Which key or keys do you press to indent a first-level item in a list so it becomes a second-level item


Answer 1

This would be the Tab key

Related Questions

True or False:
Input/output devices are capable of transferring information in only one direction.





Input/output devices do NOT transfer information in only one direction.

Input devices receives the information while the output devices sends the information. The direction of the information being transferred between the input and output is NOT just in one direction.

Examples of input devices are keyboard, mouse, joy stick, scanner, etc.,

Examples of output devices are monitor (LED, LCD, CRT etc), printers (all types), plotters, projector, speaker(s), head phone, etc.

In order to place a gradient within a stroked path for type, one must convert the type using the __________



in order to place a gradient within a stroked path for type ,one must convert the type 17316731

Show how the recursive multiplication algorithm computes XY, where X = 1234 and Y = 4321. Include all recursive computations.



The result of recursive multiplication algorithm is 5332114 . Here karatsuba algorithm with recursive approach is used to compute XY where X = 1234 and Y = 4321.


The steps for karatsuba algorithm with recursive approach:

base case:

if(X<10) or (Y<10) then multiply X with Y

For example if X is 1 and Y is 2. Then XY = 1*2 = 2

Recursive case:

Now when the above if condition is not true then follow these steps to compute XY

Compute the size of numbers.

Notice that there are 4 digits in X i.e. 1 2 3 4 and a 4 digits in Y i.e. 4 3 2 1

So n = 4

Now divide the numbers in 2 parts as:

n/2 = 4/2 = 2

Since these are decimal numbers so we can write it as:


Now split the digits

X = 1234 is divided into 2 parts as:

12 and 34

Let a represent the first part and b represent the second part of X. So,

a = 12

b = 34

Y = 4321 is divided into 2 parts as:

43 and 21

Let c represent the first part and d represent the second part of Y. So,

c = 43

d = 21

Let multiplication reprsents the karatsuba recursive multiplication algorithm

Now recursively compute products of inputs of size n/2  

   multiplication (a, c)

   multiplication (b, d)

   multiplication (add(a, b), add(c, d))  

  Combine the above 3 products to compute XY  

As we know these decimal numbers have base 10 and X and Y are divided into two parts So X can be written as:

X = [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  a+b

Y can be written as:

Y = [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  c+d

Now compute XY as:

XY = ([tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  a+b) ( [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  c+d)

XY = [tex]10^{\frac{2n}{2} }[/tex]  ac + [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  ad +  [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex]  bc + bd

     =  [tex]10^{n}[/tex]  ac + [tex]10^{\frac{n}{2} }[/tex] (ad + bc) + bd

Now put the values of n = 4, a = 12, b = 34 , c = 43 and d = 21

      = 10⁴ (12*43) + 10² (12*21 + 34*43) + (34*21)

      = 10⁴ (516) + 10² (252 + 1462) + 714

      = 10000*516 + 100*1714 + 714

      = 5160000 + 171400 + 714

XY  = 5332114

Hence the karatsuba multiplication algorithm with recursive appraoch computes XY = 5332114

________models software in terms similar to those that people use to describe real- world objects.
A) Procedural programming
B) Object-oriented programming
C) Object-oriented design
D) None of the above



The correct answer is C - Object-oriented design.


Object-oriented design defines code or software as objects. These objects represent instances of a real-life situation. For example, an animal class consist of a dog, cat, lion. A dog therefore is n instance of the animal class.

Objects are described as having properties and behaviours. Properties are variables, arrays, sets, maps etc and behaviours are the functions and methods that manipulate these data.

Object-oriented programming is done based on this design.

select the correct answers. What are examples of real-time applications?


My answer to the question are:online money transfer,news update,blog post.

In troubleshooting a boot problem, what would be the point of disabling the quick boot feature in BIOS/UEFI setup?


Performs the process faster because it skips a check of the memory.

Which of these file types does not share info in a spreadsheet?
B) Excel
D) all have





PNG which is an acronym for Portable Network Graphics is a form of images file format and it does not share info in a spreadsheet. The files that share info on the spreadsheet are the following:

1. Text = .txt

2. Formatted Text = .prn

3. CSV = .csv

4. Data Interchange Format = .dif

5. Symbolic Link = .slk

6. Web page = .html, .htm

7. XML Spreadsheet = .xml

Hence, in this case, the file types that do not share info in a spreadsheet is PNG

PNG does not share info in a spreadsheet

Comma-separated values (CSV) file is a text file that stores data in lines. Each record is separated by commas and is made up of fields. CSV can store data in tabular forms like spreadsheet or database.

Excel files use a Binary Interchange File Format that store data like numbers, formula and spreadsheet data.

Portable Graphics Format (PNG) is a file format that is used to store images. It does not share info in spreadsheet.

Find about more at: https://brainly.com/question/17351238

Write a GUI program that calculates the average of what an employee earns in tips per hour. The program’s window should have Entry (font: Courier New) widgets that let the user enter the number of hours they worked and amount they earned in tips during they time. When a Calculate button is clicked, the program should display the average amount they got paid in tips per hour. Use the following formula: Tips per hour = amount of tips in dollars / hours.




Using Code:

from tkinter import *

#object of Tk class to make GUI

root = Tk()

#creating a canvas to put labels, entries and button

canvas1 = Canvas(root, width = 300, tallness = 200)


#label for number of hours worked

label1 = Label(root, text = "Hours : ", textual style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(80, 50, window = label1)

#entry for number of hours worked

entry1 = Entry(root, textual style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(200, 50, window = entry1)

#label for sum they earned in tips

label2 = Label(root, text = "Tips : ", textual style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(80, 80, window = label2)

#entry for sum they earned in tips

entry2 = Entry(root, text style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(200, 80, window = entry2)

#label for tips every hour

label3 = Label(root, text = "Tips Per Hour : ", textual style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(80, 150, window = label3)

#function to figure tips every hour

def TipsPerHour():

#getting estimation of hour

hours = int(entry1.get())

#getting estimation of tips

tips = int(entry2.get())

#calculating normal sum got paid in tips every hour

normal = tips/hours

#creating a name to show normal

label4 = Label(root, text = "$" + str(average), textual style = ('Courier', 10))

canvas1.create_window(170, 150, window = label4)

#button for compute

calculateButton = Button(root, text = "Compute", textual style = ('Courier', 10), order = TipsPerHour)

canvas1.create_window(170, 110, window = calculateButton)



Which item converts a high level language program to low level machine instruction?


The compiler translates each source code instruction into the appropriate machine language instruction, an

Which of the following is an example of self-directed learning?



Self directed learning is an the strategy the students guidance from that teacher decide and students they will learn.


Self directed learning its a effective technique that can anyone to use the learning in a school time into a curriculum program, there are many type of characteristics:- (1) Flexibility (2) Autonomy (3) Self acceptance (4) Playfulness.

Self directed learning is to perform that allow us to the initiative own learning, students grow and improve the motivation and integrity to the learning.Self directed learning to that contain the self learning with the internet program, and apply to the skill outside of the area learning.Self directed learning to the set of goal that the business and career and the achieve of the goal.Self directed learning to contain your  interests and motivate yourself and reflecting the learners.Self directed learning is to provide learn strategies and methods to achieve the better lives and behavior can translate.Self directed is the value to the teamwork and help the students and learner work in better team.Self learning is perform physical side learning and the focus on the mental side, and they we are putting in heads.Self learning is to contain the better your learning  standards and to measure learning goals.



I got it on edge

Longer speeches should be separated into the paragraphs of:
a) About 300 words or 9-12 lines in the transcription tool.
b) About 100 words or 3-4 fines in the transcription tool.
c) About 200 words or 6-8 fines in the transcription tool.
d) About 50 words or 1-3 lines in the transcription tool.



b) About 100 words or 3-4 fines in the transcription tool.


Transcription tools are the software that helps in converting the audio or speeches into texts. Traditionally, the process of transcription was done manually. With teh advancement of technologies and software, transcription software is developed. They help in transcribing the audios and videos into texts. These are useful in many sectors of business, medical, and legal areas.

One of the rules of transcription involves the division of long speeches into paragraphs. It is advised to divide the paragraph into about 100 words or 3-4 lines.

Create a File: Demonstrate your ability to utilize a Linux command to create a text file. Create this file in the workspace directory: in. A text file showing the current month, day, and time (Title thisfile Time_File.txt.) II. Create a Directory: In this section of your project, you will demonstrate your ability to execute Linux commands to organize the Linux directory structure. a. In the workspace directory, create a new directory titledCOPY. III. Modify and Copy: Demonstrate your ability to utilize Linux commands to copy a file to a different directory and renameit. a. Copy the Time_File.txt file from the workspace directory to the COPYdirectory. b. Append the word COPY to the filename. IV. Execute the Script: Complete and execute the newly created script.


Answer: Provided in the explanation section


#So we Create a workspace directory

mkdir workspace

#let us browse inside the workspace

cd workspace/

#creating a Time_File.txt file

touch Time_File.txt

#confirming creation of Time_File.txt


# Time_File.txt

#writing in the month day and time to Time_File.txt

date +%A%B%R >> Time_File.txt

#Let us confirm the content of Time_File.txt as month day and time

cat Time_File.txt

# ThursdayJune19:37

#making a COPY directory

mkdir COPY

#verifying creation of COPY


# COPY Time_File.txt

# copying Time_File.txt to COPY

cp Time_File.txt COPY/

#check the inside COPY

cd COPY/

#verifying copying of Time_File.txt to COPY


# Time_File.txt

#appending COPY to Time_File.txt name

mv Time_File.txt COPYTime_File.txt

#confirming append


# COPYTime_File.txt

# Creating a NewScript.sh

touch NewScript.sh

# cocnfirming the function


# COPYTime_File.txt NewScript.sh

# adding executable permission

chmod +x NewScript.sh


COPYTime_File.txt NewScript.sh

# Running NewScript.sh


# Time_File.txt

# ThursdayJune19:49

# COPY Time_File.txt

# Time_File.txt

# COPYTime_File.txt

# we repeat same as seen above using script


# COPYTime_File.txt NewScript.sh workspace

The most common type of monitor for a laptop or desktop is a


Liquid Clear Display


LCD monitor


it incorporates one of the most advanced technologies available today.

the content of a text is its


Text content informs, describes, explains concepts and procedures to our readers

What is an electronic tool that stores large amounts of data in one place in a systematic, logical way? A Database B Platform C Query D Software



Database: An integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that provides data for many applications. The data is managed by systems software called database management systems (DBMS). The data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it and of the types of secondary storage devices on which it is stored.

Add a new method to the Point class and change the attributes (x, y) to private from the above question: public double distance(Point next) This method returns the distance between the current Point object and the next Point object in the parameter. The distance between two points is the square root of the sum of the square of the differences of the x and y coordinates: square root of ( (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 ). (6 points) In the Point class, add private to int x and int y. You will have to modify the RefereceX.java and Point.java to deal with this change of modifier from the public to private. (6 points) Based the question 4 codes with the above additions, you should have the following results ( 3 points to display results) inside addTox(..): 14 14 7 9 14 3 inside addTox(..): 18 18 7 9 14 18 distance of p1 from origin is 14.142135623730951 distance of p2 from origin is 18.439088914585774 distance between p1 and p2 is = 4.47213595499958 Code: public class Point { int x; int y; // Constructs a new point with the given (x, y) location. // pre: initialX >= 0 && initialY >= 0 public Point(int initialX, int initialY) { this.x = initialX; this.y = initialY; } // Returns the distance between this point and (0, 0). public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } // Shifts this point's location by the given amount. // pre: x + dx >= 0 && y + dy >= 0 public void translate(int dx, int dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } public double distance(Point next) { //help } } public class ReferenceX { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 7; int y = 9; Point p1 = new Point(1, 2); Point p2 = new Point(3, 4); addToX(x, p1); System.out.println(x + " " + y + " " + p1.x + " " + p2.x); addToX(y, p2); System.out.println(x + " " + y + " " + p1.x + " " + p2.x); } public static void addToX(int x, Point p1) { x += x; p1.x = x; System.out.println(" inside addTox(..): " + x + " " + p1.x); } }



Following are the code to this question:

   public double distance(Point next) //defining distance method that accepts Constructor


   int x1,x2,y1,y2;//defining integer variables

   double d;//defining double variable dis

   x1=this.x; //use x1 variable that use this keyword to store x variable value

   y1=this.y;//use y1 variable that use this keyword to store y variable value

   x2=next.x;//use x2 variable that use this keyword to store x variable value

   y2=next.y;//use y1 variable that use this keyword to store y variable value

   d=Math.sqrt((x1-0)*(x1-0) + (y1-0)*(y1-0));//use d variable that calculates distance between p1 to origin and store its value

   d=Math.sqrt((x2-0)*(x2-0) + (y2-0)*(y2-0));//use d variable that calculates distance between p2 to origin and store its value

   d=Math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1));//calculating the distance from p1 to p2 and store its value

   return d;//return dis value



In the above-given code, the double type method "distance" is defined, that accepts a constructor in its parameter, and inside the method, four integer variable "x1,x2,y1, and y2" and one double variable "d" is declared.  

After holding the value of x and y into the declared integer variable the "d" variable is used, that uses the maths square method with an integer variable, which holds p1 to origin value, p2 to origin value, and the distance from p1 to p2, and use the return keyword for return its value.

Network ____ specify the way computers access a network. a. wires b. files c. standards d. instructions



c. standards


Network standard specifies the way computers access a network. They are guided rules that must be taken into consideration for successful integration and interaction of technologies that use a wide variety of networks.

Another integral importance of network standard is that they ensure that individual usage of carried out without issues related to inconsistency.

Examples of Agencies governing the regulation of network standards are the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Write a recursive definition of x^n, where n≥0, similar to the recursive definition of the Fibonacci numbers. How does the recursion terminate?



Following are the program to this question:

#include <iostream>//defining header file

using namespace std;

int recurs(int x, int n)//defining a method recurs that accepts two parameter


if(n==0)//defining if block that checks n value


return 1;//return value 1


else//defining else block


return x*recurs(x,n-1);//use return keyword that retun value



int main()//defining main method


cout<<recurs(5,3); //use print method to call recurs method

   return 0;





In the above-given program, the integer method "recurs" is declared which accepts, two integer variables, which are "x, n", inside the method the if conditional statement is used.

In the if block, it checks the value of n is equal to "0" if this condition is true, it will return a value, that is 1. Otherwise, it will go to the else block, in this block, it will use the recursive method to print its value.    

Recursions are functions that execute itself from within.

The recursive definition x^n in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This defines the function

def recursion(x, n):

   #This returns 1, if n is 0


       return 1

   #This calculates the power recursively, if otherwise


       return x*recursion(x,n-1);

The function terminates when the value of n is subtracted till 0

Read more about recursions at:


Which of the following would not be considered metadata for a spreadsheet file?
A) Read-only attributeB) Calculation inside the fileC) Name of the fileD) Full size





Metadata is a type of data that dispense details of other data. In simple terms, metadata can be defined as information of a file such as file name, attributes, etc.

In excel sheet, metadata works the same and helps to provide information about file name, author name, file size, attributes such as read-only, archieve, hidden, system, location of the file, date and time of creation, modification, or accessed, type of file, etc.

From the given options, the information that is not considered or included in metadata is calculation inside the file. Metadata in excel sheet does not include calculations inside the file. Thus option B is the correct answer

To store non-duplicated objects in the order in which they are inserted, use:______
a. HashSet
b. LinkedHashSet
c. TreeSet
d. ArrayList
e. LinkedList



b. LinkedHashSet


A LinkedHashSet is an ordered version of HashSet that maintains a doubly-linked List across all elements. When the iteration order is needed to be maintained this class is used. LinkedHashSet maintains a linked list of the entries in the set, in the order in which they were inserted.

Network needs to be broken up into eight equal sized networks. Including the first and last networks, what subnet mask will be needed?


Answer: or


The network has a default subnet mask of To create eight equal sized networks, we have to take 3 bits from the host address to make subnets. The 3 bits is used to make 2³(8) subnets.

11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000  = is the default subnet mask, if 3 bits is used to make subnets, the new subnet mask would be:

11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 =

The subnet mask can also be represented as

The Security Configuration Wizard saves any changes that are made as a __________ security policy which can be used as a baseline and applied to other servers in the network.


Complete Question:

The Security Configuration Wizard saves any changes that are made as a __________ security policy which can be used as a baseline and applied to other servers in the network.

Group of answer choices

A. user- or server-specific

B. port- or program-specific

C. role- or function-specific

D. file or folder-specific


C. role- or function-specific.


The Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) was first used by Microsoft in its development of the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. The main purpose of the SCW is to provide guidance to network administrators, secure domain controllers, firewall rules and reduce the attack surface on production servers.

Generally, The Security Configuration Wizard saves any changes that are made as a role- or function-specific security policy which can be used as a baseline and applied to other servers in the network.

After a network administrator checks the Group policy, any changes made as a role- or function-specific security policy by the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) is used as a baseline and can be applied either immediately or sometimes in the future to other servers in the network after it has been tested in a well secured environment.

Additionally, the Microsoft Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) assist administrators in running the following;

1. Network and Firewall Security settings.

2. Auditing Policy settings.

3. Registry settings.

4. Role-Based Service Configuration.

As demonstrated by the 9/11 attacks, one of the biggest vulnerabilities of current cellular networks is:_________.
A) Battery life of mobile phones
B) Denial of Service Attacks
C) Weak or no call encryption
D) False base station attacks



D. False base station attacks


Cellular base towers periodically transmits the cellular network information, which phone of 2G, 3G, 4G and even 5G receives and connect to. An attacker could mimic this transmission, using technologies like the false base station, rogue base station or the international mobile subscriber identifier to transmit its own connection, for malicious purposes.

Which type of virus includes protective code that prevents outside examination of critical elements?



Armoured viruses


Armoured viruses are computer viruses that have been found to be very dangerous, Armoured viruses ar designed to protect itself against any attempt to detect or trace Its activities. They have different ways through which they bypass antivirus software applications in a computer system, making it very difficult to eliminate from an infected system.

Write code to complete factorial_str()'s recursive case. Sample output with input: 5 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120



Here is the complete code to complete factorial_str()'s recursive case:

Just add this line to the recursive part of the code for the solution:

output_string += factorial_str(next_counter,next_value)  

The above statement calls factorial_str() method recursively by passing the values of next_counter and next_value. This statement continues to execute and calls the factorial_str() recursively until the base case is reached.


Here is the complete code:

def factorial_str(fact_counter, fact_value):  #method to find the factorial

   output_string = ''   #to store the output (factorial of an input number)

   if fact_counter == 0:  # base case 1 i.e. 0! = 1

       output_string += '1'  # displays 1 in the output

   elif fact_counter == 1:  #base case 2 i.e. 1! = 1

       output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' = ' + str(fact_value)  #output is 1

   else:  #recursive case

       output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' * '  #adds 8 between each value of fact_counter

       next_counter = fact_counter - 1  #decrement value of fact_counter by 1

       next_value = next_counter * fact_value  #multiplies each value of fact_value by next_counter value to compute the factorial

       output_string += factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) #recursive call to factorial_str to compute the factorial of a number

   return output_string   #returns factorial  

user_val = int(input())  #takes input number from user

print('{}! = '.format(user_val),end="")  #prints factorial in specified format

print(factorial_str(user_val,user_val))  #calls method by passing user_val to compute the factorial of user_val

I will explain the program logic with the help of an example:

Lets say user_val = 5

This is passed to the method factorial_str()

factorial_str(fact_counter, fact_value) becomes:

factorial_str(5, 5):  

factorial_str() method has two base conditions which do not hold because the fact_counter is 5 here which is neither 1 nor 0 so the program control moves to the recursive part.

output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' * '  adds an asterisk after the value of fact_counter i.e. 5 as:

5 *

next_counter = fact_counter - 1 statement decrements the value of fact_counter  by 1 and stores that value in next_counter. So

next_counter = 5 - 1

next_counter = 4

next_value = next_counter * fact_value  multiplies the value of next_counter by fact_value and stores result in next_value. So

next_value = 4 * 5

next_value = 20

output_string += factorial_str(next_counter,next_value)  this statement calls the factorial_str() to perform the above steps again until the base condition is reached. This statement becomes:

output_string = output_string + factorial_str(next_counter,next_value)

output_string = 5 * 4 = 20

output_string = 20

Now factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) becomes:


output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' * ' becomes

5 * 4 * 3

next_counter = fact_counter - 1  becomes:

4 - 1 = 3

next_counter = 3

next_value = next_counter * fact_value  becomes:

3 * 20 = 60

next_value = 60

output_string = 5 * 4 * 3= 60

output_string = 60

factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) becomes:


output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' * ' becomes

5 * 4 * 3 * 2

next_counter = fact_counter - 1  becomes:

3 - 1 = 2

next_counter = 2

next_value = next_counter * fact_value  becomes:

2 * 60 = 120

next_value = 120

output_string += factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) becomes:

output_string = 120 + factorial_str(next_counter,next_value)

output_string = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 = 120


output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' * ' becomes

5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

next_counter = fact_counter - 1  becomes:

2 - 1 = 1

next_counter = 1

next_value = next_counter * fact_value  becomes:

1 * 120 = 120

next_value = 120

output_string += factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) becomes:

output_string = 120 + factorial_str(next_counter,next_value)

factorial_str(next_counter,next_value) becomes:

factorial_str(1, 120)

Now the base case 2 evaluates to true because next_counter is 1

elif fact_counter == 1

So the elif part executes which has the following statement:

output_string += str(fact_counter) + ' = ' + str(fact_value)  

output_string = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

So the output of the above program with user_val = 5 is:

5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

Following are the recursive program code to calculate the factorial:

Program Explanation:

Defining a method "factorial_str" that takes two variable "f, val" in parameters.Inside the method, "s" variable as a string is defined, and use multiple conditional statements.In the if block, it checks f equal to 0, that prints value that is 1.In the elif block, it checks f equal to 1, that prints the value is 1.In the else block, it calculates the factor value and call the method recursively, and return its value.Outside the method "n" variable is declared that inputs the value by user-end, and pass the value into the method and print its value.


def factorial_str(f, val):#defining a function factorial_str that takes two parameters

   s = ''#defining a string variable

   if f == 0:#defining if block that check f equal to 0

       s += '1'#adding value in string variable

   elif f == 1:#defining elif block that check f equal to 1

       s += str(f) + ' = ' + str(val)#printing calculated factorial value

   else:#defining else block that calculates other number factorial

       s += str(f) + ' * '#defining s block that factorial

       n = f - 1#defining n variable that removes 1

       x = n * val#defining x variable that calculate factors

       s += factorial_str(n,x)#defining s variable that calls factorial_str method recursively  

   return s#using return keyword that returns calculated factors value  

n = int(input())#defining n variable that inputs value

print('{}! = '.format(n),end="")#using print method that prints value

print(factorial_str(n,n))#calling method factorial_str that prints value


Please find the attached file.

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Today, trending current events are often present on websites. Which of the following early developments in audiovisual technology is most closely related to this?


Answer: Newsreels


Options not included however with the early audio visual technologies known, the Newsreel is the closest when it comes to displaying news and current events.

Like the name suggests, Newsreels showed news and they did this of events around the world. They were short films that captured events and then displayed them in cinemas and any other viewing locations capable of showing them.

By this means, people were able to keep up to date with events around the world without having to read newspapers. The advent of news channels killed this industry and logically so.


B: Newsreels



The text states, "...newsreels began to gain popularity. They were short movies about current events around the world, usually shown prior to the main feature in movie theaters"

What is the difference between an internal link and external link?


Answer:external links are links on a website that go to another website and internal links are within your own website


Write a function named print_backward that accepts a String as its parameter and prints the characters in the opposite order. For example, a call of print_backward("hello there!") should print the following output:_______.
!ereht olleh
If the empty string is passed, no output should be produced.
Type your JavaScript solution code here:
This is a function exercise. Write a JavaScript function as described. Do not write a complete program; just the function(s) above.



Here is the JavaScript code:

function print_backward(string) {

   var revString = "";

   for (var i = string.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

       revString += string[i];  }

   return revString; }

document.write(print_backward("hello there!"))


The function print_backward takes a string as a parameter.

Then it creates a new variable revString to hold a resultant string in opposite order.

The loop iterates through the characters of given string parameter in reverse and adds each character of the string to revString in opposite order.

Then the function returns revString which is the string in opposite order.

document.write(print_backward("hello there!")) This statement calls print_backward method passing a string hello there! to the method in order to print/display the characters of string in opposite order.

Lets say the string is hello

Then the loop works as follows:

The variable i is initialized to string.length - 1

string.length returns the length of the string

The length of string is 5 as there are 5 characters in string hello.

Hence string.length - 1 = 5 -1 = 4. So i=4

The loop checks if the value of i is greater than or equals to 0. This is true because i=4

Then the program enters the body of the loop which has a statement:

revString += string[i]; this works as:

revString = revString + string[i];

As i = 4 So

At first iteration

revString = revString + string[4];

This means the last character of string hello is added to revString. The last character of hello is 'o'

revString = 'o'

The statement in loop body continues to execute and stops when the value of i becomes less than 0.

The value of is decremented by 1 i.e. i-- So i = 3

At second iteration

revString = revString + string[3];

This means the second from last character of string hello is added to revString. The second last character of hello is 'l'

revString = 'ol'

The value of is decremented by 1 i.e. i-- So i = 2

At third iteration

revString = revString + string[2];

This means the third from last character of string hello is added to revString. The third last character of hello is 'l'

revString = 'oll'

The value of is decremented by 1 i.e. i-- So i = 1

At fourth iteration

revString = revString + string[1];

This means the fourth from last character of string hello is added to revString. The fourth last character of hello is 'e'

revString = 'olle'

The value of is decremented by 1 i.e. i-- So i = 0

At fifth iteration

revString = revString + string[0];

This means the fifth from last character of string hello is added to revString. The fifth last character of hello is 'e'

revString = 'olleh'

The value of is decremented by 1 i.e. i-- and the loop breaks because the i>=0 evaluates to false.

So the program moves to the next statement:

return revString;

revString = 'olleh' is returned and the statement document.write(print_backward("hello")) prints olleh on output screen.

In the given example the string is hello there! So this works same like the explained example and prints the following output on screen:


!ereht olleh

With enormous demands for processing power, ______matters more than ever in transforming enterprises into digital businesses.
a. hardware.
b. software.
c. mobile apps.
d. social network.



a. hardware.


The hardware is the physical component of the computer. The processing power of a computer is dependent on the nature and type of its processor. The processor is a part of the hard ware of the computer, primarily the Central Processing Unit. Therefore, with enormous demands for processing power, hardware matters more than ever in transforming enterprises into digital business.

True or False) Embedded computers are standalone products that have many functions.


Your answer is false !

Embedded computers are standalone products that have many functions. The statement is false.

What is Embedded computers ?

An embedded computer is a type of computer that involves as part of a larger system, this computer performs a highly specific function like  industrial automation and in-vehicle computing, signage, robotics etc.

These computer platforms are used for a purpose-built for a single, software-controlled projects, used in a  device which perform that one singular function that they are programmed for.

The major differences between embedded computers and a regular  computer are it can find at the office lie in their purpose and design.

Embedded computers have the components arranged in a single  motherboard, with no room for expansion or upgradation is needed. They also come in a smaller size most of the time as compared to regular PCs.

Learn more about Embedded computers, on:



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