hiroshima”, he wrote in a straightforward manner

Read more about the Hiroshima bombing here:



What is most closely the meaning of prime as it is used in the following passage?

“In her prime, Henrietta herself stood only a bit over five feet tall.”
Question 5 options:


noun | the state of greatest strength in a person’s life


verb | to prepare or make ready


adjective | of the best quality


adjective | of primary importance


D) adjective | of primary importance is most closely the meaning of prime as it is used in the given passage.

Explain how the word "prime" relates to 'adjective | of primary importance'.

The word "prime" in the given sentence is used to describe the period of Henrietta's life when she was in the best physical and mental condition. In this context, "prime" means the state of being at the height of one's abilities or the period of one's greatest strength or vitality. Henrietta's height, which is mentioned in the sentence, is an example of how she was physically at her prime. The word "prime" is often used in this sense to describe a person or thing that is at its best, most important, or most significant. Overall, in the given sentence, the word "prime" is used to convey Henrietta's peak physical and mental condition and to emphasize the significance of this period in her life.

To learn more about adjectives, visit:



Answer: A


took test

please help me with ela i’ll give you brainlist!!



its A



. In stanza 1, which term refers to the act of grasping? fair witchery clasp glorious


We can actually see here that the term in stanza 1 that refers to the act of grasping is: Clasp.

What is stanza?

Stanza is seen in poetry as a group of lines or a section of lines in a poem that is usually set off or set apart from another by use of a blank line or indentation. In poem, it's seen that stanzas can actually have regular rhyme or they have metrical schemes. But they might not have either.

Stanzas can be in different forms and formats. Some are simple and are known to be four-line quatrain.

Stanzas are also seen in song lyrics and helps to separate it from the chorus.

We see that the stanza of the poem refers to an act of grasping and clasp is the correct answer.

Learn more about stanza on https://brainly.com/question/4069435


Which sentence best explains why the Speaker repeats line life no
scare me at all?
a)To help overcome your fears
b)To explain that the world is not scary.
c)To show that some people have many
d)To suggest that she is braver than
his classmates


'Life Doesn't Frighten Me,' by Maya Angelou, Speaker repeats line life no scare me at all To show that some people have many fears.

What is the message of the poem life doesn't frighten me?'Life Doesn't Frighten Me, the poem honors children's bravery and bravado, implying that learning to "smile" in the face of fear can be a source of true power.'Life Doesn't Frighten Me,' by Maya Angelou, is a simple, extensively rhymed poem that recounts a young speaker's anxieties, or lack thereof. The poem transports the reader into the thoughts of a child who, she claims, has found a means to overcome fear in her life.This poem's imagery includes sight, sound, and touch. It's sound since it says in stanza one, lines one through six, "Noise along the hall" and "Bad dogs barking loud."

To learn more about Maya Angelou refer,



1.The car has been stopped by the driver.
2. My father drive the car usually.
3. Yesterday the driver drove the car.
4. We enjoyed the show.
5.They were watching the 3D show.
6. We didn't book the tickets for the show,
7. She was paying the bill.
8. Children are planting the seeds.
9. You don't clean your room
10. They will be cooking lunch.
change the voice


Here , after changing the voice from active to passive or vice-versa,

1. The driver stopped the car

2.The car was casually driven by my father

3.The car was driven by the driver yesterday

4. The show was enjoyed by us

5. The 3D show was watched by them.

6. The tickets for the show were'nt booked by us

7. The bill was being paid by her

8. The seeds are being planted by children

10. The lunch will be cooked by them

What are active and passive voice?

An active voice is a type of verb in which the sentence's subject carries out the action of the verb. An active voice simply denotes that the sentence's subject is actively carrying out the action described by the verb.

In the end, this implies that the verb's action is actively carried out by the subject, and that the active voice allows the verb to take a direct object.

Therefore, the two types of voice are active and passive.

To learn more about types of voice, click on the link below



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